So where are all the good cops?

0  2013-11-13 by [deleted]

If everyone keeps saying "that's gotta be the minority" every time they see a bad cop using his badge and costume to kill/rape/molest a citizen- then show everyone a GOOD cop.

And not just some guy who is doing his or her job. I mean a cop who could be put on a pedestal as someone who is honest, trustworthy, and just wants to help people. Please show me a good cop. Show all of us on this forum. The fact of the matter is, there are NO good police. It's cognitive dissonance on a grand scale. Its the economy and it's lies, just reflected onto the police force and their cowardly ways.

Citizens are more likely to be brutalized by a police officer or TSA than actually killed by a terrorist. So who are the real terrorists? Why haven't people stood up yet? Why haven't more cops stood up? I am seriously confused and can't see how any group of individuals can even listen to these pieces of human shit.


The reason you don't hear about good cops very often is they don't make the news. They just do their jobs. They patrol traffic and write tickets because their bosses want the revenue. The respond to trouble calls at homes and resolve domestic disputes. They investigate crimes. In other words, they just do their jobs right, effectively, and without causing undue harm to anyone.

Within this past month, we did hear the story of one cop who went out of her way to help someone who had to resort to stealing to feed her kids. The cop took the woman food shopping and paid for all of it. The news story led to the woman finding employment.

There are good cops out there, just doing their jobs, and that never makes the news because that's just expected. Doesn't sell views.

I think you all are mistaking "good" with "normal". We're defaulting to "well, since they do their job, they're good guys" when you don't give the same respect to a wal mart cashier or cable guy (he did his job, he's ok).

A good cop would stand up for citizens, would try to get the bad cops out of the force by either reporting them or starting their own committee to judge their behavior. You all still haven't shown ONE instance of a GOOD cop, you are just throwing out "Well he does his job so he's a good cop" rhetoric that most of the nation throws up, then you wonder why nothing is changed.

Easier scenario: If there was a group of cable guys, a union, who went around and beat up citizens for no reason other than they weren't doing what the cable guys said because of some crazy law that says you must listen to cable guys, would you then say that most cable guys are good if they dont beat you up? Or would you say "you know what, fuck cable guys, I dont need them". Why are we so scared of THIS scenario but yet the people we pay to protect and serve our community are doing this exact thing?

I think you all are mistaking "good" with "normal".

A "normal" cop is inherently "good" as far as his profession is concerned. A normal cop protects citizens from dangerous (read: bad) people. A normal cop pulls over a drunk driver and gets them off the road. A normal cop stops a dead-beat dad from beating his wife and kids. A normal cop is good. We don't hear about good cops because good cops are normal cops. We hear about bad cops because sensationalism gets viewers.

would try to get the bad cops out of the force by either reporting them or starting their own committee to judge their behavior.

This is what internal affairs is for. Thats what they do.

Easier scenario

This is not analogous. The job of a cable guy is neither good not bad. It provides a product, in this case cable. The job of a police officer is a service and its good, so long as the society's motivations for policing itself are good. In our case (USA) this is true. We police ourselves in order to reduce or stop things that we as a society have determined are bad. This makes the job of policing inherently good because it is in direct opposition of what we consider bad.

HAHAHAHA did you just use IA to say that they will punish bad behavior? Have you been living under a rock?

No system is perfect man. Some people slip through the cracks. But internal investigation is the purpose of IA. Not sure why I garnered laughter.

dude just stop. you're feeding the circlejirk. he's getting a kick out of this

Because they are laughable. The fact that IA is nothing to be scared of says something about how far they will go and who they're accountable to.

My city Columbus actually has a good amount.

It's pretty rare to hear of any sort of corruption with them.

Wow, so that's the standard now? "I don't hear much about them being corrupt, so they're good."

Dude these are the same people that can walk into your house at any moment because they feel you're a threat and take you out. Are you sure they shouldnt be held up to stellar fucking standards and one fuck up and betrayal of the public trust should be punishable by death.

It's more so dealing with them my whole life growing up in the city and there being the rare case of corruption. They aren't going around shooting innocent people and all the other shit you hear about in recent times.

You asked where the good cops are and I relayed my personal opinion on it. Don't ask people questions like that if you're going to respond like that.

You could ask a good amount of citizens in my city and they would have the same to say about them. They are widely liked in our city.

yes but until they cure cancer OP will not be satisfied.

Kind of funny his name is shillfortheNSA yet he's actually a lunatic in the opposite direction.

nd write tickets because their bosses want the revenue. The respond to trouble calls at homes and resolve domestic disputes. They investigate crimes. In other words, they just do their jobs right, effectively, and without causing undue harm to anyone.

did you just watch a series of police brutality videos for youtbe for 6 hours? You asked a question, and he answered it per your specifications.

hop off bro.

for youtube for 6 hours?

What "bro"? Are you implying I work for youtube or are you just so stupid you forgot the english language? What the fuck are you even saying?

Here's a tip: Go back to mommy and daddy, ask them how to use the internet, then come back when you've learned. Until then "stop dickriding bro".

oh oh, looks like i hurt your feelings.

here, take this bro

HAHAHA oh man you take shitposting to a whole new level.

i certainly got you beat and i didnt have to try very hard

HAHAHA oh wow.

How old are you, 12? "certainly got you beat"? I didn't think people like you existed, so delusional like that. Now I see you're either an epic troll or actually below a retard's IQ level.

I also don't think you know the definition of "beat" either. Like I said, go learn to use the internet. You're embarrassing yourself at this point.

lot's of good stuff on /r/Good_Cop_Free_Donut

Hey i know of plenty of good cops, I also hear about a lot of bad cops.


See, let's use the NBA as an analogy.

Also not analogous. You are using good as a virtue in relation to cops, and as a reletive measure of skill in relation to NBA players.

A good NBA player is still only doing his job. He is just better at it than others. That doesn't make him a good person.

So let me ask you this: Do you think that everything going on regarding the police nowadays is OK?

Like what?

I would argue that most of what the police do every day is OK. Everything? No, of course not. But that isn't really a quality unique to police forces. Not everything teachers do is OK. Not everything you do is OK. Not everything cable guys or NBA players do is OK.

So what was the point of your question?

If you look back at your comment, you will understand why the surveillance state and corrupt cops must be erased.

What the hell are you saying? Of course corrupt cops should be fired. This was never in question.

1.) to be desired or approved 2.) having the qualities required for a particular role 3.)possessing or displaying moral virtue.

Of all the words that describe and define the word "good" I think these three definitions in particular are what people are referring to when describing or defining a "good cop" - I dont think I need to elaborate on that anymore because I think we all know that essentially we are talking about Andy Griffith.

And I do believe there are some Andy Griffith cops out there. I have met some in my dealings with the police, some of them are genuinely nice people who arent out to fuck anyones world up unless there is a good reason.. actual crime. And we as a society have - somewhere along the line - agreed that we need some form of law and order and in order to have law and order you need someone to enforce those laws and keep the order. The honor system seems mostly to fail at this.

I do agree with you however, that with the system as it stands, there are no good cops.. even well meaning individuals who take the job to be Andy - will often turn a blind eye to their counterparts depravity. They choose to adhere to the code of good ol boys, than to the code of ethics in which they are entrusted.

Also so called good cops may not be out beating mentally challenged people in wheel chairs, but they will in a second lie, manipulate, omit, and subvert peoples rights and lawful protections in order to "get their guy" - in fact that is a big part of their training, and by accepting that as a reasonable tactic - to ultimately bring in revenue nonetheless - automatically make them immoral "bad" cops. Even criminals deserve equal protection under the law.

The problem I think is the job description of what a police man is supposed to be has morphed over the years. There was a time when the sheriff was chosen by his community to be of service in keeping the peace and maintaining the local laws... these reasonable versions of community protection have morphed into a police FORCE which forces the will of the government on the citizens they supposedly serve - and its becoming ever more intrusive.
(thats not to say there werent corrupt sheriffs btw)

There was a speech posted here sometime back in which a fella was giving a talk on avoiding US taxes, and he starts talking about the police in other countries, particularly mexico. He was saying that in mexico the police dont have near as much power as the police here. They are just as corrupt, but even in all their corruption they know it would be a bad idea to beat a grandmother half to death for a meager traffic violation because if they do so, the community simply wont stand for it, and there will be retaliation.

Now Im not advocating for violence, but that may be a big part of our problem here in the good ol US of A - we have been programmed to accept the rules so whole heartedly, that the most we do when we see blatant evil within our law enforcement - is make excuses. Its just one bad seed, they have a dangerous job, there are good cops too but the news only focuses on the bad apples, you'll be glad theres a cop when you need one, and so on and so forth. Its just more of the follow in line programming. Rightfully we should be demanding retaliation against the criminals in the blue suit, at the end of a pitchfork if necessary- and since we havent, and weve made excuses for them, their abuses have become ever more commonplace, till now they have taken to getting tanks and drones in order to quell any eventual backlash.

Its really become citizen against cop - when at one time we were all on the same side. People fear the police, when they could/should be able to respect them - or at the very least thank them for the job they do in keeping our streets free of dangerous crime. And its not just the cops, its the mayors and governors, and representatives, and senators, and presidents and shadow governments to blame.. its the whole fucking system. Its against YOU and ME and even the enforcers they keep as lap dogs arent immune to their cruelty and punishments for stepping up against their establishment. They will take out anyone who rocks the boat, and even those that dont if it furthers their aims.

Its why I laugh at the cops who squashed occupy. Those morons have no idea how expendable they are. They think they were taking care of nuisance hippies, anarchist, socialists, and general undesirable scum that hate America.. when really they were lobbing tear gas at the one group of people who had everyones best interest at heart - including them. Their pensions are just as disposable as anyone elses in the minds of the bankers. But yeah.. in essence I agree, there are no good cops, even the best behaved cop is trained to be unethical from the get go, and so - cant function as a good guy - even if everything else he does is for the public good. fuck cops.

Nothing's going to please you is it? It seems to me that you set this up just to further your worldview that all cops are thugs

Im still waiting to see a cop stand up to the other corrupt cops. Then I will be like "OK, there's one. Just one". Why are we so quick to excuse their behaviour? Seriously.


That "blue code of silence" has essentially helped you guys lose all public trust. Not that you care or it matters, but the next time someone is pulled over and hesitates to listen to your orders, just know it's your cute little blue line that did it. That cute little "blue line" you think is so honorable is really a blue line of cowards, a bunch of pussies who signed up to be cops without knowing there's alpha males out there ready to fuck up everything you worked for. I spit at you cops, bunch of fucking cowards. Fuck you and your little "blue line" bullshit. It's cost you all the public trust, and you'll never get it back.

He comes from a family of cops. Didn't say he was one.

You angry little tool.

Name calling... Nice one.


Do you disagree?

i love how you can't even acknowledge your own use of name calling, but criticize others for it.

but why do you love it? I dont understand what you love about it.

what a troll. i just realized you were a troll haha wow i can't believe you got me. not even going to reply any more

100% I disagree, but maybe thats just because I know how things work and have witnessed it and I don't have an agenda to push to further my insane worldview

I posed a question. I then responded to replies. I don't know what you call men who shoot dogs and molest others, but that's a pussy coward to me.

dont be so arrogant, they do exist

I've met 2-3 legitimately good cops over my lifetime, but thats 2-3 out of god knows how many. They exist, the percentage is just so small it's almost non-existant.


holy shit this thread is just your personal circlejirk. just stop

You make it sound like I was saying it was ok. You said:

there are NO good police.

Do you even realize how ignorant that makes you sound? You used an absolute, and that was a shitty choice. My point was you can't use an absolute there because it's just plain wrong. I VERY EXPLICITLY said the percentage of good cops is so small that it's almost non-existant, almost non-existant. Stop speaking in blatantly false extremes if you want the public to take you seriously.

This is the problem with this subreddit. Someone says one thing that you don't like and you not only rip it out of context and twist it, but blow it completely out of proportion.

Nothing's going to please you is it? It seems to me that you set this up just to further your worldview that all cops are thugs

See, let's use the NBA as an analogy.

Also not analogous. You are using good as a virtue in relation to cops, and as a reletive measure of skill in relation to NBA players.

A good NBA player is still only doing his job. He is just better at it than others. That doesn't make him a good person.

1.) to be desired or approved 2.) having the qualities required for a particular role 3.)possessing or displaying moral virtue.

Of all the words that describe and define the word "good" I think these three definitions in particular are what people are referring to when describing or defining a "good cop" - I dont think I need to elaborate on that anymore because I think we all know that essentially we are talking about Andy Griffith.

And I do believe there are some Andy Griffith cops out there. I have met some in my dealings with the police, some of them are genuinely nice people who arent out to fuck anyones world up unless there is a good reason.. actual crime. And we as a society have - somewhere along the line - agreed that we need some form of law and order and in order to have law and order you need someone to enforce those laws and keep the order. The honor system seems mostly to fail at this.

I do agree with you however, that with the system as it stands, there are no good cops.. even well meaning individuals who take the job to be Andy - will often turn a blind eye to their counterparts depravity. They choose to adhere to the code of good ol boys, than to the code of ethics in which they are entrusted.

Also so called good cops may not be out beating mentally challenged people in wheel chairs, but they will in a second lie, manipulate, omit, and subvert peoples rights and lawful protections in order to "get their guy" - in fact that is a big part of their training, and by accepting that as a reasonable tactic - to ultimately bring in revenue nonetheless - automatically make them immoral "bad" cops. Even criminals deserve equal protection under the law.

The problem I think is the job description of what a police man is supposed to be has morphed over the years. There was a time when the sheriff was chosen by his community to be of service in keeping the peace and maintaining the local laws... these reasonable versions of community protection have morphed into a police FORCE which forces the will of the government on the citizens they supposedly serve - and its becoming ever more intrusive.
(thats not to say there werent corrupt sheriffs btw)

There was a speech posted here sometime back in which a fella was giving a talk on avoiding US taxes, and he starts talking about the police in other countries, particularly mexico. He was saying that in mexico the police dont have near as much power as the police here. They are just as corrupt, but even in all their corruption they know it would be a bad idea to beat a grandmother half to death for a meager traffic violation because if they do so, the community simply wont stand for it, and there will be retaliation.

Now Im not advocating for violence, but that may be a big part of our problem here in the good ol US of A - we have been programmed to accept the rules so whole heartedly, that the most we do when we see blatant evil within our law enforcement - is make excuses. Its just one bad seed, they have a dangerous job, there are good cops too but the news only focuses on the bad apples, you'll be glad theres a cop when you need one, and so on and so forth. Its just more of the follow in line programming. Rightfully we should be demanding retaliation against the criminals in the blue suit, at the end of a pitchfork if necessary- and since we havent, and weve made excuses for them, their abuses have become ever more commonplace, till now they have taken to getting tanks and drones in order to quell any eventual backlash.

Its really become citizen against cop - when at one time we were all on the same side. People fear the police, when they could/should be able to respect them - or at the very least thank them for the job they do in keeping our streets free of dangerous crime. And its not just the cops, its the mayors and governors, and representatives, and senators, and presidents and shadow governments to blame.. its the whole fucking system. Its against YOU and ME and even the enforcers they keep as lap dogs arent immune to their cruelty and punishments for stepping up against their establishment. They will take out anyone who rocks the boat, and even those that dont if it furthers their aims.

Its why I laugh at the cops who squashed occupy. Those morons have no idea how expendable they are. They think they were taking care of nuisance hippies, anarchist, socialists, and general undesirable scum that hate America.. when really they were lobbing tear gas at the one group of people who had everyones best interest at heart - including them. Their pensions are just as disposable as anyone elses in the minds of the bankers. But yeah.. in essence I agree, there are no good cops, even the best behaved cop is trained to be unethical from the get go, and so - cant function as a good guy - even if everything else he does is for the public good. fuck cops.