Reddit censors content to favor Israel, amongst other things. Boycott Advance Publications' products- Reddit Corporation's largest shareholder.

170  2013-11-08 by [deleted]

Samuel Newhouse jr, aka Solomon Neuhaus jr, is the CEO of Advance Publictions. Maybe send him an email or two.


"x" censors content to favor Israel.

x = almost any media source.

I don't see how this argues against anything I've said. I realize that wasn't your intention.

Defensive much? I don't think this sir/madam was trying to refute what you said at all.

Touché. I'll edit.


this is true, but it also has an upside:

even semi-accurate news about israel is like a litmus test for decent media.

How about you people boycott reddit instead?

I'm not going back to reading shampoo bottles when I'm pooping.

Haha...most on-point comment of the day! ;)

If I could upvote you twenty times, I would.

This. This comment is what shows to me that people in this sub have no idea what living under a tyrannical government would be like.

You come here complaining about your rights being stripped, how the big bad government is terrorizing you, blah blah blah. But at the end of the day, you can still read the internet on your iphone while taking a shit. You have no idea what tyranny is. Talk about first world problems.

And on top of it, you are unwilling to do anything to create a change if it involves anything more than bitching about it online. People in Syria are literally dying by the thousands under a tyrannical dictator, and you guys have the balls to claim that America is similar. For shame.

Implying that tyrannical states only ever come into existence over night, and not slowly over time.

Your comment about Syria reveals just how brainwashed you are.

And you are....Doing the same thing? ??? ???? ? ?? ? ? ?????

Fuck your Syria bullshit. We have more of a tyrannical dictator than Syria does.

Boycotting AP is boycotting "reddit." Also, leaving this site wouldn't be most effective. There's too many people on here, so we have to do whatever we can to steer the site. Having a 1 percent decline in users, those users being the only people who know its censored, removes the only thing slowing down this site as a major propaganda tool.

/r/conspiracy makes up a larger portion of reddit than it does people who consume AP. It will be a lot more noticeable if you all leave reddit and set the CSS on all your subs to just be a blank page with your message.

We have a single message that we all unanimously agree upon? I had no idea.

Literally came here to say THIS.

Please don't do that. Literally.

Surely I can't be the only one here chuckling...


Presses "save" button in Reddit


I mean, really people, our buddy Sol Newhaus is gonna have some funny stories to tell in temple this weekend...did you really expect something different? Get too close to truth about Israel and...oh vey!'re either an "anti-Semite" or a "self-hating Jew" (just like me!)

As Israel continues her jingoistic terrorist practices, well, I wonder what the "blowback" will be and when it will happen? Because it's GOING to happen...and America will not be too safe a place to be a Jew when it does. Never forget that Israel's words and actions in no way represent what many/most Jews in America feel and do. It truly sickens me.

In any case Reddit "jumped the shark" a long way back. A great place for dialog and information has been irrevocably ruined...mostly by the mods. And as more and more Americans get wise to the fact that "conspiracies," these days, are the rule and not the exception this community is going to become even more diluted with shills and shit posts. Now, when people see an obvious FF like Boston or SH, they're beginning to realize the big question: if they could lie about that and get away with it what else are they bullshitting us about? This sub is one of the few places on Reddit where the truth appears and that's vanishing by the hour.

It's like that old Chinese curse...may you live in interesting times...and it has never been more interesting than it is nowadays.

There is no difference between this and physically going somewhere with a sign. They can't keep me off the website, just like they can't keep me off a physical site with a sign. A ban would mean I'll click "change IP."

I understand the way you worded it makes it sound funny, but I don't agree that it is funny.

By "funny" I meant ironic.

I think it fucking sucks.

The reddit business model works by collecting fees from various groups who want a license to use their marketing whores here. Basically this whole site is a big fucking payola scheme for power to purchase the right to post their propaganda.

Boycott NYRD labs, boycott stratfor, boycott the god damn PR industry.

Reddit is a platform that allows users to run their sub-reddits however they want.

Some huge reddits are run by mods that like to remove things.

If some blogger removes your comment from a blogger blog; do you boycott google?

No, you find a different blog.


The problem is there is nothing stopping people with agendas either bribing mods, or paying the subreddit owner to become a mod, in order to manipulate and censor content. Almost every subreddit is compromised now.

Yeah. For instance, I went to altnews b/c good commentators here recommended it. And maybe it does have good "news" content, idk.

But the top comment on the post dealing with the censorship of 161718's anti Israel comment claimed to be an objective description of events . . . but it totally minimized the central issue of a huge sub censoring comments based on an anti Israel POV. And another comment pointed to SubredditDrama as a good place to get facts.

It's easy to infiltrate any sincere new effort.

Is there any conclusive evidence to these claims? I keep hearing this as a hearsay and no one could link to anything substantial.

Is there any major corporation not run by jews?,7340,L-4218483,00.html

Also companies associated owned by le jews

I sort of expected Burger King to be owned by a larger company with Jewish representation, but this makes the pork and horsemeat scandal even more humorous.

Don't worry everyone suppot israel and they wont shove there gigantic cock in our asses any harder!

hey I got a great idea, let's shave our noses off, we will be able to see and breath better. I am sure that will teach our face.

all that is happening is business. the code is open source, so take it and start a new one. I see that for now the answer is /r/conspiracy if you don't want your post to get deleted.