In reversal, Obama says he lived with uncle

35  2013-12-06 by klmd

I think I found a new kind of cencorship in Reddit. I triet to post this link to r/politics and found it was removed for a 'user generated title'. If it was removed, why wasn't my link posted, the other one was gone? I looked at "other discussions" to see where it was, it wasn't at r/news. I tried to post to r/news and was told it was already there, but when I looked for it, it wasn't there. It seems like two new twists to a kind of shadow ban.

Some people (at Reddit) do hate us for our freedom.


One lie, after another lie, after another lie, after another lie ...

Does this guy ever tell the truth? Pretty much everything he has said has been a lie.

Obama never said anything about his uncle. It was a statement made by white house staff based on faulty research. But don't let a little thing like the truth get in the way of your hate-gasm.

inb4 "u think they made a statement w/out running it by obama"

But when you think about it really doesn't make any sense that they would do "research" to find out if Obama ever met his uncle. Why not just ask him?

Perhaps it has something to do with him being the busiest man in the world, who doesn't have time to talk about his personal life (nor would his staff want to bother him) every time a paranoid delusional conservative pundit tries to execute another smear campaign based on half truths and misrepresented facts.

I know Occam's Razor has no meaning to you people, but applying even a smidgen of critical thought to these questions could provide you with all the answers you need.

You people? Sorry bud but I'm not a conservative. Perhaps they could have asked him in between one of his rounds of golf lol.

Actually by 'you people' I was referring to conspiracy theorist nutjobs.

Oh, cool. Not one of those either.

This is a truly ludicrous argument. The White House staff would never make a comment about Obama's background without it being approved first.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. What's ludicrous is the insinuation that the president has to OK every little statement that the staff makes.

every little statement that the staff makes

You are an idiot, plain and simple.

Nothing pertaining to Obama's past life is a "little statement". Since most of his academic and other records were sealed by executive order on his first day in office in 2009, every pronouncement on this subject is carefully vetted.

There is definitely an idiot in this conversation, that's for sure.

It's you, FYI.

Well if you actually believe that then you are one stupid person.

There is no freedom in r/conspiracy.

The if you have a logical (unpopular) opinion it gets downvoted to oblivion and insulted.

There's user censorship in the form of downvoting by people that don't agree with you, purely because they would rather believe that what they think is fact, when in reality they have no evidence at all.

even your comment simply stating that fact was down voted. r/conspiracy is compromised.


Probably prayed to Allah on his prayer rug too...

So what if he did. What's wrong with being religious?

Oh, cool. Not one of those either.