Would the government spray citizens with anthrax, bacteria, radiological agents, and weaponize the weather? Yes.

78  2013-11-07 by [deleted]


Great collection. Thanks. I mean, just look at the Tuskeegee experiments and poisoned alcohol during prohibition. Government = murder.

If any of those links don't work, let me know. I grew up when calculators were state of the art technology. It looks like a mystery blob of numbers and letters, so I might have screwed something up.

hell Urban Shield has access to all those weapons. how do I know this? They operate right out of goddamn military bases in the streets. Now with our huge purge in military leadership we should be a little scared. I have 9 friends that I grew up with that are in the military and they are calling BS on everything that is happening. Yes we had some top Officers let go for the most idiotic reasons however we don't hear about all the officers under them.

Of course, there's the obligatory Project MKULTRA, and lesser-known components of MKNAOMI.

And another lovely list of "Unethical human experimentation in the United States".

All for the greater good, a few must be sacrificed for the many. The trickle down benefits, remember, justify the wise and the rich to prey on the many, it is a god sanctioned american way. A Noble Lie.

I'm willing to sacrifice TPTB for the greater good, for a free America, for a safe and happy life. I wouldn't lose a second of sleep knowing that they are gone and I had my hand in it. When the Righteous stop taking it and stand up against the evil the dark will be beaten by the light.

Most of these just involve spraying harmless substances to mimic how actual chemicals or viruses would spread. Also the government never used anthrax on citizens.

The post specifically said "would they do x, yes." They wouldn't create something without committing to the possibility of using it. Additionally, if something is harmless, then we should be told about it when they're spraying the population.

I'm not saying what was done was ethical or right, because it certainly wasn't.

The point I want to make is that these experiments were done to test the vulnerability of the country to different types of attacks and also to test how to deploy chemical weapons on enemy countries. They were carried out during the cold War when everyone was paranoid. There is nothing to suggest suggest a deeper sinister government plot to release harmful chemicals or diseases on their own people, which is what it seems like you are suggesting.

Basically the military performed unethical experiments but with good intentions.

Basically the military performed unethical experiments but with good intentions.

Everything the military does is to kill and maim. the idea the military is there to help people is ridicules

And we know about them because of declassifications. So, care to speculate on what they've been doing since the 60's?

That's up to your imagination to decide.

Also the government never used anthrax on citizens.

Wrong. I know several military members who took 3+ shots of anthrax. The most recent one has her strong arm paralyzed and cancer twice. I even got her on camera saying so, along with her name and rank.

And thats just my personal experience, and im just some guy

Would you care to elaborate?

not much more to elaborate without getting into details of her personal life.

She was in the military, highly decorated (one of the only females to receive a certain medal). Pulled her entire squad out of a MRAP (or some other vehicle) after being surprise attacked with 1 arm.

She contested to the shot but they threatened her with dishonorable discharge and (if memory serves) charging her in court. She got cancer, beat it, and it came back, and was only recently finished with her chemo and her hair began to grow back. This lady was as real as anything one could get. halfway through her story it was almost like i wasnt there, she got teary eyed and just kept talking and constantly pulling out her phone to show me pictures of what she used to look like only to cry harder. She left her husband because she knew she couldnt be the wife she wanted to be and provide, and she wanted him to be happy.

I plan on uploading this aswell as many other videos on my youtube channel (Stop Tyranny, if youre curious, theres 1 video up now though unrelated to this particular incident). I need to get in contact with her for her permission to upload, or if i cant, at least blur her face out. Her story was immensely powerful and brought me and my friends to tears. im actually tearing up a bit just thinking about it.

The militarys sole purpose is to kill and destroy, whether that includes finding different ways to do it, or to make sure their guys are able to continue doing it (ie medical advancements). It isnt until after those methods are no longer used or obsolete do they push it out to the commercial market for the rest of us to use. This isnt exclusive to our military, but all military in history. The idea the military studies anything to help people is simply a fallacy. This woman isnt the first example of a soldier being a guinea pig for the military, and im sure anyone who is or was in the military would tell you that they were shot up with a cocktail of things and that they dont know what they put in their bodies.

EDIT: sorry for the wall of text. it just jogged my memory and brought back feelings