A generation consumed by sadness. The ramblings of a 27 year old. It's a little long but please read.

156  2013-11-09 by [deleted]

I'm really trying my hardest every day, every hour, every minute to not let myself be consumed by sadness over the current state of the nation i've been left with. I'm of a generation consumed by sadness, even if the people around me are reluctant to admit it themselves, it's increasingly difficult to pretend like 9/11 didn't ruin my life and the lives of people around me, the sad fact is that it did. I'm not saying the events that transpired on 9/11 are exclusively to blame for my unhappiness, but since that date i've noticed amongst other terrifying things that our nation is now completely void of any discernible community, a once lively and energetic social fabric is completely torn to utter shreds and our nation is left with devision and social fragmentation, the family paradigm praised in the 1950's is a completely unattainable remnant from the past now. The ongoing implementation of a fear based social, economic and political system in combination with socioeconomic constructs and boundaries keep the majority of us divided not only on a political level but also a social level.

It's almost impossible for me to sit here day by day pretending that nothings wrong, building an artificial facade of happiness so my peers think i'm "normal". Why is it so hard for me to distract my self with Giants games, brunch and Happy Hour like my peers? All i see is this overwhelming abundance of sadness, death, poverty and decay. I find myself constantly alienating myself because i talk too much about certain subject matter that my peers deem negative, worse then this is the fact that 99% of the women i meet are absolutely repulsed when confronted with "conspiracy theories". It's basically impossible to be candid about your thoughts if those thoughts are at all against the status quo, but i can't sit here and pretend that i can one day integrate myself back into the status quo. I’m awake now and I’d rather die by the hands of a tyrannical government then willfully put myself back to sleep in the hopes that I can one day experience “happiness”.

Happiness is not eating overpriced oysters in the warm californian sun while I’m surrounded by death and despair. How am I expected to be happy when I live in a country that openly justifies the murder of 2 million mothers, daughters, fathers and sons in return for the murder of 2 thousand americans? How am I expected to be happy when my country openly sanctions foreign governments to the point of causing famine and starvation? How am I expected to be happy when my tax dollars that I’m forced to pay are used to monitor my every email, text message, phone call, web search and web visit for my “protection”? How am I expected to be happy when the middle class is slowly being enslaved via debt? How am I expected to be happy when I know how the federal reserve actually operates? How am I expected to be happy knowing that my future children are now forced by law to purchase a product from a privately owned and traded insurance company? How am I suppose to be happy knowing that 53 cents of every tax dollar I’m forced to pay goes towards killing innocent civilians globally?

How am I suppose to be happy knowing that I’m the last generation to truly experience freedom? The american dream is dead and it died with JFK. This isn’t a war on the middle class, this is the enslavement of the middle class and 9/11 was the beginning of this enslavement. With no community things won’t improve, they know this and they’ve also figured out that through media control and targeted content syndication they can manipulate people into isolating themselves. Our slave handlers would love nothing more than to see everyone of us living in major metropolitan areas working 10 hour days, returning from an exhausting day of work to your micro loft to eat GMO food and watch NBC alone, thinking about how you used to go out with friends more when you could afford it, hopefully soon you’ll get your head above water and get out of debt, luckily the TV and internet are a constant reminder of the decadent lifestyle that you think you’re entitled to as an american if you work hard enough.

The pot of gold is gone and the rainbow is a river of shit.


Damn man, thanks for posting this.

This is everything we've been told warned about, whether it's the silly Bible or Thomas Jefferson. I guess my point is, there is something wrong with the mass psyche of people alive today. And I think it's because many of us don't really have struggles. Life is pretty damn easy. We don't have to work together, we don't have a tribal group, we don't feel important, we can just slide by. This has to change.

Our collective psyche has to change. The scariest part of this is knowing that even if the criminal syndicate was thrown out, there are so many uninformed, apathetic, and downright shitty people out there who would assume the same self-bettering positions.

We need a thought revolution. A spiritual revolution. IMO- It will only come when mankind is pressured to have one- and that's giving me a glimmer of hope. We need to be collectively humbled.

I agree, and the first thing you need to do is get people to open their eyes. Stop watching the god damn nightly news and taking it as bible.

And stop taking fucking anti-depressants. It's ok to be sad and fucking pissed off that the world sucks, don't mask it with drugs instead DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. 1 in 10 people in the US is on an anti-depressant right now. WHAT THE FUCK . COM. Pretty hard to get people riled up about anything when 10% of us are in lala land 24/7. Fucking disgusts me.

yes, this is a great point! SO many people have got their feelings and moods all screwed up by the drugs a dr has given them, just coz they went to a dr when they felt down, like the OP does now, and drs often feel compelled to give their patient something, the patient's almost expect a script so the drs give them something they think/are told, is effective with few 'side effects' ... BUT, a few months later, the patient finds they have difficulty stopping, and a few years later, those same patients are still trying to stop! .... and the pharma companies laugh all the way to the bank!

but shit friends, those SSNRI's will screw up your feelings pretty quick, and coming off them can be very difficult!

I would hate to think what would happen in the US if the 'antidepressant' supplies were suddenly cut off! eep! can you imagine a few million people, with guns, going through a crazy (and looong!) withdrawal from Cymbalta/Effexor/Prozac etc?!

US medicine in a nutshell...treat the symptoms because it's easy and big pharma needs those $$$$$$$$

I was having issues years ago. Went to FOUR different doctors, all of them tried to give me scripts for my issues, none spent more than 5 minutes figuring out WHY I was having said issues. Doctor 5 told me to try an elimination diet and guess what? It worked, no cymbalta, xanax, etc needed.

Look into the Flexner Report sponsored by the Rockefellers in the early 1900s. Basically eliminated any "alternative" healing methods in exchange for the mass produced medicine we've come to understand as normal. Functioning off the premise that the body functions like an automobile, one part breaks so you either replace that part or administer some patented pharmaceuticals. Coupled with the typical western diet and lack of physical activity it should be no surprise that we get cancer and all manner of disease when we don't take care of ourselves and allow horrid nutrition. I digress. Just take a look into it.

Good deal, never heard of that before. I always wondered who sold out to turn this country into what it is today.

The western diet irritates the fuck out of me, it's one big scam.

  • Grow wheat/corn, turn them into shit food with 10000% profit
  • Tell people low fat/high carb diets are healthy
  • Watch entire country get fat and sick
  • Tell them they need stents ($$$$) and they need to be on statins for life ($$$$$) instead of telling them to eat right and exercise.

wow, that is so fucked up! I'm in Oz, where we have free healthcare.

Fortunately big pharma are not allowed to advertise their products here, so drs don't get many people coming in asking for specific drugs for their real or imagined ailments.

However, only in the past few weeks Pfizer has had these ads for "nerve pain" telling folks to "go to your dr' if you experience ..... bullshit bullshit crap" .... I feel sorry for the drs who have to try and deal with the people who respond to this crap!

Hey, do you mind if I ask what were the symptoms which made you go to the dr in the first place? Which country? And well done for standing your ground until you found a decent dr! They are hard to find when you need one!

I'm in the US (might have been obvious). The medical field here is ridiculous in my opinion, between doctors wanting to give people drugs and people wanting drugs. cracks me up that there's a big controversy about making weed legal, yet no one has an issue with legal opiates being prescribed for anything and everything. Big Pharma is part of the problem here, something needs to be done about it.

Symptoms were basically all over joint pain...imagine having the flu, that sort of ache and pain. insomnia. waking up in the middle of the night saturated in sweat. waking up in the morning and being in a complete daze, unable to form a thought. Vertigo. And then the usual gastro issues like diarrhea

ha ha yeah I thought so but I didn't want to assume anything. I agree it's crazy the way people have been 'taught' to classify drugs as either 'good' or 'bad' according to their legality, and yet far more people die from prescription drugs as opposed to "illegal drugs" aka 'recreational drugs'.

Yes, Big Pharma has a huge vested interest in keeping people from 'self medicating' esp if it's successful! That's why cannabis has had such strong opposition. The one thing marijuana is well know for, is how it chills people out, and gives a slight mood lift .... in many ways it is the ideal antidepressant. shit it has so many uses which are positive, it's the proverbial cure all!

The fact we have endocannabinniods (natural cannabis in our brains) clearly shows this 'drug' plays an important part in our physiology and it makes much sense as to why so many people enjoy taking it! Peraonally I think everyone should be allowed to moderate themselves with any drug they wish, so long as no one else in negatively affected in the process, something which shouldn't be too hard to achieve in this day and age ..... IF drugs were basically free, many of the 'problems' we have in our western 'war on drugs' world, would simply stop, maybe others will appear, but they will be mild in comparison and far easier to treat.

The vested interests have done well in achieving their goals, BUT things are changing all the time and with the general paradigm having changed recently with the legalization of marijuana in the states, and the recognition that for the first time over 51% of the American people want it so! But they haven't asked them about 'other drugs' ... I wonder what the response would be?

Elimination diet?

The doctor thought I had a food intolerance of some kind, he said to start by not eating any grains and then add them back in until the symptoms came back. Wound up being gluten intolerant along with corn and some other stuff. Felt 110% better just not eating that crap and no drugs needed

Fascinating. Do you happen to have a link that was useful to you when planning/starting the diet? Or is it really as simple as removing all grains and going from there?

No link, I just removed everything and went from there. I have a cousin that's a celiac so I had a feeling gluten was involved. Not just GI symptoms either, I had depression, flu like symptoms, severe joint pain, insomnia etc. Doctor told me a lot of people can be intolerant but stress events sometimes cause it to go into overdrive like mine did.

I learned a LOT about food since then and how prevalent gluten is in almost everything here. That's a conspiracy in and of itself as far as I'm concerned.

There was a time when I mocked those who simply brought up the topic of gluten in conversation. Thankfully, that time is long gone. I believe I will try this E diet and see how it goes. Thanks much!

Just like everything else, the uneducated people parrot what they hear. Gluten became a fad "diet" a few years ago. Even if you're not intolerant, it can't hurt to limit your consumption BUT don't just eat that gluten free prepackaged crap. Most of it is higher calorie than the gluten counterpart.

For what it's worth, now i'm no grain/no refined sugar and feel great. Everyone is different but my body operates best low carb and eating like this. Good luck!


Try it out.

10-4, thanks friend!

Keto is a truly amazing diet.

It takes a village

I've been there. I had just gotten done reading an article by some futurist that popped up on Gizmodo about what life will be like over the next 100 years. Food shortages, riots, droughts, the works. I broke down crying. I knew then what Oppenheimer must have felt like when he said "I am become Death, destroyer of worlds". It wasn't necessarily guilt, but being able to see how his work would be used, and feeling helpless to stop it.

There are a few things you have to remember. This isn't the first time humanity has suffered from this kind of crisis. And yet here we are. When Rome fell it was the end of the world, right? No. It wasn't. It was bad, but we came through it.

Second, remember that you are not superman. You can't change the world by yourself. The greatest leaders were just that: leaders, not ubermensch. The only responsibility you have is to care for yourself and your loved ones. I know that sounds cynical, but you have to start small.

You have to compartmentalize. Anything outside your sphere of influence is pure mental exercise. The woes of the world are not your cross to bare. That doesn't mean you can't do anything to help find solutions, and I encourage you to do so, but there are limits. Know yours.

Thank you.

Ha! Depending on how stupid we behave, this is not Rome, the coming time could turn out like the genetic bottleneck we had some couple ten thousand years ago.

Also, to a cynic, this sadness prevents uprising, which also gives the opportunity to power down controlled, so there are more opportunities to bide time.

The back of your dollar bill describes perfectly what will happen. The rich elite will build up from the sweat of their subordinates until they have enough resources and technology to split. By split, I mean killing everyone off and enjoying their utopia.

What in the fuck would they gain from killing everyone? Nothing. There is no motive, no cause, no evidence, no nothing. I might as well claim you enjoy shoving bricks up your nostril and it would be equally as valid.

I thought long ago about that and I think now that I understand there must be a fraction of the elites think exactly like this:
- They have millions of land reserves in case of everything.jpg goes wrong, landgrabbing takes place right now and sustainable farming is a growing concern among Investors (Agenda 21 is exactly that. Imagine every measure to prevent soil loss as future land reserves, despite being sensible it works that way)
- Following that, they could reboot completely as they are at it
- They have vastly, hugely more energy reserves and -flows per capita as the millions of square kilometers now provide energy to a very few so this whole fossil shenanigans is not needed anymore anyway or, also likely, some millions of those kilometers are then ¨plant area¨ for fully automated nukes
- Genetic clearance for free. Basically, when the dumbfucks kill themselves, survivors are either very prudent or very passionate. Both are highly desirable traits to cultivate, even on a group level
- etc.

Oh, an agenda 21 conspiracy theorist. Hardly even worth my time debating you, but whatever.

I really don't see what there is to gain from preventing soil loss if everyone is too dead to farm.

Energy reserves are worthless without people to do stuff with that energy.

What the fuck does genetic clearance even mean?

Maybe dispatch, removal, settling would be better.

And, no, I am not... I see how sensible policies get subverted by capital and Wall Street.

Also, remote functioning ecotopes provide global energy and exergy functions. Globally. They are first a buffer in the system flows and lastly resource for new medicine.

I totally understand. Our generation is the one that gets to see the house of cards fall. But honestly to be fair, there never was an American Dream. Every war since WWI has been carefully engineered to get the US involved for whatever motives, mainly profit-motivated. To rephrase Smedley Butler, there is a shit-ton of money to be made in war.

Yes, our standard of living in on a decline, but I also think there is a general awakening among our generation. We are much more inclined to question the status quo, to sacrifice today for tomorrow, to acknowledge past stains on our history so that we can learn.We are off to a rocky start, but it is up to people like you that are aware and care enough to make a difference. Perhaps you should focus on the microcosm that you live in and see what difference you can make.

Good post. We can be the change we want to see in the world and then things look a whole lot brighter.

I'm a married man, and my wife in and live on Long Island while we're not financially "set" (we both work) we're doing fine. Cars, a home, 1 vacation per year. Sure we buy stuff we done need. I don't watch much TV and I don't watch the MSM for much news. I read online, NPR, foreign papers, and so forth. With that said, your post struck a chord with me. I felt like I was reading my own inner-monologue.

The societal problem is one of the largest aspects of the problem. Removing the military aspect from the problem for a second, and getting back to brass tax: We The People. As a Society we're distracted. There is no sense of group, only sense of self. The day after 9/11, I noticed a greater sense of group for the first time in my life. People were going out of their way to comfort others. It took a few months, but that eventually went away and we all become assholes again. Unfortunately, it takes a tremendous tragedy for this country to be united.

We are on a decline as a nation, but I haven't lost hope. So much so that I've thrown around the idea of running for public office, locally. I can't change the world overnight, but that's why they say: "All politics is local".

Until you eliminate poverty and homelessness, which can be done, we're spinning our wheels. You have to give people hope. Then, things will get better. When you have homelessness, poverty, and a public health system that is way below where it should be for an industrialized nation, you have to look inwards, and ask: Are we doing the right things? We're not, and have to change. That is the only way this country is going to get better.

I don't watch the MSM for much news. I read online, NPR

NPR is as bad as anywhere else. Just because it is "public" doesn't mean it hasn't been co-opted.

I agree. I just mentioned NPR because out of ALL of them (ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, etc.) they seem to have the most objective reporting. BBC, Al Jazeera are also on my good list.

Big fan of Al Jazeera. They're not afraid to tell it like it is and have guests that the msm would never dare to let speak

Here is what I have been doing: http://www.livestation.com/en

Seems like presstv and RT are a lot more truthful about the US than CNN. Wonder why that is?

NPR is almost worse, because the programming is more subtle... It is easy to convince yourself that it is for real.

It's very rare in fact I don't believe I've ever came on thread like this and read someone actually offering solutions other than 'get a gun fuck shit up'. I don't believe this system could survive 1 more hour without our consent.

I read this monologue and it sounds like my brother.....100%. We live in LA. He knows the same inevitable end....and it's obviously troubling. I am near that point as well. But I have hope and I too have thought of running for public office. So maybe right here.....Reddit can help make both of our plans a reality? This is what needs to be done. Conversation like this.....until more people unite under the same idea that freedom isn't paid to someone else. It's in us from birth.


Please don't be irked. I never painted myself as the norm, or if you got that impression, that wasn't the intent. I'll have to go back and read what I wrote to see why you got that impression. When I said "fine", that sort of meant "I don't worry about us". Bills get paid, mortgage gets paid, and we try save what little we have left after all of the bills are said and done. Trust me, at no point do I consider myself the "norm". I apologize if I gave that impression. In fact my intent was to convey the opposite but just not get into too many details; we both work hard -- 120 hrs/week between the both of us.

Things need to change. The differences between the various levels of the middle class is too large, and coupled with the amount of people in this country that need help, clearly we have a national problem, which I do believe to be fixable. It requires a tremendous shift in thinking, the collective issue of Us and the political will of the nation.

If you give someone just a little bit of hope, amazing things can happen. It doesn't have to be as bleak as the original poster feels, although I sympathize and agree with those feelings on many levels.

As for Long Island, if I didn't have so much family here, I'd leave too. It's way too expensive to live here. Your numbers aren't far off for those counties, but I live in another. Doesn't matter really, stuff still is expensive.

Come have a beer with me plz

If you're in the bay area i'm always up for a beer and good conversation and i mean that sincerely.

Honestly I feel like I was listening to myself rant about the current state of affairs. I'm from the Bay Area. I feel ya bro.

I used to live in the bay. As soon as I got out, life got better. Good luck, friend.

bay area is San Francisco?

Yes sir

finally some clarity

WTB plane ticket from the east coast.

Bay area? Where in the bay?

San Francisco

:( I live in philthadelphia

I'm in SD, but go get yourself a Pliny the Elder...I find it gives me some solace.

"Life sucks. And then, you die."

Don't be sad, man. There's so much in this world that you can't control. But there is one thing that you can; your own life. Keep your head up and try to find like-minded people. I am lucky that some of my friends understand the everyday shit-storm that we live in. I suggest trying to eat healthy (cut out the sugars, eat more veggies) and finding a hobby that gets you out of your death box and away from stupid-vision. Being sad won't fix anything. I hope that doesn't sound too harsh.

My point was everyone from my generation is unhappy, some are just better at hiding it and some are just blissfully ignorant to the world around them.

The quicker we stop lying to ourselves and admit that we're all fucking unhappy and angry, the quicker we can make cohesive steps towards actual change. People need to wake up and realize that 90% of the problems facing our nation today are the result of a failed plutocratic system and we should all be consumed by sadness until we've completely expunged our nation and the world of this broken system.

If not for ourselves for our children, future children, grandchildren and future generations

Don't hide your thoughts because people are repulsed by them. Don't put on a fake smile like everyone else to 'fit in'. The worst thing you can do is slide back into obscurity and be just like everyone else. The reason you're depressed is because you're aware the world is not how it's framed. The Matrix comparison about the world is true. Just underneath the plastic smiles and the fake media machine lies the truth. No one ever said it was going to be pretty, the truth is ugly but it's the right way.

I'd advise you to not indulge in conspiracies too much if it makes you feel this way. I know you can't ignore your feelings but give yourself a rest sometimes and do stuff you enjoy. Everyone needs to take their mind of shit sometimes, allocate some time for yourself and do what you enjoy!

Many people are unhappy because their focus is continually directed at seemingly hopeless situations. People are waking up, people are becoming aware. I know that things seem dismal because of what we see around us. Do not worry. The system cannot sustain itself. Even if it's not in our lifetime, empires cannot exist forever. You're thinking about time from the wrong point of view. Our civilization and society are a blink compared to what the earth has seen come and go. You are here on this earth for your avg 80 years. Then what? What purpose are you here for? Perhaps to question and reveal truth to those who cannot yet verbalize what they're feeling. Please bear with me for a moment, I know exactly what you feel because I felt it for the better part of 4 years. I was driven, compelled to find the root of the problem. I grew up in religion. I began to question. I researched incessantly to prove myself wrong. I no longer wanted to believe a lie. Truth was my highest aim. I followed Aristotle's advice in "entertaining ideas without believing them." Shifting perspective. What would it feel like if I was born in "This Country" or in "That Culture"? I've now settled on being true to myself about what I believe but it doesn't involve a system of rigid dogmatic theology. I agree with you about the angry part. We are entering the Anger Phase of humanity. Great change is on the horizon. Each person needs to find a place of centeredness inside themselves. Their own unique and personal ways of nourishing the soul. I won't even call it spirituality because I know that just mentioning that loses some people. Media has everyone focus outwardly, away, externally from oneself at people and events.
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt I've stopped watching TV. There is no rule of life that says I should be forced to listen to a state sanctioned "depression box" 24/7. There has always been pain, injustice, crime, rape. The problem is now we can watch it all day long at our convenience in 1080P HD!! It's true that the hurt of the world exists. This is undeniable. But you have to focus on what you can effect. It's not you against the world. Ego is the reason for where we find much of the problems plaguing humanity. You want healing for this pain, as do most of us. You are not alone. Don't let superficial, narcissistic dating experiences get you down. This avenue of communication is incredible because we can share and encourage one another to keep hope alive from anywhere. I'm on the other side of the globe from you. But don't spend all your time online. Unplug. Find some time to dwell and exist within nature. It heals the soul. I found that listening to Neil Kramer podcasts helped me out of a slump. I mean this in the most sincere and unpatronizing way: What do you feel you NEED to be happy? Think on that question. Don't just jump to the impulsive answer that you have repeated inside your head. Take some time to meditate and reacquaint with your inner Self. Really listen to some Alan Watts videos. The path to peace and clarity is complex and as unique as each individual. You have to find your own. I know you hurt for the world but I want you to realize that you absolutely DO have the capacity to make a difference. Draw strength from each victory however small. We're all in this together. My friend, may you find a place of peace and solace amidst this storm we presently find ourselves.

Beautifully put.

OK, I understand. That's asking a lot of people, though. Think about how long it will take for people to realize what is really going on. Short of some something drastic happening, it could be years, if ever. And you also have to take into account that some people are actually genuinely happy about life and their situation. They recognize the mis-justices in the government and world but, have learned to take it in stride.

I'm just saying that there is no sense being sad about something that you cant change. Or perhaps you can find happiness in trying to help change it?

I'm pretty sad and upset. I didn't used to be so apathetic, but as of late life has hit me like a ton of bricks. However, I haven't taken any SSRIs so maybe we can still reverse this.

You can only control your own life to the point of death, by which I mean you can be cast into circumstances where your only demonstration of power over another individual is in taking your life out from under their control, by means of death.

Imagine being born into bondage, to the point where you can't even break free of your bonds, and you're kept alive forcibly.

Pretend you've been born in a society that has selected to use you for psychological experimentation, which starts at birth and lasts until you die.

In this situation, the only control you have in your life is the ability to end it.

Now why do I bring up such a terrifying example?

Because we are never in control of our own life.

Death will always take you, he owns your life.

Unless you believe otherwise... ( Like in God, I realized that statement can be interpreted a lot of ways, which take them as you will, just wanted to make mine known. I believe we are all born into bondage, the bondage of sin, Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God)

Have some faith. You and so many others here have given me some by letting me know I'm not the only one that feels that way. Not everyone is asleep, and as some others have pointed out, many are waking up.

It occurred to me a few years ago that the U.S has been at war since I was 17. I think that was the beginning of my awakening. I'm now 40, and I see the younger generation that has grown up in a constant war state, a country where we are no longer taught to respect each other, let alone another nationalities and cultures. This is something you only learn by interacting with other people, by reaching out and making connections.

I'm not sure things can change any time soon. The power structure is too vast. But the seeds for change are out there. Hell, they're right here. And, as more conspiracies become main stream news, I think we get closer to that change.

9/11 happened when I was 10.

We have been at war the majority of my life.

I still remember the promises I was fed at a young age. I remember learning about the constitution, about my rights, and about the men that came together, despite their differences, to create a better future for me.

I remember being promised a better life than my parents, with good health, plenty of fresh air, and the ability to be whoever, and whatever I wanted. I was fed a million rags to riches stories, and grew up being told that with a little hard work, I could have whatever I wanted.

Then 9/11 happened, and slowly, those rights started to get stripped away. I didn't notice at first, but some of my teachers grumbled, and No Child Left Behind made school drull and boring. The teachers I had that challenged me and pressured me to think were laid off, and replaced with ones that wanted me to recite from the textbook.

Still, I had hope! I'd go to college! Even though what I wanted to major in what "frivolous" it was still acceptable because it was still a boom time, or at least, here in the midwest it was. So I went. I did my 4 years, and I watched as my dad's company downsized again and again, and my parents took increasing pay cuts every year, despite taxes, food costs, and utilities rise. I saw my projected income the year after graduation plummet, while my interest rates on my now utterly useless degree skyrocketed. I saw friends forced to drop out of a public state school because their parents got laid off, and financial aide looked at the previous year's income. I was powerless to stop it.

A year and a half out of graduation, I'm one of few friends to have a full time job, much less one that would allow me to live on my own, DESPITE my loan costs. The other friend just purchased her first house, and a new car, but even she's starting to slowly wake up. Most of my friends, despite their "useful" and "practical" degrees from a top school are working at chipotle or kroger because they can't find anything else.

I feel pain for my dad, forced to work a job that he HATES, and that forces him to do a lot of not-so-legal things, just to make ends meet. My mom is a wreck, constantly worrying about bills and cursing the fact that she sunk a LOT of money into the stock market in early '08, that she's JUST starting to make a profit on. I'm working 10 hour days, dealing with people who will put the equivalent of my entire paycheck down on an impulse buy without blinking, trying to run my own business on the side, to feed my SOUL so it doesn't die, and I try to help my parents stay afloat. That's what all my friends are doing, trying to pay off their loans and help their parents pay the electric and food bills every month.

In a way, the family unit IS coming back. I'm closer with my folks now than I ever was. I recognize the sacrifices they made to give me a great life, only for their dream of my future to slip away and crumble. Yet, they still give, my dad still works, and my mom still splurges when she can... I learn from their lessons, and save early, but also put whatever I can to helping out. I cook for them, keep the house clean, and yes, hang out with them... Almost all my friends are like this. Even those that are married and have their own places still see their parents regularly and help out. We volunteer and give to charities more than ANY other generation, even though we have so little to give.

Because we know we still have a lot more than other people.

So yeah, there is hope. We just need to make the world take us 20-somethings seriously. It might take a few years, but we've got good things going, mostly because we know the selfishness and abundance of our parents wasn't the way to do things. We need to work together, and form communities to really make the world a better place.

your a good man charlie brown

Hi my friend, and you are my friend, as you are being honest, you are being true to yourself and refusing to be conned by the bullshit all around you. Thank you .... a lot.

For it is people like yourself who are the essence of change. First you must decide that change is needed, and 'neccesity is the Mother of Invention' .... then you must be prepared to allow changes to occur, rather than providing the resistance of the old conservative mindset, who like the status quo and abhor change

The "super elite" like to consider themselves 'aristocrats' whom believe the have a 'God given right" to rule! Although these days, money,, rather than monarchy seems to designate those who qualify entry into this group, which does go back hundreds of years and countless generations.

The term aristocracy derives from the Greek ἀριστοκρατία (aristokratia), ἄριστος (aristos) "excellent," and κράτος (kratos) "power".[2] In most cases, aristocratic titles were and are hereditary, passing on death to another family member, typically the eldest son or eldest child

Up til quite recently, the 'aristocracy' considered looking after the people they ruled, as a responsibility, the 'good king's' were revered and the 'bad king's' were feared, with history full of stories about kings of all kinds! The demented history of European monarchy is very well documented, and saldy, all that has changed about the 'game' these people play, is the scale!

As we have become aware of the players of this game are not who we think, the politicians we once believed, had the helm of the ship, so to speak, we now know are little more than the pawns of the 'Big Money Interests' interested lobbying them. this has become so apparent, that what they tried so hard to avoid, has occurred, the truth has become self evident, and the result is .... the OP!

9/11 did not 'change your life',, that had already been done long before! The machinations put in place to get the world, esp the US to where it is today, were put in place shortly after WW2, the beginning of the "Silent War" ... against the people!!

9/11 showed us their 'hand', clearly, for the first time. Since then, many people have woken up to the skullduggery of the few vying for control over the many .... who doesn't know what "the 1%" means these days? We all are beginning to understand the extent of these guys 'game', and the fact, there aren't very many players! This 'war' has been one of complete control over the people in 'their dominion'! and they prepared a sophisticated plan to achieve this, and here is a copy of an original document which outlines this "plan" and is the most frightening document I have ever read!

Alas, with the hindsight of the last 50 odd years, it is clear, when reading this document from the mid 1970's , that TPTB have been extremely successful in carrying out their agenda! You will note, however, that while they appear to have considered everything in their 'Grand Plan', they failed to include the advent of personal computing and the "communications revolution" ... two things which have not only changed the world, they have thrown a huge spanner in TPTB's works! lol!

And it's people like you and me OP, and everyone else on this thread who believe in sharing the love and information, who are already making a difference, it's just hard to see, but don't despair bro, were here with you, and we don't want you to be sad, shit we don't want to be sad either, so let's take it from here and try and change that, ok?

much love from redditor alice d

edit: they tried to divide us to conquer us, and they have succeeded in doing this, but we humans are social creatures and we like to be liked! lol +karma! The communications revolution has allowed us instant contact, which has changed how we live, and the internet has given us access to information and knowledge, and new understanding of the 'other guys' and 'how they tick' .... and we realize those black russian lesbians are just like us ... with feeling too! shit we *never would have know he was a gay she afro 'murican! if s/he hadn't told us!

lol the anonymity of, a keyboard gives me balls!

Thank you for this, very insightful comment and I plan on reading that document the second I get home.

The one thing I'm fearful of is what happens if the majority of americans wake up? What atrocities await us? As a species we've never experienced such a predicament, with the vast array of weaponry, technology and zero empathy, what are they truly capable of.

you have hit the nail on the head there matey, when things go south, the biggest 'problem' you will find, are the 'other guys'... an feral pets! seriously!

I guess the best strategy here is try to get as isolated as possible for a while ..... the crazy people will take care of each other at first, with those who survive probably being a little more calm and capable ... hmmm?

Great post.


I agree. People are inherently good and it is beautiful, I see it everyday, in the real world. The news on the other hand does not see it that way. I have also noticed that all most every person in the world wants the same thing. To be happy to be able to work live and make sure their family is happy. So cheer up only a fraction of this world wants the bad crap to happen. Luckily we are the many and they are the few.

I'm right there with you. I feel overwhelmed. I find myself listening to music by flobots, rise against, and more and it brings things to a boil. When I'm driving I find myself screaming uncontrollably just so I don't let it out at work or home. This is the end of a great nation, and what comes next may not be what we want. May not be what we were working for. I feel that the risky practices of wall street traders, global banksters, crooked politicians, Shadowy corporations and lobbyists is robbing the world of it's freedom. Of it's very life.

I have to say though there will always be hope. If that is all I have, it will keep me alive. Hope may be a tiny spark in an endless void, but I hope it may have the chance to be contagious.

The solutions needed for these problems are drastic, and unfortunately based on human nature, these things will not resolve until it is "too late"....too late is not a bad thing, too late=a new beginning. Too late however unfortunately means many people will be killed, starved, commit suicide or go insane before things can begin too change. The money masters are very aware of the "pulse" of the society, they will often bring it to the brink, and then poof, magically make it ok again. They very much like to maintain a balance of keeping just enough people "happy" monetarily to keep the machine rolling.

I have the answers, but unfortunately, due to the extreme {non violent} nature of these tactics and the need for unification of like minded thought, these solutions will not come to pass until enough of you are forced into "change" What I could say now would seem impossible or too radical, but years from now in the future, these solutions of mine that would sound "crazy" now, will be the obvious choices in the future. You've got to be oppressed collectively to a certain point before you will act, it is unfortunately the way humans are.

Radical as these ideas of mine are, they are historically proven to work, but right now "you" don't want it bad enough.

I for one am fascinated with 'ideas', especially ones which bear repeating!

I would love to hear/read your ideas cccpharm (great username btw! I read so many things into it when I wrote it out! soviet chemist of peril!

No i totally agree with you. I also have some controversial ideas on how to resolve certain situations but they're totally dependent on people eliminating ALL power structures, even religion and sadly i can't ever imagine that happening without some kind of horrible cataclysmic event.

I have hope but the future looks cold and bleak.

I hear you man...I'm the same age, and have the same thoughts.

Our slave handlers would love nothing more than to see everyone of us living in major metropolitan areas working 10 hour days, returning from an exhausting day of work to your micro loft to eat GMO food and watch NBC alone, thinking about how you used to go out with friends more when you could afford it, hopefully soon you’ll get your head above water and get out of debt, luckily the TV and internet are a constant reminder of the decadent lifestyle that you think you’re entitled to as an american if you work hard enough.

This line really resonated with me. I work in NYC real estate finance and while we build super luxe condos in Tribeca we are actively exploring the micro apartment concept because there is a more and more bifurcated society in regards to income -- and it is occurring rapidly. You have the elite who can afford to buy in Manhattan --- all the new ultra premium units are selling to Russian/Chinese/Arab nationals. Then you have the small middle class professionals who pay ridiculous rents and work very long hours like myself. Then the lower classes that live in the outer boroughs.

It's a nasty treadmill...you graduate with some debt...are taxed to death...then have to spend $3000/mo on rent for a small 1 bedroom. Then you have to try to aggressively bank whatever you can because SS/medicare is going to be all used up by the baby boomers. Then if can bury the financial issues, you are then inundated with the next shitty thing that the sociopaths that run the corporatocracy did --- and it's just like c'mon just give me a fucking break, man...

How much is our generation going to have to shoulder?

I say this to people my age and they usually glass over in disbelief, there's no retirement for our generation we either need to become self made millionaires or have our children take care of us until we die, who knows what kind of depravity awaits our kids.


I also agree with your in regard to 9/11. I remember what it was like growing up in the 90's. It seems like since 9/11 and the financial crisis we have been living in a very bad dream. Part of me wonders if the world was always fucked up and now we just know about it because of the internet, or if it is getting progressively worse. Think how blind we were when you got your news from CNN and the newspaper.

I'm glad you posted this and I'm glad I read it. I found your words eerily similar to the words I would have used to describe my own mindset just a few months ago. Not that I no longer think this way.. I've just been so distracted lately...

I was/am also lost, angry, frustrated at how other people could live their lives in such a limited tunnel of awareness to the world we find ourselves in now. But, this heightened awareness and our desire to dive into subjects others would normally shy away from is both a blessing and a curse.

I can no longer relate to my peers. I've withdrawn myself socially as a result. As a previously outgoing, fun, sociable person, I've now drastically changed my behavior and it wasn't quite intentional.

I now find it so odd how the people I once associated myself with seem to live for the weekend. Paycheck to paycheck, party to party, complaining how they have no money, making no progress in life, with the peak of their intellectual capacity being wasted on reality television, gossip, circle jerk topics of nonsense, and just sort of trying to make it to the next moment of temporary fun and excitement before they ever, god-forbid, have to sit in silence with their own thoughts and opinions of the reality of the world around them.

I feel like I live in a world of zombies. People who all think the same, dress the same, believe in the same ideals that they are actually convinced are their own. Zombies who have been trained to never think outside of conventional thought....To have a natural repulsion to people who threaten the fabric of the reality they fight to perpetuate. To support a system that is literally designed to work against their own interests, and yet they remain unflinchingly loyal because they don't know that some other thought patterns they have yet to explore could absolutely be valid.

I believe this desire for awareness we share..along with our incredible access to information now is what has the ability to effectively change the way human beings in general can view their reality. And by changing the way we view our reality we can begin the process of manipulating it to become something vastly different than what we have become accustomed to.

I consider this an evolution of consciousness. And it may not happen now, it may not happen for many more years... but eventually.. one day ..there will be a tipping point. And when that day comes..the world we see around us now will have become entirely unrecognizable.

Thank you for posting this. The exact same thing happened to me. All my peers are either still party-holics or starting families and being normal...nothing wrong with the latter but i still often feel isolated, like im the only person who realises everything is fucked...then i read redditt and think "why dont i live near these people??, where are they all??"

You've got a friend in me sir!

Dude, I want to just sit down and have a chat with you. There needs to be some sort of underground symbol we can adopt and wear as a t-shirt which will basically mean, "Hey, feel free to talk with me about truly relevant topics and issues of concern. I'm open minded and will not look at you funny for thinking there's more to this world than what our corporate benefactors would like us to believe."

Hah I'm glad to meet a fellow like-minded ally! We should get working on our symbol ASAP!!

The thing is, to be honest, even though I voice these opinions here, I am still a product of this society. As much as I know deep down that I don't agree with it, I still catch myself just giving in to the many distractions which exist to keep us "off-topic". I think it's only natural, especially when the people who share our views are few and far between.

But, if you ever feel the need, if you ever get that feeling that you are surrounded by zombies, you may PM me anytime. We'll figure this out together. :)

I'm 29(bay area) and feel pretty much exactly the same way. It is really fucked, and a lot of people are still willfully ignorant about it. Fighting the good fight is a very lonelymaking pursuit these days. I don't have anything helpful to offer because I am miserable too. I suppose the good news is that nothing is forever.

Deep breath, brother. All of the sky-is-falling arm flailing and soapboxing won't change or solve anything. There is nothing that one, one hundred, one million of us can do to change the massive corrupt systems of the world. Turn off the tv, be the best person you can, do things for others and live til you die. Source: old.

It is fascinating how history repeats itself. Your diatribe could be lifted from the writings of Cicero from 2100 years ago. Fittingly, right at the point the Roman Republic imploded into the Imperial militarism.

Through out the arc of Christianity it's intellectuals have, for the most part, seen history as a play being endlessly repeated. The actors change, but it's the same roles in the same story, over and over.

We were cast from paradise, and we keep building up our little garden of eden to replace the original. And then, when we find it isn't the same, we kick it down in a fit of rage.

I think we all sense that the fit is about to come over this round of civilization. May God have mercy on us all.

Alright, so I have to comment on this, but first I must apologize because I didn't even get past the first paragraph before I started skipping past to the end. As I started on the last paragraph you brought up a point how "with no community things won't improve" and how people are expected to work 10 hour days to and so forth. Then you had gotten me hook line and sinker. I thought "ya know what, I've gotta read this whole thing now." And so I did, I also enjoyed the last line it brought me a chuckle. I'd have to agree with you on a lot of what you wrote about. Here's the thing, it seems like you have a lot of your troubles staring you in the face. Now it's just a matter of deciding wether you want to stay a negatron, or be an optimist prime? I'm 28, living back at home with my mom, barely started a new job after working for a guy doing asphalt, striping and sealcoating parking lots for low and infrequent pay for a year. But I take a realistic look at what's in front of me. I don't really NEED t.v., internet, knowing who poked who on facebook. I've got a wonderful woman at my side and we take our dogs out for walks, we drive out to the nearest wooded areas and go on hikes. I enjoy simple things. My coworkers ask me what I do for fun, and that is exactly it. I try and live by the whole treat others as you would like to be treated, and that is what I think is the biggest problem. Where did we stay?I'm sure plenty of us may remember our parents saying it. Is there just maybe just an age where "do as I say and not as I do" takes over. I take no shame, nor find discomfort in holding a door open for someone. It starts small, and you've got it in you. Now I think I might try and get some shut eye after a 5pm-2am (and I laughed because I counted on my fingers and was like "shucks 1 hour short") shift where the morning crew was busy and left me with a full sink and low prep for a night where it's buy one get one free from 8-11 and worked through my 30 to help out my team because I new we were gonna be slammed like pogs and I'm proud of them kicking butt and I know I can go to sleep after a tough nights work with a smile because I accepted the fact that it was gonna be tough, but I kept my head up. Sorry for the rambling, it's now 6:47, the suns coming up. I hope that reading this gave you some encouragement that it can be done.

Edit: by wonderful woman at my side I meant my girlfriend of 3 ysars, soon to be fiance. Give me a break, I'm tired :-)

I've been in that same head space and I can't think of one thing to say or advice I could give that you couldn't figure out on your own. But I would like to hear about what you think are possible solutions to the shit-storm we're surrounded by. We are in a unique time in history where you and I are able to communicate ideas while being 300+ miles physically apart.

I see a couple of solutions: First, the worst case scenario. This would be violent overthrow. A lot of innocent deaths, destruction of essential infrastructure, and further division within society. Basically, nothing good.

Second, a revolution of non-compliance. People just willfully stop cooperating with governments and corporations. They become self-sufficient, sacrificing the decadence and luxury offered by the big control entities. The band together in communities to provide what individuals alone can't. This is what I hope happens. Fewer lives lost (though I don't doubt some lives will be lost), less chaotic upheaval, basically, something that rarely happens.

There are a myriad of other possibilities that could occur. My own perspective is quite a bit more rural (I'm north of you in Humboldt) so I tend not to be concerned of my survival regardless of what happens. Though I still recognize many of the inequalities you mentioned, I just approach it all from a different angle.

I hope you get to know the positive side of humanity. It's there, I promise.

It's like you're me.

He is.

I don't want to hijack this thread, I just want to help. Those of us who think and feel understand the power of words and ideas, I can not come to you on their media, I can only speak to you here. It is my job to speak with sincerity and conviction in order to win you over, to believe me, to believe in me. There comes a time when men who live quite lives of desperation, alone in their cosmos of friends and family, that desperation reaches a point when desperate men must do desperate things I feel many of us feel this time approaching.

Not one man can do this alone, but one mans ideas can unify and set forth in motion movements and change, since forever it has been my goal to unify you in order to get you to want better for yourselves. There is no one on this entire site, of the millions, that has given up more than I to be here with you, I hear many stories of sadness, hopelessness a general malaise from so many, not knowing what to do, just knowing that it's not good.

In this world there is good and there is evil, make no mistake, no religious connotation need be placed on this fact. I speak to those who are good and want positive change in this world, those who are willing to put themselves on the line. To those who serve evil, as there are so many here, I can only hope that love will find you and un harden your heart and that someday you will join us.

The primary evil, the root of all this evil we are living through, that we have seen infest the land comes from one source, as most of us know at his point, that source is money, specifically MONEY PRINTED AS DEBT.

there are several ways to approach this, but the bottom line is that it comes down to YOU THE PEOPLE BEING IN CHARGE OF NEGATING THEIR CURRENCY. While bitcoin may seem like that is what it is, it is not. I will not go into that now. Something like it however, something not created "anon" but a currency willingly started and controlled by our majority so as to know how and who started it, and that always and forever it shall remain created debt free.

As I said, many complain, many look to "someone" to save them one thing I see and hear are many people knowing something is wrong, but not willing to take charge. It is my belief that someone must step up and say " I want to lead" and that's what I'm doing, it's up to me to be convincing enough to get you to believe.

So as I have said on other occasions WE MUST USE THE INTERNET TO START A "MOVEMENT" I say we use reddit, or at least see how far they will let me take it. Again, I ask who is willingly standing up and saying, "put me in charge and I along with you will get rid of these central bankers and money printed as debt...FOREVER!, no one, so what do you have to loose? worst case I get thrown in prison and tortured while you get to stay home and laugh about it and say "well, that didn't work".

So, first thing first, we must fight like Indians, we must show UNITY, I have chosen dates before, but perhaps I should ask you, all of you...WHAT DAY WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE FREE?... pick one about a year out, and I'll make it happen, if you simply believe and do what I ask. This is what we are going to do

We will meet here, I will pick a post that always is floating at the top, and I will let it be know I am here. You in the mean time will bring people to me here, in order that we may assimilate them.

what we will do is start a ground base movement that is internet oriented. We will pick a day, on that day we, all of us, at the same time will stop using their currency, we will need merchants shop keepers, manufactuers, health care, everyone from all walks of life. In the mean time we need a development team to be able to put together a bitcoin like replacement currency that will be an agreed on debt free currency. The plan is to negate their currency rapidly and to replace it with ours, just simply stop using it. Only once their currency is devalued will they be powerless, the military will not serve them if no one else is using the currency. We will not have political change until we have monetary change, we can not change the monetary system using their political system. We must create our own new system outside the sytem, and we must use the internet as our media and our propaganda to do it.

As I said I cannot do this alone, nor can you, some one has to take the bull by the horns, some one must bear the burden of leading the charge. I offer myself up willingly, if not me who? does anyone have any better non violent ways to effectively strip the power away from the moneychangers? I'm all ears. I do have some other radical ideas, but I feel this one has the best chance for a large scale impact. Chose the day you want to be free, spread it around, force change by negating their currency, walk away from what they have made, and walk into a brighter future without the burdens of a bloated central government that is controlled by the central bankers, their taxations, their infringement on our business affairs, their drug wars, their killing, their imperialism, their getting in the way of our pursuit of happiness. I want off this hamster wheel, and I know you do to, help me by jumping off at the same time, with me together, unified, no problems will be solved until THE PROBLEM IS SOLVED. MONEY PRINTED AS DEBT.

I would like someone to set up a facebook page, I would like people to go to other conspiracy oriented sites {even if all are controlled} be they large or be they small, to start spreading the idea around is the first step. We can do this if you want it bad enough.

Im in. Where do i sign??

you already have...that's one of the many good aspects of this plan, it really requires you to do nothing except believe and spread the word to others so they may do the same. Imagine you were the first guy to say "no shit Sherlock" somehow that just rolled off the tongue so well that in a very short time it spread across the country and in no time, everyone knew the phrase. If "no shit Sherlock" can spread across the country with no tv radio, news paper or internet way back when in was first said by whoever it was who coined the phrase, I believe that with the help of the internet we can prevail and effectively spread the word and start the movement. I have said the "phrase", will you help me spread it across the land, that is all I ask of you or anyone.

We have been trained to watch our leaders on tv, to NEED to see them, as we all now the media is owned by the central banks and controls it. The fact that you DO see these people has been the weakness, can you conceive following a voice and ideas? If a time comes and this movement takes off, they could kill me, but by that time it would be too late for them, I am not in charge the idea is...freedom via debt free currency. Some positive aspects of this plan

  1. it requires no violence, 2. it require you to do nothing except do what you are doing now, chatting on forums and the web 3. If effective, it will strip those who would harm us of the ability to do so by undermining their ability to be paid to harm us. If only the government, military and a few citizen stragglers are still using THEIR money in short time they will jump ship. Soldiers and alike will not want to paid with a currency that is quickly becoming valueless. 4. you do not have to wait for a false group like "anonymous" to tell you what to do. 5. You do not need to do an occupy and roam the streets waiting to get shot with tear gas and escalate violence, which they would like,,,Nope all we need to do is talk amongst ourselves, pick a day to dump their shiity debt currency, program a bitcoin like currency and design some paper money and tell them to fuck off.

Then we can start to court the military, get them back serving the peoples side, then we will use our military as an international police force and we will hunt down and bring to justice the OWNERS of these central banks and ALL of their associates. Once that is done, we will deconstruct the NWO from the top down, media, pharma, insurance, military complex, prison, drug wars all will go away. After that we can tend to the "leaders" who by this time will have no power, just criminals awaiting trial. After that we will dramatically reduce the size of the central government, removing any hindrance to business affairs, income taxation will be abolished, we will rewrite our apportioned tax codes, health care will be fixed {I have an easy solution} Foreign military bases will be closed, all imperialistic ventures ceased.

You will see that when you get to keep what you earn, as others around you do, when people are allowed to be good at what they do with freedom, there will be plenty of work again, as by that point the dagger will be removed from the heart of small business.

The most important thing about this after regaining control of the currency supplies is regaining solid control of the military, the launch codes must be secured until unilateral decommissioning can commence.

This is a global problem, but the usa is the heart of the beast, and it must be tended to first.

we all are different, but we all want the same thing, that is to be happy, prosperous and free, and we must work together to do it.

By not using their media, by having it be grassroots, somewhat leaderless or "baseless" , this is the closest to fighting like Indians we can get in this age.

I'm sure they would very much like me to participate in their election process, where I could be completely ineffective. I feel I am of more use to you here, as just a voice, one that will undermine their system by simply using our minds together. We will create a new system, one where you don't choose the dick you see on tv, but one who has good and just ideas. I need all the help I can get, I always welcome brainstorming, this way we can together truly shape the future the way we would like it to be.

I feel you brother. The battle of ideas must continue.

It's interesting to me that you say there is no community while you are speaking to a community. You are making a mistake relying on human contact in what stupid people refer to as "the real world". This "real world" seldom has a reasonable amount of reasonable people but now in the digital age you can reach out to anyone at all, people who may be worlds away that believe the same things you believe. You are jumping into the future just by posting here. Happiness isn't stupid Levitt towns and "Leave it to Beaver" nuclear families, happiness is being able to reach someone who thinks like you on another continent with the click of a mouse.

You are also being short sighted. You have no idea how the world will change in the next 10 years. Think about it this way, a person 60 years ago would never believe that schools would be integrated or that I could have a computer in my bedroom. Things change rapidly if you consider the length of time life has existed. 13.8 billion years or 5 thousand, life has existed for so long and changed so significantly that it's unreal. There is no reason to despair for the future because the future is unknown. The best thing is that it is changeable. You and the people that think like you could change the world but if you despair and let yourself believe that it's hopeless then you are setting yourself up for failure. You must believe that the world can change or it never will.

I would also give up on those who take joy in superficial things. Frankly, they aren't worth your time. Maybe it's because I've never been one to care about media beyond analysis of trends, but I've found that those who buy into them are mindless. There are plenty of people out there that have greater minds than to be bought over by shiny trinkets and poorly made clothes. Those are the people you should associate yourself with. Maybe join a humanitarian group if you are committed to stopping suffering. It sounds like bullshit, but it's true. Every person can make a difference no matter if it's to one person or to many. You must not be intimidated by how much suffering you see because you are one single person and you can only do so much but if you get a group together then you are many doing so much and that can make a difference.

TL;DR: It's not hopeless, you just think it is because you're dwelling on the short term. The future is not written and you can make a difference.

I'm not much older than you but I've felt like this for years. The bright side is that you've discovered what will not and what cannot make you happy. Most people will never discover just how empty and shallow their lives are. Many will simply find an incoherent sort of contentment not unlike a drug addict on a high. For the life of me I can't decide if they are in fact the lucky ones or not.

This is beautiful man. Well said.

We all need to work on getting together with those of us that are in the same regions/cities. This may be one of the few places where people of common mind AND genuine opinions come together. Thanks for your post, OP. I've thought most of the same thoughts as you. It makes me sad to think of the pre-Bush America--all we've lost. All we have is hope that things will change.

Shame you guys are all in the US. UK here and its just as miserable. People just seem to think doing anything is a fancy fun idea but...ooh better get back to work pal, sorry. Jeeeeesus...

Believe it or not, I think about our brothers/sisters in the UK. Like it or not, we have a lot in common. But I've thought about how Blair was the English equivalent of Bush, and how the English way of life is probably being eroded by the same forces that are eroding our culture. We the people of both countries share a common struggle.

It is pretty shitty here. Add in the fact that everyone is overly reserved, generally opinionated and predominantly miserable, then throw in the crappy weather and you've got a delightful set of things to play with. Just wondering when more people will wake up...most seem to just ignore blatant facts that we're screwed and continue trusting banks, the media, the government, the retail culture etc..i find myself often 'shouted' into submission by people who are only capable of debating on the basis of a two or three party political system. So frustrating that nobody can see the new way forward, without reinforcing the monetary and political norms that have so clearly led to the crumbling decay of Western culture. I am VERY seriously debating buying a large acreage in Canadas Northern territories to get off this cunty little island and then withdrawing from society in general. For a very long time.

I feel you. I grew up in a monied Silicon Valley city and felt this type of cynicism from like 12 on.

This shit makes me fucking depressed, too. You're right, our whole generation is struggling, and you either pretend you aren't or you ostracize yourself. There's no real discussion, there's no sense of service, there's alcohol, and yes, the giants and niners.

After being a fan my whole life, you know what this unprecedented run of success for teams I at one point would've said I "loved" actually did for me? Nothing. When the niners were one more play away from the super bowl title I remember distinctly thinking, "I'm going to feel the same no matter what happens, but if they win I'm going to jump around and pretend like I think it matters."

My political consciousness was largely shaped by listening to KGO in the nineties because my parents had it on, but the broadcast corporations have systematically disassembled progressive talk radio, and now all we're given is KNBR. Kids get Kaepernick hawking Mcdonalds at them and no actual acknowledgement that the deck is stacked.

I think the only solution is to try to live as individually fulfilling a life as possible, whatever that means for you. And try to chip away a little bit at the system. If we are the ones that truly do understand history and the world is as we see it, then we know it will likely come crashing down, but over centuries. Or you decide that you're going to try to be the spark. Change in history is like a pilot light that takes like 40 times to actually work.

Sometimes I can take the existentialism far enough to a point where even 9/11 and this century of global war seems ultimately...trivial, maybe even silly. After all, death is the only truth of life. There's a lot of fuckin people on the world, and natural history tells us that life on earth tends to reset. We're pretty much hitting "reset" by taking matter in the ground and turn it into matter in the air. We all empathize with each other and the suffering we see during our time, but it will get worse at some point.

The global virus, the super volcano, another asteroid, are not only possible scenarios, they're inevitable over the course of time. So for however much humans fuck over each other while we're all here together, like 7 billion people all uncomfortably rubbing elbows, at some point we'll get our comeuppance as a species.

I expect human population to bottle neck a couple times, build some more super cities, abandon large swaths of continents in between the tropics as they heat, dwindle and ultimately go extinct. So why not just fuck and eat and love while we're here? California is a beautiful place to live.

"So why not just fuck and eat and love while we're here? California is a beautiful place to live."

evil takes many forms, apathy and self indulgence are two of them.

Yeah, no shit. Moderation. What about what I said was apathetic? I was explaining a macro, existential perspective, and attempting to cheer OP up just a little.

Those three things are essential for a healthy life. Don't get so cynical that you equate happiness with ignorance or indulgence. There's the grander context of the society in which you live, but then there's your life, and it behooves you to fill it with what beauty you can.

And what is "evil" anyways? Any time someone categorizes someone or something as "evil" I roll my fucking eyes, you might as well be a pastor excusing the ugly aspects of humanity as "the devil's work." People are people, we're the sum of our actions and social institutions, every time "evil" arises in a society there's a quantifiable reason.

I think places like this are important, I want the truth to get out, and I'll be a maven for that truth. But I also know that this shit is a rabbit hole, and I'm not Neo, I'm not going to be there at the end to shut off the machine. I can only try to live the best life I can in the short time I'm allotted. For me, that includes those three things, reading, and trying to see and experience the tangible stuff the Earth has provided life.

your world and way of life is falling apart around you, your fellow man, those you know as well as strangers are having the same thing happen to them ... there comes a certain time, a time in history, where sitting back and concerning yourself only with your own life primarily and your nexus becomes a crime...To stand back and watch it all die and do nothing because "well there's nothing we can do about it" or "that's just the way that it is" or "well it's all fucked, might as well have fun" is if not evil at the least is wrong. There s a mass murdering EVIL in charge of the world right now, to stand back and allow evil to run amok is evil....Lets define "evil" ; enslavement via debt, murder, rape, torture, imperialistic land grabs, forced economic strife, fear instillation via propaganda, intentional scarcity which leads to starvation and death, all of these and more are EVIL/WRONG and to stand back and suggest going with the flow and living it up while you can is not going to solve any problems, it just becomes one more person who shrugs there shoulders and says, pff, well, nothing we can do about it,

I ask you to envision the contagious nature of good and doing the right thing. Would you rather sit at home and eek out whatever you can, cause that's what everyone else is doing...Or would you rather sit at home and help me help ourselves and change the world into a place where you will know that there is a fine line between living and being alive, and that you and all around you together will know that you are ALIVE, not just living. When we all do well, we all do well. I am not saying you are evil, I am saying the words you speak and the actions you suggest are of evil or they are "wrong" and inappropriate, like putting on MC Hammer at someone's grandmas funeral and doing the poofy pants dance in front of the coffin. There will be a time for being alive, but it is so hard to do when you and all around you are just concerned with living.

Oh, brother. You took one sentence and completely characterized me as someone you'd like to debate and feel superior than.

I am saying the words you speak and the actions you suggest are of evil or they are "wrong" and inappropriate

These words? These actions?

So why not just fuck and eat and love while we're here?

Evil? Or was it that I enjoyed apples and hiking? Enjoying life isn't "standing back and living it up while you can." It's living. You need balance. You don't have to sacrifice personal fulfillment, meaningful relationships and beauty to attempt to change the world. If anything love will supply the tipping point.

Everyone's got a role to play, and maybe you're the type of person to solely dedicate their life to their work. I'm not, most of what I have to contribute positively is what I can give to and teach others. My childhood was full of death and depressed adults, I'm not going to put myself in that space more than necessary.

And I really do hope you're past the "comment" stage of your activism.

I think there is nothing wrong with "fun" good times, hot chicks, apple pie, great music and art. And well all the good things in life. All I am trying to say, is that there is a time for everything, and there are things that are appropriate at certain time and not at others. I do hear and UNDERSTAND what you are saying, I'm not trying to come across as holier than thou, I just feel that in times like these concentrating on "good times" instead of rallying the troops in a time of need is "wrong" , wrong being a derivative of evil, inappropriate action being taken at the wrong time...For example, it is right to help the old lady across the street, it is wrong to push her in front of a car, one is good, the other evil. Now I'm not suggesting having a good time while the world is on fire is the same as pushing an old lady in front of a car, but it somehow seems "wrong", it is just my opinion, and frankly I do apologize for coming off as preachy. I just want you to focus on fixing this shit instead of having a good time, then have a good time, along with everyone else. I admire that you teach and share, that is good, and I'm sure you are a good person.

Ok, we can drop the contentiousness. What I would say about "the world being on fire," and your conditions of evil is that, unfortunately that suffering dealt upon undeserving swaths of humanity are and have been inherent to the cyclical nature of power and empires for millennia. Hopefully in the future we can learn not to install as leaders the narcissistic, sometimes psychopathic men that have tended to kill and conquer their way into power.

And maybe it is worse and even more sadistic now that power is truly global and technology does what it does, but I tend to think it's mostly window dressing on the same trends. All an individual can do is his part, I have hope that we can pry the nefarious influence of money and war off the face of american government through democratic means and assembly, that's the part I intend to play. If that doesn't work, and things just get worse? Well, that's where my existential view of the future comes into play. But it's dangerous to think change will be easy or that it can be achieved in a single generation. Then all of a sudden you're Princip walking out of a deli, unknowingly unleashing hell on the world.

Personally, I find comfort and some joy in being awakened. It's actually paradoxical in that becoming enlightened both allows us to see the bondage we are under on this prison planet, and liberates us simultaneously. Isn't that strange? But for 40,000 times as long as humans have lived and died, the universe has continued in its dynamics. Another thing that brings me joy is knowing that I'm this new thing, this consciousness that has become self aware. I am as Alan Watts says, the universe experiencing itself. And as powerful as the corporations and presidents and centralized banks think they are, they are all finite and of limited universal power. In fact, the more they try to control the tangible, the further they remove themselves from the light of the universe. This collective unconsciousness that Carl Jung speaks of is quite interesting. I have to believe that one of our purposes of being sentient beings is to learn about this and tap into it. And I also tend to believe it is a positive force, as evidenced by the ice crystal experiments done by Masaru Emoto. These concepts lift me up when the material world is trying to enslave my soul. But as with all power, the system only has ownership over us if it is granted. We are in a new age of enlightenment which should be apparent as you wrote about being awakened. As TPTB try to bring about the end game I really believe that their malevolent causes will be their downfall and only serve to shut them off to the things I've mentioned above. We will triumph. At some point your physical body will die but remember the law of the conservation of energy: energy cannot be created nor destroyed but can change form. I'm some point we will reach our next form and those who have lived their life exploiting the collective unconscious are going to have a pretty big energy field to answer to. Keep learning and waking up and sharing and loving. All you have to do is keep your side of the street clean.

a free and wireless zero-point energy field around the world would transform this shithole to a utopia within decades. Try googleing pjkbook.pdf and nikola tesla. This will alter what is to be

Here's your community dear friend. This thread is full of supportive posts, ty wonderful redditors. RIP Aaron x

I am a lot older than you, kid. i feel your sadness. but take heart, from my happiness. i find joy in simply knowing where it is coming from. like Sisyphus, that moment watching the stone roll back down the hill, I know. You can too. and then, because you are young, you can see what to do which I cannot.

The world can be a shitty place, but you've basically just described clinical depression, and you would probably benefit from seeing a doctor about it.

Sounds like you've had shit year, maybe even two or three shit years. Even if you were not 'clued-up' to conspiracy and alternative news you would still, more than likely be going through the same change. The world is shit for a lot of people right now but it isn't all bad and sometimes it's hard to put it all into perspective. Things can change quicker than you think so don't let things weight you down so much.

I've always subscribed to the one minute to midnight theory, then again we are all different.

You should wait

That's the thing, i've personally had 3 great years. I'm watching the "new poor" and homeless population EXPLODE in the bay area and i'm expected to embrace my income bracket and just ignore how fucked up reality actually is? I rather not slap my future children in the face. As a generation we don't deserve happiness until we figure out how to fix our nation, you think people are happy when revolution is the only acceptable way out of their current predicament?

I rather be starving, poor and wounded amongst a loving community than "wealthy", unhappy and alone

Thank you.


So the new poor exist because i have a career? This is absolutely the most ridiculous bullshit i've read in awhile.

I love the perception that there isn't enough to go around.


The fallacy of scarcity is a designed to keep people afraid enough to not buck the system.

"See that homeless woman over there? That could be YOU if you buck the system."

"Read about that kid that got killed stealing food from the market? That could be YOUR kid if you buck the system."

"See that old man with rags wrapped around his feet at the bus stop? That could be YOU if you buck the system."

Artificial scarcity is developed, nursed into existence, spread across the land like rotten mold and then held like a cudgel over everyone's heads.

And you are one of the smartest persons I have read on Reddit.

Unfortunately, in bad times, intelligence and foresight inevitably lead to deep sorrow. Just ask any (very old) German or Italian or Russian.

But it is either that.. or being another happy, blind, idiot.

idk but my levels of empathy have gone through the roof in the past year! Things which never really 'hit me' before, do now! I can really relate to how you are feeling and thinking bro, and I commend it!

The more people who begin to think like this, the better. And there is a 'critical point', it's the square root of the people involved! Once this amount of people become a cohesive unit with and agreed goal, until another equal sized unit occurs, this one can control the others! The buddhist's believe that, in any community, when enough people live and think the 'right way' then everything else will come into harmony, the weather will be fine and gentle and life will be good for those involved.

I think it works the same in any situation, so when the general thinking shifts so will the paradigms, as they have been without us almost noticing, when it comes to this amazing communications revolution! we just let it happen and hang on for the ride!

when I think that even in my teenage years if I had said to someone, a description of the technology I am using right now, they would have thought I had a pretty good imagination! and maybe make a Dick Tracey joke! I try to imagine what would have been the response if I had been able to take this laptop I'm using back in time to when I was at school. The "mind's truly blown" would be immeasurable! And a laser pointer would be most impressive!

To be able to share this stuff instantly with other minds around the world is just mindblowing for me, still!

And yet here I sit, 30 years later using devices I became familiar with years ago, but only this millenia! ha! amazing!

and I ask, "what next?"

There was a time - and that is what OP is referring to- when 'community' was important. For many reasons.

I lived in those times.

The bank manager didn't screw you over because he lived down the street.

The car repair guy didn't screw you over because his kids went to school with everyone elses kids in the neighborhood.

People practiced polite driving because that may be your kids mother or father or principal driving the other car at the light.

People walked around visiting in the summer, and the stay-at-homes sat on their porches when and if they wanted company- and they generally did. And people stopped and shared stories, good news and bad and talked politics and fresh warm tomatos, overripe zucchini. And the porch sitters usually had a large pitcher of tea to share.

And then came the 1980's. And all of a sudden the young men were getting wonderful jobs with these corporations- but the sad thing was that immediately the corporations needed them, for some reason, to move halfway across the country. And so they did.

And that was the beginning of the breakup of community, of family, of generation upon generation of friendships.

This was the beginning of vulnerability and fear. The death of our local and long term support system. You understand that if we have a strong and long term support system that you know you will eat next week if the worst happens. You will have a place to sleep.

Now we are a land of strangers with this thread of fear running through them.

I don't know how to 'fix' that.

this was chilling, thank you

Don't be chilled. Turn it around. It took less than a generation to get it there.. take it back, dammit.

It's the 1% who are siphoning.. not working joes with half an education.

The root of all THIS evil is THEIR MONEY! not money itself, the money you are using and the monetary system. All roads, and I mean all of them related to the wide scale problems we have stem entirely from the privately held monetary systems.

Only by truly understanding this truth can one even fathom solutions. If I exclude, aliens, big foot and any other supernatural "theories" and focus soley on worldly problems, we will find time and time again that all problems lead right to MONEY PRINTED AS DEBT. War, poverty, economic strife, unemployment, drug wars, gestopo police and military, and other major issue plaguing this world {excluding fukashima, which may hve connections} ALL OF THEM...EVERYONE OF THEM LEADS TO ROTHSCHILD ZIONISM AND THEIR CONTROL OVER THE CURRENCY SUPPLIES.


Collectively you use it "cause everyone else does" and collectively for most of you, you will suffer under this system. And ONLY!!! when enough of you understand how to say aloud a problem, then connect it directly to CENTRAL BANK/ERS WILL YOU KNOW WHAT YOU MUST DO.

Bitcoin, while a good opportunity to "make" "money" is not to be trusted. IF it were a program initiated by the people AFTER the central banks have been removed I would say otherwise, but that is not the case.

Like all those that came before you, the only solution is to separate yourselves from that which oppresses you, as a group.

Imagine if the sea between Britain and the colonies was just land. What did they do? They separated themselves from these "English" and then soon afte discovered that they HAD to separate themselves from THEIR {the bank of Rothschild England} MONEY !!!

And you will need to do the same. collectively as a group. So you can sit around and wait for the truth to spread like a virus to each person, or you can group with like minded people in a regional polarized fashion and separate yourselves from THEM!!! The question is will there be enough of you be able to do it at the same time and can you find a plot of earth to stake your claim. You will have to stop using their money and you will have to separate yourselves from them and ANY who stand with them, idle or with intent. It is the way it has always been. Those who are not unplugged are the enemy until the are unplugged. To force change on them may not be effective, many can not handle the truth. Instead of forcing those who wish to remain asleep, there will come a day where you and the others who understand that abandoning the ship is the only way, will have to leave them behind. Only then will laws be written that serve the will of the people with the peoples will in charge.

I'm game. What is the first step.

there are several paths, I do have a few different plans, I will discuss them shortly. All of them are extreme but doable, the question is, do you want freedom, peace and prosperity bad enough. Are you willing to have faith in yourself and your fellow man, are you willing to lead as well as follow. So many ask "who will save us" and I will say, that you must save yourself. If you are one to believe in a god, you must know that he wants you to save yourself, if you are one who does not worship, you must also know that the only answer is that you must save yourself. But only when enough of you want it at the same time, alone you are nothing, together you are everything.

I would be interested in hearing your plans.

This, exactly this, all of this..

Didnt Iceland kick out all the banks and politicians and start again? Not reported on mainstream media anywhere.

Why'd i get downvoted?? Im sorry if im wrong, just making an observation!!

Geez, Mr. Typo. Try to look at the sunny-side once in awhile.

Now that you know, quit worrying about it. At this point friend we are just in for the ride.

Change is going to happen, and it will be explosive. If we die, so be it. If we survive, your going to need to know how to keep on surviving.

Stop worrying about the doom part, and start preppin for the aftermath.

Learn to grow, learn to love, learn to give.

My mother's family lives on the east coast. They do not speak to my mother. My mother was a law student when she met my father. She received her degree and had my sister. Then she was raped, at gunpoint. The rapist was never found.

My mother entered a deep depression from which she never really recovered. At home, our cabinet is full of bottles of pills, which are there to help her forget the rape.

Her family won't speak to her because they feel she wasted her life, her education, and her potential. Potential to do what, and for whom, I don't know.

My father has worked for the same hospital for 30 years. In the beginning, it was a great place to work. It was the biggest company in town, almost everyone worked there. Slowly, over time, this company became less and less interested in serving the interests of the local community. They opened their doors only to the rich, and used tax dollars to build executive suites capable of accommodating those with expensive tastes. If you want to go to the hospital now, it is difficult unless you are extremely wealthy. My father is aging. He relies on such an institution for his income.

In college, my friends all read poetry, talked about changing the world, traveled, and were willing to entertain any possibility. These same friends now have law degrees. To pay off their debts, they have taken jobs at corporate firms. Corporates are the only ones paying, these days. They say, "I want to live a comfortable life. I'm being realistic."

I threw my degree aside and entered graphic design, believing that art would be my haven from consumerism, corporatism, and the death of whatever was inside me that made me want to live.

I have since learned that almost all artists who get paid are paid because they make work that glorifies a product, a company, a government funded organization, or a rich person's vanity.

"Get a real job." "You'll want a retirement plan." "It's time to be realistic." This is what I am told, time and again.

I left the United States to escape this. Now, when I return, I am sequestered at the border, asked questions about my reasons for living abroad, my religion, my parent's religion, and so on.

My sister also travels the world. Like me, she is a wanderer. Not content. Always uncomfortable in the United States. She has tried being a trekker in Nepal, a partier in Europe, a hari-Krishna in India.

It is difficult to find a place, today.

No one has families.

My grandmother on my father's side died in a drug-induced stupor. My parents were not able to care for her in her dying age, because she refused to move in with us. She lived across the country. She believed in her "independence." Instead of living with family, she used the last of her money to hire assistants that she called her "angels." When she died, her bloodstream saturated with opiates, these angels removed the family silver, the jewelry, and other heirlooms from the home, taking them as "personal gifts." They then cut off contact.

My father arrived to the funeral and looked at the body laying in the funeral home. When he came out, he was crying. He said "That was my mother."

My uncle and he made jokes. They also do not get along. They didn't talk for 40 years. They are just now trying to become friends again.

Our greatest treasure was lost. We were promised that we could find ourselves. We did. We found ourselves and realized that we were alone without our families. Maybe they don't understand us. Maybe they embarrass us. Maybe they hurt us. "We don't need them."

I do not know if someone designed it this way. Sometimes it seems so. But even if they put the biggest pile of gold in front of us, off in the distance, if only we would step out alone, what fools we are for turning out backs on the real treasure.

It is easy for me to look around for the causes of my problems. It is easy to pretend that it is bigger than me, that I am unhappy because of the times or because of the rich. Maybe I am.

They say the sins of the father are visited on the son, and on the next generation. Already, I wonder if my own children will grow up believing that a family is a mother and father who argue a lot, and little else.

We've been fools. And now we're alone.

Damn dude. Some real words. Not gonna lie, made me choke up a bit.

Happiness is not eating overpriced oysters in the warm californian sun while I’m surrounded by death and despair.

For me, a couple of things are striking about this staement. On the one hand, it is admirable that you are not satisfied to be numbed by the distractions and entertainments of our still relatively luxurious lifetstyles. On the other hand, there is an underlying assumption that your personal happiness is of prime importance. Well, it really isn't. That sounds callous, but I don't mean it to be. We have been programmed by our media to believe we must be happy. Actually, happiness is not a goal to reach or a reward. Happiness is an active tool to deal with struggles. It smooths over social stresses and it helps you keep motivated through days that involve drudgery or seeming setbacks. But you don't even have to actively try to be happy. I know some very sour people that get by on cynicism and curmudgeonliness. They use pessimism as a kind of shield against disappointment. It's not important that they're not sunny. I'm actually much more interested that you have a realistic view of American society than whether you live in a state of happiness or not.

One thing that can shake some people out of the American concept linking happiness to self-fulfillment is travelling to Indonesia or other parts of Asia. People there are poor. They work from dawn to dusk. Many live under a repressive state. If you are born to the lowest class, you have no chance of rising. But, people there are always smiling. Almost anyone that travels through Indonesia and Southeast Asia is struck by this. The smiling isn't necessarily happiness the way we see it-- it's almost more of an obligation to be cheerful in public. Expressions of self-pity and sour demeanors are really frowned on. On the other side, they do have a very cohesive cultural and social framework, which help bolster people. These problems of disintegrating families that you talk about are not such a problem, although you have to wonder if that is changing with their changing economies. Another point is that since their options in life are sometimes limited or pre-set, they aren't saddled with the burden of proving how amazing and fantastic and kick ass their careers and homes and consumer tastes are.

I've been depressed before and I know it's not always so easy to just put on a smile. I'm not saying you're depressed. But sadness can become a physical or chemical state, complete with its own physical posture. The thing is to keep moving and keep going and exercise, and to try to smile if for no other reason than to bolster people around you that have it much harder. And find the people you can discuss your darker thoughts with that aren't likely to freak out. Casual aquaintances won't appreciate this. It's called being the "turd in the punchbowl". Women that see you as a potential date will defintely be turned off, as you have found out, if you talk about death and despair. Women, by and large, want someone that seems ready to go out and grab the world, not shrink from it. It doesn't mean you don't have to date, but you don't have to share every single thing early in the dating process either.

I had a conversation with friends recently where we talked about how one can have hope nowadays. I didn't have an answer at the time but as I thought about it later I realized that I have long ago given up hope in the current arrangement. It's dead. It is a very unusual time to live in right now, as our entertainment stream tells us we are at the top of the world and to keep buying but we can see the disintegration around us and we can indeed feel alone by voicing these thoughts around those that wish to remain entertained. So the thing is to place hope in other things. I personally hope to see the day when corporations no longer grind the faces of working people the world over into the ground. That will be something to celebrate. I hope to see the day when we are no longer able to continue the destruction of the environment.

The pot of gold is gone and the rainbow is a river of shit.

Ha ha. That statement sounds depressing, but you can see it's kind of funny too. Skittles should take "Taste the River of Shit" as it's new slogan. Remember, our country has been pouring out that river of shit upon people of Central and South America for more than a hundred years. It was inevitable when the bottom line starting getting squeezed here that the citizens of this country would be given police-state treatments like the workers in the countries to the south. But this is the sign that the system is cannibalizing itself and is ready to die. If our military exploits bother you than take hope in the fact that our empire is in its death throes. Yeah, it will be hard to go through the collapse but at least you will no longer feel alone when everyone else is shocked into reality and everyone has to work together to repair the pieces.

answer: you're not supposed to be happy. get over it.

you were not born to be happy, you were born to be loved, love is often a by product of happiness. however some people are not happy unless they are sad, hmm human nature

You're wrong about women not accepting conspiracy theories. Some of the greatest researchers on the assassination of JFK were women. Though you may be right about pretty women. I know, as a woman, I noticed long ago that pretty women didn't seem to be human. The world they live in is different than the world the rest of us live in.

But if pretty is a requirement then you have to accept the shallowness that goes along with it.

If you really want meaning become a commie. It's the only ideology that explains what has happened and that is rigidly moral.

You're not asking the right questions. You're not even looking at the right problems. There's no use complaining about where you're going if you refuse to look at the person driving the bus.

The first thing I will say in response is that I have suffered through 4 bouts of unemployment and depression. The last bout of depression was the most severe which necessitated medication and counseling.

I do not discount anything you have said, however, there is hope.

I believe community can and will redevelop and evolve. I have seen this sense of community change with change in a sense of family. Due to family's now being smaller, these smaller families have began combining here in Michigan City, Indiana.

I believe the church will also survive, but not in it's current state. Something called "Stephen Ministry" and things like this organization will begin holding church leaders accountable. Many churches will either die or accept this accountability. This is happening right now.

The problems you see are horrible, but try to live from day to day. There is happiness out there. Just try to make every day count. That is what I did. Feel free to reach out to me when you need to. Always remember, suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems. My wife taught me this. At least for you, tomorrow can be a better day and you can make a positive difference in people's lives.

I read this as a comment someone wrote on a article I was reading. It was applied in a vastly different way, but it really struck a chord with me. I believe it to be true.

There is a group of people out their that is connected to something that science can't explain. They can feel what others around are feeling. Its not just picking up other people. Its all of life. Life is connected and when something is focused on - if there is pain, or happiness, it can be felt. Life is beautiful. All of it.

It seems the way many live create the conditions where they divorce themselves from this, whether intentional or not.

The only advice I can give you is to focus on the good parts of life. You're here for a reason. Use it for good, love and empathy even if it seems like it isn't always possible. We've been here before, and we'll be here again. Good will always win in the end.

The original thread post and the multiple comments added to this thread has given me a sense of rejuvenation; an unexpected feeling of comfort.

Incredibly, I don't feel so alone anymore, but that doesn't dilute the true problems at hand..

I just wanted to share how touching it is for me to be able to empathize with so many of you.

This scenario is a big part of why my wife just left me. Stress upon stress on both of us, more depression and fear due to lack of finances. Leads to less and less communication and as you say time spent with the community.

I spent all my time with my kids and have no friends or family within a thousand miles. She left me and took the car and the kids. So starting monday i'm sleeping on the streets with my dog. I emulate your sadness more then I care to admit. If I did, I'm not sure how much longer I could keep my sanity.

I know right. I found all this Rothschild conspiracy and secret agreement stuff about 6 months ago and since then I changed too. I knew deep down before this event that something is wrong. I have a knack for economics and world well-being in general which revealed me the Fed, then I read "Jekyll Island" and "Pawns in the Game" which made me so depressed that I thought such sickness is impossible to do against humanity. But then I understood that we are guilty as equally as parasites who pull the strings. We let them indoctrinate us, we never question things, we refuse to listen to bad stuff and we refuse to even consider that movies and fantastic stories there might actually be a whisper of truth to director's ear who decided to implement it for the world to see. Bad guys fighting good guys type films did not born from imagination, it was a hint of truth a person realized. Most people crave to believe and hear what they want, they don't like bad news. It is the main reason why most of the society is ignorant and just live their lives. Can you imagine what will happen for my child? He/She would be born into the world where war is a norm, robbery from banks is tolerated and society is in total apathy towards crime. When time comes, I will fight and won't flee. Because our time is limited on this Earth and we will all come back to cosmos dust form we were formed from.

Today I spent nice evening talking with my roommates about conspiracies and wars in history. They were astonished by what I disclosed but cheered me and themselves up that there is no reason to fear death. Once time comes, they will fight and die free. Just as I will.

don't let hope die, they can take everything away, but they can not take your spirit. Wear you sadness as armor, your despair as a shield and your anger as a sword. We can win this fight, but we must organize with like mind. Knowing what is happening is the first step to solving the problems, the next step is unification. To stand neutral in the face of injustice is to side with your oppressors. All you have to do is change what you believe.

Before you is a table, on this table are 2 piles of paper, one pile is 100 dollar bills, the other paper of the same size with a 100 written on them. I ask you now which one has value, you will choose the usd. I am asking you to choose the other pile. All you need to do is THINK the other pile has value and that the usd's are junk mail. But if we do this experiment alone, it means nothing, if everyone who is suffering under this central banker nightmare decided to change there way of thinking, it would mean everything.

I am with you guys, much love you my friend. Look inside! ;)

Older redditor here, what's sad, is that you have never really experienced freedom. It started disappearing in the late '70' and early '80's when the gov't really started to use computing power to keep track of all Americans. It has just become so much more overt in the 21st century.

For some queer reason, my comments on David Icke get downvoted, but I am bloody serious (Icke joke)--- he will cheer you up.

90 minutes, Icke reinforces your existence as infinite consciousness, blablabla

I know how you feel, overwhelming sadness for the world and everythin on it. The enlightened see the world for what it is and the sheep stay in ignorant bliss.

Women really don't like conspiracy theories, is because the socially accepted truth is on average more important to them than the actual truth.

Do not be sad.

Help Gaia.

The god of money must be dethroned and replaced by the natural god, Gaia.

Once Gaia takes over, the U.S.A. will regain the lead again as the greatest country in the world.

Take this mission if you dare. The Earth needs you.

Only God is love, any exhibition of love is the sharing of God.

This is why you find no joy in the sick, disgusting, pathetic state of the world and human kind in general.

It almost felt like I was listening to many friends and people I know while reading your post.

You're searching for love, but you're not finding it because you're only looking in the world, and it's not there.

Find God, then you will finally find your peace through understanding and faith.


How do you sleep at night?

I was like you, then I accepted Jesus Christ and my life changed. I won't be moved. We know the truth, we know the heart. We have empathy, we love. We care, and we're real. You aren't alone, and you'll never be alone. I have the same memories and I know that in time we will again have the peace and joy we remember but it will be even better because we conquered the evil that came to break us and take us from God.

John 16:33

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.




Just surrender to God. Don't resign yourself to a dying world, this world is merely dust. We are eternal and we desire eternal things. It's the truth. You're loved.

Have you accepted {insert preferred control mechanism here} into your life?

You're the fucking problem with this country!

Don't listen to maxpowers1987. The only salvation is to be found in Odin One eye, the Allfather. I also find lots of help from Ganesha the remover of obstacles. Just say'n.

But I thought a C T is supposed to be versed in the luciferian agenda dealing with masons and the NWO ? Are we being steered towards destruction ? Is Satan just a myth ? Why is evil prevalent and in control ? So now those who see the puppet master, and turn in the other direction, are the problem ? Those that know mankind cannot fix itself because we are manipulated by forces beyond flesh, and turn to a higher power, are NOT the problem. This all further plays into the conquer and divide game. Till the end... Some will see the trickster, most will not.

"Surrender to God." LOL listen fuckface, I surrender to no man (including fictional sky men), and I can guarantee you alot of others in this sub wouldn't choose a life of mental servitude to a non-existant entity either, just like how we oppose servitude towards fiat debt and tyranny.

finally some clarity

This, exactly this, all of this..

I'm game. What is the first step.

I think there is nothing wrong with "fun" good times, hot chicks, apple pie, great music and art. And well all the good things in life. All I am trying to say, is that there is a time for everything, and there are things that are appropriate at certain time and not at others. I do hear and UNDERSTAND what you are saying, I'm not trying to come across as holier than thou, I just feel that in times like these concentrating on "good times" instead of rallying the troops in a time of need is "wrong" , wrong being a derivative of evil, inappropriate action being taken at the wrong time...For example, it is right to help the old lady across the street, it is wrong to push her in front of a car, one is good, the other evil. Now I'm not suggesting having a good time while the world is on fire is the same as pushing an old lady in front of a car, but it somehow seems "wrong", it is just my opinion, and frankly I do apologize for coming off as preachy. I just want you to focus on fixing this shit instead of having a good time, then have a good time, along with everyone else. I admire that you teach and share, that is good, and I'm sure you are a good person.

I don't watch the MSM for much news. I read online, NPR

NPR is as bad as anywhere else. Just because it is "public" doesn't mean it hasn't been co-opted.

It's very rare in fact I don't believe I've ever came on thread like this and read someone actually offering solutions other than 'get a gun fuck shit up'. I don't believe this system could survive 1 more hour without our consent.

What in the fuck would they gain from killing everyone? Nothing. There is no motive, no cause, no evidence, no nothing. I might as well claim you enjoy shoving bricks up your nostril and it would be equally as valid.

I thought long ago about that and I think now that I understand there must be a fraction of the elites think exactly like this:
- They have millions of land reserves in case of everything.jpg goes wrong, landgrabbing takes place right now and sustainable farming is a growing concern among Investors (Agenda 21 is exactly that. Imagine every measure to prevent soil loss as future land reserves, despite being sensible it works that way)
- Following that, they could reboot completely as they are at it
- They have vastly, hugely more energy reserves and -flows per capita as the millions of square kilometers now provide energy to a very few so this whole fossil shenanigans is not needed anymore anyway or, also likely, some millions of those kilometers are then ¨plant area¨ for fully automated nukes
- Genetic clearance for free. Basically, when the dumbfucks kill themselves, survivors are either very prudent or very passionate. Both are highly desirable traits to cultivate, even on a group level
- etc.

I read this monologue and it sounds like my brother.....100%. We live in LA. He knows the same inevitable end....and it's obviously troubling. I am near that point as well. But I have hope and I too have thought of running for public office. So maybe right here.....Reddit can help make both of our plans a reality? This is what needs to be done. Conversation like this.....until more people unite under the same idea that freedom isn't paid to someone else. It's in us from birth.

How do you sleep at night?

I'm in the US (might have been obvious). The medical field here is ridiculous in my opinion, between doctors wanting to give people drugs and people wanting drugs. cracks me up that there's a big controversy about making weed legal, yet no one has an issue with legal opiates being prescribed for anything and everything. Big Pharma is part of the problem here, something needs to be done about it.

Symptoms were basically all over joint pain...imagine having the flu, that sort of ache and pain. insomnia. waking up in the middle of the night saturated in sweat. waking up in the morning and being in a complete daze, unable to form a thought. Vertigo. And then the usual gastro issues like diarrhea

It is pretty shitty here. Add in the fact that everyone is overly reserved, generally opinionated and predominantly miserable, then throw in the crappy weather and you've got a delightful set of things to play with. Just wondering when more people will wake up...most seem to just ignore blatant facts that we're screwed and continue trusting banks, the media, the government, the retail culture etc..i find myself often 'shouted' into submission by people who are only capable of debating on the basis of a two or three party political system. So frustrating that nobody can see the new way forward, without reinforcing the monetary and political norms that have so clearly led to the crumbling decay of Western culture. I am VERY seriously debating buying a large acreage in Canadas Northern territories to get off this cunty little island and then withdrawing from society in general. For a very long time.