I have always mostly agreed with the /r/conspiracy mods, but this is wrong!

44  2013-11-17 by [deleted]

Yesterday a user was banned from /r/conspiracy because of this

Meanwhile, a regular contributor who is known for being hostile to anyone who disagrees with him made this series of comments with no punishment whatsoever.

The moderator who did the ban on BlackSwanx said he was banned for attacking the sub due to the exchange I first linked to. Meanwhile, OWNtheNWO can regularly belittle and namecall anyone here, and obviously attack the sub itself in a worse way than the banned user.

I have never encountered BlackSwanX before this, and have no stake in his being banned. I just believe that everything about what took place on that thread was wrong, and for the first time I have seen what I believe was a mod getting a little out of control on this sub. Because as far as I can tell, the user was banned for little more than disagreeing with a mod. If that weren't the case then /u/OWNtheNWO would have been banned as well. Hopefully I myself don't get banned for this post, as I have been a member of this sub for a long time and would like to continue to be. However, I can't agree with what took place and would like to see a fitting resolution. I have always liked the jobs the mods do here, I have had many encounters with them and all have been pleasant save this one. I think it was just a case of people getting hot headed and shit snowballed from there. But this is all just my opinion, I could be in the wrong here and maybe am looking at this wrong. Your opinions are desired guys, thanks.


As a mod elsewhere I know these are tough decisions sometimes, but that thread should not have been erased.

Once something gets that amount of attention on front-page of Hot, you deal with it appropriately by making sure everyone knows that what the real story is. You don't just remove it without a note or warning, leaving countless of us wondering what happened.

There are many other reasons, but another is that the mod in question did not appear to care much about it when questioned by a subscriber. I appreciate the work that mods do, but listen to the community better or you're just stirring flames and watching them burn.

the problem is they don't tag posts here and a lot of people just read titles take it as fact and don't go to the comments section so they would have never known that it was a completely different Alex Jones and than use that title they read to discredit everything he said after that point.

use that title they read to discredit everything he said after that point.

No. Just no. We are not catering for 5 year olds. Nobody with anything worth saying bases their knowledge on a matter by a headline they read on a subreddit where every second title is about things that 1) don't come true, 2) aren't true, 3) are somewhat libelous.

I took part in the original thread, putting my resources into verifying whether OP's find was being correctly interpreted. It was a shot in the dark and we were able to objectively conclude that it wasn't the same guy. Do you, or does anyone, believe there is no archival value in this?

Why are we banning conspiracy theorists and not the obvious trolls and shills?

edit: I should note that dragging OWNtheNWO into this debate is unnecessary and disrespectful

There's a guy here who completely talks shit to people and blatantly violates the rules, yet it's disrespectful to point it out? Also note that no one dragged him into anything, if you read that thread at all you will realize that he dove in head first of his own free will.

EDIT- I would also like to add something that I guess I failed to mention. The reason I made this post was because I messaged the mods about these complaints that I and many others have. Messaged repeatedly. I have received no response and so finally I decided to take it to a larger court. It is very rare that I don't get along with everyone I encounter here, and the reason is because I try to make sure that I am respectful to the people that I come across. I like to think I am fairly well liked among the people that know me here, just as I like most of the people that I encounter here. I apologize if you feel like I am going about this the wrong way, if you have suggestions on a better way to do it I am always open to listening to them.

If you have an issue with someone you make a separate post about it. If you want to defend someone to make a separate post about it.

Why would I do that when it all happened at the same time in the same place and was connected? So the reason it was disrespectful was because it wasn't in a post by itself? I'm sorry, but that just doesn't make sense to me.

Yes. Don't confound 2 different issues. If I make a post about child pornography and then complain about you in the same post that is also disrespectful.

It wasn't two different issues it was one issue. The issue is two people are accused of the same thing, yet the punishment was not dealt equally. One of these people had disagreed with a mod, one of them hadn't. Apparently because of that the person who disagreed with a mod is gone, the other one isn't. I don't think either one of them should have been banned, but I do think that if rules are going to be enforced it should be done evenly.

It's two different issues. Because I support the unbanning of blackswan but I don't support the attack on OWNtheNWO. It should be a separate thread. Look you're more than welcome to lump them together but you're going to lose support doing it.

I'm not incredibly worried about support if it's that hard of a concept to grasp. But I don't think it is because I seem to have plenty of support, just not yours. I personally think that there are enough problems in this world, and this is a place where we can get together and discuss it in a civil manner, as you and I have done. Yesterday was a complete breakdown of that, and many people seem in agreement as to what some of the problems were. This is an attempt to figure out how to avoid it in the future.

Why ban anyone? Given reddit's design it's not possible to stop people with the desire to subvert a subreddit and sufficient time and motivation. Throwing labor at it is just a waste of time.

Because people whose only job it is to attack us need to be banned. It's certainly not possible to STOP people, but it's definitely worthwhile slowing them down.


I'm not really calling for the ban of anyone I'm just pointing out that in this case there was someone banned for "attacking the sub", meanwhile we have someone else mere comments away blatantly attacking the sub who received no punishment. The difference between these two was that one was disagreeing with a mod and one wasn't. If there are going to be rules enforced, they should be enforced equally and without personal emotion being involved.

at this point i could definitely agree with banning /u/OWNtheNWO he doesn't even try to argue with people that disagree with him he just calls them fuck face shills and ends the conversation there, he did say he wanted to stop coming to this subreddit and he hasn't posted in a while so lets hope he's gone for good. people like that can make a forum such as this become a cesspool pretty quickly.

With that said the Alex Jones thread was kind of stupid it wasn't even the same Alex Jones so I'm glad the thread got removed because as much as i disagree and dislike most things Alex Jones thinks and says people were just attacking him because of a chain of emails he had nothing to do with but a perma ban shouldn't have been given out for a comment like that, maybe a 3 day ban or something like that to keep things civil but everyone has a right to their own opinion and we shouldn't be perma banning them when they use that right.

And finally the mods on this forum have been doing a fantastic job as this subreddit grows bigger and bigger, /r/politics and /r/worldnews have done a terrible job and have censored a ton of posts than point to a random rule on the sidebar which most of the time the rules were never broken. this subreddit has become a great place to discuss and also find alternative media articles if you read the first part of the sidebar under the subs picture they could very well ban as many posts as they want and than point to that part and say its not a conspiracy so it doesn't belong here.

I agree with the part about the mods here doing a good job. I've had many encounters with them, mostly /u/flytape and they've all been good experiences. Part of the reason I like this sub so much is because the mods aren't out of control with the banning and such. In fact whenever I see someone talking crap about them I stick up for them. And I hope I'm not coming off as talking crap about them now, because I'm not. I'm just addressing something that I think was wrong and hoping it can be corrected or prevented in the future. I'm still not in complete agreement about the deletion of a post for lack of evidence, but that is also just my opinion and Mr. Dong and I discussed it, he gave his reasons I gave mine and that was that. I respect his decision, and that's really my entire thoughts on that issue. But I don't agree with his decision to ban someone for something I don't feel he did at all, and meanwhile a few comments away there's some egotistical nut going on a rant and completely assaulting the sub and it's users that nothing happened too at all. Nothing may come of this and if it doesn't that's that, I'm still a fan of this sub, it's mods and it's users.

/u/OWNtheNWO might be a mod too. He is certainly a shill for infowars, just look at his submission history.

Oh Fuck. You guys, that was me. I took down the thread because it became clear in the thread that it might not be the same Alex Jones. Did not see that this happened or I would've commented in that thread. This is my fault.

Fuck. MY BAD!

Hi! Can we have the BlackSwan guy back? I think that's everyone's main complaint was that he got banned, it really didn't seem like he did anything wrong.

You're both confused. /u/Christ_Forgives_You was the OP of the thread who took it upon himself to find some primary source documents connecting an Alex Jones to Stratfor. It turned out it wasn't AJ of Infowars. Kudos to him for the research anyways.

/u/Christ_Forgives_You isn't responsible for banning anyone or, even, the deletion of the thread. My understanding is it was removed by a mod. It was also my understanding that /u/ErroristThreat were aware of that, as you were discussing the reasons for the thread's removal with the mod who did so.

Yes, you are right, that caused me some confusion. When he said it was him I thought he must be a mod and he was the one who took it down, instead of the mod I was talking to. Man, what a day.

I am back. Thank you for your support /u/ErroristThreat, you are a righteous dude.

Also thank you to mr_dong for accepting my apology for the namecalling in pm and lifting my ban, you are a scholar and a gentleman.

Also just to say thank you to everyone in the sub in general, it's good to be back among people who care this much about fairness in general.

With that in mind I would like to just say a word in support of /u/OWNtheNWO, he may be a little paranoid and quick on the trigger, but he's a good guy and a genuine seeker of truth from what I read on his profile page while I had nothing better to do.

I think we've all learned some valuable lessons here about seeing things from the other person's perspective and that's a good thing.

Well... I haven't. But I'm sure some people have. Or at least they've learned something. I guess.

Look this isn't an episode of Perfect Strangers, you can't expect me to just come up with a nice tidy moral of the story off the top of my head.

Yay!! I love happy endings, welcome back! You made it just in time, the worlds going to end in a few hours and you almost missed it!

Seriously though, thank you /u/mr_dong for how you have handled all of this. I think all of us here have many reasons to be proud of the mods we have in our sub.

He's a paid shill. Watch and stalk his post history.

Were you planning on backing that up with something or would you rather take it back? Think fast.

I've been banned from this sub 3-4 times on different accounts, not for breaking the rules, and each time i've contacted the other mods to no avail (its all a joke to them), the reasons i was banned were simply because the mods didn't like my username or didn't like me confronting them about abusing their power (was done so in a non-hostile manner), if you haven't been banned yet you are not doing it right.

and please, lets not be so naive to believe this sub is different than any of the other popular ones.

The bans is crazy anyways because the person will just create another account. You have to question the reason why a person/mod (unpaid) would do such a thing.

I've yet to post a conspiracy yet because I believe in s/ (aliens, science and God all at the same time and I know how you guys feel about that, so I'll keep it to myself) but I can name about 4 people's posts not to look at in this thread and OWNtheNWO is definitely one of them. I have a conspiracy that OTN is actually Alex jones. I get very sad when I see 4 posts, one after another on this thread, all of infowars. At least be versatile! Like, the dude isn't even a conspiracy theorist, he's just an Alex Jones reddit megaphone.

I don't understand why a user was banned for his opinion.

Also, whether or not the Alex Jones post was accurate, what the fuck was up with removing it.

That was me. I removed the thread myself because it became clear that that might not be the same Alex Jones. Did not mean to start this shit up.

No one listens to u/scumbagrconsmods till its too late. the mods here are just as compromised as the mods of r/news or r/vids.

/r/news /r/vids

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MODS usually end up behaving like cops

They really do suck. Illuminatedwax doesnt participate and has no clue what kind of childish crap they do. Thats why I demodded them all but yeah they didnt work so there.

  • Leave for 24 hours

  • Accounts that have never really posted in this sub before and accounts that are less than a month old rallying to have me banned after engaging in libelous disinformation

You do the math ladies and gentlemen.

You forgot to mention the accounts that have been here for much longer than a month that also called you out, and a mod. Don't forget to include those.

Or people who have multiple accounts. I've been hear for 3 years but use different reddit accounts for different reasons. This is my newest one.

I understand, and do the same thing. About every 6 months or so I'll delete my account and make a new one. I would imagine that isn't too uncommon in this sub. If this guy had half a brain he would know who I am, but I suspect he is so fixated on himself that he doesn't even notice there are other people in the world.

I've been here 3 years as well under multiple accounts and my shilldar has always gone off with ownthenwo, he is a rabid defender of all things infowars and alex jones. It really annoying considering that Alex jones is obvious controlled op

Pretentious as fuck.

Have you ever had a significant disagreement with someone who wasn't a shill?

no he hasn't, he doesn't argue with facts or argue at all. he thinks if he calls them a shill he wins the argument, it's getting kind of sad.

/r/conspiracy is dead anyway, it will never again be what it once was. At least you know you're doing something right. See you over in v2.

Hi! Can we have the BlackSwan guy back? I think that's everyone's main complaint was that he got banned, it really didn't seem like he did anything wrong.