Teachers are showing 9/11 footage of the towers falling to First Graders in my town.

57  2013-11-06 by [deleted]

My son says he could see people jumping to their death from the buildings while the teacher says "this is why we are at war with terrorists". I don't agree with this. What is the point in showing this to First Graders other than to manipulate their thinking?


All hell would break loose if it was my son. That teacher and the school would be issued with a lawsuit for spreading war propaganda to children under false assumptions of an incomplete, flawed and biased investigation.

What is the point in showing this to First Graders other than to manipulate their thinking?

Two possible reasons:

1 - You already said it, manipulation

2 - See which parents have conspiracy beliefs. In short, force the child to watch war propaganda and see which parents come forth saying that it is a lie.

If you are willing to, tell your son to ask that teacher why there were two calls still working well after the U93 crashed.

lawsuit for spreading war propaganda to children under false assumptions of an incomplete, flawed and biased investigation.

Good luck with that, lol.

You should write a formal complaint about the importance of separation between political thinking and the development of a child. Clearly this isn't any sort of crucial information they need to know.

Today in school I was taught about terrorism. Terrorists can strike at any time so we should do what the government asks.

Honestly, I dont agree with what the teacher did, but instead of getting pissed, use it as a tool to teach your child critical thinking. Show your child an image like this one and explain that there are many perspectives to any given event. Some people ascribe to the left image, some to the right, but the truth often lies somewhere in the middle.

I understand that a first grader seeing these things may seem a little vulgar, but, I accepted a long time ago that the carefree innocents I experienced as a child is not a luxury my children are going to be allowed to enjoy. The world has just become too politicized and full of war violence and destruction, and they, as the next generation, are at the forefront. There is a battle on for their minds, and we as parents have a responsibility to fight for them to retain an open mind and critical thinking.

Maybe its not such an awful thing that these children are being exposed to 911, after all it is the pivotal event that has put on on the course we find ourselves today. It opens the door for a dialogue with your child about the virtue of questioning what youre told, and coming to your own conclusions and the folly of blind faith. Obviously 911 is a discussion that is very deep and involved for a first grader, but kids do well with allegory. Things like Aesops fables and offshoots of the originals could be employed to bring a simpler understanding to a complicated issue.

It IS ok to tell your child that their teacher does not know everything. Opinions are like assholes and everyones got one. (or bellybuttons if you prefer). Children arent so fragile that they cant handle a little reality, in fact, sheltering your children from it may do more harm than good. They are natural skeptics. If you empower that natural urge to ask questions, I promise they will, and you will give them a vital tool to combat manipulation by the system.

Any way that you can document this?

I'm an oldster here that had the Space Shuttle event blow up in my life and the life of my oldest child that day. It was so hyped here and we we're all so excited about a Teacher in Space!

He was, thankfully, not in school that day.

Being from the Moon Landing generation...

I remember watching the challenger explosion live in elementary school it became very awkward for the teachers and kids.

The shuttle did not explode in the common definition of that word. There was no shock wave, no detonation, no “bang” — viewers on the ground just heard the roar of the engines stop as the shuttle’s fuel tank tore apart, spilling liquid oxygen and hydrogen, which formed a huge fireball at an altitude of 46,000 ft. (Some television documentaries later added the sound of an explosion to these images.) But both solid-fuel strap-on boosters climbed up out of the cloud, still firing and unharmed by any explosion. Challenger itself was torn apart as it was flung free of the other rocket components and turned broadside into the Mach 2 airstream. Individual propellant tanks were seen exploding — but by then, the spacecraft was already in pieces.

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If my childs school condoned this I would raise hell and then withdraw my child ASAP.

Oh they'll be fine. I'm sure they said the Pledge of Allegiance before, and quoted a few Bible verses afterwards.

It is sick that adults try to terrify little children. This is child abuse.


My favorite 9/11 vid, 2:19 long:

This is an orange

How can anyone say that is anything but a controlled demolition?

I remember around 9/11 seeing this and thinking "wow, that looks intentional".

some kids were encouraged to sing about Obama in multiple towns on youtube. cant find the videos though.

I was hoping you were going to say that those "teachers" were actually doing their job and educating them about what really happened.....

Wishful thinking, I know....

show my kid some one killing them selves and shit is going to hit the fan!

PROPAGANDA!!!!!!! Start em young!

Because remember kids: History began on 9/11 and anyone who tells you about any actions before 9/11 supports terrorists.

If I was their first grade teacher, I would show them that footage and say "This is what this country we live in did to its own citizens."

I would likely get fired soon thereafter, but I would still do it because it's the truth.

That's some pretty bad-ass war propaganda.

i was in first grade during 9/11, and everyone in the school saw it. probably why its a subject that i am passionate about