Conspiracy theorists are NOT the problem

34  2013-11-10 by SovereignMan

I keep seeing troll posts claiming conspiracy theorists are anti-Semitic. Comparing conspiracy theorists to anti-Semites is like comparing Europeans to white supremacists.

Sound familiar?

Beware. They'll do anything to try to discredit this sub.

Edit: People seem to caught up on defining the term "conspiracy theorist". I guess I should have used "/r/conspiracy" instead.


Further, Israel is a country, Judaism is a religion. The two are not mutually exclusive.

-Israel is carrying out some pretty horrific and human rights violating policy against innocent Palestinians.

Notice I didn't need to degrade or say anything about the Jewish people to form that sentence.


Any genuine conspiracy theorist understands the difference between zionism and judaism. Those who blur that line are purposely antagonizing to make us look bad.

I disagree. I think the line is in reality blurred.

Let's do a test then.

Question 1. Is it possible for a Jew to not be Zionist?

Question 2. Is it possible for a non-Jew to be Zionist?

Yes to both. But, lots of Jews in the US support Israel without being a "Zionist". The level of support exhibits a fine graduation.

So the line between Jew and Zionist is extremely clear. What you're saying is the line between Zionist and non-Zionist is blurred.

Oh their just desperate, as the central bankers feel the heat from the non-Zionist Jews. In the past the Zionist always relied on their ability to lump all Jews into the same boat, they do this of course as "shield", however far too many Jews know what is going on, such as myself and now there is a large push from the Jews to separate themselves from those pro central banking Zionist's.

Like I say, if "you people" have half a brain you will hoist me, a jew,up against these mass murdering scum, The Zionist will feel the wrath of the Hebrew NEED a Jewish leader/posterboy to counter these scum. Only then will their "argument" be deflated. I want you, to help me, bring these people to justice.

I think we need to make an effort to disassociate with the term "conspiracy theorist". From it's conception this term has always had a negative connotation, it more or less implies that you are nothing but a crazy person. I prefer the term "free thinker" because that is what a majority of the "conspiracy theorist" community is today. There's been a lot of propaganda attacking the nature of what a conspiracy theorist is. The words themselves are a misrepresentation of the true intention of places like this subreddit.

The definition of a conspiracy theory is as such:

"A theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators."

Based on the amount of evidence provided by whistle blowers and journalists, this "secret plot" is no longer a secret and neither are the "powerful conspirators". The truth is that the American government is backed by men of influence (people and corporations with money) and is using its various agencies to abuse the rights of its citizens and their foreign counterparts to profit off of them, whether it be for money or control. What I see labelled as a "conspiracy theory" more closely resembles "conspiracy fact". In this subreddit named "conspiracy", people post actual news stories from many legitimate sources, this is not the result of believing in a conspiracy, it is the result of witnessing the facts of the world we live in. I encourage any one who deems themselves a "conspiracy theorist" to abandon the label given to them by those who seek to control them, let go of your slave name. Adopt, instead, the real nature of your consciousness, you are a FREE THINKER.

TPTB seem hell bent on keeping us ignorant to what is really going on. We are all being treated like kids - it's like we are not really able to cope with the "adult problems", so it is just kept from us en masse.

Personally, I think I would prefer to know the truth straight up. No bullshit, no glossing over, no filtering ... just transparent facts. I am getting tired of having to "second guess" about geopolitical developments Frankly, this game just increases the lack of trust in government and big corporations. If one wants to stay blissfully ignorant, that is easily accomplished by that individual.

Are you a conspiracy theorist or a free thinker. Double talk is so silly but so very real. What defines you? They build you a pool to play in. They labled you and marginalized you. Your cause now has leaders that everyone can identify. Alex jones, David ike. Those guys are silly and are terrible leaders, but that's who everyone thinks you are. The movement is having an identity crisis. It's time for some leadership. There's actually never been a better time in history! But if you do, change the name ok?

It's almost like /r/conspiracy had a noticeable number of posters who specifically commented about how Jews were "teh evil" in just about every posting they did for years, whilst simultaneously denying that they specifically hated Jews (except for a few times they couldn't be bothered to, and just came out and said that they hated all Jews).

It's difficult to get rid of that reputation overnight, although I'm pleased the mods finally got rid of them.

In case people are wondering who I mean, I refer to highly prolific posters like bumblingmumbling, ttt00ttt and others. Now they all hang out in /r/WhiteRights where they show their true colours (pun intended!).

Of course you do have some newer members who are nearly as bad, who I've just noticed curiously happen to hang out there too.

Are you aware that in order to discredit this sub, people would intentionally post anti-Semitic material and create accounts dedicated to that? I'm not saying that people aren't genuinely anti-Semitic but I'm also aware and have seen an example or someone creating an account and posting anti-Semitism here on purpose.

No, conspiracies are the problem. Remember the good old days, when most of this really was crackpot shit.