Let me explain the realities behind any government recording your porn habits.

54  2013-11-28 by [deleted]

First off, I cannot confirm what Snowden is or isn't, but, regardless of the messenger, lets look at the message itself.

The government recording one's porn habits... of course they are recording that. As this information has now entered what I would call the "public sphere", we can safely say that this has been going on a long time, probably a decade or two (just a guess).

If a person's porn habits are analyzed, particularly men, it is a given that you have advertently or inadvertently been on a site that somewhere has the category: Teen. And as everyone knows, a lot of porn is labelled teen even though it is certainly agreed upon that these categories do not actually have teens on them.

If you (non-rich/famous person) are seen as a threat the government has a pretty rock-solid defamation campaign to use against you considering your pornography.

"Suspect's web habit's suggest an affinity to child pornography."

Now that doesn't seem right, but it is technically correct. And if you (the average citizen) become a squeaky wheel and piss off the wrong people, this charge will be used against you for the purpose of defamation of character.

It is also interesting to note that people are making a joke out of it, saying things like "Hahaha, the government will see my midget BDSM donkey porn" or "Oh' I wish I had access to Terabytes of asian porn".

You know, I get the joke but I also get that this is a SERIOUS issue at the same time.

This is bad. I will reiterate: when news like this hits the public, the framework is already in place and this is just the beginning of the average citizen being conditioned to believe that the NSA is keeping tabs on your porn habits and that it doesn't matter than much.

But this may be the beginning of the most serious trump card that the government can put into play. What percentage of the country can be neutralized if you begin classifying people by their porn habits? As long as you start with a fairly small percentage of people, the greater majority will ALWAYS allow it to happen as long as it doesn't affect them directly.

Mark my words: you will begin to notice cases involving the government against private citizens with "child porn" or "teenage porn" allegations surface into the debate.

R/conspiracy what do you think about this?


I think you're right on the money. The walls are closing in. "Oh, and he owns a gun and subscribes to some pretty far-out conspiracy theories. Burn him."

Excellent post, but I have to say you did not go far enough. Here is what is probably happening, and certainly will:

  • Need a vote to swing a certain way? Just dial up the senators, mayors, governors etc... and mention how they surfed to a site that is very, well, questionable. Make them vote the way you want.

  • Blackmail anyone, for anything you want by threatening them with revealing porn.

  • Get anyone blackmailed by simply having someone click on a site (on their laptop) that you think might offend everyone they know. A third party can certainly do this after hours and how do you prove you did not? It is your PC is it not?

  • Reveal questionable places where someone goes by following their smart phone. Hope you did not park outside a massage parlour or alternative lifestyle bar/club ever in your life... again, wonderful for blackmail or just simply to destroy someone...

  • Reveal to select news sources the intimate details of a cheating politician, military or even famous person to their spouses or public.

  • Great thing about porn? Nobody is going to admit to anyone that they did it, they will most likely keep their mouth shut and follow orders. Once you know a persons secret desires or fantasies you can easily control them.

    Just imagine the fun and chaos someone could have when they know every single phone call, email, website and letter you have ever sent or surfed to... Nobody is safe and with just a few select calls and meetings you can pretty well blackmail any person in the world.

    Its a huge Damocles sword hanging above everyone's head. And the spies have the knife to drop it on you whenever they want....

Its easy to focus the majority into hating a minority. Anything that can be used to marginalize a person, will be used.

It's easy to have the majority believe it's the minority under the perpetual scrutiny of The Law.

Remember the old saying "Don't steal - the government hates competition"?

Don't view child porn - factions of the government hate competition.

I cannot figure out any way to put this genie back in its bottle. I really can't. Is there any way to reverse course? They've been doing this for such a long time already and I have no doubt that other countries are doing the exact same thing, too.

This is the new atomic weapon. There will never be a reversal of course. Not a single country will stop their spying. They will only improve and increase it.

It's like having a picture of the eye of God in the shining triangle hanging over your bed, and knowing that it is watching your thoughts and dreams as you sleep. The difference is, God has compassion -- the NSA does not.

Oh, there is a way. But youre not going to like it.

The best way to sort this mess out is by using and demanding more encryption, VPN etc. You are quite right in that the government will not stop seeking information on us when it is so easy for them to do so - why would they? It is up to us to secure our own means of communication. Granted it is not completely possible at the moment and yes that sucks, but as companies become more aware that by using better privacy techniques they will be more likely to attract our business, they will do it. I know that this all seems unlikely in the face of what happened to Lavabit etc, but if enough people want more privacy, the internet will find a way.

Hadn't considered that as a possible use for this information. My guess is there are several other ways that they could spin someones porn habits to frame someone in a negative light. This worries me greatly for the sake of many people. I would bet that this has already been done on a small scale somewhere as a test.

Spot on analysis.

This tactic only works because the general public has been conditioned for years to be narrow-minded and bigoted, while at the same time believing that they are open-minded and forward-looking.

The public has been conditioned through the schools and the media to react with censure and hostility to any ideas or activities outside the circle that has been defined for them as "normal".

Once this aggressive shunning response has been implanted in the general public, it can be used by intelligence groups such as the CIA, NSA, and indeed, the ADL and AIPAC, for their own purposes.

That conditioning will never end.

By not caring about it, and making a joke of it, you remove all power the government could have over you by shaming you. It's 2013, you really think it would be a surprise to hear that most look at porn? In terms of teen porn, this isn't even an issue. Most people have preferred websites they visit when they look at porn. Whether the site has underage girls or boys in the section teen is completely the responsibility of the website that hosts the content, not the reader who visits it.

30 years ago this story would have served it's purpose more into scaring the masses into submission, and silence, in 2013 however, while certainly uncomfortable, it's not going to scare me into silence, or be afraid to speak out against the government, nice try though


They can still track your "go phone" or "burner phone" or "drug phone" etc.

They look for patterns in the numbers being dialed, the location of the phones via triangulation of the cell towers, and then match the speech.

It was in one of the earliest Snowden stories.

This right here. This is my biggest dilemma. I know they are using cell phones to capture enormous amounts of personal data about me, and where I have lost all enthusiasm for the latest and greatest technology like I once did, it's hard to get excited about technology that watches you, but I haven't yet taken that plunge and gotten rid of the phone.

Can you really run from it anymore though?

Guys. It's porn. Just be ok with it. Accept to yourself that you watch wicked porn. Does the government knowing, really gonna fuck you? Don't let them win. They make you feel guilty for something that isn't. Sure, not all porn in moral I suppose, but we are creatures of habit.

If I made it to the front of some major revelation, and they tried to discredit me for porn, I'd willingly show the world what my porn habits are. That's how you beat them. "yea, I smoked weed, I'm not ashamed. Yes I watch freaky porn, it's the best kind, don't pretend you care. "

When I run for office Im going to say: "Hi, Im Zap Powerz. I watch nasty porn, go to strip clubs, drink heavily and like to watch my girlfriend have lesbian sex. Im running for congress and I would like your vote."

You'd have my vote.


What makes you think I haven't already uploaded that shit to youporn?

If someone speaks out against the government, I have to believe that government spying is going to be one of their major talking points. So if the government says, well look at all the nasty porn they are into, then it will only prove the person's point.

I agree with you. And as a 28 year old college student, I will tell the world the same thing I told the 18-19 year old guys at my school who thought it was weird that I would say a girl their age was attractive. "No matter how old you get, you never want to stop having sex with 18 year old women"

But that joke aside, its entirely fucked.

Wait, youre 28 and still in college? WTF?

Uh, went back to school at 26?

Spot on analysis.

teen is not child porn, and only some church going retard could be sold it as such. teen on 99% of the sites are girls of legal age, usually usa legal age, never mind legal age in other countries such as austria where the age of consent is 14 if i remember right.

when snowden says "recording your porn habits" for blackmail purposes almost certainly he is referring to the nsa actually taping you via your laptops built in video camera actually whacking off like a crazed monkey stabbing that celery stick in your butt and licking your fingers.

if the MSM tells the masses of bored viewers mr. X looked at CP, that person's life and career is over, no matter what follow up news correction is announced.

somebody wrong accused will likely go to a lawyer and go through the courts, sue the crap out of whatever MSM sold the lie, but its going to take years to sort out, and the person's social life and career are finished.

the threat of that would make most people roll over, nobodys can get on with their lives, professional types have everything to lose.

Absolutely correct. Well said. I have been saying this for 10 years now. This is also conditioning us to believe that they are for real and have real evidence and so anyone who does not have any porn habits, they will just invent them, and as the authority, the sheeple will believe!

Also...some porn sites with "amateurs" or "submit your girlfriend" pics have actual child porn in them as they are not age verified and come from unknown sources! So unknowingly the average porn surfer has probably viewed child porn and simply isn't aware that that is what it was! I think the NSA, CIA, KGB, etc. plant child porn on these sites for this purpose as well. And given this summer's news about the FBI maintaining a CP site to catch these perverts I have absolutely no doubt that I am correct.

they are doing the child pron against their own govt dissidents, it seems to be an add-on charge to discredits whistleblowers and voices.

and of course any porn without the govt approval/license HSC18 sticker on it is technically child porn.

it can be used in the law court, or the lynching courts of the MSM news reports to bury the reputation of anybody reported on.

they tried this with the UN's chief weapons inspector back in 02/03

it also seems they do a trawl of prominent middle/upper class types too, judges and cops and doctors and so on, news announcements of arrests or busting some websites customers, but never any follow up, but you can bet those arrested or contacted are nice and compliant to any govt actions they get told to do in the future.

UK R4 news early morning one day back in the late 90s, news report of 100s of professional types arrested for CP, not a single follow up news story of court or anything of the supposedly massive news story.

a little while back a similar US news story of mass arrest or contacting of professional types over CP, no follow up.

tiger tiger etc.

Pretty sure with the new data centers online, they will have a chance to store more people's complete surfing habits as permanent data, (I think before they dumped out some data periodically to make room for more recent data).