Just wondering what is everyone's opinion of the Bible?

12  2013-11-10 by [deleted]


Old Testament - A collection of more ancient manuscripts plagiarized, rewritten and embellished to provide a certain group of people the ability to control their subjects.

New Testament - Hearsay written for the most part a century after it's alleged occurrences.

The goal of the Council of Nicaea was to carefully select texts from various religions and collate them to create a single, official religion for Constantine's empire.

Plagiarized, hearsay? Oral tradition... Plagiarized. I'm sure there is a dictionary on the internet somewhere, I could be wrong, though. You're fedora collection must be most impressive. Massive fedora tips to you, kind neckbeard.

You are saying he IS a fedora collection. I was assuming he was a person.. hmm.

Autocorrect motoschemekt. I ain't be gibbin no fuggs yo!


I think of myself as more spiritual ...but I can't argue its teachings to at least be a decent person... yea there is sexiest things and other questionable writing but the 10 commandments are pretty solid

The first three commandments are nothing but the throat clearings of an admittedly jealous dictator. The fourth demands that you work for 6 days a week. Literally only half of the 10 commandments have any merit. Notably missing from the big list: nothing prohibiting rape or sexual abuse of children.

You are wrong on all levels. Adultery covers rape and sexual abuses of all kinds. If you read the bible without a preconceived notion then you may actually begin to learn the truth therein.

How about exodus 21? The one that follows the 10 commandments. What about the other 603 commandments?

If you understood the bible correctly, you'd know that when Jesus laid his life down on the cross then rose from the grave, He paid for all of our sins allowing us salvation, as well as breaking the old covenant and creating the new commandment to love.

Again, that is the claim that that's what happened. Not the proof. You must provide substantial evidence that Jesus died for our sins, which begs the question that sin is a thing.

"Sin: the imaginary disease to sell you an imaginary cure."

Instead of waiting for someone else to provide proof, I challenge you to go out of your way and try and disprove it. I'm sorry for everyone with this mentality, and I pray that someday the truth will be so clear it won't be this easily tossed away.

Disprove what? I'm not the one making an unfounded claim. The burden of proof is with the believer.

Yes, let us disprove that which cannot be proved. Put down the bible, and take a class in debate.

The point I'm making, is that when you try to fully disprove God, you will come to the realization it can't be done. Debate comes in many forms, and I wasn't trying to.

There is a teapot in orbit somewhere between the earth and mars. A very special teapot. Now this teapot doesn't like to be viewed you see, and will cloak itself if you attempt to find it. But it is very real. This teapot revealed himself to me, only me, and instructed me to spread awareness of its existence.

Instead of waiting for someone else to provide proof, I challenge you to go out of your way to try and disprove it. I'm sorry for everyone with this mentality, and I pray that someday the truth (about the teapot) will be so clear that it won't be this easily tossed away.

There. You see that? You see how ridiculous that sounds? Yet my ridiculous story about a made-up teapot is just as disprovable as Jesus dying for our "sins".

Many will be lost.

If you read Greek, you would know for sure that James, brother and apostle of Jesus, did not agree with your modern theology. James believed the commandments to still be in effect.

Why did anyone have to pay anything and to who?

Only that which was written on the second set of tablets which Moses brought down from the meeting with Yahweh are "commandments," and the rest ("603" you say) are Law.

But you are correct that there is an 11th commandment with regard to the construction of altars.

Yes this is true but I think those you mentioned are givens and you don't have to work any day if you don't want the convenience of life work gives us

So if something is a given then it doesnt have to be said? Then why is murder listed? That should be a given as well IMHO.

What you consider to be the good stuff is about 2% of the teachings in the bible. The rest consists of barbarism and insanity.

In the new testament what bad did the one called Jesus speak of?

I don't really consider the New Testament to be part of the bible. It's fan fiction that one group of people want to shove into a series. I just hope some asshole doesn't try to make it a trilogy.

You might consider Islam to be the third installment, no?

There are lots of religions that teach being a good person.

Its a book written by the people who are destroying our world as we speak. Those CHRISTIANS decided to murder 20 - 30 million indian's and wipe out all forms of shamanic religions that were opposed to them. The catholics have been guilty of the same shit. I am sorry if I don't trust a word they say. You can find some insight from the book but what is a gem in a pile of oozing shit. History is written by the conquerors. Oh and any book telling me that one race is superior to the other is another red flag.

Judaic fanfiction

So your saying the Bible is literally a bunch of Bull.

I consider the bible heresy to all that is human. It's the first tool someone reaches for when they want to enslave your mind and body. I don't need an old book to tell me what is right and what is wrong, and neither should you.

Greek mythology and Nordic religions are infinitely more fascinating. The bible is a collection of books written and re-written (5 main authors can be identified in the first 5 books read Armstrong's "A history of God") to fit the early Hebrews beliefs at the time to suite the priest caste and keep them in power. The polytheistic Hebrews adapted most of their legends from other writings and civilizations that they conquered in their bible and eventually the cult of Yaweh, the god of war, won out over the other gods such as the god of fertility Baal or the god of the mountain, el shadai.

The idea of hell/afterlife as a fiery inferno isn't real and only came about in the early middle ages as a form of priest caste keeping power. Circumcision has clearly been written about as a method to control male sexuality by lessening sexual pleasure by influential Jewish scholars (as we know, many of the Jewish practices lived in on Christianity today). Lucifer/Satan has several different meanings from a star in the sky to the generic human "accuser". The gnostic writings, the gospel of peter (popular in the middle ages), the story of bel and the dragon, and many other highly influential and important early Christian writings have been completely forgotten.

I am a former Evangelical Christian who was brainwashed for nearly 25 years before managing to break free and learn the truth as best we know it after I completely read the bible, pondered the paradox of an all loving and all powerful god allowing a place such as hell to exist, and eventually reading works from biblical scholars . I truly pity those who will never be able to break free as I have due to their weak minds being afraid of the truth or from never having the curiosity/desire to actually learn about Christianity and instead preferring to be spoon fed lies from an authority figure.

Wow, we need more like you.

Unfounded claims that many try to push off as truths to try to legislate people's lives. Nothing more than a claim.

I find that the thin paper they use to make bibles is more effective than a newspaper, but less effective than toilet paper.

Just out of curiosity what do you belive

About the Bible? about Cheese danish? or about Fermat's last theorem?

It shows the power and influence that the Jews had even back Two Thousand years ago by the simple fact that two of the world biggest religions (Christianity and Islam) use their holy book with some modifications.

There was a "Ancient israel lobby" in 1st century BC Rome, they exported gold from the Roman provinces to Jerusalem in a huge money laundering scheme, their Great Temple was basically a Central Bank, Vespasian and Titus built the Colosseum with the gold they looted from the destroyed Jerusalem Temple after the Jewish Revolt of 70 AD:


Construction of the Colosseum began under the rule of the Emperor Vespasian[5] in around 70–72 AD, funded by the spoils taken from the Jewish Temple after the Siege of Jerusalem.


Cicero Pro Flacco

The hatefulness of the Jewish gold now follows. Surely this is the reason that this case is being tired not far from the Aurelian steps. For the sake of the crime, this place and this crowd, Laelius, was sought by you. You know how large this band is and how close and how powerful they are in assemblies. So, I will proceed with a quiet voice, so that (only) judges may hear. Indeed, there is no lack of those who would incite them against me and anyone respectable. I will not help those men to do this more easily.

When it was accustomed that gold was sent to Jerusalem each year from Italy and from all the other provinces by the authority of the Jews, Flaccus forbid by edict for this gold to be exported from Asia. Who, judges, is there who would not truly praise this deed? In fact, the senate during my consulship vehemently and frequently in the past determined that gold ought not to be exported.


This is good site about how the Romans viewed the jews in Rome:


Q: Is this because Christians teach that individuals should be under the control of a God who is holy? Or should I say, one who judges right and wrong?

A: Christianity is about idolising a human called Jesus of Nazareth first, which is an abomination. Christians teach what they have been told to teach by the ones they oppose. I can tell you who the 4 individuals were who wrote the Hebrew old testament and the exact date, if it suited me. Same about your new testament which was gathered by 6 people from 2 different areas.


Q: "Are there any non-corrupted parts of the bible and if what bible version would you suggest?"

A: "No. As with all Sacred Texts, they have been distorted from the original information that was given with each translation. Though again, as with all Sacred Texts, there is still much truth hidden within them. Much of it being 'metaphorical'. If you can find pre King James versions, that is the closest you will get. Good luck with that.


The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has proved conclusively that the OT text has not changed since Jesus quoted it personally. Proving, whatever Constantine et.al. created, they did not change the text of the OT.
Regarding the NT, we have around 6000 manuscript fragments that are over 1000 years old, and some around 1900 years old. All these fragments agree with each other 99.5% of the time. This proves the selected texts that are included in the NT have not changed either.

Absolutely it's true that some people use religion to manipulate other people. So far, those manipulators have not significantly changed the text itself of the bible.

Therefore if somebody comes to you and says "look at this archeological evidence that demonstrated that ancient Hebrews practiced paganism" then you can actually go to the bible and corroborate that evidence. For example Ezekiel 8 (and hundreds of other places) actually do talk about the leaders of the ancient Hebrews practicing paganism.

Of course, you also read in the bible that that practice directly caused the destruction of their nation more than once.

99% nonsense with 1% insight. Written by men. Mostly boring.

I most say its nice to see a conversation about a real issue here ...life is the true conspiracy

The Bible is literally true superficially and it encodes secret messages which are also truth.

Gospel of Thomas. Way better, way less manipulated.

The Bible is God telling humanity his eternal truth and allowing us to know who he is. Through the death of his son we have become reconciled with him. By seeking him out and accepting his son we have become a part of the family. It is a personal relationship and let me tell you it is well worth it to become a friend and child of the creator of all that is. You'll know he's real, he makes himself known to you. It's a personal relationship with God. He lets you in on his creation and he loves you. You're no longer exiled, you have a place to go with all of your problems, worries, concerns, hopes, dreams, ambitions or if you just want someone to talk to. This is honestly the worst thing that can happen to you if you accept the reality of God:


Don't be fooled. He's real.

It's the word of God.

Basic Information Before Leaving Earth

I don't really consider the New Testament to be part of the bible. It's fan fiction that one group of people want to shove into a series. I just hope some asshole doesn't try to make it a trilogy.

Just out of curiosity what do you belive

Disprove what? I'm not the one making an unfounded claim. The burden of proof is with the believer.

Yes, let us disprove that which cannot be proved. Put down the bible, and take a class in debate.

There is a teapot in orbit somewhere between the earth and mars. A very special teapot. Now this teapot doesn't like to be viewed you see, and will cloak itself if you attempt to find it. But it is very real. This teapot revealed himself to me, only me, and instructed me to spread awareness of its existence.

Instead of waiting for someone else to provide proof, I challenge you to go out of your way to try and disprove it. I'm sorry for everyone with this mentality, and I pray that someday the truth (about the teapot) will be so clear that it won't be this easily tossed away.

There. You see that? You see how ridiculous that sounds? Yet my ridiculous story about a made-up teapot is just as disprovable as Jesus dying for our "sins".