The front page over the last few weeks proves there is a battle going on in this subreddit to dilute the conspiracy message and replace it with false left/right paradigm infighting. Don't fall for divide and conquer, rise above it. Call the partisan shills out.

84  2013-11-28 by [deleted]

All you need to do is view the front page and ask yourself if the post is political in nature or conspiratorial in nature. This isn't /r/politics, /r/libertarian, /r/progressive, /r/conservative, or any of those other shit subreddits. Stop posting political shit that has ZERO conspiratorial characteristics.


Agreed. I've lost the desire to engage in mainstream politics, it's an intentional distraction and the corruptive forces have bet on both sides. Every so often we're given a minor social victory, but for any of them actual change is out of the question. That's what I've been thinking about as the 50th anniversary of the American usurpation came and passed without actual acknowledgment of the facts.

ban the shills is preferred, honestly how much rope do mods need before they will ACT? they shouldn't even wait for reports, if they are reading threads they can see them just as easy as we can (i presume).

action to remove political or zero conspiracy posts, along with badcop and memes would be much appreciated too. This just got me banned from /r/conservative . Another casualty in the battle against bullshit.

The greatest conspiracy is that exchange value or capital rules our lives and we don't know it. Read Karl Marx and you will understand why exploitation occurs, since the only way to accumulate capital, or wealth, is through exploiting wage labour. Only labour creates the surplus needed for socalled wealth creation. And the whole system, from top to bottom, is designed to reproduce the forms of wage slavery called jobs we unwillingly have to engage in everyday. If this is not political in nature, since the whole thing can only be kept going through the threat of violence (hence police and incarceration) then I don't know what is.

Well... who're the shills?

All over the front page of this subreddit now.

I'd prefer examples.

"Everyone. Except me."

  • everyone

everyone whos opinion isnt exactly the same as mine

This is the problem with the sub IMO, I think you're joking but there's truth in that statement.

bullshit. if you cannot tell the difference between someone shilling for the official story and/or status quo and someone who "disagrees" that is your problem, 99% of us here can.

What I meant is there are alot of people here who will automatically accuse someone of being a shill JUST for disagreeing with them. It's happened to me a few times. I believe they are out there, I don't however believe the numbers are as great as people think in this sub. But every little stupid unfounded accusation against regular people who simply disagree will in my opinion dilute the potency of the accusations against the real deals.

Boy who cried wolf.

Reporting for duty, SIR.

How shilly...

It's important to remember that people are different than you, and they will have different beliefs than you when it comes to politics. Those beliefs will ultimately alter what they think about various conspiracies presented here. Downvoting people just because they question a conspiracy theory's merit encourages bitterness, and allows people to be divided on partisan lines.

If people could behave here and not attack others just because they don't agree with you, that would go a long way to solving the problem. You can't easily divide that which isn't already divided.


Don't disagree but this is not the place. True liberalism is not represented and conservatism has been hijacked by ignorance and oligarchy. This place works because no matter your place on the spectrum, we can come together to explore what we're being lied to about. Move past the notion of "sides."

Well said sir.

Sorry, conservatism is oligarchy.

There hasn't been a point in America's history where it wasn't effectively ruled by rich people. But that doesn't mean that Teddy Roosevelt wasn't the president of a democracy. He was a conservationist, an isolationist that abhorred the notion of empire.

Even Nixon did things that were in the interest of the people before corporations knew that they could have it all. Don't let today's bastardization of ideas cloud original intention. If today's republicans are oligarchs so are the democrats.

The positive changes dems fight for are the bare minimum. There's no salvation in parties. If we could rearrange elections and re-educate the people conservatism would advocate bringing troops home, an end to corporate subsidies, actual small government. Liberalism would move towards European style socialism, giving people a base quality of living to pursue betterment of society.

A balance between those in a working democracy would be %1000 better than what we have now. Everyone has to work together to get there. I agree that todays conservative powers are tantamount to sedition, but if you engage in "they're wrong, we're right! Vote democrat!" Then you're being used and no real change is evident.
