Be on the look out for a coming false flag involving Iran.

176  2013-11-25 by [deleted]

I just want to say that this sub Reddit, along with some elements of /r/worldnews and /r/syriancivilwar, did a great job keeping people informed about the Britam leaks relating to an impending false flag, chemical weapons attack that happened in Eastern Ghouta, near Damascus. The best part was that people seemed to know exactly when it was going to happen and right as Assad's forces began gaining momentum, like clockwork, it did. We informed ourselves and others and because of it, 91% of American citizens and 75% of US soldiers, said no to intervention in Syria (I know we didn't do all the work but we got a large portion of Reddit to espouse the truth).

However, this latest deal with Iran is not really a loss for Israel, the US just had no other way out. We're not fooling anyone, anymore. We know Iran isn't trying to build a nuke, we even confirmed this in 2011 and found that Iran wasn't even breaking any rules with their current nuclear program. Also, people are catching onto the fact that Israel has been saying this for thirty years and that if it hasn't happened yet, it's never going to happen.

This is how I see it playing out. There will be a massive, false flag, terror attack on a major US city and we will immediately "know" that it was Iran. Netanyahu will wag his finger at puppet Obama and our administration will pretend to be ashamed of not listening to the all-knowing, supreme Netanyahu.

The reality is, at this point, Israel cannot take Iran by themselves. I laugh every time I hear that Israel might strike Iran, as if Iran is going to take it sitting down. Israel has the 34th largest army and Iran has the ninth largest. Israel would have to worry about Egypt to the south, Hezbollah to the north and support from Assad/Russia. As well, Iran now has Iraq's airspace. Israel was not even capable of taking on Hezbollah in 2006, so to put it simply, they'd be crushed and ground into dust within a week, if they touched Iran. So, as you can imagine, we should probably be expecting something big to happen soon. Just keep your eyes peeled. Remember, a nuclear weapon has more than likely gone missing on US soil.


"If in five years, a nuclear suitcase explodes in New York or Madrid," said Naftali Bennett, the Israeli minister of trade and industry, "it will be because of the agreement that was signed this morning."

israelis would justify it to themselves somehow. bibi is a paranoid schizo.

read "a nuke in DC", it is a training manual I had to go over for a counter terror exercise I was conducting, it is used to put perspective of a nuclear attack into the conversation between warring lands. It can also be used as a threat to other nations.

Can you provide the link to where you got that quote from?

It was on the CNN article.

Serious question time: Why would Iran even nuke America? I know we have had poor relations with them in the past due to questionable actions on both sides. But, aren't we the least of their worries? I mean they live in the middle east; what I consider the "wild west" of the world. We just significantly eased sanctions against them adding billions back to their revenue. So why would this deal lead to nuking the US? That in itself would point at an attack being from a source other than Iran.


Because they wouldn't

Nobody will nuke anyone.

I think the fear is that the political structure of the region is too volatile to guarantee the security of nuclear weapons... I think that this is an invalid fear, but there it is.

He's referring to the not unlikely possibility that Iranian nuclear material reaches the hands of terrorist organizations such as Hamas or Hezbollah (both of which are being directly financed and armed by Iran already), leading to the construction of a dirty bomb.

This is Israel's true fear when it comes to the Iranian nuclear program.

Missing nukes, you say...

that gif has grown sense the last time I saw it.

It has grown the sense of fear!

just takes one

None are missing.

Good thing you checked the supply depots, thanks breh

No wait your unknown probably doesn't exist inside high up officer did it, sounds legit

Half-life 3 confirmed

do you have any evidence that any are missing?

I'm not making the claim, burden of proof does not lie upon me good sir/sirette

um yeah if a group of people think a nuke was stolen and will be used in a false flag it should require proof

I didn't make the claim dude/dudette I just said its a good thing you checked where they're stored before just instantly saying you know for a fact that none are missing. I don't care either way, I'm not going to live my life in fear of what could happen. I read up to see what people are saying is happening but I don't let it scare me. Back from my tangent, as I didn't make the claim it is not my job to provide proof, I'm simply playing devils advocate and telling you not to just instantly rule something out because it doesn't subscribe to the paradigm of reality you choose to live in. Ask OP, not me, otherwise you're wasting your and my time

Anything that starts with something Alex Jones says, is pretty much disqualified from any consideration, in my book.

very good assessment, with a couple of small points.

Israel has Nukes, and they will use them.

but as for the FF you are right on. I think it will be something to take the power grid down in the middle of December when it will do the most damage. I also believe that it will be back east as that is where it will do the most damage.

on the Israel issue, watch the Senate as they are owned by the Zionists. if the democratic senators start speaking out against Obama then the fix is in from the Holy land.

If this was brought up anytime during a debate about false flags and whether or not the US or Israel are capable of doing such things, it would still be considered a fallacy. Even though, this man is clearly suggesting a false flag to escalate things with Iran. The common citizen is conditioned to think that such covert means of taking action are anything but a conspiracy theory. Share this video with everyone you know that is willing to listen.

The common citizen is conditioned to believe it IS a conspiracy.


I'd love to see a source regarding the broken arrow situation that you refer to at the end, OP.

I agree with some of this but size of a military doesn't mean competence if you know anything about Israeli history and the Six Day War you wouldn't say it is helpless against Iran.

Got a text the other night that said, "turn to channel 356, they say Iran is going to nuke us soon". Woke up the next morning to read about the nuclear deal being completed.

Yep, they're going to nuke us for 7 billion dollars. Riiiiight.

how do we know that false flag attacks aren't committed by other countries to make it look like it was america doing the false flag attacks?

Obviously there will be some kind of false flag in the future, otherwise there wouldn't be any reason to actually fight Iran. Since the WWII, Iran fought zero wars whereas the US were involved in 37, just sayin.

Okay, my newspaper lied to me. I take back my statement and apologize for the wrong information.

"The reality is, at this point, Israel cannot take Iran by themselves. I laugh every time I hear that Israel might strike Iran, as if Iran is going to take it sitting down."

I agree with your analysis except for the war outcomes. I don't believe any nation in the region is a conventional military threat to Israel. However, they could turn the sanctions tables on Israel and establish a pretty strong boycott of companies doing business with Israel over the nuclear and Palestine issues.

Here's another one on a different day with "Crazy Dave" (He's in the yellow shirt. Contrary to his name, he is not crazy, he is just a diehard patriot!!)

This one is truly amazing.

If it happens, it would not be in the US, I think. We don't have the animosity against Iran to sell to the public. However, if a nuke was set off in nearly any other first world nation, I think the public could be sold, even now.

You mean like that mentally unstable used car dealer who attempted to bomb the Saudi diplomat? lol

I agree except with the fact that Israel will be defeated. I'v been following Sheikh Imran Hossein's videos and although he understands how evil Israel is, he says that in the end times many nations will attack Israel and Israel will not fall. The whole world in fact will be at war.

After Israel survives and the world calms down there should come and individual born in Israel who will be seen as the messiah by many (or perhaps the world calms down because of him). However according to the Quran he will be the false messiah (aka anti-christ) he will unite the world (one world government). And only after all of this will come the return of Christ (what ever that means).

If I had to guess it will take about 30 years for all of this to play out if not more. The end game is still far far away.

Now what I'm saying might not be true, but it benefits us all to keep in mind the different versions of the end times, so that we can monitor as we go through history and start seeing which ones are playing out.

The orthodox Christians have a similar view of the end times, still many many years before it all unfolds.

This chronology for some reason makes complete sense to me:

  • First there will be massive unrest on earth

  • Then a person will rise and unite the world, but he will not be the real messiah

  • After people totally fall for this and the world starts drastically changing (everything will start to look like the golden age, as if we made it through the worst) people will go with the system and eventually suffer tremendously.

  • Only then will come the true messiah.

The anti-christ will be accepted by many people/religions to be the messiah, it's even possible that people reading this subreddit will get tricked, the holy books say that many many people will believe. How else can one man exert such power? He must be believed by 90% of the world if not more. Right now you say to yourself, "I will see through all of this once it occurs" but don't be cocky, the world will be in such a dark place that people will probably hate you for not trusting the messiah. Everything will be extremely convincing, and when you refuse (although you have no real evidence for the claim) you will be seen as the degenerate of the world.

People who survive long periods of extreme harsh living are very easily marshaled when hope seems to show its head. They will be extatic, you might be too, even I might be. Theres no telling how your mind operates after the horrors it has gone through. It's in this time that the number of the beast will be carried by people. The number of the beast is never going to come before the great war, we live too luxuriously and indulge in philosophy. When you loose half of your family, when you barely have food, you become a different person. You will accept all for the end of suffering.

Only those people that remain unshook by the happenings (those who have a peaceful heart and who are very close to god) will be mentally clear enough to see it all. Most people, and all materialists will be swept away. Because how can a materialist possibly remain clear when all that he believes in becomes darker than the greatest evil he has ever faced. It's impossible, only those devoted ones who cling to the undying can maintain clarity of mind.

This is nonsense.

Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Even if someone doesn't believe in biblical prophecy, beliefs such as these are widespread and could potentially be taken advantage of in the context of a possible false flag. (Just as hatred towards Muslims was easily manipulated in the US following 9/11.)

You fundamentalists are the reason Reddit hates us.

I am not a fundamentalist, I'm not a Christian, Muslim or anything. I just speak my mind.

If you're none of the above, why go on that nut-filled ramble?

Because truth has no boundaries. You can call it nutty all you want, but that doesn't change my mind, its just an attempt at offending me for something I believe in.

If you don't believe these are the end times in my opinion you are blind.

Well, then, time to go get LASIK.

israelis would justify it to themselves somehow. bibi is a paranoid schizo.

read "a nuke in DC", it is a training manual I had to go over for a counter terror exercise I was conducting, it is used to put perspective of a nuclear attack into the conversation between warring lands. It can also be used as a threat to other nations.

Serious question time: Why would Iran even nuke America? I know we have had poor relations with them in the past due to questionable actions on both sides. But, aren't we the least of their worries? I mean they live in the middle east; what I consider the "wild west" of the world. We just significantly eased sanctions against them adding billions back to their revenue. So why would this deal lead to nuking the US? That in itself would point at an attack being from a source other than Iran.

Can you provide the link to where you got that quote from?

I didn't make the claim dude/dudette I just said its a good thing you checked where they're stored before just instantly saying you know for a fact that none are missing. I don't care either way, I'm not going to live my life in fear of what could happen. I read up to see what people are saying is happening but I don't let it scare me. Back from my tangent, as I didn't make the claim it is not my job to provide proof, I'm simply playing devils advocate and telling you not to just instantly rule something out because it doesn't subscribe to the paradigm of reality you choose to live in. Ask OP, not me, otherwise you're wasting your and my time

He's referring to the not unlikely possibility that Iranian nuclear material reaches the hands of terrorist organizations such as Hamas or Hezbollah (both of which are being directly financed and armed by Iran already), leading to the construction of a dirty bomb.

This is Israel's true fear when it comes to the Iranian nuclear program.

I am not a fundamentalist, I'm not a Christian, Muslim or anything. I just speak my mind.