What conspiracy turned you into a conspiracy theorist and why?

1192  2013-11-04 by Tabnam

It can be anything from the Reptilian Elite to the Zionist Agenda (Though I can't think of a reason those two are different)

Wow, I couldn't I expected a response like this. A lot of people seem to be mentioning 9/11 as their reason. If you haven't seen it already (it's been posted here a few times) and have the time I would strongly recommend watching these videos. It's a 5 hour 3 part analysis of 9/11 that counteracts the debunkers arguments. It's the most interesting thing I've watched for a very long time. http://www.luogocomune.net/site/modules/sections/index.php?op=viewarticle&artid=167


Went to Israel. Then I went across the wall to Palestine. Realized everything was a lie.

Hold up. Explain?

I drove across Sinai from Cairo, which is crumbling. Sheep on the streets, buildings falling down, giant slums, poor education, nice food only for the very rich, streets covered in garbage, majority of the country is poor.

Went to Israel. Saw a city much like any city in Europe. Clean streets. Beautiful big store fronts. Sidewalks. Nice signs telling you where to go. Little stands and shops everywhere. Great food from around the world. Pastries, pizza. It was Europe, basically. I loved it. It was very clean! It was great.

You have to drive some distance out of Jerusalem to get to the wall. It is a nice drive past pastures and rolling hills with bushes and trees on them.

The wall is very tall. It is made of concrete. At the top there are guard posts with glass. There is barbed wire, even though the wall is far too high to get over. There are men with guns.

When you go through it, you are asked many questions about who you are and where you come from. If you have anything Arab about you this questioning is very long it can take several hours. You are brought through many layers of security, the inside of the wall is like a fort. You go back and force through a maze of metal bars, with many security cameras watching you. The bars look like the bars used to hold cattle at a rodeo.

You exit and on the other side is a tall wire fence covered with barbed wire. There is graffiti all over the wall. The buildings are crumbling. Noo nice food, streets made of dirt, everyone is poor.

There are men waiting to be taxi drivers, I went with one. He showed me an ID card with a picture of a baby on it. He told me a story.

"This is my son. You know how I got this card?"

"My son was born with a problem in his arm, and they said that if his arm wasn't operated on he would lose the arm. We don't have that kind of hospital here, so I have to go across into Jerusalem to see the doctor. So I go to the Fence."

"The man at the fence won't let me through. He says that I can't bring through any person without a card. He is referring to my son, who is a new born. He didn't have a card."

"So I say to him, where do I get the card? He says you must get the card in Jerusalem."

"I say let me through then I will get the card and leave my son with my wife. He says that won't work, a person must be present to have fingerprints and a photo and so on in order to get the card."

"I say how will my son get the card if he cannot travel through the fence to get the card?"

"He told me I was holding up the line, and my son never got the surgery, he lost his arm."

He passed me the card, he said it was fake, and he didn't have the courage to try it out, because you could be put in prison for such a thing. He had to choose between making his son grow up without an arm or without a father. The card was so poorly done. It was obviously fake.

We got up to the top of this hill, and he pointed out at these buildings coming over the hills, he said they were settlements, and they took over 3 more hills in the last few months. These were very nice buildings. Developments.

I went back to Israel that night, and I went to a waffle store. They had every kind of waffle. Chocolate waffle, ice cream waffle, Nutella. Anything. Any kind of fruit and so on. The taxis are really nice there they have meters, they don't clunk when they start. The monuments are lit up at night. There are little plaques at every monument that tell you the history in English and Hebrew and Russian and Italian.

When I took the bus back, I sat next to a young girl who had a phone with rhinestones glued to it in a heart shape, and a beanie baby on a key chain. She had a ponytail, she was texting and wearing an army uniform. She had a grenade launcher in the seat next to her. The bus stopped several times and the Palestinians were made to get off and be searched. Their bags were taken off the bus and dumped out, and the soldiers kicked through their belongings at the side of the road and we sat inside the bus and watched and they passed out snacks.

It was absolutely banal, but the whole thing chilled me, and I realized that this was the country at the center of American foreign policy, and this was the beacon of democracy, and I realized that these were the supposed "good guys," and I just thought that it wasn't fucking right, and that Christians should be embarrassed because Jesus wouldn't have stood for any of this.

Sorry I wrote a novel. It really changed me.

TL:DR; I think every American history teacher should be forced to walk around in Jerusalem, then go through the wall to Bethlehem and walk around in Palestine before teaching students that colonialism is something that "used to" happen.

Sorry I wrote a novel. It really changed me.

Nah, thanks for taking the time to share that; it's some incredibly heavy stuff.

I got excited for a second, I thought he actually wrote a book. For the record, I'd buy that book.

You should check out "Palestine" by Joe Sacco, or "Jerusalem" by Guy Delisle.

ya. you did. not long enough tho

Thank you for sharing your experience.


The US/Mexico situation is essentially a story of drug wars, not of forced occupation and stripping people of their basic humanity.


Exactly. A better example is reconstruction era southern states.

OOC, can you provide specific examples of how people were treated in the south during reconstruction? It was always a touchy subject with my history teachers and I'm at work and can't look up on it right now...

I was originally making an ironic comment that referenced the US.

But since you asked- Reconstruction is a bad example if you were black, a good example if you were white. It lasted for about a decade after the US civil war, and was essentially a program where white northerners ran the former confederacy via military occupation.

The reason why I said that Reconstruction was a bad example if you are black is that Reconstruction era governments elected a lot of African Americans and pushed hard for enfranchisement of all Freedmen.

Post reconstruction is closer to how Israel controls the WB and Gaza. There was a presidential election in 1876 that was similar to 2000- One guy won the popular vote (democrat) and another won the Electoral College (republican). The compromise was that the republican from the north would be president, but Reconstruction had to end so that the south could be allowed to run itself (and institutionalize racism). Overnight the KKK showed up, Jim Crow laws were passed, and separate but equal was the law of the land, de facto and de jure.

There was racism before Reconstruction ended (of course), but the southern governments literally decided to disenfranchise human beings after we, as a species, had mostly agreed that people shouldn't be allowed to own people. This is what makes Jim Crow particularly messed up. The American Civil War was fought over slavery, but the losing side was allowed to take freedom away from people after they were just freed, then they took pride in it and called it tradition.

OOC, can you provide specific examples of how people were treated in the south during reconstruction?

Depends what race you were...

Wouldn't social class have a lot to do with how you were treated during that period too? I mean, I understand that blacks were oppressed back then, but I don't think share croppers and people in that social circle were treated very well no matter if they were black or white.

Am I correct in saying this? I don't know any of this for sure, I've just noticed that poor people in general have been looked down upon throughout the history of this country and figured it would apply to post-Reconstruction too.

Edit: I'd like to point out I'm not trying to undermine the struggle of African Americans back then, I'm just interested in how wealth and social status tied in to how people are treated by society.

Wow that was some nice propaganda.

America plays a vital role on this planet. It would be very nice if that role was based on fairness and kindness for others than just what the rich desire. In my opinion that isn't going to happen until you start voting better people and different parties into office, the democrats and republicans are not going to change while they constantly have complete control of politics

Cue discussion on preferential voting, citizens united, etc etc

Yes its very difficult, but I am hopeful that the US is going to wake up to what those parties have served up. I like the greens and I'm not even an environmentalist, it doesn't inform my politics at all, I am more interested in foreign affairs. I like the greens because they represent something outside the usual political power structures that are defined by and represent the stinking rich, they are people who care about more than just power. They care about the world around us. I would love to see someone like Jill Stein beat the republicans and democrats in an election as a protest vote even because I honestly believe she is a good human being and you could do with one of those in charge showing the world a more humane side to America that represents the core of America. You are good people led by a bunch of blockheads running a very corrupt democracy that puts the needs of the rich first. Its time for change imho.

The best than can be hoped for is that the parties themselves move towards more humane politics, in order to appeal to voters. At the moment however, it is moving towards more extremes than before.

Right now I suspect you are right, but I'm not sure if they are getting more extreme, on the right there seems to be a core of people focussing on very stupid stuff (Hillary is bisexual, Obama was married to his Pakistani flat mate etc.) Honestly I think a vote for Hillary is voting for exactly the same politics as Obama, and a vote for the Cruz/Rand dream team is voting for slightly different politics to Obama.

It's quite lazy on your part to think the two are the same. There's only one party that wants to dismantle the EPA and drill the national parks for resources, for instance.

Agree with 2nd statement, but not 1st. Go to a maquila... its about much more than drug trafficking.

Well, not really, maybe in the past 100 years, but back during the Mexican/American war, we basically stole half of their land (modern day California and all of the southwestern US), drove the native people out and never gave it back. It isn't comparable to the Israel/Palestine situation because the Palestinians had nowhere to go and Israel never killed them all.

There are 330 million of us, and this site is based in the US so what do you expect? LOUD NOISES.

edit: grammar

I expect Americans to be intelligent enough to be able to consider things as they are, without needing to continually bring the conversation back to American specific issues. There are nealy 7 billion people in the rest of the world you know.

Many Americans are intelligent enough to consider things as they are but you have understand that its hard to consider things outside of what the media portrays. Even though Americans have the ability to access more complete and information about world topics we just don't. We're taught a misplaced trust in our news media and never feel the need to fact check anything.

My comment was initially aimed at a comment that has since been deleted, which basically said

"dudes, why is nobody discussing the problems with the US/Mexico border"?

Or seemingly have the skills to do so. Fact checking is hard when you are actively trained to not look further than fox.

Also, this is an excellent visually explanation of that situation you describe:


The April 2, 2007 one is my favorite.


That's true. You're right, let's discuss problems with the US economy then. It's something we don't do enough of anyway.

QU3 since February of 2012 has been to the tune of 85 Billion a month. in buying toxic assets but mainly US Bonds. Thats $1.7 trillion in extra fed stimulus not including the bailouts and average lending and god knows what else they do because we dont get to audit them independently.

China (the largest holder of foreign debt) has $ 1.3 Trillion in US bonds.

All that increase wealth the Global Wealth Databook shows (which is bullshit because it doesnt take into account private wealth of families who have been inheriting fortunes and keeping them in tax free shelters, or gold bullion, art, gems etc etc. the only shit they can count for in their $47 trillion in 2008 to $72 trillion in mid-2013 figure is private wealth we can see i publicly traded stock and income filings and demonstrated wealth.

But the rich families (like the Rockefellers and other old money fams) keep their wealth private in foundations and tax shelters and over seas so the rich actually have even more control than people like to admit.

So my point is that the wealth being talked about here has not only increased the gap between US and them but that increase in wealth is all paper stock money. its imaginary and intangible and has done nothing to increase the actual amount of production and services. Dont end the fed i say, create a state owned one to compete.

Complementary currency systems. International trade could be done in the federal reserve notes, and domestic trade could be conducted in both Federal Reserve Notes and Treasury Notes. OR you could have the option to conduct international trade in US Treasury Notes as well. And for those willing to deal with the debt money insanity give them the choice. But mandate that property taxes are payable in both currencies and employers must pay their employees in whatever currency they choose or a mixture of the two if they choose. Anyone who thinks this would be too difficult to achieve to confusing to enact and make sense of?? Bro... theres an app for that. Dont fall for that silly protest.

The difference being that Treasury notes are simply issued by the government by spending them directly into the economy without any interest, thru infrastructure development like the Hyperloop but all across the country, putting the latest and greatest solar panel technology on the roof of every house and business building and federal building in the country, building a super dope wall along the southern border, updating all the fucking internet fiber funding research centers, free college education for everyone, healthcare single payer system funding, etc etc etc. The bottom line is that we need more money going to the people and not to the banking class (who have the sole officially sanctioned monopoly on money creation.)

Also ban interest on loans. Its called usury. you used to be put to death if you tried that shit. Not even kidding. To this day, islamic countries ban it. They do fine, and if we didnt fuck with them, and prop up their dictators and stir up revolutions to over throw their democratically elected governments periodically, they'd be so fucking rich its mindblowing. Why ban interest on loans? take 8 minutes out of your life to change it. right now

its not a utopian fantasy. id like to answer any questions if anyone has them.

the reason you ban interest is because it inevitably results in wealth extraction and consolidation into the hands of those with the power to coin money. In present case this is the private banking system.

i dont even advocate banning private banking or banning the fed. Merely creating an alternative. let the rich play their investment games, but dont hold the 99% hostage to their risky games and speculation.

i really suggest you watch the video and see if it doesnt pique your interest. Interest works and the current monetary paradigm works beautifully... the question is who does it work for?

There are objections to usury from two points of view: From the point of view of distributive justice usury is a sin because it victimizes the poor – to wit, payday loan sharks and credit card companies. From the point of view of commutative justice, however, we see the true nature of usury and how it is in fact a sin against nature.

To illustrate this, imagine a poor starving man who comes to a rich man and begs to be fed a ham sandwich. The rich man says, “I will not give you a ham sandwich, but I will lend you one. This is a loan. You must pay me back.” The poor man promises to.

A month later, when the poor man has saved enough to buy a ham sandwich to replace the one he ate, he brings said sandwich to the rich man. “This will not do!” the rich man says. “You owe me 30 sandwiches, not just one.”

“But you only lent me one,” the poor man replies.

“Yes, but you ate that sandwich 30 days ago, and I have been without it myself for 30 days. I could have eaten it 30 times over in 30 days. You not only enjoyed my sandwich, you enjoyed the use of it, for a full month!”

“The use I put the sandwich to was to eat it. And after I ate it once, I could not eat it again 30 times over. And neither could you! The sandwich vanished upon being put to use – which is to say eaten,” the poor fool replies.

But the rich man, flying in the face of nature and common sense, claims that somehow a thing that is consumed in its use is no different from the ongoing use of a thing that endures, as if the ham sandwich had been a plow the poor man had borrowed, a durable good he had been putting to productive use for that length of time. And so the poor man is either clapped in jail, or in an enlightened society, asked to make the minimum payment of a half slice of ham every month for the rest of his life.

This crime against nature, of trying to gain from something that produces no gain, of charging for the use of something separate from the consumption of it, when its use is in fact that very consumption – this is usury. not "An excessive or illegally high rate of interest charged on borrowed money." Any interest on loaned money is usurious as i hope this illustrates.

And this greedy neglect of reality, this demand for profit where no good is produced, this fee for use even when something is used up, this is the root of what is bringing the world’s economy down.

As someone once said, “We want our money to breed, but our sex to be sterile.” And the effect of that fallacy is all around us, as you can seed in the video provided by Money Network Alliance MonNetA.org.


Those 7 billion aren't on this site though. There's a billion Chinese, there's a Billion Indians or so, but they have their own places on the web. If you want a better representation of yourself try another site not based in the US. This is like me going on yoku.com and bitching that the site is all in Chinese and has no interests in the western world.

My comment was initially aimed at a comment that has since been deleted, which basically said

"dudes, why is nobody discussing the problems with the US/Mexico border"?

Maybe you're correct, maybe the right thing to do in every conversation on reddit is to find ways to stop discussing the interesting topic at hand and instead discuss issues directly relevant to America, what the fuck do I know.

And absolutely all of them are important and relevant to conversation.

It's not like America and Israel have any sort of history together, so they shouldn't even be in the same context..

oh.. wait a minute.

Discussing American financing of Israel is relevant, discussing the border of Mexico is distracting.

Yeah, lets complain about murica on an english website based in the usa on your american windows/apple/google software while on american invented internet.

Then lets complain about murica when discussing a country who is financed and propped up by murica, who can only do what is described in the story because they have an unlimited flow of murican money.

Guys murica is completely irrelevant, to talk about murica right now makes absolutely zero sense.

Erm a Brit invented the Internet. It was even shown in the Olympic opening ceremony to remind people :)

Let's make sure we distinguish between the Internet and the World Wide Web. It is widely accepted that Robert Kahn, Leonard Kleinrock and Vint Cerf invented the Internet and Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. Use Wikipedia. It's correct.

No, you're right. Let's bring the conversation back to America, because that's all that matters.

Good boy.

He expects the big boys and girls to have a discussion about foreign countries without everything having to be related directly to WELL IN AMERICA IT'S LIKE THIS...


Or until "all the roaches are stomped", as I've heard it. Sad to see so much hate all around.

It doesn't end with Palestinians either. There are other groups being targeted in Israel. I once made a comment in my history class in college that Israel is a lot like Nazi controlled Germany. There were looks of utter disgust and contempt from other students. People who were smug saying "you can't make that comparison. it's too different." But the teacher, who writes and talks about this shit for a living, agreed with me.

Well they do encourage the philosophy that some people are better and inherently different humans.

Worse than that. Begin basically said that the difference between Jews and Palestinians is greater than the difference between humans and insects.

Very sadly, more than half of Israel buys into this. It's a place of hatered and persecution...very much the Nazi Germany of our time. Yes, America enables them but they supply the hate, bigotry, apartheid, and persecution of the entire Arab people. I've never seen anything like it in America...imagine the deep South of the 50s times 1000. America keeps the money flowing in and the hatred flourishing. And Israel uses phony guilt and very high-powered lobbyists screaming "anti-semite!" to ensure the money supply NEVER stops. It's the most dysfunctional and sickening thing I've seen in my entire life.

The Ashkenazi Jews need to go back to Europe and return the land they stole...but you're more likely to see a perpetual motion machine first.

Not times 1000. Even today its very easy to make comparisons to modern day Israel and Black people in the United States, Israel is not exceptional in its oppression of Palestinians, though it might be significant in the level of stuff the government has gotten away with.

That thing is NOT a perpetual motion machine (it stops after 2 weeks or so) but is one of the COOLEST things that I've ever seen. My dad met the inventor in (I think) Denmark.

How about the property (including real estate) that was stolen from European Jews who fled Europe or were sent to death camps? Do you think the Poles would return the Jewish homes they "occupied" if some "dirty" Jew showed up saying that the Pole's house really belonged to the "dirty" Jew's grandfather? No fucking way. And how about the Sephardic Jews whose land was stolen after they were kicked out of the Arab/Persian countries they lived in? Should they try to return to Libya or Iran? Good luck with that! LMFAO = "Ashkenazi Jews need to go back to Europe..."


I take it you've never read the Torah, Talmud, etc. or ever hung out with Orthodox people so I won't downvote that. But yes, G.d's chosen, tribes, Goyim. That thought is fairly pervasive but many religions have it- see Hindi culture and castes.

First of all, you shouldn't be too quick with your assumptions. Secondly, yes, there is a philosophy of The Israelites being the chosen people, but there are hundreds, if not thousands of laws in Halacha that instruct how to treat said 'goyim' with fairness and respect, in business, interpersonal relationships, and with property. Please elucidate how that compares to the philosophy of Nazi Germany.

Racial purity, marriage laws, etc. I wasn't making a comparison- but it wouldn't be a stretch to draw a parallel. Extremism is always a bad idea. Also, I've read much on religion. There are as many sanctions against equal treatment as there are endorsing it. I'm no t against any religion or those who practice it as long as it respects others.

I have the same view on Religion (capital R intended) as you do, but I would not make a parallel or comparison between modern day Israel and the Nazi regime. And by you agreeing to the comment above, you are supporting that view.

Beware equivocation. It's not an all or nothing view-and having religion specific roads, jobs etc. is not indicative of freedom or democracy. I'm not in complete agreement but see some bad policies that half of Israel isn't proud of....Ha'aretz brings these issues up frequently. So does the Post.

(though less intense)

That's quite an understatement. We aren't blowing up the Mexicans.

They aren't blowing us up

"We aren't blowing up the Mexicans."

And the Mexicans aren't blowing us up.

No, we're just exporting guns and importing drugs. We totally didn't steal half their land, and then buy what was left over. No what is happening in Mexico is totally not exploitation, and the corruption of government by capital. /s

Israel and Palestine blow each other up. It's not just Israel sending rockets and laughing

Nah, the palestinians fire off a shitty rocket that is impossible to aim and Israel brings the helicopter gunships.

I'm not saying that Israel doesn't have the right, just that it is very asymmetrical.

I dont think anyone has the right to do either of those things.

"Nah, the palestinians fire off a shitty rocket that is impossible to aim and Israel brings the helicopter gunships."

Hamas has upped its game considerably in recent years, with outside help. In the last go-round they could have scored some direct hits if not for the Iron Dome missile interception system. I don't think the "asymmetric" argument has much appeal to those on the recieving end. Go on You Tube and have a look at what its like to be where those "shitty" rockets land. Do you think, if Americans were those on the recieving end, they would accept the "assymetric" excuse?

I agree with you. Sovereignty and the need to protect yourself is a thing. I'm not sure about the rockets today, but I saw some of the rockets from the second intifada, the wings were worthless, impossible to aim. It was similar to throwing rocks at soldiers with armor and rifles (oh shit, that happened too!).

So I'm not making a morality judgement, I just think we can all agree that the situation is very messed up.

"I just think we can all agree that the situation is very messed up."

Yes. And I am still not quite sure exactly what Hamas wants. Can anyone tell me?

Israel blows up the Palestinians and the Israelis pretending to be Palestinians in Palestine fire useless rockets into the state they were spawned from. They generally hit nobody but accidents could happen I guess....

more like they aren't shooting rockets into el paso

Maybe because Mexico doesn't have a "Mexico Liberation Operation" with a stated goal of the destruction of America.

Maybe because the white house took that gig already


America's foreign policy provokes terrorism

Just like my penis

He left out the terrorism, hamas stealing resources from their own people to make bombs, and hamas using children as human shields, but okay.

He must've seen all that happen on day two. He's talking about his personal experience, and what he saw. Fucking moron.

Okay, but his comment becomes one sided when he insinuates Israel is an aggressor and does not mention hamas.

Of course you're right, but hopefully the reader has an idea of the opposition. Yet, the aggression shown by Israel is unreal, no one can deny that. I don't have enough information to pick a side, but advantages are obvious. Just can't ride the poster for a thoughtful and convo-starting post.

So a single experience is enough to promote his new opinion, but a different experience isn't allowed to defend his old one?

Have you've seen what OP has seen? I wonder. Thank you OP for your first hand perspective of the wall.

Are you defending the jackass actions of the people in his story because Hamas stole resources from his own people? Do you realize how much of a nut you sound like?

You're entirely missing the point. We are presented with one experience, taken from a single vantage point, and told that that is 'how it is'. And yet, other people have had other experiences viewed from a different perspective. Somehow you provide more weight to one over the other. So please, explain to me how a single data point is ever enough to form a valid opinion, and furthermore, how one data point might be given more importance than another. Because it was delivered in a empathetic tone? Please.

Wade must be a cocksucker

I think 161719's aim was rather to show that Israel is not necessarily the good guy in this conflict, as it is often presented in western media. He wanted to demonstrate the effects of israeli aggression, rather than stating a political opinion. Of course the Hamas does wrong things, that is not to be questioned or made smaller, but it doesn't effect the point of 161719, which is more about Israel's position and policies.

Edit: spelling

I assume by western media you mean American, a lot of people here in the UK at least view Israel as the bigger scumbag.

Yeah, here in the Nethetlands too, altough not always

Other Dutchy reporting in, can confirm. Israel is seen as the agressive/occupying force here by many, supported by the US to have a stronghold in that part of the world.

A pats fan being the voice of reason?

But seriously, well said.

Well, do Americans treat muslims well, after 9/11? Notice the similarity, they bomb shit down, then get to be treated as if they were gonna do it again. They're not 'the bad guys', they're just being precautious.

I'm sorry, but your comment is a little unclear. Who are being treated as if they are going to do what again, and who are not the bad guys, and who is being precautions, it is unclear at which point you mean the Muslims, and at which one the Americans/ Israelis?

I'm sorry, but your comment is a little unclear. Who are being treated as if they are going to do what again, and who are not the bad guys, and who is being precautions, it is unclear at which point you mean the Muslims, and at which one the Americans/ Israelis?

Sorry, I meant it's not surprising to me that Palestinians are treated by Israelis the way they are, considering hamas and so on. Whether the formation of Israel was right or wrong is something I won't debate, what I'm sure of though is that it was acknowledged by many countries I and I'm certain most of you consider "friendly", which in my eyes makes it lawful enough. What I'm trying to say is that surely Israelis don't go to Palestine to suicidebomb themselves in as big crowd of people as possible. Given the amount of incidents, it's no wonder Palestine inhabitants are treated by Israelis as if every single one of them was wearing a belt with C4 attached.

What I'm trying to say is that surely Israelis don't go to Palestine to suicidebomb themselves in as big crowd of people as possible<

That's right, what Israeli's do instead is drop 500lb and 1 ton bombs on Gaza's civilian infrastructure when they are most likely to be inhabited with innocent civlians, or launch missiles at cars in Gaza's crowded streets thus ensuring innocent civilian casualties.

Yes, I guess it is aggressive to protect your people from others that want to wipe them off the planet. Palestinian is where it's at because of it's own polices and beliefs. They have had a number of chances to play nice and they have proven they can't be trusted to do what is right. When your main agenda is a genocide of an entire people it's kind of hard to be sympathetic to their plight.

If the protection of your people consists of taking away a country that earlier belonged to somebody else, locking away innocent people from the outer world, providing them with worse sanitation and water at a higher price than your own people, and presenting this as democratic and positive and necessary to the outer world, then yes, this method of protection can be viewed as aggressive. I understand the threat that Hamas poses to Israel, and some of the security measures implemented, however certain measures are clearly acts of aggression and hatred against innocent Palestinians.

I agree, except I don't think that Israel is presented as the good guy. Israel is presented as our ally, one surround by enemies, in a position we helped create for them.

"I don't think Israel is presented as the good guy."

I know. Every time I turn on TV, I see the news slamming Israel, and sticking up for Palestinians and Lebanese. This anti-Israel media bias in the U.S. must be stopped.

Perspective. Where I am sitting the media seems depressingly overwhelmingly pro-Israel. Could my personal views be influencing what I take in? Definitely. I'd like to think I have a pretty balanced view on the matter, but I always am on the side of the underdog and it is hard to be impartial.

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic, but I don't see that either. Mostly the news reads like the sports page, tallying the wounded and the dead, the territories won and lost, and whatever the latest trash talk, threats, promises or treaties are being made or broken.

Seems to me the news is positive or negative depending on which team you are rooting for.

Of course, some news is clearly biased. But there are many sources. If you don't like what you are reading, find another source.

Never said Israel is a good guy nor do I believe that. I think both sides' governments are fucking idiots and the people just want peace.

I understand that, I'm just saying he didn't necessarily have a point regarding the fact that Palestinians would be good, therefore mentioning the Hamas would be unnecessary. Cool username by the way.

Oh. Okay.

Which begs invites the question:

What would you do if you were the Palestinian father?

You can't ask those people that question. "What would you do if ..." bluescreens them. They don't experience hypotheticals in the same manner as we do. They see the world as they think it is, end of story, and they interpret any attempt to get them to deviate from their set view, as damage.

If you ask him that question, he will think "but I am not the Palestinian father" and reject it, probably with expressions of anger, as in his mind, you are associating him with an inferior by making that comparison.

It's a cognitive deficit that maybe half of humanity have. They don't analogize. It's not a tool in their toolbox (well it kind of is, but it's painful and confusing to them to use it). There are reasons why that is, having to do with Jungian functional theory and developmental priority of intuition, but it doesn't greatly matter. The point is that they can't be swayed by an appeal to intuitive extrapolation any more than you might be persuaded by an elegant argument expressed in a language you don't speak. They basically have to be spoonfed conclusions by authority figures, or personally experience the sharp end of the exact same situation.

This is exemplified right here on reddit whenever someone tries to draw a simile. They're immediately pounced on by people who take them literally.



I'd like to think I'd "John Q" that shit but I'm sure my actions would be similar to the father's

Hate breeds hate breeds hate ad infinitum.

Never fails to crack me up reading people's wise words then reading their user names

Ahhh, begging questions. One of those phrases that no one uses correctly anymore.

and the part about the IDF blocking medical supplies from entering Palestine, but yeah, okay. Or about the illegal settlements knocking down generational Palestinian housing, but yeah, okay.

Nobody is blameless in this. Israel has been attacked a shit ton by neighboring countries.

Well, he was writing about his experiences...

Sigh, /r/israel has leaked again

Hmmmm... he was talking about what he experienced. Maybe, JUST maybe, the things you speak of do not happen as much as the media would portray. Considering almost all media, including fox news and msnbc, are classified as entertainment (they can't be sued for false reporting that way); maybe a lot of things we hear aren't exactly true?

If I'm not mistaken, in America, there is no law against "false reporting". The media has freedom of speech, which also means freedom to lie. (If I'm wrong, please direct me to the proper legal code.)

Oh yeah, I almost forgot every Palestinian was part of or supported hamas.

That may have something to do with their birthground being occupied by foreign powers.

I was being sarcastic.

Did not say that Mr strawman.

So what are you trying to say?

He left out the terrorism, hamas stealing resources from their own people to make bombs, and hamas using children as human shields, but okay.

Hm, are you implying that hamas was somehow related to his personal experience to and from Palestine in some way, and he just didn't include it to make Palestine look better then?

If not, what was the purpose of your comment?

His comment clearly labels israel as an aggressor and completely ignores the actions of hamas.

OP is writing about what they witnessed. If you know of anyone who witnessed what you said please inform us

guys guys stop, twistednipples is right this is all totally justified, i mean whats wrong with punishing an entire civilian population for the crimes of a militant resistance group...

White phosphorous too, if you want to play that game.

Aaand...here come the sockpuppets, alerted to defend the cause.


Are you one of those people paid to say good things about Israel on the internet? Or just an asshole?

Yea. All that happened on the bus ride. He just didn't want to mention it. Obnoxious.


They fly in people from gaza all the time to be treated. Just recently a lady was flown in from Gaza to get treated in Israel. She went back later and tried to bomb the same hospital she was treated at. http://www.snopes.com/politics/israel/eldad.asp

Literally did not comment about the kid at all. The blockade is there because of Hamas and the anger should be directed at them. Instead everyone blames Israel.

You are just another brick in the wall.

Typical Zionist ignorance.

Go fuck yourself, you worthless shit.

Ill go to any other news outlet to read about the "real" evildoers

I think the point was he 'realised everything was a lie'. Which would also call into question this statement.

There is a very large difference between the essential internment of an entire people behind locked gates and walls in a land they are from; and an extremist sect that uses children as human shields.

It's comparing apples and oranges.

Cause and effect. Can't say where it started, but I know that at this point the beasts feed each other.

It isn't an easy things to stop either, both sides have been fucking each other up for so long that it looks like the only way to end it is to kill the other side. But that is barbaric, and we can and should be better than that.

You mean, he ignored Western Media propaganda?! I'm shocked he was able to form his own opinion! Shocked I tell you!

OP was sharing his/her personal experience, not filming a historical documentary.

I wish I could give you 160 upvotes.

Why is this downvoted!? It's completely not the point of the discussion, but it's true.

You left out the reason why they do these things.

Yeah, all these people who talk about the state of the Palestinian people...I'd like to see them live in Israel for a while, the attacks, the missiles, the mandatory military service...people don't understand there's two sides to the story...

and the waffles.


I would love to hear your story, if you wouldn't mind. How you got to be an American citizen while the rest of your family is not allowed to leave, what their living conditions are like.


I've been told by a Palestinian living in Ireland that countries don't want to give them citizenship as that country would then be responsible for them if they went to Israel/Palestine and got into trouble with the Israeli authorities.

Yeah it's fucked up man

I don't know. It drives me nuts when I hear about Canadian getting in trouble overseas, just to find out that the "Canadian" has only been a citizen for 3 years and is trouble in his home country.


I'm saying countries offering citizenship have a right to be selective about who they let immigrate. They should be allowed to consider whatever criteria they like.

Your username is epic. Im picturing mohammed dressed like a bro

My job requires business professional attire only, I bro out on weekends only. haha

Ah, thanks for clarifying and sharing that!


Well no.

YOu can apply for a visa in education as long as you are earning a masters degree and above.

A 'greencard' can not be granted to some one seeking employment in the US, you would first earn a L1a/b visa if you are transfering with your company or a H1 visa if you are being directly hired.

Only after 3 - 5 years of residence can you apply for your green card, only then are you given a chance to prove that you hold skills that result in a direct benefit to the USA or that you are a leading professional in your field.

Source: I manage a lot of foreign workers visa's for one of the top 3.

You're comment reminded me a documentary I watched on youtube and I'm hoping you or someone else here has seen it and could point me to a link of it. I've been looking for it for months. It's about someone who seems a lot like you, that's why I thought to ask. A younger person whose family lives in Palestine goes to visit them and he records it all. The wall was being constructed, I THINK it may have been the WB, but maybe Gaza. He visits his family who I think was grandparents. The man who I believe was his grandfather inherited olive orchards from his father and doubled the size of the orchards. His grandfather seemed very nice and dressed nicely the way my grandfather did. What struck me about his family was how much they reminded me of my grandparents who raised me. Comfortable financially from a life of working hard and making smart decisions. Anyway, Israel shows up and destroys the orchards and the family property for the wall. It was an amazing piece of film. If anyone knows about this please hit me up with a link. Brohamad, be safe and good luck in your new home.

Yes, thank you!

I have not seen that documentary but if you find the link please pass it along to me I would greatly appreciate it


Confirmed below as the one Errorist was talking about.

I absolutely will. It was heartbreaking.

Wasn't Tears of Gaza, was it?

Just looked that up, not the one.

It's not the one, but there are scenes from "From Beirut to Bosnia" by Robert Fisk which I am sure you'll find compelling:

Watch this doc as well and share it.


Tell him to sneak in through Mexico and then claim asylum because some gang-bangers in Mexico shot at him. That Harvard education is a waste of time. Gotta get some street education up in here!

So he can be a doctor in Palastine, I think it's wrong that America snakes all the best and brightest from other lands.

Being treated poorly because of your name is a battle ive l been fighting my whole life. Born and raised in Canada. Im athiest but i have the I most muslim name possible. Ive been denied jobs so i changed my name, not legally, to something more westerner. Colleagues of mine dont even know my real name for years now. Also, two of my ex's, who are Lebanese christian, their parents hated me soo much cause of my name was muslim. They thought im one of those muslim guys who will force their daughter into wearing a hijab scarf and control her. Im generalized based on all the muslim stereotypes when im not even muslim. I hate it!

I understand your outrage of being treated that way, but if your honest, you will admit how much better that treatment is than the treatment you get from the police in any Islamic country.

Not to mention the fact that these procedures did not come into being out of a vacuum. Before Islamic terrorism there were no security procedures. You could walk back and forth between the West Bank and Israel and no one even asked for your papers. The specific procedures you protest are a direct response to Arafat's entifada, remember?

Clinton brought the whole region to the brink of a peace settlement. Israel was offering the West Bank full autonomy. Arafat went home, and broadcast over the radio, "why accept only part when we can take it all". Then he started sending over the suicide bombers one after another, blowing up kids in pizza joints.

I think it is terrible the way the Palestinians are treated. But any honest soul has to admit that they have brought these security procedures on themselves, one suicide bomb at a time.

For thirty years my work took me among Muslim across the whole arc of Islam. Across that whole arc, and among the Palestinians in particular, they are quite frank that there will be no peace until Israel is destroyed, and all the Jews killed. Are you seriously suggesting that Israel should just roll over and die?

Hey it's this guy! The pro-Israeli chap busting out the fine display of a false dichotomy lumping all palastinians together and who wants to displace blame and justify the unjustifiable.

Fuuuuuuck this guy.

I guess no one has ever explained the concept of "projection" to you, eh? I abhor the mistreatment of innocent Palistinians. I just acknowledge the factual history of how these security arrangements came into being. Although I understand and sympathize with how difficult historical fact is to someone like you, who considers flip dismissal an argument, and whose thinking issues from leftist group think.

Good, I'm glad. But re-read your comment - it really doesn't sound like that - especially the comment about all Palestinians wanting the total destruction of Israel. The end line about the choice being to maintain the system as it stands or roll over and let the Palestinians kill everyone is the false dichotomy I hear from the blindly pro-Israeli camp all the time. Usually arguing with this group is impossible as all you hear is "you just don't understand history" followed by a one-sided discussion of middle-eastern conflict (as the nicer response) or the more common "you're an idiot pro-arab liberal fucktard who can't understand historical issues."

When I tell them I'm a history professor at a large, prestigious US research university their answer never changes - except to add that I must be a terrible professor, my "liberal bias" must stem from my training or that they must let anyone be a professor these days.

All I can say is look back at the world in 20 years, try to remove yourself from your biases and ask yourself if Israel's actions in the world have been a net positive. To prepare yourself to do this, try everyday to not only see the conflict through Palastinian eyes, but from other perspectives as well. Ask yourself if it seems right that internet brigades roam around anonymously "correcting" peoples' "misconceptions" about Israel. Is it to foster an open discourse and exchange of opinion - or is it to manipulate this discourse?

Give it a shot - maybe the billions of people who think Israel has overstepped its bounds and become the thing they once hated aren't completely misguided and full of shit. There's a reason Israelis have despised (the Jewish) Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem and her concept of the "banality of evil" - it wasn't just that she read Nazi crimes as being perpetrated by normal people just carrying out their duties (and that "evil" was thus a woefully inadequate construct) - it was the implication that through the Zionist impulse the Israelis could travel down this same road - tossing aside all considerations of decency because of the belief that this land was meant for them.

And sorry to have offended you, but your comment was well out of line.

Truly, no offense taken. You can't take hard left, Israeli hating zealots seriously in any case. If you start taking offense at every anti Semite in the world you'll always be offended. That is no way to live.

You might consider taking your own advice about opening your mind, and looking at the facts of terrorism, and how it is the actions of the terrorists that brought these terrible security procedures into being. You might want to look at how Arafat refused the peace settlement announcing that the Palestinians would take everything through suicide bombing. You might face the fact of Palestinian representation in the Israeli Parliament, and their success rate in Israeli court action, and then make an honest comparison with how Jews and Christians are treated through out the Islamic arc of nations. Not to mention how women are treated, and how gays are treated, and how liberal Muslims are treated.

And yes I do agree, there are many many people who think Jews overstep their bounds by living, and breathing, and walking this earth. I just happen to think they are in the wrong.

See this is a subtler way of saying the same thing while implying that those who don't condone Israeli responses to terrorism somehow are siding with the terrorists.

And yes I do agree, there are many many people who think Jews overstep their bounds by living, and breathing, and walking this earth. I just happen to think they are in the wrong.

What a brave opinion - The Israelis shouldn't all have to die. What straw-man are you fighting here? I didn't say the Israelis were overstepping their bounds by "living, and breathing, and walking the earth." This is, again, a convenient ignorance and desire to cast everything in black and white terms. I said they were overstepping their bounds in their treatment of the Palestinian people and in their response to terrorist attacks. If a xenopohobic Palestinian terrorist kills an Israeli boy on a bus, that does not justify similar atrocities commited by the Israeli government/military. You can argue all you want about Hamas and other groups' unwillingness to reach compromise - but Israel has again and again done the same thing. Until both sides see the absurdity of simply blaming the other and suggesting any criticism of their position to be condemnation of their right to exist, this bullshit spectacle (which is how much of the rest of the world views this shit-show) will continue.

This is part of a LONG line of historical precedent going back to the Zionist movement in the fin de siecle - here's a quick synopsis of Arendt's post-war trip to Jerusalem for a lesson in how nothing has really changed.

Edit: link

If Jewish suicide bombers were coming daily into the West Bank and blowing themselves up near Islamic grade schools, and in the pizza shops of Islamic teenagers, the Muslims would have every right to build a wall, and establish security procedures.

But there is no moral equivalence here, is there? Islam is sending over the human bombs, and the Israelis aren't. Israel bends over backwards to avoid collateral damage, while the Muslims fire their rockets from the play grounds of schools, trying to get Israel to bomb children.

Palestine could have peace tomorrow if it acknowledged the right of the Jews to exist. But they don't. That is the objective fact you keep blanking out. There is no equivalence here. Israel does acknowledge the right of the Palestinians to exist, and has been ready to grant them an autonomous state since 2000. To this day the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, and Hezbollah will not acknowledge the right of the Jews to exist.

I worked in this area for 30 years. Every day the Muslim government sponsored newspapers promise the eventual destruction of all the Jews. They teach this idea of genocide to their children in schools. It is the basis of a dozen TV broadcasts every day. You know this to be true. You also know that Israel is not doing these things. Why do you insist there is equivalence when you know there isn't?

Pack of lies.

If Israel recognizes Palestine's right to exist, why do they constantly seize more land?

The PLO recognized Israel's right to exist 20 years ago, but all they got in return was more lies, robbery and murder.

Israelis kill Palestinians constantly. No, they don’t use suicide bombs, they use regular bombs and bullets and starvation and deprivation of medical services.

There is no equivalence. Israel was established in a program of ethnic cleansing which has never stopped in the past 70 years. Their neighbors only want them to give it up, and have offered them national recognition in return, but the Israelis only continue their efforts to seize and depopulate more territory, defending it with baldfaced lies like yours.

In 2000 Israel was ready to close the deal on the two state solution. Arafat went home, and he broadcast "why should we accept part when we can take it all". Then he sent in the suicide bombers one after another, until Israel responded with the wall, and the security measures we are discussing. Israel still stands willing to close the deal, but Hamas refuses to accept an Israeli state. Not to mention Hezbollah, the Islamic Brotherhood, and the Iranians.

Israel was offering the Palestinians a set of isolated bantustans separated by checkpoints and Israeli controlled land, liar.

The rest of those are just irrelevant handwaving on your part, liar. Hezbollah has their own issues with Israel, specifically its constant attempts to annex even more Lebanese land.

Sigh - this is EXACTLY why I don't usually engage with people like you. You've turned this into an entire issue you'd LIKE to argue but isn't what I was in ANY WAY arguing. Distract, deflect, get mad. It's like there's a findie script for setting up straw-man arguments and knocking them over. I'm done. Have fun with your bigotry, hatred and intolerance you medieval fuckass.

Cursing at people is not an argument, nor is it "engaging" them. Every point I made is documented fact. None of which you address, because you can't effectively counter the facts. So you go over to personal attacks, cursing, and run away.

You might want to consider looking up the psychological concept of "projection". Your comments here are a classic text book example of that defense mechanism.

All I've done is refuse to get involved in your attempts to sidetrack any conversation into easily "winnable" arguments like disagreeing that all Jews should be killed or that you strongly feel Jewish people have the right to defend themselves. You haven't answered a single question I've posed or any of the information I've provided. So WOW - what a brave position you've taken. You've consistently put words in my mouth, misinterpreted everything I've said and then accused me of some sort of anti-Semitic position I don't even hold. This is how EVERY damn conversation I get in with a fundamentalist like yourself goes. Then when an impasse such as this is FORCED by your inability to rationally detatch yourself from your deluded view of the world, it's suddenly whoever you are arguing with running away and hiding from the might of your skewed, one-sided view of history. Then you can claim a great victory for your pathetic cause. Say what you want and think what you want - nobody will ever be able to change your delusional "truths." You'll continue justifying terrible things and dismissing all comments not fully in support of Israeli actions as some fringe group instead of the reasonalbe voice of the majority of thinking people. Your proximity and partisanship has clouded any chance you have of seeing clearly. If you don't listen to me that is fine - I just hope someday someone can get through to you. The hate and prejudice dripping from your words is toxic - it's no way to live.

I think you and I are the conflict of the Middle East in microcosm. Because I could not have worded my view of your position better than what you wrote here. I believe you are the delusional one, and I believe you are blanking out any fact or viewpoint that calls you to look beyond what you think you know.

As I have said a number of times through this post, I am a gay man who was raised on a Native American reservation. I am as far as one can get from a fundamentalist, and view the religious right as the greatest single threat to my own life at this moment.

My views came from my working in and with Muslims in their own countries over 30 years. That, and a reaction to the extreme anti Jewish bigotry of my Irish American father. I believe in a two nation solution, but at this point in time, it must begin with the Muslims acknowledging Israel's right to exist, and followed by their rounding up the terrorists. Then we can force Israel to close the deal.

Just be honest, you're another dirty arab trying to scam sympathy in order to get money. durka durka jihad mohammed.

You probably have a lot of issues in your life that would cause you to make that comment. I hope your tough times pass and you become a decent person. Take care my ignorant friend.

Hey buddy, you know, you're right. How about we exchange sisters to help our families grow closer?


Worst use of a novelty account i've ever seen.

I am so glad you shared this story. It's eerily similar to mine. I went to Israel as well, except on a pilgrimage type trip with a tour group. Our tour guide was Palestinian, and his son has severe autism. He managed to get him to Israeli doctors to diagnose it, but they refused to treat the boy because he's Palestinian. Last I heard, his wife was going to try to take the son to Jordan to be treated by doctors there.

And that wall. I am an easily distracted young woman, and I love to doodle to pass time. I was in my sketchbook drawing as we passed through. It was easy for us because of the tour group and I don't remember too much. The moment for me was when I was in my own doodle world, drawing I don't even remember what. I looked up to see where we were and I saw that wall and thought "oh hey it looks like the Berlin wall." It was one of those odd instances in which I have a very clear involuntary thought and it shocked me. I can't get the comparison out of my head now. That giant, concrete cage of a wall, some call it a fence, or barrier. But it is a gigantic wall of separation, you can't even really see the sunrise/sunset/horizon over it. I try to explain this to people and they hear but you just can't put the shock and anguish into their hearts without showing them. And oh, it hurts me that I see bumper stickers and online campaigns to help Israel. I know that there are wrongs done on both sides, but I so hesitate to help Israel with anything knowing what they do to the Palestinians.

I think I said too much but OP, I really want to thank you for saying what I have meant to say so much better than I can.

Edit: /u/photographic_mammory argued that there was violence coming from the Palestinians as well, and that I only showed one viewpoint, that I am "just someone else with an opinion." I would like to say that he/she is completely correct. The wall did stop a lot of violence from the Palestinians from what I understand. The wall did its job, with the unfortunate consequence that those inside the wall have much more restricted lives now. But I feel like that is much better known information, and that my perspective and that of /u/161719 are much less known. photographic_mammory is correct, though that I am just someone else with an opinion. However, Reddit has a reputation for calling people out as frauds and asking for sources for well-built arguments. This indicates to me that you are a community of critical thinkers (to an extent) and I expect you to hear my opinion, take what you already know, maybe investigate the issue further, and draw your own conclusion. So yes, I have my particular opinion among many. But building your opinion is your job.

"oh hey it looks like the Berlin wall."


That giant, concrete cage of a wall, they call it a fence. I try to explain this to people and they hear but you just can't put the shock and anguish into their hearts without showing them.


it makes me feel better to read this because then i know i'm not the only one and not crazy. thank you.

The feeling is mutual, friend.

Not crazy, just ignorant.

The Berlin Wall was built to keep East Germans from Escaping.

The West Bank Wall was built to keep Palestinian terrorists from infiltrating and killing civilians.

Do you understand the difference?

Are you one of those people that blindly believe that because some old text allegedly written by some old fart states that a group of religious people have claim to the land, they are entitled to, and fuck all who currently lives there?

Are you one of those people that blindly believe that because some old text allegedly written by some old fart states that a group of religious people have claim to the land, they are entitled to, and fuck all who currently lives there?

Nope, not even close.

Are you one of those modern old fashioned nutjobs that believe it's okay for terrorists of the causes you like to kill civilians of people you dislike?

except that prior to the erection of that wall, palestinians semi-regularly went infiltrated into israeli cities and blew themselves up.

Prior to the second intifada many many many palestinians had jobs in israel and would cross over every day.

Prior to election of Hamas the border security was much less tight and there was no naval blockade.

The view point of the parent post and your post are both only taking into account a single bias, and because of that you are not a part of a solution. You are just someone else with an opinion.

If you cannot think that israel also requires some security, some control over who crosses into israel to do what, etc, and you so easily forget blown up busses, clubs, and restaurants, then you cannot see the israeli viewpoint and you will never be able to see and end to the issue, because neither side will actually "lose", and only an end to hostilities can end the current situation.

I think the problem is that Israel would rather build a permanent wall and treat Palestinians abysmally and continue to break international laws, rather than withdrawal to the 1967 borders.

Well, at least you're clearly biased on the issue and I don't have to pretend you're a reasonable person who wants to critically examine his own point of views and see if they correlate with reality.

That political games between 2 heads of state completely changed your worldview on a complicated decades long issue tells me a lot. Peace talks are not dictated by AIPAC, and if you think AIPAC is what is stopping peace talks in the middle east, you just don't know all the much about it.

The view point of the parent post and your post are both only taking into account a single bias, and because of that you are not a part of a solution. You are just someone else with an opinion.

Yeah, nothing says solution like a fuck-off huge concrete wall

edit: And I'll also just add that your post suggests just a teensy bias of your own. You know, the way you describe the evil Palestinian aggression and none of the Israeli brutality, racism, or apartheid

Again, the wall was built with a purpose in mind, and it's effectiveness is very very high. That wasn't a political solution to the middle east problem - it was a solution to the problem of palestinian infiltrators setting off bombs in israeli busses and restaurants.

And I am certainly biased, but I am also not one of those people who claim everything israel does is great. I just think the parent post and many of the sub posts are very one sided and I'm bringing in an opposing view.

There has been plenty of things israel shouldn't have done, and continues to do that are wrong.

On the other hand I also remember that my uncles apartment building was hit by rocket which killed people, and that when I was in israel last I had to run to shelter several times because of air raid sirens, and that I was searched as we entered the mall because EVERYONE has their bag searched, etc.

I think you have some very good arguments, but perhaps aren't going about it in the best of ways. Would you mind elaborating your own experience in Israel? Perhaps a story to validate why you feel the way you do would lend credit to your arguments.

Nobody, in any of the texts, gave out about the border search.
It was the walls division of wealth and poverty, the tactic of stopping public transport to search civilians, already searched at borders. The availability of only the most basic healthcare. The segregation. The difference. The "you are guilty" pretext of all palastinians.

Its a border between israel and hostile territory. Do you get searched at the border between canada and the US, even though there's no war between the 2? Even though you're civilians? Of course you do, because countries like to control their own borders and who goes through them. If you go on a greyhound between canada and the US does no one check your passport? yes, they do.

The reason no one said anything is because its entirely normal for almost any country to question and if they choose to do so, search people who cross borders.

That isn't presupposition of anything. That is called border control and every country does it. countries that know there are groups wishing to infiltrate and create chaos do so with more rigorous methods.

That isn't a "you are guilty". That's "we need to know why you're coming here, you need to make sure all your papers are in order, etc."

They at once want israel to disappear and to still have everything israel provides.

Nobody, in either stories, argued against border control.

Do you understand that?
Nobody said the border control is wrong.
That wasn't what upset either person.

You've created an argument against no-one, against what no-one said.

Do you understand that?

except OP's post is all about how a man claimed his son couldn't get medical attention because of border control.

Much of the talk about the inhumane conditions are about the naval blockade and israel's border control with gaza.

no one said the words border control, but its 100% a border control issue.

do you understand?

See, the issue was bueraucracy, not security.
There was a difference, and a child, innocent but presumed guilty, lost his arm. Not because of a pat-down, but due to miss management, improper healthcare in his home town.
That same child will now grow up in a restricted enviroment, always presumed guilty, his hope of a good life diminished.
Not becauae of a security border.

Your argument was a rant about the essentials of border security, which was irrelevent in OPs context (but definitely symbolic of the major issue at hand.)

And Israel kills ten arabs for every Jewish Israeli. They even call them retaliation killings. So what Palestine really needs is a wall tall enough to stop Israeli helicopters from flying over and destroying buildings with women and children. Settlers will just murder Arabs, and they are never jailed.

Sounds like progress and efficiency.

I disagree with your viewpoint.

The "retaliation" part comes in because if israel doesn't "react" then they send the message that terrorists are free to attack with impunity. They aren't looking to kill civilians, they're looking to strike at those organizing or effecting attacks on israelis.

And settlers who do illegal acts are taken to court, and tried. In gaza people who attack israel are given money by hamas.

How many settlers have gone to jail for murdering Arabs? Arabs are protesting a new settlement and a private security contractor for the Settler murders one, what happens to the murderer? What happens to his relatives? Does his murdering an Arab give Arabs moral justification to murder people because he committed murder? How many Jewish Israeli women and children does his murder justify? Does his murder justify the punishment of his family? Should his children suffer? His house and his parents house be destroyed? Should his wife be murdered?

What does Jewish law say should happen to the private security contractor that murdered an Arab? To his family? To the women and children that live near him? What if you live near him and are killed because he murdered a Palestinian? Was that justified?

Israel does murder women and children without regard to anything they've done. They blindly punish relatives of hamas members.

Prior to the election of Hamas, Fatah was corrupt, bloated and ineffective. The people chose something else, not knowing what they were getting into. We say we support democracy, but only when it's a particular party we like. Fatah kept the status quo, didn't rock the boat, supported terrorism under the radar. Hamas made it clear how they felt about Israel and their opposition to them. But as far as I'd heard, they didn't steal the vote in '06. The people just voted for someone we didn't like so we cut off all support.

Hamas is absolutely and clearly against the existence of israel. They are 100% an enemy military organization. The election of Hamas in gaza (and the subsequent cancellation of all future elections) means that Gaza is controlled by an enemy military group.

Why should you support someone who is publicly calling for your destruction? You shouldn't. The gazans are free to elect whoever they want, and they did, and now israel is free to blockade gaza and restrict imports from israel.

I'm not saying they should do one thing or another. I'm just adding perspective for people who may not know the whole story and the US' policy that has done nothing but make the situation worse.

I don't think anyone is arguing against Israel having some control of its borders but people are noting that the treatment of Palestinians is inhumane and there needs to be a discussion on how to improve that. In the US, the coverage is very pro Israel and very little is said about palestinian side, that is the "lie" that the OP was disabused of.

"some control of its borders" is a ridiculous thing to say. What country only has "some control" of its borders?

OP is very heavily biased, just the other way.

To bring up the bad word again (murica) - I would submit to you that Murica has "some control of its borders".

If you submit that you should at least attempt to justify it.




I didn't even go to Fox News for those. Need more sources?

that is infiltration caused by lack of ability, not lack of legal right to control borders. Israel is a much smaller country, and tighter control of the borders is more easily done.

What country only has "some control" of its borders?

Again, Murica meets the specific qualifications of your question. Not lack of ability, not lack of legal right, not lack of willingness; simply "some control", as opposed to "total control".

My answer was clear and you're nitpicking. I've already responded to your supposition and this isn't going anywhere fruitful.

Nitpicking? You asked a specific question, I gave you a specific example, with sources. If you should have phrased your question differently, then own up to it and rephrase your question. Otherwise, don't ask bullshit questions and start crying that someone answered the exact question that you asked.

No way OP is as heavily biased as you, all you've done is rant around about how everyone who holds a viewpoint, and an unpopular western one at that, can't see the other side. I think damn near everyone knows the Israeli side better than the Palestinian one

rant huh.

I think you are proving your are very biased as well. You make it seem as though the border is only the domain of Israel. Why should the palestinians have NO control of their border then?

I am indeed biased, no denying it. I am presenting a counter point to the parent posts and many of the sub posts. I am not attempting to hide my point of view in any way.

And gazans can be free control their borders when they are no longer in a state of conflict with israel the requires israel to make sure there are no more Karine A's or Victorias that are packed with weapons aimed at israeli civilians.

So you are content to jail an entire population? Good to know the type of person I was conversing with.

tens of thousands of gazans cross into israel every day for work. They visit family in other countries. They emmigrate to other countries. Your claim that the entire population is jailed is ridiculous on its face.

Every country that doesn't have a giant fucking wall across the border has some control of their borders.


I think you're mostly full of shit.

You do bring up a good point. I did mention that I know there are wrongs done on both sides, but I think that got overlooked in the large block of text, didn't it? I'll edit the post to bring that to attention.

You're implying that the construction of the wall lead to a decrease in suicide bombings, but there exists only a correlation. Over 40,000 Palestinians cross the wall from the West Bank into Israel today DAILY, many more illegally through gaps in the construction or through aforementioned means such as false identities. How is it that none of these 40,000 have taken up "terrorism"? How is it that not one "terrorist" can make use of the same channels for crossing the wall that regular Palestinians use for finding work and seeking medical care? What of the Palestinian holders of Israeli passports living inside Israel, who make up at least 20% of Israel's population?

You're falsely attributing your faith in Israeli security to a stack of concrete rather than to any change in Palestine's present political reality, as if Israel can hide behind its snipers and missiles for eternity. You are stripping the period of regular suicide bombings that you're referring to of the political context in which it was set - The Second Intifada - and instead attempting to portray it as something Palestinians just do whenever, for the hell of it. Do you honestly believe that when the Third Intifada happens, there won't be bombings in Tel Aviv again, because of some concrete wall 75 miles away? If so, you're dangerously ignoring reality and playing up short-term draconian security goals as if they have no impact on the long term political situation.

Also, this is a discussion of the wall which separates Israel from the Fatah-controlled West Bank. Gaza, Hamas, and their feelings towards Israel have little to nothing to do with it.

When the third intifada comes it will be called "Cast Lead 2", or something similar. I disagree with your view point and don't think discussion with you will lead anywhere. I am not ignoring any realities, simply replying to lots of muppets who just repeat "OMG APARTHEID WALL". The wall WAS built for the purpose of stopping infiltrations. It works. It does have a tangible effect.

The reason you believe that discussing this further won't get you anywhere is because you apparently don't have any explanation for the fact that any of the 2,000,000 Palestinians inside of Israel's borders at any given time aren't blowing themselves up, other than your claim that a wall to their east is somehow preventing it.

"Cast Lead II" implies that the Third Intifada will be a one-side bombing campaign. The reports from the IDF itself on that conflict very unequivocally state that Gaza City was silent and abandoned when they rolled in with their tanks, and that nearly every Israeli casualty of that "war" was a result of friendly fire.

That's not an Intifada. An Intifada is an uprising, which tends to occur when an occupying military thinks it can get away with killing thousands of civilians, imprisoning hundreds of thousands, and depriving millions of their livelihoods at any time it pleases.

I say WHEN and not IF because at Israel's present course and policy, there is absolutely no way that a third intifada will not occur at some point. And when it does happen, those bombings are going to start right back up because a person who wants to commit suicide can and will find a way to get around 100 miles of concrete.

The wall has a clear economic, social, and symbolic impact far beyond the damage it supposedly prevents. You should keep in mind that the wall does not just separate Israelis from Palestinians - it also separates Palestinian from Palestinian, as it is built inside of Palestinian territory and in many cases even cuts right through villages (necessitating the uncompensated demolition of Palestinian homes), breaks apart families, separates farmers from their fields, and annexes Palestinian territory into Israel in clear violation of dozens of international agreements to which Israel is a signatory.

And for all the bullshit I have seen about Israel=Nazis and Jews are puppetmasters and such I have seen in this thread, I have yet to see ONE mention of it even being called "The Apartheid Wall." Not that anything you've said would in any way contradict the wall serving a secondary purpose of racial segregation.

Then you will also take into account the Israeli aggression against the British, and the bombings of British embassy when the Jews first arrived.

If only things were as simple as you make them out to be.

Man, it really is a fucked up world we live in, eh?

you do realize that the wall keeps out Palestinians who put bombs onto Israeli buses and ice cream parlors? Since the wall was built, no bombings. Funny how that works out.

Did you know that murders in the US are primarily committed by minorities? If we rounded up all of the minorities and locked them in a reservation with guards and machine guns, the murder rate would drop significantly.

Why don't we? Discuss.

I have no opposition. Let's get this ball rolling.

(I hate to distract from your totally righteous point, but the US totally does do this.)

Ah, but that just proves that minorities commit more crimes.. More reason for the reserves... Maybe, after a few years, we could start issuing "work visas" for "good behavior". That would be fair, right?

rounded them up? Israel withdrew from gaza which was what gazans wanted. Israel is absolutely allowed to control its own borders, and its naval blockade of gaza is considered legal internationally as well.

America saw one big attack and suddenly shifted into a complete police state.

Israel has been in a state of constant threat with its neighbors and with palestinian terrorists for decades and decades.

Let's address some of your statements:

Isael Withdrwew - ...and built a huge fucking wall, with machine guns.

"Which is what Gaza wanted" - ask the average inhabitant of a US inner city, low rent district whether they want heavy government intervention in their lives, and they'll say no (even while relying on food stamps). When the only view of a government they have is that of oppression and discrimination, of course they will not want more.

Israel is absolutely allowed to control it's own borders - If I build a wall around an arid section of Nevada, and claim that it is outside the US borders, can I deport all the minorities there? Can I block all international aid except what I deign to give? Can I keep the media out? Can I put machine guns on the walls? Can I deport violent offenders to this new United States of Totally-Not-A-Prison-I-Promise?

The naval blockade of gaza is considered legal internationally - true, Israel has been wholeheartedly supported by the UN, in this terrible act. That doesn't justify it in any way.

America shifted into a complete police state - but still, oddly enough, we haven't walled off South Dakota and started deporting all minorities, felons, and political dissidents.

Palestinian Terrorists - I like this phrasing, by tying the two together, you can make all Palestinians sound like terrorists. It's a wonderful form of doublespeak.

1) I didn't ask why Hamas was elected. I understand why. I also understand that Hamas has stopped elections and that israel now has to deal with a gaza controlled by Hamas. That gazans dislike the results of their actions does not change that hamas controls gaza.

2) If nevada elected a group who openly supported and enacted strikes against other states, you're god damn right the US would clamp down the borders and the people responsible would be dealt with by police/military.

3) ¯(°_o)/¯ no response. I don't think I can trust Hamas to not use the sea to ship in weapons.

4) because south dakota didn't elect hamas?

5) no, its precisely what it means. Not all palestinians. not all terrorists. Specifically palestinian terrorists. No double speak.

"Since everyone is held out in jail or in a getto or dead there are no more terrorists".

See how that logic got like 3% of the US in jail and TSA checkpoints everywhere around any major center who force you to remove your shoes and unbuckle your pants belt "just to be sure".

before the wall=bombings

after the wall=no bombings

Jeez, Reddit--what the fuck?

If you're going to go that way...

"before the warsaw gettho = rich jews stealing from germans. After pushing them all in the warsaw gettho = no more rich jews and no more stealing".

They're doing exactly the same.

(can i have my godwin point now ? Thank you \o/)

as a German, I have never heard that Jews were stealing anything. They were, however, largely in control of banking, jewelry, etc. Hitler needed that money.

I imitated the nazi excuses for sarcasm; because israel mostly use the same to imprison the palestinians in a gettho :/

makes me wonder why King Abdullah of Jordan (who is Palestinian) doesn't take them? Jordan has plenty of room. Wait, he doesn't want those troublemakers either. The wall is working great, the street bombings have stopped. Endy story.

Yeah truly i wonder why he doesn't want to expatriate an entire country which means dozens of millions of people into his own while he already has tons of poverty and social issues while leaving israel to plunder palestine unchecked then start putting it's army at his border again...

Israel and it's bottomless access the american military hardware already kicked the arse of the entire combined region. The further away from the israelian military they are the happier they are :/

there is no such thing as 'Palestine'. That being said, I would not give Israel one penny. They must stand on their own feet. We also gave the Egyptians a shitload of planes, guns, etc. Talk about mixed signals...

Yeah but the Egyptians ain't trying to invade anyone ;-) And they keep the canal open.

We have the same sort of wall between TX and Mexico

And is shit really good in mexico ? I'm sure everyone there is alright with their beloved CIA funded Zeta cartel.


Yeah most of the Zeta cartel money originally came from drug operations built by the CIA to fund their off the books black operations without informing anyone about it. Said CIA who did let them rise without lifting a finger because they kept money and political leverage pouring to the US in exchange for guns; shady support and quiet US protection/immunity from rivals.

TL;DR : The Zeta cartel is like the local Hamas.

No we don't such a wall has been proposed many times but hasn't been built. There is a fence that doesn't even span the whole boarder. To compare it to the Israeli-Palestine boarder is asinine.

A better comparison would be http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw_Ghetto

The fucking IRONY

Fucking hell.

It's unbelievable how many parallels you can draw between how people were treated (including jews) by the nazi's, vs now how the Israeli government is treating Palestinians.

Believe me, I recognize the irony. I'm jewish and Israel can suck a dick.

"Believe me, I recognize the irony. I'm jewish and Israel can suck a dick."

Where are the similarities between the two situations?

Israel has taken a group of people, forced them into camps and built a fence around them and then cut off food and supplies. Just like the Nazis did with the Warsaw ghetto.

"Israel has taken a group of people, forced them into camps and built a fence around them and then cut off food and supplies. Just like the Nazis did with the Warsaw ghetto."

Wrong answer. First, food and supplies are NOT cut off. There is not starvation in either the West Bank or Gaza. You have no idea what did or did not happen in the Warsaw Ghetto, where more people lost their lives from starvation in a single year than have been killed on all sides in the I/P conflict since 1948. You seem to be just as poorly informed about the West Bank and Gaza. Read a little about the Warsaw Ghetto. You might be ashamed of even trying to make the comparision.

Food and supplies were cut off. Israel has been systematically disenfranchising and starving the Palestinians. I never said anything about the numbers of victims. It's called analogy.

"I never said anything about the numbers of victims. It's called analogy."

An analogy that fails.

You fail.

I was watching some rabbi on TV talk about how him and other Jews are against Israel. Saying something about how they are not supposed to have a land because their paradise will come in heaven (or something along those lines). Is that the kind of Jew you are?

Is that your opinion, or did you ask Drake what your opinion is?

It's not irony. The Zionists took the Holocaust as a how-to lesson. They are drawing directly from it in their own strategies.

If there was any more irony, Tony Stark would sue.

That's a terrible comparison. Go drink bleach for even suggesting there are similarities. If you said that to me in real life I would most likely sock you in the face for being an ignorant prick

Stop, Malachi. The JIDF already put your check in the mail

Yayyyyy nazis, no badguy is complete without at least one nazi reference!

It's not like what they are doing aren't comparable...

So yes, I have my particular opinion among many. But building your opinion is your job.

This should be part of the Reddit rules and regulations. Well said.

The Berlin wall was really short and thin (you could just boost someone iver it til they added the no mans land and the kill zones - it was put up extremely quickly with very poor quality concrete and haphazardly improved over the years. This sounds much more substantial than that.

It is. It's high with wire at the top. But just the split second impression of a concrete wall covered in elaborate graffiti, it struck a similarity to the Berlin Wall.

On a side note, I saw graffiti from Banksy while I was there. I didn't even know it was him, but I remember seeing it and it had such an impression on me that I had to go look it up to see if maybe I could discover what the artist meant to say.

knowing what they do to the Palestinians

Here's some more: http://www.ifamericansknew.org/cur_sit/water.html

Wow, thanks for sharing that.

you can't even really see the sunrise over it

The sun rises in the East.

Depending on where you are, there might be wall east or west or north or south of you. I edited it for you, better?

Why don't you just delete your comment, because it is a made-up story?

Because it isn't.

they refused to treat the boy because he's Palestinian.


More than 100,000 Palestinians are treated in Israeli hospitals each year (along with Syrians and Lebanese). All while they are "supposed to be" enemies. Do you think he was denied because he was Palestinian while the others weren't? How many Israelis do you think would get a treatment anywhere in that region?

How many Israelis do you think would get a treatment anywhere in that region?

How many would want it?

All good points. Israeli hospitals treat tons of Palestinians every year. Also true; they built the wall because they were fed up with suicide bombings. But there's a lot more to this story than just this stuff. You have to look back at the history of the entire conflict.


Treatment with what supplies?

Would that really be the reason, lack of supplies?

BTW, Israel sends trucks over with supplies every single day.

Btw Israel has stopped all supplies from every country including any from North America or Europe. Israel sends "enough supplies" that they calculated to keep palestinians alive. Enough to be alive, not healthy.

Your'e talking about gaza specifically. Its not true of the west bank where most Palestinians live. At gaza, which is ruled by a terrorist organization determined to destroy israel, supplies are being sent constantly (even from other countries) with a condition that the cargo is checked for weapons and rockets for hamas to use against Israel. all that on the border with Israel, the border with Egypt is controlled by the Egyptians.

O the government the people voted in after US and Israel pushed for elections then immediately refused to negotiate with as soon as they got voted in?

The US pushed for elections as part of "spreading democracy", Israel was reluctant. That "government" uses suicide bombers, target civilians and throws the opposition off of roof tops. They are terrorists and if the majority of people living there support them it only makes it sadder.

As opposed to the last government that tried repeatedly to work with US and Israel and resulted in Palestinian homes being torn down for illegal settlements and security stops. Yeah, why would the people vote differently hoping for change.

There wasn't a "last government" there, and all "settlements" were removed completely, but nice try...

o yeah im sorry, there's a fucking wall seperating them from west bank and the "approved" government. all settlements were removed completetly and left with what? the homes they had torn down to make way for them?

when you wall in people and back them into a corner, don't be surprised when they fight back

There isn't a wall there, there's a border, like in every country elsewhere. They got everything they demanded, with nothing in return and they chose violence. No one is fighting them, so they are not fighting back. They are just fighting.

if all of a sudden every israeli and every palestinian magically switched sides and kept all the others resources/lack of resources, do you honestly believe every israeli would be happy with what the palestinians have? how can you honestly say they got everything they demanded when they have a power outage CURRENTLY that's affecting 1/3 of gaza with daily outages.

Of course they were not happy, but that's true also for Egypt, Lyberia, Niger and any other place with a less developed economy. It's not Israel's job to provide them with every thing they want (although the power that does flow there is in fact provided by Israel). They got their demands politically, and since been focused on nothing but violence.

part of their power is provided by israel, and the fuel needed but obviously not attainable due to the blockage israel imposes caused their power plant to shut down 3 days ago.

don't mistake this for anything more than it is, this is inequality. segregation is never acceptable.

this is inequality. segregation is never acceptable.

It's segregation the same way as the US segregates Mexican people. It's Economic inequality is common across borders. If it wasn't then each one would have been in the exact same state.

The only way this would be the same is if the US controlled all incoming aid and resources coming into Mexico, and had a huge embargo on the majority of it, and have huge checkpoints that they would have to cross with registration cards that they have to approve and supply, which they could deny at anytime anyways

You seem to confuse Hamas controlled Gaza and the West Bank.

The IDF online front in full effect lol

Exactly, because if someone holds an opinion you don't agree with he must be paid to do so.

and prisons feed inmates every single day.

They are not prisoners, they just can't enter Israel without going through a checkpoint.

i understand. but simply giving them supplies doesn't show the Israeli gov. is actually interested in their well being. (I say gov. because I don't like when people attribute U.S. policies to actual Americans, so it's only fair to do the same with Israel)

The decision to treat them was up to the doctor. It seems from your statement that there are doctors who do treat them. My guide was unable to find one of those doctors. That's all I think I can really tell you.

Don't take my word, google it. I don't know anything about the specific case, maybe the doctor had good reasons, maybe he had very bad ones. But it's impossible to make a rule from just one anecdote.

Multiple doctors, he took the son to multiple doctors. But I understand that the issue may have been regional as well. I recall that people were incredibly different in different cities in Israel. Some were welcoming, some were less.

"I recall that people were incredibly different in different cities in Israel. Some were welcoming, some were less."

Sound like a lot of places and who really knows the reason. I also saw Palestinians from Gaza coming into Israel, at the Erez Crossing, for medical treatment. Some came for extended hospital stays.

They wouldn't be treated they would be executed.

Arab durka durka squad is fighting your logic with internet arrows.

I had a similar experience in Israel/Palestine. I was finishing my last year of education at a religious university, one whose fealty to Israel was undying. Fortunately, there were, at the time, a number of intelligent professors who encouraged cognitive dissonance. Anyways, one such professor led a trip to the middle east, where the majority of time was spent in a hotel in the west bank. The difference from one side of the wall to the other was striking.

Your anecdote about the girl and her grenade launcher brought back a "funny memory." We were at the Golan heights for half a day. I saw a young girl reaching up and adjusting her scrunchy. When she turned around, I could see that she had a huge assault rifle strapped to her back that was nearly as tall as she was. So strange, I took a photo.

Last anecdote. While we were in the west bank, I went walking around (this was back in 2010 I believe) with a couple of friends. We stumbled upon a dilapidated, shot up apartment block sitting next to a graffiti laden portion of the wall. Perhaps you've seen it - its most prominent piece is a likeness of the statue of liberty, though lady liberty has been replaced by a skeleton.

As we were examining the wall, taking pictures, and talking to some local boys (who showed us their makeshift ladder for taking (dangerous) peeks over the wall - they'd jammed pieces of thick wooden dowel in the cavities between cement slabs of which the wall is composed), a woman yelled down to us from one of the apartments, which we'd assumed were abandoned. Long story short, she had us in for tea, and through broken English, we learned about her story.

Same old, sad things. What stuck with me was the hospitality there, of which I saw little of back over on the other side of the wall. This woman, who's living in a shit hole, broken ass, shell of an apartment, whose possessions amount to little, was offering us westerners tea.

Anyways, I saw an image of that same spot, with the same graffiti, in Nat Geo a few years later. The apartments were gone and so was the makeshift ladder.

The world can be a very sad place.

This image is going to stick with me. Thanks for writing

For sure, thanks for reading.

do you mind showing us the pic of the girl? i am curious to see the picture

Sure, I'll try and dig up some pics tomorrow.

3 months ago

the pic, man! make with the goods

Yes..and we wouldn't know about this without you telling the world. Thank you.

this brought a tear to my eye, thank you for sharing

Most definitely, glad to.

To be honest I find the whole anecdote about the girl with the assault rifle to not be that shocking or astounding. In Israel you can carry more or less any weapon you so choose provided it's not loaded, and I basically completely agree with this type of gun control (IE very little.) It's the stigma around guns which leads to their use in so many murders in my opinion. They are, after all, just tools, exactly like a knife or a spade, both of which can and are used in a lot of murders.

I mean, look up some statistics and you'll find that Israel has much fewer uses of guns in crime per year than America, and also that more guns are used to prevent crimes such as rapes, muggings, and robberies over there.

To clarify, I do not condone any actions of the Israeli state, nor would I dare to suggest I know anything about the topic in truth.

I would like to note that military service is mandatory for Israelis that graduate high school. So the girls with assault rifles are in the military and have cause to be carrying it around. Even while off-duty, they're accountable for their guns. It's different from the US.

Very insightful comment. People up a few comments are acting as though Israel spawns monsters who carry guns in order to murder any Palestinians they see, and that is just not true I'm afraid.

Why do you think it is strange for a soldier to be carrying an assault rifle?

when I hear of people's experience of the middle east and I came across this incident. I am reminded of how Israeli's feel about us and what they have done to our country. http://wikispooks.com/wiki/9/11:Israel_did_it#Gomel_Chesed_Cemetery_Incident

I think every American history teacher should be forced to walk around in Jerusalem, then go through the wall to Bethlehem and walk around in Palestine before teaching students that colonialism is something that "used to" happen.

Thank you.

Where's Michael Moore when he's needed?

Burger King.


October 18, 2012 Israeli Government Consciously Planned to Keep Palestinians "on a Diet", Controlling Their Food Supply, Damning Document Reveals

Israeli military forced to reveal that Israel calculated the amount of calories Palestinians would need to avoid malnutrition.

An Israeli human rights organization, Gisha, sued in Israeli courts to force the release of a planning document for ‘putting the Palestinians on a diet’ without risking the bad press of mass starvation, and the courts concurred. The document, produced by the Israeli army, appears to be a calculation of how to make sure, despite the Israeli blockade, that Palestinians got an average of 2279 calories a day, the basic need. But by planning on limiting the calories in that way, the Israeli military was actually plotting to keep Palestinians in Gaza (half of them children) permanently on the brink of malnutrition, what health professionals call “food insecurity”. And, it was foreseeable that sometimes they would slip into malnutrition, since not as many trucks were always let in every day as the Israeli army recommended (106 were recommended, but it was often less in the period 2007-2010).


How do they justify this to themselves?

Just like the other two major "holy books", scripture tells them they are the chosen people, above all others on the planet. Thus, they are allowed to make decisions for others that they would never make for themselves.

This is the central flaw in religion; that while it preaches peace to all mankind, it allows the mindsick to twist faith into a weapon of class warfare.

It is so in Judaism.
It is so in Islam.
It is so in Christianity.

not really :P

Nice verbose rebuttal explaining your stance. You outlined quite well why I'm wrong. You should take up a career in writing, get yourself an editor.

well. i didnt want to create huge argument over this, but i just want to say that in all my years of studying islam, ive never encountered anything that inferred or said that Muslims are the "chosen ones" or whatever, so there you go :P. Islam tells people treat everyone equally and encourages respect of people with different beliefs. :)

But there are aspects of fundamentalist Islam that feels adherence to Sharia is passed down by divine right. And they seek to enforce that law regardless of other considerations within their claimed territories.

You can nitpick the details all you want. But that won't invalidate my point.

i don't think you understand sharia law to begin with, sharia law is actually a great thing when you actually understand it and how it works. all Americans know about sharia law is what the news feeds them and whatnot. :/ you don't have to be so hostile :P. Its too hard for me to explain to you how Islam works so whatever, believe whatever you want.

they hate arabs, pretty easy to justify to themselves.

"Chosen people" ideology.

Religion is so bad

Well, they're giving food to people who are starving (and 2279 calories isn't exactly meager rations). The United States doesn't guarantee anything like this to its own citizens.

Just, you know... for comparison

They are starving as a result of systematic barriers put up by the Israeli gov. They are "solving" an issue that is caused by a system that is enforced by the government.

Just, you know... another way of looking at it.

This is true only of Gaza, and not the West Bank (where the majority of Palestinians live). But Israel never had any intention of maintaining control over Gaza. They ceded that territory (along with the rest of the Sinai Peninsula) back to Egypt in 1967. Egypt never accepted the territory, so Gaza is essentially unclaimed territory. It's not self-sufficient agriculturally and lacks even sufficient clean drinking water for its inhabitants. It's unsustainable. If it was its own sovereign nation, nothing would change or improve (except that Israel would no longer be pressured to feed the inhabitants of Gaza).

Yes, Israel put up barriers along its border with Gaza. I don't understand why it wouldn't have a right to do so. Gaza has essentially no farmland and can't feed its citizens. Why are you blaming Israel for that?

Gaza borders with Egypt aswell, supplying the 'minimal' (over 2200 calories a Day sounds fine to me but i'm no expert) by Israel ensures there is enough food so there's no violation of the international law during the blockade. just as the UN declared in its investigation after the Marmara thingie. This article is highly misleading but since I'm on my phone I can't do much more than I just said, I might come back to it later if there's a need.

On a personal note I think there needs to be a differentiation between Gaza and the West Bank by both the international community and Israel, and although there is no blockade in the West Bank I think our government should ease the life of the people there a little more than it currently does. About Gaza? Hell no, when Gaza will be as quite as the West Bank is, things will get better for them aswell.

Lol. U zionist piece of shit probably couldnt survive on a 5000 calorie diet.

Seeing your comment downvoted with only one reply, which tells nothing, insults you, but is upvoted —this is what explains /r/conspiracy pretty good.

Writing this just so you don't feel like you've wasted your time on writing this.

Only radically anti Israeli activists interpret that paper in the way you say. The document was desperately trying to find a way to guarantee that there be a basic minimum food allowance for all Palestinians.

The extremists have set up a situation where they won't send food unless the Israelis don't search for weapons and missile parts. It is the anti Israel lobby that wants to see mass hunger in the West Bank so they can use it against Israel. Israel is desperate to make sure this doesn't happen. Not because they are noble, but because they don't want the blame.

As Saeed Bannoura of the International Middle East Media Center reports, the Israeli government imposed a deliberate policy:

“in which the dietary needs for the population of Gaza are chillingly calculated, and the amounts of food let in by the Israeli government measured to remain just enough to keep the population alive at a near-starvation level. This documents the statement made by a number of Israeli officials that they are ‘putting the people of Gaza on a diet’.” (Saeed Bannoura, ‘Israeli government documents show deliberate policy to keep Gazans at near-starvation levels’, International Middle East Media Center, November 6, 2010 21:32)

And I am pointing out that these claims are anti Israeli "spin". It is the Islamic states that have kept the Palestinians locked in camps, in order to create a club to beat Israel with. Israel has repeatedly announced it will allow unlimited food shipments to the Palestinians as long as they can inspect the shipments to remove weapons and missile parts. Don't you find it interesting that "global" charities are not interested in sending food if they can't slip weapons in the shipments?

More like your spin is pro-Israeli propaganda. For instance, that flotilla from Egypt was boarded and had activists executed on board when they were carrying food through the blockade, not weapons.

What your saying is what the Israeli government was saying about the "diet" before they were forced to release the papers. Those papers prove that this is about food insecurity, not weapons.

Every honest soul on earth saw the flotilla for the propaganda stunt it was. The fact that you try and present it as a delivery of food is certain proof of just how biased your views are.

Through this period, Israel has repeated offered free access to any charity that wants to send food or medicine. All it asks is the right to screen it free of weapons and missile parts.

Are you really so far gone in your hatred of Israel that you can't admit that simple fact?

There were no weapons and only food on that flotilla. Activists were executed onboard for trying to bring in food. Period.

Let me say this once more to get it through your thick head. The Israeli government says that they monitor and limit food entering Gaza because of the possibility of weapons being shipped with the food. An Israeli activist group sued the government to declassify that report and it stated that the actual reason was to create "food insecurity" for Palestinians.

If you can't see that the Isaeli's are trying to wipe out the Palestinians as a people I don't know what to tell you. It's as clear as day.

All Israel asked of the flotilla was that it allow the shipments to be inspected, and they would grant passage to all the food the "charities" wanted to send. The flotilla refused. The charities refuse. Every honest soul in the world knows that Israel would be delighted if the world charities would send in the required food and medicine. One less headache for Israel. They just want to screen out weapons and missile parts.

You do acknowledge all the missiles being fired at Israel from Gaza, right? You do admit the thousands and thousands of missiles that rained down out of Hezbollah in 2008? Are you seriously saying that Israel should just roll over and take it?

Holy crap.

Thank you thank you thank you for typing this. As an Arab, i WRITHE in heart ache whenever i see anyone defend Isreal. its not because "oh, im muslim and theyre jews", its because Isreal is CLEARLY, quiet literally, destroying Palestine. My parents had an international satellite since i was 4, and i would be watching recordings of the war-crimes and BLATANT injustice done to a race, simply because of their ethnicity. Meanwhile, i hear people spew shit like how they "deserve" their own country and how those pesky Palestinians should stop being racist and let them.

You didnt get to witness the bulldozing of peoples homes with the familys still inside, as they scramble out with whatever they managed to grab. But you did witness the stiff-arming and profiling done just because theyre arab.

Now that youve witnessed this in person, do you understand when someone says they hate Isreal? specifically middle eastern countries? Its not about religion, its about human rights (though obviously racism/tribalism does creep in, as it would in any situation). The Palestinians would have had no problem integrating and living with an influx of jews who wished to leave in their holy land, but you better damn well believe theyll have a rpoblem when they start erecting walls and annexing more palestinian land without compensation.

Kinda makes you wonder, if you were living in Palestine and saw a forign military force ousting you and your neighbors from their home, would you take up arms against said nation? i wonder if thats happened...hmm..

Tbh, I don't mind Israel's existence in the middle-east as long as they don't play the innocent victim. They have transgressed many human rights that we don't hear of today, but of/c when Hamas acts up, it's all over the news. The U.S. should threaten to stop aiding Israel if they don't cut the shit.

edit: To those who argue that Israel's harsh domestic policy towards the Arabs is necessary: false, only thing that creates terrorists are aggressors. Remember when the Arabs controlled Jerusalem? Jews and Muslims actually got along. Sadly, it's not.

I don't mind Israel's existence in the middle-east as long as they don't play the innocent victim


Remember when the Arabs controlled Jerusalem? Jews and Muslims actually got along. Sadly, it's not.

and this. Not because Arabs are better than Jews at running nations or anything, but because of the mindset of Isreals leaders and their puppet masters. The only reason that plot of land was chosen is because it says so in the Torah, meanwhile if the Muslims ever try to use their book for justification, its called barbaric and shouldnt be implemented.

Youre on point. It drives me nuts when i hear someone actually defend israels actions because i know they dont know shit about the situation.

Its just as you said, its not because Isreal exists or is a jewish state, its simply a matter of Israel being a violent, imperious bully. The kind of way Israel treats arabs is the same as the germans treated the jews. its simply wrong, and (while im never an advocator for violence unless an imminent threat is on the way..) if you continue this behavior for now, 2 generations? thats alot of built up hate. Children are being born and grow up with this idea of Palestinians and arabs being "lesser" and Isrealis and jews are violent oppressors who will gut you if given the chance. It simply brews more problems, and unless one plans to exterminate an entire race, gunpower and explosives will make the situation much worse.

Unfortunately, i dont see an out for this conflict. Isreal thinks it should be there, just because, Palestinians think the opposite. Budging even slightly is losing

because it says so in the Torah

You know Israel existed there ages ago, historically speaking, right?

Israel treats arabs is the same as the germans treated the jews

seriously? You actually compare gassing millions of people to death is the same as giving arabs citizenship and representation in parliament?

You know Israel existed there ages ago, historically speaking, right?

You know that it was conquered and overtaken ages ago, historically speaking right? Ive already had this conversation before, spare me.

seriously? You actually compare gassing millions of people to death is the same as giving arabs citizenship and representation in parliament?

  1. there was more to WW2 than nazis gassing people, alot of other things happpened believe it or not. if the gas chambers is the only incident you can pull info from, you should do some research before responding to comments about the topic.
  2. I never compared it to nazis gassing people
  3. What i did compare is the treatment of the people.
  4. its not even about representation in parliament and neither my comment nor the one i responded to even mentioned representation. are you even reading?

You said:

The only reason that plot of land was chosen is because it says so in the Torah

You were wrong. don't try to change the subject.

there was more to WWII than nazis gassing people

Yes, there's much more, but gassing people is pretty much a signature move in the treatment of jews by germans. there were also mass graves and experiments too, all things that Israel would never do.

There were cases of nazis helping jews but i wouldn't define that as the "The nazis' treatment of jews". It was mostly the enslaving, abusing and killing...

p.s. If you're bringing up nazis and arabs you should remember they had quite a relationship back then.

You were wrong.

no im not. making brazen statements about a book that could easily be cited is not a smart move on your part.

Come on man, dont be stupid

don't try to change the subject.

coming from the guy who wants to talk about arab-nazi relations?

Yes, there's much more

great! then using your basic cognitive abilities one could deduce i was referring to the other things and not the gas chambers which obviously is NOT happening.

Yet you felt the need to bring it up. tell me again about me changing subjects?

go away gnat.

you're bringing up nazis and arabs you should remember they had quite a relationship back then.

no because im talking about Isreal and Palistine. Not Germany.

Changing subjects again i see?

I really can't tell if that's poe's law or not. It seems as though you don't get how a logic argument works.

making brazen statements about a book

I said nothing of any book. You said the only reason is because of what's written in a book. That's simply wrong, there are many reasons with or without the bible. simple.

one could deduce i was referring to the other things

The nazis also banned smoking in public places.. were you referring to that too? because there are many countries who do that, why pick on the nazis? When you throw around a comparison to nazi germany there's a reason... and you know it.

no because im talking about Isreal and Palistine. Not Germany.

I wasn't the one who brought up germany. You did.

The nazis also banned smoking in public places.. were you referring to that too

They also built volkswagons, GASP!! and had blonde hair! GASP!!!

youre just being stupidly coy at this point. go back to /r/Askreddit, youre much better at asking others. Good day

"The kind of way Israel treats arabs is the same as the germans treated the jews."

There are a few differences. Last I checked there were significantly fewer Jews in the world today than in 1939. Also last I checked there were significantly more Palestinians in Israel and elsewhere than there were in 1948. If we want to talk about comparisons with the Nazis, we also need to remember that it was the leader of Palestine's Arabs that spent the war in Germany meeting with Hitler and Himmler and helping to raise an SS unit. HINT---it is far better for Palestinians to avoid any phoney Nazi comparisons. Especially if you want to be taken seriously by more than the looneys on the fringe.

If you are going to sit here and nit pick every difference between the two, youre going to find hundreds if not thousands of differences, as one would in ANY comparison.

t is far better for Palestinians to avoid any phoney Nazi comparisons. Especially if you want to be taken seriously by more than the looneys on the fringe.

ive been hearing "avoid nazi comparisons" more and more often. No, i will make nazi comparisons if the comparison exists. There is nothing "loony" about comparing an event to Nazi Germany, despite you saying so.

Im not here to talk about nazis and Palestinian history. My comment was about the Palistinian-Israeli problem, if that 1 sentence was all you took my comment, i have nothing more to say to you

"I'm not here to talk about nazis and Palestinian history." I don't blame you for wanting to avoid the subject.

"My comment was about the Palistinian-Israeli problem..." So let's look forward. What what would be an acceptable solution, or at least one you could live with?

I don't blame you for wanting to avoid the subject.

Believe it or not, the subject isnt about nazis. If you actually bothered, i dunno reading my original comment and the one it responded to thats blatantly clear.

So let's look forward. What what would be an acceptable solution, or at least one you could live with?

This is how i know youre not even bothering to read my comments (or maybe you simply cant comprehend them), as i already addressed this in my first post.

Go back to /r/pocketwatch. youd be more constructive there

"Go back to /r/pocketwatch. youd be more constructive there...

Well Fred, you really hurt my feelings. I'd suggest that you join a forum where you could really fit in...Stormfront and David Duke come to mind. Peace, brother.

Stormfront and David Duke come to mind

yeah, label me a racist neo-nazi. Thats what most people fall back on.

Peace, brother

theres none from your end, thats for sure. make sure you circle jerk with your pocket watch bros. Good day

Tbh, I don't mind Israel's existence in the middle-east as long as they don't play the innocent victim.

This is how I feel but the constant bullshit that Israel is the sole victim is incredibly infuriating as the world takes a back seat to the stuff that is happening. And there's a good reason why Israel is such a hot topic in conspiracy circles. I realise there is genuine anti-Semitism but most of it centres around a theme that is seen in other conspiracy theories. There is silence around the topic and a really odd knack of media and politicians completely ignoring issues while giving Israel a free pass.

That's why it's such a huge topic. It's so blatant, yet it's largely ignored and untouched and there is a really sinister silence on the topic and accusations of anti-Semitism for those that choose to speak about it. I don't think it's all one sided but the Palestinians are being systematically plundered for the land they live on year upon year while claims of a peace deal keep getting trotted out. To me it seems as if the peace deal is never intended to be accepted and it just gives more time to make the land the Palestinians live on smaller and smaller.

If the current course continues, then it won't be that much longer until all the land is gone and the people are cast out as refugees. All of this is based on a fictional book written thousands or years a go taken as fact by some extremists that claim they are chosen by god.

Answer is simple, zionists control the media.

I think that has an element of truth to it and it's a lot more simple than people seem to think it is. A lot of media is Jewish owned, why would they start printing bad things about Israel? It really is as simple as that and it's why in combination with the huge lobbying on capital hill Israel is so effective at getting things they want.

Historically inaccurate. When the Jordanians ruled Jerusalem between 1948 to 1967 there were many terrorist attacks in Jerusalem done both by the PLA and the Jordanian/Palestinian Fedeyeen.

And when did Israel first occupy Palestine? exactly.

There were others before 48, and throughout history.

There were also terror attacks before Israel was founded. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Palestine_riots (a very interesting article, read it through) What is Palestine? Exactly. There was never Palestinian sovereignty or even a nation until Israel came along, up until then, they saw themselves as pan-Arabs. But Most Arab nations who joined the war wanted to take the territory for themselves.

don't you know how Palestinians were ripped by England in the Mandate?

edit: sykes-picot/Balfour after WWI

Nationbuilders frequently engage in campaigns of destabilization to make it easier to seize what it is that they want.

See: American foreign policy in regards to the Middle East, South America, "Southeast" Asia.

"Remember when the Arabs controlled Jerusalem? Jews and Muslims actually got along. Sadly, it's not."

I am surprised to read what your wrote. When the Arabs controlled the Old City and Eastern part of Jerusalem from 1948-67, the Jewish Quarter was destroyed and Jews were not allowed access to the Western Wall or any part of the old city. Jerusalem, as you know well, was divided by a ceasfire line and barbed wire. It was only after 1967 that the Jewish Quarter was rebuilt.

The U.S. should threaten to stop aiding Israel if they don't cut the shit.

Unfortunately, this will never happen. It is well documented that in order for an American to join the political class at any level of influence, they must tithe properly to centrally owned Media conglomerates, some of the most influential of which are run and operated by pro-Israel Zionists. The only place politicians can get that level of continuous money is from special interest groups, some of the most generous of which are comprised of pro-Israel Zionists.

When politicians take this money, it is understood that they will toe the line with pro-Israel Zionists on issues of import. In exchange, part of the money that the politician secures for pro-Zionist Israel finds it's way back to their campaign chests, and enriches the shell organizations that these politicians have set up for this (among other) purpose.

Therefore, any American politician that takes a hardline stance against the actions of pro-Israel Zionists will find (at the very least) that their campaign contributions have dried up. Without that money, they cannot participate in the discussions the influential pro-Zionist media is having in the election cycle, and the politician's campaign fails outright.

This ensures that a certain agenda is not only always in play, but always protected and self-policing.

Pro-Zionist Israel is marginalizing the American voice as well as the Palestinian. The methods are different, the result is the same. More for pro-Zionist Israel, less for everyone else.

EDIT: Ask Helen Thomas, she'll tell you.

"Remember when the Arabs controlled Jerusalem? Jews and Muslims actually got along." Are you being serious or circle jerking? You have no idea WTF you are talking about.

I want to ask you, why are we paying tax money in the U.S. so that they can aid Israel with a few billion dollars, when all they do with that money is pay people like you to spread hasbara?

edit: in case you don't know, during the Arabs' reign of Jerusalem before the Crusade, the Arabs and Jews actually got along. Why don't you pick up a real text-book, and not one tainted by zionist authors who love the lie.

I have not been paid by anyone to spread what you refer to as "hasbara." My reference to Arab control of Jerusalem refers to the time period when Jerusalem was controlled by Jordan, prior to the 1967 war. So you assumed I was taking about the Arab's reign of Jerusalem before the Crusades when I was talking about Jordan. You should communicate with me before making erroneous assumptions.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm jewish and I had to start reading up on my own after I met some young Israelis that were straight up douchebags. Everyone I met from Israel was brainwashed.

Have you seen the film "Defamation"? Its sickening how they teach young Jews that goyim are out to kill them, they take the school kids to Auschwitz to solidify this fear in them, the irony is that indoctrination and fear mongering is what the Nazis did to the German population to make them hate Jews, sad situation in indeed.

That's why there is a difference between Jews and zionists! I'm not antisemetic at all, some of the best people I know are Jewish. On the other hand i am very against Zionism.

"I had to start reading up on my own...Everyone I met from Israel was brainwashed."

What did you read? What exactly were those you met brainwashed about?

What makes me more sad though is when I meet people who have lived their whole lives in the us and have multiple ways to get their own information, yet still let themselves be brainwashed by Israel...

I'm really happy to hear you decided to do your own research!

doesnt matter to me what you are. Myself (muslim), a christian and a jew, all friends, stormed barricades in DC and bull horned gestapo police together during the shutdown.

It comes down to as you indirectly said, its about knowing the truth and being for justice, and liberty, everything else is just noise. Im glad you had an awakening, sorry you had to meet nasty people for it to happen though. Theres a small movement of jews against Zionism in Isreal, but they are no doubt kept under the thumb of TPTB

Everyone I met from Israel was brainwashed

remember that jewish friend i mentioned just now? her and her familey were even given the opportunity to move there to a subsidized house for cheap. Luckily, they were not fans of the country because they know of the blatant occupancy of the land and the stiff-arm tactics that are used

"The Palestinians would have had no problem integrating and living with an influx of jews who wished to leave in their holy land..."

I think former Palestinian leader Haj Amin al-Husseini was talking rather differently when he met with Hitler and spent much of WWII in Germany. We know what he wanted in 1948. Same for the the PLO's leader in the Spring of 1967, who in the leadup to what he expected to be an Arab victory, said he thought no Jews would survive in Palestine after it was liberated. His name was Ahmed Shukiari. Even the current PA President said in 2011 that "not a single" Israeli would be allowed to live in a future Palestinian state.

Until necessity forced a change in rhetoric and tactics, the Palestinians were dead set against any significant Jewish presence anywhere in what was madatory Palestine. But maybe times change.

another comment about Nazis, and half truths? who are you trying to bait here, because it certainly isnt going to work on me.

Bro. go away.

"another comment about Nazis, and half truths? who are you trying to bait here, because it certainly isnt going to work on me.

Bro. go away."

Fred, I think you need to become a bit less emotional and more logical. Is any of what I stated not true? Didn't the Mufti ally himself with the Nazis during WWII? Weren't almost all Palestinians, then and for decades after, opposed to Jews coming to Palestine/Israel? If I am factually wrong, Fred, please point it out.

return to /r/pocketwatch, that subject is more down your ally

"....return to /r/pocketwatch, that subject is more down your ally."

Fred, tell ya what. I will got to the pocketwatch forum if you to back to the Stromfront site. You really will find a home there, and lots of people who will eat up your rants.

yeah, because i dont want to talk about Nazis with you and your failed attempt at derailing the subject, better label me a neo-nazi so you feel better!

Youve shown your true colors for everyone to see. take a hint and Good day.

Israel is having an influx of african refugees, ethiopians, somalia's etc

It's already causing them major problems

Karma's a bitch eh?

You know what, dude? You blew your chances of peace.

  • Israel accepted a very small state in 1948. Five Arab countries attacked Israel and denied the partition. The Arabs lost. Jordan took the West Bank.

  • Egypt and several Arab armies lost the six-day war to Israel. Egypt had prior to the start of the war blocked the Straits of Tiran and moved forced through Sinai, clearly violating the peace agreement from 1948.

  • Syria attacked Israel on the holiest of Jewish holidays in 1973. Israel was unprepared, but won - again.

  • Israel withdrew from Sinai and forcibly uprooted Jewish villages to make peace with Egypt.

  • Israel signed and implemented the Oslo Accords. Palestinian school children still have maps without Israel on them and still see the pink rabbit on TV that teaches them that Jews are rats.

  • Israel unilaterally withdrew from the Gaza Strip, leaving in to Egypt to open their border to their Palestinian brothers. Egypt didn't do this. More than 10,000 rockets have been fired from Gaza at Israeli civilians.

  • Palestinians enjoy some of the highest living standards among Arabs. Including those in Gaza.

But you know what? You fuck it up. Yourselves. No Arab country works. Until you realize this, you'll never get good lives. I hope a peace deal is signed and that Israel completely closes her borders to the new state (this is obviously any state's right). Let's see if Palestine becomes a rich country overnight.

I don't think so. But as long as Israelis can't get a peace deal, you'll have Israel to blame for everything that Arabs fuck up themselves.

As an Arab, i WRITHE in heart ache

Do you also writhe in heartache over Morocco's occupation of Western Sahara?

Do you writhe in heartache over the way Palestinians are treated by their Arab brothers in the refugee camps they have been forced to live in for decades?

maybe, but as you can see, im specifically referring to 1 incident. want to talk about Palistinian relations in the Arab world, then make your own thread about it.

if you want to start listing off world events to see my opinion on each one individually, be my guest. dont expect a response because what you suggest is ridicules. i certainly dont need to prove anything to you.


Then you'd be a rare exception. Most Arabs or Muslims I have spoken to aren't even aware of these things.

Non-Muslims oppress Muslims? Genocide! Holocaust!

Muslims oppress Muslims? Denial. "I don't know enough about this to talk about it". Or the aggressors are simply claimed to be non-Muslims (see: Syria, Iraq) and the aggression is blamed on THE WEST.

youre still not on the same subject

So, what is your opinion on the occupation of Western Sahara, the Palestinian refugee camps? I might add Indonesia's genocide of Western Papua's indigenous population.

Do you have an opinion?

This is the only topic you seem like youd want to talk about on reddit. Im not playing your game, get the hint? Make a topic on the subject, and if i see it, ill respond and youll have my opinion. Until then, youre better off baiting people dumber than you

Of course you don't care about that. It's really convenient the way your heart wreathes.

Gonna go write my congressman to send israel more bombs. I'll ask some ammo troops over there if they'll write your name on a few.

I have tried to keep a civil tongue and open mind with the comments here, but I would like to let you know that you aren't even making an argument. That was rather insensitive of you.

Was there a "how 2 troll" book from Fisher-Price that was published recently? lots of children these days think they know how to troll flooding the internet

Wait... you want arabs to treat palestinians like humans too? but but, Israel.

Mohammed, you're so full of shit I'd swear I just wrote that. The slightly more civilized Arabs that can communicate are getting a hard on from this antiIsrael nonsense.

It's not about human rights, that is hilarious.

You say you hate an entire nation, an entire people, then complain about profiling. Maybe if your cousins weren't straping bombs to women and stupid kids things would be different.

Would you like lessons on how to troll? for 9.95 every two weeks, i can teach you.

I have to ask. The rampant poverty in Palestine is not limited to Palestine. Human rights violations are not limited to Palestine in the Arabic world. Why do you think the Arab Spring as had so much success? The same issues in Palestine of poverty, human rights violations, limited freedoms are present in almost every Arabic country. Is Israel to blame for those conditions as well?

No, but Israel doesn't claim ownership of the rest of the Middle East. They don't actively control the rest with their military. They don't put up fences throughout and limit mobility of the rest of the muslim world. They don't kick Egyptians out of their houses so they can erect settlements.

Israel either needs to take responsibility for those areas, or relinquish their claims. Palestine needs to either be independent (in which case you might actually have a point), or be a true part of Israel. The current status simply doesn't fly.

what the fuck?

Apparently, i cant feel bad about a specific issue on r/rconspiracy because i get bombarded withstupid people waving around incidents saying "oh yeah? what about THIS? you didnt say you feel bad about this!".

The rampant poverty in Palestine is not limited to Palestine

im not referring to poverty, but yes poverty is everywhere in the world.

Human rights violations are not limited to Palestine in the Arabic world

Correct, i never stated otherwise

The same issues in Palestine of poverty, human rights violations, limited freedoms are present in almost every Arabic country

Cool story bro, what does this have to do with the Palestinian Israel conflict? nothing? oh ok.

Is Israel to blame for those conditions as well?

Read my post again. Im talking strictly about Palistine and Isreal. I have never insinuated Isreal is the root of all problems this world ever has and ever will experience. Why you are phrasing your questions as if i did is beyond me.

Israel. Palestine.
Stay focused kids.

Yeah, "look over there at THOSE bad things" arab michael moore says.

"THOSE things support my cause, and are convienient especially since white american OP already expressed sympathy!"

cool story bro, but contrary to you and the people you associate with in your life, i dont speak out against injustices if they "support my cause". I do it because theyre, you know, bad and unjust. Crazy right?

perhaps you need a better set of friends to pull you up? ill pray for you.

Yes, Israel is to blame.

Israel was the reason U.S invested so much in the Egyptian army, Egypt had its elected president, and if things went well there, most of the other countries will follow Egypt lead. but U.S didn't want that, because Any democracy in the middle east will be against Israel and US doesn't want that.

The US invests in Egypt and Saudi Arabia for power and influence. That's also why they invest in Israel. You have it the other way around.

Who said that Israel was to blame for the conditions of foreign countries?

Israel bears most responsibility for the situation of the Palestinians just as Hosni Mubarak was mostly to blame for the situation of the Egyptians. There isn't some third party here that completely made both situations, unless you want to take the "blame America" route without holding a single American puppet state responsible for its own actions.

Every history teacher should be made to walk from Israel into the Palestinian slums ... but you know most of them would not be changed by it. The power of the human mind to turn away from truths it does not want to recognize is astonishing. The Israelis depend on it to keep Americans brainwashed about the real nature of Israel.


A Belgian guy made a documentary about the colonies. He went to both sides and did interviews on both sides, showing their view on the conflict.

He put the trailer on youtube, two days later it got removed 'because its content violated YouTube's Terms of Service.'


Here is the site of the documentary with the trailer.

what about every politician that is paid off by israel?

Most don't need to be paid off. You don't go gunning for a strong lobby to oppose you when you're a politician; that's bad politics. It's like being anti-(pick a business). Why would you do that? It makes you an enemy and most people don't care either way. One strong enemy is more detrimental than two strong friends are helpful.

"Every history teacher should be made to walk from Israel into the Palestinian slums..."

How about first making sure every history teacher is made to actually study some history?

I am grateful for this response. Thank you. I'll show it to my grandmother, who has traveled to Jerusalem, and ask her of her experience and if things have changed in 20 years.

What was her response?

I traveled to Palestine and Israel two years ago. I went with a class and we spent 10 days there. Your story is spot on. We traveled to Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Hebron and several other places. It was intense.

We came into the West Bank through the Allenby/King Hussein Bridge through Jordan b/c we had a member of the group who was half Palestinian so we couldn't fly into Tel Aviv. At the checkpoint, we got in late and ended up staying there for several hours b/c the Israeli military who were at the checkpoint interogated (yelled and verbally abused) the member of our group who was half Palestinian, along with another woman who was Indian. We were the last group to be able to leave the check point, while we waited for our two members to be released, we sat outside of the bus and as a scare tactic, the Israeli military members (who were all extremely young looking and carrying automatic weapons) blasted music from one of their Jeeps.

We finally we able to leave. From there we traveled to Bethlehem where we saw the Church of the Nativity (where Jesus is said to have been born) and saw the bullet holes from the Second Intifada and met Palestinian giftshop owners who have been blacklisted.

The Wall is an everpresent entity. It literally cuts through olive groves that used to sustain families and are now in a no man's land. And the ironic part about the Separation Barrier is that Israeli's claim it is for security purposes and yet we walked through areas where the wall hadn't been completed yet, walked though, with no one stopping us. No guards, no cameras, not even fences there. The wall isn't there for security, it is to separate. To cut off people from there homes and their land. And then to leave that land open to settlers. To build more settlements, which are illegal.

We saw segregated streets in Hebron. Where Israeli's are allowed to drive on one side of the road and Palestinians are allowed to walk on the other side. There was a group of young Israeli school children walking from one end of the street to the other being chaperoned by three armed men, who were their teachers. The doors to where Palestinian vendors used to set up shop were welded shut by the Israeli government to cut off commerce. In some parts of Hebron, Israeli settlers have literally pushed out Palestinian families from the second story of their houses and now occupy the second story, while the Palestinian family must now live only on the first floor. The settlers have taken to throwing trash and rocks, sometimes worse things like acid and human waste, onto any Palestinian who walks in the alleys, so there are now chicken wire and metal coverings in some of the alleys, to catch the larger things thrown. Hebron was the worst place we went too.

We were only there ten days and these stories are only a small fraction of what we saw and experienced. There were days where it was just too tiring to speak. Sometimes we just wondered what new horrors we would learn about. But I don't regret it. We also met some amazing people who risk their lives and freedom to give tours of the wall and places like Hebron, who just want to raise their family, or who travel across the wall and countless checkpoints to go to university. Sorry so long as well.

I have lived there for several years and what you have shared to all was spot on. Thank you.

Being an American citizen, I thought that when I was younger that heading from Jordan to Palestine would be a breeze.

They didn't care that I was American. They only cared that my parents were Palestinian. 12 hours later a hundreds of dollars poorer, I was sent back to Jordan without being able to step foot into Palestine.

I have a friend that told me that Palestinians are at the bottom of the totem pole in that part of the world. He said they are considered a lower class. Is it true, or is he full of shit?

Eh, a lot of countries consider them Palestinians a nuisance. Jordan is the biggest, since there are more Palestinians there than any other country. They are usually lower class since they came to the country without anything.

However, the idea of Palestinians is revered. Ita is a rallying cry to unite Arabs against a common foe. However, these countries also don't want to take these Palestinians in as it is a strain on their economy. So they will cheer and fight... But not much more than that.

I don't believe any of this shit. I think that banking interests are playing Israel/US against a contrived boogeyman (Palestine/Everything else). It's all bullshit, and we give US tax dollars in the BILLIONS so that Israel can purchase weapons from US war contractors.

I don't see how it can't be both of what we are saying. Yes, the money we give to Israel in aid is pretty much all spent back buying weapons from US companies.

But the view of Palestinians in other ME countries is neither here nor there. It is a separate issue.

Oh, sorry, I came off harsh there. I agree, a little bit of each.

Sweet Jesus!!! Someone apologized on the Internet.

"Being an American citizen, I thought that when I was younger that heading from Jordan to Palestine would be a breeze."

Sorry you didn't realize you were heading into a conflict area. Maybe one day there will be a peace agreement and it will be the breeze you expected.

I knew I was going into a conflict area. I just thought that my American Citizenship would allow me the freedom to pass through quickly. However, because I was obviously Arab that was not the case.

Thanks for yet another insightful comment from my favorite Egyptian redditor. Your comments during the fall of the Morsi regime were extraordinary and heart-wrenching. At one point we weren't sure you were going to make it!

I read your words to my wife and we cried. I checked your posting history all day and was so relieved when I saw you post again. You do a great job putting human faces on the crises of the Middle East. Shukrun!

American support of Israel has nothing to do with supporting the Jewish cause. It has nothing to do with supporting democracy in the Middle East. It has nothing to do with defeating terrorists.

I would say what it does have to do with, but every time I do say it on reddit I get downvoted. Maybe not on this sub. I've never posted anything here before.

Say it then. I'd like to hear it and given this sub's open mindedness regarding controversial subjects I doubt you'll be downvoted.

I'm not afraid of being downvoted, I just wanted to point out that people don't want to hear the truth, perhaps because it actually sounds pretty stupid.

I'm far from a conspiracy nut, but the reason that the U.S. gives two shits about Israel is because the Christians in this country have convinced our government to support Israel in order to to have the Mosque on the Temple Mount destroyed so that the Temple in Revelation prophecy can be rebuilt thus initiating the return of the Christ and the start of the Apocalypse. Christians in Congress and the White House of the 1950's were not difficult to be persuaded into this conspiracy. And today the public is constantly reminded that Israel is under constant attack and must be protected at all cost because "it's the right thing to do" when in fact it is religious extremism that is pushing the agenda.

After Jesus's triumphant return, the U.S. will not give a crap about Jews and Palestinians. That is the plan, anyhow.

I would agree that the Christian right uses it's political power to force Congress to support Israel. I remember being reminded in church that a government that turns its back on Israel will be doomed. I don't have enough information to make a declarative statement concerning the existence of an active conspiracy to rebuild the temple.

Thanks for the response.

Yeah. I remember hearing that in my Ex's church.

It was then followed with (only slightly paraphrasing,)

~"And this is a church, and I won't tell you how to vote, but the bible says that those who stand against Israel will not have a seat at the kingdom of heaven"~

One of the many reasons I rejected protestantism. It became infected with Zionism a long time ago and many hundreds of thousands of pastors are already on the governments payroll in order to guide their "flock" in certain directions that are government approved.

This crap is so prevalent that even some of my family members will repeat those mantras to me if I bring up the crimes of zionist Israel. It's hard to get past people's brainwashing.

I won't deprive you of your imaginary internet points for being wrong, but such ideological concerns always come second for Congress. It has a lot more to do with the fact that Israel is America's laboratory for testing out its weapons and tactics against insurgent Middle Eastern anticolonial movements. Most of what we've seen in Iraq and Afghanistan was first applied in Palestine. Israel is a blunt tool that America can wield for bashing in any Middle Eastern government or movement that would challenge its hegemony in the region. Saudi Arabia is the money, Israel is the proxy muscle.

Do you have any proof to back this claim?
From what I know the only thing the political elite and ruling elite want is power and control. Even the religious heads of the major religions don't believe in their own mythology of course in public they say they do but in reality they do not.
So, maybe religious Christian have campaigned to politicians to do as you have mentioned, and what the politicians have told them they will do so, but they are doing so for different reasons just to keep the Christians quiet and satisfied.
It is all about political control of people, thus resources, money and power.

I wouldn't discount this element but the defining factor is the ability of Israel lobbies in the US. If you look right back even to Desert Storm (1992), it was Jewish academics who setup the deal with Richard Perle etc and Ahmad Chalabi. These people have been a constant in US foreign policy for over two decades and they are still influencing it.

There needs to be a very clear and calm discussion about how much influence Israel has on US foreign policy because history tells us that recent US wars have been favourable for Israel and they wrote and recommended it happened but America ended up doing the dirty work and all that come with that.

I'd just like to add that this thread has been incredibly good to read and well mannered throughout. The usual mudslinging and accusations are pretty much none existent for such a hot topic.

Do you believe that Jesus was more than a man, and will return?

No. I don't even believe he ever was a man.

If it's safe to post that anywhere, it's r/conspiracy. :) I think that's a huge part of it, especially the beginnings of how we got there. But also having a military presence in a region that hasa large amount of oil and unstable governments a large Soviet presence (during the cold war) gives legitimacy to modern politicians who may not have whackadoo apocalypse beliefs. It's on of the few places with oil that isn't either under the West's or Russia's thumbs and the last region where American Military Might is contested.

Why don't you go ahead and just say it.
even if you get down voted, people who have never heard of or realised will also see it.

I did here.

Say no more. Only a few individuals realize who is really moving and shaking things.

say it! I'm curious

Here you go!

sniff but..sniff...mama I don't want to have the number next to my name go down because that means the invisible internet people ill never see or meet don't like my opinion.

My point was that the actual reason for American interest in Israel seems so ridiculous that it gets quickly downvoted, not that I'm afraid to say it.

I live in Germany, my history teacher used to tell me that Israel is not all good, and that people from both countries are responsible for all the nonsense that's going on. Also that the media is mostly too friendly towards Israel.

I respect your history teacher. Mine had always led me to believe that Palestine was completely in the wrong.

Because of my teacher, I was actually really surprised that so many people didn't know about Israel's role in that conflict when I saw this thread a few hours ago.

"I live in Germany, my history teacher used to tell me that Israel is not all good, and that people from both countries are responsible for all the nonsense that's going on. Also that the media is mostly too friendly towards Israel."

Did you ask your history teacher to give you an explanation of why he/she thought the media was too friendly towards Israel?

No, but he told us (and I think it was in our textbook as well) what Israel has done wrong and what Palestine has done wrong.

I don't remember much of what he said about the media, but I think German media still has a tendency to back off from criticizing Jews because of the holocaust. I do remember that shortly before we had that topic in school, a German author was accused of being antisemitic when he wrote a poem criticizing Israel.

"but I think German media still has a tendency to back off from criticizing Jews because of the holocaust."

Doesn't it depend on the nature of the criticism? Criticism, after all, can be constructive or destructive. One can criticize Israeli policies and support the need for compromise. That is constructive. Asserting, as some on this forum do, that Israel is doing "the same thing" to the Palestinians that the Germans did to the Jews" is not only false, it is malicious. It demeans those making the assertion and does nothing to help the Palestinians.

I'd like to pose some questions to you to ask yourself. Do you think the Jews have any right to a state at all, in any borders? What do you think would be a just settlement of the conflict? I have visited Germany a couple of times and was recently in Berlin. Do you think Germany's treatment of the Turks offers an example for Israel to follow? Making multiculturalism work is a challenge for any society. Do you think it is working in Germany today?

The author you mentioned was Gunther Grass, I believe. There are mixed opionions about him. I think Israel missed an intersting chance to invite him to come and disscuss/debate his views. I don't know if he is anti-semitic or not. My sense is that he, and many of his generation in Germany, have deeply mixed feelings about Jews. That is certainly true for many older Germans I have known personally. Have you ever talked about this with your parents or grandparents? Do you feel they would speak honestly to you about what they remember and how they feel about it?

Doesn't it depend on the nature of the criticism?

To some degree, I suppose. I think they there's still a slight bias towards not constructively criticizing, though.

that Israel is doing "the same thing" to the Palestinians that the Germans did to the Jews"

Certainly not what I think.

Do you think the Jews have any right to a state at all, in any borders?

I think that everyone should be allowed to live where they want to live. The most important question should be the legitimacy of the government, and I think choosing one democratically with (voluntary) votes from everyone living in the respective area is one of the best options we have for maximizing that.

What do you think would be a just settlement of the conflict?

I'm not sure such a thing is possible given the warmongering from some factions and their mutual hatred. If it is possible, I suppose the best option is to have two seperate recognized states, though I don't know what the borders should look like.

I have visited Germany a couple of times and was recently in Berlin. Do you think Germany's treatment of the Turks offers an example for Israel to follow? Making multiculturalism work is a challenge for any society. Do you think it is working in Germany today?

I would say it's mostly working in Germany, though there could definitely be improvements. But I think the German situation can't be directly applied to Israel and Palestine, because the initial conditions are quite different. Both feel like the Levant is where their people belongs historically and religiously. That's not the case with Germany.

Have you ever talked about this with your parents or grandparents? Do you feel they would speak honestly to you about what they remember and how they feel about it?

My parents, and I think my grandfather, share the views of most people I know, namely that antisemitism is horrible as is what happened during the 30s and 40s in Germany. I'm pretty sure that they are honest about it, as well. My grandmother probably doesn't really have a strong opinion about it, but she tends to remember her youth quite often. When she talks about it, she just says what happened, without being for or against it.

I appreciate your answers. You might want to have a look at the Clinton Parameters, issued in late 2000. They provide a very good outline of a settlement. Sadly, Mr. Arafat could not bring himself to accept them. Even today, the Palestinians could put the Netanyahu government on the defense by accepting them. Have a look at them:


"I would say it's mostly working in Germany, though there could definitely be improvements."

My impression, at least in Berlin, is that there is little integration. Turks and Germans live in largely separate worlds. The Turks do have access to many social services, but they are largely ignored. Have you ever talked with a Turk or other Muslim about how they feel?

"My grandmother probably doesn't really have a strong opinion about it, but she tends to remember her youth quite often. When she talks about it, she just says what happened, without being for or against it."

Ever wonder why she expresses no opinion for or against? Do you know in what units or branches of the armed forces you grandfather's served and where? It is only recently that older Germans were even willing to talk about this. When I first visited in the early 1970's and you could not even mention the terms Hitler and Nazis without things getting very tense. When I was in high school, we could go to Germany for a summer of study. Those thinking about it were told not to mention certain things. From many friends, I know that the generations born in the 1950's and 60's seldom were able to discuss this with their parents. Times have changed as the older generation is passing from the scene and the current adult generation has no direct experience or memory. Things are discussed much more openly now.

My impression, at least in Berlin, is that there is little integration. Turks and Germans live in largely separate worlds. The Turks do have access to many social services, but they are largely ignored. Have you ever talked with a Turk or other Muslim about how they feel?

Ah, well I live in a small town in southern Germany, so I don't have any direct experience of how the situation in larger cities is. That was just the impression I got from what I've heard so far. Where I live, immigrants are mostly from the former Soviet Union, and they seem to be able to handle it relatively well.

Ever wonder why she expresses no opinion for or against?

To be honest, I think she doesn't care much about things which do not directly affect her personally. In the past few years, she's also been starting to get forgetful, which reinforces that.

Do you know in what units or branches of the armed forces you grandfather's served and where?

He was too young to serve.

Things are discussed much more openly now.

I think it's the most discussed topic in German schools.

"I think it's the most discussed topic in German schools."

Not surprising after a long period of limited discussion. To realize just how much times have changed, you can see what happened when Phllipp Jenninger, the former Speaker of the Bundestag in 1988, tried to speak honestly about how many Germans felt in the 1930's. Seems like his honesty violated a sort of unspoken rule and he had to resign. You might find this intersting. I felt bad for the guy, who was trying to be sincere....


Thanks, that is quite interesting.

I think the world in general should allow for much greater freedom among borders. I think all children should have access to basic health care. That being said why do you believe Israel can afford both in security and cost to do this? Opening their borders seems to lead to suicide bombers and derails any chance of peace. Maybe the UN should take on such task and spread the cost among the wealthiest nations.

Yeah it's definitely a tricky problem and I SORT OF see the Israeli side. I mean, I hung out over there for 99% of my trip, I only went to Bethlehem for Christmas Eve.

I get it that they are afraid of terrorism. I reckon I would be too. However it seems to me that you can't solve that by imprisoning an entire population. It's cruel and I think it has the opposite of the intending effect. I think the Israelis need to show a lot more compassion because they are richer and better educated and have far far more opportunities, and they ought to try to lift the Palestinians up and figure out a way for them to feel like they have dignity and a chance as human beings.

That's the only way towards peace.

It's not just terrorism. Israelis are scarred, Many of them honestly believe that the Palestinians wish to wipe them out/throw them to the sea, and that they should do whatever they can to prevent it, even if it means to violate human rights.

Given that Israel continues to this day to take more and more Palestinian land, I can't say I would really blame any Palestinians who wish to wipe Israel out.

Well, it's nothing new that some of them want to wipe Israel out, many of them wanted to wipe it out since the day it started to exist. I don't think you can justify genocide, even if we consider the circumstances. And it really depends on how you define Israel - there are many inside voices who object the settlement-building, but they are not as powerful as the right win.

"From the river to the sea, Palestine should be free!" -heard at many pro-Palestine rallies...

At the same rate, you've got fascist Israelis who want "Eretz Yisrael Ha'Shlema", which includes Jordan and basically anything they want.

Hey, I'm Israeli and I can fucking confirm: They do want to wipe us out and they do want to throw us to the sea.

It's not just something we "think". It's the plain and simple truth of the conflict. There's a lot of hate going both ways. That wall was erected for a reason, and I for one happy it's there. It lets me - all of us - sleep well at night.

Whilst many live in little better conditions that you state 'Never again' for, caused by you.

Either you're ignorant about the Holocaust or about the situation down here.

Feel free to educate yourself.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw_Ghetto http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005059

That second link, you could substitute 'Jew' for "Palestinian' and have the same discussion that we are having here.

Comparing the west banks to the Jewish ghettos is just incorrect.

"Feel free to educate yourself."

I don't think you have read your own citation. Were I you, I'd be embarassed to make that argument.

Did you bother reading your own links?

It's pretty awesome to see the concerted response from people that have a 100% pro Israeli comment history on any comment that they cant refute, just trying to throw shit at the facts rather than present a counter argument seems to be the tactic of choice.

The Hasbara must be pretty happy with your services.

But no mate, I'm serious. Just read the links you yourself has provided. That's all the "counter-arguement" you need.

"they ought to try to lift the Palestinians up and figure out a way for them to feel like they have dignity and a chance as human beings."

You do realize many Palestinians would say your statement that they need Israel to "lift them up" is condescending.

You are judging this based on one trip there. These people and their governments HATE eachother. This is what happens when a rich country and a poor country end up like this. If you think the USA and Mexico would be any different if they hated eachother and there were masses of attacks going both ways then you are crazy. Neither side is right in this anymore and both make bad decisions.

Hasn't it been this way in that region for thousands of years though? That has to be the most paranoid area in the world. I think Jerusalem has changed hands over 10 times, hasn't it?

No. Arabs and Jews lived harmoniously for hundreds of years. The problem for Jews was in Europe and Russia, where they were persecuted.

the Palestinians have been given land and a shitload of money. Arafat and his cronies stole that money and lived like kings. They didn't give a shit about their own people.

The Palestinians had the land, Israel took it, all of its natural resources, created big prisons from Palestinian cities, because they are too afraid for their own lives. If Israel wanted a real peace it wouldn't take everything that matters and keep taking it, you need to respect the other and give him something if you really wanted to live next to him. but Israel never gave that a chance, since 1948 Israel was trying to take over everything in every possible way.

they returned the Gaza strip and were rewarded with rocket attacks. Palestinians are troublemakers. Even King Abdullah of Jordan doesn't want them, and they are his people.

"given" land?? How nice...

You have got to be kidding.

really? Why? Do a little research if it means that much to you.

He's not. It's completely true. Look at how much money was given to reconstruct Europe after WWII compared to the Palestine. Where does it all go?

They kill 10 arabs for every Israeli jewish person killed. They even call them retaliation killings. They can't really argue that they're the ones that need protection.

The security measures are not harsher than others around the world between warring countries, and still thousands upon thousands of Palestinians come to work in Israel every single day and go back at night, you wouldn't see that even on the mexico-US border.

We tend to root for the underdog, but it doesn't always fit.


Yeah this guy doesnt even know what he is talking about

I sit next to a guy at work who crosses every day, with a fast pass no less.


Thank you for this! I often see all over reddit that Israel is largely wrong. Israel can definitely fix some of their practices, however people really polarize the situation. Unfortunately, israel is now conditioned to protect itself heavily due to the history behind the country. The day israel was official was the first day it went to war. Its not as easy of a situation as people make it seem. There are quite a few terrorist organizations in Palestine that make it hard for Israel to relax their borders. I've spent time in Israel and have family in the army, while I don't agree with somethings Israel does, I feel that if you at least try to see it from their perspective, you would see that their security is normal for a country constantly attacked on a day to day basis. And at least Palestinians CAN work in Israel. Its true that you don't see that at the US and Mexican border.

What's your view on Israel's persistent practice of setting up new settlements into Palestine?

I think the practice definitely needs to cease. Its actually hurting both the Jewish settlers and the Palestinians. On the settlement borders its a whole different war. Similar to that of the wild west... It hurts the Jewish settlers because often times terrorist organizations can easily get to and harm the families there. (Which is completely wrong no matter what Israels policies are. They are still innocent families.) Its also taking away Palestinian land, which isn't right. I'd prefer a melding of the entire Palestinian and Israel land into a unified country, however that's super idealistic. I definitely feel Israel should exist, that I am sure of. Israel conquered a lot of land in the wars they fought (and didn't start) but they gave it back in an effort for peace. However this was definitely an earlier Israel. Israeli policies have changed. They have become way more defensive over the years due to a consistent state of war. Should they give up more land? No. But they shouldn't keep encroaching on Palestinian land. Are they super evil and brainwash the Jews living there? No. I know many many people living there and have been there myself. There is a TON of peaceful, normal, everyday conduct among Palestinians, Jews, Christians, Arab Muslims, etc. Just no one ever points out the good stuff. There is certainly more good than bad I will tell you that. But the fact that Israel is bombed everyday from the Gaza strip is a good reason to create stricter border rules. If this was mexico bombing america everyday and america made strict border rules, there would be little fan fare, because most people would say its justified. I think more people need to take a step back from all sides of the argument and take a look at the history of the area and see that both sides have merit and both sides have things to be ashamed of.

Edit: sorry for it being so long, I just feel like no one really takes an objective look at the situation.

Somewhere I've read a phrase once, that said something along the lines of "terrorists may launch thousands of rockets into Israel and it's nothing wrong in the eyes of worldwide community because Israel has the Iron Dome and only few actually get past the defensive system, but if Israel launches one rocket or makes an attack into arab territory to neutralize such bombers then all the world goes nuts about it, because terrorists use innocent people as human shields".

I honestly believe this. This is something I find minimal people on reddit acknowledge. We like to polarize and say Israel is the bad guy, Palestine in the victim. But that is not true. It it farrrr more complicated than that. And this quote really nails it. Taking the side of the underdog is always a popular stance, however in this situation it may not always be accurate.

Settlers aren't innocent families and they murder Palestinians without ever being jailed.

How "innocent" would palestinians be if they forced the Jewish Israelis to flee Jerusalem or be murdered, destroyed all the Jewish homes in Jerusalem, then offered Palestinian families homes in Jewish Palestine to seize the land from the Jewish Israelis in perpetuity? What parent would put their children in that situation? Not only using the home you raise your children in to seize the land of other people, but putting your childrens lives in danger. Not only that, but settlers are recognized as being even more racist against arabs than the regular jewish population. These are not nice, friendly people. Settler rabbis openly preach racism. Don't work with arabs, don't socialize with arabs, Don't be friends with them or have relationships with them. Don't live in an apartment complex with arabs.

You seem to have a lot of anger... I suggest you take a deep breath... and while some settlers are against Palestinians, (not to the degree you are preaching) it still gives Palestinian terrorists no right to slaughter families, including babies and small children in the middle of the night while they are sleeping. I do not care where you stand on this issue but comic from a human, that is totally wrong.

They're using their children to commit war crimes. And how did they get the land in the first place? How many palestinians were killed to get the land they're stealing? How many peace advocates did the IDF kill paving the way for them to use their families to commit war crimes?

What if it were your land? What if the israelis depopulated your city, or town with their brutal methods and then settlers moved in to carry out the israeli war crimes? Are they guiltless?

Why could they not respect the lives of the palestinians and others killed stealing land for them?

Should palestinians be allowed to murder Jewish israelis, steal their land, and then give it to racist families?

It's hard to reply to you, because you aren't giving facts, or really any basis of argument... You just sound angry, biased, and if you want to refer to jews in israel as "brainwashed" you would be just as "brainwashed" as the other side. You are literally advocating for the death of jewish families, including babies who have nothing to do with this. You are supporting terror and I'm sorry, but I cannot advocate that. Palestinians have killed jews, jews have killed Palestinians. Guess what... They are in a war, shit happens. But when I see extreme Palestinian soldiers hiding behind children and using schools as places to hide weapons, and bomb clear cut israeli cities (not settlements) I think there is definitely something wrong here. Both sides are doing wrong, deal with it. You seem very unwilling to look at the situation objectively, and seem really brainwashed yourself. Please do some real, true, unbiased research, look at some facts, and get back to me. I only hope you don't advocate for murder, because right now that is literally what you are doing.

How many babies and children has the IDF, settlers, and israelis killed in the last 10-70 years? How many babies and children were killed to commit the war crimes that are the settlements?

What is the israeli government doing when their official government policy is to inflict pain on the relatives of hamas members? When Israel is an institutionally racist nation?

Have you seen the IDF murder, bomb, and attack palestinian civilians?

How can you watch the IDF murder thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, and then say that the Israelis are blameless, and that the Palestinians are the murderers?

What I am advocating is that Israel shouldn't have built the settlements on the dead bodies, and the blood, and the land of people they want to steal it from in perpetuity. That destroying villages is Israeli violence that Israel knows will only fuel more violence, more death. That Israel can't kill a thousand Palestinians without there being violent repercussions. That a conscious government policy of killing and punishing innocent civilians, and thrusting hundreds of thousands of civilians deliberately into destitution is a terrible policy.

How many hundreds of thousands of israelis did you see forced by the government to live like scorned refugees, living in deplorable conditions?

How many hardships did you see the government thrust on hundreds of Israeli communities?

How would you describe Israel's settlement policy? Where and how did Israel get the land? What happened to the people that lived there? Who is israel moving in to those places, and why?

How many dead babies are the settlements built on? Explain that policy to me.

Tell me how this happy, civil Israel you tell me about thinks about the babies and children the IDF and settlers murder. Do you call them advocates of child murder?

What would you say if a settlement policy was enforced on the peaceful, happy Jews, Christians, and Arabs you describe? What would you say if the IDF demolished their towns, villages and cities? What would you say if the IDF treated their children as mere collateral damage, killing them indiscriminately. What would you say if there was a group like the settlers in Israel today that treated them the way settlers today treat Palestinians, murdering them without repercussions? What would you say of the people who built homes on their graves?

You say I advocate killing settler children, what was the crime of the hundreds of Palestinian children murdered by the IDF and settlers? Who advocated their murder? Who advocates their continual murder?

How many children would you murder to make the next settlement Israel will make? And the next? And the next?

You criticize my policy on children. What is the Israeli government's policy on women, babies, and children? Would you say the democratically elected Israeli government advocates the murder of babies and children?

This isn't a direct parallel, but say a settler family was given the option to press a button, if they press the button, a Palestinian house is destroyed, possibly killing people, and of course, they use their family and their children to commit a war crime, but in exchange, they get a heavily subsidized house along with paid security. Are they totally without blame?

It's really complex, because on one side you have what the Israelis consider illegal settlements - set up by independent individuals and many times demolished by the army (though not always) on the other hand, you have the settlements the government supports, funds and builds. Eventually, most of settlements regardless of how the Israelis view them are illegal according to the international law.

Eventually it really depends on who's in the government. Right now we have a government that is ruled mostly by the right wing. A leftist government would've made life easier for everyone, both Palestinians and Israelis.


You don't actually know the history of that region do you?

It was under British for nearly a century, during which the Jewish population swelled to equal that of the Arab population.

When Britain moved out both groups were given separate nations.

Nearly as quickly several neighboring nations attempted to destroy Israel, during which Palestinian civilians evacuated their homes.

When the war turned against Egypt and Palestine Israel expanded into the evacuated Palestinian land.

To say that they just moved into land that was occupied by force is hilariously ignorant.


If you believe Israel deserves the land it occupies, then you must also believe the Native Americans deserve Manhattan back. Or that the Irish deserve Northern Ireland back.

Isn't this the EXACT opposite of what you're arguing?

That, though the palestinians may have had the majority population a centruy ago, they didn't when the time came to create nations, therefore they have no more right to the land than the Indians have to Manhattan.

What's more, the fact that any expansion done by israel was done in a post war movement, palestine really doesn't get much say in the matter now does it.

By your logic, no country could ever be formed unless it had a 100% population equivilant

That's not how it has ever worked, and it's not how it works now.


No, that is the version that Israel tells so they don't feel bad about doing to the Palestinians what Hitler did to the Jews.

Yeah, that doesn't seem like propaganda against Israel at all...

"The day israel was official was the first day it went to war."

...and the day it was attacked by invading armies.

100%, I think many people on reddit disregard this, and say israel was always the aggressor. Sorry if you thought I meant something else!

No need to apologize for anything. You are right on point and I am glad there are a few sane people posting. It great you even want to try to argue with these clowns.

North Korea is an underdog pretty much to everybody, the world don't root for them. People hate N. Korea for all the inhumane practices, it's the same why people hate Israel.

North Korea is a brutal dictatorship with a wannabe god leader that threatens the rest of the world and its neighbors and starves his own people. Israel is a democracy, mostly secular, a start-up nation that helps people after global disasters (like Haiti for example) and has a peace treaty with its biggest neighbors.

Some people do hate Israel, but not because its the same as N. Korea.

"We tend to root for the underdog, but it doesn't always fit."

Thank you!

How can Palestinians stop the IDF who kill ten times as many arabs? They even call them retaliation killings.


You should totally do it. No question. Travel is never bad for you. You'll grow from it.


I can see what it's like there for myself

Yes. Always see for yourself. Otherwise you don't know.

see for yourself, and have the opportunity to convince people if they think differently.

"Join the army, see foreign countries"?

I would recommend that anyone who disagrees fundamentally with either side on this issue should go and see what it is like for the other side. Nothing like actual knowledge to burn through bigotry and hate.

Definitely go, worst thing that happens are your worst conceptions are true. It isn't as though you're taking part in the horror by working there.

Israel is not so much a beacon of democracy as it is a beacon of western-ness in the backwards middle east.

Israel is an example of what is worst in the modern, decadent West. The hypocrisy, the lies, the malice beneath the smiles.

Perhaps Honor killings, FGM and public executions in a not so modern world is better.

It just goes to show the pain of clashing binary extremes

Of course it's a huge and complicated issue, but we tend to fantasize about simpler times when in fact as the world become more "modern" people (as a whole) are living better, longer, and more comfortable lives. It doesn't mean there's nothing to fix, but modernity in itself is not a bad thing.

FGM is an African ritual and honor killings happen everywhere not just he Mideast, but thanks for the racist stereotypes

FGM is common in the Mideast and honor killings too. The fact that it happens elsewhere doesn't make it a good tradition.

BUT... i wasn't referring to the middle east. I was referring to the opposite of "the modern west", although that term isn't well defined those practices rarely happen there.

FGM is not "common" in the Mideast, it is primarily found in Egypt and Somalia, and is an African ritual that even occurs amongst Jewish (Falashas) and Christian tribes there. To the extent that it has been imported into the Mideast or anywhere else, that's where it orginated from and is not legal.

And jilted lovers resorting to violence is hardly unique to the Mideast.

Ok. not "common", but more common than in the modern west. Egypt by the way is one of the biggest countries in the middle east in terms of population. It doesn't matter if its being done by Pagans, Muslims, Jews or Christians, It goes against "modern western" values and it's wrong.

The "mideast" is an arbitrary and meaningless designation. Egypt is actually in North Africa. The nations of the so-called "Mideast" are quite different from each other and no generalization applies to them. Egypt, for example, is entirely different from Iran: different language, culture, history, etc. despite both being designated as "MIddle Eastern"

As far as "modern Western values" lets remember that it wasn't so long ago that it included shoving people into gas chambers and having separate drinking fountains for Blacks and Whites, so lets not get to uppity about how we're "right" and they're "wrong" and a little more humility would be in order.

Well, every generalization isn't accurate, It's a generalization. the Mideast definition is arbitrary as much as North Africa is. where do you draw the line? Mauritania isn't necessarily the same as Egypt, and Egypt in itself is not an homogenized unit. I'm not uppity, but i think you can compare those values. Just as we can say today that separate water fountains are wrong (and many people also did back then) we can say that certain traditions in the world today are.

The point is just because nations are classified together in such vague geopgrahic descriptions, doesn't mean they're anything alike.


Yeah you know those Buddhists, Atheists, and Christians just won't give up their damn honor killings.

I know! Like the Christian American couple now going to jail for starving/freezing their adopted daughter to death because their particular religious zealotry told them that was how to make her a better child.

Oh wait, you were being sarcastic...

Jilted lovers or men abusing women and resorting to violence is hardly limited to Moslems, so stop with the ignorant bigotry.

I live in a Muslim-dominant country, no such thing as honor killing, FGM or public execution ever happened.

Hold the lies there killer.

Please name your country so the army of neckbeards behind me can post an example in country that happened this year.

Most of the fundamentalism in the Middle East has been created and nurtured by Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United States. They've created, trained, proped up and supported far right groups for decades.

Really? Iranian revolutionary guard was nurtured by the US? Al Qaeda was nurtured by Israel?

I don't follow Saudi Arabia's interests but fundamentalism doesn't need Israel as an excuse.

The US toppled the democratically elected Shah in Iran.

The US created, trained and funded the Mujahadeen during the cold war. Back then Osama Bin Laden was a CIA agent.

It is guaranteed that whatever recent geopolitical engineering the US is involved in in the Middle East, Isreal and Saudi Arabia also had a hand in.

The US didn't prop up the Islamic Republic in Iran and if you believe OBL was a CIA Agent you're lucky you are at a conspiracy post.

The US doesn't directly support fundamentalism but if you claim they meddle in other countries' business and it ultimately snowballs into fundamentalism that's a reasonable argument. But there are countries that don't go in that route, and there are countries that do without any US interference so I'm not so sure as you are.

The CIA created, supported and funded the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan during the Cold War. The US claims that they only funded local Mujahadeen fighters. Seeing as Bin Laden was one of the leaders of the Mujahadeen you would have to be beyond naive to take the US' word on this.

From wiki:

In a 2004 BBC article entitled "Al-Qaeda's origins and links", the BBC wrote:

During the anti-Soviet jihad Bin Laden and his fighters received American and Saudi funding. Some analysts believe Bin Laden himself had security training from the CIA.[1]

Robin Cook, Foreign Secretary in the UK from 1997–2001, believed the CIA had provided arms to the Arab Mujahideen, including Osama bin Laden, writing, "Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan." His source for this is unclear.


Re: Iran. Of course the US didnt prop up the Islamic Republic of Iran. That was formed after the Shah was assassinated by the CIA. The US hates any democracy in the Middle East and has sought to topple Iran's government ever since.

Lastly, the US DOES support fundamentalism. They have supported all the far right movements around the world in an effort to combat the Soviet Union and communism since the end of WWII. They have been caught colluding with Saudi Arabia in creating Madrassas that create the terrorists the US army currently fights in Afghanistan and Iraq. Almost all of the terrorists in these countries are from Saudi Arabia which is one of the US' closest allies.

They stage false flag attacks and blame it on the Sunni or Shia in an effort to create a civil war. They want it to reach a point where the terrorism happens naturally without them having to stage false flag attacks.

America has all these things, but you look the other way because you're told it's Number One.

No, i don't, and America isn't really the pinnacle of modern values. But, it really isn't common to have public executions in America.

Funny, we've been seeing mass shootings every month for a while now. Sometimes twice a month.

Ever heard of Christopher Dorner? He was immolated by the LAPD on live television.

What about Tamerlan Tsarnaev? Pretty sure he was executed by the cops, wasn't he?

actually mass shootings (among other kinds) are in a decline in the US. But i didn't really refer to that.

Anyway, i get your point. I hope you get mine.

And the ritualized circumcision of little baby's done near universally in Israel is somehow less barbaric? Also, before this gets out of hand, any non-therapeutic bodily alteration performed on a child is without a doubt child abuse, all forms of infant/child circumcision are assaults against the agency of an individual who is unable to provide consent.

It's pretty common all around the world. And yes, it's way less barbaric. The reason is different, the outcome is different. But yes, it's not a good thing.

When discussing both forms of mutilation in their most analogous forms the reason is, in fact, not different by virtue of the fact that both are, primarily, for cultural acceptance. Secondly, the barbarism is arguably skewed towards male infant circumcision insofar as more tissue is removed, and lastly the outcome is the same - a child with no say is violated for some idiotic and outdated custom with virtually no prophylactic value in the developed world. Also, those who would argue that FGM is always worse in severity than male infant circumcision are poorly informed given that some countries perform circumcisions with inadequate tools and no anesthetic, moreover, in developed countries there are botched circumcisions that happen - some serious enough to warrant gender/sex reassignment. Lastly, certain cultures perform variations of male circumcision that are quite traumatic, for example some remove the glans entirely and other split the penis down the middle.

tl:dr - all circumcision is pointless abuse unless it serves some legitimate medically warranted purpose.

This is all a cycle. Over the last couple thousands of years county after country has been conquered, ruled and sometimes annihilated by a stronger country. Is that right? I don't really know. We as a society seem to be advancing well and more people than ever before are living full and happy lives. So maybe its part of progress. Decadent west? Don't delude yourself. Over those thousands of years there have always been rich and powerful and people who blame them for all their problems. If you are poor its the decadent rich man's fault. If I dropped you in a Muslim country as a non Muslim you would hate it very quickly. I spent a year in Saudi Arabia and even there it was scary. People love to point out how opressive Israel is to Palestine but then they glance over muslims using human shields/child bombers/beheadings and complete sexist dehumanization. Yes being searched for a couple hours is annoying but would you rather be searched and questioned or kicked in the head and dragged through the street behind a car? There are two sides to every story and neither are perfect or even right. But don't demonize one without looking at the other sides demons as well.

Good redditor, good!

Say you "don't know" then write a paragraph.

So the worst of the "modern, decadent West" is a modernized and European looking nation? Yeah, I'd take that trade.

Even at the expense of your own liberty and economic freedom.

You deserve what you're getting, then.

Easy to say in the comfort of your Western home. If you were living in a complete shithole, as implied by the description of the sudden difference between Israel and surrounding nations, then I could understand.

So my point is invalid because of where I live. How cute.

No matter. The West is over, mathematical fact. No terrorists necessary. Then we'll see who's all smug about their ideology.

Ok bro.

In an effort to point out how bad it is in palestine, he described Israel as pretty perfect. Food, culture, hospitals... that all sounds kind of nice.

This is a lot better than mohammed and his homemade explosives.

When most of the world is one way and you are the other way maybe it is you who is backwards.

Yes, but only in Soviet Russia.


When most of the world is backward and you are facing forward, you are one way and they are another south facing way not north like you face backward but forward.

"When most of the world is one way and you are the other way maybe it is you who is backwards."

Are you able to compare what you saw to what goes on "in the rest of the world? How much of the history of the conflict do you really know?

When you look at the sky and see a bunch of planes flying in formation, then all of the sudden one plane starts heading in another direction.

Who is to say that this one plane is flying in the wrong direction?

Maybe this one pilot was the only guy who realized they were off course and adjusted his course accordingly...

So wow. Wise. Such majestic.

I can literally point to any new scientific revelation in history and show you that the stream flows not intelligently, but downhill.

Arabic culture is most of the world? Nope.

Even if you're talking on a regional basis, the Nazis had backwards thinking even though they were the majority

the Nazis, although they had the power for a few years, were a minority. Most Germans were not members of the Nazi party.

Referencing the Arab middle east's 'backwardness' has no relevance to whether Palestinians deserve to live under military occupation, have their land confiscated and be denied many basic human rights.

Thank you! A logical response

Palestinians are like little children. They need a grown-up to supervise as children often do.

"Referencing the Arab middle east's 'backwardness' has no relevance to whether Palestinians deserve to live under military occupation, have their land confiscated and be denied many basic human rights."

Helpful questions you might want to ask yourself: 1. Why didn't Palestinians accept the Clinton parameters as a basis for negotiations and 2. What, exactly, do Palestinians want? The West Bank, Gaza? All of pre-1948 Palestine? Are they willing to accept a Jewish state of Israel in ANY configuration of borders?

I think the 2000 parameters were rejected because they would have committed the Palestinians to terms of reference for a settlement that could very well have resulted in an nonviable state made up of disparate parts, with no access to international borders and consisting of the least desirable land. I think the average Palestinian would be happy with a settlement based on pre-1967 borders with a withdrawal of settlements and occupying military forces and some kind of international partnership agreement regarding Jerusalem. And yes, I do believe that that Palestinians would accept the existence of Israel on its borders, although, in my own opinion, the idea that it is a Jewish state reeks of ethnic chauvinism.

"I think the 2000 parameters were rejected because they would have committed the Palestinians to terms of reference for a settlement that could very well have resulted in an nonviable state made up of disparate parts, with no access to international borders..."

Actually, the Clinton parameters were about insuring just the opposite. Can you show me a single map on which any borders that fell within the Clinton parameters prevented access to international borders or resulted it he west bank not being contiguous?

"....the idea that it is a Jewish state reeks of ethnic chauvinism." Well then you must feel that way about most of the world's nations. On a practical level, I hope you realize that there will be no settlement, regardless of borders, without explicit Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. Both sides are going to have to swallow some bitter pills.

Its not Palestinian land. There's no such thing as Palestinian land. Palestine was never a country, the Arabs that make up was is Palestine today left Israel, they were not forced to leave. They left when Israel was formed, the Arabs living within Israel have them same rights as all other Israeli citizens

Then why is there a giant wall?

Because it's reduced suicide bombings and related tragedies by insane amounts

Why are they blowing themselves up? Aren't their rights and privileges in Israeli law just as valuable as a Jewish citizens rights? All Israeli's are equal and have equal protections and access right? Why not educate and integrate? After all, no one had their home bulldozed or taken from them forcibly. It was all nice, right?

Hello: I don’t think I’m going to change your mind, but I recommend some additional reading. Acknowledging difficult historical and contemporary facts about both Israeli and Palestinian actions is important if you want to have a constructive conversation about the Israeli-Palestinian topic. To go through your points one by one: * The Palestinian expulsion. Israeli and Zionist historian Benny Morris supports Israeli actions in 1948 and acknowledges that there was a concentrated ethnic cleansing and forced expulsion of Palestinians. See his book The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem.
* Palestine was not a country: You are correct that Palestine was never a country as we understand a nation state today. The area contained by contemporary Israel and Palestine was administered by two different Ottoman districts, then became a British Protectorate until the foundation of Israel. Neither were any of the countries in the Habsburg Empire until after WWI. For that matter, neither was Israel a country, despite the best efforts of many, until 1948. The point is, whether or not a country is granted widely recognized ‘nation status’ does not mean that those who have lived on the land for generations can be dispossessed of their property. * Arabs living within Israel have them same rights as all other Israeli citizens: From a legal perspective, you are largely correct. However, there is extensive discrimination against Arabs (and even Jews of Arab descent) in Israel related to land ownership, access to jobs, etc. The de jure status of Israeli Arabs should be distinguished from their de facto status. Hope this helps lead you to take a more nuanced position on the topic!

Yes because it is western-ness that insures that father can't get his son the help he needs. The fact is that if many countries would embrace some technological advances, and accept some commonly agreed on human rights, there would be a lot less suffering in the world. Don't blame it on any nation, is the fault of us all.

It is not my responsibility to teach mohammed that marrying his sister is bad genetics in the long-term.

the backwards middle east

The Middle East wasn't so backwards before the World Bank sent the jackals in.

Beirut, Lebanon
Baghdad, 2001
Iran, 1979

Being a Palestinian born in America, I can tell plenty of stories that will open up people's eyes to the situation. I currently have dual citizenship, and because so, I can't visit Jerusalem without a visa. Hell, I can't even fly into tel aviv, I'm forced to fly into Jordan, and then spend another day crossing the border into Palestine, which is no fun task in itself.

The biggest issue I have with crossing the border happened approximately 5 years ago. My brother, oldest sister, and father don't have their Palestinian citizenship, so when we went to cross the border, they had to go through a line for US Citizens on the Israeli side. They decided to hold my family members with only US citizenship for "questioning." Now my oldest sister has Down's syndrome, and they held her as well. They started asking her questions like where do you work, why are you here, where do you go to school, why are you not flying into tel aviv? As you can imagine, this confused her and made her uncomfortable. My older brother noticed this and proceeded to start yelling at this, which caused them to release my sister and my father, and hold my brother for another 2 hours for a total of 4-5 hours of holding him.

More people need to realize how badly people are treated by the Israelis.

On that note, I've met plenty of nice Israelis, but it's the bad apples that gives a bad name for most of them!

You have to drive some distance out of Jerusalem to get to the wall.

I stopped paying attention to anything you wrote after I got to this part. The wall is walking distance from the Old City at the heart of Jerusalem.

Yup; literally took me five minutes walking.

It's interesting that so many people are deeply moved by this story but it seems that none of them are moved to ask "is it true?" Even when it is pointed out that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are treated in Israeli hospitals each year.

The original question was "when did you become a conspiracy theorist?" The answer is apparently, "the day I started listening to emotion and stories rather than reason and facts."

"The wall is walking distance from the Old City at the heart of Jerusalem."

Exactly. You don't have to go far and you can see the wall from many vantage points on the Israeli side. I will be generous and put it, and the other things I pointed out, down to an honest lack of knowledge on #161... 's part. :-)

Apparently the 219,464 Palestinian patients receiving medical treatment in Israeli hospitals during 2012 – 21,270 of them children- dont count, or you have conveniently overlooked all of them. On top of all that, the Israeli's are training Palestinian specialists and interns to return to their land and treat their own people. Of course, you might not believe that, but you might change your mind coming from the official Palestinan Daily: http://www.palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=157&amp;doc_id=9049 and http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/08/02/increase-in-palestinians-treated-in-israeli-hospitals/

Well that makes all the war crimes ok then.

Your source isn't the "official Palestinian Daily," it's a propaganda operation well-known for its selective and oft-inaccurate translation of Palestinian news media.

Nice spot. It's just another one I've added to my list. NOW Lebanon is also a propaganda outfit.


Some of the contributors are close with the US/Israeli think tanks in Washington and some of the worst people from the Bush Administration.

Why are there few good hospitals in the Palestinian territories? Those kinds of things require funding and a healthy economy. Is it reasonable to believe that Israel's treatment of Palestine keeps it at an economic disadvantage? Im assuming no doctors would even go near an area where people are treated as the poster above described. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I agree, as well as the fact that most of the health facilities that were and are being established get attacked by settlers and usually burnt down.

I lived in Israel for two years and not once did I see a soldier bring a grenade launcher on to a bus. That doesn't even make sense, why would a soldier be carrying something like that around?

Same amount of time living in Israel. Many grenade launchers seen. You've never seen those large cylinder looking things attached to the bottom of some soldiers' M16s? I think 1 of every 20 GIs are assigned them or something like that. I have a friend who was assigned to be the grenade launcher guy as well.

I have been raising the alarm to my friends and family about this for years now. I am the 'unspoken anti-semite' in my social system. Good on ya.

Israelis are committing genocide against Palestinians. They are extremely racist and violent against the Sudanese.

It's like they didn't learn from their own history.

The Sudanese come to Israel so they can work and send money home. They come through Egypt where they are shot and abused, all for the chance to get there.

Please learn the definition of genocide before accusing a country of it.

You might want to do the same, bud.

The deliberate killing of a large group of people, esp. those of a particular ethnic group or nation

That's exactly what Israel is doing to Palestinians.

To be fair... it's sudan.

How is that fair?

I may be going to Israel in December. Do you have any tips/advice?

Don't be Arabic.


The fuck are you talking about? The color orange has no significance in Israel or Palestine anymore. The only time it did was a decade ago when it was being used by right-wing Zionists as a symbol of their opposition to Israel's withdrawal of settler colonies from the Gaza Strip.

It's like wearing blue on a red corner of Compton, or vice versa.

Bad analogy. This doesn't matter any more. Source: Live in Long Beach, in Compton weekly.


It gets the point across because that's what people know. I was just sayin'.

Also, it does matter for people deep in those gangs, but not as crazy as the 80s/90s.

Actually orange was used to sympathize with the settlers when they were evacuated from gaza. and don't be dumb nothing will happen to you if you'll wear anything. everyone in this thread is way exaggerating racism in Israel..


care to give an example?


look, I'm Israeli, and I think that outside of what's happening in the west bank, there is not a lot of racism towards arabs in Israel. It exists, but not in the manner and prevelance that is described in this thread. There are no checkpoints in Tel Aviv that I know of, so I don't know how police officers could have harrased palestinians there. I don't know if your story about children throwing rocks at arabs in ashdod is true, I've never seen such thing happen, and there are not many arabs in ashdod, but if it's true then it's bad and it's definitely not something usual.

I think that security measures in the west bank are justified and are a result of the constant hostility of the palestinians towards israel, and not the other way around. of course we need to minimize the inconvinience that is caused to the average palestinian by them, but it's a fact that since the wall has been built, the amount of terrorist attacks inside Israel has been reduced siginificantly. I wait eagerly for the day when such measures are not necessary and both sides can live freely side by side, but until then Israel has to keep the safety of its citizens.

This is so fucking true. I see more racism in my hometown (Atlanta) toward blacks than I did in Israel towards people of Arabic descent. The majority of the Israelis I met and spoke with were liberal minded people who wanted the Palestinians to be able to have access to the things they needed. The issue is so much more complicated than people want to accept. There wasn't always a wall. Back then you could get blown up by a suicide bomber at the mall or ripped from your house and tortured or raped in front of our children by terrorists. I know several families who lost loved ones. One girl lost her infant cousin in a suicide bombing, and her aunt nearly didn't make it.

The Israeli government targets terrorists, and yea, there is collateral damage: such is the nature of urban warfare. I will tell you though that my Jewish American friend with dual citizenship joined the military there, and has been in several situations where he was assaulted and had to "aim below the waist". There is a general policy that, unless you are going to be killed, you do not shoot to kill. Even when the twenty point cement block slammed into his back after being dropped from a building onto him, or after the Molotov missed him by feet.

Idk. Lost my train of thought, just kinda rambling now. I just think its ridiculous to simplify the issue as "Israel bad, Palestine good".

I take it you didn't spend any time in Palestine, nor did you get to know many Palestinians. If you spent as much time in Hebron or at the checkpoints as you did in Atlanta, it's unlikely you'd be saying the same thing about racism in Israel. At least most Israelis are willing to admit that they have a reason to be racist, unlike apologist American Zionists who will find any reason to ignore and excuse it.

And "yea, there is collateral damage: such is the nature of urban warfare" is a weak justification for the murder of civilians. It's highly doubtful that Deir Yassin, Kafr Qasim, Khan Younis, the carpet-bombing campaigns in South Beirut, or the targeted white phosphorous bombings of the UN school, police stations, and utility infrastructure in Gaza can all be chalked up to "collateral damage." As an American, you should know better than to quote the same propaganda line that justified the deaths of 100,000+ civilians in Iraq. Simply because some soldiers are ordered not to start a Third Intifada by shooting random civilians without good reason, does not mean that every civilian death that Israel caused can be excused as a harmless mistake.


I live in Israel, you?


how nice



I hope you are sarcastic, if not- then no, it is not.


Yes, you are. Palestinians are not being carted off in to gas chambers.


White phosphorous and gas chambers are two very different things. Do not misuse the term genocide, there is nothing systematic about Israel's indiscriminate slaughters of the Palestinians.

One in four Israeli citizens are Arab.

Great point. I guess Arabs aren't discriminated against at all then.


These people vote, pay taxes, and run their own communities. They are not broadly treated like shit at all.

Are you even reading these citations? Most of them do not support your highlighted statements.

You can nitpick or ignore all you like, but it doesn't take a lot of digging to find a wealth of information documenting any of these realities. If you have a problem with the source behind each one you're free to cross-check it with dozens of others. Or just dump the work on me and tell me what, specifically, isn't backed by these sources.

Some of these don't even apply to Arab Israeli citizens, but to Palestinians in the West Bank. Others, cite Rabbi's who want something to happen, but that's a far cry from it actually being Israeli policy or law. If you can't make these basic distinctions in your sources and think you can just dump tons of sources on people to overwhelm them to prove a point, without even reading them yourself, then I'm not going to bother with you.

And which ones don't apply? Every single one of these applies to Palestinian citizens of Israel. Only one of the sources cites rabbis - the "Jordan is Palestine" ethnic cleansing euphemism.

To elaborate, the "transfer" ethnic cleansing plan, while espoused mainly by hate-preaching rabbis with sizable right-wing contingencies, has also been regularly and seriously discussed by several prominent members of the Knesset and high-ranking cabinet ministers, which in the present government includes ex-Foreign Minister and Yisrael Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman, deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon, and the entire Molodet party (which has adopted it as a platform and joined several coalition governments via the National Union party).

The "transfer" plan's present ideological leader, Aryeh Eldad, authored and secured 53 votes in the Knesset for a bill that declared in no unclear terms that the entire population of the West Bank should be ethnically cleansed from Palestine and moved to Jordan. While it was not a part of the bill, he hasn't ever minced words about the fact that he would like to see it applied to Palestinian citizens of Israel as well.

My dearest apologies that you find facts overwhelming. I've read the sources, I encourage you to do the same.

The Truth Hurts

Where are you staying? What do you plan on doing? I was in Jerusalem this past summer and it was quite an experience. If you are staying in Jerusalem, I recommend walking from West Jerusalem to East Jerusalem and seeing the stark contrast. Maybe from Jaffa gate to Damascus gate. I suggest going into the Old City too. You can walk along the wall for a bit and get as close to a bird's eye view as you can. It's very confusing once you're in there. Bring a map in your own language. If the religious things interest you, you should visit at least some of them. They're historically interesting if nothing else. You won't be able to get into the Dome of the Rock unless you're Muslim. I was lucky to be able to get in because my grandfather is Muslim and has a powerful name.

You will love it. They are incredibly nice people, and the history takes your breath away. Just like you would not go to the slums of Detroit, don't go to the slums of the Middle East. Stay in the tourist areas andget tour guides.

"I may be going to Israel in December. Do you have any tips/advice?"

Do some serious reading so you can understand what you see. Don't rush to the conclusion that because you have seen or head one side of the story, you understand and can make judgements the whole thing. If you can talk to both Israelis and Palestinians, be sure to ask both what they would accept in terms of a compromise.

My grandad regularly had to work there. He has travelled extensively across the world and he said it is by far the worst place he has ever had to work. He was once hassled by two soldiers and threatened to be shot dead for.....fishing! Next to the boat he captained.

I went to Israel on birthright this summer. The closest we got to Gaza was some town that was 5 miles from the border. We could see Gaza from the bus. We couldn't see a wall. But the land was black. Israel is surprisingly green. It looks like West Texas. So the comparison is stark. I don't remember what the town was called. It started with an N. Everything was concrete. Apparently all the playgrounds are underground. Apparently they're rained with bombs on a regular basis. All the bus stops are bomb proof and there are shelters at regular intervals. This is on the Israeli side, btw.

I understand what the rationale is. They're afraid of insider attacks. The problem is the right wing government treating all Palestinians as potential terrorists. The other problem is that all these settlements are government sponsored. It's pretty much like manifest destiny and the homesteaders. The government will give hundreds of thousands of shekels to people willing to start homesteads in these areas.

My sister lives in Israel now. She says she has a few Palestinian classmates. I also saw lots of Arab Israelis. There are left wing Israelis, more than you'd think, who believe what Netanyahu is doing is wrong. My sister doesn't seem to care either way. She's not politically literate outside of weed laws. So asking her opinion is not happening.

The care and support of Palestinians who aren't as privileged and can't get ID cards falls onto charity and nonprofit organizations like Save a Child's Heart and Hatzallah. I find it a little odd that a random taxi driver would tell a random foreigner his life story. It's not that I don't believe you, but he sounds suspect. Hatzallah covers East Jerusalem.

I agree that the government isn't doing enough to support Palestinians and integrating them. The fact that they don't have Israeli citizenship is unacceptable. But I also find it hypocritical with the fact that America and Canada are doing something very similar with reservations. Britain also is guilty of doing the same thing with the Irish. There's also the fact that other Arab countries don't really care about Palestinians and just use them as an excuse to hate Jews.

My heartfelt prayer is the belief that the previous generation who were brainwashed by the Israeli lobby is dying off and a much more informed generation is taking their place. Israel will reap a whirlwind I'm afraid.

You'd better hope not, since they're a nuclear power now and not about to stand by and watch themselves go through yet another genocide.

I take it he's referring to the Samson Option, wherein if Israel goes down, it plans on taking the entire world with it. That includes Paris, Rome, London, and any other innocent party unfortunate enough to be within range of their nukes.

No, not really what I meant. They would happily nuke the ever living fuck out of the rest of the Middle East if they were invaded (presumably by those Middle Eastern countries), but they have no reason to attack Paris, Rome, or London. The problem is there are other nuclear powers in the region, and shit could go very badly very quickly.

Just read the article. You don't intend that, but you're not an Israeli policymaker. Moshe Dayan did. The last resort plan is to take the entire world hostage, threatening to plunge it in to nuclear winter if stronger countries do not step up to help Israel.

That's possible, but what we can all be absolutely sure of is that they won't hesitate to use their arsenal against any countries threatening their existence.

You can't defeat an invading army with Nuclear weapons. Their only chance for survival is to learn how to get along with their neighbors, not terrorize them into submission.

You really need to look into the history of Israel. They already have defeated many invading armies (without nuclear weapons), and that was before they had their now very modern military and defensive fortifications (to say nothing of the nuclear arsenal they wouldn't hesitate for a moment to use if they felt their military was outmatched in a future invasion). Saying they have no chance of survival is disregarding 60 years of history.

And to be clear, the previous invasions they successfully defended against were all intending to wipe Israel off the map and exterminate every Jewish inhabitant--if you want to talk about getting along with neighbors.

Israel is surrounded by battle hardened countries who in no way resemble the armies of the last generation. In the meantime Israel youth have grown up pampered and undisciplined. Convinced of their military prowess by fighting against a starved and minimally armed Palestine, they have been lulled them into a false sense of superiority. Their only chance at long term survival is to turn away from aggression and actually build relations with their neighbors based on mutual respect.

There are no militaries around Isreal that can match them. Syria is a civil war wasteland. Lebannon is a joke. Egypt is having massive issues of their own, and Jordan is not going to think about being involved. Jordan does well being the only moderate country in the area.

Israel has developed its military far more than its neighbors have since their last engagement.

Israeli youth are all required to serve in the military--they are the least pampered and undisciplined developed country I can think of.

Again, you're just not saying anything that agrees with reality. And to top it all off, they have a nuclear arsenal and wouldn't hesitate to use it if sufficiently threatened.

It's okay Jake. We get your point. It's not a very good one.

I'm not trying to make a point. I'm just noting that /u/Justmetalking doesn't seem to know much about the history or current events around Israel.

You forget the Israel is in a peace treaty with its two biggest neighbors for quite some time. Israel has indeed shown that it can build relations on mutual respect.

You can demoralize an invading army by nuking their home country.

She had a grenade launcher in the seat next to her.

This is where you blew it.

Going to be devils advocate but what is the right way to protect yourself from an enemy who uses suicide bombers of all ages, and who launches missiles at you across the border. It's essentially a constant of war.

That poor poor highly developed and technically superior military! Having to face crude home made fireworks that don't do anything and children with rocks! Truly they are the victim!

That's less than helpful. We all know even the most advanced military has trouble with guerrilla tactics used against it. Vietnam. Iraq. Afghanistan come to mind

That was just the usual American ham fistedness when it comes to war. Vietnam and Afghanistan and Iraq all had armed militias and resistance fighters who knew how to utilise urban areas and took a leaf out of the American Revolutionary War playbook with guerilla style attacks and IEDs.

Israel has children throwing rocks and shitty home made rockets that don't do anything, it's nowhere near the same level of power imbalance.

I agree with most of what you said. I went there this summer and stayed in East Jerusalem (The Palestinian side). It's completely dirty. Trash everywhere. People on the streets begging and trying to sell you touristy things. Then you go to West Jerusalem (the Jewish side) and it's like you're walking through a European town. It's a wonderful city with great food and great stores and what seem to be great people. We with my grandfather who is Palestinian but was fortunate enough to leave the country in '48 or so. We tracked down the house that he used to live in and the man living there currently was very nice and let us in and showed us what the house looks like now. There were still a few olive trees that my grandfather remembered. The man was very nice and he even said something like, "You shouldn't be thanking me." The problem as I see it lies with a very vocal minority who don't want things to change. I didn't have an experience like yours when going to the West Bank, but I went across the border with a man who did tours for families in Israel which may have made it easier. We were questioned frequently by soldiers and asked to show our passports. They saw we were American, but the Arab name for my mother and Grandfather brought them to waiting rooms to be questioned. It was a great trip, but also exhausting and frustrating. I don't think Palestine is able to live off itself as an independent state from Israel. The one state solution has to work. I think it can, but there needs to be intervention. Apartheid really shouldn't be legal anywhere for anyone.

"I don't think Palestine is able to live off itself as an independent state from Israel. The one state solution has to work. I think it can, but there needs to be intervention. Apartheid really shouldn't be legal anywhere for anyone."

It is very easy to understand why you would like a "one state" solution. It would mean total victory for you. No need to compromise or even tolerate. Nothing can hide a simple fact--it would mean a Jewish minority under the control of a Palestinian majority. No "intervention" will make it work. Let's focus on what kind of compromise can work.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. It sounds like we are in disagreement but you finish it up with agreeing with what I said. Maybe you misunderstood me or I mis-spoke. Could you re-word what you said?

"Could you re-word what you said?"

A single state will not work, though I can well understand it appeal to Palestinians, as I think you can. It would be more productive for all invovled to focus on a two-state compromise that could work.

i have an Palastinian uncle and even though he's lived in the United States for decades, he still has lots of family in Palestine. needless to say i've listened to and read many stories of similar encounters with Palestine as you have. there's something about your story though... i don't know what... but it really affected me. reading that last paragraph i actually got emotional. thank you for sharing your story.

As a Palestinian that had family get out before the wall, I feel it is the duty of our people to help the other countries realize that we need to take a look at the cruelty of the Palestinian people. I have been to the wall and was screamed at by many Army personnel that wanted to see my ID or passport... I have a dangerous amount of pride for my people and their origins and sincerely believe that we deserve a sort of say in a country that recently only belonged to the Palestinian people.

not even 80 years ago it used to be called Palestine and once WWII was over taken over by the Jewish people left over from Germany using weapons procured from England in order to give them their own land. although it would have been nice to split Palestine among the Jewish and Palestinian people (christian, muslim, and Jewish!!). we would have waged a mini war instead.

I don't want to get to off topic, but I stand for the palestinians as they did own the land before and were literally told to "fuck off". I am not saying the Israel we know today would be doing as good as Palestine if they didn't "Invade", i am saying that Israel is not a country that should be supported.

All of the neighboring countries hate it for reasons similar to the Palestinian conflict. I don't like Israel for this reason and none of my Israeli friends like Israel as much now that they know the truth.

fun fact about teachers, my History teacher talked about Palestine for Literally 5 minutes. Not even mentioning why they, All of a sudden, were wiped off the map. I think teachers would be the first step into finding out if Israel is a country that should be supported by the US military.

That's the cruelest form of Catch-22 I've ever heard of.

Indeeed. It's as close as you can get to a catch-22 in real life.

This was well written and I would like to respond without being downvoted to oblivion. (Hope springs eternal) When Israel was established in 1948 they were immediately attacked on three sides by their neighbors. All of the worst terrorist groups hate them with a passion. Iran wants to exterminate every Israeli. If you lived in Ohio, and Indiana, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania kept attacking you with mortars, rockets, and suicide bombers, then you would build a wall too. If at any time a Kentuckian could (and does) walk up to your checkpoint and blow you and your buddies up, you might treat them a little differently. If you were surrounded by countries that hate you and dedicate their whole beings to seeing you eradicated, maybe you would have a different point of view. it's easy to say "oh that's awful", but let’s see both sides before we talk about how bad the situation is. I was in the military and went to Israel 3 times. They were incredible nice to me personally and all of my buddies as well. Elsewhere in the Middle East, the people treat you like crap.

TLDR: It's easy to say oh the poor people, but look at both sides of the issue before judging.

and why were they attacked?

The war begins

“In December 1947, the British announced that they would withdraw from Palestine by May 15, 1948. Palestinians in Jerusalem and Jaffa called a general strike against the partition. Fighting broke out in Jerusalem’s streets almost immediately...Violent incidents mushroomed into all-out war...During that fateful April of 1948, eight out of thirteen major Zionist military attacks on Palestinians occurred in the territory granted to the Arab state.” “Our Roots Are Still Alive” by the People Press Palestine Book Project.

Zionists’ disrespect of partition boundaries

“Before the end of the mandate and, therefore before any possible intervention by Arab states, the Jews, taking advantage of their superior military preparation and organization, had occupied...most of the Arab cities in Palestine before May 15, 1948. Tiberias was occupied on April 19, 1948, Haifa on April 22, Jaffa on April 28, the Arab quarters in the New City of Jerusalem on April 30, Beisan on May 8, Safad on May 10 and Acre on May 14, 1948...In contrast, the Palestine Arabs did not seize any of the territories reserved for the Jewish state under the partition resolution.” British author, Henry Cattan, “Palestine, The Arabs and Israel.”

Culpability for escalation of the fighting

“Menahem Begin, the Leader of the Irgun, tells how ‘in Jerusalem, as elsewhere, we were the first to pass from the defensive to the offensive...Arabs began to flee in terror...Hagana was carrying out successful attacks on other fronts, while all the Jewish forces proceeded to advance through Haifa like a knife through butter’...The Israelis now allege that the Palestine war began with the entry of the Arab armies into Palestine after 15 May 1948. But that was the second phase of the war; they overlook the massacres, expulsions and dispossessions which took place prior to that date and which necessitated Arab states’ intervention.” Sami Hadawi, “Bitter Harvest.”

The Deir Yassin Massacre of Palestinians by Jewish soldiers

“For the entire day of April 9, 1948, Irgun and LEHI soldiers carried out the slaughter in a cold and premeditated fashion...The attackers ‘lined men, women and children up against the walls and shot them,’...The ruthlessness of the attack on Deir Yassin shocked Jewish and world opinion alike, drove fear and panic into the Arab population, and led to the flight of unarmed civilians from their homes all over the country.” Israeli author, Simha Flapan, “The Birth of Israel.”

Was Deir Yassin the only act of its kind?

“By 1948, the Jew was not only able to ‘defend himself’ but to commit massive atrocities as well. Indeed, according to the former director of the Israeli army archives, ‘in almost every village occupied by us during the War of Independence, acts were committed which are defined as war crimes, such as murders, massacres, and rapes’...Uri Milstein, the authoritative Israeli military historian of the 1948 war, goes one step further, maintaining that ‘every skirmish ended in a massacre of Arabs.’” Norman Finkelstein, “Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict.”


I'm glad you shared this in a mature manner! I would like to point out that the wall being discussed is built for Palestinians, not for the other countries, though the wall did stop attacks from the Palestinians there. Also, I am under the impression that the group most oppressive with the Palestinians are the ultra-orthodox jews, who until July of this year were not required to serve in the military. I am glad to hear, though, that they were kind to you.

I do want to ask, though, who else in the Middle East did you encounter?

I have been to Egypt, Bahrain, United Arab Emerates, and Dubai. None of these visits were pleasant.

In Israel, I went to Haifa, Jeruselem, and Bethleham. Bethleham was the only dissapointing one, but it is mostly Arabic.

As someone who doesn't follow politics, can someone explain what the lie was?

it really depends on what you mean by the lie. there's a lot of lies.

if you'd like to know more, google the South African Apartheid and apply that to modern day Israeli/Palestinian relations.

this is like saying black is black and white is white. There are millions of colors out there and simplifying the situation to "bad" and "good" without knowing the deep and complex history of the region is foolish to say the least.

It's not like this is surprising. Both are in unique situations. Israel had had enough because the countries surrounding Israel are aggressive. So they developed the mentality of stay string or die. Lebanon does the same thing to Jews. Iran once stated that Israel should be wiped off the map. If both sides cooperated, maybe peace is possible. The non Jewish world has been screwing over the Jewish world for centuries. Of they loosened up their borders don't you think someone might take advantage and plant a bomb, after all Hamas and Hezbollah are right next to Israel.


Yayyyy NAZIS!

Amazing first-hand account, thanks for sharing.

As a Palestinian I really appreciate this post! Thank you!

Well the "Christians" you are referring to must be American ones who take the mainstream U.S. information about Israel as the truth. If you were talking about Orthodox Christians then they live on the dirt road side of the wall.

But you know what the folks on both sides can't choose where they are born. Both sides are pumped full of propaganda and the politicians won't allow peace to happen. Its a very sad situation created by politicians.

You should also be aware that Israel is losing its young people en-masse, they are leaving because the costs of living are too great.

if you dont have the time skip to 1:09:50


its a documentary on the check post which have been set up in the territories, the part that gets me is when the solider says that all ramallah is a jungle, and he is human and the people animals

I went to Israel on a study abroad trip that focused on counter-terrorism from the Israeli perspective. The entire 3 weeks my groups was there we were ferried around by the IDF and their private security contractors who never allowed us out of their sight. Being an American and being bombarded by propaganda about how wonderful a state Israel was I was of course excited to be in this nation with our closest allies. With the exception of our tour guide and bus driver I have never felt as un-welcomed and despised simply for being an American. I was refused service multiple times in restaurants and was constantly ripped off at shops. When we were with the IDF they stressed over and over how dangerous the Palestinians were and how the West Bank along with the entire state of Israel has belonged to the Jewish people for over 4,000 years since the time of the Exodus from Egypt. At the security center at Bethlehem we were shown security footage of riots on the Palestinian side as they threw rocks at the security fence. In response the Israelis deployed tear gas and armored vehicles equipped with water canons that quickly and brutally dispersed the crowd. At the same time IDF ground forces were firing rubber bullets into the crowd. One Palestinian man who was on a 3 story building was struck with a rubber bullet and fell to his death. While watching all of these videos from the command center the IDF troopers were heartily laughing at the events. I was shocked and saddened that so many of our tax dollars were being spent to perpetrate human rights violation on a scale unheard of in decades. Especially in a country that claims to be a valiant democracy in the midst of a crisis with its neighbors. My only advice to the Israelis would be to remember the golden rule.

This was almost precisely my experience when visiting Israel but throw in being called a "dirty fucking Arab" in Hebrew and being spit on. I saw much of what you did but coud never write it down as eloquently and as chillingly as you just did. I was lucky enough to be staying with a rabbi who was an ardent anti-Zionist though and he showed me everything and even took me to an anti-Zionism rally. Some of the Israelis hate what their government has done and indeed realize the irony of their country behaving worse than the Nazis did at the start of WWII.

Your story moved me to the core. Thank you for sharing the truth with us. May peace be with you friend.

I'm Palestinian American. 21 years old. I go back to Palestine every summer to see family and protest. I can confirm.

My goodness. It's sad that humans can be so downright evil to each other. It's made even more concerning because my government - the one I pay taxes to and give fealty to - are the financial backing of the oppression minded government there.

Makes me want to lose my cookies.

The US was in 2 wars (and countless military operations) int the last decade which resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths outnumbering all Palestinian casualties ever many times over. That doesn't make you want to lose your cookies?

Everyday, my friend. Everyday.

I had the same exact experience as you. I am American. I was born and raised in America. My parents are Chaldean (small Christian minority from Northern Iraq). The fact that my parents were Iraqi made travel between Jerusalem and the West Bank very difficult. Traveling across the wall was like night and day. I had a really weird feeling deep down in my gut. That weird feeling didn't leave until I flew out of the Tel Aviv airport to get on with the rest of my trip.

At first I read that as "So I wrote a novel" and got excited. I would totally be down to read more stories like this!

I wish more people could convey their experiences like you write. That was readable, brief, and gave me a well illustrated understanding of your point of view and how you came to it. A+

Who should we support? all the other countries are by far worse. They treat the Palestinians the same way Israelis do and women are second class citizens and being gay is punishable by death. Israel is not perfect but far better than the other countries in the region

As the granddaughter of a Palestinian who came to America after he and his family were forced from their home.... Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this.

That is insane. Just reading about that chills me to the bone.

Thanks for writing that, very interesting. I am glad you shared it.

As a Christian this really does embarrasses me. I honestly had no idea it was that bad over there. I think it's that the Israel people have grown up fighting the Palestinians and have been taught to hate them and treat them as second class citizens.

It's actually the other way around.

as a human you should be disgusted!

Thank you for sharing what you saw. I'm sick of Americans seeing Israel as such a... well, beacon of democracy, as you said. It's sick, what's going on over there. I usually get told that I'm just biased because I'm Lebanese, and everyone knows what a bloody relationship there is between Lebanon and Israel. More people need to know what's really happening.

Israel is a beacon. We should support their expansion over the entire middle east.

They bring culture, pizza, and stability to the camel jockeys that desperately need it.

Israelites are mainly Jewish. Not Christian.

So uh... let me get this straight. This is not what you are taught about the Israeli/Palestine conflict in the US? Because every European that's mildly interested in world events pretty much knows this is how it is. I'm actually quite baffled at this.

Yout story changed a lot of us (at least for a moment). Thanks for taking the time to write a novel.

Israel is a snowball of irony.

Oh my history teacher actually did this. She toured all of Africa and Europe including Israel. She went to Jerusalem. The problem is that she didn't care. A lot of people don't care. They are content where they live and how they live and don't care. About anyone else other than themselves.

Wow. That's nuts. Thank you for sharing

Why the fuck are people down voting you? This is real. These are our allies and we let them do whatever the fuck they want including attacking and killing Americans!

Thanks for your story

I think a lot more people should read this. really good stuff. thanks for sharing

There's a video on YouTube that shows exactly what it is like for the Palestinian people every time they get to a check point. I'm on my phone so if anyone knows what I'm talking about please post it.

I have been to Israel as well, I was still young and politically naive, one day while walking with my shirt off i was pulled and frisked by the secret police for "looking Arab". I was really tanned back then. Realized racism is very real over there.

Thanks for this. People should know.

Israel? A Beacon of Democracy? I don't think anyone has ever claimed that.

As I read this, I kept thinking about a movie called 5 Broken Cameras that documents what you've stated almost exactly.

Got any pictures you could share?

Did they react strangely when you took photos?

I'm sorry, I'm not too educated on politics. When you say that colonialism isn't just something that used to happen, are you saying that Jerusalem or Israel acts as a colony of the U.S.? That's what it sounds like, but I'm unsure. Sorry for being ignorant on the issue and Thanks for helping me understand.

No, what's being said is that Israel acts like a colonial power (imagine what Canada, the U.S and Australia did to their native people) and colonized an area of the world that does not belong to them, hurting the indigenous people while doing so. What is happening to the Palestinians is essentially a silent genocide orchestrated by right-wing assholes in Israel who draw cartoon bombs to convey messages. Also what is happening is absolutely and undeniably comparable to the apartheid committed against blacks in South Africa. Hell, the ghettoization of the Palestinians is actually pretty fucking similar to what the Nazi's did to Jews during WW2.

Israel itself is the colonial power. It has been actively exporting colonists from Israel in to Palestinian territory which it conquered in 1967. This territory is and was under Israeli military jurisdiction, with nominal municipal control given to a quisling Palestinian administration in the West Bank's case.

You are a really great writer. I know you jest when you say you wrote a novel but I would seriously read other things written by you. Not only is the subject of your post interesting and important, but you really brought it to life and I'm sure others beside myself really felt moved by it. Thank you.


Sorry, slightly ignorant person here, but isn't Israel dominantly Jewish and not Christan?

Better and more emotionally pertinent and resounding than any novel i've read In a long time.

Christians should be embarrassed because Jesus wouldn't have stood for any of this.

I might be in the wrong here but aren't as far as I know, Jews aren't Christian, they are Jewish.

I think he means American Christians who are super pro-Israel.

Thank you for taking the time to write this. I wish you could have also saw (and wrote about) how Israel demolishes Palestinian homes.

When all these things are put together, it is clear how "terrorists" are born, and how the west is to blame.

Wow, what a tale! I hope more people read this


Man that was powerful, thank you so much for sharing.

Thanks for sharing your story. As an American, with no direct connection to the Middle East, I have long been frustrated by the fact that we only get one side of the story. I was lucky enough to befriend a Palestinian co-worker years ago and through the stories of her life experiences I began to get a better understand of the whole picture.

There is fault on both sides of the Middle East equation, but if Americans had a better understanding of what it is to live life under occupation then and only then we will we be able to understand what is the genesis of Islamic terrorism.

Is your username an IBM #?


How fucking pisspoor stupid can you be to read a few paragraphs of a single perspective and change so completely on something.

This is something that I can't read in a newspaper or online article. Thanks for typing this out for us.

The wall with the barb wire and glass may be foreshadowing a past long forgotten by the Jews. If it's one thing I know, It's that history reoccurs itself.

I was brought up to believe that Israel is my homeland and it would be a good thing for me to make aliyah (make the commitment to live in Israel) but I do believe Israel is not what it seems, both in the positive and negative sense. The problem is the media bias; On both sides. No one takes an objective look at the subject. Thank you Op for sharing this!

I'm really glad you got to have this experience. I never really looked closer into the conflict until I joined Reddit and started hearing the experiences and looking at the numbers. When you start to dig deeper, you realize that yes, this is a completely asshole move by the United States to continue. It is, however, a strategic necessity both financially and militarily... for now. That a compromise is not even a consideration shows exactly how much moral action means to the U.S.

When I met my current girlfriend a few months ago, she was astonished that I was aware of this stuff (her dad is Palestinian). Needless to say, she let me closer a lot sooner than she normally would (a lot of arab girls are pretty conservative)

She's told me some very frustrating stuff that is similar to what you talked about. She was a graduate student and had to lie about why she was coming there because they don't want people exposing what's going on or trying to make improvements that might destabilize what they have. All she was trying to do was design improved infrastructure for the Palestinian people.

Funny enough, the only serious relationship I've had is with a Jewish girl. And no, I didn't get any insights into the grand Jewish conspiracy, just a petite girl who loved to fuck.

As a christian I despise the fact that so many Christians support Israel. Especially when it's racist as hell and hates Christians! Such idiots.

I had a similar experience back in 2005. I had family living in a really nice part of Jerusalem. But they worked as engineers for an American company with the Palestinian Authority to help get better resources to people outside of the wall. We went to Bethlehem and other cities outside the wall and they just looked like war zones. They're treated like criminals just for existing in the place their families have been for centuries.

The check points aren't so bad if you're white, but still pretty scary. Everyone has to serve in the army so it's a bunch of pissed off 18year olds with AR15s who are sceptic of everything you say. We weren't supposed to tell people who my family members worked for. We almost got held at the airport because my dad has a German name that is also a name in Arabic. This was just days before shit hit the fan in Gaza.

Can you please tell me, with all respect, who were you listening to to think it would be any different? Was it a media source? Was it taught in school? Where do you live? I've never understood how someone would think Israel represents anything but what you've described above.

I have one question about your story. You describe the Qalandia checkpoint process as you enter Palestine. I have never had trouble entering Qalandia from Jerusalem. However, I have your same story when I travel from Qalandia to Jerusalem. Did you mix up the order or am I just lucky?

That's incredibly interesting. Two different worlds right next to each other. Two groups of people who can't get along. One group has plenty of resources and the other has none. We as Americans continue to fund this kind of existence exacerbating a problem that can be fixed through mere coexistence and friendship.

You have been submitted to /r/bestofTLDR

Good shit.

For longest time, I wouldn't belive it...and then I saw the

fields with my own eyes. Watch them liquefy the dead, so

they could be fed intravenously to the living. And standing

there, facing the pure horrifying precision, I came to

realize the obviousness of the truth. What is The Matrix?

Control. The Matrix is a computer generated dream world,

built to keep us under control in order to change a human

being into this.

Thank you for the information and your insights. Sometimes we need these kinds of anecdotes to put things into perspective. I came to this thread from another thread about Hamaz textbooks for their kids.

Thank you for sharing. Only one thing I'd change. Anyone who wants to support the Israeli government, and the current state of Israel should be forced to go through what you did. To see with their own eyes, and not read about some bullshit in a news paper, or see it on TV.

I hope youre not already drowning in replies, but... what exactly do/did they teach you about isreal/palestina in your school?

thank you very much for writing this up

Fuck man... just... goddamn. I don't even have words.

Do you mind explaining this a bit? I understand the evil of it but just need bits cleared up. What has America done here? is it Palatstine that's poor and around it is rich? I'm sorry for this very simple question.

I'll do the best I can to explain this.

Israel is essentially the baby America in the Middle East. It was set up after WWII to be a country of the Jews to help atone for the Holocaust. That sounds all hunky-dorie until you realize that the area they carved Israel out of was all part of Palestine. There were people who had been living there for generations upon generations and suddenly they were just being told to move out. This created a pretty strong animosity between the Israel and the rest of the Middle East and so America decided that it was a great idea to supply them with the most modern, top-of-the-line military technology of the time, and a whole lot of it.

Now Israel didn't just use these weapons as defense, they militarized and immediately began to flex their power. They took the Suez Canal from Egypt almost immediately and only gave it back after America told them that they had to. They also began to carve out pieces of Palestine and claiming them as Israel, forcing even more people to become displaced as the land they lived on for generations was taken from them.

TL;DR: The creation of Israel displaced buttloads of people. America giving shit-tons of weapons and continued aid to Israel gave them the ability to go out and force more people off their land to claim more developments for Israel. Fighting a war against Israel as well as dealing with buttloads of displaced people has driven Palestine to poverty while America continues to bolster the Coffers and Armouries of Israel.

If I messed anything up here feel free to correct me.

Thanks! That clears it up!

If I messed anything up here feel free to correct me.


First off there has never been a state called Palestine. The land that the West Bank, Israel, and Gaza sit on has been held and ruled by countless countries, empires, and each of the three major religions. The term Palestine comes from the Ancesteral Greek Philistines that emigrated inhabited the land. On this land the first monotheistic religion in history grew with its original inhaditanrts (those of which were returning from slavary in Egypt), Judaism, and came to be ruled by successive Jewish kingdoms. The Roman Empire eventually cam through and conquored the land and built up the religious city of Jerusalem (and built the Temple mount) to placate the conquored Jewish population as a goodwill gesture. Once the city of Jerusalem was established as a/the major center for religion after the advent and spread of Christianity (due to the holy sites created in Jerusalem because Jerusalem was a major city in the region therefore a great place for Rome to show its power, therefor being the perfect place to publicly crucify Jesus), and Islam deciding, due to many overlapping and very similar teachings as both Christianity and Judaism, that Jerusalem was important to them too, the area became a hotbed of fighting and one country/ruler/empire after another taking over. During these different "regimes", for lack of a better word, the Jewish population was expelled, allowed back, expelled and over and over, each time haveing fewer and fwer come back due to them creating new lives for themselves in other countries (being the reason that there were so few Jews in the area during modern recorded history).

Fast forward to the 20th century, and the region has changed hands a million times, most "recently" (being the last few rulers) being the Byzantine Empire, that became the Ottoman Empire, and then transfered to become part of the British Empire after WW1. During the rule of the Ottoman Empire, the area had become muslim due to the Ottomans being muslim.

As we all know, WW2 and the Holocaust happened, murdering 6 million of the decendents of the historically displaced Jews from the middle east. This was the largest and most catestrophic of the many pogroms the European Jewish population have endured over the centuries. At this point nationalism (the gathering of similar backgrounds and ethnicities to create a state) was maturing all across Europe in every form (taken to en extreme by the Nazis), not excluding the Jews. So after the Holocaust the Zionist Jewish Nationalist movement wanted to take action and return to their ancesteral homeland of Israel, then know as the Mandate of Palestine (for adoption of the Palistinian label by the muslim arab inhabitants), which was still under British rule and was chopped into a smaller easier to manage entity with arbitrary lines (like Iraq and Syria, and Lebanon became under French and British rule).

With the resulting creation of the UN after WW2, it was generally agreed that the Jewish people needed and deserved a state. Due to the influx of fleeing Jews from Europe and thier agreed upin acesteral connection to the land, Israel was voted upon and agreed with a large majority to be givin space in the Mandate of Palestine alongside the arab inhabitants. The only ones that diagreed were the arabs (but you would think with all the issues they bring to the UN against Israel, making it seem like they find the UN a legitimate entity, they would take majority decisions as international law). So the arbitrary arab countries around the agreed upon land said that they would push the Jews into the sea and told the arab inhabitants of the area to flee/get out of the way to make the job easier. Now, I am not saying that the Israeli military was exempt from maing bad decisions, some that should be looked at as criminal, but to be completely honest, war is never humane or is totally run by level headed people and deplorable things are always comitted by both sides, so saying that bad things happened during the 1948 war is just a given. War displaces people, just like the 1948 war for Israel's independance saw the centuries old Jewish populations of arab countries be deported, most, if not many, of them ending up in Israel. It went both ways.

After independance, Israel has always had to defend itself from arab invasions, once time taking preemptive action to prevent another near catastrophe like the Yom Kippur war, so that was not a flexing of muscle, it was a war that ended with Israel creating buffer regions between them and thier enemies and holding land for future negotiations (which worked in one case at least!)

Now I do not agree with all of the settlement building in the West Bank, but put yourself in the shoes of Israel. If you saw that the disengagement of your country from an occupied territory (Gaza) resulted in the terrorism and daily threat of attack, you would be hestiant to leave the other larger territory unless there was an ironclad agreement that guaranteed your security too. Also, since many of the terrorist attacks came from these territories over long unprotected borders, you would put up a barrier to stop them from happening (which it pretty much did) too.

Again, the means to which the Israeli government tries to protect theur citizens may not be orthodox or seem friendly, and I am against many of the means they use, but in the grand scheme of things it is just the government trying to protect its people in a country built on land that was inhabited by said people's ancestors thousands of years ago. This is just another chapter in the brutal history of the region.

Finally, the violence is also attributed to the Palestinian and other Arab leadership incitiing and doing nothing to ease tensions on their side. I guarantee you that Israelis want peace more than the Palestinians do.

tl;dr Theres a lot of history of the region that no one cares to know or take into account when creating an opinion on the conflict. Its been going on for centries...this is nothig new!

Note: I apologize for all spelling errors!

Woah...How did I end up in /r/conspiracy?

I may have came off as though I didn't blame Palestine or any of the conflict and that I was demonizing Israel. That's not how I meant to come off. I understand that there is a very very long history all over the Middle East (probably longer than anywhere else in the world) and that is simply going to lead to a lot of conflict. Realistically though the Western World had no place cutting out portions of the Middle East and drawing borders where they saw fit just as they did in Africa. A very large portion of the problems in these areas come from neglectful border-drawing by Western Colonialists.

That was one of the most eloquent comments that I have ever read explaining the Palestinian situation which is hard to grasp or put into real words. I just want to say if I had enough money I would buy you a gold coin. Add a character, a small bit of plot and a bit more description and you have a beautiful short story. Thanks for the feels.

Thanks for this first-hand view of the situation over there. I've never trusted what we're told about who the good guys and bad guys are in most news. There are elements of both in every country. It all feels a bit too reminiscent of Nazi Germany for me. A country can protect its borders without imposing such horrible restrictions on countries around them, no matter the threat.

A Belgian guy made a documentary about the colonies. He went to both sides and did interviews on both sides, showing their view on the conflict. He put the trailer on youtube, two days later it got removed 'because its content violated YouTube's Terms of Service.'


Here is the site of the documentary with the trailer.

I feel you, I just got back from a 6 month internship at a nonprofit trying to bring Israeli jews and Palestinians together for dialog. It was a smack of reality everytime i went over the border.

Note: I now have friends on both sides of this conflict and it is extremely complicated.

Is it okay with you if I submit this to /r/bestof? This is easily the best and most personal account I've read in awhile of the differences between Israel and Palestine.

Israel is Jewish not christian, they dont believe in Jesus. You're right Jesus wouldnt have anything to do with this, it's very old testament style. EDIT: Although to be fair i understand the security measures, but the way they do the card system is screwed up

The rest of my day was senseless bullshit...up until reading this. Thank you for posting this, I know that speaking on this topic can cause some blow back. I appreciate the personal experiences that you've shared with us because it helps to bring attention to what is happening instead of what is theorized (not to say that any theories are true or untrue).

someone best of please

Wow. Just... wow. I never knew it was that bad.

Religion is so wonderful

Wow. Powerful story.

We Belong to the Land by Elias Chacour really goes along with what you are saying.

And we wonder why the rest of the world hates the US when we fanatically defend those who commit such atrocities. I'm not saying the US is squeaky clean either, but the first step we must take to fix this damn country is break ties with others who deny human rights, then we can get to work on the domestic issues.

So there are successful countries and poor countries. Just like the USA and Mexico. You are shocked by the inequality. Welcome to the world.

Colonialism is the establishment, exploitation, maintenance, acquisition and expansion of colonies in one territory by people from another territory. It is a set of unequal relationships between the colonial power and the colony and between the colonists and the indigenous population.wiki

That is nothing compared to what they do in Palestinian settlements. They imprison children, torture them, beat them. They destroy Palestinian crops. They kick people out of their homes and replace them with a Jewish family. What is going on is probably worse than any apartheid in recent history.

Thank you. I have saved this comment.



I wish I could share this with the universe.

Same thing happened to me. I spent a month in Israel traveling around the whole Palestinian region. Incredibly depressing.

damn. That was powerful. Much respect.


Your an idiot. Palistinians can't even get basic building materials and food.

Green Palestinian Hospital

Al Ahli Hospital provides care to 600,000 Palestinians living in the Hebron district. With 365 regular beds and a capacity for 500 patients in emergency situations

Not once have I bought into the Israeli victim mentality. It's completely obvious to everyone with a brain who isn't corrupted by religion or patriotism that this situation is far from being as equal as the media would have you believe.

Perhaps if the Palestinians didnt attach bombs to their chests and blow up busses full of children the situation would be different.


True, but there are always diplomatic answers. Had the Palestinians in 1948 been willing to compromise at all, they would have had over 80% of what now is considered Israel. But instead they (and Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria) chose to attack and start a war. Its not a simple as people make it out. Again, I hear what you are a saying but they chose to put themselves in this situation by refusing to agree to any compromise.


These are wise words.

What were you expecting from a nation basically at near war with everyone around them? Interesting story though, Israel is hardly a beacon of democracy.

While the situation is grim, I have to ask: Would it be humane to stop supporting Israel? While it's horrid that the Israelites treat Arabs in such a way, does that justify not backing them and letting their neighbors overrun them and perhaps do the same thing to them?

I could be wrong, and maybe Israel's neighbors wouldn't do that, though my knowledge of the situation insists it would.

I'm just at a loss. What do we DO?

I think we should do nothing less than stop giving them bombs and money and instead put some demands into the aid. I mean that for both Israel and every nation bordering it. Also refuse trade to all of them unless they encode laws to stop the practice of apartheid and enact laws to treat all religions equal. Only a powerful, united, and secular front would end it for sure.

Israel treats all religions equally, more so than the US at least.

Around 20% of Israelis are in fact arabs, they sit in parliament and are usually in better shapes than arabs in Arab countries.

wow bro this just gave me chills. honestly thanks for sharing....

Unfortunately for your cab driver, the leaders of his land use their construction materials on terror tunnels in stead of hospitals and indoctrinate their students with hate in stead of educating them. Probably easier to blame his situation on his neighboring countries' leaders though.

May I ask you why you thought everything was good in Israël ? Is it what they teach you where you live ? I believe this point of view is mainly American because where I live, and in Europe in general, everyone talk about "colonies" and "occupied territory".

kinda reminds me of some of the shit the nazis did....

No. It really doesn't.

Actually it does. Some crazy fuckers decide to use the holocaust as an excuse to steal themselves their own country in palestine and start commiting war crimes of their own. ...And now they are oppressing and ostrasizing the palestinian "untermensch" using many techniques that are eerily similar to those which the nazis employed against them during WW2.

Wow.. That's insane. first of all, there were jews living there before WWII, and of course those that survived came to join them. In 48 it was the Arab states who attacked and lost their land. until 67 the Palestinians were oppressed by Jordan, funny no one cares about that. Since they have their own government, their armed forces, they even sit at the UN. To compare any of that to the nazis is simply illogical.

That is simply not true. But if you're a Zionist it makes complete sense that you think that, cause you've been told to.

It seems as though no one "told" you about what the nazis actually did in WWII

You seem completely incapable of seeing the similarities to some of the things they did. I wonder why? :>

i dont understand...the governments and people of palestine have been given literally billions of dollars in aid just over the past 20 or so years.

why is the area and its people so impoverished and destitute?

Because the people that are supposed to distribute the money and help the community keep it for themselves.

Aid doesn't fix poverty. Development does.

On mobile so my quoting ability is lacking, but sharing a bus seat with a grenade launcher sounds...risky.

and that Christians should be embarrassed because Jesus wouldn't have stood for any of this.

The craziest thing is that Palestine has a sizable Christian population. When Christians support Israel, they support the persecution and subjugation of fellow Christians at the hands of people of Jewish faith. I'm not religious at all, but the fact that most Americans are Christian, and Americans overwhelmingly support Israel, is a complete mindfuck to me. They'd rather let their fellow religious adherents get treated quite badly in the hopes that it will bring about the apocalypse so Jesus can come back.

Edit: and as silly as this may sound, Anthony Bourdain did a recent episode of Parts Unknown where he went to Israel and Palestine. He ended up spending more time in Palestine than Israel, and the whole episode revealed a very similar story to the one you shared here. It's seriously like a ghetto in Palestine, especially compared to the luxurious Israeli areas just on the other side of the wall. Also, apparently food in the West Bank has some of the most unique flavor combinations of any culture.

Can you explain that last paragraph to me? Israel was founded by and maintained a socialist government and the Knesset has one of the most diverse representations of any governmental body. And at this point isn't Israel pretty much its own autonomous nation that just happens to have US support? And don't you think security is necessary considering the relative volatility of the Middle East combined with the history of guerilla attacks being launched from the West Bank, Gaza and Syria?

Edit: Remove some stuff that was misunderstood on my part.

They are extremely paranoid about their land because the Jews have been systematically exorcised from location after location, a people without a country, for so long. Heck, they didn't even have a country to call their own until after the firggin Holocaust. They've had a rough life. They just can't seem to catch a break. Now they finally have a place to call home and the Muslims are crying foul because the land that was theirs to begin with and was taken away has supposedly fallen under the "finders keepers" law and needs to be returned to "the rightful owners". So Israel is in constant battle with a nation that is a perfect example of why vigilant democracy is far better than a de facto theocracy and they pay for their fanaticism with poverty and squalor.

Modern day Israel is the way it is because of the fanaticism and mistaken manifest destiny of their neighboring states and they in turn are subject to the product of their delusion. Jesus said: "Be as gentle as doves but wise as serpents."

So no, Jesus would definitely say to keep your home safe in light of letting a fanatic blow it up.

Otherwise, great read!

OP meant the American Christians who are blindly pro-Israel

My point is that they are the good guys because the vast majority of retaliatory or "reprehensible actions" they do out of necessity. To call them the bad guys is to call a black man the bad guy for shooting racists who kidnap his family and kill his son and who becomes skeptical of every white person he meets because he lives in the pre civil rights era. There may be good people, but, because of the location he is in, he is rightfully paranoid.

I KNEW IT, the jews were never up to any good, first 9/11 and now definitive proof that the zionists israelites are nothing but scum.

Sorry if I'm being daft, but what's the conspiracy here?

Sorry, but I don't believe the story about the arm. What kind of genetic defect would cause someone to lose a limb without surgery? It doesn't exist.

The conspiracy of how someone gets awarded gold 7 times in 4 hours just turned me into a conspiracy theorist!

That's what happens when you terrorize civilians. Your people are ostracized.

" We are scum because you segregate us."

No, we segregate you because you are scum.

The Jews freakin killed jesus, man!

I appreciate the thoughts, and I'm not trying to poo-poo your experience, because I'm sure it happened exactly as you describe. However, there are obviously two sides of a coin. I'm positive that we could get an Israeli to describe in detail how a grenade launched over a wall onto their kid sister or smuggled through the wall killed their mom. There is obviously a reason that the wall exists. The two sides don't treat each other like Canada and the US or even the US and Mexico (which is very similar in that one side is dirt poor and the other side rich).

I guess I'm just saying that anecdotes are powerful, but they don't tell the whole story.

You can trade sob story for sob story on both sides, but that doesn't get you anywhere. The fact of the matter is, both sides are right about certain things and both are wrong about certain things. This is a unique situation because in the past, refugees haven't stayed, they have left. However most of the surrounding Arab countries refused to absorb a significant amount, if any of the palistinians. Moving past that, the way israel has and is treating the palistinians leaves much to be desired. Since the wall has been put up, suicide bombings have almost stopped. They used to allow ambulances through without being searched, but some people filled one with bombs. Do I think that everyone should be punished for the actions of a few? No, but what else can you do?

There is no need to condescend certain religions.

Where did you see him(her?) being condescending? I read nothing of the sort...

Oy vey, the goyim have discovered our secret. SHUT. IT. DOWN.

 One thing that's always cropped up in my mind is how often people disregard things. There are three sides to every story: their side, your side and the truth. People's opinions start based on personal experience. We can only generalize-innocently or not-from our point of view. It's naturally biased. We only learn other POVs by living through new experiences or by others. For this, I thank you for posting, and because of it I will post the following tagged under your comment so people following it can also read it:

I have a fair amount of empathy AND sympathy for Palestinians-especially those who are near my age. However, I think it's unfair that nobody ever points out the other side of the coin in that regard without ridiculous amounts of back-peddling, exaggerated or inexperienced opinions, or just outright paranoia (on both sides, and those on the outside). This is absolutely a heated subject; it always has been. However, what about the Israeli children that have grown up-albeit on the other side of that fence-from the Palestinian children? Much like the OP, I too have an experience in Israel...from being born and living there. I have read through many comments in this thread about the living conditions on both sides, and I have a serious bone to pick with the 'generalizations' that were made from people who were simply visiting. (I have yet to stumble across a poster who has lived in Israel, or was a native, to comment about such a thing. If I have missed one, my apologies.)

I was born in an incredibly small town. I was born to an American mother and a Jewish father-who's parents were from North Africa. We have an Arabic based last name, but with European and Jewish ancestry. I am a dual citizen. I lived in Israel for a decade and go back every few years. Did you know that the streets are not paved in gold? In fact, when people ask me what it was like, I frankly tell them it could be a beautiful place if the streets didn't have so much garbage and if gutters didn't smell like piss and rot.  Did you know our first home-in which I was born and lived in my first year-was a bomb shelter? Did you know that I lived through a war before I was potty trained, or that I knew what a missile siren meant before I knew how to recite the alphabet? Did you know that our bathtub-in our second home, which was an 'upgrade' to our first-was outside in the yard, or that my mom ran my bath water with the hose? How about the fact that in that upgraded 'home' we had three people to a room in a one room house. That is, the house was literally four walls with a window, a door and a leaky roof. 

Our third house was owned by my grandparents. It had three rooms and an indoor bathtub. We had seven people living in it. Family.  The same family that worked their asses off-doing physical labor for nearly two decades-to save enough to start a family business in Israel. My dad had several employees that helped him in the business; he did his best to hire good men-family men-regardless if they were Palestinian, Jewish, Christian or other. They were judged based on their actions; we even spoke Arabic, Hebrew, French and English within the business-and the home-in order to be able to better communicate with workers who were eventually like one of the family. He even carpooled them back and forth to work. The respect flowed both ways. 

When I was five years old, a man my father had  hired attempted to behead  him. He was part of Hamas and luckily his plans didn't come into fruition. Why would a man we had treated like family want to kill my dad-and the rest of his family? Why me? My mom, my grandma? It was because we were Jewish business owners. Killing us was to be a message that we didn't belong there, in that land. 

I was a child, as the Palestinian children are. A lot of us-and I'm speaking in the age of mid twenties here-have grown up in a war zone because of a war we didn't ask for, let alone start. As I stated before, the streets on the Israeli side aren't paved in gold. It's not uncommon to see dilapidated housing: crumbling concrete, rotting wood planks, old stone in mortar walls and bullet scarred neighborhoods under thin metal roofs and behind rusted fences.  A couple posters in this thread said that Israel was like walking through Europe. Europeans, I ask you: is everything-everywhere-as great as it seems? Ireland: is it all green and perfect like the postcards? France: is it all romantic like the movies? Romania, Hungary? Anybody? No?

How about Americans? I've lived in America now for almost twenty years. I know for a fact that a slum can border the gates of a nice community. Does that mean that everything is good, or does it simply mean that a nice community was walled itself off from the shit pit? How about those of you in south Florida? I have lived in some downright holes in the ground with nasty flying roaches as neighbors in my walls. How can people be so blind to each other? It is SO incredibly easy to sit back and point the finger at a people in whole instead of holding the people at fault responsible. How about a whole country? Let me tell you: what most of the world thinks of Americans is not how a majority of us actually are. When I visited a friend in the UK this past year (right after the Newtown shooting) I felt like a side at the freak-show. The questions were so incredibly naive, but so irresistibly accusatory and broad; it felt like a blanket smothering me. I wasn't like that. I like owning my firearm. I'm responsible. How can you say that I'm like that individual when I've never lifted a finger against another, let alone the barrel of my gun. Stupid, paranoid, gun-clutching, trigger-happy American that I am.

How can you say all Palestinians are terrorists? How can you say all Israeli's are oppressive? If you can say that, honestly, you need to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself some hard questions. Saying all Israeli's, especially ones that were born there, are colonialists in training is like saying all immigrants born on American soil are going to take over and block us into a cage. It's okay to defend, but defend justly. A crooked defense is still crooked; sooner or later it'll throw you entirely off balance. Look where being out of balance leads people? Look at where it leads entire governments! As both a dual citizen I can honestly say that neither is more right than wrong. The road to hell was paved with good intentions; history shows us that is true for all nations, all races and all tongues. No human is except from mistakes, from rash judgment, from suffering. As much as we like to say that humans are the superior animal on this planet, we are-in fact-scared animals. Cornered, we lob explosives at each other. We sell, murder, covet, starve, beat and abuse each other. We fight over land that didn't originally belong to us. Nobody alive today-no culture-can accurately claim that any one territory belongs to them-and always has since time immemorial. 

We-as humans-behave in a hideous manner. We have the balls to start wars and not the common sense to understand that you can't have a 'war' with 'rules'.  War creates death, what's the point of making rules to spare lives? To RESPECT life? That's laughable. Sounds like we want to bake our cake and eat it too-while also not getting fat or having any of the supplies. In relation to my point: if you're going to be involved in this debate-which will probably rage on for many years with no progress at this rate-then please remember that open, respectful dialogue is how one acquires new points of view. Remember that there are three sides to every story, just as there are many people who belong to a nation who don't agree with everything their government does (ahem, every country in the world).

I am well aware that Israel has committed crimes against humanity, just as I am aware our neighbors to the south have as well. I have been the victim of hate crimes because of my race and nationality, witnessed offenses from both sides. I can't honestly believe that all Palestinians hate Israeli's. I have had to stand in long lines because of my last name, I get questioned, I get gruff treatment, disrespectful comments,  my bags tossed through every time I travel. I get grilled as to why I have two passports when I have dual citizenship. Going through security always feels like a really infuriating, cliché movie. Here in the states, I get shit for having a 'translated' copy of my birth certificate. I've been verbally challenged in workplaces/school/college for being from the middle east. I've been accused of being a terrorist. A student in high school caused a mild bomb scare when he found out I was from Israel. He was convinced I was strapped to the gills with explosives.  I sat alone my freshman year because of the same paranoia that erected that wall. That rotten few-on both sides-is the ultimate kill joy. Neither side will win so long as they are in emotional bondage to each other. I wish our generation would stand up and say enough. We have a lot on our plate that is being passed down to us and-at some point-it will be our generation that is left in charge of the mess. 

As for a conspiracy that Israel is this great place... what posh. Maybe the bigger cities got all the funding while shit is falling apart elsewhere. A lot of the 'better half' of Israel is to please the tourists. Tourism is big, therefore gets cleanliness, attractions, renovations and amenities. You see that everywhere with a booming tourism industry though. What you don't see-much like every other country-is the ugly side...or the whole truth.

Sorry about typos, jumbled thoughts, and the format this keeps posting in. =/

TL;DR Three sides to every story: your side, their side and the truth.

Wow. Wow wow. You had me at every word. Normally when I look at a wall of text, I say "meh" but by the second sentence I was hooked. The way you tell a tale its amazing. Sorta of like an invisible narrator who paints a vivid picture.

I wanted to let you know, if you ever want to keep writing, we are always looking for writers for /r/SubredditOfTheDay.

To be fair, if it wasn't for this type of security Israel wouldn't be as safe as it is today.

Sadly it's just the brutal reality of things...

Sorry, but your driver was full of shit.

I used to be a medic for the Israeli government and served people living in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Southwest including Gaza. We served EVERYONE, regardless of age, religion, or citizenship. There are some very shitty towns in the West Bank and Gaza but most people there blame the terrible Palestinian government that does nothing constructive with all the aid they get. When Israel evacuated from Gaza they left nice buildings, neighborhoods, and hospitals, all of which have since been destroyed or used for the militias by the Palestinian leadership.

Back to the story at hand here, I find it hard to believe. Not that 161719 was necessarily lying but foreigners are pretty easy to spot and westerners are a sympathetic target. He was likely looking for this poster to give a good tip and/or spread his story. Working in an ambulance we transferred many Palestinians without a border permit to Israeli hospitals. Yes there was a process but it was not impossible. Even after the Gaza disengagement we would go into the aid holding area on the Gaza border and collect residents of Gaza who needed to go to the hospital in Ashkelon or Tel Aviv and drive them and a family member the rest of the way because the disengagement terms meant they couldn't drive themselves past the border.

Sorry if someone has asked this already, but was it hard to get your tour guide to open up about this?

Very well-written story. The cadence, the tone, the voice, the modes. Really good. I hope I stumble across your work in the field again, with the proper name. You definitely earn it if you're paying the mouth with the word.

This is anazing.

Wow. Just wow. You need to post this someplace else. Pitch it to Rolling Stone, Vice Magazine, or just put together a little film on YouTube. This needs to get out there.

im guessing u werent allowed to take pix.. if u did, could u share some w/ us? particularly while crossing the wall. Thx for the story

Great story. I'm not gonna lie though, I skipped to the bottom first to make sure the loch ness monster wasn't waiting for me.

I need about tree-fiddy.

I always check behind the shower curtain to make sure of the same thing

Thank you for sharing.


Yeah. I live near it. It's nothing like was described in the above post.

You mean where the volleyball matches are at?

No, what's it like?


I think the argument is that Israel is not being persecuted, it is doing the persecuting. Who do you think is persecuting Israel?

Israel is heading towards doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them.

I got a A- minus for my history-paper which had to be about the Palestina/Israel conflict. I wrote from Palestinian perspective and got laughed and yelled at by my fellow students... and then the grades came back. Israel is the pot calling the kettle black.... period

Excellent way to shed light on a controversial topic by pointing out your opinions earned you a A- in that freshman history class.

Way to go champ!

We could only hope. Few less camel jockeys and everyone wins.

Please give a real tldr, that was just an extension of what you were writing.

Guess what? It's a military country. Guess why they have adopted so many policies about searches and security? Don't you sort of see at all why they do these things? If you lived in America and Canada was constantly attacking with rockets and bombs that target your children, would you not want your country to protect you?

The PURPOSE of government is to protect the people. I think Israel does a damn fine job given their circumstances. Don't even try to argue about who the land belongs to, it's changed hands dozens of times. Now it's Israel's and they aren't going to be letting Arabs be treated equally until the surrounding Arab nations are on par with Israel as far as being humane.

"If palestine were to lay down their weapons tomorrow, there would be no war. If Israel were to lay down it's weapons tomorrow, there would be no Israel"

The world hates Jews and it's despicable. A country a fraction of the size of it's surrounding nations is constantly ridiculed. Not ONCE has Israel been on the UN Security Council, yet Russia, China, Egypt, have all had a turn.

Palestine is crumbling because of their religious hatred and that's it. If they played nice with Israel they would be safe within Israel and treated equally. When every surrounding country hates you it's not hard to envision a police state. Don't expect it to change anytime soon

Stop playing the victim, Israel is the aggressor.

You make some good points but I somewhat disagree with a bit. Israel does have some fantastic security. My brother and another man in our group both had skin and hair dark enough to pass as arabs, and they got searched for much longer than the rest of us did, even at gunpoint once. It is very effective security. I do disagree though that if Palestine were to lay down their weapons tomorrow, there would be no war. From what I understand, they want the Palestinians gone because Israel is their God-given land. And I absolutely do not believe that disarming Palestine would eliminate all the maltreatment. I believe that Israelis would still try to force them off their land.

Also, this is going to sound very harsh, but please bear with me. I think there is a reason that the untra-orthodox Jews in Israel are disliked. I know I personally harbor some feelings against them because of how they treated me as a female. Nothing really bad happened, mind you. But I recall one instance in which my mother and I got in an elevator with three orthodox jewish men (you can tell by the clothing they wear, mind you.) We stepped in, they looked at us and then stepped away from us and made slight faces. It confused us, so we asked out guide what we might have done to offend them. Apparently, some just dislike women as women are seen as temptresses. Mind you, we wore skirts and long shorts or pants and shirts that covered the chest and shoulders at all times. We always wore that if not more, so we weren't dressed promiscuously. But I feel like that illustrates that they still hold on to unpopular traditional values, some that might even offend visitors.

Of course, that is a very small portion of the population. In the same elevator, I got on with my brother who got searched thoroughly. I had gotten some sun too, and passed as a local a couple of times. Another man got on with us and tried speaking to us in his language, and we had to explain that we were tourists. We all had a bit of a giggle at it. He seemed totally fine, though, see? But there are so many different people in Israel, I suspect that at some point you'll inevitably come across someone who offends you in some way. Keep that in mind, then, for me. First, that you are right and that Israel has some great security, but the debate is whether or not it is worth the mistreatment of the Palestinians. Second, that there are always things that you and I will have not experienced, things that we aren't able to speak of because we have not experienced them. So consider that while weighing in on your own opinion and on mine.

You bring up that the state of Israel is militaristic as though it justifies Israel's apartheid policy towards Arabs. I understand that Israel is a country where every citizen is born into war, but I still think that all people have rights, and it is a governments duty to protect those rights.

The PURPOSE of government is to protect the people.

I will have to disagree with that. The purpose of a government, in my opinion, is the protection of individual rights through laws which clarify the proper use of force. Not different sets of laws for different sets of people.

they aren't going to be letting Arabs be treated equally until the surrounding Arab nations are on par with Israel as far as being humane.

In my opinion, this is wrong. To persecute another race because of the actions of another state is despicable.

Maybe I'm just strongly opposed to apartheid police states and I don't fully understand Israel, but I do not see Israel as an example of democracy and I don't support their policies.

I have walked all the same places. I think your "novel" is a bit of propaganda pushing a very racist agenda. When I walked the places you talk about I kept thinking about the difference culture makes. Israel is a wonderful place to live because they focus on producing goods and services that other people want. The Islamic zones, are, for the most part, hellholes because they focus on killing others, and indulge the politics of envy.

The Islamic countries are not poor because Israel is rich. Israel is rich because they worked their arse off turning a malaria ridden swamp (with no resources) into a paradise, by the sweat of their brow. The Islamic countries have sat for the last hundred years on the oil treasure trove of the world, and have slid farther and farther into poverty because of their own darn ignorance.

As long as Islamic nations continue to lock women in the back room, forbidding them to learn to read and write, as long as they kill all the gays, and persecute their fellow citizens who promote innovation and development, they will remain in the poverty and tyranny they make for themselves. As long as they choose to remain in the cosmology and ideology of the 12th century they will remain in the poverty of the 12th century, and blaming the Jews for it is at best a red herring.

Orthodox Jewish people aren't really pushing equality either. I'm not sure how much Israel worked its ass off to get its land. If what I'm told is correct, it was given to them as a result of WWII because no one wanted the refuges. It's some of the most fertile land in all of the world.

I don't think the OP or you are giving a fair representation of things. I think what you're saying has some truth but why defend the Jews so much? They've definitely been jerks as well.

Actually, Israel was an uninhabited malarial swamp after World War I, when the Jews began to arrive. The total inhabitants numbered in the tens of thousands. I am not suggesting that that the hard work of the Israelis gained them the land, but only that it turned this swamp into a wonderful place to live.

I spent most of my adult life working in and around both the Israelis and the Muslims. I don't disagree at all that the Israeli state has a very dark side to it. Doesn't every state? I also agree that the Orthodox are not for equality, but they only pull down about 5% of the vote. So they are not in charge.

In fact, Israel has Palestinian representatives in their Parliament. Israel allows Palestinians to bring direct legal challenge in court against any government action. If you go and look up the facts you will find that in a majority of cases the Israeli supreme court rules in favor of the Palestinians. This last fact shows that injustice is being done to Palestinians, but it also shows a democratic response to the injustice.

Can any Islamist state claim the same towards it's Jewish inhabitants? Why do we never talk about the native Christian population of Bethlehem that was driven into exile by murder and intimidation? Why do we never talk of how the Christians of Iraq and Egypt are treated, nor talk of the hundreds of thousands of Jewish citizens that disappeared into thin air in Iran, Afghanistan, and the Islamic states that came out of Russia? What happened to all those Jews?

Actually, Israel was an uninhabited malarial swamp after World War I, when the Jews began to arrive. The total inhabitants numbered in the tens of thousands.

What a blatant lie.

In fact, Israel has Palestinian representatives in their Parliament.

Whose votes don't count.

For an objective account of the state of Palestine, go and read Mark Twain's description during his tour of the Holy Land. His description was rendered immediately before the Jews began to return. He had no bias, and politics had not yet put spin on any of the facts. You might also look the census and the reports of the map making teams of the British Empire after they took over the administration of the region from the Turks. You will find that my comments are bang on. Palestine was an uninhabited wasteland, notorious for it's malaria and other diseases.

Why don't you address yourself to how the Supreme Court of Israel sides with the Palestinians again and again? Can you cite any Islamic land that gives such rights and protection to it's Christian, Jewish, or Zoroastrian minorities?

Why is it only Israel that seems to illicit your ire, when virtually every Islamic country around it does so much worse on every single point you care to name?

Can you cite any Islamic land that gives such rights and protection to it's Christian, Jewish, or Zoroastrian minorities?

This doesn't have shit to do with Israel. Non-sequitur.

Why don't you address yourself to how the Supreme Court of Israel sides with the Palestinians again and again?

Extraordinary claims require proof. Your claim is extraordinary.

Why is it only Israel that seems to illicit your ire...

Where do you get this from? Plenty of countries illicit my ire, and my own country, the United States, is one of them.

...when virtually every Islamic country around it does so much worse on every single point you care to name?

  1. Because that's what I expect from Islamic countries.

  2. Because Israel became a country because of the persecution of the Jews, and now they are doing the same to people who inhabited that land before it was handed over, quite illegally, to the Jews.

Your displaying the mentality of a three year old. Blanking out the facts that explode your position, and expose your hypocrisy. Insisting there be one set of rules for Israel, and another set of rules for Muslims.

And by the way, the fact that Muslims can bring law suits before the Israeli Supreme Court is not extraordinary. It is a fact that even the Muslims admit, and come around asking people to give money to the fund to hire the best lawyers. I have given it money myself.

The results of these lawsuits is not extraordinary either. You count up the number of suits brought, and then you count the number of times the court has ruled in favor of the Palestinians. The Court rules in favor of the Palestinians 2 to 1 as a matter of fact.

Which brings us back to how the Muslims are treating their minorities, and why I oppose their cause. It also brings us back to the fact that all they have to do to have a two state solution is acknowledge Israel's right to exist, and round up the terrorists. Until they do, I will support Israel, and every civilized soul should do the same.

Blanking out the facts that explode your position, and expose your hypocrisy.

You haven't cited a single fact yet. You've offered conjecture and nothing there. You're displaying the mentality of a 3 year old.

And by the way, the fact that Muslims can bring law suits before the Israeli Supreme Court is not extraordinary.

Oh, how generous! Citizens can act like citizens (and then get shit all over)! Wow! What a fucking massive move forward!

You count up the number of suits brought, and then you count the number of times the court has ruled in favor of the Palestinians.

Prove it. You made the claim, so prove it's true.

It also brings us back to the fact that all they have to do to have a two state solution is acknowledge Israel's right to exist...

They already have, however, Israel doesn't like who it is that is in power that have issued such a decree. That and Palestine insist, rightly so, that Israel remove all settlements, which are quite illegal, and go back to the '68 borders. Israel won't agree to this very reasonable request, so they refuse to give peace. Because they want to continue to be able to steal land.

...and every civilized soul should do the same.

No civilized person would support Israel.


You have good taste

I have walked all the same places. I think your "novel" is a bit of propaganda pushing a very racist agenda.

You just talked about how what he said was "pushing a very racist agenda", yet you yourself turn this into some sort of religious propaganda as well.

Religious? I am a gay man of American Indian descent. I wonder what religion I am pandering to?

There is a viscous anti Semitic strain gaining momentum through out the world as we speak. It seeks the destruction of the State of Israel, and blanks out the repeated statements of the Islamist that there will be no peace until all the Jews are killed.

I protest this, and all who support it, as I would protest the potential genocide of any social or racial group.



You seriously overestimate the amount of American help. Israeli citizens turned that desert into a garden by working the land, planting forests, one acre at a time.

When it comes to the aid we gave Israel, 90% of that was military aid. I spent 20 years in Air Force military intelligence. Believe me when I tell you we got our money's worth in all the data collection they shared with us in vital areas of the world. Then there is the way the took our weapons, radically improved them, and gave us back the improved technology. We got our monies worth several times over.


Perhaps I misunderstood your comment. You seemed to be suggesting that the Israelis did not develop Israel, but that America paid for it with foreign aid. I believe Israel turned a swamp into one of the best places in the world to live by their own efforts, and I believe they have done more for America than America has done for them. But that is just my opinion, and no offense was taken.


Provided fantastic HUMINT intelligence across one third of the earth. Saving us billions in doing it for our-self. They have also taken and improved countless weapon systems we have given them in aid, and then given us the improved technology free of charge. The cost savings here far exceed the amount we give them.


Pretty simple. Israeli intelligence has the Muslim world wired for sound. That is 2 billion right there. They have also complete coverage of Western Europe from Britain to the Urals. Add this up and it exceeds one third, actually.


Israel's superb intelligence service, and it's faithful assistance to the US has been reported on repeatedly in the world press. If you don't know about it, you just don't want to see it.


Unless you are willing to admit that they treat their minorities better than every other country in the Mid East it can only be your personal bigotry and hatred in the way. Because that is the incontestable fact.

The Muslims in Israel are treated better there than in any Islamic country in the world. Doesn't that tell you something?


Your engaging in chop logic now. Go back and read your own comment that I was responding to, and my meaning becomes quite clear.

Personally, I believe all humans to be brothers and sisters and made in God's image. I believe each one of us will face an audit by our Creator for how we treat those who come into our path, and no one will be able to cheat or escape that confrontation with the objective truth.

From the beginning of this discussion to this point I have stressed that the Palestinians deserve their own state every bit as much as the Jews. A two state solution is the only way out of this dilemma. With each sovereign in their own territory.


wait, what? Please explain.

You call for actions that would destroy the Israeli state. You call for actions that would serve up millions of Jews to nations and peoples who publicly pronounce they are going to kill all the Jews, and drive them into the sea. You side with people who publicly declare over and over that Hitler's crime was that he didn't finish the job.

You do not admit that Israel acknowledges the right of the Palestinians to exist, and you do not admit that the Palestinian Authority, the Hamas, and Hezbollah reject the right of Israel to exist. You pretend that the flotilla was about shipping food to the Palestinians, when the whole world knows it was simple a device to lift the weapons blockade to the terrorists raining down missiles on Israel.

You propose actions that will bring death and misery to millions of Jews because they are Jews. In any book, that is racist.

You call for actions

I didn't call for any actions, and neither did the guy telling the story.

You propose actions that will bring death and misery to millions of Jews because they are Jews. In any book, that is racist.

Again, neither I nor the OP proposed any actions.

As far as hating Jews and wanting to exterminate them goes, that is neither racist nor anti-semitic, since Jews aren't a race, and aren't the only Semitic group in existence (Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews are largely not Semitic, actually). The people who usually espouse such views are often Semitic themselves, and to a much larger extent than the Jews.

I don't really have a position on Israel, except that it's definitely not on the same level as the U.S., western Europe, or even east Asia, in terms of racial and multicultural tolerance.

So the Jews aren't really Jews, and they aren't a race. I guess that makes it ok to kill them then...

You're pretty bad at reading comprehension.

My comprehension is fine, and the intention of your assertions are crystal clear.

It really isn't, and you're making up your own weird intentions.

Jesus will not stand up for injustice...PM me if you want to talk more as I have the solution.

You should see pictures of all the killing they did.. Or the video of these Jewish guys around a Palestinian woman pretending like they were going to give her money then when she reached they snatched it away and all laughed and insulted her and she began crying immediately. Or the picture if the little boy who came home to fid out his home was demolished by Jews because it wasn't built with proper permits. Or the video of Jewish men kicking this Palestinian woman out if her house ad yelling in her face and laughing. But the killing.. It's terrible. Ill try to find the link to the website I saw a few years ago. Actually I won't. It's fucking disgusting. Armed and armored men killing unarmed people who have rocks to throw as weapons, at best. I was probably 14 when my dad was in his computer looking at the pictures. I remember sitting for a long time just scrolling through hundred if pictures of true genocide.. I sat still and silent for a long time. I got up, and walked to my bed. I felt sick and I cried, filled with feelings of anger and hatred. It changed me. They killed two of my cousins and a great uncle. One woman because she was protecting her child and they shot her.. Another just wanted to go to the mosque to pray but they decided to kill him. My great uncle went fishing to feed his family. They were starving, they decided to shoot and kill him because he was out too late. The oppression, poverty, and war crimes are unimaginable. But the whole world lets them get away with it and turns a blind eye.

Agree about the colonialism. When I visited Israel a few years ago, the flotillia incidents happened and the media coverage was staggering - between the N. American newspapers and the Israelian newspapers, the only one that managed to cover it from an unbiased point of view were the Europeans/way outside of N. America's influence system. Met with a few Arabs and Arab-Israelians, who shared their stories with us... suffice to say my eyes were opened after that.

Would it impress you, if Israel would let the security shield down and make everyone of their citizens exposed more to death than they already are?

Do you think that if they transfer Jerusalem to palestinians, it would be great accomplishment for the world peace?

The wall was built because of the war.

If you have a car and nice possessions, which you bought with the money you earned, why don't you become ashamed of your wealth and let poor people take all of that?

I'm not defending atrocities, which Israel army does to protect the money flow from US, but I defending logic of being protected from people who wishes you harm. This is the tactic, the strategy would be to find a way to coexist and remove hostility from both sides.

Until then, the wall is necessity.

Do you remember the cab driver from Total Recall? "I've got five kids to feed"

It would impress me if they stopped actively trying to wipe the Palestinians off the map. Stop the settlements. Now. That has to be the first step. Absolutely nothing will get any better at all until that happens.

Israel got themselves into this situation. I'm pretty sure if I was a young Palestinian, I'd grow up incredibly angry, uneducated, and with a bone to pick with Israel too, given the treatment they've seen.

They DO NOT try to wipe the Palestinians off the map. They would be very bad at that if they tried considering there were less Palestinians killed since Israel was founded than Syrians killed in the current civil war. They stopped the settlements for about a year that lead to nothing. They released prisoners which also lead to nothing. Both sides must be willing and able, which isn't the case.

Israel is not blameless but it also isn't the only party at blame. Uneducated Palestinians are not so because of Israel, they have schools and their own ministry of education.

Uneducated Palestinians are not so because of Israel, they have schools and their own ministry of education.

Education follows economy (as well as other factors, yes). Poor areas have shitty education. That's how it works.

The Palestinian economy is in shambles. Without fixing that, which would require Israel to help rebuild it at this point, and not actively impede it, no progress is going to be made.

Israel does not impede Palestinian economy, Israel always try to promote it, and other nations too, but sometimes leaders are corrupt and terrorist organizations don't lead to stability. Plus, the economy is not worse than other countries' around. It's better than Egypt or Syria for sure. You'd be surprised how many rich Palestinians are there (like Munib al-Masri for example)

As I have said: the strategy should be: to make peace from BOTH sides.

The tactic is to reduce number of Israel's death, which is why the wall.

I don't have a vested interest in any of the sides of the conflict, in fact, I would like to see it stopped, this is just an observation.

In the words of the Shin Bet: "No strategy, just tactics."

There is absolutely no long-term thinking going on. No ultimate goal of peace in mind. It's "kill the terrorists, build the walls, arm yourself" without any consideration for the consequences of such militaristic behavior.

Typical arab lies.

being protected from people who wishes you harm.

So...you're stating that Palestine wishes to do Israel harm, and not the other way around, is that what I'm understanding?

They both wish to do harm to each other.

The difference is, that Israel wishes well and has means to do so, for their own people.

The root of this conflict is the money being trown at Palestinians and Israelis to keep fighting.

If they make peace, money will stop coming.

The difference is, that Israel wishes well...

Israel wishes well of its own people. Historically, it's been proven that they don't wish well for the Palestinians, or at the very least, most Israeli's have a passive hatred of them. Also, and more importantly, Israel has the means to do demonstrable harm to Palestine, and Palestine, in return...not so much. Sticks and stones I guess.

If they make peace, money will stop coming.

Now you're making some sense.

If you have a car and nice possessions, which you bought with the money you earned, why don't you become ashamed of your wealth and let poor people take all of that?

"Because there are poor people, and as long as there are poor people, no one should be allowed to live comfortably" - Popular opinion in the US

Opinion mostly among poor people and rich people with guilty concience.

Btw comfort is not one of the things mentioned in the Bill of Rights

The reason the security at the border is SO harsh is because the Israelis have to be correct 100% of the time. The terrorists only have to be correct 1 time. I have been there before, and as a Westerner, it is very hard to grasp this as we do not have to face constant terror threats in our daily lives.

The problem is that the Palestinians have not made the place they live in a nice place to live. The reason Israel is so nice is because they have properly developed their country. The Palestinians have not. Also the amount of suicide bombers and Palestinian militants are a valid reason to put up a massive wall and have strict border control.

But.. It's not colonialism when the land was their's in the first place.

It only becomes colonialism when the evil white people are involved.

Wait, hold up. You mean to tell me when an entire country is attacked constantly and is under the constant threat of annihilation, they get a little touchy with their security? Ya don't say. . .

The beanie-baby-toting, texting, pony-tail-sporting young girl with the ROCKET LAUNCHER should have clued you in that maybe Israelis live in a situation that is somewhat inconsistent with American sensibilities.

Maybe the Israelis aren't doing everything perfectly and yes, they are probably a bit heavy handed with security, but I can't say I blame them.

May the butthurt and downvotes flow.

I've also been to Israel, in my experience my tour group and I were walking around the 'Muslim Quarter.' Immediately upon arriving and getting off the bus we were having rocks thrown at our group and then a pipe thrown within 5 feet of me. After escaping that we went on our way and began the tour. At the end of the tour we were in a Muslim marketplace and we began to be surrounded by them chanting "Fuck America, Fuck you." I was twelve years old at this time in my life and 10 years later I will never forget the fear I felt when we were running away. Your 'conspiracy' is bullshit, Israel has to protect themselves and I fully support them in that.

You are absolutely right anytime one of us Muslims sees an American we have this uncontrollable urge to yell out FUCK AMERICA because we are all, in fact, terrorists. As a matter of fact, as a Muslim who is now an American citizen, I yell it at myself all the time !

Ahh, the ignorance of some people...

I'm not saying all Muslims at all, however it was 2 separate groups, 10 the first time and 30-40 the second. Of the 400 or so I saw that day. That was a high percentage but by no means was I trying to say that all Muslims were terrorists?

Fair enough, but keep in mind that personal anecdotes, even though they certainly have a huge effect on you yourself, can give people a somewhat lopsided perspective and not take into account the history of things. For example, if I were to take out an entire village of 199 people, and the 200th shot me in the foot, I could hobble back to my base and claim that as I was walking into a village I got shot in the foot by some crazed local. Its true, but since it starts and ends where my contributions do, it doesnt paint an accurate picture. An extreme example for sure but the basic idea is that the horrid conditions and treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis speaks so much more than a few dozen folks angry at the West.

I was twelve years old at this time in my life and 10 years later I will never forget the fear I felt when we were running away.

10 years later...so you waltzing through the "Muslim Quarter" checking them out like some zoo exhibit during the height of the Second Intifada? With a tour group full of people whose taxes pay for the weapons that were slaughtering them? Boo hoo, poor you, getting some rocks thrown at you in hostile territory during the height of Israel & Palestine's bloodiest modern conflict, before retreating to your comfortable hotel room to ignore the bombs falling on Nablus. You have a horrible understanding of context - 5,000 people died, you fuck.

Fuck you. You would be mad too if you were subjected to those living conditions and then had rich people come to see you living in abject poverty like you are an exhibit in a museum.

Ohhhhhhhhh give me a break. I am going to get downvoted to oblivion for this, but screw it.

The truth is that you, and everyone else replying kindly to your post is either:

  1. Arabic (there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with this, but ethnicity IS a factor when discussing matters like this)
  2. An ultra-liberal hippy that takes most info from other ultra-liberal hippies

The truth is that everything you described is either:

  1. True in EVERY single border between a rich country and a poor one. Have you ever seen the US-Mexico border? The same high walls, barbed wire, crazy screening process (4 hour lines!), etc etc, is present there too. The same beautiful roads and buildings on one end, crumbling and dilapidated infrastructure on the other. Believe me, I've been there.

  2. Untrue or exaggerated. I have been to Israel on many occasions and you make it sound like Palestinians are being treated like animals. Palestinians segregated, stopped, searched and their belongings dumped out? WHAT? This is the biggest bunch of nonsense I've ever read.

Now here's the TRUTH of the matter: Israel is living side-by-side with an extremely hostile and unpredictable neighbor. A neighbor that will shake your hand one minute, only to stab you in the back the next when you put your guard down. Do you know what that feels like? Here in the USA, we started two wars and killed countless innocents after we were attacked ONCE on 9/11. Can you imagine living next to a neighbor who constantly harasses you and kills your civilians? Do you think US citizens would be OK with that? To what ends of the earth do you think US citizens would demand that the US flexes its military might against the aggressors? What sort of tactics do you think the US would employ on the Mexican border if Mexico was a threat?

Having said all that, do I agree with all of Israel's politics? No, I don't. But then again, I don't agree 100% with any country's politics. There is no saint among countries. Israel is no different. They do a lot of things right, and they do a lot of things wrong.

So to sum up, yes, Israel DOES employ heavy security measures around its border regions so that they don't let through anyone that shouldn't be there. The difference between the US-Mexico border and the Israel-Palestine border is that most US border patrol personnel don't need to worry about a suicide bomb being strapped on to every Mexican that wants to "have a better life" in the US. And yet, despite that, the border looks surprisingly similar to the Israel-Palestine border. So take your self-righteous and naive dribble somewhere else, and try to understand how the real world works.


The reason Israel even has a hostile neighbor is because it bulldozes homes, inflicts fear intok the civilian population

How many homes did the US bulldoze in Iraq and Afghanistan in their hunt for enemy combatants? How many did the Allies in WWII? Do you REALLY think Israel bulldozes homes for pleasure? On the other hand, do you have anything to say about the fact that Palestinian militants purposely hide themselves in civilian homes and population centers, knowing full well that civilians will get killed, and they can then spin the story against Israelis? Do you not see anything wrong there?

antagonizes them, and drives people into a corner (literally, see the Gaza Strip.)

How can you honestly talk about antagonizing a population when Palestinian militants actively work day-and-night to terrorize Israeli civilians? Do you think the Israeli military is actively trying to target civilians in the same manner?

As for driving their people in a corner, this is what happens when people support terrorists. If Palestinians were to reject Hamas and Hezbollah, and accept a peaceful existence with Israel, you'd see how quickly Israel would provide aid and tear down the walls.

Don't forget that when Israel was founded, the government offered citizenship to all Palestinians. The Palestinians refused, instead opting to terrorize and fight until Israel was wiped off the face of the earth.



If you really believe that, I have nothing to debate with you about. Being so naive as to think that the US doesn't destroy homes and kill civilians in their hunt for combatants means that there is really no way for me to have a legitimate discussion with you.

I also love how you completely dismiss the points I make that have to do with how the Palestinians also have significant fault (eg, it being a known fact that militants hide in civilian areas on purpose; the population supporting and maintaining a terrorist infrastructure; etc).

The whole country looked like a shithole until the Jews came. They didn't ruin anything for the Arabs, they just built their own society that the Arabs couldn't.

Said every colonialism apologist ever

I'd mark myself in that category. What's inherently wrong with a colonizer if they improve conditions in general?

Did you even read /u/161719's anecdote?

I did, but I don't get how that refutes what I said. Obviously conditions are shitty for Palestinians, but they were shitty before the Jews came. The Jews brought infrastructure and the fact of the matter is those hospitals still treat the Arabs despite having no real obligation to do so. Palestinians get more international aid than almost anyone else, they're just too corrupt to handle it well.

I wish white people could get such a pass on blatant colonialism.

Your story is fake.

When you go through it, you are asked many questions about who you are and where you come from.

Going from Israel into the West Bank is easy and requires no check. It is going the other way that can take time, but usually not. So many reports say "oh, hours of checkpoints" but it simply isn't true. Thousands of Palestinians go into Israel everyday, if it took that long it wouldn't be logistically possible.

You have to drive some distance out of Jerusalem to get to the wall.

No, you don't. One can walk from Jerusalem to Bethlehem.

There are little plaques ... in English and Hebrew and Russian and Italian.

You mean Hebrew, Arabic, and English.

The bus stopped several times and the Palestinians were made to get off and be searched.

This did not happen. There aren't even individual, less multiple, stops of buses inside Israel for security checks of anyone. You are parroting hearsay.

...they passed out snacks.

More nonsense. The bus driver gave you snacks?

You just made up a story and got tons of karma for it. This is a sure sign that you're only information about the Israel/Palestine conflict is from bias sources. Go there for real, and you will see how different it actually is from the impressions you got from a couple youtube videos.

They are extremely paranoid about their land because the Jews have been systematically exorcised from location after location, a people without a country, for so long. Heck, they didn't even have a country to call their own until after the firggin Holocaust. They've had a rough life. They just can't seem to catch a break. Now they finally have a place to call home and the Muslims are crying foul because the land that was theirs to begin with and was taken away has supposedly fallen under the "finders keepers" law and needs to be returned to "the rightful owners". So Israel is in constant battle with a nation that is a perfect example of why vigilant democracy is far better than a de facto theocracy and they pay for their fanaticism with poverty and squalor.

Modern day Israel is the way it is because of the fanaticism and mistaken manifest destiny of their neighboring states and they in turn are subject to the product of their delusion. Jesus said: "Be as gentle as doves but wise as serpents."

So no, Jesus would definitely say to keep your home safe in light of letting a fanatic blow it up.

If there's a reason your comment got deleted it's probably because it's a deliberate half truth instead of a whole one. I may be a personal account but it reads like universal fact without showing both sides of the story.

Oherwise, great read!


Possibly from Isreali and American repression that has been going on for decades in those areas preventing the economic growth and promoting corruption and repression to benefit themselves.

That, and some are extremists that prefer to live in a cave with a goat.

Other than that, the majority are good people who share the same ethics and morality like you and I.


That is a comical generalization...did CNN teach you that?

I don't understand? So Israel shouldn't be allowed to maintain their boarders?

That's like saying it's the UAE's fault that that Oman has social issues, or that Austria isn't allowed to have nice restaurants because there is suffering in Hungary.

Should the US just open up it's southern boarder when Mexico is mainly impoverished due to of the corruption of their government?

The Palestinians are poor as a direct result of Israel's occupation. They restrict their trade and their basic freedoms. The new settlements are illegal, the world turns a blind eye for some reason, but it is one nation building on another's land. What OP is getting at here is the injustice and inhumanity of how nice and "normal" the people in Israel live, and just across the wall the people live in squalor and suffer.

But Palestine isn't a nation. Israel is built on land that they bought and paid for.

Just like the US bought and paid for most of it's land.

Palestine was a nation, it has every right to be.

There are many nations that used to be. That doesn't mean we have to annex Israel and give it to Turkey because the Ottoman Empire used to exist there...

That is the exact reason Israel exists... It was taken out of Palestine, do you know anything of the history there?

Yes. Plenty...


Nice attempt to vilify Israel, but I don't know if you were paying attention to the news a couple of years back. Remember all those buses exploding and innocent people and children dieing at the hands of Palestinians? That why there is security. Those people have proven that they cant be trusted. Go to a border town in Israel that gets rockets fired at it everyday. Then tell me what is a lie.

"A black man robbed me once, all black people are evil"

I'm pretty pacifist, but if I had been treated the same way that the Palestinians have been all my life then I would be firing rockets too. What other option is there? Israel has taken everything from those people.

  1. Israel and Israeli government are two very different things.
  2. Nobody fires rockets at someone for the hell of it.

Remember the little kids with rocks being shot as a matter of 'public safety'? Stuff it.

Honestly, no sane person would put up with what the average Palestinian puts up with. I honestly don't understand the Israeli "settlement" folk either. Why do that? What is the goal? Hasn't everyone suffered enough?

True enough, when you're at war with every backwater, half witted Islamic fundamentalist in the Arab world, it's not hard to see how these policies came into effect. Israel will loosen up when the Arab world grows up and backs off, till then, it's harsh security detail. Obviously there are plenty of Muslims that aren't anti-Israel, but still.

Every time the arab world looses up Israel sets new settlements against international rulings. When they complain they get shot. When they blow up a bus they get their homes rocketed. And you are paying for it.

You never forget things like this... just like in their eyes, they will never forget the fact that a country tried to wipe their race and religion from the face of the planet. The hate goes both ways for a reason.

Doesn't justify their shit.

Understanding is not the same as justification.

No it's not. But after reading the above, your immediate response was 'a country tried to wipe them off the face of the earth'. Comes off very much as an attempt at justification.

It's not pertinent to today's situation as much as it is fallacial thinking to relate that fact to today's situation

It's like they've learned nothing and instead are using it as justification - it's sickening. An eye for an eye will make the whole world go blind...

The bus stopped several times and the Palestinians were made to get off and be searched. Their bags were taken off the bus and dumped out, and the soldiers kicked through their belongings at the side of the road and we sat inside the bus and watched and they passed out snacks.

I believed you until that part. That doesn't sound true. The soldiers just kicked their stuff for fun?

They weren't kicking it around like soccer they just used their boot to look through it. Moving shirts and stuff. Not running and kicking.

I Actually can believe this to an extent... the Respect levels of the Soldiers there are Zero to none... best way i could explain them would be how the Nazi's treated non-Arians...

Probably best to avoid NAZI comparisons when talking about Israel.

Well they have experience... I don't like Nazi's, but as a conspiracy, it adds up to them to use Nazi tactics because it worked on them.

Then where do you stop?

If we're comparing governments to the NAZIs we might want to call recent NSA activity 'Gestapo-esqe', we may draw similarities between NAZI indoctrination of children and religiously-informed bigotry in Saudi schools, we may say that Islamic gangs in Britain bear resemblance to the brown-shirts.

Godwin's law perhaps doesn't apply here, but there is a reason why it is often argued that when said law is invoked the thread should draw to a close. It is not really a valid form criticism or argument, it is an emotive hyperbole designed to pre-emptively quash any disagreement.

I find that Godwin's Law is invoked more regularly on the subject of Israel than any other, on both sides of the argument, and there can be no mistake that this is directly relating to the role the holocaust in the establishment of the country.

Frankly I find it repulsive and wholly insensitive to those that lived through the holocaust, and Jewish people who are affected by it.

I mean no disrespect, but Im not trying to please anyone by saying this. although Godwins law is taken in effect, I honestly think that a Nazi Military is a viable source of influence for the Israeli Military, since it Devastatingly worked. Israel is a country that was founded on the aftermath of a genocide, and (although Israel uses the Genocide to Greater any argument against this, which is what i assume what your doing) is using what it learned from those experiences to better themselves. Israel is smart but that doesn't mean they are right.

You have no idea what my political stance is on the Israel issue, my comment was intentionally neutral in order to singularly address the insensitivity of your comparison.

Your original comment did not at all suggest that the Israeli military take inspiration from Nazis, but that they were 'like Nazis'.

I've said all I have to say, and I'm tired, so I'm going to leave this one. Don't expect a response.

I have nothing to say... you take this like it was a preference. I only speak my opinion on the matter, which i am now assuming you are against. I stand that I agreed on Israel having systems that greatly resemble a nazi government, not only as a military, but as a government. Let me give you an example of this.

Nazis would cut off most, if not, all of the Jewish people from their neighborhoods. the methods differ as Nazi's would do it in a way that would either force physically or financially to eradicate all jewish people from their society. If this Isn't similar to Israelis physically, forcing a Wall to be built under the illusion of protection. In other terms to segregate the Palestinian people from entering west Israel and cut them off from their society.

Ive been told that Palestinians were too radical, in the sense of danger, to control and this made it hard for Israel to Properly function as a society; that this is the reason for the Wall. Building a wall to fix a problem is like covering a gunshot wound with a bandaid. but if they were trying to separate the people so they can take the land for themselves it would make more sense. Building a wall to keep a snake from eating a rabbits would be a better analogy of what is happening in Palestine to this day.

as for your political stance on Israel... If it ain't a conspiracy I don't give a rats ass.

You should've stopped believing earlier. The dividing wall runs right through Jerusalem. You don't have to "drive some distance out of Jerusalem."

Having been to the region many times I can explain to you why he had to drive out of the way to get there- as he said he was only there to go to Bethlehem, which is about 20 km away or so. Yes the wall goes through Jerusalem but there are only a few checkpoints- you can't just walk through the wall anywhere. The Bethlehem crossing is a ways from the center of Jerusalem. Also- believe. My whole world view was changed after seeing it for myself and I have countless stories just like his.

Whats Palestine?

Palestine is a contested region near modern day Israel (Which is a creation after WWII), that is claimed by many as "never existed". Many people refer to those that hold this belief as Zionist. It's unclear whether they are conscious of their incompetence or if it's purposeful, but certainly some are just sheep.

No one thinks the region did not exist. Some people think there wasn't a cohesive nationality by that name until the jews settled there after leaving Europe and Russia. Zionism is not that. Zionists want a nation state for the jews in israel, that's all.

From a secular perspective its all bullshit. From the religious POV its nonsensical. The Jews need to stop pulling the Holocaust card. Others died too and what they do to the Palestinians is okay? No.

The Palestinians are treated unjustly , tis true . Hating Jews for being Jews is wrong too .

I didn't say anything about religion, but what i said is also not bullshit. I defined more clearly what you may wanted to say. I don't think "the jews" are pulling the holocaust card, but I'm interested in your opinion about the what is the time limit on a attempted genocide card.

When you say something like "what they do to the Palestinians is okay?" is a shallow understanding of a very complex issue. What about the stuff the Palestinians are doing to Israelis? or what they do to themselves? or what other Arab nations (like Jordan) do to them?

It's a problem, that all sides brought upon themselves and a simple solution isn't just lying around.

While you look around for that complex solution, the Israelis will keep on building and building. The world will flander and justify all the while saying how complex it is wringing their hands. And it will get worse and worse. Well done with your 'deep' understanding of the issue!

Do you expect Israelis to just sit around and do nothing? That's fucking retarded!

They're building because people keep having babies. you have a simple solution for that?

Yes, stop stealing other people's land. China kept having babies and look what happened; laws were put in place, etc. Is that the best solution? Irrelevant. Humans will always continue to look for solutions. Life does not just stop when we can't figure something out--we always find a way. It's time to change our ways for the better even if we don't get it perfect the first time, but the most important principle is to ensure other's rights are not infringed upon.

To define the situation as "Israelis are stealing land" is highly inaccurate, and to pretend as if that is the root of the conflict is flat out wrong. Until 67 those lands were under Jordan's rule (not free) and still there weren't any pleas for peace.

Anyways, both sides know the settlements will be a part of every possible solution. Adding a few more houses doesn't change anything. It's just used as a bargaining chip

I got I got it. The Israelis are not imprisoning the Palestinians forcibly in large detainment camps. That certainly couldn't be the purpose of that large wall/fence. Seriously? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? I know there are problems there but of course there are problems when everybody treats each other like shit.

The wall encloses Israel from all its borders. It's a defensive structure intended to prevent suicide bombers and other threats from entering Israel (and has been highly effective). It does not enclose the Palestinians in anything like a detainment camp. Gaza is not enclosed on all sides by the wall. The West Bank is not enclosed on all sides by the wall. Israel itself is.

It absolutely wasn't the purpose of the fence. The purpose was to stop terrorists and suicide bombers from sneaking in to Israel to blow up buses and night clubs, and it pretty much managed to do that. The people who want to cross with better intentions can, and do so through the security checkpoints every single day.

"Terrorist" or misguided person fighting for civil liberties?

I would say that every bad person is misguided, but they still fall under the definition of terrorists. And they existed before the excuse of civil liberties.

That is a false argument, and utter bs. They are building to colonize disputed land, they are using construction as a means of occupation and ownership. And shame on you for saying jews having babies is the cause, thats total tripe.

Exactly right. They are a total apartheid state, where others have far fewer rights and access to a standard of living than the Israelis. They have constantly pulled the holocaust card, while very very often being the aggressors. And you are right, the number 6 million is always quoted....It was 12 million......Don't Poles, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Russians, disabled people and Jehovas witness count then?

While it was horrible what happened to the Jews, more importantly, it's how it was bad for many more than just that. Many suffered and we should not forget that. Far too often, it's concentrated upon only half the deaths. No person deserved to die that way.

There were many groups targeted in the Holocaust, but it's worth noting that Jews were the largest group by far.

Do you see ethnic Germans lobbing rockets into Warsaw? Lots of countries changed and borders moved.

At some point you have to live your own life as best you can, instead of reliving events from before your time.

except the events relived before their own time perpetuate their shitty situation and have never been acknowledge by Jewish leadership as being disenfranchising decisions.

Yes because no country would take Jews in during the holocaust .

Can't tell if serious...

For not having a cohesive nationality, the non-Jewish people of the region sure didn't like the idea that a minority group said "this land is our land, we got first dibs, btw"

Well actually at the beginning the area was under Turkish rule, and then British rule. At those times you could even see cooperation between the two sides. The real conflict came when the brits left....

Well actually at the beginning the area was under Turkish rule, and then British rule.

Don't matter who's ruling over you if the people of the region don't want to be ruled over. Israel could decide that those people are within Israel, but those people could decide they don't want to be Israeli. simple.

At those times you could even see cooperation between the two sides

Well, actually, after the 1917 Balfour Dec laid bare the intentions of Jewish leadership (making a Jewish nation in Palestine), the Palestinians started getting uppity, having riots and shit. Then, the Jews formed terrorist groups to fight the British and Arabs.

Then, the largest employer in the region, the JNF, spearheaded the Hebrew labor movement, which discriminated against all non-Jews.

All this tension sort of undermines your last point

The real conflict came when the brits left....

Yeah, maybe if the main Jewish representational body (Jewish Agency) hadn't sanctioned terrorist groups (Lehi, Irgun, Haganah) who carried out the terrorist attacks on the British, they wouldn't have withdrawn prematurely?

I'm up voting you because I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you want to learn more about what is happening to the world. You want to learn and that's a good thing. But at the same time, I can't hide the fact that I'm disappointed; Palestine can be heard in the news, internet, schools, the media and wonder why you've only heard of it now.

From your tone I was thinking that you were going to side with the Israelites. Then you go all allahu Akbar on them. They bought what they have for a price. That price was blood. Shame on you and those like you who denounce Israel for existing.

I don't think Israel is "at the center of American foreign policy," and I think anyone with knowledge of the subject recognizes Israel is a flawed Democracy.

The AIPAC disagrees with you.

It has been described as one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington, DC. Its critics have stated it acts as an agent of the Israeli government with a "stranglehold" on the United States Congress with its power and influence.


Not sure how accurate this is but it's mind boggling if true:

In 2006, 60% of the Democratic Party’s fundraising and 25% of that for the Republican Party's fundraising came from Jewish-funded Political Action Committees. Democratic presidential candidates depend on Jewish sources for 60% of money from private sources.[48]


Even if that is all true (highly unlikely, probably very misleading), it doesn't really mean much.

Turkey is in NATO, Israel is not. We have permanent military bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and have none in Israel. We also have troops permanently or semi-permanently deployed to Egypt, the UAE and Jordan, to help keep the peace, pursue terrorists, and exert influence.

And that's just the Middle East, and only concerning our military. The UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, South Korea, Canada, everyone in NATO, everyone we have a treaty of mutual defense with is more important to us, not to mention from an economic stand-point most of these economies all dwarf that of Israel.



I'm really not. The weirdest part for me was that I loved Israel. It was really nice! I saw people on jetskis in Tel Aviv, I saw really nice things to eat. It was beautiful. The thing was that it was really really not the Middle East. It was Europe. That was so strange. I mean I guess that happens in other places, but it just struck me as really really strange.

I have to say though there is a difference between the Israeli people and the government. No people should be held accountable for what their government does, but only for their own actions.

I grew up in South Africa under apartheid, and when I went to Israel three years ago, it was like walking into a time machine. The same ubiquitous military presence, the same siege mentality, the same island of development surrounded by the enemies.

High tech in the universities; bright, hard-working students. Civil disobedience, a government desperate for positive publicity, conscientious objectors who had been to prison for refusing to serve in a military that was doing things that they couldn't reconcile themselves with. Complex moral judgements at every turn. Dirty tricks on both sides of a dirty war. Huge disparities of income.

When people say that Israel is an apartheid state, I know that that's the truth. When people defend Israel, I understand. People used to, and still do, defend apartheid. Israel is living in a bubble and they need to let the air out carefully before it bursts. South Africa isn't paradise, but if we hadn't turned back from the brink and re-crossed PW Botha's "Rubicon" it would have been hell.

What can Israel realistically do exactly? Take control of the rest of Palestine?

I think he was being satirical. Mocking those that yell anti semite at first sign of anything against israel. (I HOPE) Great post by the way!

If you left with a feeling that the "good guys" were the Palestinians because you were questioned at a border and you heard a story from a taxi driver you probably should get some more information.

The situation there is better than most Arab states in the region (you saw Egypt yourself). As an atheist i don't think you need religion to help people. If religion drives you to help, great, but don't forget Egypt, Lybia, Syria, Sudan, etc.

NV k h

Shut up. Your mom?

Funny....almost everyone I know that's been there seems to come out thinking the same.

Sorry I'm a bit confused, what's the conspiracy theory you're referring to exactly?

What was a lie?

Are you Ari Shaffir?

saw your post on /r/bestof

really insightful post.

So I don't know much about Israel, but how is it that they're able to justify on the world stage how they treat the Palestians? Do they just claim that Palestine is full of terrorists and do what they do in the name of national security? It seems to me that they're simply using American money to bolster their military while completely dominating their neighbors with foreign-supplied technology. What good is the Israeli government?

Everyone needs to watch this.


I had the same experience after visiting. Came back home and am much more skeptical and less trusting than I was when I left.

Care to share some of your experience?

What is the lie? I thought it was well known that the Palestinians were the ones being oppressed.

The lie doesn't happen in the head it happens in the stomach. If that makes any sense.

Flight 93 hijack occured at 9:28

Todd Beamer's call describes the hijack about to happen at 9:43

Flight 93 crashed at 10:03

Todd Beamer's call made with an airfone last for 3925 seconds. It last 45 minutes after the plane had already crashed.

The hijack could not have occured at two different times, either the Flight 93 recording is fake or Todd Beamer's call is fake.

The airfone could not have been working after the airplane crashed, either the crash itself is fake or the Todd Beamer's call is fake.

  • Since we have two absolute contradictions we can with upmost certainty conclude that 2 out of 4 events are faked.

  • Since we can conclude that 2 out of 4 of the official events are faked we can also conclude that the official story given is incorrect and flawed.

  • Since we can conclude that the official story is incorrect and flawed we can also conclude that the conspiracy theory is conceivable.

Once you reach a moment when a conspiracy theory answers the questions that the official story does not you find yourself as a conspiracy theorist. This was the moment when I turned into one and this is why it happened.

EDIT: To address a very important question about this subject before anyone else continues repeating the same question.

"The call sheet saying 3925 seconds is clearly label "Duration Operator" (...)". /u/doeldougie points very well that the time of the call might have included the time that the operator was still on the phone, regardless of the connection. This is possible, however this is not the case for two reasons; if it was then the official story would have clearly explained it and also:


According to the call log, the Todd call was not the only one that was still counting after the crash, there was another. Jeremy Glick's airfone call was also counting for 7565 seconds (and no, that is not 1565), placing his call termination also after the plane had already crashed. The most important of this call is that the destination was not an operator but an external number. Now even if we assume that the call counter includes the operator's time on the phone, it most certainly cannot do the same for numbers that are not inside the system.

EDIT2: I keep being questioned about the same thing that I have explained in the note above so I hope that the following is even more clear than the previous one

GTE Airfones communicate via RBS - Radio Base Stations. These RBS have a range and (in well covered areas) their range is usually mutual in its limits in order to avoid any disconnection.

Each call that is about to reach the limit of one RBS and entering another goes through the proccess of Handoff in which the call is transferred from one station to the other and thus keeping the connection alive.

These handoffs were registered in the U93 call log, 6 for Todd's call and 8 for Glick's. Even if Todd's call was still counting because the operator's phone was still in use or because the system didn't stop counting due to the plane crash, the number of handoffs clearly indicates that the call was still connected through 6 RBS when the max of all the other short calls was of 3 RBS handoffs.

Handoffs cannot exist if the phone that was connected is destroyed, let alone 6 and 8 handoffs. The most important question here is which RBS stations these 6 and 8 handoffs underwent because if you find the answer for that then you find the path that the airfone communication went through. In short, find the RBS stations and you'll find where the plane "flew" after it crashed.

You've created several false dichotomies. I'm not saying you are incorrect, but it's certainly not as cut and dry as you are claiming.

"The hijack could not have occured at two different times, either the Flight 93 recording[5] is fake or Todd Beamer's call is fake."

At 9:28 the hijackers were at least kicking in the cockpit door. However, the typed up eyewitness account is much less exact. It's just someone typing up the answers that a random operator gave. They even say right in the document that the time was approximate. That includes the sentence about Todd saying the hijack was 'about to happen'. Without a more rigid data set, this is a false dichotomy.

The call sheet saying 3925 seconds is clearly label "Duration Operator". I'm sure the operator was very attached to Todd by the time the plane crashed. When the chaos began, she could have left the call connected, saying, "Todd. Todd. Are you there?" for hours. She may have even left her desk with the connection still active. In call centers, your talk time keeps running until you end the call and categorize it. Then you sit a few seconds until the computer sends your terminal your next call. If you don't categorize it, then your talk times climb. I know, because I always did this to increase my talk times in a call center.

Now let me be clear. I'm not saying that you aren't correct. I am saying that you think you're being logical, and coming to a logical conclusion, but it's actually the opposite of that.

They even say right in the document that the time was approximate. That includes the sentence about Todd saying the hijack was 'about to happen'. Without a more rigid data set, this is a false dichotomy.

The hijack occured 20 minutes before Beamer started describing it as happening. 20 minutes is not close to "approximate" to the event and live testimony.

When the chaos began, she could have left the call connected, saying, "Todd. Todd. Are you there?" for hours. She may have even left her desk with the connection still active. In call centers, your talk time keeps running until you end the call and categorize it. Then you sit a few seconds until the computer sends your terminal your next call. If you don't categorize it, then your talk times climb. I know, because I always did this to increase my talk times in a call center.

And when you (the client on the other end of the operator line) end the call, the call ends. When the airplane crashed nothing was left but the call was still connected to the operator. You cannot have a call connection working when one of the phones is destroyed.

Now let me be clear. I'm not saying that you aren't correct. I am saying that you think you're being logical, and coming to a logical conclusion, but it's actually the opposite of that.

Not at all, the logic is actually simple: Once the airplane crashed the phone was destroyed. Once the phone was destroyed, the call ended. Once the call ended the call duration stops counting. In this case, the phone was destroyed and the call did not end and the duration didn't stop counting.

The hijack occured 20 minutes before Beamer started describing it as happening. 20 minutes is not close to "approximate" to the event and live testimony.

Approximate wasn't my word. That was the word of the article you posted, and anyone will tell you that eyewitness or in the this case, ear witness, testimony is worthless because it's wrong so often. Especially when it's a transcription of an interview that happened hours or maybe even days after the events.

And when you (the client on the other end of the operator line) end the call, the call ends. When the airplane crashed nothing was left but the call was still connected to the operator. You cannot have a call connection working when one of the phones is destroyed.

That's not true at all. You just have no idea how call centers work. Its' not like it's common knowledge, so I don't blame you, but call center phone systems don't work like two iphones connected together and when one gets dropped in the swimming pool the other phone automatically disconnects. It even talks about how the operator still had the phone line open 20 minutes after Todd stopped talking... right in the document that YOU posted.

Not at all, the logic is actually simple: Once the airplane crashed the phone was destroyed. Once the phone was destroyed, the call ended. Once the call ended the call duration stops counting.

That's not how call center computers work. Feel free to ask anyone in the telemarketing industry, if you don't want to believe me.

I can’t explain it. We didn’t lose a connection because there’s a different sound that you use. It’s a squealing sound when you lose a connection. I never lost connection, but it just went silent.


I don't see how that testimony is worthless and wrong.

I don't understand how anyone would want a system that monitors how long an operator has the phone off the holder and not the duration of the call connections that are being addressed. I have worked in a telemarketing company during summer, all our operator calls were being registered for the time that our calls were connected and used as evaluation for efficiency.


I hope I can make you understand with the following conversation.

If you receive an AT&T bill for your house phone 931925 that says

"On January 12 the below listed calls were made on celular telephone 931925 "

Are those calls made from your house number?

My house phone doesn't ring into a call center computer.

I have added an edit note to my original comment addressing our discussion, hope you read it.

u/doeldougie is totally right btw.

source: lifelong phone jockey. people can hang up their mobiles and I can carry on with the call to boost my talk time. it's common practise.

As a call center worker. The calls came straight in. Sometimes a quiet caller would get disconnected from me without me knowing and a knew call would come in while I was in mid sentence telling them "to try pulling their battery and put it back in." Maybe it was just a difference in tech? When did you do this job?

[edit] And we got paid for reduced call time. So staying on the line and increasing average call time would have been like throwing away cash.

When the connection time vs phone use time tables are checked, your employers will clearly see that you are inflating the phone time on purpose and avoid doing your job and end up getting fired. A "lifelong phone jockey" would know that.

And you still have Glick's call connected to an external number and lasting far longer than Todd's.

The fact that to this day there are still people arguing about this, even after I have posted two edit notes addressing this issue, baffles me.

Even your reply to my comment clearly states that I added an edit note addressing that discussion.

Actually no - stats are done on an average so I can do 30 short calls by cold transferring customers to other depts and then extend my aht by holding on to a call. By understand how averages work I can game my stats. The reason people are still arguing is because everyone is telling you that you are wrong and you are refusing to accept it. Your theory is blown dude, move on.

Your theory is blown dude, move on.

Clearly you are so certain of what you say, I will not try to show how wrong you are again. Have a good day.

Well every other person in here with call centre experience agrees with me so consider that before you post theories with huge holes as absolute truth.

Well every other person in here with call centre experience agrees with me

I am sure they do. Have a good day.

Wait, so Unicorn is right?

I think they are both right but Unicorn still doesn't understand what doel is trying to explain about call center connections.

Source: I work in a call center and know exactly what he means.

I do understand what he said, however this is not the case.

"Duration Operator" is the time an operator is on the line


The reason why the system tracks the connection duration and not the time the operator has the phone off the hook is because the system would count inside calls too (operator to operator) and off the hook phones that are not connected instead of just service calls. If the system was really like that then it would continue counting the connection on the operator end when he redirected the call and we know that once the call is redirected, the previous operator connection ends so that he can receive new ones.

It would be the same as networks tracking cellphones turned on duration as if it were call duration times.

I'm sorry but I don't find any logic in using a system that counts phones off the hook.

The trolls man. The trolls. It's like they don't even care they're being lied to. They love the lie. They need the lie.

In my call center reps on the phones are ranked/reviewed on many different statistics, one of which is AHT (Average Handle Time). This includes not only time one the call talking to the customer (ATT), but also includes hold time (ADHT) and after-call, which is time spent "on the call" after the customer disconnect (ACW). Chances are what you're viewing on this sheet is the handle time, not the talk time. Those are two very separate things.

If the system was really like that then it would continue counting the connection on the operator end when he redirected the call

Not even a little bit true. The system stops counting when the rep/operator leaves the call, not when the customer leaves the call.

Please read the edit section in my original comment.

What do you think?

I don't know. I've been going through a lot of 9/11 stuff and I don't want to go through the effort to intensely fact check it, so I was hoping you would come back with another answer.

And when you (the client on the other end of the operator line) end the call, the call ends. When the airplane crashed nothing was left but the call was still connected to the operator. You cannot have a call connection working when one of the phones is destroyed.

Not exactly, he never ended the call and there are a lot of systems involved in connecting an air phone to a land line and they aren't generally made to handle complete destruction of the plane. Sending the call hangup is a little difficult after the plane has been destroyed.

I agree with you, I just don't think blindly trusting that the system will work as intended when it's faced with almost instant destruction is the best way of going about proving this theory. I would look at whether or not it is possible the line would stay open at the operators end if no signal to hangup has been sent, and at what point it would disconnect if so. 10 seconds of zero transmission? I guess that could be muted, how about after 30 minutes or a time like that?

Did it disconnect after a (approximately rounded) time of something like 5,10,15,20,25,30 minutes had elapsed with no data? Could be the system falling back to a time-out period at that point

Did it disconnect after a (approximately rounded) time of something like 5,10,15,20,25,30 minutes had elapsed with no data? Could be the system falling back to a time-out period at that point

I have thought the same after discussing with /u/doeldougie except that if such was true, it would be true for any call that was still active at the time of the crash.

For example, "the airfone system stays connected for 45 minutes even if the airplane crashes and everything is obliterated". You still have the Glick's call ending far longer than Todd's, proving this incorrect. You are also left with the lack of that explanation on the official story, reinforcing the fact that there is no such possibility for it to be true, that's why the official story never said it in the first place.

As a supervisor, [Jefferson] would have been the one to monitor the taping, but she did not want to risk losing the call." [20] In her own book, Jefferson claimed she had "not had a chance to press the switch in my office that initiates the taping of a conversation." [21] Rowland Morgan has pointed out that this means the evidence of Beamer's call is "single-sourced, unsubstantiated hearsay of which there was no record. ...

However, a week after 9/11 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette had claimed otherwise, stating that, "because it was to an operator," the call "was tape-recorded." [23] If a recording of the call indeed exists, it has been kept well hidden.

Just wanted to throw that in there, too.

The call operator remained on the call until the call actually dropped. Prior to the 3925 second point she had been speaking to him and then the line went mute - not dead but mute. She has spoken about this on video. There was another call which was left on her (can't remember who, sorry) husbands voicemail, at the end of which theres a whisper which sounds very much like "it's a fraud"

The phone calls are the spookiest thing about it, mainly because most if not all cell phones drop out at around 3-5000 feet.

There was another call which was left on her (can't remember who, sorry) husbands voicemail, at the end of which theres a whisper which sounds very much like "it's a fraud"

I think you mean this call:


Listening to Ceecee Lyles telephone conversation, the one with "You did great" at the end of it by her evil female capture. Ceecee says at the end in a whisper "It's a frame" then "sorry"!!

Never heard of this one so an upvote for you. But how many years after did United release the documents? If you dont know thats fine I am just curious.

Just for information purposes, the ACARS data from that day also shows flight 93 in flight up to 1 hour after the "crash time".


Whish I could tell you but I didn't look for that info.

Information has been released progressively for the past decade, some under FOIA, other under court and they are still withholding important information to this day; Such as the 80+ pentagon recordings that allegedly did not record the airplane crashing.

Keeping track of the dates that they are released is something that I never bothered much to find out so sorry about that.

Thanks anyway man. You seem far more educated on the topic and that is why I asked.


Thanks, will watch this

I support /u/riverbottom suggestion, the doc is really good.

This is actual evidence, thank you.

I have read a lot of things about 9/11 and the events surrounding it, and heard a lot of theories. But it's not often someone actually posts a document or evidence, so thanks for that!

...really? People post evidence all the damn time about melting temps. of steel, anything related to building 7, the dude who was in it describing on video how they were 'stepping over people' and he could 'hear explosions going off around him'.

I'd say it's fairly common people cite documents or videos as evidence in regards to the 9/11 conspiracy.

The airfone could not have been working after the airplane crashed

This point is the foundation of your conspiracy theory. Without it, the theory falls apart. For me, personally, to accept your theory as being conceivable or plausible, I would need to see a source stating that either it would be impossible or highly improbable for this call to be documented as 3925 seconds for any other reason than because he was on the phone that long.

I would need to see a source stating that either it would be impossible or highly improbable for this call to be documented as 3925 seconds for any other reason than because he was on the phone that long.

I can’t explain it. We didn’t lose a connection because there’s a different sound that you use. It’s a squealing sound when you lose a connection. I never lost connection, but it just went silent.


You also completely ignored the fact that Beamer was describing the hijack about to happen at least 20 minutes after it had already happened.

Yeah, call center calls drop and go silent all the fucking time, it's called "dead air". Many times the call will even keep ticking away (if you let it) long after the customer has hung up and gone on with their day. Also, please see my above post regarding handle time vs talk time in the call center industry.

Presumably the operator knew what was happening and was probably a little freaked out by the fact that they were the last person this guy ever talked to, and sat there either in dead air or in some after-call state for a long ass time before releasing the call

Yeah, call center calls drop and go silent all the fucking time, it's called "dead air".

I am sure that if that was the case it would have been explained very clearly in the official story, which is not. However even that could not explain why Glick's call to an external number was still going well after the plane has crashed.

You also completely ignored the fact that Beamer was describing the hijack about to happen at least 20 minutes after it had already happened.

Yeah. This doesn't make sense. According to Jefferson, Beamer and Jefferson are on the phone for 7 minutes (such very precise amount of time for a witness to remember) before the hijackers storm the cockpit at 9:52 a.m. Whereas the official story is that the hijackers stormed the cockpit at 9:28 to 9:31.

It's conceivable that Beamer didn't know that the cockpit had been stormed by 9:45 because the one hijacker with a bomb evidently stayed in the cabin and the first class curtain was pulled at one point. But Beamer does tell Jefferson they stormed the cockpit so he must have seen it happen.

Also, the hijackers were not able to communicate with the passengers from the cockpit as the messages were routed to air traffic control.

But the plane lost altitude during the initial hijacking, and then the plane changed direction and ascended to 40,700 feet shortly after the hijacking. Beamer tells Jefferson about the plane changing direction, but puts the time after 9:52 whereas the official story has this around 9:35.

Doesn't add up.

This could easily be part of the Airfone system design. When you hit "end" during a normal phone call your handset sends a signal to the "service provider" to end the call. That signal is relayed to the other caller's provider and handset to end the call thus ending the connection.

I have seen before when i call internationally or through obscure phone systems that one user will end the call but i can stay "on" for several minutes after.

In this case its possible that when the plane crashed the Airfone system on the plane was destroyed in such a fashion that it didnt get to send out a "end call" or even a "disconnect" signal to the airfone service providers. Thus leaving the system to think the call was still valid, having no reason to think the call had ended.

edit: spelling

This could easily be part of the Airfone system design.

Except that neither the company nor the official story has ever said it as explanation for the two calls that were still connected well after the plane had already crashed. To this day, 12 years after, they still didn't explain why the calls were still going.

Is anyone besides conspiracy theorists demanding an answer to this?

You'd think that the debunkers - the people that want to prove us wrong at every turn - would have already found the explanation. To this day I am still looking for it but so far no luck.

Why is it an either or choice? Couldn't there be other options than the recording being fake or the call being fake? Maybe the air phone record doesn't show you what you claim it does. I'm just trying to cover any kind of criticism someone would have of the argument. Could it be showing length of time before operator terminated the call from their end?

Why is it an either or choice? Couldn't there be other options than the recording being fake or the call being fake? Maybe the air phone record doesn't show you what you claim it does.

The argument is in correlation with the official story evidence, once the story fails to work in the reality of the evidence that itself is built on then the story itself cannot be possible. It is not a choice, it is a relation.

The reasons behind it are of personal interpertation and open for anyone that desires to justify it (like you). However, no matter what you try to say, the official story is already flawed and incorrect.

Could it be showing length of time before operator terminated the call from their end?

No. The system is built to count call durations, not hangup counters. Once the call ends, the counting ends.

Do you have any more info about the call log showing the duration as 3925 seconds? If anything about the data is wrong I would suspect it to be that. The duration shown for all of the other calls on that image is 0, I don't see how that would be, even if voicemail picks up on the other end the counter should start, at least for a second.

Any more info would be appreciated, this is quite interesting. Maybe the full call log for that flight? I'll look myself but I assume you know of good sources already. Thanks!

EDIT: actually, looking into it provides some interesting stuff. this link provides a LOT of sourced points which may point to the illegitimacy of Todd Beamer's phone call. Particularly interesting to me were these points:

  1. According to the FBI’s telephone report on UA 93, which was provided for the Moussaoui trial in 2006, four calls were attributed to Todd Beamer. The first lasted “0 seconds” (meaning it was not connected). The second, which also lasted “0 seconds,” reportedly occurred at exactly the same time as the first one (9:42:44). The third call also lasted “0 seconds” and was dialed to the Beamer’s home. The fourth call – which allegedly reached a GTE operator and lasted 3,925 seconds (about 65 minutes) – was placed at exactly the same time (9:48:48) as the third one.[20]Thus two sets of numbers were evidently connected in the identical second, and no official explanation was given as to how this could have occurred.

  2. According to Jefferson, the phone of the man to whom she was speaking remained connected long after UA 93 crashed. Reporting that he had left the phone after saying “Let’s roll,” she wrote that the line “just went silent.” Although she held on for “probably 15 minutes” (the early evidence had indicated it was 13 minutes), she “never heard a crash.” She added: “I can’t explain it. We didn’t lose a connection because there’s a different sound that you use. It’s a squealing sound when you lose a connection. I never lost connection, but it just went silent.”[21]

  3. On September 29, 2001, the FBI received detailed records from Verizon’s wireless subscriber office in Bedminster, NJ, that Todd Beamer’s cell phone made 19 outgoing calls after the alleged 10:03 AM crash time of Flight UA 93.[22]This fact, along with the sixth one, indicates either that the man self-identified as Todd Beamer was not on UA 93, or Tod Beamer’s cell phone was not on the flight, or this flight did not crash.

Beamer's call was the only one that was directed to the Operator, which you can clearly notice when you read the legend of that column; Duration Operator.

The other calls that went through (or didn't) show on the last column. Empty cells represent calls that failed, numbered cells represent the duration of the calls that went through.

Better description of that table here: http://911woodybox.blogspot.pt/2012/11/list-of-united-93-airfone-calls.html

You might also be interested in reading this:


Ah that makes sense. I'll check those out. Thanks!

This is honestly the first 9/11 conspiracy I've seen with concrete proof. Great research.

Could it have been that the phone wasn't hung up after the crash?

A few other redditors said something similar, please read our discussion in the replies of my original comment.

This. Exactly this. 9/11 did it for me. It was the first time it became so clear that just because it was reported as happening a certain way, does not mean it happened that way. It was the first "... wait a minute.." moment for me and I've been skeptical of many events since then.

"lol that's so stupid why would they lie about something like that? the numbers are probably wrong somewhere. you're like those people who think certain americans might have had motives behind 9/11 and think the loch ness monster is real. time to put on my tinfoil hat lol"

it's frustrating when facts are overlooked in favor of such kinds of "common sense"

Just to summarize some of this evidence, b/c it's confusing:

According to Lisa Jefferson, AirPhone Operator, and the AirPhone records:

-A number of passengers make calls before Beamer. Beamer also tries calling three times before he's connected. Finally, at 9:45 a.m. he is connected to Lisa Jefferson (because it took 77 seconds to establish a connection).

-The hijackers have yet to storm the cockpit after 20 minutes of hijacking, but are getting ready to, and do so at 9:52. This conflicts with the official story which states the hijackers stormed the cockpit between 9:28 and 9:31.

-At 10:00 Beamer says "Let's Roll" then the plane "took a dive" (don't know if she heard this dive or is assuming it). Then Lisa hears silence on the phone but not a disconnection, and after about 15-20 minutes (her FBI statement differs from her media interview), ends the call. Plane crashes at 10:03. So she hangs up at at 10:23 at the latest.

-So Lisa Jefferson is on the phone for 38 minutes according to her statements yet the phone records have her connected for over 65 minutes, ending the call at 10:50 a.m.

So we have a number of discrepancies between the official story and Air Phone records and testimony. Beamer and Jefferson describe the hijacking occurring 20 minutes later than it did and and the phone records indicate Beamer and Jefferson were on the phone for 27 minutes longer than she claimed.

One interesting possibility is that the the two were on the phone starting at about 9:20, before the hijacking occurred, and that she got off the phone around 10:25. This is consistent with the phone records. But of course why would they be on the phone before the hijacking? And how does one explain that she says it only took 8 minutes (which is a pretty precise number) from the hijacking of the cockpit until the passengers decided to storm the cockpit?

Doesn't add up.

Doesn't add up.

One would think that with $20M and such a reputable name, NIST would have investigated this deeply instead of stopping before challenging the "terrorists did it" story.

Todd Beamer's call describes the hijack about to happen at 9:43

Maybe I'm missing something, but the document you linked states that:

JEFFERSON received a phone call at approximately 8:45 a.m. Central time, September 11, 2001 from an individual aboard a commercial airliner. The caller identified himself as TODD BEAMER of Cranberry, New Jersey, a passenger aboard United Airlines (UAL) Flight 93 to San Francisco, departing at 8:00 a.m. Eastern time and landing 11:14 a.m, Pacific time. BEAMER called to state that the airplane was about to be highjacked.

Maybe I'm missing something, but the document you linked states that:

Look at the airfone log, the second column legend. The timetables for the hijack and the call logs are in ET, not Central.

PS: The 8:45am is the time that the operator received the call in Central time and the call was made in ET, 9:45am. Hope this is clear.

That entire day stinks to high-heaven.

Another ridiculous smoking gun is all the surveillance tapes from around the Pentagon being confiscated, and only three frames have been released. When we ask to see the tapes the stock response is "Oh, there's nothing on them.".

Oh, and the section of the Pentagon that was struck was closed for renovations.

They released more than 3 frames already, however it only made things even worse:


There is a video of the aftermath i saw once, it's interesting as it shows some planes flying around and also the front of the pentagon I believe, the guy filming it is on the side of a highway. The most serious thing in it is that he talks about how the front of the pentagon collapsed some time after the 'crash'.

Not a video of the crash though, but relevant and not very well known.

Have you seen the video of the taxi driver? He said at one point that there were guys unscrewing lamp posts from the highway near the pentagon (these would be the ones which were supposedly knocked down by the plane), he later ended up changing his story and denying he ever said it. It's amazing how much stuff has come out about this.

You know what else? It's amazing how many people have been got to, you get people like Assange and other intellectuals and people in the public eye who you expect to be on the ball with this stuff and yet all you get is silence. Gore Vidal wasn't silent about 9/11 or the Oklahoma bombings but he's an exception. Interestingly enough, in some wikileaks releases from a few years ago, there is all the pager messages from officials on 9/11, there's a lot of weird shit, people reporting car bombs, all sorts.

And then you get stuff like Barry Jennings who was in WTC7 before it was demolished, talking about stepping over bodies, explosions, people with skin blown off their arms. Firefighters who were saying there were explosions in the buildings, people nearby with video cameras with this stuff on film.

timestamp of relevant info?

The video url already has the timestamp : #t=1110

Oh okay, it didn't start there for me, but I ended up watching the whole thing anyway :)

Building 7 man, that's all I can say. The rest of 9/11 including flight 93 is chopped full of holes but building FUCKING 7!

United 93 was shot down by two US Airforce F-16s scrambled out of Andrews AFB on orders of Vice President Dick Cheney http://www.mail-archive.com/cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com/msg09365.html

And the ACARS data shows that the U93 was still flying well after the crash.

There's so much shit surrounding that flight alone and yet the commission was "satisfied" with their report, along with the millions of Americans that believed in it.

I wonder if you've seen this thread about the contradictory records from Flight 11.

I also wonder what you make of the technical information contained in the comment quoted in the first post of that thread, and how it might contradict or support the technical information you discovered:

These are calls that went through the "Claircom box" on AA77, the plane that hit the Pentagon. This is the box that handles seatback phones, but <b>calls did not originate from seatback handsets</b>. It appears they came from something plugged into external port #4 of the Claircom box.

My hypothesis is someone put a picocell (cell phone base station) on the plane and plugged it into Claircom box in order to get a connection to ground stations. The implications are:

.. Someone other than hijackers was involved. The Claircom box was not accessible from the passenger compartment. The picocell must have been installed days beforehand.

.. Cell phone calls were legit. The calls seen here were operator assisted, but calls from United planes, which used a different seatback phone system, might have passed through normally so as to show the caller's cell phone's number on the recipient's CallerID.

I believe calls did not come from seatback phones because HandsetID shows ffff, computer code for -1, meaning unknown. I believe they came from port #4 because Originating # shows 9045550004. The 555 in the middle (NXX) indicates is not a working telephone number, but rather for <i>internal use</i>. Area code (NPA) 904 is in Jacksonville FL. They had to put some three digit number to fill the space. Perhaps software was developed in JAX. The last four digits (NNNN) contain the useful information. I think 0004 means external port #4.

I wonder if you've seen this thread about the contradictory records from Flight 11.

No I have not, thanks for the share.

I also wonder what you make of the technical information contained in the comment quoted in the first post of that thread, and how it might contradict or support the technical information you discovered

Not much, his following text from that quote reinforces the suspicion that the calls were not being made from inside the airplane and were in fact being staged.

Theres not much I could find in there that could support what I discovered, the Flight 11 call log lacks a lot of legends. But on the other hand, there is one thing that sounds impossible, unless I am mistaken.

Call #18 last for 274s.

There are two ground stations involved during that connection - Gnd Sta ID 30|Coriapolis, PA and Current Gnd Sta ID 98|Arlington VA.

If this log follows the same structure as the one from U93 then Gnd Sta ID = Ground station id when the call started; Current Gnd Sta ID = Ground station id when the call ended.

Problem is this is telling us that at the time of that call the airplane Flight 11 was not where the radar showed us but instead far West around Pennsylvania.

Please take in consideration that I do not know exactly the RBS ranges in 2001 but I remember reading somewhere that they were around 128miles in radius and this is what I am using for the above relation.

So, if I am correct, Flight 11 was not the airplane that crashed into WTC and was in fact in Pensylvania, or the other way around.

Okay, I finally found where all Flight 11 and 77 records are found. [Via this good Global Research article]

You write:

Problem is this [call #18] is telling us that at the time of that call the airplane Flight 11 (sic) was not where the radar showed us but instead far West around Pennsylvania.

Just to be clear . . . the call starts at 9:20 Eastern time, right? The Global research article claims the time determined by the RBS but this is a PA RBS so wouldn't the 7:20 start time really be 8:20 Eastern? Also, apart from whether the flight could already be in Western PA, isn't there an even bigger problem that the call is handed off from Coriapolis, PA to Arlington, VA even though the call only lasts 4 minutes? How could it fly that fast?

Also, if you look at the full records you see that #18 is actually from Flight 77.

Also, can you verify that if these Flight 11 calls were legitimate Airphone calls they would have separate and distinct phone numbers? Flight 11 and 77 records show all calls from 904-555-0004. Why? There doesn't appear to be a listed phone number for the United records as there is is for AA though, right?

You say:

his following text from that quote reinforces the suspicion that the calls were not being made from inside the airplane and were in fact being staged.

How do you account for the hand offs then? Would these be faked if the calls were not originating from the planes?

I guess I don't understand the United RBS codes. The United records don't appear to show each individual hand off like AA does so it's harder to track. Is "RBS id" the originating station? What is "RBS id lcp"? I notice only a couple of "RBS id lcp" are different from the "RBS id." The ones that are different have "RBS id lcp" of 065 and 026.

What do these locations tell us about the location of Flight 93 during each call? I assume these are Bellevue, OH and Columbus, OH, and Fort Wayne, IN, and Coroapolis, PA.

Anyway, a lot of questions and don't feel a need to answer because it's confusing. I may come back to edit because I spent a lot of time and still am very confused.

Also, if you look at the full records you see that #18 is actually from Flight 77.

You are correct, nice catch! I was misguided by the continuous call numbering and thought those were all from the same flight.

(...) the call is handed off from Coriapolis, PA to Arlington, VA even though the call only lasts 4 minutes? How could it fly that fast?

Nah, the RBS handoff doesn't tell you that, what most likely happened was that the call switched RBS during those 4 minutes, something that is suppose to happen. It could be 60 minutes or 30 seconds, would make no difference.

How do you account for the hand offs then? Would these be faked if the calls were not originating from the planes?

As I explained in my first comment, because of the handoffs and the 2 long lasting calls that reach beyond the crash time, the airplane from where those calls came from was not the same that crashed. And since we have absolutely no evidence telling that the Penn crash site is from the U93 we can assume that U93 was still flying and the one that crashed was not U93, something that the ASCAR data reinforces.

I guess I don't understand the United RBS codes.


RBS ID = Radio Base Station ID when the call started.

RBS ID lcp = Radio Base Station ID last call path, shows the last station that the call was connected when it ended.

Basically you have the starting position of the call and the ending position, if the call goes through a different base station then a handoff occurs which will show in the handoff column, if the call was short and never left the same station then no handoff occurs and both RBS IDs will be the same. It can also happen that a call goes from one rbs to a different one and again to the first one, showing the same station on both IDs but the handoff column will display 2 (first to the second and the second to the first = 2 handoffs).

What do these locations tell us about the location of Flight 93 during each call? I assume these are Bellevue, OH and Columbus, OH, and Fort Wayne, IN, and Coroapolis, PA.

It tells us an average (not very precise) path that the plane was travelling, for those stations to be in there then the plane had to be within it's range. Also, Belleville is actually the RBS station on Detroit.

Anyway, a lot of questions and don't feel a need to answer because it's confusing. I may come back to edit because I spent a lot of time and still am very confused.

No problem, come back if you need something else I can help with.

EDIT: missed some

Also, can you verify that if these Flight 11 calls were legitimate Airphone calls they would have separate and distinct phone numbers? Flight 11 and 77 records show all calls from 904-555-0004. Why? There doesn't appear to be a listed phone number for the United records as there is is for AA though, right?

Without the legend I cannot guarantee but it looks like it is the base number for the AA airfones, both planes were AA. For the U93, that is correct, no numbers show up for their airfone, probably because their call log system catalogs all the calls per airplane, as you can read on the top left "Aircraft ID".

Nah, the RBS handoff doesn't tell you that, what most likely happened was that the call switched RBS during those 4 minutes, something that is suppose to happen. It could be 60 minutes or 30 seconds, would make no difference.

But it switched between those two particular RBSs though, right? At first I thought they were much farther apart but I see they are only about 265 miles apart so if each RBS has an ~ range of 125 miles it's possible they switched from one to the other, as the record indicates.

As I explained in my first comment, because of the handoffs and the 2 long lasting calls that reach beyond the crash time, the airplane from where those calls came from was not the same that crashed.

Yeah, I too doubt these are the actual phone logs from those flights.

I guess I'm just trying to figure out how they faked it. Did they have alternative planes up there that were really transmitting calls. Or like the expert in the Global Research article claims, did they route the calls from the ground to the planes? Or is it like the Let's Roll guy theorizes, they used a port right into the box on the plane? Or did they simple fake these records?

But it switched between those two particular RBSs though, right?

Yup, that happens when the plane is reaching the range limit of one station and entering the range of another, then within that space the call is transferred to the next station.

I did a quick draft showing the flight 77 path and the 3 RBS that show on the call log.


A = Dunbar - RBS ID 160

B = Coraopolis - RBS ID 30

C = Arlington - RBS ID 98

RBS Range in my image = ~128miles

As you can see, where the circles are touching is where the handoffs occur, following that example you can place the airplane in its flightpath by following the call logs. Hope that makes it more easier to understand.

I guess I'm just trying to figure out how they faked it. Did they have alternative planes up there that were really transmitting calls. Or like the expert in the Global Research article claims, did they route the calls from the ground to the planes? Or is it like the Let's Roll guy theorizes, they used a port right into the box on the plane? Or did they simple fake these records?

Well, one thing we have to be sure is that the calls were made on that day at those hours because we have to take the evidence as priority and the rest comes later when necessary. For me, U93 never crashed, it was following the same path of the scapegoat plane that did crash. The other planes is something that I am not too confident to talk about, yet.

Great graph. Thanks for doing that. Would be nice to put the other RBS stations from the other planes on the map as well. My link to the documents above has info for all 4 flights.

Also, not that I disagree with your ultimate conclusions, but do Beamer's 6 hand offs really prove much? Let's just forget about how the record shows him connected for 65 minutes which is longer than the 38 minutes the statements indicate. Even at 38 minutes long, the call was much longer than most of the others, and could have easily been handed off a number of times at a point where there was concurrent coverage between RBS, like your map indicates. Indeed, Flight 93 records for the other calls show a lot of calls connecting either at Columbus or Bellevue in a short amount of time, and switching back and forth. So since we don't have a breakdown like we do with AA, it's hard to tell much from the total number of hand offs.

Jeez, what a rabbit hole.

I'll have to look more closely at what the (anonymous!) expert in the Global Research article is claiming is possible:

Th[is] essay also includes new information suggesting that the digital technology of the day could have routed the calls that appeared to emanate from Flight 77, from the ground up to the aircraft and back again. . .

[The documents have] been examined by a former Claircom system designer, who has written (letter of March 25 2011) that “the elements of the call record data listed in the fax are consistent with my recollection of Claircom call records and how Claircom listed that data in reports. . . .”

This person was kind enough to engage in a private email exchange but is still employed in the IT business and prefers to remain anonymous in a public discussion. . . .

Just as it has come to light in a recent study that over a dozen aircraft were unwittingly transmitting the hijack code (7500) on the morning of 9/11 [29], it has also come to light that in 2001, “it was theoretically possible to route an [AT&T] call from one location, through a ground site, to an aircraft and then back down to another ground site. . . .” [30]

It would certainly explain why the billing records were not available.

Here are the footnotes for those last two claims:

[29] Shoestring, “The Many False Hijackings of 9/11,” April 10, 2011, http://shoestring911.blogspot.com/2011/04/many-false-hijackings-of-911.html Apparently it is not difficult to hack into the military bands, so the hijack code could have been transmitted from some other source. Note this comment:

RogueKnight12866 July 23, 2010 at 7:17 pm To finish, I’d likely also 500 KHz and 2182 KHz, which are mediumwave international emergency frequencies for aircraft and marine vessels on the open seas. If you are in trouble, I feel the rules go out the window. I’d do whatever it took to see my passengers survived, even if it meant breaking all the rules and even hacking into the military radio bands. Ref. http://www.rfcommunity.org/radio/private-jet-pilot-on-cb-radio-channel-19/

[30]Former Claircom system designer, letter of Weds. March 10, 2010, to Rowland Morgan.

Also, as relates to the claim on Let's Roll that the "4" indicates the use of an external port on the Claircom box, and that each seatback phone should have it's own individual number:

The former Claircom systems designer wrote in a March 25, 2011 email, “I believe the phone location in the aircraft might be coded into the GS/GSC call ID codes.”

The author also cited these sources as helping with technological matters:

I am indebted to David Brown, Rowland Morgan, and a former Claircom systems designer, who verified the authenticity of the records, but wishes to remain anonymous. Rowland Morgan, born in Brighton, England, and educated at Cambridge, has written two books on 9/11: Rowland Morgan and Ian Henshall: “Flight 93 Revealed: What Really Happened on the 9/11 Let’s Roll Flight?” Carroll & Graf, 2006; and “9/11 Revealed: The Unanswered Questions,” Carroll & Graf, 2005. Morgan is a former weekly columnist for The Independent and The Guardian.

Great graph. Thanks for doing that. Would be nice to put the other RBS stations from the other planes on the map as well. My link to the documents above has info for all 4 flights.

I don't have the patience to do it now, I have all the info I need right here but I don't see how it will be helpful without having the names of the RBS involved in all handoffs.

but do Beamer's 6 hand offs really prove much?

Yes it does because the calls after Beamer's show only 3 different RBS, not 6.

Also, as relates to the claim on Let's Roll that the "4" indicates the use of an external port on the Claircom box, and that each seatback phone should have it's own individual number:

Sounds reasonable but unless we have something that clearly tells us that it is true, that 4 can be anything.

Yeah, wold probably be a lot of work to make a map. Thanks again for doing the first one to demonstrate how it works.

I'm a little unsure about this:

Yes it does because the calls after Beamer's show only 3 different RBS, not 6.

Since we don't have the chain of hand offs, like we do with AA, it could simply be toggling back and forth between two of them.

Or are you saying the 6 represents six different RBS?

Sounds reasonable but unless we have something that clearly tells us that it is true, that 4 can be anything.

Yeah, I am somewhat curious what experts the Moussaoui trial used and looking at the 9/11 investigation commission experts to try to figure it out but seems like a lot of information to wade through.

Since we don't have the chain of hand offs, like we do with AA, it could simply be toggling back and forth between two of them.

Now how would that be possible if the airplane was in a straight path before crashing? Do you see the problem now? ;)

Or are you saying the 6 represents six different RBS?

I am saying that, compared to the last calls which have only 3 different RBS and 3 handoffs, Todd's has the double of handoffs for no reason at all. Wether they are all different or not is something that I would like to know.

Now how would that be possible if the airplane was in a straight path before crashing? Do you see the problem now? ;)

Well look at your map! There is a small portion covered by 3 different RBSs. It's possible it could be switching back and forth between RBS when there is overlap.

I guess we need to know more about how the hand offs are handled. Does it switch to the strongest signal automatically? Is it done by GPS coordinate?

Well look at your map! There is a small portion covered by 3 different RBSs. It's possible it could be switching back and forth between RBS when there is overlap.

Except that it didn't - and I hope you are not mixing Fligth 77 RBS areas with the U93 because they are quite different - study the calls after Todd's last and see how many RBS they go through. Since Todd's call was still going during the other last calls that were made we can assume that the RBSs of those calls are the same that Todd's went through so for now we have a few of the 6 RBS of his call:

Started at Detroit RBS

Transferred to Columbus RBS

Transferred to Pittsburgh RBS

Ended at Detroit RBS

So now we have 3 known RBS that Todd's call had to switch but that is not all, Marion and Sandra calls have 3 handoffs which can be:

Columbus - Pittsburgh : 1st handoff or Columbus - X

Pittsburgh - Columbus : 2nd handoff or X - Y

Columbus - Pittsburgh : 3rd handoff or Y - Pittsburgh

Knowing that after 9:43 the airplane was in a straight path and that the only RBS in its path were just Columbus and Pittsburgh, the handoffs could not have been more than one unless it was flying in circles.

Compare the location of the 3 RBS with the U93 flightpath to have a better understanding.

Now we can compile Todd's known RBS during each handoff:

1 - Detroit to Columbus

2 - Columbus to Pittsburgh - assuming he flew in a circle here

3 - Pittsburgh to Columbus - assuming he flew in a circle here

4 - Columbus to Pittsburgh - assuming he flew in a circle here

5 - Pittsburgh to Detroit

And we are left with one handoff and RBS missing.

Handoffs occur when the signal strength is below a certain treshold and another is above it or at least with more strength than the previous one. When that happens the call is transferred to the one with the strongest signal and the call does not drop. No GPS, nothing fancy, just a simple signal strength priority switch.

Not to belabor the point too much . . . because I am inclined to agree with your ultimate assessment and I like that you started these comments, but . . . I still think there could be multiple hand offs because the official flight path basically flew through areas where there was concurrent coverage between these 3 RMBs. I mean atmospheric conditions could have effected the range. They didn't have to fly in circles to toggle back and forth--especially if they were flying equidistant between RBS.

Indeed, the first calls at 9:28 connect via the Fort Wayne, IN RMB, then at 9:31 a call connects to the Columbus RMB, just as the official flight path (which I think could be faked) has the plane crossing from PA to OH. That's weird because you would think the Pittsburgh station would have the strongest signal at that point.

Then you see people's calls connecting via the Detroit RMB for the next ten minutes.

And then you see an example of what I'm talking about . . . when the plane enters no man's land: at 9:40:20 a call connects to Detroit, then at 9:40:34 a call connects to Columbus and then the next 12 calls or so alternate between these two RBS! Beamer's call initiated at 9:43 seems to be the last one that originates via Detroit.

But you do have a point that the flight path after Beamer initiated his call at 9:43 seems to go straight into Pittsburgh's RBS.

So your scenario above is not farfetched and doesn't need the plane flying in circles. Except I think #5 is unlikely. Since Shanksville is East of Pittsburgh it's feasible the RBS to the East of Pittsburgh took a hand off for #5, and who knows, maybe #6 is a hand off back to Pittsburgh.

Yes, I know that #5 is far fetched but it was meant to be as handoff counter, that's why I said there was still one missing.

Like I said before, if we had all the RBS we would have a better idea of the plane path during the calls compared to FDR path.

I have an explanation on this. I saw a program on this guy that got accused of murder. He said he was at someone's house during the murder and he made a call on his cell. Investigators tried to verify he made a call from that house on his cell, and the records showed it happened an hour earlier than the murder, and not during the murder, so it didn't prove he could not have killed the guy an hour later. Well, it turns out, that the cell tower he was connecting to was either in a different time zone or not on Daylight savings, or something like that. Once they adjusted the logs from the tower, it turned out he WAS at someones house during the murder.

Problem is, even if the call log in this case was in a different time schedule, you would still have beamer's call connected after the crash for at least 20 minutes.

This. This is why I can never believe the official story


Rules of Engagement is a fantastic documentary.

"Everything I need to know about my government I learned at Waco."

You're in good company - Bill Hicks on Waco

And he died so young.. I always felt cheated that I was just a child when Hicks was alive. Anymore I'm just glad he existed. He may someday grow to be a hero of a generation, one can hope.

Still lookin' for any-one comedian (modern-day philosophers) who drops truth-bombs like he did. George Carlin was just as good too. Definitely a demand for a good supply of jokes that pull down the curtains. [Lewis Black is pretty good too, but a little too political at times]

Russel Brand man. He's making a lot of noise lately.

Ya.. I'm on the fence about him. Seems like a young Robert Downey Jr in regards to a drug-history that has altered his mannerisms to the point of being charming.. he definitely has charisma and intelligence, can articulate himself well and presents his ideas in terms anyone can understand, but I still can't 'feel' his motives (which could be a positive thing).

Both Carlin and Hicks did their fair share of the drugs and the booze. Lenny Bruce is another.

Yeah but he doesn't really seem to know what he is talking about. Like I never say to my self while listening to him "that is so true" which is what happens about every other minute with the other guys.

He's a hero to my generation already.

Anyone who develops a following that could turn political....

Plot twist: how did he really die?

some people think he's still alive, and posing as alex jones after the plastic surgery and mk ultra.

after the plastic surgery and mk ultra.

wut? Not to mention that your whole post is wut worthy.. I'm going to look into this, even if just for a laugh.

edit: well they do look sorta similar, I guess that's worth something

He may someday grow to be a hero of a generation, one can hope.

nah.. he just changed his act to Alex Jones.

Bill Hicks on JFK


Speaking of which, Bill was definitely one of the people who got me into conspiracy theories.

Holy shit. I mean, I just read the wikepedia page on it and it almost blatantly states that there was a huge cover-up.

  • One agent stated that the infiltration team fired first, then changed his story for the trial and stated the opposite.

  • During a phone call to the FBI one of the church leaders stated that the door of where the shots broke out showed clear evidence that the agents fired first, all bullet *holes were incoming.

  • That door, the right-hand door of a set of double-doors, mysteriously goes missing. Agents state that it was too damaged in the fire to be recovered, but the left-hand door was fine, albeit riddled with both incoming and outgoing bullet *holes.

  • Fire marshals say that it is extremely unlikely that a steel door would be that severely damaged in the fire, especially when the adjoining door was fine.

  • A state trooper Sgt. testified that he saw what could have been that door being loaded into a Uhaul van, never to be seen again.

  • The door remains missing, even though the entire site was under "close supervision."

This entire thing is bullshit. Seriously, what the fuck?

Edit: Formatting.

Edit: Just read some more, this time about the start of the fire.

  • The Attorney General ordered that no pyrotechnics, e.g. CS grenades, were to be used.

  • FBI spokesmen swore under oath that none were used.

  • CS grenades were found in the rubble of the building.

  • Apparently there were tapes that proved that the fire was started by the church people, but when played in court only the FBI "Audio Expert" was able to hear such things on the tapes, as the voices were heavily muffled and there was a lot of ambient noise.

This is so fucked up.

Edit: Bullet holes, not wholes.

Don't forget what they did to Mark Dorner and Ruby Ridge.

Or his wife, shot dead while holding their baby.


Funny. That's exactly what Timothy McVay said.

then to find out there were other bombs in the Fred P Murrah building that McVey could not have had access to place inside.

That is the one two punch.

I was going to put that too, given it was the second incident that I really researched after Waco. It didn't answer the OP though.

Conspiracy of Silence and Mena Arkansas were also heave hitters. Those murderers got promoted too.

could you link me some info about this mark dorner, google is no help

Sorry, chris dorner

Not only that but David Koresh had invited the federal agents to his residence to inspect his weapons and even go shooting. They could have arrested him when he went for his daily run. If the davidians did actually shoot first they would have killed all the agents riding up to the house covered only by tarps.

AND David Koresh went to Wal-Mart every week for supplies. So... why not grab him while he was at Wal-Mart? The answer is simple; Janet Reno and the ATF wanted a show of force.

Heyyyy, woahh there big guy, no treason to get upset. The State will formally recognize the error and issue an official apology ten years after the death of the last person involved, per standard policy.

you said wholes a whole bunch, you meant holes



Essentially that the looked at the door, saw that it did indeed prove that the ATF agents shot first, threw it in the back of a van, then simply made it disappear.

They had just installed TVs in each classroom at the high school I attended. They literally showed the whole thing on the TV. Watched the tanks roll in, watched the ATF fire grenades into the windows. I remember thinking "What is happening to all the kids in the compound". Then realizing the ATF were just killing innocents.

This was near to my experience as well. My parents were very suspicious of government in general, and watching this as a kid really affected me. I still remember it vividly, and them hearing afterward things that didn't match my memories of what I watched. Was a little surreal.

You should watch Rules of Engagement with your parents.

The only way the culture shock could be worse of new TVs and a kid watching mass murder for the first time is if you were on shrooms while you watched.

Damn... Today in my AP Government class our teacher threw on a film about this. Then I come home, open my laptop, and this is what popped up... weird.

Almost like someone set it up... On purpose...

The fact that it was a conspiracy post made it ironic as well.

There are some really good books and documentaries. It still boils my blood.

Somethings just aren't a coincidence.

Baader Meinhof phenomenon

I just saw the Bill Hicks movie on Netflix, where they talk about that incident, and here we are.

My hometown. I love this place but nobody talks about it....

Wako bro

My hometown is the site of MKULTRA.

And nobody talks about it. Or believes it, more to the point. Or rather, cannot wrap their minds around it.

and where is that ?



From what I understand, the CIA deliberately chose Montreal because of its many hospitals and universities and proximity to Cambridge and New York, and to avoid being accused of experimenting on US residents. So they experimented on Canadians instead, primarily Quebecois. Duplessis, our premier at the time, is infamous for authorizing experiments on and brutal murders of babies of unwed mothers (as well as the unwed mothers themselves).

It is called The Duplessis Era, and the children who were victims and survivors of this era are called The Duplessis Orphans. There is a graveyard in the east end of Montreal that the government does not want exhumed. Last I checked (anyone, feel free to correct this info) the government is still refusing to exhume the bodies of hundreds of murdered infants dumped into a mass grave in the east end, which the remaining Duplessis Orphans are calling for in order to prove that the infants were experimented on and died as a result of those experiments, particularly lobotomies. I'm guessing the government is waiting for the last Orphans to die off before exhuming the grave. The Orphans are pretty young though, so... I'm not sure how long they can hold out without being obvious about avoiding the issue. The youngest survivors were actually born in the 70's and 80's rather than the 50's and 60's as claimed, so... they have a good 50 yrs to go before we all die off.

It is called The Great Darkness. No one likes to talk about it. Even though many of the policies and attitudes born out of the Duplessis Era are alive and happening in hospitals (and foster homes) across Quebec to this day.




I am surprised any Canadians would willingly go fight on the side of Americans after all that bullshit!

Canadian Forces are the U.S.'s clean-up and medical crew. The US goes in, murders a few thousand people, sets up policy and a permanent military unit of some variety, and then withdraws from the area. Canadian forces then go in, provide medical services to both sides of the "war", sandbag a few floods, plant a few trees, rape a few locals, clean up the US's debris, set up a permanent "peace keeping" presence while looking like heroes, and then withdraw from the area.

It's easy to justify sticking to the program because not only does the CAD government make so much money doing it, but generally speaking they really do provide decent medical and auxiliary services to locals. For example, the US razes Haiti, and then Canada goes in and rebuilds Haiti. I'm not sure if it's active collusion or simply a matter of the Canadian government taking advantage of the US gov'ts genocidal policies to make money and look good. Judging by the way I was treated as a ward of the government growing up, I'm going to guess it's both. The Canadian government may look good on the international stage, but they sure don't have a problem abusing children and murdering indigenous folks. So... I'm not so sure Canadian government are the heros they like to make themselves out to be.

The stage is your's mate. What makes your home town stand out?

Pfft. Baylor. I'd say that's ALL that makes us stand out. There's really nothing exciting about this town until football season starts up and then everybody packs the streets, making it impossible to drive around. I mean now that I think about it, nobody in this town would even consider conspiracies of the such. Very few know about the Waco incident and the younger kids aren't interested in it so it's a slowly dying conspiracy. Yet I can't help but feel like there's more to the place. I see free masons around the place and there's buildings dedicated to free masonry but I highly doubt anything goes on in those buildings. Just a bunch of old rich guys who donate alot to Baylor and what not...

Yeah nothing happens in Austin. Don't come here

This. I was in high school when Waco happened. I was pretty punk-rock and teenage-rebellious, so I was kind of rooting for the Davidians, even though I, in general, hated christians. But watching that on TV, seeing how these people who weren't really hurting anyone were literally burned alive...and then realizing over the next few years how much the government lied to us during that time...it shaped the way I see it.

I'm still kind of punk-rock, still a little socialist in regards to what I think a government SHOULD do for it's people...but I will never again trust the people in power now. Whenever i hear any official report on anything, I default to disbelief. My automatic reaction to anything the media says is considering it bullshit until my research proves it true or false.

Very well said, echoes a lot of us.

Im too youjg to remember...whats waco(


Ohhh I remember seeing a documentary calles rules of engagement on tv. I assumed it was about some corporate controversy a la enron

If you ever get a chance to see it, it is really good. Seeing that changed my view on the situation.

There are also several very good books that get into even more than the documentary.

The short story is that the federal government started a siege on a religious group for over a month. After that they burned the compound on live tv and made a big joke of it. The people were doing nothing wrong. The survivors were found not guilty of the murders of the federal agents that were killed.

They basically fucked up a raid that should have never happened. Then burned the building down to hide the evidence of how bad they fucked up.

Is this everything? I was just taught not 5 years ago in my senior English class that people were inside committing and having children commit suicide for their beliefs. Not saying that's right, just interested in how far a lie might stretch.

It is absolute bullshit. Those types of drama were the initial accusations. The local authorities had already investigated the same claims and dismissed them as total bs. The local authorities who had been around the davidians knew these charges were bullshit and said so publicly. The evidence the federal government later brought up was obvious lies. David Koresh invited the feds onto his property.

There was actually a house full of fbi and atf staying across the street from the compound. Everyone knew who they were because their cover was college kids. They had no furniture in the house and they were obviously older than college kids. They befriended on agent that actually almost converted to their religious beliefs. He openly cried when speaking of how good of people the davidians were.

There is much much more to this. What you were taught is propaganda.

Can you link me to some stuff on this I can show people who believe the official story?

Watch the documentary that was posted up top, Rules of Engagement. You can see all of this happen on film. You can see agents blatantly claiming the FBI never fired a single round, yet see on the FLIR cameras that agents were firing into the compound preventing the Davidians from leaving as they were burning alive. You can watch as the agents fire pyrotechnic grenades into the house to set it aflame. And yet ever single agent testifying states that they never fired a single round and that the Davidians kill themselves, even though the few survivors state otherwise - one of which was an ATF informant.

This, also Ruby Ridge. Bull shit charges against a guy who wanted to keep his family off the grid basically. They were pretty much conspiracy theorists themselves really. So eventually the government comes to take him away by force, end up killing his 14 year old son and later his wife shortly after they retrieved the body of their son from the woods while she was inside the house holding their 10 month old daughter. I was like 5 at the time and I remember it well for some reason. It has never really left me. Even if a person thinks they were crazy or were part of a cult, it was handled poorly, just like Waco. Hell, ATF agents tricked him to arrest him when they could have got him in town multiple times. They pretended to have broken down on the road in need of help. The guys and his wife stop to help them and get arrested. The 80s were a scary time for some people but the government was right there to make it worse. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Ridge

You can really how full of shit the free press is with how they handle these two instances.

Watched this last night, thanks. As a 28 year old I was too young to remember WACO but damn, what a shit show. I can see how people would buy the story back then but looking back now it's just so obvious that it was a giant fuck up and the FBI decided to destroy the evidence instead of try to fix the situation.

And that infrared footage was just damning... I don't see how anyone can explain that away.

No problem. If you want another really good one check out this one. It's a little dry but very good.


Wait im from Waco please summarize what this means!

It was a time when the federal government burned innocent people alive for PR on national television. Then the perpetrators were promoted.

There is undeniable proof that the highest level government officials were nothing but child killers. The media moves that were made were very telling. There are books and documentaries out there.

Fuck, that just shed new light on the situation for me. Damn, even when you try to be vigilant, these things go down right under our noses.

Waco still sends chills down my spine.

I think Waco was more of a screw up, then a bunch of ass covering/cover up. I don't think the ATF started the standoff with the intent of killing everyone.

I can see that. It just got me thinking more critically I guess.

Having never really looked into it... Holy Shit. Someone went on a fucking power trip and not a single person lost their job in this whole fiasco?

I've never heard of a conspiracy around Waco. Got any good links?

It's not so much a conspiracy as it was a coverup. The govt shot flames into the compound and caused the fires that killed almost everyone not the Davidians themselves. There are many youtube videos about this that are high quality video production documentaries. There may be a conspiracy someone could come up with related to false flag b/c of anti-Clinton militia groups at the time but the coverup is more disturbing to me.

More specifically, they used tear gas known to leave flammable residue and then threw in flash bangs to ignite the gas.

I've never thought of it as a conspiracy either. I think of it as more of a message from the government to anyone who thinks they can create their own sub-society anywhere in America.

there are a couple of great documentaries

Waco: Rules of Engagement is a good start.


Whoa I've lived near Waco my whole life and never knew about this. No one talks about it.

I feel like this is a good place to just mention that one plausible example of a conspiracy should not turn people into conspiracy theorists. I happen to believe there is credible evidence to believe that there was a cover up at Waco. But that should not mean that I presume that every conspiracy theory is true unless proven false. I can believe, for example, that we haven't been told the entire truth about 9/11 and still not believe that the US government planned or knew about 9/11.

If they didn't plan or know about it what reason would they have to not tell us the truth?

I agree. Maybe even the only conspiracy involved with this is that they wanted to cover up how bad they fucked up. This turned me into a "conspiracy theorist", because I no longer believed that our government was actually there to serve us.

I will define being a "conspiracy theorist" here as someone who doesn't believe what their government and MSM tell them. My theories are often very different now then what they try to sell. This doesn't actually mean I believe some other "conspiracies". Most of them are bullshit, it just made me a more critical thinker.

In 2001, about a week before 9/11, I was home sick from work and watched the ATF shoot into the wrong house, then burn a house down with a man still inside, live on CNN. Someone's compiled a bunch of info about the incident here.

This is commonplace now (almost like a playbook: Whoops, he didn't shoot at us, we shot our own guy, shhh, don't tell anyone! Whoops, we shot the dog! Whoops, shot into the wrong house! Whoops, we used the wrong flash-bangs, we TOTALLY meant to use the cold ones! Oh well, guess we've got a fire now), but it wasn't then. I was fascinated by it, as none of the stories made any sense, and they specifically sprayed water on neighboring houses, while they burned down this house.

What kept me from forgetting this incident, though, was how quickly news stories were scrubbed from the Internet afterwards. I mean, this happened on live TV, in the middle of the day, stories were all over the Web. A week later, describing it to a friend, I went to look for an article to cite - I could find a single article, deleted - but not scrubbed from Google cache.

I still don't wholly understand the significance of the event, and I doubt I ever will -- but I feel like it was a turning point, and it definitely woke me up.

Once the environment of fear kicks in dude, everything law enforcement does is justified in the public's eyes. Maybe 9/11 was a convenient distraction for ATF officials to cover up their deletion, knowing that the story wouldn't gain anymore traction.

That's what MSMedia's job is - to justify our (horrific) actions. It's why slavery was 'fine' for so long, it was justified in the perceptions of the owners. Once one realizes this, one will recognize every news segment is trying to push justification for some new law/act/motive. It lessens the cognitive dissonance.

98% of the worlds news is controlled by 6 corporations. That should be enough to raise alarm bells for everyone.

Yes, they decided to use the deaths of nearly 3,000 people to "cover up" this other isolated event. Sometimes the government is so crafty and delicate with their cover ups and other times they initiate one of the worst attacks on the country in it's history. Totally.


I've noticed that reading comprehension may be declining. Seems these days my posts are more likely to be misunderstood, by something I said in the first sentence. I feel in 2013, everybody wants the tl;dr without having to get into the guts of something and understand what everything is about. It's a dangerous direction we're taking. It makes for an audience that isn't as likely to think critically, they just want the twitter news headlne.

tl;dr All is well, A+ in English.

So well put, and very refreshing to see around here.

are you stupid or pretending to be?

nowhere in his comment did he suggest 9/11 was to cover up a hose burning

Haha I got a good laugh out of this exchange


Comment to read later


This whole story would make for an interesting read, with the title of the book being... 'The Comedy of Errors: A Series of Unfortunate Events'.

Honestly, it was my study of history, religion and philosophy that did it for me.

The many conspiracies of Imperial Rome, Greece (What they did to Socrates & Pythagoras comes to mind), the entire history of the Catholic Church, the era of Cromwell in England, Guy Fawkes, the period of the Revolutionary War in the USA (funny how the US was basically founded upon conspiracies and the actions of conspirators), etc.

Almost the entire written and oral history of humanity is filled with conspiracies, conspiracy theories, conspiracy facts and conspiracy actions.

We in the modern age just label the ones we know about as fact to have come about as 'history'.

Almost the entire written and oral history of humanity is filled with conspiracies, conspiracy theories, conspiracy facts and conspiracy actions

What can I say; we're a social species.

In Bible College, I studied Church History. I felt like I was let in on a secret that secular History failed to deliver to me. I also began to have doubts about all that I was told in school. I feel deceived, to be honest.

If you've not read any Robert Anton Wilson, I expect that you'd probably enjoy his work quite a bit.

Do you know of any good documentaries or anything on Guy Fawkes? All I've ever heard is he was crazy and wanted to murder people.

Honestly, the writeup about him on Wikipedia is pretty accurate. Make sure you also read the entry on The Gunpowder Plot and the background in England at that time.

What they did to Socrates & Pythagoras comes to mind

Care to elaborate? I've never read into this before.

Socrates was set-up and essentially forced into suicide by a conspiracy of his opponents who essentially got him labeled a godless heretic. They were angry about his social and political influence over a rather wealthy segment of young people, and that he was a big critic of Athenian democracy (and supported Sparta over Athens).

Pythagoras it is believed died in one of two ways (but as the result of the same action against him and his followers): Burned to death with his followers in their meeting place, or that he escaped the conflagration but later starved himself to death. Nobody knows 100% which of these is true. The conspiracy however, was instigated by two men, one of whom had been rejected as a student & member of the Pythagorean Brotherhood.

You can learn more from the Wiki articles on both. We know some things from translations (from Greek into Latin, and then into Modern English), but if you really want to read up, you'll need to learn Greek and read the source texts.

Okay, as serious as I can be, I challenge you to come up with sources for confirmed, not suspected, historical conspiracies. Ones that historians agree took place. I mean no disrespect, but it seems a tall order seeing as history is written by the victor, and a successful conspiracy would, canonically, involve the general public not knowing and no loose ends.

You have the attempted overthrow of the U.S. government in the late 1800's, but that failed. I'm trying to think of any others.

With all possible honesty, I think it could be your time to shine to provide sources. I would greedily absorb them. I imagine you have mostly books to cite, and that's fine, but the majority of the historical conspiracies that I'm aware of do not meet the definition of a true successful conspiracy.

I hope you respond.

/r/Askhistorian had a thread 3 months ago, about this.

The entire Revolutionary War my fellow Redditor, was based on the 'Founders' and others gathering in bars, wayhouses, and other places - plotting out acts, and then carrying them through. It's all right there in the history books.

Lincoln's assassination is another classic.

Then there is the assassination of Julius Caesar, The Gunpowder Plot (involving Guy Fawkes), etc. There are many. Even Hitler's rise to power was based on him and his Nationalist Socialists conspiring to take the Chancellorship after many of them had earlier spent a few years in prison for a failed plot involving burning down a certain building in an attempt to seize power. Read Mien Kampf, for instance (ignoring what he says about the Jews in there, he does give a fascinating insight into this particular incident).

There were also many plots throughout the centuries in Europe, with the enmity between France and England being a veritable goldmine. So many of Europe's royal families are directly related to one another, and they even plotted against each other and went to war against one another, to the point of using one relative to assassinate another over land, trade, or religious disputes while retaining 'bloodless' hands in public.

You're on the internet, dude. If you want information on something just look it up and do the research. You literally have access to what amounts to nearly the total sum of human knowledge if you know where to look.

No. It is the responsibility of the person making the charge to prove the case. Even if you aren't out to prove anything, it is irresponsible and silly to say that "the information is out there. Good luck." Makes it seem so much more foolish, how could you really expect to be taken seriously after that?

Have you studied the Gnostics? The murder of Hypatia? Check out Not In His Image; http://www.amazon.com/Not-His-Image-Gnostic-Ecology/dp/193149892X - very good read.

The conspiracy theorists are always the people history remembers though.

Meaning no insult, what conspiracy theorists are well known by history? I certainly cannot remember a single one.

The history of cannabis.

Sickening propaganda.

Anyone interested in cannabis and its history should watch The Union. It is a great documentary.

Edit: Grammar

just a note that Adam Scorgie is doing a follow up to The Union

The Culture High


Ah, thank you!

That's a good one. Another one which made me question was American Drug War: The Last White Hope


I just watched that the other night. I think it's a pretty good documentary, but if I wasn't already in support of it, many parts of it would have turned me away.

Really like this guy's quote right here.

You mean the history of cannabis prohibition perhaps?

If so, I completely agree. I would also say that cannabis prohibition is one of the strongest arguments for a) the corruption and irrationality of government(s) (note that cannabis production and usage is treated as a criminal behavior around the world, despite its general lack of harm and tremendous medical benefits) and b) the ignorance and gullibility of the public at large.

On the conspiracy theme, I think the arguement could be made for a conspiracy of drug companies and other entrenched interests keeping marijuana criminalized for monetary gain. The same could be said for some other psychedelics as well IMO in terms of treating addiction and mental illness, and keeping people from thinking outside of conventional norms in a range of areas.

Anyone wanting to argue that the US government (as one example of many) is insane/corrupt/a danger to the public needs look no further than the way it treats marijuana, i.e. classifying it as a dangerous ("schedule 1") drug with no known medical benefits.

See http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/07/03/government-sponsored-study-destroys-deas-classification-of-marijuana/ for a better explanation of the reality vs. US government classification of marijuana.

See a good documentary on the subject of medical marijuana @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHnQ-YAqAsA

As someone who grew up in one of the most conservative counties in California, I knew nothing of marijuana besides "it's bad" and the basic shit they taught me in elementary school probably 10-12 years ago. Which is basically "just say no."

I then went to college and smoked weed. I'm not here to be a stoner trying to be pro-cannabis, but it's amazing the view that society has taken on alcohol, versus how society views marijuana. I'm not saying it's "better" or "worse" than alcohol, but the idea that one is acceptable, but the other is not, is a bit alarming. There's no basis for this way of thinking.

Yeah, anyone who thinks that alcohol is less dangerous than marijuana is ill-informed at best.

Same for who has heard of alcohol prohibition in the '30s US and thinks that doing the same thing for marijuana is a good idea. Allowing such people to vote on any major political race can't be a good idea.

What gives them credibility is that they will say, where do we stop? We can't just legalize all drugs

The prohibition of alcohol was a horrible failure, as is the prohibition of marijuana, imprisoning innocent people and depriving many of legitimate medicine, while diverting resources (police, courts, prisons, etc.) away from real crimes such as rape, theft, and murder.

The fact that people have implemented and wish to continue to implement these costly and harmful policies is what destroys their credibility, not what hypothetical situations they might use to divert attention away from the harmful effects of marijuana prohibition.


Yeah, the prohibition of marijuana is perhaps the most insane - and obviously insane - law of modern times (i.e. after WW2).

Making the use of a highly medicinal plant illegal simply makes no sense whatsoever. Some other psychedelics are in a similar category IMO (useful for mental illness recovery and breaking drug addiction in certain circumstances), but locking people up in quite rapey prison environments (look it up) for marijuana use is completely insane.

Try this on for size. What's this you ask? How about a patent filed in 1999 for cannabinoids used as medicine signed by The United States of America. Weird right? Why would a government who has been fighting against marijuana for the past 60 years sign such a thing? Hmmm...

The Federal Reserve bank not being a federal bank I think got me really starting to ask about certain so-called govt entities and their role in the economy. Also about the fiat currency system American government has been employing for decades.

The FIAT and the Fed have peaked my curiosity of late. I think it is the conspiracy theory that will have the most immediate and devastating affects.

For future reference: piqued not peaked.

Thanks for the links.

Never seen the last one...

Look into Kennedy's mentioned desires to end the Fed.

Yep. We are all working for tokens and paper.

Sorry to bother you again, but I'm curious as to why you think that will have either "immediate" or "devastating" effects. In my experience, even those who tend to disbelieve conspiracies tend to believe that in the case that one existed, it involves general dismissal by the public at large.

In my own opinion, if one was uncovered, there would have to be an unrelated reason as to why. Such a deus-ex-machina would be incredibly unlikely, and nigh impossible to predict.


Who or what do you think causes inflation?

The quantity of money in the money supply.

And who controls the quantity of money?

Oh, wait...

inflation is also affected by international trade and relative growth of national GDP of trading countries.

Can you explain the whole Federal Reserve to me?

I became a conspiracy theorist the moment they started blaming Bin Laden while 9/11 was still happening. I thought it was strange that they would start proclaiming who was behind the event so soon without any research or investigation.


Condi Rice went on TV shortly after the events of that day and stated that there was "no way" they could have anticipated aircraft being used as weapons, which is such a blatantly transparent and disgusting lie it's staggering.

The WTC was designed with that scenario in mind, and they were actually running a drill of that scenario that exact day.

I remember reading somehwere that they recovered plans for a 9/11 style attack from a guy's computer in, I want to say Indonesia? This was years prior to 9/11.

Didn't he claim it? And write his manifesto?

I thought he released a statement denying involvment. He said that he was not allowed by the government of Afghanistan to engage in terrorism. Not that he should be believed, but if he did so as an act of jihad, wouldn't he want to take credit?

I believe that Bin Laden didn't take credit for it for quite some time afterwards.



Blaming Bin Laden was a pretty easy get after 9/11. Anyone who knew anything about him could easily make the connection. He had orchestrated three major earlier bombings of US holdings and was the most well known terrorist at the time. Of course the news is going to start speculating about his involvement really fucking quick.

I wasn't news savvy at the time or aware of current events. I rectified that right away. To me it raised a red flag that they were presenting a scape goat so quickly and with such assuredness.

"speculating" - they literally proclaimed him as the end all, be all mastermind like two hours after the towers fell.

remember this guy?


I don't know, my workplace blocks imgur.

it's the guy they tried to pass off as OBL admitting to the attacks right after 9/11

even though OBL denied any involvement

try this one http://911research.wtc7.net/disinfo/deceptions/binladinvideo.html

It would be funny if it weren't tragic.

I remember media reports of Saddam being behind it that day more so than Bin Laden.

That didn't help.

What irked me was the connection with Saddam Hussain despite the media blaming Osama Bin Laden. I thought to myself "What the hell is going on?"

Well Howard Stern said it was Bin Laden within minutes of the planes hitting. Did he have inside info?

I think a lot of people knew Bin Laden and he was the most obvious choice for early blame.

As I've stated earlier, at the time I was not into current events so I did not realize that he was a prime suspect. However, being curious about the early finger pointing turned me into an avid researcher and that led me to realize that there was a conspiracy.


You're an idiot

Duh! Of course!!

They were blaming Bin Laden because Al Qaeda had already made an abortive attempt to blow up the World Trade Center. They had no idea that the 9/11 attacks would actually take out both buildings (they aren't very sophisticated, hence crashing airplanes into buildings), and believed that they were destroyed as an act of divine intervention.

i am not a "conspiracy theorist" i search for truth

I agree inasmuch as the term is used to denigrate people who don't accept the corporate media's narrative. It's used to stop people from thinking.

it used to link thinking with social exclusion, to portray thinkers as social outcasts. ultimately to encourage a herd and (dare i say it) "sheep" mentality. don't be a black sheep!

fuck that & fuck them.

the term is used to denigrate people who don't accept the corporate media's narrative.

Precisely, and this is what's known as a thought terminating cliché.

Also, this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought_Reform_and_the_Psychology_of_Totalism

I wasn't aware of the phrase but definitely aware of the effect.

You are a conspiracy theorist as soon as you take the absence of evidence as confirmation of a coverup.

you have no clue what a "conspiracy theorist" is

The truth and conspiracies are one in the same, mate. A group of people attempting to keep the truth hidden. Conspiracy theorists try to uncover the truth and the people at the heart of the event.

reject the label, it was created by the cia for a specific purpose and it serves that purpose admirably in the eyes of the public

i wear it with pride. Someone accuses me of being a conspiracy theorist? damn right i am, and i know hell of alot more than you do with happenings of the world, and i can prove it.

Operation Northwoods. I must say that I don't subscribe to many conspiracy theories. But after reading the Northwoods documents I now admit that high-level government conspiracies are a real possibility.

"Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba (Top Secret)" [PDF]) (original memo)

Keep in mind that these documents were released by John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board. Who knows what other crazy documents pertaining to the JFK assassinations exist, but now, post-9/11, will likely never see the light of day.

I wish there was a paragraph in the constitution that stated any individual receiving pay from the people or in a position of authority or governance found keeping secrets or lying to the citizens of the United States (edit: or trying to coerce individuals into committing crimes as the FBI is often guilty of - read about the WTC bombings ) would be publicly executed. Not given prison time, not fined, executed.

9/11. I remember as a kid(7th grade I believe) watching live at school and thinking non of tyhe information coming out made any sense. Research through out the years only solidified that. Once you see this happen once, it opens a whole can of worms and really opens your eyes to "the truth"

I remember this, and I think I was 7th grade as well. Yea I was...I learned about "something happened in NY" in biology class. When I got home I saw the TV replaying the crashes and I couldn't comprehend why this would happen. Through years of trying to reconcile the misinformation, I have come to one conclusion; At the very least, 9/11 not necessarily a creation by the US, but the US certainly ignored many warning signs purposefully just as Pearl Harbor. It's not secret that Cheney was looking for a "new Pearl Harbor". In retrospect I see how easily fooled I was, and now I am on a mission to correct this. I support peace, liberty, and all that is good & just. At no time shall these natural rights be given up in the name of security, protection, or anything else. No good can come from it.

My school actually turned on the TV's and they played all day. Our parents had the option to come pick us up, or we could stay. But classes were canceled, and we sat in home room watching the TV all day. Even on that same day, I remember thinking, why do I hear some much contradicting information. I also remember thinking, how in the world did those buildings fall so quickly. and perfectly.

In terms of contradicting information that is just the symptom of having a 24 hour news channel. When big events happen they just report whatever the fuck they hear with no regard for real truth as they want to be the first to get the 'scoop'. The news a week or a month after the event is more reliable as the facts become clearer. It's not a sign of a conspiracy just a sign of an incompetent and desperate media.

Its a sign of cable news . Cable news is entertainment. Watch Newshour on PBS . You dont get the breathless bullshit there.

Keep in mind, I'm speaking the the mind of a 7th grader. This was the first major news event I ever watched break and follow the story. Before that it was local news reporting traffic accidents and things along that line. That stood out to me, along with the image of the buildings falling. And at the time, some news agencies((may have been local new station)(keep in mind, i'm in 7th grade at the time, news was news)) actually showed video of controlled collapses, to "show the difference", I remember thinking they looked the exact same. And with no knowledge of science to to speak, my mind couldnt grasp how the buildings would fall so perfectly since the plane hit to high. That is was caused me to research later in life...some time in highschool.

"it was just incompetence on all levels"

Same thinking to explain 9/11. Nothing to see here folks go back to bed.

My school system made the decision to keep the facts secret. I had an uneasy feeling when they asked if anybody had family that worked in NYC or the Pentagon, but I had no idea what the question meant at the time.

Of course the news would have contradicting facts at the time. The media race to get as much data as they can, with everything they hear immediately reported as fact, and unchecked. Plus, the buildings falling "perfectly" is about as debunked of a theory as there is. Some people may have valid points about 9/11, but this isn't one of them.

TBH: Hindsight is 20/20. Were there warning signs? Yes. But think of ALL the shit they sift through on a daily basis. It's really easy to go back later and say "well look, here it is, right in front of you" then you realize they probly get billions of tidbits a day (look at the NSA thing) and you think: hey wait...maybe they just didn't put it together in time.

Not saying you are wrong, just some perspective.

I would agree with you 100% until you look at the number of people that tried to help, starting at the FAA level, but were unable to due to military exercises that were replicating a very similar scenario. When the biggest blinder is not real information, but a war game that just would not end, there is much more room for conspiracy being true. There are a number of individuals that describe the events in such a way that it appears there is a force keeping everybody from quite sucessfully doing their jobs. Furthermore, the detailed events outlining Cheney's movements are intriguing to say the least. Cheney appears to be the ring leader and Bush was the face to rally against terrorism. Cheney did contribute to a paper calling for a 'new Pearl Harbor', so this is not speculation in hindsight, but foresight.

Exactly. When people ask me why I believe it all I ever say is because it doesn't make sense. I would much prefer that it wasn't a conspiracy, I don't want a government being capable of that. But, if it wasn't, everything that's happened after doesn't make sense.

I'm pretty confident that things mostly just don't make sense. I assign differing amounts of possibility to all the theories here (that Ken Lay was murdered, highly possible; that he was murdered by lizards, only infinitesimally possible), but some things, like that LA cop who started shooting other cops last year, are likely just big piles of messy life.

same here. i tell people that i WISH i was wrong, and that i dont want any of this shit to be true. I dont read this stuff because i want life to be some Jason Bourne-esque action movie, i read it because its actually happening and i can see it happening in real time. This is some scary shit, and its scarier knowing its actually happening and not safely behind my TV screen

Exactly. There is no happy ending in real life and that's all this information teaches you.


I like the bit about them finding Saudi passports resting in the rubble

Right! How the fuck is that meant to make sense!?

I actually give up on conspiracy theory nowadays due to the complete lack of fucks the American government gives ! Luckily I live in the UK (not that it's better here)

Right, I dont think any of us WANT it to be conspiracy, but such is life. It seems more and more these false flags are popping up. Or maybe I am just getting older and wiser and seeing more and more.

I didnt immediately catch on, it was when I was training to join the British Army that I started to research the Iraq war and well, lets just say those army plans ended rather quickly. As much as I idolized being a soldier as a kid I could not see myself signing my life away to people I didnt trust for a cause I did not believe in.

Regardless of whether or not Cheney and company planned it or not, seeing the reaction and subsequent looting of the US taxpayer has affected me. "Follow the money" is how I pick who I vote for today.

Yes, and even if it wasn't a conspiracy, what happened afterwards is bad enough to be concerned. Wars, spying, airport searches, etc.

I was in third, I'm not sure I remember this correctly but didn't they put the towers being hit and falling on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network?

That, I do not know.

I would have to agree. I was in 12th grade when it happened. I remember sitting in my Chemistry class glued to the TV. At first everything seemed pretty straight forward (as straight forward as something like that gets), and then something happened. It was after the second tower fell. Everyone in class all kind of had this look on our faces, like at this point we knew this was no accident. We knew this was planned. And a while later I remember someone on the news saying that "The US Government has contacted Osama Bin Laden, who claims he did not have anything to do with the attack, but when he heard about it he got on his knees and praised Allah." That sentence always bothered me, and still does to this day. So much is wrong with it. Why would a terrorist leader not immediately take credit for the largest terrorist attack on US soil in history? How did the government find him so quickly? Why wasn't he detained for at least some form of questioning? That one sentence just raised so many red flags. I started doing my own research. That was the day I started realizing that conspiracy theories aren't always dreamed up by crack-pots that live in their parents' basement. Sometimes they are incredibly valid.

"The truth" doesn't need to go in quotes.

I was refering to "the truth" as being what they pass off as truth. Maybe I would have been better off staying "...open your eyes to "THEIR truth" "


There's a difference between not being able to support a 100 pound woman and not being able to support tons and tons of concrete.

Eta I'm not saying you're wrong about the while thing as I want really there and don't know what really happened BUT this argument as 'proof' that a fire didn't cause the collapse is a tad Silly.

He didn't say it was proof he said it sticks out to him

He also said it spurred his interest in conspiracy theory. The only reason I see that it should is for some kind of justice for this woman out of humanity. That's not what he said. He said he wondered how a beam weakened by fire could hold up a woman. Thus my reply.

He did not say it spurred his interest in conspiracy theory. He did not question whether the beam could hold up a woman. Read what he wrote.

9/11/2001, within those first few moments. Almost immediately after watching what I later learned was the 2nd plane hitting the WTC, I just felt there was no way our entire military AND the FAA dropped the ball so completely, coincidentally on the day that a ragtag enemy from across the world opted to strike. Overnight, we went from having a CIC that was openly laughed at and ridiculed on nightly broadcasts, to a police state where it was considered untoward to even consider criticizing (even in a constructive, peaceful manner) any American governmental authority.

I'm sorry. I ended up here for /u/161719's Israel post. What does CIC refer to?

Edit: Well, now I feel a little dumb. Thanks everybody.

Not OP but I assume It's Commander In Chief aka the president.

I think in this context it stands for "Commander in Chief".


I would assume "Commander in crisis" and is talking about Bush.

Same for me. That and the way the buildings fell. You can tell me whatever you want about pancake theory and all of that nonsense... Maybe once...MAYBE. Twice no. Three times never. I've watched enough videos of burning buildings falling vs demolitions. Those buildings were demolitioned.

And to add to what you said, every other event there were fighter jets scrambled within 15 minutes. I don't buy the "confused because of other drills going on" nonsense. Just no. Stop lying.

Thought the same thing when the second plane hit. One...okay. Two? WTF. No jets? No prior knowledge?

Despite believing something is off on 9/11, I do fully believe that our entire military and the FAA could drop the ball so completely.

I wouldn't be surprised if such lapses were a bit more common pre-9/11, and still happen post 9/11.


There was an unbelievable amount of coincidences regarding that day. To name a few:

  • The FAA's lack of communication with other agencies, even after the first plane hit the tower.
  • Military air bases along the east coast were all anticipating a training exercise on the morning of 9/11, which is the apparent reason that they took so long to scramble intercept fighters, even after apparent orders had been given.
  • Despite what the Bush Administration parroted, they HAD been made aware at least a month prior that bin Laden was interested in hijacking planes for an attack.

So, to answer your question: No, I don't really believe that hundreds of people in our government all knowingly conspired to have this happen. I do, however, believe that a select few conspired to allow someone(s) such a window of opportunity (whether it be that the US allowed al-Qaeda agents to commit this horrendous act in the same suspicious vein as the attack on Pearl Harbor; or worse, that it was a false-flag).

And as long as I'm answering questions, CIC = Commander in Chief

They didn't have any contingency plans for using planes as missiles. Yes, I'm sure the CIA and military had thought about it, but they probably weren't running drills with that in mind.

Absolutely wrong. They were running a drill for that exact scenario that exact day.

They LITERALLY were running drills with that in mind.

I would say weed being illegal is what got me thinking about it. I always watched conspiracy theory shows and things like that but I never believed any of it until I saw something really convincing that had to do with 9/11. Then it all sort of got capped off when one night I was smoking with some friends and realized in a sort of mind blowing fashion that the government isn't real and neither is money, and it's just a big smoke screen to keep you convinced that they are necessary for the survival of society.

I was waiting for weed. Thank you, now I can get off the can.

Are you me?

I've been waiting for my long lost doppelganger for quite a while... you could be him

Iirc, the cotton industry campaigned against hemp, and used prohibition to make it illegal?

I always heard it was the timber industry. Hearst owned tons of timber land and printed a bunch of anti marijuana things in his papers...

Hearst and DuPont. DuPont had just patented nylon and realized it could be the primary material for rope. There are copies of reports issued to shareholders where they say they're anticipating "major legislative changes" that will increase their profits tremendously.

If you and a bunch of friends ran off into the mountains and did some communal living, grew food together (or hunted it), made some shelters together, raised families together, etc., in the absence of any other affairs with the rest of humanity on earth, you'd find that within a short time, you'd have a "government". You might not call it that, but you'd have your own norms, your own ideas about right and wrong, and your own ideas about community. Formalizing those concepts is really not at all far from having a government. In that sense, government is very real, because our natural state is to devise a system whereby we can live in a community and still have some natural recourse when someone does something wrong.

That's a very good point. I guess I should say that big government is the lie.

it's just a big smoke screen to keep you convinced that they are necessary for the survival of society.

More importantly, that they are necessary for survival of society.

It's funny how most conspiracy theorists are pot heads.

Same here

That's what did it for me. I have always been against authority, but the propaganda against drugs has always scared me (still does, even though I know better). Once I found out that cannabis doesn't kill brain cells, isn't addictive, and has never killed anyone, I started wondering what else have they been lying about.

1913 creation of the federal reserve. Cause problem, create solution, profit... Rinse and repeat over and over throughout history.

Hegelian Dialectic; (engineered) Problem, (expected/programmed) Reaction, (premeditated) Solution. // "a thesis, an antithesis, and a synthesis"

You are ridiculously wrong if you seriously think that this is what Hegelian Dialectics is about. Fucking hell, I know almost everybody misunderstands it but this is one of the worst cases I've ever seen.

Just because it makes you feel smart (big words in there innit) doesn't mean it is (or you are). Quite the opposite actually.

Instead of ad hominem attacks, why don't you enlighten us on the 'proper' concept of the Hegelian Dialectic? You comments advance nothing but my opinion of your elitist attitude towards others.

"the dialectic aims to control both the conflict and the resolution of differences, and leads everyone involved into a new cycle of conflicts."

It is my understanding that the traditional use of this dialectic is used in this manner (for example); if (a: thesis) my idea of freedom conflicts with (b: anti-thesis) your idea of freedom then (c: synthesis) neither of us can be free until everyone agrees to be a slave.

It does not mean, however, that I cannot use the triad in my previous statement above; (thesis) Problem, (opposing) Reaction (aka, anti-thesis), Solution (synthesis). I am confused as to why this does not 'fit'...

Petro-dollar. Because I believe in the power of greed, and pretty much every major trade agreement and war that has taken place in the world in the last ~40 years fits into the theory flawlessly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djwPqAJ_3GY explains it well if you ignore the ridiculous background music.

So that explains the true reason as to why the government wants to attack Syria so badly. Iran really needs to watch itself and make sure to prove to the world that any US led invasion would be irrational.

Yep, and next time you run across a die hard Democrat who thinks it's only Republicans doing these things, make them watch this video and remind them it was Democrats leading the (probably false flag) charge on Syria.

The true reason for Syria is this one:

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values". It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting their possession of "weapons of mass destruction".


This blew my mind

My, that was so powerful, thank you for sharing. I will watch it several times before sharing because quite frankly it is so spot on, I gotta find the hole!

Not sure if I would necessarily call this a conspiracy, unless you are saying the conspiracy is the petro-dollar system being the motivation for all US international action. The petro-dollar system itself is pretty well established as a major source of strength for the dollar that many people simply do not know about

Right, the conspiracy part of it is that US foreign policy decisions appear to be almost entirely made by the need to protect the benefits the dollar gains by all oil being sold in dollars.

Bookmarking for later

Honestly, my favorite thing about most conspiracy videos is the cheesy soundtrack


RES: Jewish Bob Loblaw


Bob Loblaweblovitz

Oops, forgot point three: my work as a lawyer has always been in public interest, providing free civil legal representation to people who can't afford a lawyer. Some of my work has been in home foreclosure prevention, and I've read a lot of news about the practices of our financial services industry and the various national class actions that have been pursued in our country on behalf of distressed homeowners. And I do believe that our largest banks conspired internally, and maybe even between eachother, to foreclose in abusive ways and sometimes when foreclosure is illegal and they know it. I know that some banks processed HAMP modifications, which are supposed to be mandatory when requested, in ways that were illegal and made it impossible to get a modification, and that they knew what they were doing. I know also that there are laws on the books in some states, like Trust Deed foreclosure acts, where it's possible to foreclose and sell without any direct notice to the homeowner, and I don't know how it's possible that any politician would vote for something like that, unless the process is deeply corrupted by contributions by banks and realtors. I also know of one "foreclosure prevention" scam which is connected to big-ish (regional-level) businesses that are breaking federal laws and trying to evade law enforcement through use of shell corporations.

I know that conspiracies are real. I don't believe in them quite to the extent that some people here do, but there are some really scary goings-on that are often too inconvenient, or boring or complicated to make CNN, that you can see if you just keep your eyes open enough.

Edit: found an example of the mortgage prevention scams: http://ftc.gov/opa/2013/07/apex.shtm It's not the one that my client got suckered by, but it's almost identical modus operandi. Anyway, point is that businesses that put on a respectable face are often only a hidden degree or two away from petty thuggery and thievery.

Great posts man, thanks for sharing.

I hope there are many more people like you out there. not sarcasm.


I had a low rate ARM that was coming due right at the time of the financial disaster, I refinanced to a 30 yr higher rate out of fear that the financial disaster would cause rates to go up. When I got laid off and tried to do a HAMP they said sorry, I'm ineligible because I refinanced.

The mortgage industry and the "American dream" of homeownership is such a fucking bullshit scam. Before the collapse, there was this big push to get poor people with shitty credit into shitty mortgages that banks knew the borrowers couldn't afford. If that's not a conspiracy, I don't know what is.

My wife and I only rent, and probably will only ever rent. People try to spin it as an "investment." Why would I want an investment that I fucking live in? Good investments are safely leverageable and liquifiable. A house is not.

Hey, where do you practice law?

In a midwestern state. I don't want to say more because only a couple more details will identify me and my former employer (it's a small world).

No worries, I understand. I'm a former political operative in NY/VA and saw a whole different world, an underbelly of politics. I left and switched over to the legal field. I'm planning on going to law school and am working at an immigration firm. It's just interesting how different paths lead people to same realization. One love, friend.

Thanks for sharing. I've noticed you've been pretty active in the sub lately..it's an interesting world when you start peeling back the layers and forming your own educated opinions about things.

Enjoy your stay!

I've noticed you've been pretty active in the sub lately

Yeah, it's interesting. Honestly, I come here for the more moderate/mainstream stuff about the NSA, and some of the occupy-aligned or anti-capitalist stuff. But then I stay for the debate.

It was a much different place a year ago. A lot more conversation of relevant topics.

Lately it has become so diluted with non-sense and rubbish...A lot of us feel it's purposely done to discredit the community.

The experience you describe in this post is very interesting, well worth the read.

I worked for a bank reviewing those foreclosed loans before they settled with the OCC. The testing standards were...a little biased.

Do you mean before the initial settlement resulting in the Independent foreclosure review, or do you mean the modification of the settlement in 2013 that resulted in the review being halted and checks being cut? I had a client that had to endure that process. It was very interesting.

Thanks for sharing, -10-! That was very interesting and enlightening.

Great post, but about not believing 9/11 could be orchestrated.. how do you explain free fall speed of three skyscrapers. That sold me on 9/11 not being what we were told.

I tagged you as "claims to be Jewish Lawyer".

I'm tagging you as "claims to have tagged me as claiming to be a Jewish lawyer."

I am a Jewish lawyer.

Hello! I am a lady lawyer. :)

What kind of law do you practice and for how long? Smiley faces went out the window for me within six months. For a while now, when people ask me what I do I've been starting my response with "Unfortunately..."

And I just quit that first job after ten months. Couldn't stand it anymore and also had some family medical issues. Will be relocating this week and considering different practice areas that are less on the miserable side hopefully. Can't do family law again or I'll go insane.

If you want a real origin, I'd say when I saw my mother was the one who gave me presents on Christmas. I learned that reality could be a lot less magical than I once believed. Other than that, just a simple base historical knowledge should make every single person skeptical of government and business. Institutional trust is extremely stupid.

I think it is quite interesting to view Santa Claus as a huge and wildly successful international conspiracy.

Think about it - hundreds of millions of human adults, aided and abetted by the media, commerce and the entertainment industry dupe hundreds of millions of their children into believing an utterly implausible story about a supernatural bearded present-giver.

And the sad thing is many of you reading this will say it's all wonderful and completely harmless.

No, I agree. I don't plan on teaching my children about Santa Clause. I bought the fucking presents.

Learning that he isn't real could be an important step in the development of a critical thinker.

I'd rather just teach him to question everything and never accept something "as is".

Totally agree. Always thought this even as a kid. It's a simply ploy to make folks go out and spend money they don't have on shit they don't really need.

On the flip side, I have seen people who would go into major depression when Christmas would come around. They would be panicking about how they are going to pay for Christmas. The food, the presents and so on.

It's a side to humanity that is cringe worthy. I'm nearing my mid 30's now and the adds for Christmas are getting earlier each year. It's brainwashing at it's best. "must buy Christmas shit"

Thing is, sometimes people take those further.

Santa leads to Easter Bunny. Easter Bunny leads to Tooth Fairy. Tooth Fairy...leads to Jesus.

And that is how I lost my religion.

Same goes for religion

It is completely harmless.

You shouldn't lie to people. Certainly adults shouldn't knowingly lie to children (unless, exceptionally, it is to "protect" them from information which they might not be old enough to deal with).

I think a balance can be struck. Parents can go along with the Santa Claus/Father Christmas myth in a generic way until a child specifically asks if he is real. At that point you have to tell truth, and failing to do so makes you a liar.

I had always known that they didn't exist though. It was why I was never religious. The whole thing never made sense, and the way people explained it made it worse. I suppose some people are more inclined to ask questions. It's taken me a long time to realize that most people never consider that something might be amiss.

Tesla and all of the other suppressed inventions... Most of them would considerably improve the world, so why wouldn't 'they' or 'the system' allow them? Why is the majority of humanity forced into a position of modern day slavery and control? (Deliberately keeping us dependant on oil and other resources etc.) Who/what would do this to us and why?

EDIT: SOURCE: 25 years of internet/library research.

The capitalists who own the oil refineries and coal mines? Free energy for the world really has a way of obliterating your profit margins.

you think that nikola tesla came up with free energy nearly 100 years ago and nobody since has been able to duplicate it?

I never said that.

Well he had wealthy backers (specifically J.P. Morgan) whom he made far wealthier when he invented the Alternating Current generators. It enabled placement of power stations far away from the delivery point, rather than having to be every few miles when using Edison's Direct Current generators. This made him famous. Then when he announced he had a way to give free energy to the world he became a threat to J.P. Morgan and others who were now making a fortune off of Alternating Current.

Others have indicated over the century to have learned ways to generate this free energy. They all either suddenly become very silent, or die. In some cases whatever they are working on is purchased by a company and never seen again.

Economy of Scarcity. You can make a fortune off of scarcity. They do not wish to give up this fortune.

EDIT: To me Nikola Tesla is the greatest American (yes I know he was not born here) inventor. Edison took credit for things he often took from other people. Tesla even worked for him briefly. Nikola Tesla won in the Supreme Court that he was the inventor of the radio. Yet, history classes still teach it as being Marconi who invented the radio. Another silenced person. There are some great biographies on the guy.

Capitalism my friend.

It unfortunately goes much deeper than just Capitalism... Humanity is permitted to advance at a 'given' technological rate... "They really fear the Peer-to-Peer."

Fuck, I'm gonna wake up with negative karma, but fuck it...

What the hell are you talking about? Only in this thread could you make such an assertion and expect to be taken seriously...

I mean it. I'm not out to insult you, but in order to make a point, shouldn't you, like so many of the top posters of this thread, have to cite sources, give further information, in order to be taken seriously?

Holy cow, you make I count three or four different assertions, different points, different declarations to conspiracy, mostly in two sentences. And look, I'm not here to cut you down or anything, in fact, I'm subcribed to /r/conspiracy myself. This isn't a thread demanding you convince us what you believe is correct without fault, and I'm really not trying to hold you to that standard. But my God man...

I'm not here to deny that there are (for many differentiating reasons) suppressed inventions, but what are they? Created by whom? For what purpose? By whom were they suppressed?

The majority of humanity is forced into a position of modern day slavery and control. Okay! Great! By whom? The Bourgeois? The politicians? The Church? All three? You are accusing basically everything unseen as the culprit, and that's sheerly unfair.

We are being kept under control on oil. Why is this not circumstance? Why is this not being changed? If it is not endemic to our culture (wherever you live), then why does it span so many generations? Who keeps this all quiet and how?!

You give nothing to the charge, and everything to the plain accusation, and it makes people who would cite sources, and give evidence look so much the sillier. Without reference, it appears phantasmic, and ethereal. Please consider those who would question the established status-quo, and try to amend your accusation to reflect someone of reputation and greater intellect. Again, all I'm asking is for you to back your mouth, the same thing we were taught in the schoolyard.

Wow. No need to insult him/her. People are on different levels. Besides which, he/she has just as much of a right to post his/her opinion, source or not. SHEESH!

Forgive me, but at many points in my assertion did I say that I meant no disrespect or insult. I simply expect to understand their assertion. Who could ask for anything more? I completely agree that he/she has a right to their opinion, but this is a forum seen by many who are open minded and why not hold it to a higher standard in order to not be laughed away as so much tin-foil-hat trash?

I have seen many people state that Tesla could store and harness the "power of the universe" that is "everywhere." I have yet to see one person explain WTF they're talking about.

I appreciate your response. I appreciate that there are many assertions that Tesla made, especially during the twilight period of his years, that he used to make himself famous, as far as he was able. I understand that, given the uncertainty of scientific process he had the ability to make claims that spun far into the future. The best example of which was his earthquake engine.

Please do not confuse me for someone who believes that he was not a great inventor, someone ahead of his time. But given his many drawings, and the multiple confidants he had, I cannot believe so simply that he mastered the secrets of the universe.

Also, I am not accusing you of either understanding, or withholding his secrets. I am simply pointing out the problems of declaring them.

Well said. That is exactly how I feel about it. Yes, he was brilliant, and yes, he was ahead of his time. But many of his ideas weren't tangible, they were still just ideas. He may have thought out loud or in writing some ideas and I think people assumed he had those ideas mastered and inventions already built. And because we don't see them it leads people to believe there is a conspiracy to hide them.

Because of everything I mentioned originally, nobody really knows what Tesla was referring to...

Why did you subscribe to r/conspiracy?

It honestly has always been a fascination since I was a kid. At a fairly young age I got into UFO’s, Project Blue Book, Majestic 12, etc. (Views on all of that has since changed, haha). 9/11 was the real kicker for me. I was in high school when it happened and the thing that stuck out the most was my dad’s response. My father has a degree in aeronautical safety and engineering, and flew combat aircraft in AFSOC. He can just look at wreckage of an airplane and tell you what happened. Where I’m going with this is that I will never forget his response to the scenes that were playing out that day. He was baffled by the lack of wreckage and continued saying “there is no way a plane can just ‘evaporate’ like that”. I had always filed it away as my dad being my dad. Fast forward ten years later, I’m confined to the couch and Netflix thanks to a nasty bout with the flu and I see this documentary “Loose Change”. I watch it with a “meh” attitude but it stirs something inside and I start doing my own research and now here I am, rocking the proverbial tin foil hat with the rest if you guys.

Conspiracies do happen. "Conspiracy Theory" as a term has been conditioned to be a bad thing. Propaganda trying to stop people from questioning anything and blindly follow what they are told. I know I am preaching to the choir.

EDIT: For me I was teethed on UFO stories. I heard a lot about JFK and while I believed there were conspiracies occurring, I did not really start paying attention until 911. I also have studied a lot of history and particularly like the period of the Knights Templar. Learning about that being where the stigma for Friday the 13th came from and the historical proof that was a conspiracy is just one of many historical examples that conspiracies are very real. I just apply REASON to anything I see, read, or hear. I don't believe anything blindly. I question the official stories, and I question conspiracy theories. I tend to embrace whichever one seems more probable based on the information available to me.

Agreed. I really hate being dubbed a “conspiracy theorist” simply for questioning what is presented to me. Again, preaching to the choir here.

own the term.

"Conspiracy Theory" as a term has been conditioned to be a bad thing. Propaganda trying to stop people from questioning anything and blindly follow what they are told.

This is what's known as a thought terminating cliché.

Thanks for that.

We sound very similar. It seems like the people who ask questions are the ones destined to be conspiracy theorists.

I haven't seen it here but the Bohemian Grove and Mkultra and better mk

Edit: improved link

Wow, that is the first time I ever heard of MK Ultra and the scary part is that it makes alot of sense.

You might like this site then:


Thanks for this. I already knew about the Bohemian Grove.

Look at the wiki article on it. At least one CIA veteran says it never ended, but continued under different acronyms to this very day. This CIA veteran, Victor Marchetti, was recently on Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory show "Brain Invaders." He said the experiments now focus on bioelectromagnetic interactions with the human body- neurological psychotronic weapons testing on innocent citizens. FOIA documents proved that subprojects of MkUltra included "remote electronic activation of the human organism."

Formerly Operation paperclip

That Alex Jones video made me think about things a bit differently I guess. Theres tons of hyperbole in describing whats shown on it and lots of it is over dramaticized, but all that aside, it is really quite disturbing that the most powerful people in the world gather and participate in such a manner, even if its just getting really drunk, running around the woods naked and doing a bunch of weird and immature stuff.

Yeah. When you have Elite bankers, saudi princes, and other whos who of the highest social class dancing and doing human Sacrifices in effigy. . It raises a few questions. I venture to guess on the doings of this place but that's all I have.
But you have to ask yourself if this is where history is decided upon.

There's a great book about MKUltra called Bluebird, if you ever come across a copy.

*edit Here it is

I haven't read anything about mk ultra til now. Thanks for sharing, but is there not a better article out there? That one is awful. Its very believable, but there's hardly any actual information provided whatsoever, and thats what id be more interested in reading.

Check top of thread

MKULTRA I'll give you, the CIA is always coming up with stupid ineffective shit and MKULTRA is well documented. The Bohemian Grove is just a bunch of rich assholes patting themselves on the back and deciding what they think is best for the world, nothing more exotic than that. Like Burning Man in 2013.

Emphasis on assholes. Maybe I just don't like the idea of the grove..

I don't like it either, but having been around enough enormously wealthy people I don't think it is anything special. It just captures the imagination. Rich people want to make each other rich.

I don't know if the bohemian grove can be considered a conspiracy. Seriously. They enjoy privacy, and partake in very secret rituals (which have since been published, and are weird but not sinister,) but the biggest nail in the coffin to me is that no one there denies that there are dealings going on. They are all very powerful people, many masters of industry, and other political giants. But I have never heard anyone deny that there are deals going on. And obviously it doesn't necessarily branch out into the illegal, or other governments would get involved. You aren't untouchable just because you are a member, just look at the extended membership roster.

Really, to be it is no different than the skull and bones society, or the Freemasons. I think it is something that is poorly understood, not evil or misguided.

And lastly, in my opinion, to those who would say those "backdoor" secret dealings that go on are evidence of something more troublesome, I would say that if that were the case, we would then need to prohibit wall street traders and other board directors from fortune 500 companies from mingling with each other. And no one is suggesting such a rash and illogical option. Even if there is disagreement that they should not gather industry moguls and politicians should understand that the worst that is occurring is simple lobbying.

In the end, I see it this way: If they are all working together as some large conspiracy, then so what. Nothing anyone can do could overcome them. And these are all people who are always used to getting what they want, and if there was something sinister at work, do you think that there wouldn't be massive disagreement and internal sturggle? Just look at the U.S. congress for reference of what that would look like. An abysmal failure. It is astronomically unlikely.

If they were disbanded, consider it for a moment, would this make peace in the middle east? Would it bring food to the mouths of starving hundreds of millions of Africans, or Indians, or Asian poor? Would it stop nuclear proliferation, or bring balance to current propaganda within the media? I say not. These men, these rich and undoubtedly powerful few, could not with all their might do what every religious member of the world prays for. And that is how they are portrayed, as all-powerful, as a secretive sect of rulers.

This is such a terrible mindset to have. I hope you don't actually think like this.

If you do, you need to do more research into the world and its goings-on. I say this in the nicest way possible: you are naive.

You don't argue against any particular point I have made. You don't try and construct any points of your own. You simply state that because I have my opinions, from facts I've stated, that I am both wrong, and naive. Hear this: I do lots and lots of research. It's one of my passions. I have everything I need to make an educated point on the subject. You have nothing to submit of your own. Nothing at all. You are worse than naive. You are just dull.

One of several reasons why I voted for Rosanne in the last election. She's was the best socialist option.

it took me until my first semester at college. i watched the documentary zeitgeist with a couple buddies including my roommate who is absolutely disgusted that i believe that the government would do such a thing to its own people(talking about 9/11). i still argue with him every day about how the patriot act is some scary shit but he insist that its for the better, that they are protecting us by spying on us and giving us no privacy. i think he might be one of "them"


Had one too in my younger years. Arguing about the housing bubble and housing inflation prices that led him to buy a piece of property that was to high and required demolition or complete renovation including contractors, permits and code regulation compliance on his dream home he bought without a valid contract.

I told him sorry. The world don't work like that anymore. I tried to explain that yes, I could do the work but no. You will never pass inspection without the papers.

The foundation was caving. Was in a zone ordinance. I knew none of the inspectors. KEY: DIPSHIT! I AM NOT FROM THIS TOWN! I looked it all up. It was tight as and closed in.

He called me stupid. I told him to get off his ladder and say it. I tried to be nice. I tried to be logical. I realized where he was coming from and I wanted to help. And I did. I followed the rules to protect us and he pulled a cognitive dissonance. It's like dealing with the mentally ill here.

yeh I had a roomate like this. really light hearted funny guy - kind, and all that. when we started talking about this stuff though and his face would sink.. he'd start talking with this loose jaw and denying the gov would be involved in something like this.. cant remember much else, was a few years ago.

that's because you guys had a point. the truth speaks to the core of a person. the person gets sick when their ego wins out. he'll come around

Or you know, he's a dick.

One of those anyway.

Please take this the right way, be careful with "us" and "them". Some people don't like thinking outside of the box, they appreciate the comfort of the flock. You don't have to place people into the category of other

Additionally, if it ever does truly become as "us" vs "them", you really don't want "them " to view you as different.

Exact same here dude... once watching this doc... i was activated. If it wasn't this movie, something else would have turned me onto 'the reality of the world'..

Zeitgeist raised my interest for conspiracies as well but rewatching it after a while I could tell it's pretty much bullshit. ESPECIALLY in the part about religion and Christianity, just do your own research and see how many lies there are there. Not to mention that it's suspicious as fuck. It, along with its sequels, kind of promote the idea of a socialist one world government, buried between euphemisms and actual good information.

If you're open-minded, look into how Christianity, Islam and Judaism is linked to the Mayan calendars of the Sun, the Moon and Venus respectively.

He's a reptillian

Someone sent me the James Holmes documentary about the Aurora shooting and I reluctantly watched it and found it somewhat compelling. After that, I was like, "what's the harm. I'm going to look into what these 9/11 truthers are talking about." I remember finishing loose change and searching for debunking sites because I did not want to consider the possibility that that movie could be believed. Then I looked at the counter debunking and back and forth. I still remember that moment and how disappointed I was in myself. First, for becoming a "truther." And then, for allowing myself to be duped.

Ultimately, it was the best thing to ever happen to me because it set me off on this quest to understand why and how we got here. I started looking into the hidden history of this world and I have been engaged, entertained, and educated in a way I never had been. I got into the trivium, activism, and propaganda has little to no affect on me.

No regrets.

You need to watch "Project for the New American Century"

What's that

In a nutshell, what have you learned about about the world's hidden history?

That powerful men have, for a long time, have used their wealth and influence to control policy and politicians to attain more wealth and power. I've learned that bloodlines matter to these families and they are very patient, with a long view of their intentions and goals. For someone like Zbigniew Brzezinski to write a book titled The Grand Chessboard, it's evident how these people see the planet. They are playing this adversarial game of wealth, hegemony, war, espionage, conflict, subversion, murder, etc. yet their families will never hold a weapon.

You look at how the wealthy and powerful are connected to the intelligence services and the media, and it's clear what they want. They want little light shown on them and what they are doing, and if any is shown, they want it to be positive (propaganda).

I think this clip is very indicative of these people's patience and intentions.

There's quite a large juxtaposition in that sentence ;)

Can you point me to the James Holmes documentary? What's it called?

Yeah, I wanna know too.

Should be this guy.

War on Drugs

Initially, as a kid, I was a massive fan of Aliens. I thought it was only a matter of time before we discovered them. More recently, and what made me discover you guys, was thesis research on Edward Said's concept of Orientalism; and how the West creates an image of the East in order to force it's authority upon them. I started asking myself 'why do they need to do this?' 'what does lying to the public gain them?' and, my friends, I think we all know that answer. The thing that keeps me coming back is the addiction I have to knowing all aspects of something. I don't think you're doing yourself justice if you don't seek out all sides to a story.

You sound like the ideal journalist.

What are your thoughts on the TR-3B craft? The documents are pretty persuasive.

I didn't know what it was until you mentioned it, but it does seem to have pretty solid evidence backing it up. It wouldn't surprise me. I am convinced that most of the UFOs people claim to see are just experimental aircraft.

I learned about it about a year ago and find it absolutely fascinating. It explained all of the triangular shaped craft that has been seen down to the light patterns and movement

I watched this great insight into UFO sightings during the 50s 60s 70s and how it was created by the American Government to cover up their testing of Nazi and Soviet air craft.

To me it seems more plausible that the technology is our own than random aliens popping in every once in a while.

Defiantly. I believe there are aliens out there. I don't think I can bring myself to believe they've visited us yet.

Mine would have to have been Maralinga nuke tests and JFK

JFK is in everyone's top 5. I would love to know what happened. Do you have any links for Maralinga nuke? I've never heard it before.

Hi, The Maralinga (british) nuclear test in Australia http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_nuclear_tests_at_Maralinga is one actually one that has affected my family. In short: the poms came over here and tested their nukes in 'remote uninhabited areas' of Australia. These were not 'uninhabited'. Native Aussies were severely affected. My Grandfather was posted at woomera test range in the early sixties, and did time at Maralinga. He was given minimal protection( as we're many other Aussie servicemen, but not the Brit officers and scientists) they were exposed to high amounts of radiation and died off at varying ages ( all very prematurely). My uncle was born after the tests. He was born & lives sick. The conspiracy is that he receives top notch medical treatment & a LOT of money from the government ( about $1400/month) in his sickness pension. This is after members of my family were in a class action against the British government for what they did there & the effects on civilians. Our family seldom talk about it, mainly fear that the money & medical will stop. No waves. No fuss. There's many other conspiracies involved in this one. Including a massive miscalculation by the Brit meteorologist at one test that ended up with fallout floating over the populated east coast of New South Wales, Australia. This was massively covered up. Ill cite these claims when I get home on my PC. But that's the crux of it.

edit, edit: I should have mentioned, i like the British people, instead of saying "brits", i meant British Ministry Of Defence (MOD)

Edit: my grandfather and uncle were never formally recognized and essentially receive hush money.

Jesus Christ, I'm a Brit and I have never heard of this before. They keep that pretty quiet over here

i re-read my post, and i have to apologise:

I like Poms, i didnt mean to generalise. I should have said British Ministry Of Defence (MOD)

I apologise if i caused any offence.

as for never hearing of it, it was a conspiracy that reached the highest levels of the Australian Parliament.

Oh nah dude I wasn't offended. I'm just shocked I've never heard about it, I'm amazed something that shocking is so little known over here. It's crazy fucked up

Same never heard of it

Sounds like what happened to my grandpa's cousin in Bikini Island. They were testing radiation effects and the use of nukes as a naval weapon and had boats surrounding where they dropped the bomb. He was in his normal navy uniform and after the explosion men with geiger counters started checking them. They asked if they were in any danger. The guys with the geiger counters said no. They lied. Most of his unit died from radiation sickness and cancer.

that really sucks man. they knew enough back then to know the effects. its criminal negligence.

Agreed 100%. The perception that Maralinga Tjarutja were reimbursed adequately for the stuff they went through sickens me. Ive read material first hand from Yami Lester that links the radiation from the blasts to his blindness and other health issues that have plagued communities in that region.

Im sick to death of hearing bureaucrats try to justify the damage with lines like 'well they got compensated for the tests' - the amount they received was pitiful compared to the trauma they were subjected to.

Edit - when I say 'they' im referring to the Aboriginal people and non Aboriginal people affected

the fact they werent reimbursed is only the tip of the iceberg. the people setting up the test site put signs up (in english) to keep out/danger etc. those assholes knew that the natives had very little/no understanding on how to speak english, much less read it. were talking about a very isolated part of the tribe here. they probably just figured that they would just die off or something. there should be charges laid for criminal negligence and gaol time AND compensation.

That is crazy. Oh gosh, I do not even know what to think...

Please do reply with information, mate. As an Australian I am most keen to find out.

i apologise, heres what i found so far:

(nuke shots) called "Totem 1" & "Totem 2" both had 'errors' in judgement


these recognise that that some fallout went through the east coast of QLD, but i cant find the stuff regarding the east coast NSW contamination.

i am actually finding it hard to cite what i have read about the meteorological data concerning the fallout path(s), it was actually in a book that my father had/has, i may have to scan & post the info. Its all tied up in a box with all grandpa's medical & servicemen stuff.

these are some related links. although i cant accurately cite what ive learned over the years, im going to scan and upload the stuff manually in a later post in /r/conspiracy.





im still trying to find the footage i found ages ago of aussie servicemen who were cleaning up irradiated soil with bulldozers with little to no clothes on. bloody disgraceful.

Have there been any side effects in those areas that have been covered up?

heaps. there was a "successful" clean up (their words) done there in 2000 i think. total bullshit. most of the irradiated soil has since blown into the surrounding areas and the nomadic aborigines have been wandering in & out of the affected areas.

the fuckin pricks that organised the test site put signs up (in english) to keep out/danger etc. those assholes knew that the natives had very little/no understanding on how to speak english, much less read it. were talking about a very isolated part of the tribe here. they probably just figured that they would just die off or something.

My Great Uncle was an RAAF mechanic at those (and other) tests. He never received compensation for the repeated skin cancers he's had to fight.

They were not meteorological miscalculations according to the CSIRO. They were instructed to set up testing equipment in Adelaide and Brisbane prior to the specific tests that resulted in fallout covering those cities. There was an ABC program recently which went into a lot more detail, including the results of the Strontium-90 tooth study.

There was an interesting documentary that premiered last night on tv call JFK: The Smoking Gun. Real footage and interview clips mixed with dramatizations. Pretty interesting if you want to check it out.

Even people who call conspiracy theorists nutjob believe there is some sort of conspiracy around the JFK assassination. The most mainstream of conspiracy theories, especially before the NSA spying revelations.

The one starring Roddy Piper.

Hold on, Explain?

(based on a higher rated post I expect GOLD...)

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm just a skeptic who uses this sub to remind me to keep an open mind and see through the bullshit.

Some conspiracies truly are a figment of people's imaginations. Others are quite true.

That's exactly why I come here, to see through the bullshit. But I relish the title of conspiracy theorist, if they want to label people who seek the truth with something that is meant to diminish our opinion then I consider that a sign of fear. I think by constantly referring to ourselves as it we will be able to reclaim the word, and take the stigma away from it. Especially as more information, like the NSA revelations, come out.

It's exactly why they repudiate conspiracy theorists, because if they gave so much as an acknowledgement of any validity to the claims, instead of stonewalling and painting conspiracies as insanity, then they'd have no leg to stand on.

You're exactly right there, mate.


Those were some amazing times. There was some recorded video of people walking on the moon, but they got lost. We haven't been back since. New accounts say we can get back in 15 to 20 years, but in the magical 60's it only took that kind of technology 8 years.

When I learned the definition of conspiracy. A plan by a secretive group is a conspiracy. I thought that it is natural for man to try and rule the world. If someone were to succeed they wouldnt do it in public. The existence of the holocaust proved that nothing was beyond the scope of being too evil to be real. After that I would say looking into the debt crisis opened my eyes, then I started looking into all the other major events which just solidified my distrust.

One of those things does not follow. I'm not going to get into it, but if you say you question things, it would do you well to at least examine the major glaring example you just used so frivolously.

Welcome to /r/conspiracy, where one man's war crimes are another man's false flags.

9/11, and i figured out it was a lie the very next day.

I was in 5th grade, you all know the story: randomly people began getting picked up to go home...etc.

The entire time i was wondering "why would someone delibertly kill themselves by crashing a plane in a building? To me, it didnt make any sense and i thought it was litterally stupidty on someones part.

He could have scared more people by doing something different (why not crash in times square, or outside the whitehouse?). if he was after a body count, he could have had way more by hitting something else (football stadium, time square). If he wanted to cripple the government, another building would have had better effect (right into the white house).

In the mind of a 5th grader, i couldnt wrap my head around why someone would pick such an odd combination of things.

Then, on 9/12 when i went back to school, I was being blamed and harassed for 9/11 and had my first taste of racism and bigotry. I also learned on that day, that Osama Bin Laden was supposedly my uncle (still waiting for that asssholes birthday gifts, they never come). But thats what really did it. How, in less than 24 hours could we KNOW who did it, meanwhile there are thousands of basic murders and other crimes that take weeks, months, or even YEARS to solve. I re-swallowed the blue pill because i just made fun of more for saying that Osama bin laden didnt do it.

Early middle school i dabbled in it, but never went balls-deep. I looked into JFK, area 51 and MK ultra, thought it was interesting, but wasnt fully committed. I heard of this "alex jones" guy and how hes "crazy" and steered far from him as possible. but by the time i reached late middle-school, i stumbled onto Loose Change (didnt know AJ was involved). I believed it, but didnt want to; so i tried to reject it as "nuts", but due to other events in my life my mind was already expanding and i simply couldnt believe the BS story given to us any longer. It wasnt until i saw Obama Deception which was a roundhouse kick to my face-bone

Couple of hookers, lines coke, and a giant midget later, im now here sharing this story with you

I went to Uni in a small down in Tennessee. I bought a box of tissues on 9/12. I got a really bad look from the guy stocking the shelf I didn't think about. The girl at checkout wouldn't look at me, and that's when I realized they were looking at me that way because I was brown and had a beard; I'm Indian.

I didn't start really learning about 9/11 until 2005 when I watched Loose Change. In the years since then I've grown to understand how evil and corrupt many world powers are and how people are often easily led to vote against their own interested.

I doubt I'll ever return to American unless the regime falls. But even if it does, I'm sure the corporations that survive will fight each other to put someone else they like in change.

Interesting how you 'knew' to stay away from Alex Jones because he was crazy. Just like Americans know that 'truthers' are all crazy. It's such a good way of getting people to instantly disregard anything someone is saying.

Alex Jones might have had some relevant stuff to say back in the late 90s. Recently he's just turned into a ranting, raging, incoherent shock-jock.

Even re-examining his more recent stuff, I don't see him as any better than the conspiracy Rush Limbaugh.

There isn't new conspiracy revelation every day (at least not until Snowden). If you try to make a show about that type of material, you basically start making up shit or sensationalizing. It's the same problem with Jessie Ventura's crap TV-show.


I listen to him after i get off work on the way home and while im chilling at home. Most of the topics he discusses ive already read myself and its nice to hear it spit back at me. But youre right, he starts banging his fist for no reason and makes me roll my eyes.

i will come to the defnce of Jesse Venturas show though. He said he was going to cover every conspiracy theory, even the ones he thought were silly. Alot of the episodes conspiracys interfere with a previous shows. The show is there more to hook peoples attentions to start thinking outside the box

Yup. Afterwards I thought to myself, if there were really terrorists, they would be setting forest fires all over America. Arson is the easiest form of terrorism, yet it has never been done.

exactly. (this comment might earn me a visit from the feds) when i was told that they did it because of "terrorism", my mind exploded. If they were able to hijack an airplane, why not a remote controled car with explosives near the beltway around rush hour, a mall, 4rth of july events, music festivals.

Anything that has a high amount of people concentrated. you certainly dont get screen for walking into a mall (though thats going to chain thanks to the recent false flag shooting), if they really wanted to, and were as zealous as they say they could have done what "they" wanted to do alot better

Wow everyone, even this 11 year old knew it was all a government setup. And they say we're not enlightened. Hah!


you mean my comment about hookers and midgets, or the one about how i changed my mind as the years went by?

either way, never heard of this Bruges you speak of, the whole post was an original piece i squeezed out from my brain. I feel like i might like this show(movie?) if they exhibit the same kind of humor, they have great style


figured out what im doing this evening!


An office building like WTC can house upwards of 60,000 at any given time

and my home can fit 200 people in it. that doesnt mean its full of people. there were only 15k, not 60.

secondly, the plane didnt destroy the building on impact, many people got out of the building.

Plus the coordination would have to be through the roof to hit a packed stadium...on game day.

if youre following the official story, lack of coordination was not an issue.

Islamic ideology praises martyrs

Dont speak about stuff you dont fully understand. game recognize game, and you dont have any in this regard.

More people in WTC than on the ground of Time Square

Have you ever been to times square?

I've taken down your entire argument it seems. umm it wasnt an argument?

http://screwloosechange.blogspot.ca/ UGH! you got meh! all these years of researching on my own thwarted by a kid with a blog who thinks pointing out a quote or two is evidence.

ill get you my pretty, and your little dog too!

I study terrorism if you care about credentials

I study terrorism, demolition, aviation, politics, chemistry. And since were on the topic of shit that doesnt matter: i once had a pet goldfish that died.

you were a stupid fucking 5th grader. Don't pat yourself on the back. I'm not saying 9/11 wasn't done by the government, I'm not saying it wasn't done by terrorists - I'm just saying your reason for believing what you believe in is dumb. dumbdumbdumb.

You spent more time attempting to type up insults than addressing my post and why you disagree with my memories (please, correct me you clearly remember me better than i do). hahhaha

Then again, i am talking to a guy who thinks a personal recollection of events, is an argument.

Keep studying ol' bean. you have a loooooong way to go.


Source for the number of people in the WTC at time of impact?

gogole it. youre a smart guy who studys terrorism

Just admit your 5th grade logic was WRONG.

Goood thing your big brain managed to beat a 5th grader! Heres a star for being super

*Real recognize real.

symantics and irrelevant. Feel good yet? no? try responding again.

And I study terrorism. Islamic radicalism praises martyrs. End of statement.

Not what you said before. you must have failed a few times. If you want to study Islam, youd read the Quran, not go to a terrorism class where they fail to mention how the US government funds and arms the terrorists we are supposed to fight.

Does a single level intersection house as many people as a 104 story building? Do I need to visit times square?

probably, otherwise you wouldnt be here willingly making yourself sound like a fool.

"Why wouldn't they hit the white house" and "why would they kill themselves" as well as some political misnomers. I'd say my take on terrorism is very relevant

well shit, move over sherlock homes, this guy from the internet is able to break down the logic of a 13 year olds thoughts!

Im worthless.


Its clear you having something to prove. you wont find gratification here, now shoo little child before you hurt yourself


Your argument is VERY bad

again, not an argument.

I did put you down but I also addressed points. All of them.

didnt make any points.

I'm not saying your belief is wrong, I'm saying how you got to that belief is wrong.

cool story bro thanks. message received, anything else equally worthless youd like to contribute?

Be rational

irony so thick i can smear it on my bagel in the morning

USS liberty video is private?

Was MK Ultra a conspiracy theory? For me it was more a sign that conspiracy theories aren't that much off most of the time. IIRC the CIA published those files themselves though.

My story.

For me it started when I was young by an event that pulled the trigger and molded the part of my life that is "conspiracy."

I was a young kid living in Colorado, dad was in another state trying to climb the ranks to provide for me being a single father, so for a few years I had to live with my aunt and uncle. One night I went to get in bed to wait for my aunt to come "tuck me in," what was probably around 5 seconds after I got situated I felt a hand grab me from the other side of the bed. I jumped up so fast I didn't even use my hands of legs to touch the carpet as the fear of what just happened terrified me so badly I used the bed as a spring and bounced out from underneath the covers to a standing position on the floor, running out like Michael Johnson, frantic with fear I went to tell my aunt what had just happened as I bawl my eyes out and this is where I got my first heavy dose of "nobody believes," and that stuck with me. This event sparked something that would almost "open something up" inside of me as if a knob had been turned a few degrees higher, making me more aware of my surroundings.

A few years later my dad moved back and we moved around a bit but ended up settling in Aurora CO, not far from where I was before when I lived with my aunt and uncle in Littleton. One day I woke up, it seemed like it was going to be a nice day so I looked out of my window, everything seemed great and I was excited to go out and play but right before I left the window something caught my eye. It was a metallic looking, what I described at the time as an old metal trash can, hovering about 100 feet over the neighbors home. I ran into my dad's room to wake him up and said "dad, dad! where are my Batman binoculars?!" groggy and most likely grumpy he said he didn't know. I ran back in my room to see if it was still there and it was, so I ran down stairs and searched for them but they were no where to be found, so I ran back up the stairs as fast as I could to keep staring at it but it was gone, I never saw it again nor did I even find my Batman binoculars for the record.

Fast forward to around 8 years I'm living in CA where I was born, we're back home and settled into the same area as some of our family and it was great. Not long after I begin looking into UFO's online and one day I came across someones story, the person said that they had witnessed a "Metallic looking trash can object" appearing to be under some sort of smooth intelligent control that made no sound. I couldn't believe it, this is exactly what I saw and this is what started me off in the UFO field.

Now, you can not just be "into the UFO field" because to be in the UFO field you must first research the history, and when you research you find things like The Disclosure Project which is where I really started to question things and learn just how deep Government corruption into the UFO field went, this is a very similar one that took place this year before former members of congress, called The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. and it includes everything from Military Generals, to Astronauts, even the former Canadian Prime Minster, all blowing the whistle of the UFO field. When you research more you begin to see actual Government documents of these, NASA footage of UFO's and so-forth. This research also led me towards government corruption involving the mega banks, NSA, and dirty politics.


First I want to say, the Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl was a family friend, him and his wife Sandy lived around the corner from my aunt and uncle in Littleton CO, who are both United Airlines Flight Attendants, we have been to their home and they were the all American family, just great kind people all around. Last year Sandy died in her home, she was the reason that the memorial in PA stands today in honor of this event, she is deeply missed in the community and at large, God bless her.

On the morning on 9/11 my dad woke me up for school, instead of the regular "time to get up" he said "a plane just crashed into the tower in New York" my dad was a United Airlines mechanic at the time and now retired, so to him it was a huge deal. The scary thing was that we didn't know if my aunt or uncle were on the plane and it was a very tense time and I still had to go to school but it was being talked about everywhere, a girl who's father worked at the Pentagon was ushered out of school and everyone seemed to be on their toes. There was a history teacher, a former Military man who flew the P.O.W flag in his 8th Grade class room all year round who had the T.V on all day so everyone could stay updated.

Not long after and still being in the UFO field I heard people starting to talk about 9/11 theories and I came across videos like this, where Alex Jones predicted there would be an attack involving Bin Laden soon, he did this in July 2001, this is where I started. Then I began to uncover all of the weird, WTC 7 falling into it's own footprint and not being mentioned once in the 9/11 commission report, the collapse being reported before it even fell, the fact that there wasn't even going to be a commission report at all but the families cry's for help wanting answers were the reason for it, that to me was amazing. So I began to start watching all of the documentaries on 9/11 and do the research for myself.

Now, this is pivotal and you must understand that for me, there was no conspiracy until I researched what was being said in these claims myself, so I began to dig really deep and uncover stuff the typical person saying "you're a conspiracy theorist" has absolutely no idea took place on that day or leading up to these events and the amount of lies and happenings I found out about was astonishing

That is basically how I began to be a "9/11 Truther," a lot of things touched close to home for me, my family could have been on those planes. I'm almost 27 now and these events changed my life, and when I say changed my life I mean it. Once you uncover something you ask yourself "what else have we been lied to about," then that knob begins to turn more and you begin to connect with people all over the world and hear from professionals in fields. You begin to learn more and more, about all types of things like the Pilots for 9/11 Truth community or the Demolition Experts for 9/11 Truthers and all the Engineers etc.. new evidence comes to light all the time and you want to keep up with it to be as informed as possible. One day there may be an Edward Snowden of 9/11 or UFO's, and when/if that day happens all hell is going to break loose with the "I told you so's."

YouTube also changed the game for the world of conspiracy, and there are some crazy people out there that will believe the most ludicrous of things but it's important to stay grounded and tell yourself that just because someone else believes it, doesn't make it true or mean that you have to believe it as well. A "conspiracy theorists" favorite word is "evidence," and like the great Jerry McGuire, you better "show me the evidence" before talking crazy.

That's my story.

Thanks for your story mate. You're dead on about once you find out about something it's like the floodgates open.

No problem thanks for reading. It's definitely a winding road, I wanted to give a look at where and how it all starts, some people are under the impression that we wake up one day, watch a YouTube video and immediately believe everything and become a "conspiracy theorist." That word is ancient also and I don't like to call myself that, because the things I believe in have been researched enough by others and myself to be factual. The UFO thing should be 100% obvious now to people, but since people aren't a part of this or have never heard the testimonies from government generals and corporals, 3 astronauts giving accounts, one of them is Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the moon. Another was Gordon Cooper who was the last man to fly alone in space. Edgar Mitchell has been dedicating his life and work to telling people about the existence of ET's/UFO's and what NASA has been lying about, Gordon Cooper also spoke publicly. All of the projects, files, FOIA requests and whistle blowers like the lady that airbrushed everything for NASA, I wish everyone knew just how far these things go and just how much evidence there really is.

People like Gary McKinnon, the Hacker that got into NASA and just about every branch of Military we have and found the evidence and saw the UFO's and technology and some really strange things. If this would of happened today like Edward Snowden and he was to get the files it would have been massive. People like Werner Von Braun's long time co-worker Carole Rosin, the lady that took over his work for him that told her about the agenda saying "first it would be Russians, which was existing at the time, then it would be Terrorists (Afghanistan, Iraq) then it would be 3rd World Countries, (Libya, Syria, North Korea) then it would be Asteroids, (10+ more have fallen since Russian in a very similar fashion.) Then he would repeat to me over, and over, and the last card, the last card, the last card would be the Extra Terrestrial threat."

As a "conspiracy theorist" with a lot of information and info the regular doesn't know about, there are massive structures on the moon and China plans to have a lander there this year, Space X plans to send people to Mars in less than 10 years, these are the perfect opportunities to play the last card. You will get that chip in you to track you if an "abduction" happens, so they will know you're not just kidnapped but have been "taken," and all the while it will be OUR back engineered "UFO's" and other technologies flying around scaring the terror out of everyone as people plead and beg for Government help, so remember this post in the near future everyone. But hey, I'm just a conspiracy theorist like I was when I said the NSA had spying programs that collect your data and monitor your calls, but I was wrong, as it's public info now that they literally know a hell of a lot more than even I would of ever thought. But despite all of the evidence out there, people will still laugh and shun you and the main reason for that is because they have not acquired all of the information that we have because it's to "wild" for them to entertain, so telling someone everything I just talked about sounds absolutely insane to them, it's like telling someone that has only seen our moon that there are more moons out there and having them not believe you because they can only see the one moon.

This is one of my favorite references to use..

Imagine you're a cow at a slaughtering ranch and every other day cows are herded off because the decoy cow tells all the other cows that they all go on a vacation when they get taken away. Well one day, one of the cows believes the heard is being lied to, so he sneaks off to investigate and witnesses his buddies being hacked up into pieces to be eaten, he runs back as fast as he can before his buddies are taken off, but he's too late. The cows are already on the truck saying "hurry hurry! you'll miss your vacation!" our curious cow says "NO! WAIT! DON'T GO! THEY ARE GOING TO KILL YOU! AND EAT YOU!!" the rest of the cows burst into hysterical laughter and make fun of curious cow as they're all driven off to their death.

Thanks for the video links dude, what you said was a very interesting read.

No problem I also just added the Astronaut interview videos as well, I forgot to add them when I wrote it.

Did you maybe see one of these?


I think most people could never have conceived the idea that their government is capable of something like that. I mean, 'we're the good guys' after all.

9/11 - What i saw that day was clearly controlled demolition. The following Iraq war. 9/11 clearly staged as a pretext for war. Without 9/11 - We have no police state and we have no excuse for our middle eastern aggression.

I think it's great people want to ask questions and find out the truth when the official story has so many problems, but this controlled demolition issue always niggles at me, so I feel compelled to ask:

You say that what you saw on 9/11, I assume referring to WTC towers 1 and 2, was "clearly controlled demolition". How many controlled demolitions had you witnessed prior to 9/11 that you formed this opinion? How many have you seen since? How many non-controlled demolitions have you witnessed, for contrast? What is the basis for your expertise in this area?

Watch a controlled demolition of a skyscraper then watch the eyewitness videos of the towers going down and you will see the issue we have

You just avoided the actual questions I asked in favour of asking me to make a direct comparison. If I see any similarities, I'm supposed to conclude that they are the same. That is not satisfactory investigation.

I'm not trying to answer any questions im giving you advice on something to possibly open your mind maybe the two look similar and you can see his point maybe you can't

Another thing the whole point of this subreddit and the whole conspiracy "genre"/ "community" is for average everyday normal people to watch tv or the news or internet and provide insight into the events going on maybe it provokes questions in their mind and they are right maybe they are wrong but you don't need to try patronise people because you don't believe what they say

How am I being patronising? I'm asking questions, which is exactly what a conspiracy theorist or truth-seeker is supposed to do.
My concerns about the controlled demolition theory is that people always respond "well just compare it to a controlled demolition and you'll see" but that isn't an answer. The people saying that aren't experts or relying on expert evidence. A few people have offered hypothesis' based on some visual evidence that has equally if not more plausible alternative explanations. They're questioning the official story, but people aren't allowed to question their theory? Why? I don't expect an expert answer or opinion from lay-people, because that's not reasonable. But if you have a theory, you need to really think about what you're basing it on. Is the conspiracy theory really more plausible?

Sometimes people refuse to accept an answer simply because it's the official one and they don't like it, and too many theorists are happy to pat themselves on the back for not being one of the "sheeple", but they can't put forward a viable alternative. Until you can, you need to keep asking questions.

http://www.911truth.org/tag/controlled-demolition/ Here is some info you can look into. There have been multiple engineers and architects that have come forward and said the collapse of the towers were extremely similar to controlled demolitions.

There are plenty of videos and organizations made by/up of demolition engineers and demolition experts that can scientifically refute the official story of how the towers, especially wtc7 came down. You should check some of them out. The people proving in laboratories that there's nanothermite residue in the dust found around the towers is a very good complement to the controlled demolition argument.

Its the people that still blindly believe the official story, and say derogatory things about "truthers" but that have NEVER actually looked into the issue any deeper than watching fox news or listened to a corny country song, that completely baffle me.

How many skyscrapers have you seen crumble in their own footprint from fire? Thought so.

Avoidance. Thank you.

Not avoidance. I answered your question.

How many skyscrapers have you seen crumble in their own footprint from fire before 9/11? The answer to that is ZERO.

On 9/11 we had 3 high rise steel buildings collapse at near free fall speed from fire - defying logic, reason and science.

How many controlled demolitions have I seen? You seriously doubt peoples ability to view controlled demolitions?

That's your reasoning behind believing the governments explanation of 9/11? If so that's seriously sad.

Ive personally watched hundreds of controlled demolitions on the internet alone. Thats not including hours and hours of Discovery and NG documentary's on controlled demolitions and the companies hired to do them.

You dont have to be a expert on explosives and controlled demolitions to see the eerie similarities with 9/11 and controlled demolitions. The same way you dont have to be a expert on ANY subject to have a educated and thought out opinion of it.

Let me help you and anyone else out that has not seen a controlled demolition.


The beautiful thing about 9/11 is there are thousands of expert outside consultants, Architects, Engineers, Construction experts in the top of their field that agree - 9/11 was a controlled demolition.


You can argue that I'm not "qualified" to make a judgement of this scale with just watching a couple of videos but how do you argue the thousands of qualified experts opinion? That ones easy - You cant.

I cant open your mind and force you to think. All i can do is put the information in front of you and let you put together your own opinion. Hopefully a well educated one.

I form my opinions on facts and what I experience and learn for myself. You and millions like you on the other hand have formed your 9/11 opinion on speculation and what the government has told you to believe. The truth. There is no historic data on highrise steel buildings collapsing from fire.

There are not hundreds of videos aside from the Trade Centers where you can compare the collapses to other steel buildings falling at free fall speed from fire.

So my question for you. How did you come to your opinion that fire collapsed the World Trade Centers on 9/11? The Answer - Thats what you were told to believe. Thats what your TV box told you to believe.

Please feel free to back up your opinion with critical thought, videos, expert opinions and historical data that back up your claim that the Trade Centers fell from fires. Prove to me - SHOW ME that these towers did not fall from controlled demolition and I will gladly change my stance.

Nepotism is the gold and the conductor's connection and ignorance is the prison that the people are kept in.

Think about it.

Well, I can't fault you for effort, at least, though most of what you have to say is recycled and comes with the same flaws as other conspiracy theorists. For instance, the repetition of the lie that the buildings fell at near free-fall speed, something that has been debunked by measuring from when the top of the building actually started moving, not demolition-theorists start counting - starting with Dylan Avery's Loose Change video and repeated in every demolition-theorist analysis since. Heck, you can disprove this by watching a couple of seconds of the WTC towers falling, since you can see debris falling around the main core of the building even faster. Was that debris in some sort of super-freefall then?

Another common argument is that no other building has fallen solely from fire, as if the fact that the buildings were hit by large planes is rather immaterial. I find it interesting that when people say the towers fell from fire, they behave as if the fires occurred spontaneously. When you factor in the damage caused by the planes, that seems to get handwaved away as a minor issue.

Eerie similarities between the WTC and other controlled demolitions? Well, if you mean the buildings fell down, sure. But when happened with the WTC was the upper halves of the buildings crashed down onto the lower halves, and then continued to telescope down level by level as hundreds of tons of concrete and steel crashed down, and down and down. I looked at a few of those controlled demolitions and didn't really see many similarities at all.

Of course your conspiracy theorist website you obtained these engineering sources and reports from is completely balanced, I'm sure. I will go ahead and discount the expert opinion of people who don't agree with the CT explanation, because reasons.

I especially like this part of your post:

So my question for you. How did you come to your opinion that fire collapsed the World Trade Centers on 9/11? The Answer - Thats what you were told to believe. Thats what your TV box told you to believe.

Thank you for answering the question for me! I was paralysed by your flawless logic. At the same time you are calling into question my ability to critically think and analyse information, you posit a question the immediately substitute an answer of your choosing, drawing a conclusion without any consultation from me. I haven't even told you what I believe, but you assume I readily accept the official version without putting any thought into it, because I questioned your views and you assume we are in direct opposition.

Edit: I don't seem to be able to reply directly to comments or even edit my own posts anymore without doing so via my comment/reply history. I'd assume someone isn't happy with my participation in this discussion, but I don't have enough evidence to draw a conclusion.

And..Beautiful post clarifying my point. You have no facts or reasonable educated reasons to actually back up that the towers were brought down by fire, not demolition - which in essence - is the real conspiracy theory.

Oh by the way. Another enlightening fact for you! Other highrise buildings have been hit by aircraft full of fuel. The fuel is exhausted in a matter of seconds leaving only office fires. We have these things called building codes and standards. The steel in high rise buildings is required to withstand a certain melting point. A melting point no combination of Jet fuel could ever reach. Thats why no other steel buildings have ever collapsed due to fire.

Thats ok. Nevermind building 7 even existed or fell on its on footprint from a office fire with no jet fuel or impact. You continue to believe that jet fuel caused a smoldering inferno that was able to turn tons of steel and concrete into dust leaving huge pools of molten metal at the base of the structure while leaving traces of high tech nanothermites in the ruins.

LOL. Are you paid to shill or just spread disinformation? Either way. I love how you show no remorse for your ignorance. Again. Thousands of experts agree that the impacts, jet fuel and office fires would not, COULD NOT bring down the towers in the manner that they fell. Your rambling is comparable to arguing that the earth is flat when science and fact simply proves its not.

Multiple strawmen, ad hominem attacks, and almost verbatim regurgitation of 'fact' from truther websites being presented is if it were independent thought.

I think that says it all, really.

Yup. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The top "truther" website.

The little credibility you had you just lost on this sub. I believe I owned you. Intellectually. My thoughts rip through tank-armored metalplates.


Holy shit. You are either completely nuts, or a troll. Either way, you got me hook, line, and sinker. Bravo.

Holy shit....

Exactly my reaction.

I've shown this to a few people and all of them were shocked to find the Fed isnt federally regulated.

I was a casual conspiracy theorist for something to banter about with friends until the American 2000 elections. That's when I started really listening and following internet links for hours at a time. After 9/11 it all kind of cemented itself.

Why then in particular?

Because before 9/11 most of it was rumors and conjecture tied together with random news clips. 9/11 happened right before our eyes with bullshit reports that directly conflicted with what the eyes were plainly seeing.

Very true.

Bluescreen maybe? They don't look like snake eyes to me, just some weird color artifact setting on the feed.

I watched Zeitgeist and it blew me away. Really changed my whole perspective on everything.

Zeitgeist Rules!!!!

Same here bro. I began extensive research on the internet after watching that, do you follow the Movement, or Peter Joseph? I'm going to meet him next week in London

If I'm gonna be completely honest I wouldn't call myself a conspiracy theorist. I just truly feel like there is an underlying plan with certain things. I never started researching cause I was kind of alone with these views and still pretty young at the time of originally watching it and didn't really know where to start. But I have some things to look up now!

I had to write an essay in high school about a topic that interested me, I had always been interested in history and I chose to do it on the Illuminati...I think that solidified my conspiracy theorist title lol...I also witnessed 9/11 in 6th grade and when I found out building 7 fell by itself, I just lost all faith in any leading theory as to what happened that day. Honorable mention to George W. Bush for exhibiting all the tendencies people have been labelled crazy for suspecting would happen under a corporate backed false democracy.

Good job for being the first out of 400 replies to mentioned building 7. I agree completely. The way it fell was identical to a controlled demolition. I don't believe for one second that a fire can cause such a uniformed collapsed in a steel framed building. If a fire did caused Building 7 to collapse, it would be the first ever fire-induced collapse of a steel-frame high-rise. Also, it's interesting how building 7’s collapse was not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report.

Pot being illegal.

Why do you think it is and why do you think that's changing, if you don't mind me asking?

I more or less buy into the whole xenophobia/racism/paper protectionism explanation for it originally becoming illegal in the 30's, and its continued illegal status after the 60's being driven by the fact that it facilitates interactions between police and various elements that "the powers that be" wanted to oppress, mostly black people and counterculture types.

I think the recent changes are being driven by a combination of three main factors.

One is the dying off of the WWII generation, which did not embrace pot, was more racist than every generation since, and voted.

The second major factor is the rise of the internet, which enabled conversations about drug policy to expand out of peoples living rooms and helped people people in favor of reform to organize -- the internet made people feel less isolated in their experiences with marijuana.

The third factor is the fact that the economy sucks, and there's a good argument to be made that marijuana decrim/legalization will help the economy, and at worst will not hurt it -- this has swayed many fence sitters toward reform.

I'll tell you a little theory I have. I think pot had to be made illegal b/c of industrialism. We simply needed dumbed down workers for industrial/factory processes. As we've become increasingly post industrial our job requirements under capitalism have changed. We need less and less labor every day through automation and efficiencies from technology. I think pot will slowly become legal b/c of this. Cigarettes and booze are fine drugs if you're a factory worker and pot is fine if you're an office drone.

Marijuana, is illegal because of Oil companies, Paper companies and Pharmaceutical companies. Maybe could even lump in there clothing but probably not a major contributing factors.

Maralinga nuke tests

The reason for it being illegal? To put historical perspective on a plant that was unregulated and then was made illegal, we must look into William Hearst and his empire as well as other political movements at the time such as temperance. Here's a good link: http://cur.lv/4i54t

When I read that Samuel Zemurray, an American businessman, instigated a coup in Honduras, and put in place his own president so that he could get lower taxes and business incentives on his banana plantations.

It makes "conspiracies" seem less like conspiracies and more like facts--it's just the way the world works.

You should read up on Coka Cola Death Squads as well.

The X-Files got me into the world of conspiracies and 9/11 nailed my suspicion.

Yes! X-Files started it off for me too.

You find it interesting that the spin-off TV series with the three tech guys from X-Files predicted 9/11?

The Lone Gunmen was spot-on with their prediction, 6 months before the 9/11 attacks and the guy spouting those lines even seems like a George W. Bush look-alike, while The Simpsons aired their "New York $9 11" episode on September 21, 1997 and both those shows were aired on Fox... Interesting Indeed...


My dad was a community college electrical teacher but would every once in a while go and train/consult with people at Boeing/Sunstrand/NASA for electrical engineering. He would tell me things like, "O they went to the moon, but not the way we are told". After 9/11 he told me nothing happens without the U.S. go ahead but dont get too invested in the conspiracy topics cause it just turns into a religion and either makes you unpleasant to be around or depressed."

"insert Bain voice" I was born in the conspiracy world, you all merely adapted.

Edit: punk music and skating changed me a lot in 5/6th grade.

I am broke as hell, but here is some gold for you.

Jeezums, thanks I dont even know what to do with this stuff.

I too adhere to the Fat Mike philosophy of life

O they went to the moon, but not the way we are told

Could you elaborate on what your dad meant?

Stanley Kubrick perhaps?

9/11 has a ton of fishiness to it, and then anyone who questions anything can't help but look at JFK. those two events are huge.

9/11 and fluoride

Dr. Strangelove?

Why is fluoride a conspiracy? And if you are talking about adding 2ppm of flouride to common drinking water, please, please for the love of god cite your sources. Any. I'm interested.

Fluoride is a known poison and even though it's labelled as only "mildly toxic", drinking that crap for your entire life can't be good for you. Same thing goes for all the junk they put in plastics. Fluoride also causes something called fluorosis, which is what those white streaks on your teeth are. You can look up the statistics on your own for this one, because I don't feel like spoonfeeding right now, but fluorosis keeps increasing year after year and there are more and more diagnoses for severe cases of it as well. Fluorosis is a sign of overexposure to fluoride, and can really fuck up your teeth. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research did a survey back in the '80s where something like 22% of children had dental fluorosis. The CDC did another one in the late '90s/early '00s, and they came up with a 40% statistic for fluorosis amongst children. What this means is that all these kids are being overexposed to fluoride and are showing signs of poisoning from it. There's also skeletal fluorosis that is crippling in its most severe forms, and it's considered to be endemic in over 20 countries. The important thing to note is that fluorosis is permanent so that 22% stat carries over to adults as well.

What I want to ask you is why you think the government has a right to put chemicals in your water to "prevent you from getting cavities"? Do you think the government has the right to force medical treatment on its citizens?

I want to first personally thank you for exposing your beliefs. I understand that it takes a lot to give an explanation that will be subjected to such severe criticism. I am not a person who will ridicule, or deride you, and in fact I think that out of all the responses in this thread, yours does and should merit the best of all logical responses.

Let's handle your claims one at a time, shall we?

Fluoride is a known poison

Awesome. I agree, as long as it is at least 20x to 500x the recommended dose as regulated by normal inductory intake per fluid per liter. In these ranges, it can cause havoc, which will come into play later.

Drinking that crap for your entire life can't be good for you.

Cite source please.

Same thing goes for all the junk they put in plastics.

Cite source please, as used for human normal rate of plastic consumption.

Fluoride also causes something called fluorosis.

Okay, Let's tackle this. I will give you that at a minimum, 25% of youth in the United states exhibit some form of fluorosis. 25%! That's huge! That's a big deal! So why doesn't the U.S. government address this burdensome issue?

Because it is well within normal parameters. Unless you contend that the USDA are lying! Other than that, it is normal, and yes, it occurs, but within normal, expected guidlines, and in no way are people in danger from over exposure!

You can look up the statistics on your own for this one, because I don't feel like spoonfeeding right now, but fluorosis keeps increasing year after year and there are more and more diagnoses for severe cases of it as well.

I have found a grand total of 5 cases in India, 1 in Iceland, 3 in Nova Scotia, 8 in the United States, 2 in France, 1 in Spain, 6 in the UK, and a grand total of 13 diagnosed cases everywhere else. I am perfectly willing to cite my sources for these diagnosed cases. I am also willing to admit that the presence of fluoridated water is a reason to submit causation in these specific cases.

Now I want to understand your hesitation to accept these cases as necessary. I want to understand your frustration as valid. I want, overall, to call this as it is, not what it appears to be. But I ask you to understand that the ball is in your court. That the fact that so many untold millions have resisted tooth decay as a result of this fluoridation of common drinking water is some kind of conspiracy, some type of over arching means of control. In this, I just don't see it.

He needs to cite a source that drinking a known poison for an entire lifetime is bad for a person?

Also, you don't think 25% of the youth being poisoned by fluoride is an issue? You completely glossed over the fact that fluoride is purposely added to the water supply. Couldn't the government "address this burdensome issue" by simply oh, I don't know... not putting fluoride in the water anymore?

Mother of... you again. Okay, fine by me.

Fluoride is a known poison.

In too many parts per million per liter of water, or any other ingested or absorbed thing. So are most other elements as well, that is why they are not labeled as Poisonous, they are labeled as Toxic. The disease that was referred to is a byproduct of fluoride toxicity. This is impossible to get at regulated levels (normally set at 2 parts per million.)

From the World Health Organization Website:

"In humans, "disease" is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or death to the person afflicted, or similar problems for those in contact with the person."

The symptoms listed as a result of Fluorosis are different than those of acute fluoride toxicity. The symptomatic lines in the teeth are harmless. That's what 25% of children in the U.S. have and that is all they have. Fluoride does not accumulate in the body and stay there, it is passed harmlessly through the body. In the cases I cited above, none of them were ever confirmed to be caused by fluoride in the water, it is much more likely that it was an element of pesticide that caused the disease.

Please, please understand you would very literally die of water intoxication before you ever developed any ill effects from fluoride toxicity, if it is given at the set levels of 2ppm.

You charge that governments the world over are systematically poisoning their people, and that every scientist is either hushed, or in on the conspiracy. Because the practice is so widely accepted as beneficial to both preventing tooth decay and strengthening bone density. The paltry sum of people, who even if in theory were poisoned by drinking water, do not even begin to outweigh the massive benefits.

Now, I invite you to do your own research, and if you have constructive input, I would be happy to hear you out. But don't be, let's say, "naive" and only accuse me of being wrong, or throw another insult, or add nothing of any substantial basis. Don't use language that is only designed to scare, and to accuse. Don't make another passionate remark about the need to stop poisoning our children. It's not helpful, its inflammatory, and its the same type of language used in propaganda. Don't.

Im talking about the Alex Jones fear mongering add fluoride to drinking water.

I know they put fluoride in water but do I think its a health benefit not really.

Fluoride? Whats with fluoride?

It's poison.

When I found out the Federal Reserve is a private bank.

Honestly, I think its just a collection of them all really... And after taking in all the info it becomes irrefutable that all of this stuff is just plastered everywhere.

Defiantly mate, it's like picking between your kids. But at the same time, there has to be one that you remember kicked off your obsession. Like the first time you heard of something that made you curious and made you want to do more research.

Not a theorist, however I always say I take these "conspiracy theories" at 51% plausible. Hard to fully disprove it all. I find them interesting at sometimes quite thought provoking.

Even if they're unlikely, debunking Conspiracy Theories forces you to clearly think out the facts that you have, and overcome whatever media spin you've been served.

That's why I enjoy browsing /r/conspiracy at least

Happy cake day.

For me, I look for the conspiracies that hold the most water. I give everyone a fair chance, but if I see something that seems to be like a loose thread, I pull and see if it unravels. I don't believe in a lot of conspiracy theories, but I do believe that at times the government lies to us, not necessarily for our own good. Granted, the government's been spying on us since at least 2005, even Christopher Hitchens went before the Senate to debate this, it's in his Memoir, I'll find it when I get time.

In short, I don't believe a lot of what the government tells us, because we are told to accept the social contract and accept inequality so that we can be comfortable. Basically, I think some things are ingrained in the system and that other things are legit conspiracies.

perfectly summed up how i feel about this topic and subreddit.

My issue with getting to involved is that some people, Alex Jones comes to mind, will grab on to anything possible to make a story and it all ties into some giant government plan.

Sometimes things jsut happen, and crying wolf will make no one believe you.

Whenever this subject comes up, i'm always pushing two things: Gulf of Tonkin was IN FACT a lie; why couldn't 9/11 be?

That the shadowy aspects of the government actually run the country through capitalism and terror. The POTUSA, Congress, and the SCOTUSA are now just puppets of the CIA, FBI, NSA, DOD, etc., that is, unelected officials who are accountable to no one. It has since turned into what I see as an increasingly Evangelical movement to bring about the apocalypse.

It was when the PATRIOT Act passed, and it suddenly dawned on me that the government is way too involved in things it needn't be involved in. It got me searching, and I became aware of the Congressional-Industrial-Military complex and its increasingly Christian exclusivity. Thanks to a friend, I learned about the School of the Americas, and America's involvement in worldwide terror and hegemony. Chomsky is a big influence, but I think he's either too optimistic or unwilling to accept certain ideas.

Even as it is, I am hesitant to call it a "conspiracy," because I am not sure whether these people are planning as a group or just individually following their fucked up worldviews, and having worldviews in common with the powerful is how you are brought into the fold. Like attracts like, right?

I am now skeptical of everything the US does and everything a government official says. All they want is to increase wealth disparity, Christianize the world, and create an ignorant and complacent populace too tired to do anything but crunch numbers, write code, and operate machines. I think the tools used are ultimately capitalism and religion, but the only reason they have any success is because all the bullshit people would disagree with happens behind closed doors.

God, I can ramble on and on about this forever.

Essentially, I think capitalism and religion ruin everything, and it's not an isolated group of people like "the Zionists" or "the illuminati" or "the Rothschilds," etc. But no one wants to believe that capitalism and religion are bad. They'll criticize individual aspects, suggest ways to "regulate" certain aspects that are found to be disagreeable to the populace, but they won't admit that both have failed Homo sapiens and, more importantly, the earth as a whole (pollution, etc. all stems from a uniquely human arrogance driven by religion and greed).

Edit: Other countries and their leaders cannot be trusted either. Governments worldwide have long been in bed with capitalistic greed.

"Christianize" the world.

Hmmmm. Right...

I know. It runs in the face of the Christian idea (especially in America) that Christians are a down-trodden people quickly being marginalized by a secularizing society. I used to think that was the case too until I saw that one needs either be a Christian or cater to the Christians population to succeed politically.

And I don't mean "Christianize" in the way that, say, radical Muslims wish to spread Islam. It's a watered down version, but it suits the purposes of the powers that be, both in keeping the population docile at home and garnering support from them in terms of foreign policy (eg, "America is a Christian nation," "American Exceptionalism," etc). Keeping a "Christian" attitude in our policymaking serves the government (and many business people's pocketbooks) well.

Yes they are called shabbos goy

They don't really run the country via capitalism. They run it by Corporatism. We haven't truly been capitalist for awhile. Corporatism is something really new and did spring up via corruption within the capitalist system. The truth of the matter is that EVERY ideology is rife with corruption.

I think you're partially right, mate. I believe the ideals of capitalism are decent, however, the skewed corporate version we've adopted is what's ruining us.

In 1981 I was eight when the Iran hostages returned. They were in a plane that wouldn't (sorry, can't remember if it wouldn't take off or) land until Reagan was sworn in, so it could officially be during his presidency. Even then, I knew something wasn't right.

But before that, I was a big fan of the TV show In Search of... so it might have been UFO cover-ups.

In 1978 the TV show In Search of... did an episode called "The Coming Ice Age":


I understood power dynamics and why the government lies to the people from an early enough age but I truly understood the scope when I watched the Boston Marathon. I heard about it about 10 minutes after it happened and had exams at the time (so all week to really follow it.) My initial thoughts were "this looks like a movie set" and "this seems somehow familiar." Then youtube shows me crisis actors, fake blood powder being applied right after the blast, the uncle's connections to the CIA and oil companies, the family guy episode, etc. And still, the only picture I've seen that can be classified as "proof" was a clearly photoshopped younger brother running "without a backpack."

Then I started looking into things, 9/11 now seems very obvious to me, Snowden's revelations helped things along quite a bit, renewed interest in JFK and Fed and those kinda things. When you see a fabrication from start to finish you learn to spot others. My mind is still blown that they could do a 9/11 scale operation, but if the steel can't melt from office fires the steel can't melt from office fires.

The Baldwin's, I was on acid and everything fell into place and started to make sense

LINK? would love to read >>

I am not exactly sure what is up with them but try and find a family picture or a pic of their parents. Seriously you would think that that many famous brothers would have a ton of pics when they were younger together but no nothing. Their parents seem to be made up and Alec is unusually powerful in Hollywood despite not really doing anything. He has hosted snl more than anyone but name me 7 things he has done ever. This all came up around the time when there was a new one coming out every year that were less and less talented and attractive. I think they are clones or something.

if all tyranny is exposed for what it is, i take comfort that we'll all at least know and still sit behind the computer screen tolerate it.

Do you think we are tolerating it though? I know I'm not.

really? what did ya do or have you done? did you go out to a public area with like 10 people and smoke some pot?

Was always a little suspicious of government, since maybe twelve or so. Enlisted in the military anyways, wanting to get a clearer picture of how the military worked. Got a clearer picture. Now disabled and and have all the time in the world to research all the things that I see that don't add up. The clearer picture I got, even as a low level enlisted, was rather startling. Now my paranoia runs very deep, and feels rather validated in many areas, not just in military/government realms.

Care to share some of your experience?

Helping to run logistics for a battalion and at Group level in the Marines taught me a lot about how military functions as a mechanism and as an organism, in garrison and in theater. It is rather frightening, once you step back to look at it as a whole without the filter of what is instilled in you during training. The overall waste and useless redundancy alone is stunning. Waste of material, resources, and manpower. We really aren't as far from Caesar's days of 'throw more men at the problem' as we might think. Following regulations for supply means that you will, without fail, overpay and expend far too many peripheral resources to ship/obtain what you are paying for. The old joke about $40 for a hammer is not a joke. It is how things actually work. That waste and disregard for expenditure does not end at materials. It takes place with manpower as well. Ask any infantry units about it. You really are just a number, just a value placeholder in a spreadsheet, and that value is not high. When computing the worth of each member, only the money used to train, maintain, and equip the member is tabulated. But not the person. That is just a vessel for the investment. Now take leaders that do not see the conflict firsthand, that only see the spreadsheets. they are just moving investments around. The people dying are just the transportation for those investments. How often does leadership care for investments wisely?

Story time?

Which story? Unaccounted for sections of unit budgets I was told to ignore, ordering supplies through Granger at exorbitant prices that couldn't possibly be accurate (74.50 for a fiberglass handle hammer. No bullshit), being told that 'maintenance will worry about the failed ground water safety tests, you just sign off that they occurred' when the yearly base testing went through, bleaching then painting over black mold every spring in the barracks buildings despite objections that this only covers it for a few months, hearing a couple docs (Corpsmen) discussing vaccines and flu shots like the nasal spray that do nothing or have nasty and completely unexpected side effects? I saw a lot that made me wonder just how well our military is actually controlled, and by who. Look up Persian War Syndrome, Gulf War Syndrome, and others. If these nebulous collections of effects, ranging from mildly irritating to debilitating, are/were caused by the places we were fighting in, then why aren't the locals affected? And I know about regional immunity, but the amount of people hit with these syndromes and the wide array of how can hit makes it pretty clear that it is more than just a couple regional bacterium or contagion. If that were the case, then world air travel would render airports plague pits that infected nearly everyone that went through them with oodles of bugs. It is just those that deploy that are getting nailed with these horrible effects. And trust me, Persian War Syndrome is no fun. I know from continuing experience.

Took mushrooms and thought 'why the Hell are these illegal these are amazing' which led me down the bunny hole.

9/11 started it, But jimmy Johnson at the Half-time superbowl last year, His eyes man, his eyes.

I haven't heard of this before- what was it about his eyes? I tried to google image search but all that comes up is a bunch of Bruno Mars.

What do you mean about Jimmy Johnson?

People got all kinds of reasons for why they look like that but if you google an image of j.j., you'll see his eyes are blue....and they're nowhere near blue in that video.

this is by far the most freaky of the supposed reptillian videos I've seen, it even appears like he is tasting the air like reptiles do

Woah. WTF.

I've always been a fan of history, philosophy, spirituality, etc. Once you begin digging deeper into things, you begin to see that some things just do not make sense. I'm always fascinated by conspiracies and simultaneously terrified by them. The staggering reality and menace behind some of these acts, if the theories are to be believed, become too horrible/far reaching to comprehend.

It was as simple as finding out that people coordinate to do beneficial things for society. I realized that the inverse was likely true as well.

I wonder if the human species is the only one to so quickly accept the idea of greater forces working in their favor, whilst at the same time automatically dismiss the possibility of any forces conspiring against them. If we can establish there are groups of people coordinating to impact the world positively (as there are – i.e. Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch etc.) it follows that it is neither wholly unreasonable nor illogical to assume the opposite. There are groups of people coordinating with the express intent of doing harm to others – most likely (though not always) in order to produce a favorable result for themselves.

Honestly, the first time I got high.

After I didn't die, I realized I was lied to by everyone.

I realized public perception doesn't mean shit and is probably wrong about a bunch of other concepts that haven't been experienced first hand.

Researching Ron Paul's positions in 2007. Federal Reserve really took me down a rabbit hole. Started watching documentaries daily. Eventually they became tangential. I started reading all the comments for other suggestions. Etc.

Alright, I have to throw in my two cents, and I don't give a damn if no one wil read it and it's only for the NSA datacenter.

Five years before V for Vendetta was released I heard this phrase:

"All the best records are tax records."

Mother of God does that phrase ring true to me. All these years later. Every single annotation, every last file, every single mislocation, when it comes to money, and where it went, I fucking listen.

I'll say 80% of what I look into is bullshit. I don't care for an agree or disagree, I don't. If a government has missing files, I mean confirmed missing files on an event, personnel, or a government program, then something was hidden.

I look at databases, third party, transparency issued databases. Ten, twenty, thirty years after the fact, it doesn't matter. Where the money is allocated, and then disappears. Nothing, not the NSA in America, or the programs in India, the IMF, the consulate in Europe, or the countless actions in Africa, everything comes down to the almighty Dollar, the Euro, the Yen, the Krone, the Pound, whatever. When money dissapears from public oversight, it's being used in an illegal or unethical manner.

People, in my opinion, tend to lose sight of the fact quickly, that wherever bad deeds may nurture, it takes money to grow. Without money, all these afformentioned "conspiracies," would just be thoughts in the minds of otherwise ordinary men.

Edit: I'll edit, just for my own self. I believe income inequality is a conspiracy. I to this day don't know why masters of industry would file down every last fraction of a profit loss percentage. To pay their workers, and contractors, and franchises, and dealers down to the absolute minimum. Greed doesn't cover it to me. There is a loss of logic there, why they couldn't see why people wouldn't eventually revolt against the system. Maybe its something that their greed disallows them from seeing, maybe. But it doesn't make sense, you don't retain that kind of power by being stupid, foolish or any other denigrating thing.

There are many, many, many other conspiracies, but I see this as the great overarching conspiracy. The ebb and flow of the almighty tinge of wealth. I'll probably never figure it out. But in this day and age, morality, ethics, chivalry and honor take a definite backseat to profit. I've seen it a hundred times. I could cite my sources, but who would ever read this? I couldn't even blame the nameless faces who march towards that ever forward goal. What would men with money want, but more money? What would men with power want but more power? It is the one inescapable, immovable, irrefutable move towards hiding from people who are controlled to those who control.


You know we wont see any of the good ones anyway. Here on Reddit all you see is what they allow.

Nine 11

My dad took an interest in conspiracies and I got it from him.

This is the book he read.

Eavesdropped on some older family members talking about the Amero. That lead to research into why they would want to join currencies. That lead to discovery of wealth corruption and corrupted motives of the elite in general just to earn profits. Connect the dots here and there and you can kind of understand why major events happen for the pro-war agenda of the States.

The information about the Rothschild family and the worlds banks


There was just a best of link to a comment in this thread that was on the front page. It has now disapeared...

Which comment?

It was the one about someone visiting Israel and Palestine and how different they were.

Is that what stirred your "conspiracy senses"?

This thread is depressing to no end and I just can't believe the U.S (and Germany) still supports Israel. Seriously, what a severely fucked up country.

The drug war and religion pushed me in the direction, the Snowden/NSA stuff shattered my "a lot of people can't keep a secret" assumption.

That said, it was more of a logical realization, and I'm not sure of what defines "conspiracy theorist."

I guess I'm just open to looking at things without confirmation bias and heuristics.

If you want a long explanation, read everything below this line:

Two things I used to grapple with:

1 - Many conspiracy theorists are completely nuts.

2 - However, every once in a while a conspiracy comes true.

Why the dissonance? Then I realized something.

If you're a paranoid schizophrenic, you are going to think EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. Your medicine is poison, your headache is from the government, et cetera.

HOWEVER, if you think literally EVERY ASSUMPTION is wrong, by the law of probability you are naturally going to find all the actual fakes in the process.

Here's an analogy that I explain to people:

Imagine if you had three people in a forest: Ken, Bob, and A-A-ron.

Ken decides "HA! I know that everything in this forest is inedible! If you think any stuff here can be eaten you're crazy!"

Ken is a sheeple: scared, arrogant, misguided or all three.

Bob decides "HA! I know EVERYTHING in this forest IS edible!"

Bob starts eating things that can actually be eaten, like miner's lettuce and grubs, but also eats the rusty car fender, the poisonous mushrooms, the tree bark...

In this process Bob will stumble upon things that can actually be eaten, but only as a function of believing EVERYTHING is so.

This convinces Bob that everything he eats (thinks) must be edible (true), because some things he eats (thinks) are edible (true).

Bob is a standard 'crazy person.'

Ken, however, has fallen into the inverse of the exact same trap: Ken just assumes everything is inedible (false), which is just as bad.

Both are wrong. Both are illogical.

A-A-ron sees this and decides: "I know! I'll avoid BOTH traps, and be skeptical yet open minded!"

I try to be A-A-ron.

TL DR: "nothing is a conspiracy" and "everything is a conspiracy" are BOTH assumptions. The truth is "I don't know," and the follow-up is "I should find out."

There was no "conspiracy" that made me a "conspiracy theorist." The contemporary use of the word conspiracy is just a desperate attempt to marginalize people who want answers from a dying criminal empire sinking in lies.

Ironically it was South Park in an episode that lampoons the 9/11 conspiracy theory.

I, at the time, hadn't heard of any of this stuff and my buddy looked at me and said, "You that's all real, right?" And I filed it away in my head for later (I had a lot going on in my life at that time). A year and a half later I formally looked into it. to say that I had my world view rocked would be an understatement. I took it pretty hard.

Initially I thought Jordanis Maximus knew his shit (I was wrong).

I discovered Bill Cooper. A bastion of information.

Then Robert Anton Wilson as a sort of antidote to the anxiety.

Now I'[m designing my own program for dealing with "the situation."

The specific thing was the freefall speed of the buildings. All that material had to stop existing in order for such a thing to happen. Material doesn't just stop existing unless a lot of preparation is involved. And Osama bin Laden did not have access to those buildings. DRAMATIC CHORD.

It was learning so much about how the Native American's lived and then hearing a teacher's voice trail off when confronted with questions about where they went.

It was the circus of the Clinton impeachment, knowing that there must be underlying political issues at work, that first made me see the absurdity of it.

The 2000 recount was political theater, with a two month long protest situated not far from my house. Neither candidate were anything for a teen with a burgeoning sense of social justice to get exited about. But through all the faux objectivity it was plain to see that the electoral college was a terrible system, and that the two warring factions were concerned, not with getting it right but with winning. You could see the media and feel the system pulling for GWB, I didn't understand why, but it was palpable. I heard so many of my friends parents say that Bush was a better choice because of Clinton's sexual indiscretions. I could tell they were being manipulated into thinking a certain way, and sexual morality was not the real issue at hand.

9/11 on the West coast - watching from the second plane hitting to the second building falling, and then going to class in my second week of high school. Holy shit. I can't say I was mature or smart enough to not think the plane impacts brought down the buildings at that point.

But it was the readiness with which we marched to war that made me realize the complex was ready, they wanted it. When we went to Iraq I understood it was scheduled, we had built a hammer that needed to find nails.

From that point it's just research. It's not, as they say "want to believe," in conspiracies, I understand the repetitions of Empire, and that power is bigger and stronger than it has ever been in human history. A lone gunman might be a far MORE frequent occurrence than a conspiracy, but the differences are plain, the evidence tells the truth. An assassination by a lone gunman looks like John Hinckley shooting Reagan, not the calculated, planned, covered up events that continued another 50 years of American imperialism.

It's possible that the speed of technology has also increased the rate of societal decline. The democratic ideal might never return to the US. I can see it happening with my friends. Idealistic, smart people that have turned their attention to capitalism. They work and they fuck off with money. People are distracted from their sense of service by football and entertainment. Everybody's fucking depressed, with good reason.

The voice of the modern media is louder than any other voice in the history of the world. Messaging and propaganda are so ubiquitous it's hard to imagine life where word of mouth or simple written documents carried news and it was up to you and your immediate relations to editorialize and form opinions and beliefs. It's no wonder that most people believe the things they've heard their entire life. Especially upper and upper middle class white people who've been treated so well by US policy for the last 30 years.

In 2001 I was also starting my Freshman year in high school in the Mid-West. I watched the 2nd plane hit on the TV in the PE locker room just after I had finished changing. While I couldn't believe it had happened, it wasn't very profound for me. I still went home that afternoon and played computer games after school. I knew it was unprecedented in the history of the modern world, but I didn't think it was a sham or a lie at all. And I still didn't understand that the world had changed dramatically. I credit that to my lack of maturity then.

Fast forward to 2003. I watched live on TV the bombing of Baghdad. That's when I understood the significance. I understood that it stemmed from 9/11, and that the world was a different place, but I thought it was justified because of terrorism.

2004, aim instant messenger is still all the rave. I saw in my friends info/profile that he believed the pentagon wasn't hit by a plane. I can't remember if I actually attacked him in conversation about it, but I remember I couldn't believe that such a smart kid, someone smarter than me, could believe that 'bullshit'.

Part of me hates how naive and egotistical I was back in high school, but another part of me was glad I was that way, because now I can better understand the mindset of someone who accepts a story as opposed to questioning it. Because that's what I did.

Through college I became more of loner in a sense and really bit down on the chomp and studied hard through school, instead of partying and always going out. Through a series of new professors, friends, environments, and extra-curricular activities I developed into my own person. I became more analytical and questioned fundamental things about life and how we live it. Towards the end of college I started following and caring more about politics because I realized how much power such few people had over everyone.

In 2010 I started reading Chomsky after I saw him in an interview. He influenced me to study US foreign policy after WW2, and I was fucking blown away! South America in particular.

2011, Arab Spring. It all came together. The news was just blindly reporting on the events, with no critical thinking or history applied. The US just started dropping bombs in Libya for purely political gains, and I thought back to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It all clicked. I started, for the first time EVER, actually researching the events of 9/11. It was just following the tree branch from there

I remember NDAA being barely mentioned in the news and I couldn't understand how the average person was not absolutely furious with this. I wanted to take to the streets. I thought everyone should want to take to the streets. Political views aside this was fundamental liberties at stake!

In November Obama said he'd veto NDAA. In December he said he wouldn't sign it. On New Years day without a word or hesitation he signed it into law. That's when I truly realized, for what it actually is, the empire I live in. And now I knew how far it would go to control and dominate the entire world.

I started to question things when the Iraq war kicked off and hearing that the bombing campaign was called "Shock and Awe", I remember thinking to myself, wait a minute that sounds a lot like terrorism. Seeing how dumb President Bush was told me that there had to be more intelligent people pulling strings behind the scenes, and so began my research into American foreign policy, the history of the Middle East and Israel, the history of European banking families and the alliance they made with European royalty and secret societies and elitist clubs that practically run the show in Britain and America. How major conglomerates produce practically everything we consume and are owned by a few banking families, how the Federal reserve is actually a privately owned bank and every American dollar is created with interest laden debt and how the whole damned system is nothing more than a massive ponzi scheme going back to 1913, everything else falls into place once you realize that.

You're exactly right. All these things happening don't make sense for a country that is meant to be about peace and justice. It's amazing how quickly you go down the rabbit hole after that initial research though, eventually you see that everything is connected.

Thumbs up!!

For me, it's less about some conspiracy theory here or there that really changed my mind and more about looking back at historical events that would look very conspiracy theory worthy in hindsight (whether there were conspiracy theories or not). History has examples of rushing to judgement to start a war or military action prior to getting the facts straight, administrations outright breaking laws or bending them to go to the outcome they'd like, and plenty of stuff that the public seems to conveniently forget or believe won't happen again despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Your last point is dead on. What justification do they have for saying it wouldn't happen again? The only evidence we have to go by is history, and it says it happens quite a bit. Do you have any examples that stand out?

The Iran-Contra affair should have been a pretty clear indication that sometimes intelligence agencies act illegally and probably merit more oversight, but as a whole the nation seems shocked at NSA revelations. The characterization of the USS Maine and Gulf of Tonkin incidents to put the country on a war footing happen to this day...we just narrowly avoided direct military intervention in Syria over chemical weapons. If Kerry hadn't had a throw away comment that Russia siezed as an idea, we'd probably be there now. As it is, we're still funneling weapons to the Syrian opposition. Because supporting oppositional forces in the Middle East has never backfired on us before, amirite?

I want to believe in aliens, and I do believe that they're probably out there...but am less a believer that they visit us. I also listen to podcasts (both skeptical and on the believer end) about cryptids and other paranormal stuff. But I follow those for entertainment. I pay attention to government conspiracy theories because they sometimes turn out to be right (or to at least have a grain of truth), and that's much more likely to have a direct effect on my life.

Grew up going to Catholic school. Learned about history of Catholic Church, including corruption and scandal. Began to realize that institutionalized religion is about controlling people for money/power. Realized I can't trust anyone who tells me to trust them. Started thinking for myself.

the Bush-CIA theory that Osama bin Laden did 9/11 with his 19 co conspirators... seemed pretty shaky so i looked for other theories.

It sounds plausible until you really think about it.

"Oh yea...that guy. Yea I could see that."

But the problem is when you ask, "But why would these guys desire to commit these acts? We haven't done anything to them. Hell we helped some of them defeat the Russians."

Once person asks questions about motivating factors, Pandora's box opens.

Remember, and it's hard to now, but we weren't at war with them. If anything, wouldn't attacks make sense now? Now they are probably really pissed, just like any American would be if the Chinese came over here and forced us to do as they wish. It doesn't add up, but what does is the financial gains of the government defense contractors.

Princess Diana had become a bit of a loose cannon and I wondered aloud to a couple of people how long it would be before she died in a mysterious car crash. Turned out to be about 18 months.

Just wondering, I was just a kid when she died -had little knowledge of her situation. What made her a "loose cannon"?

She was anti-war, and actively so, with a pet project to get landmines banned worldwide. She was fucking a muslim, about to marry him and rumour has it she was also pregnant by him. All in all a square peg in a round hole and a major headache for the royals and other equivalent power structures and their agendas.

Ahhhh I see, thanks man (or woman).

She was wife to and mother of the future kings of England and was out of the control of the royal family and embracing her freedom. She was openly critical of some members of the Royal family and also hinted at dark secrets which were not revealed. She had a variety of interesting and powerful boyfriends one of whom, James Hewitt, has always been rumoured to be the father of Harry with whom he bears more than a passing resemblance. Throughout this time, she remained hugely popular with some elements of British society. At the time of her death she was romantically involved with a muslim playboy the son of a controversial and untrusted, but very rich, business tycoon, some rumours say that she was carrying his child and were about to announce their engagement. The prospect of the mother of the future king converting to Islam and the royal princes having muslim half brothers and sisters must have been appalling to parts of the establishment.

And then she died in an unseen car accident, hit in a tunnel by another car which has never been traced in circumstances which remain murky. I'm not saying I believe she was definitely bumped off, but the evidence must give pause for thought and which along with my earlier ominously accurate prediction certainly gave me a jolt.

EDIT: Also landmines.

Yeah, that's very contemplating. Can you link to some of the "dark secrets" you were mentioning? I'd love to dig a bit deeper. I remember not understanding why my mom seemed to be as sad as she was about it.

Mostly just salacious stuff about the sexual predilictions of the royal family. Here's a decent documentary about her death and the inquest which, as far as I know, is still banned in the UK. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DLDHKoli8A#t=1445

Conspiracy? Really? I do not see how anyone who doesn't snuff glue would construe Israel human rights atrocities as anything but carefully concocted genocide. They are hurrying the Palestinians demise as quickly and efficiently as they can get away with in front of the complacent world community. They are doing what the Nazi's have done to them (over 50 years ago however they continue to play victim to) in a slower and more methodical manner. Whenever the issue is raised in front of the UN, they receive condemnation from the entire world community other than from its pawn, the USA.

Check out Max Blumenthal's new book if you want to read more about this "conspiracy".

Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel http://www.amazon.com/dp/1568586345/ref=cm_sw_r_an_am_ap_am_us?ie=UTF8

Thank you

Really, it's common sense, without going into any specific conspiracy theories, it is absolutely conceivable that a small minority of influential people secretely cohort to conceive a plot to gain power in some shape or form. This isn't only conceivable, it has happened. What else is organized religion if not a conspiracy to keep as many people as possible under control? That's only one example, the Third Reich, the federal reserve, the gulf of tonkin, conspiracies are real and have happened and continue to happen to this day. Not necessarily lizardmen and illuminati, but banks, government, corporations, think tanks are constantly conspiring, it frankly is naive to believe otherwise. Everyone and every organization has an agenda.

9/11 because from the beginning i just knew that something didnt add up.

For me it was more of a series of conspiracy theories rather than just reading about one. Why? Because I was naive and didn't know better and do all my research first.

But all that changed. Now ask about all how some conspiracies made me not believe in them. Seriously though, I believe some things. JFK, 9/11 and a few others. But when it comes to lizard people and moon bases I draw the fucking line.

I think most people here agree with your view, but if you ask someone from /r/conspiratard, we all believe that the Reptilians and the Grays are about to wage ultimate war... shortly after Niburu destroys Africa, of course.

When I was about 16 or 17 (1992-ish), my friend's dad gave me a copy of a new book he had just finished reading. He had kind of a blank look in his eyes, compared to usual, and he hung on to it as he handed it to me.

"This book will ruin your life," he tells me with a grin. "It ruined mine."

"It can't be that bad," I said. "Let me check it out."

"You don't want to know the kind of shit that's in this book," he says. "Even if only a tenth of it is true... Just go smoke a joint or something, forget you ever saw it."

"Come on - let go!"

A little mock tug-of-war goes on for a few long seconds.

"Don't say I didn't warn you..."

That book was Behold a Pale Horse by the late Bill Cooper.

The way you just described it intensified my desire to read it. I have always seen it mentioned but never got around to it.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

How much of it is relevant any more, 20+ years later, I don't know. But if only a tenth of it is true...

Dude... yes. As corny as it sounds The Matrix prepped me when I was 13. I always knew something's wrong and wanted to find the source of said 'wrongness'. I was tossing boxes in a warehouse a long time ago and had a similar convo with a dude who said one of his buddies read a book that blew his mind right open. I knew I must have this book. Oddly enough I found Behold a Pale Horse on the New Age shelf at Barnes and Noble. It still remains a proud member of my library to this day. I cannot explain the chills running down my spine as I read the section: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.

MK-Ultra. After that, no conspiracy is too crazy.

Yup. Huge.

Mostly, 9/11. But late into Obama's presidency I see people voted for him because of his social issues (Gay rights, pro-choice, etc.). I see things get buried, silenced, etc. When Boston came to light, it really made me become a conspiracy theorist.

Why Boston particularly?

Just the mere fact of finding out that George Washington was not actually the first president. After being pounded into our brains that George was the first got me thinking, why. Then the chase down the bottomless pit of a "rabbit hole" begun.

Who was Americas first president

John Hanson was the first US president

Woah. You can't throw something like that out there and not provide a link for all of us who haven't heard of it.

Ah, so he served office before we were officially recognized as a nation. A pseudo first president in reality.

Not really any single one but so much shit happens where common sense easily says it didn't and can't happen that way...

Depleted uranium training before deploying to Iraq back in '02. Also the ROE while on a convoy. We were told to shoot on site anyone carrying shovels/digging tools. Thing is, we were driving through miles of farm land. These things made me question why we were even there and I begun researching 9/11 and went from there.

Deleted Uranium use in war is an abomination. The legacy that this munition has left on both 'enemy combatants' and coalition forces alone is a war crime.

(NSFL) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNi_1pbSqGY

Can't be mad at Syria if we're doing something that's easily worse. Look at the half-life on that stuff.

9/11 (especially with building 7), Bombing of Boston Marathon,

What is with Boston Marathon? I havent heard anything about that.

Enjoy my friend, Everything will start to come together and once you realize it, you'll always be aware. Ignore is bliss.

the most open conspiracy of them all -- our money is fake

Hard to say exactly when, but I do remember the lightbulb going off when Obama kissed the Saudi king's ring. Obama then explained that he was picking lint off the floor. The thought occurred to me right then, "OMG, they will just tell us any lie. Not even any explanation or an argument -- simply lie."
Since then, I have pretty much never believed the official story the govt issues about any thing. I mean, if they lie about what we can see for ourselves, how can they ever ask us to take their word for anything?

Then you realize that the KSA is just the sword of Israel. And that it goes deeper than even that.

For me it was probably TWA flight 800. The government simply ignored the eyewitness testimony of literally hundreds of people who saw a missle rise up and hit the plane. Then they have an absurd theory that an exploding center fuel tank blew off the front half of the plane, which then soared up 20,000 feet ignoring all laws of aerodynamics and physics.

I watched the documentary about that a few weeks ago. Then I looked up the case yesterday and find that the feds are discrediting these HEAVILY certified people who worked on the case before it went dark.

I was completely apolitical when I was young. I even had a college degree. But it wasn't until I read Bill James on baseball that I learned how to think at all. James' opinions on that game were entirely safe, but still radical. Perfect training wheels for me.

One thing I learned: what honest people write like.

I was emboldened. I got the nerve to read a book about the Shakespeare authorship question -- Ogburn's about Edward Oxenford (or deVere if you prefer). It was shocking how strong the case was & how bad the case for the Stratford man (Shaksper) was. The conventional view was clearly crap!

After that, I was off and running.

That sounds interesting dude. Can you show me any source material?

Kennedy assasination. The 2000 us presidential election.

JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X

"I realized that everything was a lie."

I visited the same places you did, just a couple of years ago. Went through the same checkpoints in the Palestinian Authority areas, rode in Palestinian vehicles etc. Also walked the streets of Bethlehem and Ramallah as well as the old Hebron market as well as several others. Fresh food, especially produce and fruits, were plentiful. I also saw well stocked stores many new buildings, coffee shops as well as banks, etc. I also ate at several places in the PA where the food was every bit as good as anything I had in Israel, and bought cookies and sweets produced in Ramallah. These were not "tourist" places as, except for Bethlehem, there are not too many tourists visiting the PA these days.

I also visited a refugee camp and heard a speaker tell me that Palestinians would never accept Israel within any borders and that only a single state was acceptable. They wanted no part of any "two state" solution, which offers some insignt into why they rejected the Clinton parameters in 2001. What I saw and heard was that, for many Palestinians, the conflict is not about the West Bank, Gaza or 1967 lines, but about 1948 and the need to reverse its result. I will let each Redditer judge for the themselves the validity of these opinions. I am only describing what I saw and heard.

What I did not see was levels of poverty that I saw in parts of Mexico and other places I have visited. I surely saw frustration at long some of the checkpoints, yet I also did not see was much fear of the Israeli soldiers manning them. In fact, I heard several, waiting in line, curse Israel in English loud enough for all soldiers to hear. I have no doubt that some cannot get the medical treatment they need due to checkpoints. On the other hand, I saw Palestinians coming and going from the Gaza for medical treatment in Israel. They entered through the only crossing left. Yes, it used to be better there. When I was last in the region--twenty years before, one saw huge numbers of cars and trucks with Gaza license plates and often heavy traffic moved both ways. Here too, one needs to look at the why as well as the what. Again, this was not tourist area and we were, in fact, kicked out after about ten min's or so.

I like to see the best in people, especially the good people of the Reddit community. So I will assume that these making comparisions to the Nazis, the Warsaw Ghetto or the death camps are simply not well informed of historical or current facts, and not doing so out of less innocent motives. What I am sure of is that these comparisons are disrespectful to the victims of the holocaust and do absolutley nothing to help the Palestinians.

Another difference from my experience at that of #161....I have visited these areas three times over 40 years and can make comparisions over time. What I saw on my last trip in terms of streets, buildings, food, clothing was far, far better than what I saw the previous two times I was there--1970's and 1990's. And, bear in mind, the Palestinians I went through the PA with on this last occasion had every reason to want me to see see the situation "with the bark off" as they say.

Back to the wall for a moment. Does #161....have other walls to compare it to? Has he been to portions of the wall along the US-Mexican border. How about other places in the mideast? To be clear--anyone who goes to Israel and the PA will see there is a political problem and that a compromise would benefit all involved. I also saw that a solution will involve painful compromises for both sides and that neither side has come to full grasp that yet.

Travel is a great way to experience and learn. To truly understand, however, one needs to learn a bit of history beforehand. Then one can better judge what is, or is not, a consipracy or a lie--assuming truth and insight are really, in fact, what they are after.

How about travel without history, just travel with your eyes open? If you see people with, and a wall, and on the other side people without? Forget history. They should too.

"If you see people with, and a wall, and on the other side people without? Forget history."

If you don't know why the wall is there, you can't make a judgement about it. You see the wall, but you don't see the people who were blown to bits before it was built, now do you?

Sorry pal. If it's your kid losing an arm, you change your perspective pretty quickly, and it's that story that carries the most weight. Not the political beliefs of one side or another, not the racial breakdown, not the ancient history. You put yourself in the role of father, and it's your child who has to live, day by day, armless, and it's an unending torment and a life of heavy heart. You put yourself in the role of soldier, and if you're going to consider yourself a decent human being, you can't imagine doing that to a human being.

Here you are, and it's five years later, and the kid you refused entry to is struggling to master things everyone else takes for granted, like tying his shoes, because of you.

Here you are, and it's ten years later, and that kid is being pushed around, psychically and physically, bullied and excluded. Because of you.

Here you are, and it's fifteen years later, and that same kid is now having trouble dating, is more awkward, sadder and less accomplished than his peers, excluded from most sports, activities and video games, all the things children and adolescents love to do, because of you.

Here you are, and it's twenty years later, and that same kid is an adult, only he can't find gainful employ; maybe he gets partial pay, at a job he might hate. Because of you.

Here you are, and it's forty years later, and the man is grown, maybe he married, maybe not, but what has defined his entire life, his essence, his being, is a moment of cruelty and indifference from someone who doesn't consider him a human being. He's likely bitter, sad, and to whatever degree frustrated by life, feeling that the chance to really shine, to truly contribute and make a difference, to have any kind of meaning or control in his own life was snatched from him. To feel his spirit shackled by hate and despair, to hate life and all those in it. To turn from anything positive, since what positivity has he seen in his life?

And why? Because of you.

And because I'm an American and I make Israel possible with my political indifference and apathy, because of me, too.

"And why? Because of you. And because I'm an American and I make Israel possible with my political indifference and apathy, because of me, too."

I think actually more because of you than me. I was there, I dont know if you were or were not, but I would suggest you ask yourself what responsibilty the guy without the arm, and those that led him, had for what happened. It takes two to tango. If you really cared about him, you would encourage him to think about constructive solutions---like the Clinton Parameters his leadership walked away from. Encouraging and enabling him to believe that Israel will be eliminated does him no good. If that is your choice, your apathy is more constructive.

I would suggest you ask yourself what responsibilty the guy without the arm, and those that led him, had for what happened

You mean the goddamn newborn? You are fucked in the head, pal!

"You mean the goddamn newborn? You are fucked in the head, pal!"

Well, bud, you can sure ask the newborn's leaders whose interests the claim to represent. I think you know well what I am saying. And, unlike you, I don't have to resort to abuse to make my points.

9/11- you have to be seriously blind to reality to not understand why AT LEAST an independent, well funded, athoratative, investigation needs to happen.

Yes. The only excuse for still trusting the official 911 fairytale is not having spent any time actually learning what happened that day and how.

( Or denial )

I was born awake. Always knew since I was little things were very wrong. Old soul.

To the near 400 people who down voted this post, why are you in this sub? Just go away.

I saw video of the building 7 collapse.

If you don't believe in any conspiracy theories, you should watch building 7 collapsing.

I would greatly appreciate someone dropping me a link to a video of a building collapsing the way WTC 7 did without controlled demolition.

I am a graduate student in Political Science and last year I watched the London Olympics...and thats all it took. The opening ceremonies of the London Olympics. I didn't know much about NWA or the like, but I remember just thinking "This is an occult ritual - right in front of our faces and no one even sees it!" A pivotal moment in my life, where I actually began to realize the truth behind our twisted 'reality'.

Could you elaborate a bit? Im just curious what motifs tipped you off

This radio interview. The sound of genuine fear in the caller's voice is just startling. Then the radio station's own satellite equipment suddenly shuts down when the caller is about to continue the call.

The original caller then allegedly rings back a few weeks later to explain it was all a hoax. As the comments and video suggest, what hoax caller rings back to explain it was a joke and apologise? Also, how can you explain the radio equipment cutting out at the right moment in the original interview? I'm not sure whether the guy in the follow-up is the original caller or not, but his voice sounds different, still sounds nervous and I think he even gets caught out in his lie in the video. There's just too much weird and unexplained things around these interviews that you can't immediately dismiss it as a hoax.

I truly believe something was going to get out in the original interview that somebody else didn't want to know and cut the cord before it could.

Thanks dude, I'm looking forward to watching that.

[serious] Do you know a good source for information on the Reptilian Elite?

I looked into it awhile ago and the conclusion I came to is that the perpetrator David Icke is a CIA plant in order to discredit conspiracy theorists. Nothing about how he gained his audience makes sense.

David Icke

I have never seen any clear evidence for reptilians the supposed photographs are regular pictures and most of the YouTube videos start rambling about religion and other shit

*This is a repost of a comment I have made before.

I think it is a fantastic metaphor to describe people who knowingly adopt "the beast", as Machiavelli put it.

Here are some words that describe metaphorical "Shapeshifting" or Machiavellianism

"Therefore it is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always to observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and to be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite."

source: http://www.constitution.org/mac/prince18.htm

Triune Brain model where each part of the brain is responsible for different behaviors.

"MacLean proposed that the reptilian complex was responsible for species-typical instinctual behaviors involved in aggression, dominance, territoriality, and ritual displays."

Carl Sagan had some interesting things to say about "reptilians" based on the Triune model.

"The global balance of terror is a very delicate balance. It depends on things not going wrong, on mistakes not being made, on the reptilian passions not being seriously aroused." from Cosmos.

Excerpts from Dragons of Eden

Probably the OKC bombing although I always leaned towards not believing anything i heard on the news.

Funny though, after 9/11 it took me 1-2 years to start questioning the official story.

It took me until 2012! I was all in on how bad OBL was.

The old "Emmanuel Goldstein" trick (1984).

What do you mean? I'm unfamiliar.

In the novel "1984" by George Orwell, the goverment tells people to hate a "mythical" character called Emmanuel Goldstein. This is a kind of vent/distraction for the people from their situation.

The same tactic was basically used with OBL.

Oh that's interesting. Is the movie worth watching or is this ideally a read?

Both are good.

Do you have any links for an OKC bombing conspiracy dude?

Start with A Noble Lie, one of the best docs about it. This is the entire doc on youtube

Bookmarked. Thanks mate.

9/11, because that allowed a lot of new laws to be passed and lots of money spent.

When I was younger I took up reading about all the different mythologies of the world. I immediately found it interesting that they more or less said the same thing and that while modern academia trusted these people to lend us the basis of our foundation they found no value in considering the reality of the gods, creature-men, and paranormal happenings going on.

Same for me. I enjoy world-building/cosmology/alternative history/mythology for a fictional story I am working on (for the last decade). When everything started aligning and opening up, I was awoken. Then came the Federal Reserve, the War on Consciousness, the War on our Health, the War on Drugs, the Wars.. period etc etc

What sort of story are you working on? I too, am working on something -- just for my own pleasure. I've proven myself entirely incapable of producing for others. I've been into all the conspiracy/occult stuff for more than a decade now. What's your favourite myth? Or conspiracy?

Nag Hammadi Codices/Gnostic Traditions and the Apocrypha, specifically On the Origin of the World and The Hypostasis of the Archons [http://gnosis.org/naghamm/nhlcodex.html]. They believed that the god of the bible (YHWH/Jehovah) was a false counterfeit-mimicry deity posing as the creator ~ follows along the similar lines of the movie, Matrix (being harvested for energy by other beings etc). Not In His Image was a fantastic book that interpreted the Nag hammadi Codices in a really interesting way.

It's interesting that you mention this actually because I've come to the conclusion that all of these "deities" are more or less just advanced beings parading about with their own motives. So now I'm focusing on apotheosis, what is essentially embodying and becoming the god=self of my own choosing.

I think for me was realizing the obvious truth behind the news. Instead of watching the news and taking it at face value, I started to question what else was at stake when these events were taking place. I wanted to know more about the stuff that wasn't being said and eventually realized that none of my concerns were truly ever being discussed and even dismissed on a regular basis. It made me question more and I became a Conspiracy Theorist. I don't believe in the Lizards taking over the world but I do believe that our US government is in no way controlling the policies. I believe that 9/11 was an inside job and I believe that we are on a path to repeat the actions of the 1940's all over again. Different country, different leader figure. My greatest fear is that Hitler was merely a puppet for someone bigger who left WW2 unscathed and unknown and is merely repeating the process over again.

It actually started for me with the good ol' dollar bill, I believe in elementary school. I had wondered why the "all seeing eye" (and surprised it was called that) was printed on something literally almost everyone carried. It continued after I wondered more about the free masons, and why there was so much wealth, political influence, and everything else behind it. The masonic lodge in my city never had anyone going in or out of it... how could they afford to keep it open? Better yet, how did they have all this without seeming to have visible members?

Today I usually try to look for prevailing conspiracy theories when I believe I'm being fed disinformation. I'm never really satisfied until I have a good picture or explanation in my mind of anything that happens that is consequential.

Boston. Was working nights and following it all day. So many inconsistencies forced me to contemplate why something like that would be staged. I understood there was means and opportunity, and in my search for a motive I came across historical accounts of things that are common knowledge here but boggle the mind of the unaware... Like I was then. There is no lack of motive.

I've gone thru denial, anger, and depression since then but I accept it now and I am very positive at this point. My family used to think I had fallen for some scam, but most are receptive to the possibility of something major going on behind the scenes now.

That's what I'm finding too. When I talk about it to people they seem to be far more receptive then before. It's like the world is starting to wake up. It's giving me hope.

9/11 and ensuing events.


I had some interest in UFOs in the early nineties and researched the topic. Read about Majestic 12 and such and wondered why the government would cover this up and and how they managed to keep it secret.

It was not until 2006 when I happened to watch some videos about 9/11 that it finally clicked and I finally understood the whole picture.

Gulf of Tonkin

Sandy hook woke me up!

As a kid of about 8, realizing "organized religion" was bullshit and contradictory.

Actually that would be mine too. At school we use to have weekly, optional, religious classes that ran for half an hour. Everything they said didn't make any sense so it taught me to question authority from a young age.

It's illegal to do actual critical research into the holocaust in my country.
This makes one think the official story might not be the truth...

Out of curiosity, what country is yours?

Wow, this is an old post :)
I live in Belgium, but it is the same in many European countries.

9/11 - loose change started it all for me.

911: Always thought conspiracy theories in general were wacko, until attending a junior college writing class, the professor showed a film on the subject to show objective vs subjective argument my mind changed. I was incredibly incensed (quite vocally) by the video's "crackpot arguments" and the very idea and I spent the night researching claims to disprove claims by the video, and it made me very cynical to say the least

when the boston bombing happened, i followed it that day and the next few days. the night that the tsarnaev brothers were chased and in a "shoot out", i knew something wasnt right and the media was blatantly spinning the story. i started learning about many other "conspiracies" for the next few months

9/11 was way too obviously a controlled demolition.

My 9th grade forensics class.

We had three long sections about three large cases/examples of murder in a semester. Each one we were to draw our own conclusions and turn in our evidence for why we came to that conclusion for our grade.

The way he conducted the class was in a matter of only the proof that exist. Explaining the coloring of evidence by media, ways to see the answer through the bigger picture and why the media may have steer it in a certain direction.

The third and last topic we did was the JFK assassination. He showed us most of the media outlets explanations, the shooting video, the media reportings immediatly after then he asked us to do backgrounds on the people involved. What led up to their assassinations, and what we thought the motives behind them were.

At which point, I was shocked that something that seemed so abruptly visible for anyone to see if they only decide to put a little effort into reading into something that is put right in your face. I was disillusioned for sometime after, trying to get my mind back into the thought process that I believed previous to that. I could not go back.

Watched the movie "thrive."

Bill Still's the Money Masters. Because money makes the world go round and here is a cabal of elites controlling it.

If I was a teacher I would show this docu to my students and tell them to not flippantly find themselves enslaved to credit (Like our nation currently is).... then I would eventually be fired for forcing some truth on young impressionable minds.

I studied my country's history. Im filipino by the way, some parts was just not right. As I grew up, Ive talked to many people, in school, in parties, online. Ive talked to socialists, communists, religious extremists, some addicted people, couple of wackos along the way. And then one day I decided to get a major in Philosophy. Fast forward today what made me a conspiracy theorist is that when some facts doesnt sound quite right I tend to seek for alternative answers. I guess when you reach the age of reason you just become more and more curious about the shit that has been going on especially in our own countries. What makes me sad is that other people view conspiracy theorists as crazy people who make up things in their head, well I laugh back up them. For me those kinda people will just eat and absorb whatever kinda shit the government and media feed to them. Oh yea Im getting off topic. My answer will be the Philippine Revolution.

The day they told me in catholic school that if you miss sunday church mass, you earn a deadly sin. The same sin as when you kill someone. I started to question the background of everything around me ever since. If you question the real intent of the actions of your parents, family, neighbors, teachers, friends, officials, governments, religions or your own spouse, you are one of us friend. And you'll now be labeled a terrorist just for questioning the real intentions behind someones actions or decisions.

The government trying to slowly strip us of our rights


Your friendly handymen from Urban Moving Systems put high powered directional charges on the outer core column joints every 3 floors up, easily accessible via the elevator shafts. In addition, the target impact floors were outfitted with thermate charges in order to be able to initiate silent collapse all the while the core had initially been severely weakened from the ground up by initial subterranean detonations roughly synchronized to the plane impacts.

As for who to blame, they have absolutely nothing to gain from having any kind of publicly recognized designation...

PS: Pretty solid technical analysis

definitely northwoods

Northwoods II: The Cheney Syndrome

9/11 being an inside job, and the Bilderbergs. I don't subscribe to the Zionist or Reptilian stuff; just seems way too much.

just seems way too much.

Stay tuned...

the Sykes-Picot agreement

I'm not. I'm here to get another take on things. To find news sources with interesting information that isn't necessarily available via MSM in the USA. And to be entertained.

The preponderance of conspiracy theories makes me suspect that they are all concocted to hide the REAL conspiracy!

I have to say a big red flag for me was the history of the native American people. I grew up in a skeptical home. When I heard the political rhetoric about the "great move westward" I realized that (not immediately) it was American citizen being promised someone else's land and taking it by force. But when you look back the media and gov. says it was a wonderful era in America. This struck a cord in me and since I have always been ridiculously scrutinous of the gov.'s rhetoric.

I voted for George W. Bush because he promised three things:

  1. Social Security Reform (8yrs of Bush's term; issue never addressed)
  2. Energy Crisis and Gas Prices (8yrs of Bush's term; issue never addressed)
  3. Immigration Reform and Border Control (failed)

Since Bush turned out to be a lame duck I've opened my eyes that the Republicans and Democrats are basically the same thing. This helped open my eyes even more and I started noticing patterns on government control and a steady slow erosion of our Constitutional rights.
Not all conspiracy theories have merit, but they should all be looked at with open minds.

I firmly believe that mega-greed has taken over our government and is using their unlimited money to influence elected officials to the point that they are now nothing more than puppets. The mega-bankers, stock brokers, and massive corporations along with their lawyers and pocket judges are in control of our nation (USA), and they're not even bothering to hide it anymore.

A few years ago, my friend was telling me about the NSA, and other government agencies monitoring domestic electronic transmissions and communications. I didn't believe it at the time because I figured I needed proof first. I was skeptical.

Come what was it, earlier this year? When news hit about that?

I don't distrust my friend anymore.



NDAA 2012

No one here has said Kurt Vonnegut yet? Kurt Vonnegut, particularly Hocus Pocus.

Zeitgeist parts 1.2. And 3


Watching tower 7 go down in a controlled demolition, and knowing how long it takes to set up a controlled drop like that, convinced me that this had been planned for a long time. That made me start to question everything else.

9/11 being a planned demolition and/or a psychological attack on the American people. Loose Change 9/11 is a good documentary, it's on Netflix but you can watch it in parts on YouTube.

Dude I watched a great one a few weeks ago, that goes for 5 hours, if you wanted it.

Yeah man, give me the link if you have it.

9/11. Something didn't sit right


9/11. I was in 5th grade when it happened and didn't know what was actually going on. The older I grew, the more I realized it didn't add up. WT7, two pilots that could barely fly cessna's months prior, no evidence of a plane at the pentagon, Loose change, and so many more. The whole day doesn't add up and quite honestly, you're just plain ignorant to believe the "official" report the government gives.

I don't understand how they thought they could get away with it. They had to assume the truth would come out eventually. What time frame were they working with?

That goes way back. I'm thinking it was either JFK or aliens. JFK I say because of the insurmountable evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't his killer and was conveniently shot before his trial. Aliens because I personally had a night where I woke up in my bed full of dirt and the window wide open... This after a dream where I felt like the house had turned on it's side and I was mashed against the window, something eventually opened the window and I was being pulled out from under my shoulders and my leg got caught. Very bad bruising the next day also from my leg being stuck in this "dream".

Building 7, MLK assassination, and the stamp-out of OWS/my participation in OWS.

What is OWS? I tried googling it but I dont have any context to refine the search.


Do an image search for "OWS 2011" and just take it from there. OWS is back in a smaller way, but was spreading around the US like a wild fire, which was eventually stamped out all at once thanks to the involvement of the DHS. No mention of it from the President, no help, no acknowledgement, just the boot.


9/11. I couldn't believe our own govt. would kill over 3k of people...and blame it on some guy in the mountanious caves.Not only that, but when WTC 7 "collapsed" but later during the coverage, Silverstein said the words "Blow it". Because WT7 sustained "severe, irreversible damage" It got worst as I kept diving into history, about how Osama and the Ladin family had intimate ties w/ the Bush family. How we funded Osama (Tim Osman- Google it). in afghanistan, for them (the taliban) to fight Russia. It goes on and on. From predictable programming in movies (exp.. A long Kiss Goodnight / X-Files). It just really skull fucked me. Then the gulf of tonkin, and how the commander of the Ship explained on 60 Minutes, that the US govt told him to report heavy damage to the USS Maddox... This govt isn't doing it's duty. They aren't following from examples our fore fathers left. Instead they're selling out, and policing the world, making every country follow their agenda. There's a reason why we're attacking all countries in the middle east.......... ALSO.... WHY CUT 5BILLION DOLLARS IN FOOD STAMPS/ SNAP (ON NOVEMBER 1ST 2013- SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM)..... AND THE NEXT DAY FND ISRAEL OVER 40 BILLION (NOVEMBER 2ND 2013), THATS 10 BILLION MORE THAN THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION. BUY YOUR GUNS AND AMMUNITION.... SEED.... ETC.. ETC.... Because Marshall Law and a civil war will ensue soon.

The leaders have leaders and alas, it is not "the people". Just remember cops, fbi, tsa, etc, even the military are not the enemy, they are tools of the real enemy.

Very Well Said.

The people who work for those branches may not know that they're tools. Which is why we need to wake people up. So those that do work for these branches can possibly leak information, and help give our "conspiracy theories" validity... Just like Snowden. How many people would've shunned our plea that the govt. was monitoring our every word?

Legalized Hedge-men

My government. Because I know a liar when they start talking. Also I don't get amnesia every 4 yrs.

Bay of pigs, iran/contra scandal, Kennedy assassination, Vietnam war, Afghanistan/Russian war, and the irs. I was young enough that there was sufficient evidence to support that these were more then what i was taught about by the time i reached the age of understanding that i couldn't trust my government. It all wreaked of cover up, manipulation and obvious duping of the public.

9 mother fuckin 11

9/11. I kept hearing "911 was an inside job" so one day I googled it out of absurd curiousity. To my shock, the evidence tearing down the lies was overwhelming. Building 7, the cruise missle at the pentagon. The weird sounding call from flight 93. The missing wreckage at the field and at the pentagon. The "drill" being conducted THAT DAY. Rumsfeld speech and the financial investigation that happened RIGHT BEFORE 911. The pre-war war preparations. The history of fires and planes bringing down buildings (none before 911). Larry Silverstein's insurance and convenient absence from work that day (along with his son and daughter) Dick Cheyney's ties to halliburton. Rumsfeld's ties to biochemical companies and other military contractors. The wholesale privatization of our military after 911. The FUCKING PATRIOT ACT. The ridiculous circus of government controlled mass media about the whole thing. The Cia's un-refuted foundation of Al-Qaeda. Bush's tyrannical insistence on an unrelated war in a different country as retaliation, and condemnation of anyone who wasn't on-board.

I could go on. 9/11 opened my eyes.

I'm kind of new here, but for me it was the whole Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing things. they seemed to similar, too well thought out and had such clear 'agendas' behind them that I thought something had to be up.

I just started reading and doing a lot of research on the two events and uncovered quite a bit of unnerving evidence.

That just kind of sparked something and now I question everything.

When Sandy Hook happened I was genuinely convinced that it was just another tragic school shooting, but then it didn't make sense. The whole thing just seemed manufactured when you really payed attention to it.

America. America in it's entirety is one big conspiracy.

I remember about a year ago I kept hearing a lot of "George Carlin is amazing! He's the best comedian ever!" So I looked him up on Youtube and he gave me a good laugh. I thought it was just hilarious seeing this old guy who was about 70 tell perverted, dark jokes and use words like "motherfucker" and "bullshit." And then I watched this clip and it changed my life. I couldn't believe it. A scam. That's all America is. A giant scam. They tell you since you're born that America is "the freest nation in the world" and you can do whatever you want and be whatever you want to be. But it's really quite the opposite. The education system, the media (at least most of it), the government, the military, the big corporations are all run by the same elite group of people. You work your entire life thinking that you're free when you're really their slave. Ever since then I've been obsessed with researching different government conspiracies. I wouldn't call myself a conspiracy theorist, because what's happening now isn't a conspiracy. We know it's happening. We've done our research. And the elite will keep enslaving us until we rise up and take back the country.

"It's called the American dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."

Nice Try NSA.

New Year's Eve 1994, sitting on a bench waiting for the bus we were accosted by a drunk ex-telstra employee. He explained about the phone company, its equipment, and how they were spying on everyone. It was one of those moments of clarity.


I, like you, was initially drawn to ETs as a kid (and still am), but my first adult gateway conspiracy was 9/11.

It seems like that is a natural progression.

JFK. Because it's so obvious that (a) there was a second shooter and that something else happened besides what the Warren Commission told us and (b) the government was involved based on it's complicity in the cover up.

The inconsistencies of sandy hook were so blatantly obvious they forced me to start looking into other things that happened in the past.

I'm surprised this was so buried, those were HUGE. The professional photographers that happened to be on site at the time, and now the whole place being melted down and wiped clean behind closed doors. But people hate this one because think about the children.

The boston marathon bombing sealed it for me. I was in fourth grade (about ten years old or so) when 9/11 happened, and over the years from then I have researched it whenever the fancy struck, but I thought that surely there had to be a reasonable explanation for all of this. Surely no one would do that to there own people...

Watching the boston bombing unfold, and watching the constant misinformation surrounding it made me believe that there was something more to it, and therefor everything else.

For me it was listening to an old record someone got from a yardsale that had a recording of when JFK had gotten shot. To me, seeing a bunch of adults standing around listening to it seemed important to me. After that I tried to read my moms book Best Evidence. I was really young so some of the stuff went over my head or just seemed dry. From there I began seeking out stuff my age. Bigfoot, UFO's, and BERMUDA triangle stuff. I think pop culture sort of embraced it with Oliver Stones JFK and the X-Files debut. Sightings was also an influence.

What woke me up the most was the Holocaust. I started to read about it, and found there were people who disagreed about the standard Holocaust narrative. At first I dismissed them as nuts. Then, after I actually started to read what they had to say, I realized that it made a lot of good sense. That caused me to have the mega-insight that all the information the government and the elite were pre-packaging and spoon-feeding us was a lie or a distortion, intended to brainwash us to a particular view of reality. But I probably never would have awakened, if I had not stopped watching television.

Spend some time at the Holocaust museum and then come back and tell us what you think is a conspiracy.

Well, are museums dedicated to a specific cause the best place to get critical information?

For instance, I went to the Monterey Aquarium and they have a large section dealing with the sardine fisheries in Monterey Bay. I was really curious about how WWII effected the fishing industry there, and knew Japanese were "interned," but the museum barely touches on the treatment of the Japanese. I had to leave the museum and go to a little plaque in town to find any good information on what happened to the Japanese fisherman during WWII.

The Japanese were put into camps, often made to work, and had their assets and businesses seized from them. Japanese made up the majority of fisherman in the Monterey Bay before the war but since their boats and businesses were taken from them they no longer predominated. The U.S. government basically ran the industry by fiat and fishing changed drastically there.

I wouldn't even have found out about the plaque if I hadn't asked tough questions of the tour guide and he directed me to it.

what part(s) of the "standard Holocause narrative" do you find to be a conspiracy?

Most revisionists acknowledge crimes were committed against Jews and they were forced to work and put in camps. They take issue with the idea of mass extermination and especially the idea most were gassed to death.

Here's a good review of the history of revisionism re the Holocaust: http://www.vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres8/hay.pdf

Hows the weather in Iran?

chomsky's books

No single conspiracy theory, in fact I find most theories rather dubious.

It's just that the world is obviously torn between good and evil, and evil has the advantage of being able to destroy everything to get its goal so one up on those guys.

And conspiracies are a natural thing, they do in fact teach them in history class but it's always part of the past right... even though human minds have changed very little.

So short answer is, no single conspiracy, whether exposed or hypothesis, has turned me into the cynical bastard I am today.

getting old enough to discover the material on JFK and his death. more recently, 9/11 and specifically, the complete lack of explanation as to why Building 7 collapsed. That to me is a major smoking gun for the events that day.

Looked into UFOs to see evidence for visitation and any cover up info, ended up learning about the MIC and everything else related to it, along with finding cases/evidence for intelligent visitation.

I'm deeply fascinated and passionate on this subject. Had a 3 separate sightings of my own.

Thank you for this.

Thank you for commenting :)

Reading a history book.

The global warming hoax -- I read a book documenting how all kinds of details in the original IPPC report were changed after the scientists had signed off on it to favor the scenario of global warming -- to the point where the head scientist dissociated himself from the report. I began to wonder who would do this. Then I began noticing further attempts to manipulate people. Once you recognize that people are being manipulated, it becomes very obvious.

Me and my friends had the same experience. A kind of epiphany about America. After all studying history, politics and International relations at Uni for three years, we all came to realise that democracy has nothing to do with US foreign policy, and it never did.

Not a conspiracy. But then you start looking at other things, like JFK and 9/11 for example, and suddenly you find the established stories very hard to believe. I'm also one of the 'Iraq war generation', where Tony Blair filled us with similar dross to George Bush in the US.

Now I don't really trust the media in any form. A lot of that was due to Julian Assange going on TV and explaining that if you searched his name on google, 90% of the articles contained the word rape. This was the day after the story first broke and before he was hiding in embassies. He was getting stitched up over it, because of Wikileaks, pure and simple. Made me think how much free will do we really have.

Charles Fort's writings, particularly The Book Of The Damned.

9th grade history, we were talking about JKF's assassination and we were assigned in groups to research one conspiracy theory about it and at the end of the day the other groups would share theirs and we would share ours. Needless to to say, I got very interested in conspiracy theories.

It sounds like you went to a great school!



The ancient monuments that cannot be explained given our currently accepted views of their technologies and capabilities.

reading Crossing the Rubicon made me look around and question things..

Iran Contra Affair

9/11 all day

When the Clinton administration started trying to convince people that making firearm ownership harder/illegal would solve gun crime and crime rates.... And people bought it. Because clearly, making something illegal prevents people from getting it. I'm clean myself, but can I get a shout out from all my /r/trees homies?

What are you talking about, sir? I've never shot anyone, therefore gun control saves lives. Q.E.D. I've also never smoked that evil marijuana or drank alcohol before I was 21, because laws keep people from doing bad things. It works!

I always have been slow to believe the official narrative, but sandy hook woke me up the most.

The moon landing in 1969. A few years ago one of my professors asked the class to question it a bit saying that we were just told and automatically accept we landed on the moon. He went on to talk about our lack of technology available and how film cameras wouldn't be able to function in space. He also said if you look at the actual footage there's no stars in the background at all which is odd.

I was intrigued when he so researched some conspiracy theories about it, conclusion: I don't think we landed on the moon on 1969

I stumped my Earth science teacher when I came across a landing debunking website... We were going over astronomy at that point and he just had no words to debate what points the site made. This always stood out to me.

Another debate worth talking about is how US was in an arms race with the Soviet Union- each was trying to outdo the other, especially in outer space. How much easier would it be to stage a moon landing opposed to actually going to the moon and putting astronaut lives in doing so.

I mean it wasn't just the first landing on the moon but the first landing as well as first man on the moon.

It's also kind of weird that Neil Armstrong hardly ever talked about it besides a few quotes. I get someone trying to keep their privacy but still, it seems like a hush up operation~ not a lot of talking= not a lot of questions.. Just an acceptance that okay he went to the moon

Check out all the impossibilities of the camera-work by the astronauts: http://www.disclose.tv/forum/20-fake-moon-photo-s-you-be-the-judge-t12601.html

100% of the photos were of good quality, which is unheard of (not even professional photographers get 100% of their photos right) especially when you consider; none of the astronauts are professional photographers, they could not look down (to the cameras) to focus/aim/adjust many perimeters to make a photo 'perfect' etc etc Too many discrepancies to list here, check the link.

But astronauts are like the smartest, bestest, fittest and all round most superior(-ist) form of humans, that's why they deserve to go to space.

It is rocket science and they are rocket scientists, I think they can handle a camera. Or even design one that can handle itself

Can't tell if sarcasm...

The cameras are exposed for the surface of the moon. That's why you don't see the stars. An imperfect example would be to compare this to exposing for a subject on Earth and getting a "blown out" look in the sky. The blown out areas are the film or sensor being overwhelmed with light. The Moon has the opposite problem. The faint light of the stars wont show up taking fast exposures. And if you still have doubts answer me why the long exposures they took all have stars in them as they should.

I'm a professional photographer and videographer.

Also, what makes a film camera not be able to function in space. A filme camera is simply a mechanism that lifts a shutter so light can cause a chemical reaction on a piece of film. So where does the space part come into play?

Well I may be mistaken but I think film begins to distort/melt at moderately high temperatures. I can't remember the exact temperature but when the sun is shining on the moon it reaches near 200 degrees F..

The footage shows everything well lit so I'm guessing it would've been about that temperature. I'm really not sure though. They could've covered up the camera/film in protective gear while filming but again the footage is crisp with no glare/tint and I'd assume there would be one if it was filmed through a space helmet kind of deal.

Film is also extremely picky to get a good shot with, something I'm sure you know because you're a photographer: Everything has to be precise with near perfect lighting-especially back then- to get a good shot. I'd assume the moons lot surface would've been overpowering to film, not allowing it to capture shadows/detail.

Again just assumptions. I study film in TV so have learned a little bit about the difficulties of handling film. Even today the film roll can only film about 10 min of footage than have to be changed. I'm not sure how much reel footage there is of the landing but if it's more than 10 min then changing that would've been a bitch.

Sorry for the long comment. I hope I didn't sound rude with my counter arguments

So why the cover up? To pretend to beat the Soviets?

Because faking a moon landing is a lot easier than actually going to the moon.. And yes to appear better than the Soviet Union

I watched zeitgeist in like 2009-2010.


The fact that most religions were created by human beings to legitimize a ruler's domination over the people being ruled. Oh yeah, and the fact that human beings believe in royalty. Basically, any bullshit legitimizing control over a population that usually goes unquestioned because human beings don't wanna be the few that question "facts" that most of the masses believe.

JFK because we had a coup right in front of everyone's eyes and no one saw it.

The collapse of WTC building 7.


The chuck harder & the black helicopters made me stop being one. Alex Jones needs meds and you folks treat him like he has been right, when he's batting -.500

When I found out history is written by the victor, and not only the victor of a battle, but the victor over its own people.

I do not consider myself a 'conspiracy theorist'. Facts are observations whereas theories are the explanations to those observations. Read more.

That being said, the event that started me down the path to questioning what I was being told by mainstream media, was the Marilyn Monroe conspiracy. I watched some History Channel Special about it several years ago and started researching online...500 websites later, several, several hours later...my mind was blown.

This should be titled : what turned you into a kook?


You're ignorant if you haven't yet realized that politics is rigged and politicians exist solely to benefit the wealthy and powerful.

Coo cooo.. Cooo. Cooo

You're more fun than a barrel of monkeys

But at least i dont live in a state of delusion where i think the government is out to kill me.

How you came upon that insinuation is beyond baffling - I'm simply talking about politics, buddy. You're either delusional or uninformed if you think this is still a government of the People, by the People, for the People. Both parties are bought out and succumb to corporate bribery over the needs and wants of the People - it's clear as day if you pay attention to it.

You can say what you want, but maybe one day when you start using your head and pay attention, you will realize I was more than right regarding the sham known as politics.

The fact that Osama was a high-ranking Mujahideen Soldier during the soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 80's, Which said group the CIA denies funding/training. The fact that Osama trained/recruited Al-Quaida & orchestrated the USS Cole & 1995 WTC Bombings, & had less to do with 911 than the mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, yet it was his face & name they used to encourage the War on terror, & by extension invasion of Iraq, They had warning after warning. These facts made me slowly realise the administration was not so genuine, Then the Patriot Act. & Eventually I decided it doesn't matter what you choose to believe, There are those insane enough to commit acts of terror, just as there are those willing to use that violence to benefit themselves & when that is a reality we face, there is no doubt of conspiracy.

i'm so glad someone here is finally accepting they are a conspiracy theorist and not some fake enlightened person who knows the truth better than anyone else. good for you.

The problem with the term conspiracy theorist is it's become a social stigma due to the more outlandish claims, so many who feel some hypothesis have a solid structure, they don't like referring to themselves using a socially stigmatic term, so many might avoid using it. The fact remains though, if you have suspicions based on facts about a group plotted agenda, you have a conspiracy hypothesis, when you have proven facts & none proven guilty, you have theory.

I don't think I ever had a moment where things just clicked and I knew that I believed in conspiracies, just a period of time when I started seeing all the lies. This led to some research which led to reading about things like MKUltra and Watergate. That is when I realized I believed in conspiracies: because they are real.

Well, in '86-'87 there was the Congressional investigation into the selling of weapons to Iran, via Israel, to fund death squads in Nicaragua, since the US Congress refused to continue funding it. No one ever pretended to claim it was just Oliver North acting in complete isolation.

Then in 1990 I read the book "CIA & THE CULT OF INTELLIGENCE" (there's also a 1989 version). Many people seem to have conspired to prevent much of this data from getting published. Much of the censored material, later allowed by successive court orders, showed classic CYA behavior (cover your ass). All the work of a lone censorship clerk with a fat black marker? Not likely.

In 1991 I noticed a huge media backlash against the movie JFK BEFORE it was released. Then I watched it. For reference: Mr X scene part one and part two. Lone gunman? Sure. Then I read about fluoride. It was enough to make me learn to love the atom bomb. Then I learned about the Casolaro murder. Holy SH*#!

I just read the start of that Casolaro article. Thanks for that mate, seems interesting.

My dad and I watched WACO live and he had his reservations that he explained to me. But really started it was I remember sitting in 1st period high school freshmen year, and someone had frantically turned the TV on and I watched a plane slam into a tower. I thought "What movie trailer is this?" only to be disturbed instantly it was on the news ... BUT I was even more disturbed when the towers fell the way they did. I may have been a 15 year old freshmen, but I knew from watching 90's TV show on demolition, that only demolition ops look that clean and precise ESPECIALLY on a tower of that immense height. The stories really raised my eyebrow, and a few years later I ran across someone that felt the same suspicion that also had a website for more information from experts.

I'm not a "conspiracy theorist", but I like to read what you guys have to say. We were lied to about the JFK and MLK assassination and Gulf of Tonkin, I don't know if that makes me a conspiracy theorist.

I have never trusted authority, so ever since I can remember I've considered myself a conspiracy theorist. The thing that solidified it was joining the military and being exposed to all the brainwashing bull shit that comes with that.

Cannabis and UFOs. But 9/11 was the red pill

JFK, how the subject of UFO's was regarded for decades and finally 9/11 caused a revolutionary personal change.

9/11 truth stuff.

MKUltra and Operation Northwoods. If Northwoods was possible, it goes to show the Military-Industrial Complex, combined with war hawks, are willing to do anything to line their pockets. It really makes me wonder what happened to this great country.

He that increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorrow.

Building 7


Were you an X-Files fan as well?

just a fan of the opening theme

Seriously? Dude that show was pretty great.

i was born in 92, the want for freaky alien shows came way after xfiles

JFK. I'm not even american and I've been obsessed with that assassination ever since I was a kid. After all the stuff I've read and seeing the footage from all the different sources. Gah it's just one of those things that catch you and suck you into the world of conspiracy.

I had been fascinated with UFO's and black projects as a child & adolescent. Still find SAPs/black projects fascinating to investigate.

Later, I began researching secret societies, esotericism & the occult. Eventually, after years of dismissing 9/11 conspiracies, I accumulated enough evidence on the matter objectively to convince me it was indeed a legitimate conspiracy.

The JFK assassination, MKULTRA, the military-industrial complex & New World Order agendas, among others, remain topics of interest for me to this day.

First I read history as written by "historians".

Then I started reading the source documents they cited - and often the historian's reading of the account was incredibly skewed. This happened all to often, in case after case, and I soon realized that "history" isn't history, it's politically spun for mass consumption.

It was then that I began observing the spin-in-process that takes place all day every day, in real time.

It all sort of went downhill from there...

We make it seem like we're so much further advanced then prior civilizations, but they were just as cunning as us.

Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic Trigger books.

Ancient Aliens! I heard it in high school that aliens came here before religions or civilizations or societies were formed. That got me interested in aliens in general and consequently the universe and life. Now I'm trapped in an endleas search for knowledge.

It's simple really, never trust a government that doesn't trust you. The less they trust you the more you should fear them.

Schoolyard bullying showed me what humans are capable of. Such widespread injustice and missinformation, the antagonists who caused it and the pleasure of this gratified by its execution. It showed me that even one person with an agenda can fool an entire district - with a simple lie. In doing so this person recruited hundreds of obidient puppets and manipulated the hearts and minds of hundreds. I had to leave my home before I found peace.

Why link to a website you can track the ip address of hits when you could have linked to '911 - The New Pearl Harbour' directly on Youtube?

Why mention reptilian bullshit to which probably less than half of one percent here give any credence?

Why attempt to associate and equate belief in a "reptilian elite" with the real reason this world is as fucked up as it is: Zionism and the agenda behind Zionism?

I think I know.

Because the website is where I saw it first, so that person deserves the publicity, not the same video on YouTube.

I mention it because I wanted to highlight the extremes. It's why I also said 'anything in between'. Those examples were meant to act as bookends.

Why reinforce an incorrect stereotype by mentioning the reptilian thing at all?

Because isn't it still a conspiracy theory? Everyone deserves a chance to be heard regardless of how outlandish their opinions might seem to others. You can't discredit something just because it sounds stupid. I don't believe it, but I'm not going to diminish someone else's belief, because I know how that feels when you believe in something.

I am a big Icke fan.

Of course he may not be "correct". Neither are we.

Mythology travels further through time than all specifics. There is something to the "my children/not your children" aspect of this that rings true.

Also, he addresses power in the individual. Brave man.


9/11. I was in high school and believed everything. Maybe a year or two later I realized there was more to the story we'll probably never know. Since then I've questioned everything. I know, cheesy response, but it was the first major event I lived through that actually made me take notice.

Extraterrestrial contact and UFO cover ups.

Aliens and remote viewing

Edit: And cats! Something strange with those things.

I think it started when I was just old enough to notice the underlying structure of society, and the resistance met by questioning it. I've never liked living in this ant farm.

JFK/RFK and the Magic Bullet theory made me question if the government really had the american peoples best interest in mind.

UFO-extraterrestrial cover-up.

The documentary Zeitgeist. One of my friends told me to go home and watch it and then talk to him the next day. My life has never been the same since.

The movie 'Conspiracy Theory' opened my mind to the possibilities of a nefarious government but even as a small child, trying to understand how nobody knows who shot JFK in broad daylight surrounded by thousands of people, that planted the seed in my little heart. Shit doesn't add up. It wasn't until the past 12 months I've come to know about reptilians, Ashkenazi Jews, Djinn, Nephilim (which is kind of embarrassing cos I've read Genesis a number of times) the Greenbergs and Rockefellers and occult symbolism. It's all very interesting trying to sort through the misinformation, disinformation and truth.

Bad title, shitty sticky. A better one would be:

"What sequence of events caused you to challenge established doctrine"

Or maybe not. Fuck it

I used to go to stock market seminars with my dad. One of these seminars was fairly small and the guy started talking about the FED and Creature from Jekyll Island. I had this inkling that he was talking about stuff that you wouldn't normally ever hear in mainstream financial discussions. I was furiously writing notes, books, authors. I needed more. Then he said something about Fibonacci sequences which will stick in my head forever. That the Golden Ratio, when applied to technical analysis in the stock market can sometimes yield accurate predictions. He then proceeds to tell us that back in the late 90s he went to a training session in which they were starting to program stock software with such algorithms. He told us that the man who taught him was showing a predictive market movement of the NASDAQ 100 Trust commonly known as the QQQQ (kews). In proportion with the Fibonacci sequence it predicted that the market was going to steadily decline until it would eventually bottom out in mid September 2001. He said he didn't believe it at the time but sure enough, he became a believer.


That and the interview with Aaron Russo in which he says his conversations with Nicholas Rockefeller in which he told him that there was going to be a massive event which we would use as a catalyst to go into the middle east and harness oil pipelines. These are two of the many things which validated a lot of my suspicions.

Ugh those two words together "conspiracy theorist" drive me crazy, it's used for people to label and bash those who can see but with that term they constantly neglecting the fact that people do "conspire" to do thing's behind the publics back and have so for centuries.

A video on the conspiracy behind the Sandy Hook shooting, that it didn't actually happen. Ever since, I don't believe a thing the government says.

I showed my mum that and she is exactly the same.

I did the same! I showed my parents and that did the same for them as well.

wait, I consider myself pretty versed in this stuff but haven't heard of anything related to Sandy Hook. I'm about to start researching.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrngdgUixYg&amp;bpctr=1384373371 This YouTube video is the one that really got me started on looking into this. Let me know what you think.

And it is kind of long....I apologize. But it IS a half hour FULL of facts..very interesting.

Watching now, thanks!

No problem! Like I said, let me know what you make of it!

Had some interesting things. The Facebook groups are odd, but the crisis actors, the guns, and the medical examiner are what seal the deal for me.

Yeah, those were it for me too. The one thing too, was the website with the "active shooter drill" (I hope that was in this video, it may be a different one..) in that location on that date. I didn't think much of it, until I heard of the same exact thing happening with the Navy Yard shooting.

9/11 definitely persuaded me to think otherwise. Some facts did not make sense. The real weapon was surreal propaganda.

Easy and I can't believe it does not get more attention. The third building collapse in 9/11.

Jello Biafra exposed me to Noam Chomsky whose theories made much more sense than the news narrative. Then came 2001's supersized strategia della tensione. It seemed unusual that a steel framed structure should fall like a house of cards.

Found out about Project Northwoods, started thinking about how similar it was to 9/11. Did lots of research and now I'm just sad and scared.

Iran-Contra. I was a very patriotic young boy, sort of a liberal Republican type. I was pro-drug war and pro-war in general. I really truly believed that 'MURICA was the greatest country on earth, that our government not only protected our freedoms, but went around the world giving freedom to other people. Then I learned that my ultimate 'MURICAN HERO, President Ronald Reagan and his cronies had been selling weapons to Iran- whom I thought of as the penultimate evil next to the wicked commies in Russia- in order to fund terrorists in Central America. This shook my faith in the goodness of 'MURICA, but not so much as when good ol' Ollie North got up on the stand, wrapped himself in the 'MURICAN flag, and cried that he only did what he did out of his patriotic duty and love of country. And most everyone seemed to ACCEPT that! That was what started it all.

Over the following years I started to read more and more of our history, the history that they don't teach you in the public indoctrination facilities. About the genocide of Native Americans, and the nasty, repulsive, cowardly things 'MURICA did to them. About the Philippines, and the tortures and murders there. About Vietnam. And Korea. And my "patriotism" started to crack, doubts began to seep in. I was starting to learn that everything I'd believed about 'MURICA was a lie.

Even so, I was still quite patriotic, and when the first Gulf War started, I was all for it. I STILL believed that we were doing it to free Kuwaitis and protect the freedom of the Saudis. I was 14 at the time, and I desperately wished I were old enough to go fight over there. I still, at this point, planned on joining the military after HS then becoming a cop after the military.

The the Rodney King trial happened. Much like Iran/Contra it wasn't the beating itself that got to me, I understood the whole "bad apple" concept. It was the reaction, once the shocking, horrifying videotape came out, of so many people, especially those in government, actually DEFENDING those cowardly, gang-banging pieces of human garbage. I could not believe what I was hearing! And then, somehow, they were found innocent! I could not believe this was happening in 'MURICA, the land of the FREE, the land where cops and government PROTECT the people.

Over the next few years I got into smoking weed, and started reading High Times, which was filled with stories of US government atrocities at home and abroad, about the awful fascist nature of the federal government. I started to learn about how the War on (some)Drugs that I had once wholeheartedly supported was nothing more than a grab for power and wealth based on lies, racism, and distortions of truth. Then WACO happened. Then the Taliban started making headlines, and I learned how the US government had been trying to court them to allow a US oil company to build a pipeline through Afghanistan, human rights be damned. I read more un-PC history, and learned about FDR's plot to provoke a Japanese attack so he could get us into ww2, as well as how Japan wanted to negotiate for peace but was rebuffed so Truman could have an excuse to launch nuclear terrorist attacks on two Japanese cities. And so on and so forth.

And so, by the time 9-11 happened, I was no longer the flag-waving, cop-hugging, troop-supporting patriot I had once been. There was no longer any evil that I could not imagine our Dear Leaders stooping to, if they thought they could get away with it. In fact, a couple days after the initial shock of the attacks wore off, I started to wonder about them, and how damned convenient they were for the warmongering neocons in the Bush administration.

So, really, it wasn't one thing, it was a process. But it was definitely the Iran/Contra conspiracy that set it all off.

Saw it posted a few times, but when I was 17 a buddy told me about how this documentary called "Zeitgeist" blew his mind and that's all she wrote.

Dont recall when it actually started, at a young age I was always intrigued in the intricacies of how things actually worked, and I always questioned what I was told. Couple of things stand out while growing up, namely I was always fascinated by George Carlin and saw him as a role model. Then there is the movie Godfather, where the main character says something in part 3 that always stuck out to me: "All my life I was trying to get up in society... where everything is legal, but the higher I go the more crooked it becomes."

I see conspiracy theories as just another source of information and like all information (these days) it becomes necessary to filter relatively factual data from the abundance of falsified data (conjecture) in order to form a rational assessment.

Jesus. Knew Jesus was a conspiracy by the Romans.

Ive alway been a person who tries to find underlying truth in everything. Starting from the 3rd grade and being sent to a catholic school. Studying the bible turned me into a agnostic then a atheist. Ever since then i cant just take someone or somethings word for it. I mus search. 9/11 is what made me start questioning the motives of our government and everything they do. Its unbelievable what they do to "protect our freedom". And really after 9/11 ive felt like we cannot continue on trying to believe in this system of government that is ruled by a few people with their own agenda. Thats just my 2 cents.

To many stupid people, def knew something was up.

I am not sure if this is a conspiracy, but I feel like I need to state it. I am not sure if I could say that it I realized it at that moment, but that Israel post made me think of something. The moment I had was when I realized the true divisions which existed in terms of wealth, and how despite numerous pundits speaking about "progress," I realized how unfair things are for so many in the world.

A few years ago I went to a conference in Africa in which very, very important people were in attendance. The conference lasted from the first day we got there until the last so there wasn't much room to do anything but talk about climate change, economics, the whole spiel. Somehow or another I was able to get out of the usual dialogues and actually go visit some of the places outside of the list of places they told us that would be fun to go to. Thus far in my trip I had saw the beautiful side of the country, skyscrapers, beautiful malls, stores which I had never even seen inside the United States with price tags for commodities which I couldn't even afford with my American dollar.

So I eventually was able to go to somewhere they probably didn't want us to view. I came across a village that extended for miles and I was able to get a tour guide to show me around. The entire time children were following me, and at numerous instances they would try to hold my hand or see if I would give them some cash. He took me inside some of the houses, which a family of 5 or more would live in, and it would be made out of tin foil, and if not that straw. It was the size of a small bathroom.

Some other tourists who I assumed were from another group were taking pictures with the kids and made sure they smiled with them. I didn't take pictures. As I was about to get in my car with my driver, a horde of children rushed up to me and begged me to buy them some food. I didn't bring a lot of money with me, but I had enough for one bag of cheetos. Over 50 children immediately attacked me, I was shocked how smiling children transformed in an instant and pushed the smaller ones out of the way, who began to cry, and started tearing me apart to get the cheetos. I eventually let go of them and they chased after the one who was able to get the food. In that moment, I was shaken to my core.

7 hours later I received a request by one of the Heads of State that was attending the conference if I would have dinner with him and some of his friends. Of course I accepted, and we have a 9 course dinner with lobster, swordfish, delicious red wine, and other delicacies which to this day still tingle my taste buds. I smiled and continued the conversations with this man, who I harbored personal doubts about his character, which turned out to be true, and thought of how in a mere 7 hours I had come from destitution to a land of milk and honey.

I left that night, back to my lavish hotel and left a few days later. In first class I sat there thinking. And in that moment I realized that despite comments to the contrary, and numerous instances of people saying the world is getting better for everyone, I finally understood that there truly are few winners and many losers.

Lol; Jesus.

The something of Nick Berg.

There are jumps in the video, including a discontinuity of over 11 hours in the video's time-stamp from 2:44:12 to 13:45:47 just after the knife is drawn. Cutting a person's artery in the neck while the heart is pumping results in the release of large amounts of blood. (Consider, for example, how much blood there was at the Nicole Simpson scene.) Lack of bleeding, and lack of movement following a video jump, suggest that the decapitation of a living person did not occur. Medical experts interviewed by the Asia Times concurred [2], also adding that a person decapitated would have their body strongly shaking and jerking in response to the act. The man said to be Nick Berg wears an orange prison jumpsuit that seems identical to the jumpsuits worn by the hostages held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by the United States. None of the recently kidnapped hostages in Iraq wore any uniform outfits whatsoever The unidentified masked men in the video appear to be standing at parade rest, or more loosely in a Western-style posture. The unidentified masked men in the video have light-coloured skin and a high body mass by Arab standards. One of the unidentified masked men in the video is pudgy and wears very clean tennis shoes. This will not be the case with an Al-Qaida fighter. At least three of unidentified masked men in the video have Israeli Uzi ammunition clips.

There were many things wrong with this psyop, but what initially got me curious was the Corporate Media telling me they had seen the clip, but that it was just too horrible for us peons to see. Upon searching for the clip, I first came across Infowars, and love them or hate them, but they did a pretty good job debunking the decapitation video.

Interesting post, another good one I haven't heard of.

Paul is Dead

The lead up to the Iraq war was what got me to start questioning things, but it was 9/11 that 'woke' me up.

Iran/Contra, U.S military training South American Death Squads and the Zeta cartel, Operation Gladio.

All the stuff they actually admit to. If this is what they admit, what are they not admitting?

As a teen I read Sigmund Freud because I was interested in psychology... I realised psychology was nothing compared to how messed up our version of history is:


Freud hypothesizes that Moses was not Hebrew, but actually born into Ancient Egyptian nobility and was perhaps a follower of Akhenaten, an ancient Egyptian monotheist, or perhaps Akhenaten himself.

9/11 and UFO's kinda drew me toward it

Man put in psych hospital when he accused his wife's bank of laundering money.

And then the accusations of rape on Julian Assange (TWICE!) and almost the same week Dominic Strauss-Kahn of the IMF gets accused of rape right after he either inspects Fort Knox and discovers there is no gold, or they refused to let him verify the gold. He was SO FREAKED OUT, he left his cellphone in his hotel to throw off the feds when they came looking for him and he snuck onto his plane. He almost made it out of the US, and it ruined his bid for French President, shut him up for a while, and eventually it came out that the charges were fraudulent.

The CIA loves dem some fake rapes.

When I learned about the jfk assassinations. Its just kinda common sense after that point..

When the U.S. bombed the Chinese embassy, wreaked of coverup on both the U.S. and Chinese side.


Thanks for the link mate.

George Knapp's investigations

I've never heard about that, care to share?

For one thing, he's the reporter who first investigated Bob Lazar, the UFO guy. He did a cool AMA on ATS recently.

The look in Oswald's eyes when the reporters told him he was charged with the murder of Pres. Kennedy.

It was actually a personal moment that brought me in to this world. Severe personal trauma. As I tried to recover I found myself being very open & honest. With myself & with other people. Just stripped down, bare honesty. I was exploring what it was that I did that brought about this personal pain. And in that openness I found myself watching random movies & documentaries. It started with a 9/11 documentary & it led from one thing to another, more & more things revealing themselves.

The personal stuff is integral to me both accepting what happened & caring about it.

I'm the same. The humanity aspect of all the lost lives is what is hard for me to understand and why I think it's crucial to seek the truth. At least then, hopefully, those people didn't die for nothing.

The "moon landing".


When I watched the entire documentary list on Netflix...

The Murrah Federal Building bombing.

TWA Flight 800

Demolition of the World Trade Centers.

I wouldn't say I'm a theorist though. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Crimes_Against_Democracy


September 11th. I found out about it through whatreallyhappened.com after I randomly Googled the word "what". I looked at the evidence presented and it couldn't be reasonably denied. I had to reevaluate everything I knew at that point.

I guess for me it started with The Illuminatus! Trilogy and the fact that the Illuminati actually existed, as well as other secret societies such as the Freemasons and Rosicrucians.

Project Pegasus

Tony Blair "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" , I was still in highschool at the time and after it came out on the news that it was a blatant lie I just thought people that hold so much public responsibility can get away with whatever they want then there is definitely something evil about the human race.

I don't believe in 99.9999999999% of the things that are discussed in here. I only believe that money is power, and people with money will want to bring themselves more power while preventing others from having it. If there is a direct financial gain at the root of a "conspiracy theory" it is usually a very plausible one. If you can't point to anyone profiting from it, it usually sounds much less possible. I don't believe 9/11 was planned, I believe it was capitalized on. I believe most wars and global conflict are manufactured. I believe that the NSA isn't trying to do anything particularly insidious, I believe that they are just genuinely naive people robotically trying to do their job as well as they can at the urging of our government, who are in turn prodded to do so by the lobbyists who want to expand government contracts in that sector.

This is a terrible idea for a thread right now, I can't believe it got stickied.

Seriously? The MSM media is out to label conspiracy theorists as terrorists, and all of you are playing show and tell as to what turned you into a conspiracy theorist? Smart play...

This was my first thought too; the next news special on how to stop your kid from becoming one of those dreadful conspiracy theorists: make sure they don't dig too far into the news or they'll drive themselves crazy!

My experience with iron, aluminum & high temperature cutting made 9/11 look like a bad magic trick gone wrong & done by a child. I couldn't believe the govt was trying to use the official story they pushed out in the mainstream media.

I always had an interest in aliens since I was little because of tv shows and videogames. But, I think what really set it off for me was learning about the Fed in middle school. None of it made any logical sense to me.

When I was a little younger there was a big list of facts about Lincoln and JFK's similarities (which I believe ended up being mostly if not all false). But when I first read it I started looking into other conspiracies and found many more compelling and factual stories out there.

After reading "The Book of Enoch" and Emerson's Self-Reliance I could no longer believe in any organized religion or Government "good will". That is what guided me to Conspiracy "Fact"

None actually, i never intended on being one, it all started when i learned about spiritual secrets that are hidden from humanity

2011 Jerusalem UFO footage

I learned that the reddit business model works by collecting fees from various groups who want a license to use their marketing whores here. Basically this whole site is a big fucking payola scheme for power to purchase the right to post their propaganda.

Would you mind explaining what you are talking about to me?

I'm sorry, but what do Christians have to do with modern Zionist policy?

Iraq and Afghanistan. I realized later on we were lied too ever since 9/11 happened back when I was in 5th grade.

Well not really a conspiracy, but I always pokes holes in conspiracies that I found. Then I guess something snapped. And I dug deeper. And deeper. And frankly I became frightened. Before I knew it I had a trunk full of Milsurp and canned food.

9/11. Specifically seeing that Michael Moore film as a kid.

9/11 - building 7

The world banks / ruling families

When 9/11 first happened, I was convinced Osama Bin Laden was guilty. I believed America was complacent and the accused/dead terrorist exploited our complacency. Having recently left the USMC, I was ready to go fight for my country. I was so certain our country was justified in taking the war to the terrorist and anyone that believed otherwise was UN-American. Then my roommate (who I thought was becoming a little too liberal) showed me a video that totally blew my mind. It took a few years but I've become somewhat of a free thinker, meaning, I take ALL NEWS with a grain of salt. Following my gut, when Osama Bin Laden was "killed" I didn't feel like justice was done. I felt as if "a loose end" was tied up.

tl'dr I used to be a conservative that believed in my government 100% until I was mind=blown. Now I doubt every move my Govt makes.

Ya that guy living in his parents basement who put that video together must know the truth!

I'm not saying he was right 100%. What I'm saying is his video caused me to think and to stop taking everything at face value.

moonlanding and 9/11

Actually proud I got through all of that. Point well met. I only add that many depopulation theorist and eugenicist are present in one secret place. I'm in no way saying that all of those powerful men and women are bad or good. Just something that opened my eyes to conspiracy when I was a boy

9-11, seeing WTC 7 fall on live TV really made me think... what the hell is going on here?


Being told as a child that Columbus "discovered" America and realizing that millions of people were already here. Then realizing the probability of it being eurocentric propaganda. It taught me to question facts and perceived reality. The song "Hitler Day" by Public Enemy (not to mention other artists like Rage Against the Machine, The Clash and Bad Religion) added fuel to the fire as a young teen. Philosophical practices beyond conventional thinking and information as a means of manipulation has always intrigued me.

Now as a high school history teacher, I still cringe that this "fact" of discovery is still taught in elementary schools as a discovery. It seems like middle school me was right.

What's even worst is that some believe the first puritan settlers came from England to the new world. They were settled in Leiden, Holland and in fear of being killed by the Spanish Catholics once the truce between Holland and Spain was up, a private company funded their trip to the new world. All the crap about religious persecution is bullshit.

Chap stick.

The illuminati card game,and how it predicts a lot of major events in society...

The movie Thrive got me thinking...hey...maybe this isn't crazy after all...everything they talked about in that movie made perfectly logical sense, more logical than all the bullshit we have been taught in the public school system

Obamas birth certificate looking like a photoshopped fake report card made by a 9 year old, fast and furious, bin laden being killed with no photos released to the public and the body dumped in the ocean, irs targeting of conservatives, war on the 2nd amendment, NSA snowden leaks, etc.

9/11. Once you accept one conspiracy the next and next are easier to accept.

I watched all of the Paul is Dead YouTube videos junior year of High School. I've never been able to trust again.

I left for Iraq as a born again Christian. While I was there I regularly volunteered for the most dangerous possible missions because if someone had to do them then it might as well be someone that was sure he was going to heaven. After seeing just how evil men can truly be (on both sides) I returned as a grizzled veteran agnostic. When I came to the realization that a good chunk of what has been drilled in your head since birth was a lie, I realized that nothing was really sacred. Everything must be looked at from a logical perspective.

I think I differ from most people on this forum though since I accept the fact that the simplest and most likely explanation for someone shooting up a naval yard is probably simply that he was mentally unstable, and it probably isn't a multi national conspiracy...it could be, but I tend to accept the simplest explanation.

However, sometimes the simplest explanation for a UFO sighting is that there was a flying object in the sky that no human has ever seen before. Sometimes the simplest explanation of why a CEO in charge of a company being fined 1.2B for insider trading isn't being charged in criminal courts is because lawmakers & and law enforcement are corrupt.

The concepts of social engineering, collective psychology, and mass manipulation.

Started thinking one night in my mid twenties about how the elite using their knowledge of modern psychology and vast control of resources could more easily and subtly condition the average citizen into serving their interests.

Started out by looking at the work of Edward Bernays, Josef Mengele, Joseph Goebbels, and Hermann Goering. Then ended up coming across info on how organizations like the Rand Corp, the CIA, and the Tavistock institute come up with policies and implement them based on the premise of controlling people and shaping public opinion. It scared the living shit out of me, I had a nervous breakdown when I realized that this shit was real and not just a wacky idea I made up. Made me realize that most people including myself were heavily brainwashed by corporate and military propaganda, that there were men behind the curtain scientifically controlling us like rats in an experiment. It was terrifying to realize they know everything about us and what makes us tick, and how to get us to behave just by pushing a couple emotional and chemical buttons they can get us to react however they want.

When I think about this, it makes me lose hope for the future. That the modern independent thinker is vastly out-manned and intellectually outgunned.

"Wit makes its own welcome, and levels all distinctions. No dignity, no learning, no force of character, can make any stand against good wit." --Ralph Waldo Emerson

the Monetary Control Act of 1980.


the skinny, it allowed the Fed to start to print money for every loan, and removed all caps on usury interest rates.

but of course this is not a theory, so I guess this thread does not apply to me as I thought.

Of course it does, dude.

I think government is a conspiracy against the people. previous governments existed in the world prior and that dang pyramid on the US dollar says a lot about history

I would say my 10th grade American History teacher doing a small presentation on the Kennedy assassination pretty much opened the door for me.

He was quite ominous in his description of the official version of events, and never gave a definitive answer on his conclusion of the events that transpired.

Leaving it up to its to decide on the truth of the matter got me hooked on researching that day much more in depth.

And that's the way the cookie crumbles.

I have found some of the most interesting things. Thank you! What a great discussion.

More than anything, my overwhelming hatred of authority. That's been around since i was a kid though. No idea why. Probably father issues.

Then I watched Fight Club, and realised why i felt so fucking lost. Then i watched some random video of Fight Club on Youtube, and someone commented that anyone who likes it should watch Zeitgeist. So i did. And then that's pretty much it - after that my main focus, research wise, was 9/11. Zeitgeist did a great job of pointing me in the right direction when it came to the subjects covered in those films. I don't necessarily agree with everything that is said, and i think the 9/11 section wasn't particularly well researched looking back, but the overarching point of "Shit's fucked, and we need to change it" got through very well.

I'm now at the point where i hardly give a shit any more. I can't stress myself with it. If/when the time comes, i'm sure we'll all have a part to play in changing things, but for now, i just don't care. All i do now is remember that watching the news doesn't mean you know what's going on in the world, it means you know what they want you to think is going on in the world.

I worked in Manhattan from 2001 to 2003 and I learned how easy is to the Big Media to manipulate information and emotions... Their power is total... It goes from comic books to Hollywood, without mention the TV.

Make no mistake... The "Tribe" has total control over this country.

Giants. There are thousands of newspaper articles of digging up huge human skeletons with legitimate scientists.

I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist. I just find it interesting. And it's a good outlet to look at stories from other POVs.

TWA Flight 800. That story never sat well with me. Then the 9/11 attacks were five years later that story was even less cohesive. However, I am inclined to believe that all of the 'conspiracy' stories we get, from Flight 800 to 9/11 to Newtown to whatever news story is reported on, are part of a larger pictures. It's as if no one is stupid enough to think the public would swallow such debatable facts -- but there are people smart enough to realize that there is something to gain by creating a culture of distrust, fear and suspicion.

Watching documentaries on the JFK assassination in elementary school. Then 911 happened when I was in 7th grade.

My dad a cfi had called the FAA to see if he could fly woth his students that day. The man on the phone said we had shot one of the planes down.

Weeks later when the story about the passengers taking over the plane came out I didn't buy it. So I did some digging and found way more wrong.

the Flight 93 movie they made was such a slap in the face to the families that were deliberately lied to. Even the big hole in the ground they were showing on the news on 9/11 had literally nothing in it. No plane parts, no bodies, nothing.

Yet no one cares.

Echelon. Definitely Echelon and Five Eyes about the year 2000.
Something profane and not so nefarious. Nobody believed me when I showed them even the reports in our journals, magazines and papers. It showed me that they* can pull off anything that is opaque enough to the public.

* anybody, really

Then Tonking incident, Liberty incident, various scandals concerning money laundering. At some point I learned about the other "reasons for war" like the assault on the radio tower, Lusitania, lousy telegrams. And Napoleon could somehow just come a second time and wage war, somehow. Funny enough, they told us in school about most of that and how it was a ruse, but the effect was that any forthcoming contemporary reason made me alert. But somehow again, most didn't click or didn't care enough to repel the world view of the GIMME establishment. Sad. But that made me thinking too.


i really don't think people should answer these statistical questions. no offense, op.

Regardless of the content you just answered it too, my friend.

not really. but, i get what you are saying.

So we all know global warming is real and those people who try to deny it can't see it in their faces. I really believed global warming; it made sense, there was so much proof, it was so hard to deny. I want to be an accountant, so I got into economics and all of the money stuff. It changed the way I looked at things; good change. Then I saw how much money people are making out of global warming. That was the turning point, it was like a flip of a switch, from "I need to care more about the planet." to, "I need to read more, much more."

Admittedly, it is odd to call myself a conspiracy theories, since I haven't come up with any theories. I simply read what is in conspiracy threads and read their sources. Just kinda got that label for hanging out with conspiracy theorists.

You should look up Agenda 21. That is where all the "Sustainability" stuff comes from and the Global Warming Hoax is a part of it as well. Once you start diving in to Agenda 21, be prepared to keep on swimming for a while because Agenda 21 literally infiltrates almost every aspect of our lives from housing, water, food, electricity, etc.

Mine was the secrecy around UFOs which always fascinated my since I was a child. I started to listen to Art Bell on Coast to Coast and Jim Marrs was on the program, so I eventually got to read Alien Agenda and it concluded with secret societies behind the secrecy of UFOs, which let me to Ruled by Secrecy. And, that had many references from David Icke in there which led me to Only the Truth shall set you Free and the rest is history regarding conspiracy. I still believe the UFO phenomenon is behind the national security state we have been living in since the national security act of 1947 (Roswell). The corporate elite have been back engineering alien technology for profit and creating a world controlled by a few in the know...essentially a breakaway civilization (thank you Richard Dolan) behind a wall of secrecy financed by consumption and consumers of the technology that they allow us to have and technology they use to quell dissent through war and spying; guaranteeing that none would EVER finding out about the "ultimate conspiracy" of the breakaway civilization. Great question and it was fun to answer :)

The Illuminati. it was really hearing Tupac talking in a you tube video when he went to prison that made me do some research, where i learned the conspiracy of these satanic bastards.

My first conspiracy was the JFK assassination. After I saw what entities in our government are capable of, I started looking at events from a different perspective.

Randy Weaver .....Ruby Ridge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTOqQ7RoxjA

Area 51. Ever since I was a kid I was fascinated by that, and the existence of extraterrestials. It wasn't until I got older that I researched it more and started to learn about it more.


A turning point for me was watching the documentary "The Power of the Purse," which is a great doc, available on youtube, that traces the Federal Reserve back to Rothschild interests, and also gives some history of the Rothschild family and their involvements financing wars.

911, stupid not to think it was demolished

The Dutch secretary general of justice (for 12 years!) being a satanic pedophile. Once I realised this was going on in my own country, which before I thought of as one of the more civilized countries in the world, I got pulled 'in'. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9oLbZ8MqVyw http://www.investigatedemmink.com Or just Google the f*ckin bastard, so much stuff out there, it's sickening. He just resigned but is still being protected by MSM/politicians/police/judges/justice department and so on.. Once you realize it's happening right around the corner the impact gets very significant (not that things halfway across the globe are less important but this just woke me up). After that I think the Marc Dutroux case in Belgium got my interest (PLZ PLZ Google, it will blow your mind!!) and since then the end seems to be lost...

Ruby Ridge?

Took a class on JFK and his legacy back in college... Been a conspiracy theorist ever since

28 year old here.. 9/11 to me seemed off, saw loose change and it was interesting but speculative.. didn't really think much of it.. then 'The american dream' video came out and really pushed me to KNOW we are a bunch of slaves.. i went balls deep into personal investigation. The income tax is what really upset me the most and drove me to find out more.

Federal Reserve Bank & history. The movie "The Money Masters" kicked the doors opened.

What sickened me afterward was how completely whitewashed, glossed over, or actually lied about, the financial history of the US has been in what is taught in school and is reinforced by people who should know better.

When there is such an obvious, willful, and crafted divergence from the truth, you know somebody wants it swept under the rug and that reeks and screams "conspiracy".

I think being an awkward kid was what turned me into a bit of a conspiracy theorist. People tend to want to identify as being part of a group, and when there's an awkward kid around they tend to pick on him or her because being a part of the 'in' crowd makes them feel like they're a part of something. Being on the other side of this dynamic can really show you some interesting things about group psychology.

People in power seem to tend to insulate themselves and develop an us-vs.-them mentality in my experience. The underlings don't necessarily need to know the details of how they get things done, or even the real reasons behind why the things they're doing need doing, they just need not to get in the way of those things getting done. The specific methods by which problem individuals are kept out of the way aren't particularly important.

Even in the groups that I've been a part of, we (myself included) will usually tend to find some 'other' group to think of as being 'lesser' or even just 'otherly'. The feeling of being similar to our peers, combined with the feeling of togetherness that comes with unification against the 'others' makes us feel pride in being a part of our group's identity.

While this happens, I always seem to consciously recognize this, while simultaneously reveling in the very human impulse to take pride in my 'in'ness when compared to a group of people that are 'out'. I think that thinking about large organizations with powerful people at the top from this perspective can make it seem obvious that conspiracies would tend to form at relatively higher frequencies than people generally seem to expect.


It showed me the complete lack of disregard for human life to achieve their (the bildabergs/nwo/ pick your name for em) and that the stories they use don't even have to make that much sense and people will still swallow it hook line and sinker.

lack of disregard

that means they had regard, I suppose.

Not a conspiracy per se, but it was when I was in college. I was in a Walden Books and just happened to pick up a book on the U.S. Government. The line that got me thinking about the whole charade was "the President is the only official of the Government not directly elected by the people", or words to that affect. For some reason it really shook me. From there I went on to read Behold a Pale Horse, newly published, back then, by William Cooper and that really got me going.

Then I read some Robert Anton Wilson and I was okay again.

Kennedy's murder, plain and simple. It was a Coup de Etat by the CIA led by G. H. W. Bush.

The hollow earth theory started it for me. I realized that people will believe what they want to believe and disregard all facts, and that anything can be made into a conspiracy.

I had always heard about the hollow earth and laughed it off. Then I read some pretty interesting things about it.

Now I'm not saying there is a hollow earth, but I wouldn't totally rule it out either.

It's not, the moon is though.

Not sure if kidding about the moon...But reading about the ringing when they were up there is pretty interesting.

I'm kidding about the moon. What ringing?

All credible websites have multicolored dark backgrounds with light blue text.

All of Obama's coverups

wow.... you were REALLY late to the draw

I was busy...

9th grade - a teacher showed us the Pentagon missile video in class.

I've never seen that video, I didn't know something like that existed.

It's part of the whole 9/11 thing.

Would it be too much trouble asking you to find it? I haven't seen it, I think, and I would have watched over 30 hours of footage regarding the event.

Try searching "pentagon missile" on YouTube. I'm not sure which one I originally saw, but there are probably hundreds if you're interested. It shows the footage of the "plane" flying into the pentagon and discusses how there wasn't any wreckage.

Israel is a racist, apartheid state. That's EXACTLY what you should expect.

What it all boils down to is where you were born, if you're lucky enough to be born in a "free" country, then it's all good, if not you're fucked...All men/women are NOT created equal, that's just a pipe dream, plain and simple.

Three Words: J F K

The JFK assassination/cover-up opened my eyes to the possibility that the things we are told may not be the truth.

That's three LETTERS ; )

I was in 2nd grade around august maybe july of 2001. in 2nd grade it wasn't too uncommon to have someone come in and read the class a story. the lady that came in was an older lady probably late 60's early 70's she had just finished reading us a story in one of those over sized books teachers used to teach little kids and the teacher started packing up for us to go to recess she had us line up in alphabetical order as teachers used to do and most of the class was already out of the door. with the last name of Sveum i was generally in the back of the line with maybe two or three other kids behind me. well anyways, nearly everyone was out of the door when we heard the old lady that came to read us the story start crying hysterically. one of the other kids yelled for the teacher who was already out of the door when the old lady started in screaming " the towers! the towers! a plane hit the twin towers! how could they do this to us! she fell to her knees and started groaning and making indistinguishable noises. i think the teacher had called 911 at this point.pretty soon a substitute or another teacher took us to recess. i remember is seeing the fire trucks and an ambulance at the front of the school.... there is more to this story but it is even more unbelievable

I have time man, go on...

My grandpa, of course. Too long of a story to explain.

The one that claimed R/Conspiracy was set up by the feds to find out how close we were to uncovering their conspiracies.

Easily 9/11. That something that big and that publicized was a false flag and that a controlled demolition was sold as a building collapse which is ridiculous was still believed just blew my mind. If they can get away with that what else have they gotten away with? And down the rabbit hole I went.

When I looked up tesla and the circumstances of his death

The New World Order. Theres something weird about our past.

Define weird. That can be in reference to a lot of things mate.

It's actually my one year anniversary.

After Hurricane Sandy, a single article about weather modification, pretty much changed my life.

Do you still have that article dude?

No. I can't remember where I first saw it. But you can search for info. Weather modification, HAARP, Chemtrails, 1978 International Treaty, Owning the Weather in 2025... all of these things will bring results.


9/11 and how it was paraded about to justify genocide in the Middle East

Honestly, I'm sure interested in conspiracies and stuff, but for consider myself a "conspiracy theorist," because I don't really believe any of them. I like reading about 9/11 conspiracy theories and UFO cover-ups and JFK theories and all that stuff, but personally believe they're all bullshit.

9/11 was an inside job. It changed me because I gave up 10 years of my life for a lie. I seen people die for a lie. I've seen people kill them selves from the atrocities they committed all in the name of freedom. The whole time losing our freedoms back home. I'm fucking pissed off about everything.

9/11 and Loose Change. Also Zeitgeist.

911 - When my mate told me the towers fell I almost laughed in his face. Towers don't just collapse from plane impacts you moron.

The Boston bombing. I was a new redditor at the time and the night of the shootout, before it was a shootout, when the campus officer had been murdered, the very first link on the front page of reddit was a link to a live stream of the Boston police radio. I listened to the scanner for hours. I heard the shootout, I even heard when they made the connection of that shooting / carjacking to the Boston bombers, it was more thrilling than any action movie or thriller movie I could recall. Unfortunately I had work the next morning so I had to go to sleep. I woke up the next morning and the names of the suspects had changed. One of the ones previously was a missing student from Brown who was thought to have been associated with something like this when he first went missing. Yes I am aware that the names were "Falsely reported" but the more time I spent on the sub the more awake I was. The whole story was breaking in real time and they could not control it if it happened like that all time. Someone posted something on here saying "What would happen if we didn't have the internet", well you're living in it. One of my facebook friends went on a facebook tirade one night about how much he hated the cops because they were always stopped everywhere watching him (to his defense, in our city the cops have nothing to do so they are literally neighborhood watch), the next day the cops came to his house and detained him because he allegedly stole a family members mail. They were not able to identify which family member it was or what piece of mail that it was. After a few hours, they let him go and reminded him to watch what he says amongst other things. This country is a joke. It's set up for anyone with the last name Baum, Stein, Berg to be treated better than everyone else. It's fascism at its finest. Except instead of the Aryan race, it is the Jewish race. I also feel that everyone behind the curtain know the secret of life and are using it to exploit the masses for profit. I wish I had a glimpse of that knowledge for my own good, I wish everyone did. EDIT TL;DR The Boston bombing was the first peek behind the curtain for me (9/11 was always attributed to the Bush administration in my book) and behind that curtain I have found that Israel somehow controls the US.


9/11. I've seen a plenty of videos of buildings collapsing by controlled demolition. The twin towers by my own conclusion was a controlled demo. They (official report)say the jet fuel is what melted the steel beams causing it to collapse but jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel. Also building seven. I never knew about building 7 until recently. Somehow that building collapsed do to your basic office fire. There is even video of it and the gov. defended the statement that it was just an office fire but later admitted the building dropped at free fall. My guess it that the plane that went down in PA was meant for building 7 and since it was already set to blow they destroyed it.

Have you ever looked flight 93s flight path? It was heading straight for DC.

So did you see the flight path? What's your explanation now?

9/11. Started "back learning" from there. Now I question everything.

911 was an inside job; controlled demolition

When I was in high school a fellow pupil told me about 9/11 being set up and it wasn't terrorists. He then went on to show me that if you type the flight number of one of the jets in on word on a certain type of font ( I forget what type of font it is ) it shows a plane and then two towers. Been awake ever since I was 14 years old.

wingdngs or w/e its called.

That's sounds like it yeah!

Hahaha I remember that too!!!

Osama Bin Laden's death. The story seemed like utter bullshit.

I'm not going to lie, when I was in sixth grade, my health teacher shown the class a video on why the moon landing was a fake. I think that was the first time I actually started to question things. Mix that with my dad being a huge conspiracy nut that introduced me to Coast to Coast AM and you have my reason.

Christmas. I always knew something was fishy about it. It took me years but I eventually had figured it out.

I just got a brochure in the mail explaining how chicks dig conspiracy theorists. I have gotten way more nookie as a conspiracy theorist than I ever did before.

It should be pointed out amongst this most anti Israel commentary that they built all the good things that are there. There was never a nice Palestinian City there and Hamas which IS Palestine due to the democratic process, wants to tear that city down. It's life or death and I really don't think Israel can be Nice Guy Israel in defending that.

Media blackouts.

I could say 9/11, I guess, but that's not true.

What convinced me was how incredibly quickly anything that goes against the "official story" disappears.

That, and the related World Trade building that was OBVIOUSLY demolished by carefully placed explosives at the same time as the towers fell. Oh, and the reports of dust and mysterious construction in the towers for weeks prior. And the photo of an explosive going off a bit early in one of the towers.

My english teacher showed us loose change after 9/11. Id say that was the beginning

Wow, good on your teacher for doing that. Did they cop any shit for it?

Nah this was public school inner city sf. She was cool as hell. Used to let me skip the first hour of class to leave campus to go buy her starbucks. I was a sophmore. All things im sure she would get in big trouble for. But keep in mind my assistant principle got caught running a prostitution ring in san jose and the dean got suspended for drinking whiskey on campus. I loved thoose days

my assistant principle got caught running a prostitution ring

Sorry... what?

Yeah assistant principal ran a brothel in san jose. Google galileo high school brothel or something like that

Oh fuck, now it makes sense. Sorry, mate, I thought you said 'my assistant principle caught me running a brothel'. I was a little confused.

o sorry!! just drove from la to az quite groggy!

Not you're fault mate. I'm the one that misread haha.

9/11 , before that i didnt really follow politics

Conspiracy theories and wing nuts are simply more entertaining than Hollywood or mainstream media are right now.

No but seriously, I guess the Holocaust was the first major conspiracy that made me start questioning institutionalized authority. That or the vietnam war. Or the Salem witch hunts. I don't quite remember which of the three came first, but these are the ones I heard most of when I was a kid. It may actually be the witch hunts since it's something younger kids talked about when I was growing, a spooky tale, so I may have been 8 or 10 yrs old when I first heard of the witch trials, whereas Vietnam and the Holocaust were things I learned about as a teenager.

Edit: My own personal conspiracy story was probably the first one. But it's tedious and boring. So nevermind.

that made me start questioning institutionalized authority

That line sums up my entire life now.

I would have to say it was when I watched a program about how NASA never actually landed on the moon. It was basically orchestrated to put the population at ease from the Cold War. Later I watched Apollo 18. This opened my eyes further and after I read up on www.lunartruth.com I was completely fascinated about what I didn't know.

The moon landing was my first too.

Oh really? Have you seen Apollo 18? What's your opinion on the lunar truth website as well as the movie?

Yes, I've seen the movie but I am not familiar with the website. I like the concept of "life" on the moon but I am not sold on it. But who knows, "allegedly" we've only now been able to detect water in the moon rocks that were brought to Earth over forty years ago. Who knows what the hell we're covering up.

Fuckin jews are the evil. They are behind everything wrong in this planet.

Welcome to Reddit, Mr. Gibson.

Hold up. Explain?

Care to share some of your experience?

I didn't say anything about religion, but what i said is also not bullshit. I defined more clearly what you may wanted to say. I don't think "the jews" are pulling the holocaust card, but I'm interested in your opinion about the what is the time limit on a attempted genocide card.

When you say something like "what they do to the Palestinians is okay?" is a shallow understanding of a very complex issue. What about the stuff the Palestinians are doing to Israelis? or what they do to themselves? or what other Arab nations (like Jordan) do to them?

It's a problem, that all sides brought upon themselves and a simple solution isn't just lying around.

Do you see ethnic Germans lobbing rockets into Warsaw? Lots of countries changed and borders moved.

At some point you have to live your own life as best you can, instead of reliving events from before your time.

Exactly right. They are a total apartheid state, where others have far fewer rights and access to a standard of living than the Israelis. They have constantly pulled the holocaust card, while very very often being the aggressors. And you are right, the number 6 million is always quoted....It was 12 million......Don't Poles, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Russians, disabled people and Jehovas witness count then?

The Palestinians are treated unjustly , tis true . Hating Jews for being Jews is wrong too .

What is the lie? I thought it was well known that the Palestinians were the ones being oppressed.

Did you know that murders in the US are primarily committed by minorities? If we rounded up all of the minorities and locked them in a reservation with guards and machine guns, the murder rate would drop significantly.

Why don't we? Discuss.

"Since everyone is held out in jail or in a getto or dead there are no more terrorists".

See how that logic got like 3% of the US in jail and TSA checkpoints everywhere around any major center who force you to remove your shoes and unbuckle your pants belt "just to be sure".

I always check behind the shower curtain to make sure of the same thing

I need about tree-fiddy.

Whish I could tell you but I didn't look for that info.

Information has been released progressively for the past decade, some under FOIA, other under court and they are still withholding important information to this day; Such as the 80+ pentagon recordings that allegedly did not record the airplane crashing.

Keeping track of the dates that they are released is something that I never bothered much to find out so sorry about that.

Well, every generalization isn't accurate, It's a generalization. the Mideast definition is arbitrary as much as North Africa is. where do you draw the line? Mauritania isn't necessarily the same as Egypt, and Egypt in itself is not an homogenized unit. I'm not uppity, but i think you can compare those values. Just as we can say today that separate water fountains are wrong (and many people also did back then) we can say that certain traditions in the world today are.

You don't actually know the history of that region do you?

It was under British for nearly a century, during which the Jewish population swelled to equal that of the Arab population.

When Britain moved out both groups were given separate nations.

Nearly as quickly several neighboring nations attempted to destroy Israel, during which Palestinian civilians evacuated their homes.

When the war turned against Egypt and Palestine Israel expanded into the evacuated Palestinian land.

To say that they just moved into land that was occupied by force is hilariously ignorant.

care to give an example?

Israel is surrounded by battle hardened countries who in no way resemble the armies of the last generation. In the meantime Israel youth have grown up pampered and undisciplined. Convinced of their military prowess by fighting against a starved and minimally armed Palestine, they have been lulled them into a false sense of superiority. Their only chance at long term survival is to turn away from aggression and actually build relations with their neighbors based on mutual respect.

Sorry I'm a bit confused, what's the conspiracy theory you're referring to exactly?

What was a lie?

Are you Ari Shaffir?

There was an unbelievable amount of coincidences regarding that day. To name a few:

  • The FAA's lack of communication with other agencies, even after the first plane hit the tower.
  • Military air bases along the east coast were all anticipating a training exercise on the morning of 9/11, which is the apparent reason that they took so long to scramble intercept fighters, even after apparent orders had been given.
  • Despite what the Bush Administration parroted, they HAD been made aware at least a month prior that bin Laden was interested in hijacking planes for an attack.

So, to answer your question: No, I don't really believe that hundreds of people in our government all knowingly conspired to have this happen. I do, however, believe that a select few conspired to allow someone(s) such a window of opportunity (whether it be that the US allowed al-Qaeda agents to commit this horrendous act in the same suspicious vein as the attack on Pearl Harbor; or worse, that it was a false-flag).

And as long as I'm answering questions, CIC = Commander in Chief

The old "Emmanuel Goldstein" trick (1984).

That's true. You're right, let's discuss problems with the US economy then. It's something we don't do enough of anyway.

Where did you see him(her?) being condescending? I read nothing of the sort...

Just for information purposes, the ACARS data from that day also shows flight 93 in flight up to 1 hour after the "crash time".


Funny....almost everyone I know that's been there seems to come out thinking the same.

Then where do you stop?

If we're comparing governments to the NAZIs we might want to call recent NSA activity 'Gestapo-esqe', we may draw similarities between NAZI indoctrination of children and religiously-informed bigotry in Saudi schools, we may say that Islamic gangs in Britain bear resemblance to the brown-shirts.

Godwin's law perhaps doesn't apply here, but there is a reason why it is often argued that when said law is invoked the thread should draw to a close. It is not really a valid form criticism or argument, it is an emotive hyperbole designed to pre-emptively quash any disagreement.

I find that Godwin's Law is invoked more regularly on the subject of Israel than any other, on both sides of the argument, and there can be no mistake that this is directly relating to the role the holocaust in the establishment of the country.

Frankly I find it repulsive and wholly insensitive to those that lived through the holocaust, and Jewish people who are affected by it.

Yes its very difficult, but I am hopeful that the US is going to wake up to what those parties have served up. I like the greens and I'm not even an environmentalist, it doesn't inform my politics at all, I am more interested in foreign affairs. I like the greens because they represent something outside the usual political power structures that are defined by and represent the stinking rich, they are people who care about more than just power. They care about the world around us. I would love to see someone like Jill Stein beat the republicans and democrats in an election as a protest vote even because I honestly believe she is a good human being and you could do with one of those in charge showing the world a more humane side to America that represents the core of America. You are good people led by a bunch of blockheads running a very corrupt democracy that puts the needs of the rich first. Its time for change imho.

My point was that the actual reason for American interest in Israel seems so ridiculous that it gets quickly downvoted, not that I'm afraid to say it.

how nice

You seem to have a lot of anger... I suggest you take a deep breath... and while some settlers are against Palestinians, (not to the degree you are preaching) it still gives Palestinian terrorists no right to slaughter families, including babies and small children in the middle of the night while they are sleeping. I do not care where you stand on this issue but comic from a human, that is totally wrong.

I was originally making an ironic comment that referenced the US.

But since you asked- Reconstruction is a bad example if you were black, a good example if you were white. It lasted for about a decade after the US civil war, and was essentially a program where white northerners ran the former confederacy via military occupation.

The reason why I said that Reconstruction was a bad example if you are black is that Reconstruction era governments elected a lot of African Americans and pushed hard for enfranchisement of all Freedmen.

Post reconstruction is closer to how Israel controls the WB and Gaza. There was a presidential election in 1876 that was similar to 2000- One guy won the popular vote (democrat) and another won the Electoral College (republican). The compromise was that the republican from the north would be president, but Reconstruction had to end so that the south could be allowed to run itself (and institutionalize racism). Overnight the KKK showed up, Jim Crow laws were passed, and separate but equal was the law of the land, de facto and de jure.

There was racism before Reconstruction ended (of course), but the southern governments literally decided to disenfranchise human beings after we, as a species, had mostly agreed that people shouldn't be allowed to own people. This is what makes Jim Crow particularly messed up. The American Civil War was fought over slavery, but the losing side was allowed to take freedom away from people after they were just freed, then they took pride in it and called it tradition.

OOC, can you provide specific examples of how people were treated in the south during reconstruction?

Depends what race you were...

Same never heard of it

Green Palestinian Hospital

Al Ahli Hospital provides care to 600,000 Palestinians living in the Hebron district. With 365 regular beds and a capacity for 500 patients in emergency situations

Ah, so he served office before we were officially recognized as a nation. A pseudo first president in reality.

There were others before 48, and throughout history.

Northwoods II: The Cheney Syndrome

saw your post on /r/bestof

really insightful post.

No. I don't even believe he ever was a man.

When most of the world is backward and you are facing forward, you are one way and they are another south facing way not north like you face backward but forward.

I have added an edit note to my original comment addressing our discussion, hope you read it.


If you really believe that, I have nothing to debate with you about. Being so naive as to think that the US doesn't destroy homes and kill civilians in their hunt for combatants means that there is really no way for me to have a legitimate discussion with you.

I also love how you completely dismiss the points I make that have to do with how the Palestinians also have significant fault (eg, it being a known fact that militants hide in civilian areas on purpose; the population supporting and maintaining a terrorist infrastructure; etc).

I don't know. I've been going through a lot of 9/11 stuff and I don't want to go through the effort to intensely fact check it, so I was hoping you would come back with another answer.

So I don't know much about Israel, but how is it that they're able to justify on the world stage how they treat the Palestians? Do they just claim that Palestine is full of terrorists and do what they do in the name of national security? It seems to me that they're simply using American money to bolster their military while completely dominating their neighbors with foreign-supplied technology. What good is the Israeli government?

Check top of thread

I'm saying countries offering citizenship have a right to be selective about who they let immigrate. They should be allowed to consider whatever criteria they like.

"I recall that people were incredibly different in different cities in Israel. Some were welcoming, some were less."

Sound like a lot of places and who really knows the reason. I also saw Palestinians from Gaza coming into Israel, at the Erez Crossing, for medical treatment. Some came for extended hospital stays.

Why don't you just delete your comment, because it is a made-up story?

perfectly summed up how i feel about this topic and subreddit.

i re-read my post, and i have to apologise:

I like Poms, i didnt mean to generalise. I should have said British Ministry Of Defence (MOD)

I apologise if i caused any offence.

as for never hearing of it, it was a conspiracy that reached the highest levels of the Australian Parliament.

My issue with getting to involved is that some people, Alex Jones comes to mind, will grab on to anything possible to make a story and it all ties into some giant government plan.

Sometimes things jsut happen, and crying wolf will make no one believe you.

Whenever this subject comes up, i'm always pushing two things: Gulf of Tonkin was IN FACT a lie; why couldn't 9/11 be?

They didn't have any contingency plans for using planes as missiles. Yes, I'm sure the CIA and military had thought about it, but they probably weren't running drills with that in mind.

Absolutely wrong. They were running a drill for that exact scenario that exact day.

Well I may be mistaken but I think film begins to distort/melt at moderately high temperatures. I can't remember the exact temperature but when the sun is shining on the moon it reaches near 200 degrees F..

The footage shows everything well lit so I'm guessing it would've been about that temperature. I'm really not sure though. They could've covered up the camera/film in protective gear while filming but again the footage is crisp with no glare/tint and I'd assume there would be one if it was filmed through a space helmet kind of deal.

Film is also extremely picky to get a good shot with, something I'm sure you know because you're a photographer: Everything has to be precise with near perfect lighting-especially back then- to get a good shot. I'd assume the moons lot surface would've been overpowering to film, not allowing it to capture shadows/detail.

Again just assumptions. I study film in TV so have learned a little bit about the difficulties of handling film. Even today the film roll can only film about 10 min of footage than have to be changed. I'm not sure how much reel footage there is of the landing but if it's more than 10 min then changing that would've been a bitch.

Sorry for the long comment. I hope I didn't sound rude with my counter arguments

Of course they were not happy, but that's true also for Egypt, Lyberia, Niger and any other place with a less developed economy. It's not Israel's job to provide them with every thing they want (although the power that does flow there is in fact provided by Israel). They got their demands politically, and since been focused on nothing but violence.

There were also terror attacks before Israel was founded. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Palestine_riots (a very interesting article, read it through) What is Palestine? Exactly. There was never Palestinian sovereignty or even a nation until Israel came along, up until then, they saw themselves as pan-Arabs. But Most Arab nations who joined the war wanted to take the territory for themselves.

Right! How the fuck is that meant to make sense!?

Everyone needs to watch this.


I watched this great insight into UFO sightings during the 50s 60s 70s and how it was created by the American Government to cover up their testing of Nazi and Soviet air craft.

Thanks for that.

They LITERALLY were running drills with that in mind.

I would agree with you 100% until you look at the number of people that tried to help, starting at the FAA level, but were unable to due to military exercises that were replicating a very similar scenario. When the biggest blinder is not real information, but a war game that just would not end, there is much more room for conspiracy being true. There are a number of individuals that describe the events in such a way that it appears there is a force keeping everybody from quite sucessfully doing their jobs. Furthermore, the detailed events outlining Cheney's movements are intriguing to say the least. Cheney appears to be the ring leader and Bush was the face to rally against terrorism. Cheney did contribute to a paper calling for a 'new Pearl Harbor', so this is not speculation in hindsight, but foresight.

You'd think that the debunkers - the people that want to prove us wrong at every turn - would have already found the explanation. To this day I am still looking for it but so far no luck.

I really can't tell if that's poe's law or not. It seems as though you don't get how a logic argument works.

making brazen statements about a book

I said nothing of any book. You said the only reason is because of what's written in a book. That's simply wrong, there are many reasons with or without the bible. simple.

one could deduce i was referring to the other things

The nazis also banned smoking in public places.. were you referring to that too? because there are many countries who do that, why pick on the nazis? When you throw around a comparison to nazi germany there's a reason... and you know it.

no because im talking about Isreal and Palistine. Not Germany.

I wasn't the one who brought up germany. You did.

Have there been any side effects in those areas that have been covered up?

When Sandy Hook happened I was genuinely convinced that it was just another tragic school shooting, but then it didn't make sense. The whole thing just seemed manufactured when you really payed attention to it.

Oh that's interesting. Is the movie worth watching or is this ideally a read?

Mother of... you again. Okay, fine by me.

Fluoride is a known poison.

In too many parts per million per liter of water, or any other ingested or absorbed thing. So are most other elements as well, that is why they are not labeled as Poisonous, they are labeled as Toxic. The disease that was referred to is a byproduct of fluoride toxicity. This is impossible to get at regulated levels (normally set at 2 parts per million.)

From the World Health Organization Website:

"In humans, "disease" is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or death to the person afflicted, or similar problems for those in contact with the person."

The symptoms listed as a result of Fluorosis are different than those of acute fluoride toxicity. The symptomatic lines in the teeth are harmless. That's what 25% of children in the U.S. have and that is all they have. Fluoride does not accumulate in the body and stay there, it is passed harmlessly through the body. In the cases I cited above, none of them were ever confirmed to be caused by fluoride in the water, it is much more likely that it was an element of pesticide that caused the disease.

Please, please understand you would very literally die of water intoxication before you ever developed any ill effects from fluoride toxicity, if it is given at the set levels of 2ppm.

You charge that governments the world over are systematically poisoning their people, and that every scientist is either hushed, or in on the conspiracy. Because the practice is so widely accepted as beneficial to both preventing tooth decay and strengthening bone density. The paltry sum of people, who even if in theory were poisoned by drinking water, do not even begin to outweigh the massive benefits.

Now, I invite you to do your own research, and if you have constructive input, I would be happy to hear you out. But don't be, let's say, "naive" and only accuse me of being wrong, or throw another insult, or add nothing of any substantial basis. Don't use language that is only designed to scare, and to accuse. Don't make another passionate remark about the need to stop poisoning our children. It's not helpful, its inflammatory, and its the same type of language used in propaganda. Don't.

You call for actions that would destroy the Israeli state. You call for actions that would serve up millions of Jews to nations and peoples who publicly pronounce they are going to kill all the Jews, and drive them into the sea. You side with people who publicly declare over and over that Hitler's crime was that he didn't finish the job.

You do not admit that Israel acknowledges the right of the Palestinians to exist, and you do not admit that the Palestinian Authority, the Hamas, and Hezbollah reject the right of Israel to exist. You pretend that the flotilla was about shipping food to the Palestinians, when the whole world knows it was simple a device to lift the weapons blockade to the terrorists raining down missiles on Israel.

You propose actions that will bring death and misery to millions of Jews because they are Jews. In any book, that is racist.

I had the same experience after visiting. Came back home and am much more skeptical and less trusting than I was when I left.

They are starving as a result of systematic barriers put up by the Israeli gov. They are "solving" an issue that is caused by a system that is enforced by the government.

Just, you know... another way of looking at it.

If I'm gonna be completely honest I wouldn't call myself a conspiracy theorist. I just truly feel like there is an underlying plan with certain things. I never started researching cause I was kind of alone with these views and still pretty young at the time of originally watching it and didn't really know where to start. But I have some things to look up now!

In 2000 Israel was ready to close the deal on the two state solution. Arafat went home, and he broadcast "why should we accept part when we can take it all". Then he sent in the suicide bombers one after another, until Israel responded with the wall, and the security measures we are discussing. Israel still stands willing to close the deal, but Hamas refuses to accept an Israeli state. Not to mention Hezbollah, the Islamic Brotherhood, and the Iranians.

then to find out there were other bombs in the Fred P Murrah building that McVey could not have had access to place inside.



From what I understand, the CIA deliberately chose Montreal because of its many hospitals and universities and proximity to Cambridge and New York, and to avoid being accused of experimenting on US residents. So they experimented on Canadians instead, primarily Quebecois. Duplessis, our premier at the time, is infamous for authorizing experiments on and brutal murders of babies of unwed mothers (as well as the unwed mothers themselves).

It is called The Duplessis Era, and the children who were victims and survivors of this era are called The Duplessis Orphans. There is a graveyard in the east end of Montreal that the government does not want exhumed. Last I checked (anyone, feel free to correct this info) the government is still refusing to exhume the bodies of hundreds of murdered infants dumped into a mass grave in the east end, which the remaining Duplessis Orphans are calling for in order to prove that the infants were experimented on and died as a result of those experiments, particularly lobotomies. I'm guessing the government is waiting for the last Orphans to die off before exhuming the grave. The Orphans are pretty young though, so... I'm not sure how long they can hold out without being obvious about avoiding the issue. The youngest survivors were actually born in the 70's and 80's rather than the 50's and 60's as claimed, so... they have a good 50 yrs to go before we all die off.

It is called The Great Darkness. No one likes to talk about it. Even though many of the policies and attitudes born out of the Duplessis Era are alive and happening in hospitals (and foster homes) across Quebec to this day.




It really isn't, and you're making up your own weird intentions.

I wonder if you've seen this thread about the contradictory records from Flight 11.

No I have not, thanks for the share.

I also wonder what you make of the technical information contained in the comment quoted in the first post of that thread, and how it might contradict or support the technical information you discovered

Not much, his following text from that quote reinforces the suspicion that the calls were not being made from inside the airplane and were in fact being staged.

Theres not much I could find in there that could support what I discovered, the Flight 11 call log lacks a lot of legends. But on the other hand, there is one thing that sounds impossible, unless I am mistaken.

Call #18 last for 274s.

There are two ground stations involved during that connection - Gnd Sta ID 30|Coriapolis, PA and Current Gnd Sta ID 98|Arlington VA.

If this log follows the same structure as the one from U93 then Gnd Sta ID = Ground station id when the call started; Current Gnd Sta ID = Ground station id when the call ended.

Problem is this is telling us that at the time of that call the airplane Flight 11 was not where the radar showed us but instead far West around Pennsylvania.

Please take in consideration that I do not know exactly the RBS ranges in 2001 but I remember reading somewhere that they were around 128miles in radius and this is what I am using for the above relation.

So, if I am correct, Flight 11 was not the airplane that crashed into WTC and was in fact in Pensylvania, or the other way around.

It's interesting that you mention this actually because I've come to the conclusion that all of these "deities" are more or less just advanced beings parading about with their own motives. So now I'm focusing on apotheosis, what is essentially embodying and becoming the god=self of my own choosing.

I would suggest you ask yourself what responsibilty the guy without the arm, and those that led him, had for what happened

You mean the goddamn newborn? You are fucked in the head, pal!

Thanks, that is quite interesting.

Yeah, those were it for me too. The one thing too, was the website with the "active shooter drill" (I hope that was in this video, it may be a different one..) in that location on that date. I didn't think much of it, until I heard of the same exact thing happening with the Navy Yard shooting.

lack of disregard

that means they had regard, I suppose.

really? what did ya do or have you done? did you go out to a public area with like 10 people and smoke some pot?