You are all going to die.

0  2013-11-29 by kennycojo

Everyone dies. Before that happens, we live. Anyone who reads this reddit should have the basis of information to know, people in power do what they can maintain and consolidate power. It is unlikely to prepare for every possible situation. So don't. Live your life. Do what you can to chip forward. Anything is better than zero. There are only three things in this life that are truly your own as I understand it. Your time, energy, and your life. Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without......if you can do it sustainably, that is cool too.


it's not about preparing for every possible situation. some people that left germany in 1933 survived, some that stayed were exterminated. some acted and lived, many didn't and were wiped out.

It is unlikely to prepare for every possible situation. So don't.

I think one of us is going to expire much sooner than the other.

Mayhaps. I am prepared to the semi best of my ability. I understand that there are things,considerations I cannot conceive of. I was trying to be short and sweet with my sentiment, but I can elaborate. Do what you like and love. Provided it doesn't hurt others. There are a myriad of potential threats and bad people in this life that would love to take advantage of you. Protect yourself, but don't live in fear. I can go on....but I won't. Just trying to express, things will happens as they will. Personal cultivation and determination will be the deciding factor, on how you deal with where the chips fall.

Love is the most powerful magic. I agree with what you said about the three things in our life, and I feel like i need to add a fourth: free will.

This is still a conspiracy; we can call it a counter conspiracy. You'd think this place is doom and gloom, but if we focus on the positive, then the bad things will eventually go away.

You are right about free will. Never thought to count it. I kinda took it for granted. You are also right about love and positivity.

Good to hear that. I'm grateful for your acknowledgment.

You said it so simply and truthfully, I was hard pressed to elaborate. I suspect people will choose the way of love. Its the best and most logical option. It may be a tough ride before it becomes apparent.

I have a hard time not posting walls of text too. There an alarming amount power in the hands of the people who take advantage of and are grateful for free will and love. People do this based on what you said about the things they have.

The people who pretend to be in power, i'm assuming, don't even act in their own interests and free will. They've been manipulated and have made a deal with the devil in a way. People are also manipulated and they do those things out of free will and love, but are led down a dark path.

The world will become a better, more peaceful, happier, and enjoyable place; this will make the people who think they're in power think they're losing power. Once those who pretend to be in power think they're losing their fake power, there will be costs. Therefore, yes, it will be a tough ride.

I'm sure it will work out for the best. Yeah, I suspect good will trump evil. People just have to get the priorities in order. That may only happen in response to losing other options.

Thanks. We know this. We are definitely all going to die. It's called "Not Being Immortal". Considering how shitty this planet is, that we are all going to die is actually an AWESOME thing. It's actually a great thing. You see, this planet is, for the most part, little more than a prison designed to teach the beings living in it the lessons that are necessary in order to develop further and go beyond its rungs. All this is to say that the sooner one can move and develop beyond it (which almost always necessarily involves that thing which most human beings call "physical death") the better.

Ya think? I highly suspect we chose this life. This time. Its all in good fun.

"We" certainly chose this life. One would do well, however, to have a very good understanding of just who this "we" is. Hint: It's not who we see when we look in the mirror.

Its all in good fun.

That's certainly one way of looking at it. From a certain perspective, it can certainly be said to be that indeed. From another perspective...not so much.

We're all given free will. I do believe we came from God and we're going back to God. The world is a passing thing along our bodies. Feed the spirit, that is where eternal life is. Wherever Christ is that's where I go. A place incorruptible, permanent peace, immeasurable joy, the source of all truth. I already feel it. A blessing especially in such confusing and troubled times.

I lived for myself for a long time. I realize that humans are inherently unreliable. Now I give myself to God. I understand your philosophy completely, but I'm telling you sometimes a person has got to pray, and more than that they need an answer to their prayers. I joined a prayer group, it doesn't just change you I've already experienced miracles.

Everyone dies. Before that happens, we live.


me. Just a sentiment.

I know, just messing with you. On a serious note, and I mean no offense, your post sorta made me picture someone explaining to a group of sheep that they need to keep being sheep. What's the point? Of course they'll keep being sheep, it's the only reality they know. Even if there's a minority with slightly more awareness of their situation, they already feel impotent (just knowing a fence exists doesn't make you any less trapped), so you're preaching to the choir with those guys.

That isn't what I was trying to express. I see a lot of jaded and upset people, on the reddit. Asking what now? What to do? I'm simply stating. Things are going to happen you have no control of. You do have control of you time,energy and life. So use it. Better yourself and your liked and loved ones situation. I fully believe in personal empowerment. People can make and do amazing things. I sent a lil bit of my time and energy to express as much.

I'm with ya there bro. Just doubt a message of self empowerment will find much of an audience among a group filled with individuals who may or may not believe the Illuminati was responsible for that flat tire they got on the way to a job interview 20 years ago, because they clearly feared his raw talent and ambition... How else to explain the dead end job and run down trailer? Lack of persistence or strong work ethic? Pshh fuck that, taking personal responsibility's hard. Nope, definitely the Illuminati.

lol. That was good. Yeah its true, some people aren't going to make to cut. You can't save everyone, and you can't smack sense into everyone. Or talk sense. Or even draw know what I mean. At the same time I suspect people havbe been dumbed down,made to feel worthless. Its deliberate. Many get trapped. At the same time there is a reaction. That is us.

Wikipedia told me all abut life and death.

That's like two point five sources.

Anything is better than zero.

I have more than zero as it is, and can easily handle the truth as soon as we find it out. Some are happy flipping channels, and others seek the truth about the world around them - like looking for light in a tunnel or searching for a hidden medallion. I really don't care what others do with their time, but I am happiest keeping an eye on the sociopaths running our world, and am intrigued by the lizard species in general.

ah, well enjoy that in all its sustainability. I'm sure it will be a fun ride for a while. Everything becomes trite after too long though. Enjoy your culmination of time and energy.

Don't be so selfish. Think of others.

I would like too, but I'm poor. I can only look out for myself and one point five others.....

lol. That was good. Yeah its true, some people aren't going to make to cut. You can't save everyone, and you can't smack sense into everyone. Or talk sense. Or even draw know what I mean. At the same time I suspect people havbe been dumbed down,made to feel worthless. Its deliberate. Many get trapped. At the same time there is a reaction. That is us.

I would like too, but I'm poor. I can only look out for myself and one point five others.....