How reddit was destroyed.

643  2013-12-09 by [deleted]

1) The first thing they did was take away r/

This took away the only tool for communicating with reddit about reddit. If you had any concerns about the website as a whole, you could address them through r/ Taking that away was the first step.

2) The power now resided in individual subreddits, obviously the most popular ones. There was a power grab to become moderators of these subreddits.

I remember as the upcoming election loomed, all of a sudden, r/circlejerk (one of the old default subreddits) became completely obsessed with bashing Ron Paul. I am not even a RP supporter, but that was definitely orchestrated, and NOT by some kids trying to be funny. Watch this short doc and tell me reddit wasn't added into the equation. Once again, I do not support RP, I just find this example very fascinating.

3) Once the subreddits were controlled, drastic changes began to occur.

I remember when r/IAma was open to anyone and the popularity was decided by voting. Now it is nothing more than a cheap place for celebrities to whore out their products and you need to be "approved".

4) The appearance of shills soon became VERY apparent.

All of a sudden new accounts started popping up out of nowhere, cue the birth of r/HailCorporate. Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog. From brand new accounts that never posted again.

5) Now we have blatant censorship on r/news, r/worldnews etc... saying that X site is not allowed.

What ever happened to letting people vote on the content of this website?

6) All of the proper "checks and balances" are now in place.

So now we are being fed an anti-Muslim/Islam/Russian/India smear campaign weekly. The amount of stories that demonize these groups is sickening to witness. And with minimal research you can see that most of them are hyperbole, sensationalized, and sometimes outright fiction.

But thats okay, when something goes against the "US is good" narrative, every detail is examined and the slightest inconsistency is used to dismiss the entire story. But that diligence disappears when the story is bashing somewhere else. And those who point it out are downvoted out of sight.

And people will say "What are you talking about, people are constantly bashing the US in every thread".

Yes that is absolutely true. Because those people have decided to even out the score. When you have hundreds of fake accounts moving the narrative in a certain direction, then it is essential for people to come out and loudly counter-balance the propaganda.

It wasn't always like this. A few years ago, there were just as many disagreements and differences of opinion on reddit, but they were REAL. And the site was still a democracy. People voted and things swung from side to side, everybody learned in the end.

Now we have a completely one-sided mess that pretends to be democratic but is quickly becoming the Fox News of the internet.

And I believe this can essentially be boiled down to greed. Reddit gets billions of views. The people who run reddit are not the "cool bloggers" they try to portray themselves as. There is a head running things, and it is sinister and they are making A LOT of money, and have A LOT of power, and A LOT of influence.

And they know it. You should too.

EDIT: What reddit used to be compared to what it is today. Notice how this site used to actually produce REAL positive changes in the REAL world.

This was the peak in 2011: An anonymous Redditor exposed The Elan School, an abusive boarding school in Maine, which was then shut down.




What ever happened to the guy on here creating a new type of reddit? Where is that project at? He originally said it would be live within two weeks and that was at least two months ago. There was a whole thread on it but I can't remember his username and there was no project name at the time..

He's been re-educated.


I and others have been working on this. I attempted to connect with that other person - as he actually lives literally blocks from me, it turned out, but he went silent.

I have built big infra for top companies in SV.... I have a team of people on board with this. Looking to launch ASAP.

Any web devs intersted in participating?

I'm a web dev and have experience as a server admin.

It's a lot of work to setup a forum like Reddit, with a lot of challenges. Just take a look at anon news and the spam problems they have.

That being said, we could use the existing Reddit source code (it is open source) or setup a form using any of several PHP forum systems out there.

I've got some server space that's decent through a Canadian provider. No matter what we do, we'll be spied on of course, but at the same time, the NSA is sucking up so much info I doubt they can actually sift through a fraction of it. I doubt they're targeting individuals so much as making graphs to see how well propaganda works.

I don't entirely agree with everything OP said. I want to make that clear. I think some of the moderation is clearly rules violations (e.g. wordnews with things not being world news, TIL has a strict no politics policy, and some things get through yes and it's a little subjective, but I'd hardly call it conspiracy). All that being said, it is owned by a Newscorp company (or former newscorp company now spinoff? I can never keep it straight). I think it's a mix of intentional censorship and also rules violations and subjective mods.

I don't have a lot of time these days, but I'd be willing to look at this. I'm a yank, currently based out of the South Pacific....could probably get some server space in AU/NZ too if people would feel better about that.

Im in SF ca. Have significant contacts to host on the largest ISP in Asia... have UI, Scaling and Ops supprt with interst in this idea... need solid web dev skills.

PM me.

Hey. Awesome. So here are my skills:

...probably have too much real information up it's way out of date.... and as you can tell by the site design, my graphics and design skills aren't all that great, so any UI help would be awesome. I'm sure we could find volunteers who are good with Illustrator/Photoshop/Web too. I do have good CSS skills.

What do you think the platform should be? Reddit code base, reddit clone or fourm software? Something else?

You can e-mail me at (sorry I don't have PGP keys published...on my todo list). I've been meaning to setup a Jabber server too on that domain. I've got a Gmail if you use GTalk with OTR encryption if you prefer that.

I'm super tired so I'm probably gonna crash early. My friends are all US/Pacific time; usually when I talk to them online at work it's like 2/3pm there. My timezone is New Zealand.

I also have a lot of projects on my burners (trying to get some papers published; get into graduate school and stuff--little overwhelming actually), but I'll do everything that I can.

I might be interested in helping out a bit.

I've been focusing on rich js based frontends lately.

Here is a reddit frontend I did last week:

I'm sure you're aware of

I am ambivalent about it though. I like to have more info about a post than they provide.

What info?

Any web developers interested? I'm sure some nice web developers from the CIA will be interested. Get ready to have CIA plants in your team.

I am not a CIA plant, I promise. I'm just a ficus.

I thought they called men like you a 'fruit.'


Ui guy here. Up for helping

I'm a professional front-end dev. If you need any work in that area please let me know. I would love to hear more about what you're working on!

Glad I'm not the only one who remembered this. There were many users willing to help/provide support.

Snoo assassinated him.

While everything you said is true, the moderators of conspiracy DO ban users who don't follow the party line

I have been banned before here from a moderator for simply disagreeing with a claim.

This is a complex story...

I ban assholes. Other mods ban people for their transgressions against the rules. Some are more ban heavy - some are silent.

We all make individual judgement calls on what we see - and often we discuss a situation and at times some mods reverse the actions of others.

We dont sit in a starr chamber and pick fights...

It misses two key developmemnts that preceded these.

First the subdividing of reddit into subreddits rather than the original which had the effect that people were no longer exposed to things they didn't already think they wanted to hear.

And when people resisted this subdividing and continued to post on what become r/ becuase they didn't want to be subdivided into r/conservative or r/liberal the reddit owners actually shut r/ down to actively prevent people from coming together there. Everyone objected but they did it anyway.

Subdividing was huge. Now the millions on reddit could never hear the story posted in an obscure subreddit that would have been voted up and changed their lives or the politics of the world.

They will just see cats.

at first they said "don't worry!" you should cross post to relevant subreddit to spread the word but of course soon time rules stopped you from crossposting to multiple relevant political reddireddits even if they were relevant. Then the posts were auto censored if they appeared I more than one place so you couldn't info others and let them have the chance to see if even if you did wait out the time limits. .

And then of course was the introduction of moderators which of course was the opposite of what reddit was _ crowd moderated- reader self moderated by voting. That really was the icing on the cake that told us all what the real objectives were..

and of course the infamous shadow ban where they ban your post but you take no notice becuase you don't know it.

Then they started censoring the top posts lists so even historically high posts were disappeared.

Maybe I'm mistaken, but I am sure the source code used to be available. I remember playing with it at the time daily kos and scoopcode were first getting attention..

Who is downvoting this and why?

The same /r/conspiratard trolls that haunt this sub.

The reddit trolls are doing damage control over how they have taken over reddit.

I would add to OP's theory that there is an outsized role these conpiracy trolls have over places like /r/cringepics or circlejerk--like OP mentioned. I would add subredditdrama and allthe other meta subs where the trolls rampage.

And many of these conspiratard trolls are mods in places like /r/news and /r/syriancivilwar and many other subs.

They try to create a false consensus and marginalize conspiracy theories whereas my guess is the typical reddit user is more open to them.

They try to create a false consensus and marginalize conspiracy theories whereas my guess is the typical reddit user is more open to them.

So you're saying...that it's a conspiracy?

what is r/conspiratard all about?

It's a sub populated by people who actively come to this sub to derail conversations. Many have been caught making anti-Semitic posts as bait and an excuse to deride this sub for having the very anti-Semitic posts that they themselves post.

Mostly they tend to be believers in the state propaganda.

The idea of questioning "reality" is something outside of their mental capacity.

Comment histories reveal much.

Thats what i thought all along but i needed to hear it from someone because i didn't think an entire sub would be created just to destroy another

Welcome to the 'war on terror'.

"caught" citation needed

You hang out in /r/conspiratard.

I'm surprised you don't pay more attention to everyone else in that sub.

I can go to any sub I want. Where's an example of this anti-Semitic posting?

I don't keep itemized tabs on everything every conspiratard does.

Go ahead and crawl back to r/conspiratard and boast that you caught someone who didn't keep a time-stamped log of everything every conspiratard has ever posted. Christ, I find it amazing that there's actually another sub devoted to this sub. Conspiratards are somehow more pathetic if only for the fact that they obsess over people they regard as pathetic.

Let's just go ahead and say you're way smarter than anyone in this sub and leave it at that.

If you go to the sub it should be clear what it is about, pointing out and laughing at the people who subscribe to ideas they consider insane. Most of this revolves around the conspiracy world. But be warned, posting to that subreddit will get you banned from /r/conspiracy.

The stuff that seems to get up voted there tends to be really on the fringes. Something about campaign finance, lobbyist-government-industry revolving door or Snowden revelations won't make it. A David Icke forum post about how HAARP is being used to activate the listening devices implanted in our teeth is more their speed. /r/ForwardsFromGrandma stuff.

really? That sounds kinda fishy

I use it to keep tabs on what the shills are making fun of...

Yeah, it's pretty crazy entering a comment thread in /r/worldnews or /r/news. The top five posts are always in support of the mainstream view or a collection of shitty puns or some other circlejerky thing. Any comment of relevance is either downvoted completely out of view or gets terrible troll responses.

It's weird - it almost feels like there aren't any real people there.

Yep. And it's funny, but I was just searching for Kayne West for another reason, and came across this example of what you're pointing too:

If you search by top comments the first one is a circle jerky joke, then followed by a comment mitigating OP's point.

Then a bunch of trollish comments below like claims that posting to Haaretz is anti-semitic, etc. Notice too the slur towards /r/conspiracy.

And notice the guy that makes the anti /r/conspiracy slur after falsely claiming OP was "anti-semitic" for posting about the terrorist group JDL, is a conspiratard troll that also hangs out in gaming subs and a few other popular default subs (like so many of these conspiratard trolls).

This is why conspiratard trolls need to be banned from here. Their main goal is attacking this sub and the users here and they do this across other subs and are serving a larger propagandistic purpose.

The reddit trolls are doing damage control over how they have taken over reddit.

So you're saying I'm in on it? They're all in on it?!

I have no idea if you're simply a willing dupe or in on some plan. I simply judge you by your actions . . . you're a conspiratard troll. I don't know if you're a leader and big wig in this group or simply a fanboy that is following their lead or attracted by their juvenile antics.

Wake up, Sheeple!

based on the copy pasta you use, probobly. your side has all the power and the money and is winning, so you should feel good anyway.

your side has all the power and the money and is winning

This is why people make fun of you.

like who?

Reddit fuzzes up/downvote numbers that it displays in order to confuse spammers/bots. The only numbers that are actually significant are the number of points and the % who like (which gives a rough idea of ratio of up to down, 81% is extremely high, most popular posts settle around 66%).

because theres an automatic 1/3 downvote to cool non 'official' threads.

No, it applies to all threads. Seriously, just pay attention and you'll notice it, it's not peculiar.

I mean seriously, it's a bit odd to claim something's being suppressed when it's sitting at #2 in a 200k user subreddit.

Not because it's wrong, but it doesn't matter. There is no conspiracy to take over reddit. Just different factions using this site to their own purposes. From individuals to corporations.

Find a new forum, or if you really like reddit a new sub. These kind of posts shouldn't be on conspiracy. It should be on some reddit admin feedback


I understand it's relevant to this sub, but trying to take back an open forum that is going to be subverted no matter what you do is rather pointless. Reddit is way to big to think you're going to have some organic discussion. People will steer the conversation in a place with this much traffic. Even in this sub

"There's nothing you can do about it so just accept it."

Great mindset.

Obvious, and pointless

And not a conspiracy, not a unified one that will succeed anyway

reddit administration

Exactly. It's not the Reddit Admins that are corrupt, it's the subreddit moderators.

There is no conspiracy to take over reddit

like all propaganda supporters, the cardinal number of the set of your examples available to support your theory is ... zero.


If you count thousands of insiginifcant conspiracies that won't end in control, just minor manipulation, sure it's a conspiracy

An obvious one, that shouldn't need to be said. And certainly I shouldn't have wasted my time reading it....

Although I am glad I saw and read this posting, I am inclined to agree with you.

It should be on some reddit admin feedback

Yes, it should. But it is also wise to measure the consensus of like-minded people to make sure we're all on the same page and are aware of what is happening.

Spot on. I discovered reddit almost five years ago, and I've noticed a subtle but definite change in the psyche of the user base.
Before it got bogged down in memes, and the pursuit of karma, it was a truly original concept.
It's gone from a fringe concern that provided an alternative meeting place for alternative minds, into yet another mainstream corporate concern.
The same ethos still exists, but it's being diluted by accounts who have an investment in spreading propaganda, conformity, and disinformation.

This subreddit in particular has become overrun with shills. And yes, even mentioning that word will guarantee downvotes. But downvotes in this sub either represent the truth or a troll.
I only browse this sub sorting by new submissions. I ignore karma and judge an article on it's merits.

the most obvious sign of 'the fall' was symbolized by the change in Reddit's motto

from "The voice of the internet" to "the frontpage of the internet"

Haha wow, I never knew it used to be called that. That says a lot.

Before it got bogged down in memes, and the pursuit of karma, it was a truly original concept.

you are silly to think it was an original concept. Reddit is a rip off of digg. digg was a ripoff of fark with an old warez "topsite" ranking system thrown on, fark is a rippoff of "cool links" from early internet before search engines. Reddit just happened to be at the right spot when people were pissed off at all the digg 2.0 crap. Reddit will die just like everything else eventually.

I think a lot of the problem with /r/conspiracy is that information became too much. It is hard to hold a lot of conspiracies as fact when actual fact is thrown back at you. So basically information is /r/conspiracy greatest downfall. The last holdouts here are people who are just philosophically against certain people (real or not; Jews erm Zionists, Israel, Americans, Illuminati, free masons, aliens, lizard people) and want to believe in nonsense so much it has clouded their judgement. People not of this ilk read the facts and don't get railroaded into believing everything on the internet like they used to. People are becoming smarter. Information is out there. Conspiracies are much harder to keep under foot as anyone with google can read the other side of the story.

I laughed at this. You don't see a problem with Zionism or Israel? With the corrupt AS FUCK American government and intelligence agencies? Have many of history's most powerful/worst people not been free masons? I think you have quite a ways to go before you start lecturing anyone on anything.

Have many of history's most powerful/worst people not been free masons?


Soooo.. is this you saying they haven't? If so, you would be incorrect.

Yay for fark.
The inventor of it wrote one of the best books about contemporairy journalism.


I had just thought it was because I was getting older and kids/yewts don't know enough stuff yet

Good comment, took the words out of my mouth. To the top!

It kills me because I see that little "daily gold quota" bar they built into the site, and people love to support their favorite site thinking they are doing good, but the reality is we should all refuse to pay a dime until things change around here, the blatant censorship, the few with power over the many, this site used to belong to the viewers, until they fix that, they shouldn't get a dime of our money. Because trust me, although they say reddit runs in the red, it is a lie, the fact that they have sold out is indication of all the dirty money they are getting on the side. If this was the user powered democratic site it used to be, then I could see them needing our support, and I would offer it, but as it stands I'm not paying to be brainwashed with controlled propaganda.

Were there any donation ads or anything on Reddit before the whole "Daily Reddit Gold Goal" thing was announced?

I agree, why should we support people that are pouring work into a site functionality that individual users have the power to change? I mean it's not like most of Reddit's employees are volunteers or anything.

It seems your gripe is with individual subs, not the Reddit site as a whole. Reddit gave the users power to own their own sub the way they want to, and that is still the function. It's not the Admin's fault that /r/Iama changed its rules, or that /r/todayIlearned has a more strict auto-policy. It's true freedom to express things how the sub-owner wants. But you're right, lets not pay the people that give you the freedom to create your own sub and put what you want in it FOR FREE.


There is no possible way that a billion view website is giving Hollywood / the music industry / etc... a FREE publicity ride.

IT is if the site they are using is free. Same thing with popular interviews in news articles. Free. Biased? maybe. But that's another point entirely. Remember that Reddit gets free publicity when someone famous comes here, too. Scratch my back kind of deal.

Reddit Admins do not control, edit, or manipulate the content in a sub. IF that was the case subs like /r/watchpeopledie wouldn't exist.

It's up to the subreddit itself, which is run by the mods, which are initially subscribers. So that means people like you and I can alter the way a popular subreddit works with enough determination. I dont know about you, but I dont work for Reddit. Do I have a preference on how certain subs are run? Yes, but that's all me.

Very simple question: How do you know they're people like you and I?

Because everyone is a person like you, you elitist twat.

Not sure how asking a question makes me an "elitist twat" but to respond to your idiotic comment: people are not all the same. Different beliefs, agendas, etc. This can be demonstrated by your response - I wouldn't respond to a simple question by insulting a stranger, you clearly would. Hence, you are not a person like me. This is literally common sense.

The point I was originally making is that there isn't any way to know who the moderators are - they could be bots for all we know (and I suspect some are).

(and I suspect some are).

I'm sure you do, you paranoid rube.

Your decision to divide the world into an ever-shrinking "us" and an all-powerful "them" is pretty toxic. Try having a little empathy. No one is out to get you.

Look at my top posts from all time to see these changes.. And even those are now censored. My real top post was a top ten post of all time in Reddit a d exposed how health insurance companies canceled almost everyone once their expenses were greater than possible future revenues.

that post doesn't even show up in my top of all time anymore and it had something like 10,000 net Upvoted. It ranked just below " obame elected president"

and I have been banned from r/politics for about two years even though I consistently had top post s there including the second post listed In my censored top post list linked below.

go figure.

be sure to select "of all time " when visiting the link below.

Now sees how e ven my top post of all time list has been censored to exclude my REAL top post of all time this is my top ten link that has been censored from my all time top posts link! Look at the over 6000 vote count! It should be on the top of my all time top posts list!

Notice how even today this post should appear in the top post page of all time for ALL OF REDDIT but it does not.

It should rank with others who have 6000 or so net votes and it doesn't. see here.

I was just looking at your comments as well and it looks as though someone is downvoting every single comment you make, no matter how innocuous.

So add petty malice to the list of whatever else is going on.

That's actually been happening for years.

I beleve I am on one of the infamous downvote bots lists.

There are several of those. One specifically targeted Ron Paul likers/dislikers (I forget) and was very well documented.

They are all over Reddit.

I almost always get an initial downvote in some subreddits.

That is just creepy. Reddit stalkers? Or an employee/component of reddit itself?

Heh - I'm looking at my comment to YOU - which surely no one should care less about since it was only to you - and it's downvoted.

Oh - I'd guess the Ron Paul LIKERS were the ones that were targeted, since the entire power structure of this country including most of the media were terrified of the guy.

it's funny, they did that with his actual votes as well

Some of those downvotes are automatic. I don't know the exact math but they're added by reddit somehow. I'm sure there's a post somewhere else that explains it better. So you'll never see a post that is purely upvoted (at higher levels).

basically it a fudge factor to cover any censorship factor they want.

as if automatic downvoting was somehow more morally right anyway!

Is there any sites anyone would recommend for discourse.

Let's not forget about the daily/weekly Holocaust reminder posts.

It's a pity there's that stereotype of conspiratards bringing up the Jews at random moments, making you sound like racist morons. I wonder where that stereotype originates?

Heaven forbid people remember the Holocaust, right?

Yeah the other massacres of the 20th century are insignificant. You can forget about them. But remember the 6 billion! Never forget.

So you're sarcastically implying that unless a person can mention all the genocides at once, he shouldn't mention any of them? That's an odd, gym-class approach to history, friend.

He's implying that a shitload more focus is placed on the Jewish Holocaust in WW2 than on the many other atrocities and genocides of the last hundred years.

Every institution dedicated to the Holocaust places huge emphases on recognizing genocides throughout history and stopping them where ever and whenever they occur.

The only reason to protest Holocaust remembrance is antisemitism. Hardly surprising for this sub. Notice how /u/strapt313 brought up the Holocaust out of nowhere? Because it's always the Jews in /r/conspiracy.

Except how many other genocides are ever mentioned on reddit besides the Holocaust? There's something new on the front page about it daily.

"unless a person can mention all the genocides at once, he shouldn't mention any of them? That's an odd, gym-class approach to history, friend."

It's dramatically and artificially skewed and you know it. I can't remember the last time I saw something on reddit (or in a textbook, or on tv, or in a movie, or you get the picture...) about another massacre. It's always muh holocaust.

There's something new on the front page about it daily.

Cite it.

While you search, here's three about the Armenian Genocide.

I agree with what you're saying, but they took away /r/ not /r/all


It went slightly differently.

The Obama-shill takeover of /r/politics came before the removal of /r/all. The shills were led by Karmanaut/PHOY and BritishEnglishPolice and implemented a lot of the tactics found on Democratic Underground. One day you could find posts calling Obama a Republican. The next day you could not.

It was AFTER that that /r/all was silenced, because it was a possible information stream for political reality. Imagine if people were able to communicate freely about Obama's betrayal, BP and GE/Fukushima, etc. /r/all had to go.

After that, they even neutered /r/occupywallstreet. Same pattern... poignant pieces critical of the status quo were on the front page. Then changes were made and now they are not.

Pigs fear truth. Humans are made of truth.

Reddit was bought by Republican businessmen, what did you expect? This is the "Fox News" effect on reddit.

Thank you. His first point was confusing... /r/all isn't even a subreddit.

I've been around reddit a few years now and mostly use it as a way to pass some time at work so I haven't been paying that close attention... but this all seems pretty accurate.

I never realized that the loss of /r/all was so important but you're totally right. It was at that point that the big subreddits started to balloon and get way too much power. They became the only game in town.

I also loved the fact that it was community policed. We can downvote the shitty posts... but now with all the censorship it just seems forced. If a topic has 1000's of upvotes it should not be deleted no matter what the reason. They could use those tags to let people know if something is misleading, but there is no reason to censor entirely.

I haven't been paying that close attention... but this all seems pretty accurate.

I have never seen a more concise summation of /r/conspiracy.

There's a very good reason to censor entirely - someone doesn't want you to see it.

killing reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz

I'm new to reddit, wish I had investigated it years ago when it was apparently much better. I agree with you based on what little I have experienced on here though. If there is a negative opinion that goes against the U.S. and it's agenda of the moment, there will be an inordinate amount of posts with positive pablum or someone will takeover the thread by going completely off topic. Sadly, this has happened to most of the other websites as well. Incredible to think there are people paid with taxpayer money to troll the internet trying to shape public opinion. The notion of American Democracy isn't dying, it's been dead for awhile now.

Stay out of the larger subs and you'll be fine. That being said, there's a severe shortage of intelligent discourse in this sub as well. Disagree with the majority of people here? Guess you're a shill.

Pssst, this is a larger sub now.

That said, there's still good content in the new queue. Don't just read what's "hot". The misconception that this whole site revolves around is "consensus = good".

There are still things I like about reddit, but the whole le upvote/downvote system just amplifies that circlejerk attitude that's apparent even here. Only saving grace is the subreddit system where any opinion can have it's own forum, but that's still a bunch of isolated echo chambers rather than people having to frequently confront harsh dissent and judge things for themselves (rather than looking at a "what's my opinion" number to the left). And now that some mods are blatantly censoring information that doesn't fit the status quo, this is only going to get much worse.

Are ALL the subreddits listed, or do you just find them accidentally? I went through the list that comes up when you click "edit" , but it sure seemed like a short list. :/

Yeah, avoid having the opinion of a few. Its sad :(

reddit is a shithole, time to leave. I still visit a few subreddits but it's more or less become a giant circlejerk for normals and degenerates who think guns are evil and that Obama is a good president.

You counter jerking about liberals right now. I hope you realize that.

normals and degenerates

Boy, everybody sucks, huh?


shh we musn't let them know

show me one thread in a large subreddit that is a circlejerk about obama as a good president. Reddit hates obama now, and most of the time they hate people who want very strict gun control..

Just a question, if this is true why does this post and this subreddit exist?

Because it's always better to at least maintain the appearance of free speech. This is the free speech zone...

If they banned it then there would be definitive, unambiguous proof of blatant censorship.

As a False Flag? Maybe? If the price for excising /r/conspiracy is toleration of actual conspiracies, is it worth it?

I commend people like you who have the time, patience and awareness to be able to show people like me how reddit is changing. I've noticed slightly how much the atmosphere has changed since I first started using this site, but I did not realize how deep the changes have gone.

People are increasingly hostile, quick to judge, and do not welcome open discussion anymore.

People are increasingly hostile, quick to judge, and do not welcome open discussion anymore.

This isn't a Reddit thing, it's an anonymity thing. Reddit became popular, people used the 'anonymous' nature of Reddit to be the hatefull trolls they wish they could be in real life.

Any anonymous site has this.

Condé Nast Publications, anyone

anti-india smear?

I figure its the constant posts about how you can't walk down the street in India without being raped and then prosecuted for being raped.

Anything we can rally around now is deleted for some arbitrary reason.

They neutered r/politics.

Don't forget that anything and everything about Israel and the like is immediately downvoted to hell or removed.

Never forget. It's so hard to be a racist conspiratard on reddit these days, right? People just don't understand Ihr Kampf.

learn some German before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.

Enlighten me: What's the correct translation?

i read some of your comment history.

therefore i'm not going to enlighten an undereducated man like you.


I've looked through your comment history, too. You seem to like butting in on conversations and then storming out like you proved a point. I'm going to assume that you've got nothing to offer because there was nothing wrong with my translation.

In any case, the point is that there's no reason to bring up the Holocaust in this case except raging antisemitism. Way to rush to the rescue, man. Someone might have mistaken you for a decent human being.

be well

Almost everything being posted here recently are from pay-per-click sites.

Lots of click-bait too with vague titles like "I can't believe this," or "so it's come to this."

Keep in mind that whenever you click people's blogspam and comment here afterward, the domain owner can figure out who's who by the time you visited their site and the time you posted a comment on their reddit post.

This means they get your IP when you visit their site and associate it to your reddit username.

I'm sure reddit itself sells that sort of info now anyway. There's no doubt the admins can see you ip address from where you logged in and from when you created your account.

the true reddits and ones like /r/casualiama are better than the defaults. the default subs are terrible.

/r/casualiama is the AMA equivalent of /r/fiftyfifty.

You either get what you want or completely unverified bullshit.

I've only been here since 2012 but I pretty much get the op.

Reddit became a priority after Arab Spring. We are now no longer a threat.

Truer words were never spoken. This should be the top post on reddit, but we all know why it is not.

Even though I joined reddit while it was still in its infancy, I stopped visiting reddit very often for all the reasons you mention, except for a handful of select subreddits that aren't yet too full of remote controlled "bots" as well as paid shills and the willfully ignorant who are brainwashed to spout the governments propaganda -- and yes, that includes the nationalist Israelis who believe all others are inferior and disparagingly call us "Goyim".

I sincerely hope a new "old reddit" will pop-up somewhere.

Before that, the creation of subreddits was a start. People asked for a tagging system, to make it easier to group stories; instead they got subreddis, which make it harder to discover interesting stuff.

Glum conspirator

Try /r/shittypoetry

To reclaim your soul.

Your shitty poems are my favorite things on reddit tonight.

Your shitty comment

Makes me wonder if perhaps

There is hope for us.


Blame the owner(s) of Reddit they own it, they control it and there the ones to blame.

Just seen on r/technology: Reddit's empire is built on a flawed algorithm, it's quite pertinent to the topic.

We still have /r/all?

Oh stop it. I have 22 subreddits that I subscribe on. I enjoy being on them as I do here. It's not all about you and your pov of what's good and bad about it.

I've only been on for about a year maybe less. I have even noticed a more "corporate" agenda driven feel to this site lately.

Not trying to be that guy, but reddit has become a "mainstream" site that is at the height of its internet life. We've all seem them come and go.

What happened to that guy who was making a new site for theorists to come together without the bullshit going on here?


Not only that, but I think there are accounts, scripted, that just downvote or upvote automatically.

You have it all wrong. Originally, there was only reddit. No r/all, no subreddits... just reddit. In fact, shortly after I got here, they had the subreddit contest.

I wondered why certain subs were having multiple posts on the front page. I just thought all those posters were those that left Facebook.

I found reddit through

Remember when Redditors found the Boston Bombers?

yes, i agree.

I was just reading an article about a Spanish anarchist village called "Marinaleda", one of the guys who lives there said

We have learned that it is not enough to define utopia, nor is it enough to fight against the reactionary forces. One must build it here and now, brick by brick, patiently but steadily, until we can make the old dreams a reality: that there will be bread for all, freedom among citizens, and culture; and to be able to read with respect the word ‘peace’. We sincerely believe that there is no future that is not built in the present.

They should know. Now the source code of reddit is open source, so if someone wanted to run a copy, the only obstacle would be server costs -- which could be crowd funded, provided there was a sound concept of independence behind it. It could, for example, incorporate moderator elections, resolutions of no confidence vs mods and what have you, or even a kind of reputation system that was somehow inherently tied to the age of an account, giving senior users certain limited privileges of moderation themselves -- whoever would be found guilty of abuse would lose their account, and would have to start from square one, reputation-wise (coming to think of it, the whole stackoverflow and affiliate sites are somewhat like that).

Sounds like a pretty good idea to me! Of course, the whole thing would need to be pitched competently to even be acknowledged, but I imagine the general concept would sound attractive to many. Not sure about legal issues, for "the law" is a jungle not even the natives can navigate anymore. Thoughts?

Reason 1

Maybe, is there is no other way to send feedback?

Reasons 2, 3, 4, 5

Here you have a point, and it's definitely a problem which needs to be addressed. HOWEVER, I'm not sure that it's a conspiracy, it just depends on which insane control freaks got there first. reddit should defnitely address before this becomes wikipedia which is 100% paid shills posting pure publicist approved drivel like this article on Micahael Bay he's the dumb fuck behind the Transformers movies in case you don't know.

This same shit is happening here too on reddit.

Take a look at /r/television/ can you believe this bullshit is in the sidebar? :

When submitting a news story, Please do not submit

  • Gossip or sensationalized headlines
  • Requests for pirated or illegal content
  • Negative posts or complaints about a show. There is enough quality TV in the world to ignore the bad stuff

With the amount of pure SHIT on television, I'm not allowed to be "negative" ???

Here's the thing though, I'm convinced it is at least in part paid studio shills, but it's also delusional retards. Here in Hollywood and Los Angeles, this delusional self-obsessed personality is very common, and very often they demand everyone around them conform to being 'positive' and if you're not, they can become violently angry.

So I can 100% see one of these Hollywood obsessives as a moderator, probably along with paid shills running these television forums. They have taken almost every single topic about television and every subreddit is FULL of word for word STUDIO PRESS RELEASES. And as you read, if you get too "negative" that's not allowed, and you'll get banned by the thought police.

So for now, I'm experimenting and started /r/tvsucks/ and see if it goes anywhere.

Reason 6.

Now here you're just letting your own biases get in the way. This has nothing to do with the rest of your post. There are good reasons to hate the Muslim Culture which oppresses women and treats them like dogs. I'm very passionate about this, and you better believe I'm going to open my big mouth about it any time someone tries to tell me how liberal and open and misunderstodd they are. Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist, they are fully capable of changing their behavior and allowing women and gays and others to all have individual rights. Long story short, I don't buy your anti-muslim conspiracy bullshit at the end of your post.

...but overall, I think you have a point about the invasion of corporate shills.

I'LL subscribe

awesome, it's slow going, but it shouldn't take much to fill out a topic like sucky tv... there is so much of it out there...

Why cant we crowd source a new reddit where the core message is to never allow this to happen?

I've noticed more Randroid postings myself.

And yet I can't keep off it as much as I want to


Republicans have choosen to look stupid...

Serious question: what proportion of the change you describe in Reddit could be explained simply by Reddit growing quickly?

So now we are being fed an anti-Muslim/Islam/Russian/India smear campaign weekly. The amount of stories that demonize these groups is sickening to witness. And with minimal research you can see that most of them are hyperbole, sensationalized, and sometimes outright fiction.

But thats okay, when something goes against the "US is good" narrative, every detail is examined and the slightest inconsistency is used to dismiss the entire story. But that diligence disappears when the story is bashing somewhere else. And those who point it out are downvoted out of sight.

It isn't your government. It's Americans doing this on your free time out of their own will, the same about the supposed Jewish Internet Force or supposed Military shills... they don't need to do any of that because they have the common American man doing it for them out of their own free will. And right wing Europeans. Stop thinking it's just the government, you don't realise how fucked up normal people really are. Especially suburban white American males in the 20s and 30's who are given anonymity. Reddit's prime demographic.

It isn't a conspiracy that racism, military propaganda and general right wing attitudes are prevalent all over reddit, just the harsh reality of a website that has become mainstream.

I've also noticed moderator censorship in r/NorthKoreaNews. They took up a collection to get a North Korean out, but ignored the consequences that would be directed toward that persons family. I was instantly shadow-banned, and told basically that I was full of shit.

yupyup I have been thinking this for a long while as well. first digg, now reddit. I need a new new aggregate / interest magnet : /

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

I am a bot. Comments? Complaints? Send them to my inbox!

1) The first thing they did was take away r/

This took away the only tool for communicating with reddit about reddit. If you had any concerns about the website as a whole, you could address them through r/ Taking that away was the first step.

No it wasn't it was forcing people to use subreddits so that they would have to think more carefully about their audience. There are a lot of bubreddits to communicate to reddit about reddit you are over-reacting.













2) The power now resided in individual subreddits, obviously the most popular ones. There was a power grab to become moderators of these subreddits.

The power now resided in individual subreddits, obviously the most popular ones. There was a power grab to become moderators of these subreddits.

That was the outcome of the plan, obviously dropping accelerated some of the agendas of moderators who wished for more power. I'm not watching the video I'm just going to giggle about Rob Paul cause he was a fringe candidate the whole time.

3) Once the subreddits were controlled, drastic changes began to occur.

I remember when r/IAma was open to anyone and the popularity was decided by voting. Now it is nothing more than a cheap place for celebrities to whore out their products and you need to be "approved".

All good things come to an end. Reddit is influential now, it got to be there through what you said, of course celebrities want to use it to promote themselves and their products. Reddit also sells them advertisements.

4) The appearance of shills soon became VERY apparent.

All of a sudden new accounts started popping up out of nowhere, cue the birth of r/HailCorporate. Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog. From brand new accounts that never posted again.

/r/MilitaryConspiracy for your complaints about a military agenda to increase its media standing using reddit. Did you expect soldiers not to be human and enjoy reddit? Sure the MIC is a real problem but military families and those in it are people too. Not robots, not aliens and not only that they're probably on Facebook as well.

5) Now we have blatant censorship on r/news, r/worldnews etc... saying that X site is not allowed.

What ever happened to letting people vote on the content of this website?

They still vote, moderators are responsible for keeping their subreddits how they want it. Just because a subreddit has a popular name doesn't mean it owes you or anyone else anything. You can start your own subreddit.

6) All of the proper "checks and balances" are now in place.

So now we are being fed an anti-Muslim/Islam/Russian/India smear campaign weekly. The amount of stories that demonize these groups is sickening to witness. And with minimal research you can see that most of them are hyperbole, sensationalized, and sometimes outright fiction.

Huh, reddit got popular and now it sucks. Yeah well Shit Reddit Says documents a lot of the casual comment racism, sexism and homophobia so it's nothing new. The anti-Non-American sentiment has been here for a while, some try to fight it and other will decry it only when it suits their agenda. I'm talking to you.

A few years ago, there were just as many disagreements and differences of opinion on reddit, but they were REAL. And the site was still a democracy.

Excuse me the site a few years ago was still a corporate website designed to sell advertisements to self-organizing communities that would be easily sorted by the demographics they chose to identify as.

Now we have a completely one-sided mess that pretends to be democratic but is quickly becoming the Fox News of the internet.

I feel you are looking at it wrong. Reddit has only ovolved as it has because the designers wanted it this way. If you feel the site has lost its way perhaps go make a new one. When Digg fucked up everyone came here to Reddit, now no one remembers what a Digg is. If Reddit fucks up so badly everyone leaves, maybe they will choose your website, if you haven't fucked it up by then.

And I believe this can essentially be boiled down to greed. Reddit gets billions of views. The people who run reddit are not the "cool bloggers" they try to portray themselves as. There is a head running things, and it is sinister and they are making A LOT of money, and have A LOT of power, and A LOT of influence.

And they know it. You should too.

Nah, I still think they cool guys and gals, I'm glad they made this big website and I'm happy they have a say in how it goes.

EDIT: What reddit used to be compared to what it is today. Notice how this site used to actually produce REAL positive changes in the REAL world.

And yet here you are complaining about how you can't do that instead of perhaps trying to make that happen.

You have evidence but you are trying to make it fit into a theory you have prejudged to be the correct one.

I think a story was censored.

About 2 years ago there was a lot of pressure put on the U.S. from Israel to attack Iran, there was even a threat that Israel would attack on it's own.

Then this happened 120 NAM Countries Head to Iran Despite Western Pressure

Sunday, the Non-Aligned Movement is meeting in Tehran. In fact, 50 heads of state are heading to Iran for this meeting.

I thought, wow that's relevant, so I submitted a post to r/politics which got caught in the spam filter.

r/Politics is for U.S. politics and news only.

Ok, fair enough. So I submitted it to r/worldnews

Please submit from another domain instead. Thank you.

It was disheartening to say the least.

Just a heads up, The 17th Summit of the Non Aligned Movement is to be held in Caracas, Venezuela, in 2015.

Why are people saying this post was destroyed?

edit: wrong copypasta.

How many years have you been here?


About 4.5 years.


Redditor since:2013-11-20 (21 days)

There needs to be a reddit where the system cannot be gamed so much. But, I am an optimist. There will be other sites, and as the internet evolves, there will be new ways to share information and comment on the accuracy of it. Probably what would help is when we get past a single website being used to share, and instead have the fusion of tens of thousands of websites are coming together in the browser in real time.

You may want to add to your list this nugget from the new user agreement:

You may not enter into any form of agreement on behalf of reddit, or the subreddit which you moderate, without our written approval.

The effect of that could not be more clear. Anyone doing anything with any outside group will be subject to removal as a user. Note how they phrased it..."any form of agreement". This could even be read to mean you can't agree to a set of rules with your mods inside your subreddit reddit unless you get admins to sign off.

Of course this rule leaves enough ambiguity to drive a Humvee through.

What about when they allowed the buying of upvotes?

This happened?

I've been a redditor for 7 years or more - multiple accounts, finally settled on this one 6 years ago. I say check the poster's redcred. If they're less than a year and have only a few submits and no comments, downvote everything they post, submit 'em to the spambot if you're a moderator/admin. Sure they'll pop up again elsewhere, but we can slow the tide a bit.

You are advocating actively censoring new users because of your insane paranoia that corporate interests are ruining reddit. Guess what? The shitty users are ruining reddit, the paulbots, the racists, the misogynists, and the stupid fucking children that inhabit this site are killing it.

Well said.

Source: I viva'd because of them.

Crush all dissent, eh comrade?

It's really sad honestly, people who prefer free thought have no where to wholeheartedly discuss anything worth their time, it's always a buffer of something less and less important or relative to you as an actual human being. slow molasses like covering everything relative to you with fear porn man. we need a little gem on a certain image board.

A lot of what you say makes sense - except that r/conspiracy is more of an anti-Israel smear campaign.

I agree with your timeline and some of your conclusions, but the only people making a lot of money from reddit are the sites getting a lot of views.

It is certainly well engineered to steer attention and at this point even the major networks get their soft news from reddit. I don't believe that there is one nefarious entity manipulating all of reddit.

In the long term, I'm sure the plan is to collect user data to be able to advertise strategically.

Oh, I wasn't saying there aren't groups manipulating reddit. Reddit is clearly intentionally gameable and if anything ever leaked through that wasn't supposed to, the admins would be told to shut it down. There are certainly groups gaming reddit for purpose of censorship, intelligence and profit.

Between: the default frontpage, the power of mods to delete posts and sources, the filter bubble which determines that important information is relegated to specific underrepresented subs, the censorship of many websites, the rules which suggest [only] certain corporate is reliable journalism, the uneven voting mechanism which gives /r/new too much power and the imbalance between downvoting and upvoting, the inability to post an important link which has already been posted even if that link has been poorly titled or unfairly deleted/ lost in r/new.

There are many factors which make reddit not ideal for a democratic source of news and knowledge. I just don't think there is a singular nefarious entity controlling it (ie Newhouse/InQtel, whatever). Everyone has their hands in the pot and there is perhaps a less than honest reason it is run the way it is.

An anonymous Redditor exposed The Elan School, an abusive boarding school in Maine, which was then shut down.

But, but; OMG that's Incitement to Witch-Hunt!!!

.. the sidebars of many, many subreddits

Also, /r/politics is being run by the Obama administration.

EDIT: What reddit used to be compared to what it is today. Notice how this site used to actually produce REAL positive changes in the REAL world.

It is a very interesting page you linked there.

The older the year, there less activity and what is there is inane crap.

reddit helped raise over $50,000 for the education and protection of orphans in Kenya

reddit held an AMA with the President of the United States, Barack Obama

Where are obama's roots from? That african country starting with a "K"?

Blatant political manipulation.

Personally, I would much rather pay some South African mercs to help out in the Congo and the Central African Republic.

they are making A LOT of money

Reddit isn't turning a profit yet, so they cant be making that much money. I know people who work for reddit and also have to supplement their incomes with real day jobs (programming jobs, usually)


Your comment contained no information.

Profit is not solely based on ad revenue.

Well of course not, but nothing about reddit is generating a positive profit. More money is going in than is coming out.

"Theyre bashing Ron Paul! It must be a conspiracy!"

"They wont let infowars stories be posted in a news sub! It must be a conspiracy!"

"There are people that disagree with the hive mind. They must be government employees!"

Good thing we have subs like this one that deliver a constant stream of batshit to counter all that conspiracy stuff.

Oh goodie, another conspiratard troll.

Just what we need at the sub where people should be able to air their theories--some jackass coming by to call them "conspiratards" and heap scorn on them for daring to state a theory.

You add no value here. You only disrupt and troll. You should be banned.

Ban them all!

You already have your own private conspiracy theorist-only clubhouse. If you dont like people disagreeing with your statements, you should probably join the circlejerk over at /r/conspiracyv2.

Who can I contact about gaining access?

Edit: Oh, I see you were not actually advertising the subreddit. My mistake.

Differing opinion is PRECISELY what you need where people should be able to air their theories. But people dont like hearing differing opinions. They like to hear themselves speak and they get bent out of shape when someone doesnt agree with every half-baked, paranoid delusional thought that pops up.

/u/aaa222 (definitely not a disinfo, controlled opposition shill account name if I've ever seen one) made some broad claims, but then never backed it up with any evidence. Just lots of hearsay and speculation. I havent seen one piece of evidence to suggest that any of it is true.

I want differing opinion. I think this adds to the discussion.

But these conspiratard trolls are not merely offering differing opinions or asking skeptical questions . . . they are mocking and disrupting and shutting down inquiry.

The above comments didn't challenge /u/aaa222's theory by pointing out there was no evidence and that his theory was based on hearsay and speculation. And they certainly didn't do so in a respectful manner.

Plus, /u/aaa222 did offer evidence. It was circumstantial rather than direct but it was evidence. I also didn't see any hearsay evidence referred to. Yes, there was speculation. But this is exactly the type of conspiracy where direct evidence is not going to be freely available so we have to rely on circumstantial evidence and speculation.

I'd say airing these theories is appropriate and while it's fine to note the quality of the evidence isn't iron-clad or that the speculation is based on faulty logic or unlikely, it's not appropriate to try to shut down discussion of the theory based on these grounds.

I fully agree with what you said. If you want more than a circlejerk, you need people like me here.

Yes, there was speculation. But this is exactly the type of conspiracy where direct evidence is not going to be freely available so we have to rely on circumstantial evidence and speculation.

Problem is that people disregard that its speculation and instead it becomes fact. And once some tinfoil hat starts saying its fact, its hard to change the mind of other tinfoil hats from thinking any other way.

Groupthink is a very powerful tool and the mods know this all too well.


Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog. From brand new accounts that never posted again.

I have noticed this as well, but no more or less often then the inevitble product placement from corperations.

I want to point out that over a bunch of troops came home in the past few years as we divested from "war" in Iraq. Of course with that, and reddits new popularity, there will be a wave of "Feel Good Glad to be home" posts.


I think in this case the burden of evidence is on you to prove that he is wrong. Why don't you try and prove that the military "feel good" posts weren't fabricated, when all the evidence points to the fact that they were? Not to mention there are many legit news sources now that confirm what we thought : corporations did damage control via covert social media accounts.

You can't and you won't

Next you'll try and defend the banning of RT on the news subreddits

Why don't you try and prove that the military "feel good" posts weren't fabricated, when all the evidence points to the fact that they were?

I must have missed this trend, but what evidence are you talking about.

The burden of proof is on whomever makes the claim not the party that calls its veracity/substance into question.

But in this case it's claim vs claim about the authorship of an anonymous internet post -- there's no way to reasonably apply the principle.


Well then, where is the proof that the person originally making the post was actually military?


But neither is there evidence that he wasn't -- that is the problem here. Or do you wanna tell me that we should just take every internet post at face value?


I'm actually Elvis Presley. Your turn, genius!


Ok, so if that's how it's supposed to work, I challenge the military poster's identity, demanding proof of his identity. Oh, what's that you say? He only made one post and disappeared never to be seen again? Guess there won't be any evidence forthcoming...and thus, the argument is resolved in my favor.



Alright, it's inconclusive, totally agree with that. But apparently there were several such cases, so...color me suspicious. There is after all motive for a 'conspiracy', if one should even call it that. It'd be simply propaganda.

Let me clarify my point:

Blaming as a whole for the content and then complaining about how content is restricted is a bit contradictory.

The issue isn't with admins, but individual subreddits and the popularity of Reddit and how the individual subreddits are able to cater to specific company/people to promote with little user ability to fight back...but there's the catch the users created this and cant tear it down whenever they want.

I have to conclude that your misspellings of words like, "inevitble" and, "corpret" and, "conspircy" is done intentionally.

10 characteristics of conspiracy theorists A useful guide by Donna Ferentes

  1. Arrogance. They are always fact-seekers, questioners, people who are trying to discover the truth: sceptics are always "sheep", patsies for Messrs Bush and Blair etc.

  2. Relentlessness. They will always go on and on about a conspiracy no matter how little evidence they have to go on or how much of what they have is simply discredited. (Moreover, as per 1. above, even if you listen to them ninety-eight times, the ninety-ninth time, when you say "no thanks", you'll be called a "sheep" again.) Additionally, they have no capacity for precis whatsoever. They go on and on at enormous length.

  3. Inability to answer questions. For people who loudly advertise their determination to the principle of questioning everything, they're pretty poor at answering direct questions from sceptics about the claims that they make.

  4. Fondness for certain stock phrases. These include Cicero's "cui bono?" (of which it can be said that Cicero understood the importance of having evidence to back it up) and Conan Doyle's "once we have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however unlikely, must be the truth". What these phrases have in common is that they are attempts to absolve themselves from any responsibility to produce positive, hard evidence themselves: you simply "eliminate the impossible" (i.e. say the official account can't stand scrutiny) which means that the wild allegation of your choice, based on "cui bono?" (which is always the government) is therefore the truth.

  5. Inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor. Aided by the principle in 4. above, conspiracy theorists never notice that the small inconsistencies in the accounts which they reject are dwarfed by the enormous, gaping holes in logic, likelihood and evidence in any alternative account.

  6. Inability to tell good evidence from bad. Conspiracy theorists have no place for peer-review, for scientific knowledge, for the respectability of sources. The fact that a claim has been made by anybody, anywhere, is enough for them to reproduce it and demand that the questions it raises be answered, as if intellectual enquiry were a matter of responding to every rumour. While they do this, of course, they will claim to have "open minds" and abuse the sceptics for apparently lacking same.

  7. Inability to withdraw. It's a rare day indeed when a conspiracy theorist admits that a claim they have made has turned out to be without foundation, whether it be the overall claim itself or any of the evidence produced to support it. Moreover they have a liking (see 3. above) for the technique of avoiding discussion of their claims by "swamping" - piling on a whole lot more material rather than respond to the objections sceptics make to the previous lot.

  8. Leaping to conclusions. Conspiracy theorists are very keen indeed to declare the "official" account totally discredited without having remotely enough cause so to do. Of course this enables them to wheel on the Conan Doyle quote as in 4. above. Small inconsistencies in the account of an event, small unanswered questions, small problems in timing of differences in procedure from previous events of the same kind are all more than adequate to declare the "official" account clearly and definitively discredited. It goes without saying that it is not necessary to prove that these inconsistencies are either relevant, or that they even definitely exist.

  9. Using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claims. This argument invokes scandals like the Birmingham Six, the Bologna station bombings, the Zinoviev letter and so on in order to try and demonstrate that their conspiracy theory should be accorded some weight (because it's “happened before”.) They do not pause to reflect that the conspiracies they are touting are almost always far more unlikely and complicated than the real-life conspiracies with which they make comparison, or that the fact that something might potentially happen does not, in and of itself, make it anything other than extremely unlikely.

  10. It's always a conspiracy. And it is, isn't it? No sooner has the body been discovered, the bomb gone off, than the same people are producing the same old stuff, demanding that there are questions which need to be answered, at the same unbearable length. Because the most important thing about these people is that they are people entirely lacking in discrimination. They cannot tell a good theory from a bad one, they cannot tell good evidence from bad evidence and they cannot tell a good source from a bad one. And for that reason, they always come up with the same answer when they ask the same question.

Yeah, another conspiratard troll (and one who is focused on exposing anti Jewish "racism").

Can we please ban these trolls that have no intention of adding to the conversation here but instead only disrupt and mock?

It's always the Zionists, right?

Certainly seems to be the primary focus of you conspiratard trolls, that's for sure.

It certainly couldn't have anything to do with the conspiratarded, knee-jerk instinct to blame the Jews for everything.

Oh, so you're saying we deserve you trolls.

Great. Remind me again why the mods don't automatically ban any conspiratard troll that visits this sub?

All you're concerned with is attacking the users of this sub and disrupting conversations with your garbage. Go back and circle jerk off your conspiratard troll buddies.

It's always a conspiracy.

You're in /r/conspiracy. It's the nature of the sub, to analyze everything that happens from a different angle. Lest you forget, it's conspiracy theory, we're not conspiracy "factorists".

Your whole bla bla is bunk. Go back to your cave.

You're in /r/conspiracy. It's the nature of the sub, to analyze everything that happens from a different angle.

That's such bullshit. If that were true I'd love it her, but the fact is that most content and comments here are incredibly one sided. There's no multi-sided discourse. It's just as bad of a circle jerk in this sub as many of the larger subs.

Dissent from the hive mind in the sub and you're merely met with the suggestion to "wake up." Or maybe I'm a shill or part of the "sheeple.

Dissent from the hive mind in the sub

people enjoy alt viewpoints and alt theories and even rational explanations of why the 'official' theory could be the real one, its the paid shills that will not argue on points or questions or topics that are the unwelcome and sad ones.

if somebody says 'popular mechanics said, so it must be true', or even if they said 'AJ/Icke said, so it must be true', they are the ones to be pitied,.

everybody has an opinion and a viewpoint, at the end of the days its all probabilities and maybes. (until somebody official/credible goes on youtube and confesses to the crime)

What are you talking about?

Half the comments and people here are conspiratard trolls and they are actually the most motivated to downvote and play games.

but the fact is that most content and comments here are incredibly one sided.

Would you go into an XBox sub and expect discourse on how a PS4 is also such a noble console? The whole "echo chamber" rhetoric is also bunk, since this is a hobby for some just the same.

You may think the government loves you and would never lie to you (XBox), we think they don't and they do (PS4). No one asks for the accused's opinion, but merely entertain the notion that all is not what it seems.

Want me to draw it for you now?

You've essentially just admitted my point. My point is that this sub, and many like it are worthless when it comes to trying to have a meaningful discussion about any of this.

I'm interested in conspiracies, but not regurgitated rhetoric and ad hominem attacks that derail any form of progression.

but merely entertain the notion that all is not what it seems.

No one here entertains that notion. They are set in their opinion on events and will hear no arguments from the other side.

What "other side" is being expressed by the comment above? It's just a general attack on conspiracy theories. It offers no rebuttal to OP's theory--just an ad hominem attack.

I'm all for putting theories to the test but this should be a place to express theories without being shouted down by conspiratard trolls whose only goal is to disrupt and mock.

will hear no arguments from the other side.

BS. we enjoy opinions. we enjoy barely trained wet-behind-the-ears PR shills doing their stuff badly.

its fcuking hilarious when some brave cubicle warrior that was shitting in their diapers when some ancient news story was going down, comes along and tries to rewrite known history to people that lived through the events.

these young PR shills have their bullet points, their links to Snopes, wikipedia etc, they try so hard to be expert.

I gave my opinion and got downvoted and bashed. AS much as I hate to admit it, not everyone here shares your ideals.

My point is that this sub, and many like it are worthless

That's pretty much an ad hominem attack right there, encased in delicious conjecture. Hypocrite much?

No one here entertains that notion. They are set in their opinion on events and will hear no arguments from the other side.

And even more conjecture. You fail. Again.


con·jec·ture kənˈjekCHə/r/ - noun

  1. an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

synonyms: speculation, guesswork, surmise, fancy, presumption, assumption, theory, postulation, supposition; an unproven mathematical or scientific theorem.

verb: conjecture; 3rd person present: conjectures; past tense: conjectured; past participle: conjectured; gerund or present participle: conjecturing

  1. form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information.

No one here entertains that notion. They are set in their opinion on events and will hear no arguments from the other side.

If you can back that up with facts, then you can say it's not conjecture. I think maybe you don't know what it means.

Also, I can call you worthless and you wouldn't consider that a personal attack?

edit: [deleted], lol

Don't worry dude Obama will give you your change one day.

After I submitted a comment-haiku, I tried to submit a haiku-comment. This, at the command of the /r/poetry moderators. But reddit said, "you are doing that too much. try again in 4 minutes." I said, "no capital means no head. You are a brainless bot." But now I realize the organization is an octopus of ten thousand thousand arms and one million million suckers. One sharp beak.

Minnow aground on

Desert isle. Look! Coconut

Palm conspiracy.

What the fuck

The fuck: In poetry is the defense if not the salvation of the world, you know. For this reason, the /r/poetry mods wrote: "I encourage you all to comment in poetic form throughout Reddit. Any sub is fair game. Be it a sonnet, haiku, haibun . . . or free form!"

Porsche Carrera

Redditing out of control

Flames conspiracy.

Holy shit you're an idiot, please stop consuming air and other finite natural resources. K? Thanks! Bye.

"Those who cannot remember (or ignore) the past, are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana.

Relentlessness. They [debunkers] will always go on and on about a conspiracy [being wrong] no matter how little evidence they have

Inability to withdraw. It's a rare day indeed when a conspiracy theorist[debunker troll] admits that a claim they have made has turned out to be without foundation

Leaping to conclusions. Conspiracy theorists[debunkers] are very keen indeed to declare the "official" account totally discredited[true] without having remotely enough cause so to do.

It's always[never] a conspiracy. And it is, isn't it?

The other crap is just garbage smearing. Notice not a single comment on point to OP's post . . . . just a generalized smearing of conspiracy theorists.

Go away troll. Sometimes a theory is valid and sometimes it's not. If anyone deals in absolute certainty it's you debunking conspiratard trolls who claim all conspiracy theories wrong before you hear the evidence.

We're looking for reasoned arguments and a place to explore all theories using logic and the scientific method and other rational forms of debate. You conspiratard trolls only simply want to mock and derail.

You (paid) conspiratard trolls only simply want to mock and derail.

paid is the missing word, they are PR people on a mission, and considering they spend half their time talking about playing BF4 et al, its a wonder why they suddenly find the urgent urge to talk about how Oswald shot JFK nobody else, case closed.

its beyond belief why a 60 year old news story is of legitimate interest to these 19YO DoD cubicle warriors.

I wish I was paid to argue with delusional conpiracy theorists. It would make it much easier on me. You people are a laughing stock. Seriously anyone who thinks that maybe 9/11 wasn't an inside job and Snady Hook actually happened is paid? You people are lunatics.

/r/casualiama is the AMA equivalent of /r/fiftyfifty.

You either get what you want or completely unverified bullshit.

Oh, so you're saying we deserve you trolls.

Great. Remind me again why the mods don't automatically ban any conspiratard troll that visits this sub?

All you're concerned with is attacking the users of this sub and disrupting conversations with your garbage. Go back and circle jerk off your conspiratard troll buddies.

Glad I'm not the only one who remembered this. There were many users willing to help/provide support.

I and others have been working on this. I attempted to connect with that other person - as he actually lives literally blocks from me, it turned out, but he went silent.

I have built big infra for top companies in SV.... I have a team of people on board with this. Looking to launch ASAP.

Any web devs intersted in participating?

He's been re-educated.

Reddit was bought by Republican businessmen, what did you expect? This is the "Fox News" effect on reddit.

Oh, I wasn't saying there aren't groups manipulating reddit. Reddit is clearly intentionally gameable and if anything ever leaked through that wasn't supposed to, the admins would be told to shut it down. There are certainly groups gaming reddit for purpose of censorship, intelligence and profit.

Between: the default frontpage, the power of mods to delete posts and sources, the filter bubble which determines that important information is relegated to specific underrepresented subs, the censorship of many websites, the rules which suggest [only] certain corporate is reliable journalism, the uneven voting mechanism which gives /r/new too much power and the imbalance between downvoting and upvoting, the inability to post an important link which has already been posted even if that link has been poorly titled or unfairly deleted/ lost in r/new.

There are many factors which make reddit not ideal for a democratic source of news and knowledge. I just don't think there is a singular nefarious entity controlling it (ie Newhouse/InQtel, whatever). Everyone has their hands in the pot and there is perhaps a less than honest reason it is run the way it is.

i read some of your comment history.

therefore i'm not going to enlighten an undereducated man like you.


be well

Snoo assassinated him.