What are some conspiracies (& theories) that most people are probably not aware of?

6  2013-11-07 by [deleted]

Everyone knows (Or should know) about big conspiracies and conspiracy theories like 9/11, JFK, Peak Oil, The Moon Landing... ( I'm still not 100% on that one, but I'm leaning more towards it didn't actually happen.) I am wondering about things I might not know are conspiracies? Learn me tin foil hat squad!


Well it's not a real mind blowing one but currently the FDA is passing a bill that will effectively shut down the online sale of e-cigs, juices and replacement equipment, effectively crushing the industry except those shitty disposables you buy at gas stations. Now the reasoning they gave for this was they don't have enough data on the effects of "vaping" and since the nicotine in the juices for refillable e-cigs is extracted from tobacco they are labeling it a tobacco (which you can also extract nicotine from tomatoes and eggplants, it's just easier with tobacco). Vaping has been getting people of smoking cigarettes and it's pretty clear that big tobacco lobbying has pushed the FDA into dropping a ban hammer on vaporizing.

On mobile so I can't link sites.

All of them.

The fake "third secret of fatima" recently released which is contrary to report by those who have seen the third secret. The true secret is meant to refer to the near destruction of the Church starting at the very highest levels. Most traditionally minded Catholics consider this to be a reference to Vatican II. The released fake secret says something else entirely (as would be expected of the Vatican II hierarchy).

I read this before for entertainment and still couldn't stomach it.

The guy contradicts himself more often than he affirms himself.

On the fence about the moon landing you say?!?!

This can be tough with a true believer, but I can get you down to one side or the other with a simple question:

What motivates you to continue believing?

Maybe the fact that they didn't have the technology to fake the moon landing? It would have been easier to just go there?

[link to a video saying it IS a hoax]

Woah, tables have turned bro.

Edit: Finished checking my inbox. I presume this comment will suffice as an acceptable response to each of your comments.

I'll just take it you didn't watch the video, I'll respect your opinion it was a hoax, I was just providing a logical defence, one hopefully you could have actually debated, instead of well, trolling.

You sound like a Jew!

Your thread is making me hate Jews and hate is bad.

I expect that will suffice as proof your a troll.


Stop making me hate jews!

This is trolling, it is not something people take seriously in this or any subreddit.

I'm going to do the decent thing & provide a logical argument, the evidence provided for the moon landing is greater than pointing out it flaws in them, because to disprove something you need evidence, & scientifically speaking, inconsistencies in evidence does not disprove the subject of the evidence presented, in other words, NASA went to the moon, provided evidence, so to debate this fact, you need evidence they did not land there, that is how scientific method works, if you have a claim, the burden of proof is on you.

Lastly, if you can afford a telescope, learn the coordinates of the LZ, & look for yourself, or, if you understand rocket science, build a rocket, go there, & prove there is no evidence of a landing.

I submit that your refusal to heed my request is the real trolling.

Brilliant. ignore my discussion then, why do you even come to reddit?

The charming populace.

& to troll & mock them? You might wanna post here from now on.

Well, not SO much on the fence as not 100% about what actually happened. I certainly don't believe the official story, but I don't have enough information to compete the whole picture. Maybe because it was way before my time. 9/11 for example I would be happy betting the house that it was an inside job and have no problems understanding how and why the government would do such a thing.

My two favorite ones are that nuclear weapons have never worked but this fact is hidden because if the huge amount of money they get to make tubes full of inert metal and because of the psychological value of the fear they foster. To investigate, read about Hiroshima and the bomb and answer why the city looks just like it was firebombed and stone structures are still standing, including the bank of Japan which was almost directly under the blast and is still standing and in use today!!! Also where is the radioactivity?

Second, we don't have to fear some NWO style depopulation procedure because they are already doing it. The population of the globe is "7 billion" but how do you verify that? All U.S. big cities are declining. How did India quadruple its population in 50-60 years? That just seems unlikely. Food production hasn't increased that fast. Are they just skinnier now? Also the more population, the more money they "need" for social programs and more opportunity for embezzlement.

What do you think?

How do you account for all the footage of nukes going off? Shadows burned into place all over Hiroshima from the flash? Eyewitness testimony?

How about this. Watch this video which recaps a lot of nuclear tests and see for yourself if they look "real". They look as hokey ad any B movie special effects from the 1950's. Surrounding clouds don't move, there are close ups of the sunrise over the ocean that are spliced in the represent the explosion.


Also, look up the photo of the Hiroshima explosion. The sun is up at the peak of the sky, yet the explosion was at 8:15 a.m. It also looks like to mushroom clouds stacked on top of each other.

As for eyewitness testimony, there is a lot of descriptions of fire raining down, opening the door and seeing fire everywhere, but precious little of any explosion. Later accounts may have been coached or to get compensation.

The NY times just ran an article showing no genetic damage in Hiroshima survivors over 40 years later. Cancer rates increased AT THE SAME RATE AS PRACTICALLY EVERYWHERE ELSE.

I can provide a lot more links if you would like, but this info is not too hard to find.

The past 70 years has also featured 1000's of nukes being assembled, tested, transported etc. with no accidental explosions or terrorists etc. That is an amazing safety record - as good as the 100% safety record of the 7 Apollo moonshots with no loss of life or accidents. That is the safest NASA program of all time! Why don't ER still use the Saturn V rockets? We "lost" the plans! (seriously).

It's an interesting theory. I would imagine they could have done some wicked damage with something like the MOAB. Imagine they dropped a 100 ton MOAB on Hiroshima it would look a lot like the pictures of Hiroshima.

Please tell me more about how we lost rocket plans?

NASA had all of the original videos, telemetry tracings, and blueprints in boxes which "disappeared" and they claim they can't find them. That is about all of the explanation NASA gave!

An the implication that we can't build another Saturn rocket?

They can't build another Saturn V rocket. They can build any of the Apollo equipment - spacesuits, landers, etc. They lost all the plans! I guess maybe Stanley Kubrick has them in his basement.

look at the pics of the "shadows" again. You'll find a lot of anomalies such as a fence with the post casting shadows but not the railing. How is that? Selective flashing? How were the trains in Hiroshima running 3 days after the bombing? Why isn't it radioactive? Tokyo was firebombed and the photos look EXACTLY the same. What a coincidence?

Care to do a side by side comparison list to help view the similarities? Would be appreciated!

I don't even have an imgur account - let me get one and I'll post some very interesting ones. Thanks.

Worked a damn long shift yesterday. Just saw these. Thanks.

The pilots who flew the plane that dropped the bomb had radiation from the bombs. And people who witnessed the blast also suffered from the radiation. I don't know where you guys are getting your information of there being no radiation among people who survived?


You think they had radiation because that is what they said. This article says otherwise.

The time the bomb was dropped was 8:15 am. The hiroshima pics which are readily available show a sun much higher in the sky than 8:15 in the morning.

I'm sorry but that article was shit

This guy sure makes a lot of statements with nothing to back them up.

If you are in the fence with Apollo, have you read "Wagging the Moondoggie" by Dave McGowan? It is free and online and is fast and entertaining and will settle the issue.

cool, I will check it out. I've been on the fence for a while with the Apollo thing, The Van Allen radiation belt, no dust kicked up from the thrusters etc. Then Mythbusters did their thing and it got me thinking again... "Maybe we did go" but, when it comes down to it I just don't think we had the technology to go in the '60s. What do you think did it happen? I will watch this video today!

The Mythbusters episode was an embarrassing whitewash. They rigged their experiments to show only what they wanted and ignored other glaring inconsistencies. If you compare the shadows from NASA to the shadows in Mythbusters you can still see the huge difference. I love how they "lost" off of the original footage AND all of the original blueprints.

thanks, that was hilarious, i needed some comic relief. That guys suffering from a bad case of the Dunning-Kruger effect, if that's all it took to "settle the issue" for you I'd love to see the "evidence" for the other issues you have settled in your mind

Sarcasm aside, I assumed more people would watch a short video than read a bunch of articles etc. So I think it is a bit patonizing to assume that is all I have to have to "settle" the issue.

Do those explosions look real to you?? What about Hiroshima?

huh? I read the "Wagging the Moondoggie" piece you mentioned so i'm not sure what video or what explosions you're talking about; the one at Hiroshima certainly looked real to me though, for the record

Go back and look at 2 things. 1) the sun is up past noon - impossible. 2) the explosion looks like there are 2 explosions composited on top of each other.

It's 10 am here and I see the sun.

The Mythbusters episode was an embarrassing whitewash. They rigged their experiments to show only what they wanted and ignored other glaring inconsistencies. If you compare the shadows from NASA to the shadows in Mythbusters you can still see the huge difference. I love how they "lost" off of the original footage AND all of the original blueprints.

huh? I read the "Wagging the Moondoggie" piece you mentioned so i'm not sure what video or what explosions you're talking about; the one at Hiroshima certainly looked real to me though, for the record