I'm Fluck, from the top rated /r/conspiracy post, and I've written something else I hope you'll all read.

219  2013-12-09 by Fluck

Now, I haven't posted on Reddit since this post gathered an unprecedented amount of attention, and while it was mostly positive, what I said was objectively controversial. Despite my burning desire to follow up on that post, I haven't been unable to for reasons I can't entirely explain. Anyway, I hope this community will embrace what I hope is a genuine beginning to the paradigm shift I spoke of that we so desperately need.

I am furious, and growing angrier every day. Every article I read in the news makes my blood boil, either because it's the brutal truth or because it's biased Newspeak. There is no progress. No revolution. No accountability for those committing evil and hiding the truth. In the last couple of months I've been trying to concentrate my rage into something constructive but my anger means I don't have the patience , dexterity or agency to do what I want. I know most of you are angry too. I hope this post can be a catalyst for something meaningful and constructive to come from this collective anger.

I'm not just posting this to /r/conspiracy because of the attention my previous post received, and I'm definitely not seeking any kind of praise or validation. I do hope to capitalise on the attention that post received, but not for my own benefit. To me, /r/conspiracy is essentially just a news aggregate for people who want information other than the agenda set by Newscorp (Time, Fox News) and Time Warner (CNN). Despite the "conspiracy theorist" stereotype, the community here are often some of the most critical, discerning and sceptical people on Reddit.

In every other major subreddit, the program is still functionally dictated by what is presented within that mainstream American news bubble, and they're angry, but not as angry as people who actively seek the alternative view and therefore know as much about hidden atrocities and covert subjugations as the people subscribed here. I know most of you want to see a "Western Spring": the revolution of the white first-worlders against the tiny group of people that dominate the world, causing immeasurable harm for profits they couldn't conceivably use in a lifetime.

In that vein, if millions of people will humour me for as long as it takes, I think we can unfuck the world.


If Reddit is going to be a platform for inciting real change, as it once looked like it could have been, it needs to be fixed. Reddit has been poisoned by the same censorious information bottleneck as "mainstream news". The main subreddits, the default subreddits, have been slowly taken over by a group of megalomaniacs with an obvious bias towards the mainstream rhetoric everyone on Reddit is trying to avoid. On a supposedly open site with millions of users, why do so few individuals have control over so much of what we can talk about? The point of this user-generated news aggregate is so self-evident that it would be tautological to finish this sentence any other way.

A handful of people, a fraction of a percentage of Reddit's active userbase, have control over all of the major subreddits, claiming moderatorship over dozens of unrelated topics.

With the way things are, an anonymous editor is allowed to influence the conversation in so many distinct subreddits it's incomprehensible. /u/qgyh2 isn't even a name, yet in /r/politics, /r/worldnews, /r/australia, /r/canada and /r/london as a few examples, this single individual has the power to filter posts he doesn't like, ban people from commenting and ban entire domains from being submitted. For a lot of people Reddit is their "alternative" source of news, but it's increasingly becoming just another place to be inundated with Newscorps' perverse perspective.

At least Rupert Mudorch is accountable in some vague way. At least we know who he is and can follow the money trail to find out who he's propagandising for. /u/qgyh2 can determine what up to nearly 20 million people get to see, even in the subreddit's for their specific countries, and we have no way of knowing where he's from let alone who's paying him.

Reddit's admins have used the "hands off approach" to allow the site to be slowly taken over by a few specific moderators with an unsubtle agenda. During mid 2008 the Reddit admins responded to some controversy over /u/qgyh2 with a blog post, apparently finding humor in people upset with anonymous, authoritarian censorship on Reddit.

This situation can be rectified, and shouldn't ever have happened. The problem is, most users don't realise that Reddit is operated with such disdain for free communication. The users need to be aware of what's happening, and the admins of the site need to know that the current system is unacceptable. I don't know the best way to contact the admins, but hopefully someone can post that and everyone can do their part - actually do it, rather than just hope everyone else will.

I do, however, know the best way to communicate with the users of Reddit. Image macros. Let's make Reddit moderatorship a meme. Let's make a /u/qgyh2 meme: He's hiding behind anonymity while being paid by men in shadows to subvert free speech, and that's marketable. Let's take every aspect of this clusterfuck of censorship and secret agendas and make it into a cartoon. I wanted to start this myself, but I'm hoping others with more proficiency can do a better job than I would have.

Keep in mind that any change of moderators is only a temporary solution. Reddit needs real rules about moderation to prevent this kind of abuse, such as a person can only moderate "a million users total" in the combined subscribers for the subs they mod (or a single subreddit in the case of a sub having 1m+ subscribers). Simple rules like this are so obscenely feasible it's painful they don't already exist.

.For the sake of not seeming like an audacious egotist, here's an overview of what I'm going to suggest follows step 1:


Fuck your left/right dichotomy. When it comes to the really important shit - the shit that's going to affect the next generation and the world - we're all on the same side. If someone starts getting in your face about Obamacare or abortion, tell them to fuck off unless they want a conversation about real reasons to hate Obama: the drone strikes, profit-prisons, the NSA, the TSA. Cause don't you all fucking agree? Left, right, centre, anarchist and libertarian? Isn't there universal agreement that these billion dollar money sinks, terrorism factories and Western-World-hate-creators have done enough fucking damage?

If you agree with any of that, then you have an interest in getting left-wing, progressive people to put their values into practise. This can involve lots of things - from boycotting certain brands to publicly executing corrupt politicians - but the contemporary "slacktivism" and inaction of progressive people is a worldwide phenomenon that /r/conspiracy can't deal with alone. As one example, the American media plus some crafty Reddit censorship did a good job of turning Occupy from activists into bums taking up room on a pretty street. Thus step 1.

Once we start to take back the information flow (starting with Reddit), we can spurn the MSM's distractions and wedges, and unite people of all political affiliations against the issues we all really care about. The right wing is mobilised - they are active and making demands and receiving concessions. Let's get left-wing people to do the same, and then get everyone to work on solving the shit we agree on.


At the point when enough people stop liking pages about atrocities on Facebook and start acting to prevent them, they will start to demand accountability: from the politicians, first, then from the media monopolies, and then from the real criminals: the bankers, the CEOs and the investors behind the scenes.


Obviously these final two points and even the first aren't necessarily complete, cogent or coherent. Additionally, I don't hope to claim what I've suggested here is better than any possible alternatives, nor do I hope or want to gain anything from this personally, whether it be profit or praise or otherwise. I don't want gold or anything else for this. Instead of praise, just upvote this and helpful suggestions. If you were going to spend money on buying me Reddit gold, please instead use that money to start a community fund to buy a guillotine or something prescient like that.

Everyone should contribute as much as possible. Let's open source a fucking revolution.


Why is it so difficult for people to recognize that we are just slaves in a pyramid scheme? Every amount of state-approved labor we perform funnels money back up to the top.

It's not enough to recognize the slavery. We need to be willing to free ourselves from it.

The only way we free ourselves from 'it' is through brute force.

To see the farm, is to leave it.

Is that similar to can't see the forest for all the trees? Whatever it is I like it.

Just for reference in case you are interested.

And go where exactly? The whole world is a farm.

Take the farms for yourselves perhaps

The best way is for Americans to take advantage of the good parts of a Capitalist economic system. Don't like sending oil money (or troops) to the Middle East? Stop driving around in huge SUV's and owning a bunch of cars. If we Americans could cutback our spending habits, we would take a huge chunk of profits away.. In fact we would be richer than before, as we would no longer export money to China for shiny plastic and OPEC for oil.

You couldn't be further from reality. You think we're fucked because of trinkets and cars? We're fucked because the people we elected to represent us are relentlessly trying to bankrupt the country, trying to collapse the dollar and trying to bring forth a new world reserve currency. They're all going to make a fortune from converting their money into this new currency before the switch. We are up against something much bigger than you seem to realize. The capitalist economic system already has its winners. The game is won. Now these people who we let rob us own everything and tell you its your fault the world is falling apart while they become more and more controlling of it. The only thing these people fear are riots. So they bring about these scams and changes gradually so that by the time you realize what's happened you're already comfortable with it.

your are right and also wrong, the way the system is engineered is to have trinkets and frivolous activities poison your reason and your desire. By being able to stop buying into the system and become self reliant you are defying them and if everyone does it we can atrophy them.

How would that immediately effect the economy? If Americans all stopped buying gas tomorrow what would happen? I understand the premise is ludicrous but just humor me.

Absolutely not. That's not the "only" way.

Oh? Well tell me another way then.

How do you negotiate with someone who has everything when you have nothing? I can't wait to hear this...

Oh? Well tell me another way then.

Massive, communal, nation-wide (or, even better, planet-wide) non cooperation with the system, and cooperation with EACH OTHER. The shitty system as it stands needs us in order to keep operating. If we simply didn't cooperate with the money/raping shit as it stands, there would simply be no one TPTB would be able to get to actually enforce their slavery.

You don't need money to feed, clothe, and house people. You need food, clothing, housing, and cooperation. Period. That's it.

How do you negotiate with someone who has everything when you have nothing?

That person who has "everything" got it by riding on the back of those who have nothing. If those who have nothing come together and, like I said above, simply refuse to be taken advantage of, then the person "on top" will cease to have power. At that point, that person will either come into the fold and realize that cooperation will get them to the next level, or they will refuse to cooperate, get left behind, and starve.

I can't wait to hear this...

Your continued sarcasm is a sign and an indication of great, great ignorance - a deep drought that exists in you intellectually. Such responses on your part are entirely unnecessary, and serve only to drive you further away from real understanding. You would do good to work on that.

Everything being said, I understand that it would be very, very difficult for everyone to put all their/our brainwashed, fabricated differences aside. Most of us are too caught up in the muck of b.s. we've been indoctrinated with to realize it's all bullshit. Most of us are too "bought in" to the system - like you, perhaps - and so they simply can't see another way. It is because of these types that the change necessary would be very difficult to exact.

Just because it would be very difficult, however, it doesn't mean that it is not very possible. It's simply about whether the people are willing to do it or not.

I understand that the majority of people don't really have the right level of understanding to accomplish this task, but it doesn't mean that it wouldn't work handily if it were done.

Or, of course, you could be one of the ignorant that think that "brute force is the only way" - in which case you would be involved in bloody war against TPTB that, even if the 99% DID win it (which would not be entirely impossible) then there would be little compensation at the end of such a war, because the same lack of wisdom and awareness that kept the citizenry from realizing what WOULD in fact work instead of a bloody war would also keep the people from building a good, peaceful nation to live in after such a bloody war.

Are you getting this? Are you understanding this? Are you grasping this?

Maybe not, unfortunately...Given how you responded, maybe not.


If it's so good then how did you escape it?

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

The problem is there is no political alternative that will address this. In all cultures and all political systems a pyramid is bound to form. This is why the pyramid is such a powerful symbol, because in all social groups (including plants and animals) a pyramid system develops naturally. A pack of dogs has a hierarchy with one at the top that controls the group. Ants too have a pyramid social order, bees, birds, and even plants in a field quite naturally follow a pyramid. It is ingrained deep into our psyche that we should have a leader. By default that leader will be at the top of the pyramid and will hold all the symbols of his/her position.

The big problem now is that our pyramid is skewed. We have people who have no right in nature to be classed as our 'leaders' taking on these roles. We have weaklings who run away from danger as President. It isn't like the old British Kings who led their troops into battle (some even died on the battlefield). We don't even have the most articulate or intelligent as our leaders. Instead we have what really should be middle pillar dwellers as our leaders and our own internal natural ideas of leadership are being perverted.

Face it, if Barry went into any major town, city or village in the United States and started offering people to go outside with him for a fight he'd be beaten to a pulp in every place. He is wrong! Not only that but these 'leaders' have been wrong ever since the 1800's. We've been conned. If Obama was more like Putin and was capable of knocking the crud out any opposition then everyone would feel happier. However, we all know that if it came to a fist fight Barry would be lying in a pool of his own urine and fecal matter while Putin was stamping on his face. I'm not saying we need a muscled up loony at the top, but yes, we need a very capable, takes no shit, passionate leader in that seat. Someone you can really respect. Not Barry, nor anyone I've seen in any seat of Gvt in the last 200 years. They're all wrong.

(Edited to correct poor grammar)

One way to constructively breakup this mainstream media induced bottleneck is to start a sub reddit focusing on how to identify and disable the use of fallacies.

Fallacies are more or less at the center of a complex web of thought distorting practices such as propaganda, psyop, disinformation, behavioral conditioning, superstition, etc.

R/ Atheism contains good examples of how fallacies are successfully being used to hold religion accountable.

Simple identification of a fallacy will both help the thought victim start figuring out how to solve the problem and flush thought predators out into the open where they will ultimately self destruct.

Edit 1: Here are a few links for further consideration

Logical Fallacies Handlist

Creationist Fallacies

7 Fallacies of Economics

6 Brainwashing Techniques They're Using On You Right Now

The 48 Laws of Power

Propaganda Critic

Edit 2: Here are a couple of sub reddit search results for fallacies



Today I Learned




Yes. This is probably the most important thing. Many people know them but cant point it out correctly. This also keeps people from posting.

A big problem with working online are the words. Such a powerful tool and easy to use in written form. Teaching about fallacies... lol. You said it perfectly.

Thought predators. I love this. We must be the same and make them into our prey.

Thank you so much for taking the time to put such a post together. Trust me, there's a lot more being influenced by your post then just 8 upvotees!

The more the merrier!

R/ Atheism contains good examples of how this currently being done.

Can you link us to any? I'm interested.

Here is an internal search for fallacies on r/ atheism

I am only a casual reader of the sub reddit so do not have a list of favorites. As a passing thought, this internal search method might produce interesting results in other subs....

Reading mat

Holy flucking shit, the revolution is about to start.

I'll give it a couple more years unfortunately.

Well, considering if it were to start now it would probably take a couple years to manifest itself but I agree lol.

They say that "the revolution will not be televised." I believe that.

It's going to be streamed on the internet, live and unadulterated.

"Next up on the news: Solar flares threatening the world wide web grid. The internet as you know it might be melted away. Possible global warming connection? Join us after the break to find out!"

The solution is being worked on and improved everyday, see /r/darknetplan

This situation can be rectified, and shouldn't ever have happened. The problem is, most users don't realise that Reddit is operated with such disdain for free communication. The users need to be aware of what's happening, and the admins of the site need to know that the current system is unacceptable.

Bro, the admins are the one's organizing the manipulation. Reddit is dead. Certain admins most likely hire cabals of high ranking mods as consultants for their PR firms.

Alexis has his own east coast crew and reddit inc (run on the west coast) probably has their own Power Mods.

Reddit's general manager, Erik Martin (hueypriest), and Alexis (kn0thing) run Antique Jetpack.

! thank you.

/u/qgyh2 has been here a long time, founded a lot of subs and for years had more karma than anyone else. But he's never been implicated in banning people or removing submissions. It's people who came here later who have done that.

If someone starts getting in your face about Obamacare or abortion, tell them to fuck off unless they want a conversation about real reasons to hate Obama

Um dude-- a government creating a blatantly unconstitutional law, with procedural tricks, that makes it illegal to exist unless you pay a monthly "existence subscription" to companies that the government is in bed with... is a reason to hate Obama.

And it all ties together. An evil man does evil acts. A man capable of making a law like that is a man capable of bombing random strangers with robots. You cannot seperate the two. Period.

The individual mandate that you're so mad at Obama for? Ya it was introduced in 1989 by the Heritage Council. You don't know enough to see that there is a false right/left dichotomy. Educate yourself.

Downvoted you for stupidity.

Downvoted you for not recognizing that regardless of its inception, Obamacare was passed by the current administration ramrodding it through a majority held Congress despite public outcry against it.

Yeah, funny, I don't remember having to pay money to exist in 1989. No, it was the current admin that put those chains on us. Or do you blame Marx directly for Stalin and Mao's genocides?

I'm merely pointing out the false left/right dichotomy.

Do you have proof of what you say? Can you show me the individual mandate from the Heritage Council? I'd really like to see that.

Excellent, thank you for taking the time to do it right. Good post. Have you seen the reply to that article? This may not be the time or place but it's worth talking about.


After reading this it seems like this article is just backpedaling... thoughts?

I'm in class. Will check it out later.

Introduced in 1989. Who made it law in 2012.

Congress And the president. Who authored it? Who sponsored it?

illegal to exist unless you pay a monthly "existence subscription"

they already do that with taxes, do you think your money goes to your government XD

When are you going to start?

Are you actually going to do something or do you think you can start a revolution by posting in r/conspiracy?

Not to diminish your post or anything, op, but I dont think you know what newspeak is.

You had me up until the point you started injecting partisan politics into your well written rant.


That is interesting but not sure how it would help or hurt him or /r/conspiracy

We no longer have the luxury of sitting on our hands waiting for someone else to do something.

Talk openly to your friends and family and get the conversation going. We can all start great change by beginning things locally. If you want to change the world you have to start by changing families. Families make up communities which make up cities, states, countries, and the globe. Start at home!

This Christmas start talking about controversial subjects in a healthy constructive way. Don't talk about mundane things like weather, gossip, and sports. Instead try talking about the new Pope, or the latest Snowden documents. You don't have to be an articulate speaker you just have to get the conversation going. I refuse to believe that our society has manifested in a way that has made geo-politcal discussion an impossibility on the local social platform.

There are so many major issues facing the world right now. We as a people no longer have the luxury of being able to remain apathetic and ignorant on the major complex issues. Start by educating your self and then grow by educating those around you.

We CAN make change. Positive, constructive change.

Well my family has told me im not aloud to talk politics and conspiracies this christmas...I guess ill talk about about sports or something. Its too hard to argue with 8 people anyways about how the government would never intentionally harm their own people Then i list endless examples... This has been happening for years..I learn more and more ..they stay the same with their it is what it is attitudes.

Its ironic that YOU post this. I'm from Winnipeg and recently fell in love with Vancouver this past summer.

Try different approaches. You don't have to be a major contributor to the conversation, you just have to steer it into something meaningful. You don't have to share what your personal opinions are on certain matters, you just have to allude to them. Let them ask the right questions.

Ultimately, just be respectful and hope that your family does the same. Enjoy the traditions you have and cherish the time with the ones that you care about.

Dude, are you new here? qgyh2 has been a poweruser since I joined her 5 years ago. He made /r/tldr because he's on here so much and just posts recaps every week. I just checked now and I can't believe he's still doing it. He's not the crazy megalomaniac you think he is. He's just a poweruser with a good reputation that was here when subreddits were created. People gave him mod powers because they liked him so much.

I haven't followed his posts in years, but I doubt he's transformed into some crazy censor like you think. Sure he has power now, but so would you if you were here to create subreddits. My friend made /r/pcgaming, didn't do much with it and it grew to 50,000 subscribers. It's just how reddit evolved. Early adopters get the most power. It's the same with everything.

Maybe find a different faceless user to go after? There's no way Qghy2 is an evil censorship overlord. Anyone who has been on Reddit for 5+ years knows that.

Well hello there, Fluck.

Know that I essentially share your opinion and conviction, but it is -- as I'm sure you're aware -- a pretty vast expanse you're trying to cover , so it might be advisable to break it down into lesser, more manageable scopes.

Reddit's system will not be fixed by setting an arbitrary amount of moderated subjects; it is in the very nature of an anonymously distributed system that it can be gamed. The occasional vote brigading right here on /r/conspiracy -- in my opinion orchestrated by the upstanding individuals gravitating towards /r/conspiratard -- is already proof of that, no administrative privileges required. Furthermore, and on the grand scale of things, there are more mechanisms of censorship at work -- the most effective and hardest to overcome is that of sheer disbelief. As Marshall McLuhan put it: "Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity."

Which brings me straight to the left. As long as they are busy agitating in what little scope public discourse is allowed to subsist in, they will remain disempowered and impotent. Any impulse to transcend that scope is impeded within themselves -- their own minds, if one can even call them that anymore, do the censoring, making them unable to ever identify the real problems behind it all. You're unlikely to change that with an image macro.

Well, and the rest basically falls apart from there...

So the question becomes: How do you get past that internalized defense system, erected by years of incessant conditioning? 9/11 demonstrated how conditioning can be altered quickly and on a massive scale, but it required the induction of essentially global trauma, immediate and universal suggestion, and quite a few more deaths than anyone should we willing to tolerate. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that a giant mind fuck, forcing the individual into questioning the very nature of reality, or at least some of their base assumptions about it, might be what it takes to achieve actual results in a time frame small enough to actually matter pertaining to the coming collapse. Possibly something along the lines of what the 60s Yippies did, only much grander?

A global mindfuck is exactly what needed. We can't continue to talk about and no matter how much we change reddit, the whole world needs to change. People need to change.

I suggest a staged event showing how far the US has fallen with every sort of person involved. This event should also reflect back to the world what has become of it and what will inevitably happen -- THE END OF THE HUMAN SPECIES -- if changes are not made.

Remember folks, we're not just talking about democracy, or America, or our economies. We're talking about the survival of our species.

I envision a fleet of blimp drones with sound systems blasting something like this from the skies on the same day we put acid in the water supply, but do go on: What kind of staged event do you have in mind?

I think it should be something theatrical. Perhaps like a reenactment of the SS going around and swooping people up, etc Something along those lines, anyway. With people explaining what's going on, why etc On the outskirts where the "actors" are playing.

Ha, I like it! Hope for some really abhorrent, revolting reactions from the bystanders, multiply with youtube, and hopefully get some discussion going. Although the cynical part of me can imagine people brushing this off as a funny, but largely irrelevant stunt. Entertainment, if you will.

In any case, I like the absurdist approach!

There was an MTV commercial that showed what the Jews went through but they overlayed it in America. That shit was immediately taken off. I do not think people would find it so funny. Not if it's done in the right way.

Also: think about getting people who are willing to allow others to use their houses for their reenactments.

I would think the group of people willing and that of people making for a believable raid target would overlap quite considerably.


We could have the people playing both parts -- the victims and the police/army. You would be taking yourself to jail or camp or whatever (killing yourself) if we continued down this path. Too bad I'm not a film major.

Maybe someone coming this across this conversation is?

Lol I see what you did there.

Definitely not the soundtrack I expected.

But I think this could work.

Ha! What did you expect?

You know, I'm not sure anymore. haha

Ok. Well, I hope you enjoy the music, then.

If someone starts getting in your face about Obamacare or abortion, tell them to fuck off unless they want a conversation about real reasons to hate Obama: the drone strikes, profit-prisons, the NSA, the TSA.

That's the best thing I have heard in a while.

each of you must become fishers of men

We need an alternative to Reddit that isn't compromised.

I think the point is everything will become compromised. We have to take a stand somewhere and why not reddit?

Just start by unsubscribing to heavily censored subreddits and force them into irrelevance.

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there does it make a sound?

If a subreddit censors but no one is there to read is it still censorship?

Change your frontage. You can do it. You won't miss it, I promise.

Unsubscribe to r/news, r/worldnews, r/politics. Keep going until your frontage looks normal. They will see their numbers drop. Cut it off at the root.

what are the alternatives i think we should set up a thread IN HERE where we make alternates. everyone will be viewing this page so if we make some alternates and post them in this thread the transition can be easy.

I'm new to reddit so i don't know what I'm doing but it should be done.

That doesn't fix the plethora of other people OR new people who will come to reddit.

People are left-wing because they want the state to handle things, which is exactly why they will never get "riled up" into action because they feel that responsible adults will handle things... those people are seriously lost causes and should be seen as a detriment more than anything.

I believe we all need a direction of focus. What is evident is a lot of people are pissed off about a lot of things. There is no cohesion of which we direct our anger. Thus, we all rant and nothing gets done.

I propose the focus to be shifted upon the firm grip Big Pharma has in our everyday lives. Thst noose i tightening and they are locking in there ever increasing profits at the expense of (literally) the health and lives of the people. Big Pharma is in collusion with the FDA to rid the open market of natural solutions to the unnatural problems they purposely inflict upon an ignorant population. They have in their tentacles the pens of the legislators that create law in Big Pharmas interest, while ignoring the voice of the people. They have accrued an absurd amount of wealth from good people who try to make their lives better, and they reinvest that money into politicians to do their bidding.

With the coming TransPacific Trade Treaty, they will be able to circumvent national sovereignty of the member states through secret courts and boards of unelected officials in order to further increase their profits and power.

I say, we start a revolution not with words, not with violence, but with our own health. Relinquish our dependence on the healthcare system, take over our diets, lose weight through proper excercise and nutrition while avoiding binging and gluttony. Grow our own crops or select from farms that are local and free of poison.

This is something we all can do, individually. This can be the real revolution. We can take back the control of our health, and in doing so, we will live longer, happier, healthier lives while denying Big Pharma a substantial portion of their profits.

Furthermore, we can pressure our legislators to outright deny Big Pharma, or face impeachment or replacement.

By focusing our attention on our own health, we take responsibility for our own actions and decisions, and lose dependency upon our government, wherein it relies upon for its very function and further usurpation of powers and authorities.

This would be the first step. And, at the very least, would benefit your lives immediately. For knowledge is power, and healthy decisions is longevity.

We are powerless if we dont live long enough to enter the next phase of the "good" fight...

America is a super-violent country. It's filled with all the misfits that couldn't make it in their own countries. If America ever has a revolution, it will be exceedingly bloody and the rest of the world is going to want to put a cage around what comes out of it.

This is self-fulfilling prophecy. When people are told over generations and generations that violence is inherent in them we will MAKE IT SO. And you can't demonize America because there are people everywhere who are loving and kind. The most violent people I've come across in the states are the police.

And what the fuck are you talking about "misfits"? Their countries are in conditions we can barely imagine living, yeah you bet your dumb ass they went to a 1st world country when they could.

. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Wretched refuse, buddy, that's what we are.

Dude, speak for yourself. I'm no one's wretched refuse. lol

Yeah, the bronies will be priority one in the NWO...

Actually the sort of sentiments the show promotes is exactly what they don't want. You know that, right?

Misfits, or people who left the farm all those years ago because they were smart enough to see it.

Then perhaps to take back reddit we need to form a gang of people who will balance the scales and upvote the things that all humans care about. Groups of people in each subreddit, who know the deal can create groups to push the real news forward. We also need to start posting in droves about exactly this issue. The US is turning into Nazi Germany.

+/u/bitcointip $1 verify

Amen brother

[] Verified: Mises_77 → $1 USD (m฿ 1.09331 millibitcoins) → Fluck [sign up!] [what is this?]

I don't think logical fallacies have shit to do with this anymore and let me tell you why: pointing out a logical fallacy isn't going to stop a cop from busting down your door. It's not going to stop the army or whoever the fuck from rounding people up. It's certainly not going to stop the atrocities all across the world.

You know what will stop it? Not focusing on stupid bullshit like that. We all need to really consider the resources we have at our disposal : communication, mostly. Look at what happened in these other countries through communication -- straight up revolt and rioting. People got together and made communications CENTERS. They knew where to send people, what to do, and how to get out of situations when they got sticky.

We need cohesion.

Whatever happened to the Zeitgeist movement?

It was never a movement. It was a guy who made a video.

a lot of which was really bad info...

I only watched the first 20 minutes or so (I just couldn't sit through it), but I wasn't impressed.

I cant remember if it was the second or third one, but they did a really interesting thing on the origins of christianity, judaism, and islam, pretty much linking them all to one person/event that different groups of people took and made them into their own religions.

Wow I just have so many problems with your post. I feel like the thought behind it is fine, but once you get into the details of explaining your position it just falls apart.

When it comes to the really important shit - the shit that's going to affect the next generation and the world - we're all on the same side.

Unfortunately we're not. This is the major flaw with your post, this idea that everyone shares your opinions. It's absurd and naive.

Despite my burning desire to follow up on that post, I haven't been unable to for reasons I can't entirely explain.

Also... what? First of all the sentence doesn't make sense, but that is just a simple mistake. I believe you meant to say that despite your desire to follow up, you haven't been ABLE to, right? That's not my problem with that statement. My problem is that you're acting as if someone is trying to silence you. You're likely going to respond to this by saying, "No that's not what I meant I just don't have time!" But the way you phrase that is purposely misleading and it seems like you're trying to get people to believe you've stumbled onto something serious here, which you haven't.

The point of this user-generated news aggregate is so self-evident that it would be tautological to finish this sentence any other way.

The point of reddit is so self-evident that it would be needlessly repetitive to finish the sentence any other way... When you break that statement down it makes no sense. It sounds like you were going to write, "The point of reddit is to......." but then realized that you don't know what the point of reddit is. It's so obvious that it would be redundant to explain it even once to the reader?

Ok so those are my petty issues with your post, now here's my real issue, the first thing I brought up: All of the "normal people" in the country, those who are not part of this conspiracy you bring up (which is very real), they're NOT on the same side and they do NOT agree on the major issues. You bring up Obamacare and abortion as two issues that you don't feel are worth arguing about. Well about half the country disagrees with that statement. You also brought up drone strikes, the TSA, and the NSA as things that ARE worth arguing about. Well about half the country disagrees with you there, and believes they aren't worth talking about.

You can't just say

Fuck your left/right dichotomy

under a section titled


You want left-wing progressives to put their values into practice to combat the right, but that's playing into the right/left dichotomy.

What you seem to want is liberalism to spread. That's what I want, too. But let's not pretend what you're suggesting is anything other than working within the system you are supposedly fed up with.

And the LEFT is just as bad as the right and that's what a lot of folks on the left don't realize. Reddit is essentially a left-leaning propaganda machine. That's because liberals use reddit. Whether you take the corporate shills away or not, reddit will be left leaning. So again, here's where I don't understand your position. You want the left to get energized, you want liberalism to spread, and reddit is actually doing that, but you don't like it?

You don't like it because supposedly it's a manufactured left-leaning viewpoint, right? But you provide no proof that this is happening and no proof that /u/qgyh2 is a problem moderator. I've gone through some of his post history and he just seems like a normal guy that puts a lot of time into reddit. You say that /u/qgyh2 isn't even a name, as if /u/Fluck is.

please instead use that money to start a community fund to buy a guillotine or something prescient like that.


I just think you need to rethink your word usage there is all. It's kind of an absurd statement that, again, doesn't make a lot of sense when you break it down (like most of your post).

So my question to you is, WHAT DO YOU WANT? You want to open source a revolution? What does that mean? You want people to donate a bunch of money? To who? For what?

You say the system is broken and you want major changes but all you're suggesting is that we support the left. All that's going to do is continue this two party back and forth game that we've been playing for decades now.

The left was mobilized and energized in 2008 and we elected Barack Obama and nothing changed in this country. We got a face lift in a lot of ways, but that skin is going to start sagging again real soon.

I don't have any more solutions than you do, but this isn't a solution. This is just, "get angry and vote democrat!"

Love your post until you start talking about the left. What you have to remember is that the people who call themselves "leftists" on MSNBC, CNN, or even many on Reddit, are complete phonies. The best example of a person like this is that MSNBC douche Lawrence O'Donnell. The true left(the anarchists, the communists, the socialists, the social democrats, and the more left-leaning liberals) have all spoken against Obama and have tried to do something to fix the social and economic problems this country is facing. Unfortunately, as you pointed out, not everyone is in agreement with one another and trying to put forth change when you do not have a united populace is next to impossible. However, it doesn't have to be this way. The social issues in this country(NSA, TSA, Big Brother, etc.) can be solved if we have a union between the left and the right as I have seen plenty of leftists and rightist speak against the ever so growing police state. Will this ever happen? I hope to god it does in the future.

It sounds like what you're describing is the FAR left, rather than the true left.

But about the social issues... what about those that don't believe it's a problem? We talk on reddit all the time about how everyone hates the TSA and NSA but that's just not true. For instance I don't give a shit about the TSA. I'm much more concerned with the DHS and as far as I'm concerned the TSA "problem" is just a distraction from the much more serious implications of the DHS formation.

We can all get on the TSA hate bandwagon. It's easy and they want us to focus on that part, because it's the SMALLEST part of the problem.

Plus some people just think that the TSA is necessary. Some people think the NSA spying is necessary.

I think Fluck is making a LOT of generalizations and doesn't fully understand that there are "normal" people out there that are completely behind the big government changes of the past decade.

The TSA and DHS problems are interrelated which means you don't get the bigger picture.

I said exactly that, the the TSA and DHS problems are interrelated.

The DHS was created in response to 9/11 and a lot of agencies and divisions spawned off of that, and a lot of agencies and divisions were moved to the DHS (TSA being one of them). It is my opinion that the TSA is one of the least worrisome problems created by the DHS but that it's the easy one for Americans to complain about.

The DHS does far more vile and uncivilized things in the broader picture outside of the TSA. Convoluting that picture by focusing on how it's no longer CONVENIENT to travel is ridiculous but that's what the media has decided to focus on. Why do you think that is?

Yeah the TSA sucks and there's a lot of serious problems, but there's so much more to the picture. Maybe it's you that doesn't get the bigger picture?

Way to attack the messenger. I didn't realize you were suck a douche.

looks at brazilian and turkish governments

Yea we don't need a leader...........Just undefined revolutionary spirit will fix the world!!!!! Bring it down!!!!! With no plan to maintain our standard of living!!!!!

The only way we free ourselves from 'it' is through brute force.

Well, considering if it were to start now it would probably take a couple years to manifest itself but I agree lol.

I'm merely pointing out the false left/right dichotomy.

Definitely not the soundtrack I expected.

But I think this could work.

I think it should be something theatrical. Perhaps like a reenactment of the SS going around and swooping people up, etc Something along those lines, anyway. With people explaining what's going on, why etc On the outskirts where the "actors" are playing.