Not impressed with the million mask marchers.

0  2013-11-05 by [deleted]

I fear they are more of the same, and their chants speak of SOCIALISM, and even chaos. I feel these people are wrapped up mindlessly in some illusion/hip/cool factor.

I bet those people would hate me for being Christian, and tell me to stop hating gay people(THIS IS THE ARGUMENT ANTI-CHRISTIANS GIVE) i had to edit this for first grade educated people to understand, things must be explained in a much more simplistic fashion i guess.


Everyone's a lemming. Some just follow different lemming leaders.

I bet those people would hate me for being Christian, and tell me to stop hating gay people

Yes... feed your hatred. It is the stuff your god is made of.

Where did i say HATERD, dont be like those liberals and put words in my mouth. I can disagree with something without hating. You let social issues divide you, our enemy isnt any religion, its MEN that are corrupt and basically evil.

Where did you say hatred? How about in the text I quoted?

I didn't put words into your mouth. You typed them!

Edit for you to better understand, sorry i assumed a deeper reading level, next time ill type on a first grade level.

Well, the edit obviously came after my reply and based on the original text how could anyone possibly read it any other way?

Nice attempt at a save with the edit, BTW.

Well, considering my wife is a non native english speaking woman, and i asked her to explain it to me, and she understood it. Back to school for you?

Probably not. Try a native English speaker.

Obviously based on the only 2 replies you got, you communicated your intent clearly then covered it with the edit.

You win the internet!

But your reading skills are still pretty shit....

It entertains me how insulting religious people get when others throw their own bigotry and hatred back in their faces.

God is love and tolerance and all. Great story.

You do know you are spreading hate right? i never said i hated gays, you just failed to read clearly. The bigot is you, since you hate me for being a christian. And you continue to attack, this is your purpose in life, to endlessly attack on the net lol.

AS i said, you won the internet, but its clean victory only comes from you getting the last word, of which you cant, as this is my thread.

You did actually imply you hated gays. It's right there in the text you typed that I quoted.

I don't hate you for being Christian. I pity you. I don't hate you. Not one little bit.

Do you hate me for being an atheist? You seem very irritated. Upset. Angry?

Ill pray for you kid, you need it, each time you reply to this thread ill say a prayer for you! You are young and still have alot to learn in life, but being an internet badass wont get you far kid, maybe get friends and focus on school?

Pray all you want. I realize it does nothing. Well, wastes a bit of your time but if it makes you feel better, go for it!

Internet badass? Sounds like I should be threatening you or something. Well, maybe I did threaten you intellectually?

Theres always hope, even for people like you, that are filled with hate. You must fight 1000 internet battles a day, so much you HATE do you have time for homework, or just internet battles?

You are misguided if you think I have any hate at all in me. Well, except that directed at some of the drivers I'm about to have to do battle with but that passes quickly enough.

I'm not fighting any internet battles. I'm amusing myself at your expense.

How's it working out for you?

It good kiddo, driving as in playing GTA V i assume? You're just the standard angry fool out to win some internet battles. I work with your type, and lucky for me i fired three of your type already just for taking that smug atheist attitude you are trying to take with me. After i fire them i invite them to my church! Next time they wont try to argue with THE BOSS over his personal choices in life, see thats where kids like you go wrong, you try to fight so many battles but forget your place, well those kids learned their place fast. You cant differentiate between respect for personal choices in life and agreeing or to dis agree. Kids like you only see black and white. SO when you get that first job, keep your mouth shut and ACCEPT peoples choices in life, dont be a bigot.

See, that's why this is entertaining to me.

You're marginalizing my input. You insinuate that I'm young. You call me a fool. You call me angry. You suggest that I'm uneducated.

It's the mind's defense mechanism that kicks in when its ingrained beliefs are threatened.

I'm actually quite surprised to have found a mind like yours in /r/conspiracy. I would have hoped to have found an abundance of critical, evidence-based thinkers in that subreddit.

i fired three of your type already just for taking that smug atheist attitude you are trying to take with me

You might want to exercise caution with that. If your documentation trail leaves anything to be desired, you are opening up a significant possibility of lawsuit for your company. If you're the owner, I guess that's all well and good, but if you are not, you're doing your employers a disservice by increasing their risk of ruin.

You cant differentiate between respect for personal choices in life and agreeing or to dis agree

I'm pretty sure I'm not the one who has levied the insults in this thread.

dont be a bigot

Says the person who relishes firing people of different (or absent) religions?

You should call him "kid" some more, because all of us here in /r/conspiracy are totally the kind of people that automatically give more weight to someone's opinion when they are older, regardless of the actual argument they are making.

Also please post video of you praying for him, not because I want you to prove that you are going to do that, but because that sounds like a totally selfless and godly thing that you are planning to do and doesn't at all make you sound like a dick.

its MEN that are corrupt and basically evil

People are not basically evil, and if your church tells you that they are, then your church can pucker up and kiss my ass.

Yes, the human race is basically good, gotcha, what planet are you on? i wanna move there. Theres soo much good in the world, its great! all i see is GOOD everywhere!

Take off your sin colored glasses and take a look around.

Right, the lady laughing and texting in the car beside me is a good person, caring about others, life matters to her and shes filled with love for the goodness of the human race. Her acting of texting and driving are inherently EVIL, it shows a total lack of concern for others and a stone cold SELF SERVING attitude, how is that good?

Your problem is evil is only some great event, you fail to see the small personal things that can be destructive and life changing for others.

Well if you think that being a Christian is beneficial, then by your logic that makes you evil, because you are doing a really shitty job of promoting Christianity. If I was to base my opinion on your example, I would think that Christians were crazy raving assholes.

Something to think about.

Nothing to think about at all, your mind is made up, i personally think you're a sack of shit and wont lose any sleep over you. You think im supposed to be the soft little man that just loves and loves, well it's not my job to love you or beg you for anything, you're an adult, make up your own mind, you gota face GOD and explain your life, not me, we will all stand alone for that.

I do my daily best, im NICE to everyone when they are respectful and nice to me, i gave up trying to convert, ill leave to to more patient types, at this point in my life id assume kick your ass as talk to you, given your current attitude towards me. So let those squishy joyful types deal with you, i gave that up years ago. Ive done my time, and my patience is gone.

I only said the word christian, and all hell broke loose, ONE AGAIN the bigots come out and REFUSE to accept anything that doesn't fall within your guidelines, your types are broken records, endlessly spewing shit, gets old.

In case you haven't seen my other post yet. Just so you understand. After reading your comments, you are actually the worst person I have seen on Reddit so far. By far. You are not even a Christian by the way. You say you are, but you obviously don't have the slightest fucking clue what it means to be a Christian. Don't get me wrong, I am also not a Christian. But then I don't claim to be one, and I don't use my bullshit claims of being a Christian to justify my homophobia.

But then I'm also not homophobic, so whatever.

Anyways, fuck off you fucking creepy asshole.

Actually, dont be mad cuz your gay and i dont like you. Im a troll, ya i hate attention whores, i do attack them often, same as the BUTTHOLE thing lol, shes a stupid hoe posting for comments.

Fuck you, i never asked you to listen to me preach, hell, i never approached you at all. YOU approached me dumbass.

lol because what you are doing could be considered, in any sense, preaching.

Also I'm not gay, I'm all about the pussy. I'm actually so confident in my masculinity that the idea that some guys like to fuck other guys in the ass doesn't actually bother me. Weird, huh? Kind of makes me think that all of this talk from you about the gays might be .. I don't know.. some kind of a show. As if you were trying a little too hard to sound like not a gay. Like maybe you might actually be gay, and you are trying to cover it up with a bunch of homophobic statements. But then that's ridiculous. No Christian who talks a lot about how evil homosexuals are has ever turned out to secretly be gay. That would be silly.

Oh wait that actually did happen.

A bunch of times.


IVE read alot of your posts, you're jsut as fucking dumb as me on reddit, fucks sake man, all you do is fucking post on peoples pics if they are hot or not lol. And you wanna call me creepy and bad. And lets not forget how much of a troll you are lol, i think you use reddit just to troll and look manly. And here i thought you was some shinning example of how a guy should act....hey twin how are you?

I never claimed to be an example of how someone should act. I freely admit that I am an ego-maniac and kind of an asshole, so, keep looking for more ammunition. I'd love to hear what you think about my description of what I would do if I murdered someone, for instance. I put a lot of effort into that and some feedback would be great.

Dude, just link the post, im not digging.

I agree that most of these people are misguided and don't really know what they are asking for. I was with you till the "...tell me to stop hating gay people." Why the fuck do you HATE gay people?

no lol thats the constant argument from anti-christians lol, i dont hate gay people,

lol explain this then

You do know the word SWAG was a homosexual word used to identify each other, back when RIGHTFULLY so, they were looked down on.

so you are not just a bigot, you're a fucking liar too. awesome.

edit: holy moley your posting history is a shining example of Christian benevolence

You post this shit to all the single lonely worthless jobless males, you deserve to be raped.

And no one is gonna fap to a still pic unless they are truly fucking retarded and easy to please.

ROFL fucking pathetic, the level of attention whore is getting insane! WTF is left? this slut just topped everything with her attention sluttiness WOW what a worthless slut. Im just speechless how any woman could be this fucking pathetic. i hope you get fired from you job after this pic gets out, IF you even work lol.

Can i lick your butthole?

Note that this last comment was to a 17 year old girl.

Sounds like you know how that stuff works, i guess you speak from experience? Im married, and if i was some idiot 18 year old, i suppose women would have total control over me, as they do you. When you grow a bit, and stop being a boy, you will see things differently, but until then, you're wrong, im right and shes still average......

Wow, married christian asks if he can lick 17 year old girls butthole.


Yes, and how nice of you to be viewing that RATE ME forum lol, i see you're a homosexual and thats why you was so offended!

okay. or maybe I just felt like giving out some honest advice and some confidence boosting praise. whichever.

Where did i say HATERD, dont be like those liberals and put words in my mouth. I can disagree with something without hating. You let social issues divide you, our enemy isnt any religion, its MEN that are corrupt and basically evil.

It good kiddo, driving as in playing GTA V i assume? You're just the standard angry fool out to win some internet battles. I work with your type, and lucky for me i fired three of your type already just for taking that smug atheist attitude you are trying to take with me. After i fire them i invite them to my church! Next time they wont try to argue with THE BOSS over his personal choices in life, see thats where kids like you go wrong, you try to fight so many battles but forget your place, well those kids learned their place fast. You cant differentiate between respect for personal choices in life and agreeing or to dis agree. Kids like you only see black and white. SO when you get that first job, keep your mouth shut and ACCEPT peoples choices in life, dont be a bigot.