My top r/conspiracy post "How reddit was destroyed" has disappeared? I want answers.

211  2013-12-10 by [deleted]

My post disappeared. Why? It was front page of conspiracy with 500 upvotes?

EDIT: It just suddenly reappeared in the middle of "new". It was gone for 3 hours.

It is now in new. But look at when it was submitted. F-ing weird.


Bump. Had the same thing happen today. r/conspiracy is compromised with the rest of reddit.


By who? Which mod works with those within reddit inc and her PR firms minions?

I've noticed a few posts show up in the new section, only to disapear a few minutes later after refreshing the page.

But when you go the users page who posted it, it is still there, and has not been deleted.

Not sure what is happening.


Yeah, the negative downvote limit would not make sense with that at all.

Def a little fishy.


Hard to tell these days, I like to give the benefit of my doubt before losing trust in people. But its getting harder and harder these days. Most the people I truly trust are close friends or relatives. Those are the ones i'd fully trust with my life.



Yeah it's not exactly a secret what we are here for. I would expect this to be a massive target for disinformation, sensoring, watching etc.

r/thoughtrevolution mods

That guy said it best. trust no one, Mr. Mulder. I mean, I wouldn't frequent this sub if I didn't truly believe that.

sounds like a new twist on shadowbanning.

now they shadow ban the post, not the person.

Go to prefrences and change the lowest vote post you will see it is auto set to -4 iirc and anything bellow that will not show up for you. I found this out by accident once and try to spread this info when I see someone asking about it so please in the future do the same if possible.


It won't fix this problem as it looks like your post was deleted but it is helpfull.

Oh good call, that makes a lot more sense.

Thanks for the info.

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate."

--Noam "who cares?" Chomsky

You were probably guilty of trespassing onto the spectrum of unacceptable opinion...


Yep, pretty ironic. It just proves your OP was spot on.

Well, all we can do is wait for a mod to share their side of the story. But then again, you and I know that this is but a battleground in the global war on/of consciousness, so whatever that story is going to be won't really matter except for posterity.


Can you figure out one for the WTC7-BBC mishap? Me neither. It's false to assume the enemy was all powerful, they make mistakes just like anyone else.


It's like people cannot grasp a plethora of seemingly obvious facts, these days. Not to sound pessimistic and not sure if you'd agree, but I've seen the tide shift considerably within the last decade. We will win this if we find the courage to try.

I think your edited additions were really effective, and the comment thread was illumining your main post. Basically it blew up and became much more effective . . . and the shill comments were pretty obvious too.

Strange, I currently see it in new: Da'faq?


1 day ago, but in new? Really strange

Is this a conspiracy I'm smelling?

A conspiracy about conspiracies inside r/conspiracy!

Stop it. You're doing that annoying Reddit thing where no one knows when to stop flogging a comment thread into irrelevance.

Oh wait, we're on Reddit. Carry on.

You PMd me about it and I saw it was removed and I approved it.

Not sure why it was removed as it did not at which mod may have removed it.

I'm super busy with work so I haven't been on a great deal recently.

This is very important and I would request the mod who did remove the story be removed from their position.

If an admin did this we also need to know.


Check the moderation log ;)

So I have been searching the moderation log. There is no removal. But my re-approval of the post shows "(unspam)" -- so somehow the post got marked as spam.

I cannot find anything which states how this happened. Will continue to look into it.

Can a moderator mark an item as spam?

Yes - but apparently mod log does not log this action, or at least I cannot tell from the mod log this action.

Why doesn't the removal show up on /u/uncensorship? Or am I just missing it?

/u/flytape warned us that changes were coming to sell reddit....

Flytape warned you?

VA warned you when he resigned from /r/wtf over masta taking payola in the Chris Brown fiasco thread!

*Chris Brown fiasco was this turning into this such that Team Breezy wouldn't find out was Chris Brown really did to his girlfriend that night.

Fuck you reddit inc. Fuck you Alexis. Fuck you Erik.

I don't care how long it takes, I'm going to make a video where I come in to your office as it's being ripped apart such that I can laugh at you, kinda like you faggots did with digg.

What the fuck does the Chris Brown fiasco have to do with anything

and why, for any reason whatsoever, would a mod go through and delete every comment in a thread about Chris Brown?

What the fuck is this?

That thread was calling for a twitter bomb to counter the media white wash that Chris Brown simply "hit" his girlfriend. What he actually did was much worse.

When that police report made it to the top of /r/wtf if was removed not for it's content, but rather for damaging the itunes sales of Atlantic records. So a call was made and it was pulled. VA, in the link above, explains why he resigned over that incident due to payola.

Why would reddit want to comply with Atlantic records requests?

Reddit's not getting paid off of Chris Brown. I don't get it.

PR firms run by reddit admins sure could though.

Antique jetpack. NYRD labs.

Now you know.

A google search for Antique Jetpack

and NYRD labs

turns up pretty much nothing. That explained nothing.

Actually, wait. I did find this after adding 'reddit' to that search term..

So what you're saying is people pay the owners of reddit in order to make them look good / take off slandering content?

Indeed; and in order to put up the fasacde of the "organic curation of content" they go about their nefarious pay for play scheme by way of automod, payola fueled power mods, and shadowbans. (And when insiders figure it out they burn them.)

It's genius. But it's repugnant and we're still watching them.

PIMA and VA both knew about this.

PIMA knew the mods Alexis was working with IRL (they call themselves the reddit rat pack) and Alexis used Davack to bring PIMA on as a mod of creepshots to quell a CP raid and then threw PM under the bus during the doxxgate drama by way of including him in the predditors tumblr dox.

VA knew about the payola because of the Chris Brown thread. That's why he resigned from /r/wtf. Within two weeks a bunch of SA goons (most likely organized by a reddit admin) began setting up CP subs and raiding them such that they could email Anderson Cooper and ruin VA's life as punishment.

The first CP sub created and raided was called /r/preteengirls and the circlejerk militia over on SA took credit for raiding it and using the images from their raids to email Cooper about the "rampant CP on reddit".

Eventually this led to SA goons spreading the predditors tumblr (this was how Adrien Chen sourced his hit piece on VA) on reddit and when the admins did nothing to stop it the non-corrupt mods went apeshit and banned gawker site wide as a punishment for the admins throwing VA and PIMA under the bus.

Have fun.

I appreciate you taking the time to explain, but I have no idea who PIMA or VA are, or what a lot of this means.

And the link takes me to an empty pastebin that says

Sorry, there is no pastie #85456660 or it has been removed.

PIMA was Potato_In_My_Anus a poweruser who turned on the reddit rat pack (you can google them) and paid for it. Although he had nothing to do with doxxgate, he was dragged into it by being asked (by an admin) to mod /r/creepshots as it was being flooded with CP. Only to then be thrown to the dogs.

This explains the VA thing.

It's really convoluted, but basically reddit admins burned two insiders who knew exactly how the payola was going down. And they burned them hard. Here's the modlog in a text file.

They burned them by having SomethingAwful goons setup and raid subreddits with CP so they could throw up their hands and remove certain subs without a digg v 4 happening.

Reddit inc is a dirty place and her PR firm minions have gutted her from the inside out.

Because folks have a basic lack of understanding about how reddit works.I've been moderating for a couple of years now so I'm either corrupted and part of the system or I'd like to think I know what I'm talking about.

One of two things happened:

1.) Admins are censoring. Blah blah blah. Doesn't show up in a log, etc.


2.) OP edited his post and the spam checker picked it up. If you don't know, the spam checker checks a post after every single edit. How do I know? Because there are some nights I'd spend just repeatedly approving a single post because an OP kept editing it. Now, if you don't have anything in there to spam it, nothing will happen. But if you have something like a link in there, it will be spammed every single time. And since this is the reddit-level spam filter, you can't turn it off or anything. I mean, you can't turn off the subreddit-level filter either, but at least you can train that one. It would explain why there is nothing in the modlog to be found. No mod took any action. Admin actions also show up in the mod log, but I guess if we're going with the conspiracy idea, we'd have to assume they'd use their admin powers to hide that. Why did it show up in the new queue? Because whenever you get something out of the spam queue, they put it at the top of new to give it a chance.

Believe whatever you'd like, but there is a plausible explanation as to why this happened.

Can you find out which mod removed the post and why?

Maybe you should hand the reigns over to someone who actually wants to/has the time to moderate the subreddit.

Not me, but someone.

I'm confused about what that second sentence means. Can you clarify?

Change at into say

I wrote it in iPhoneese

It's just missing a word

not sure why it was removed as it did not point at which mod may have removed it.

Would be my guess

What the fuck is the deal mods?

Second time I'm hearing reports of fishy shit like this.


We really need an alternative to Reddit.


Never question the "official narrative."


You are looking the correct depth into this. You've quite clearly been censored.


The worst part is that there's no accountability. No way for us to know who deleted it or why.

Makes it very easy to assume the worst.


This. So much this.

As I have said before blame the owner(s) of Reddit they own it they control it.

this sub censors us

No we don't.

What does mod log reflect with regards to this submission?

I love how all the mods are responding to everything until this question is asked


No, Where did I say that. I remove things posted by trolls, assholes and idiots quite often.

Things get removed where I don't agree with the removal as well.

You're being conspicuously silent on what the mod log reflects for this removal though.

You lot have mod mail too, if no one will own up to removing that post then clearly the admins did it and we shall rabble.


Things get removed because they break the rules, where I actually as a redditor think they could stand ... but I don't go against the other mods on their decisions to remove/ban etc typically as we all play our part in modding.

One example was that we had a split on the opinion of memes. I personally didnt have a problem with mem's that were related to the /r/conspiracy sub as long as they had information in them - so I left that fully up to other mods. I was very public about this to the users, and just let the users and other mods determine what should stay or go.

We don't operate as a completely homogenous group -- which I feel is a good thing.

Spoken like a true fascist.

You must be fucking joking.

I was, yes. Unfunny joke is joke


So /r/conspiracy isn't safe anymore either? Great.

or maybe someone is fucking with us.

Umm if it disappeared why does the link still take you there? o.0 Or did you repost it?

A post "deleted" from a sub is still reachable as an URL but no longer appears in the "new" "hot" etc. lists. This is default reddit behavior. You see it if you submit a question to /r/science or /r/AskHistorians that doesn't meet their guidelines.


So I don't want to defend the process but here is why I think it works this way as a default Reddit behavior: mods are unpaid and end up being the punch bags of trolls and a tiny minority who cause trouble. In order to minimize the workload of mods no notification is sent when they delete a post. That way the drive-by troll gets the "satisfaction" of thinking they posted to the sub and the mod can control content.

Imagine a douchebag from /r/TheRedPill posting "All u bitchez are PMS-ing" in /r/TwoXChromosomes or whatever to stir up shit. The 2X mods want rid of the post and they don't want to deal with a butthurt troll complaining about censorship.

As to why your post got deleted, have you messaged the mods here to ask why?


I think there is a delicious irony about a post questioning the official narrative here being deleted by the mods.


I don't think leaving reddit is the answer. That's exactly what they want you to do.

I agree wholeheartedly. Reapeat all removed messages as much as possible. These ideas obviously make waves in the correct direction and should be proliferated as much as possible. Copy all your posts into text documents or something. Back them up however you can. Repost what gets deleted and revisit those topics as much as possible. What is sensored should be a tool we use to realize what challenges the agenda most effectively and what should be repeatedly visited.

We've been seeing a lot about the flawed coding of Reddit lately as well (whether it is ignorance or not is another story) but this could possibly be due to that.

Flawed coding only affecting one story that rips wide open reddit's insider manipulation? Highly unlikely.

I smell a dirty, Erik Martin like, rat.

Not saying that other forces weren't at play, just throwing out a thought.

I would pm sarah_connor the mod with the second comment in the post maybe they know something.

This worked.

Im glad I could help.

Well, whatever happened... we'll never know. In the future, I'd suggest saving text versions of them somewhere on your computer. If it happens and is deleted, you can repost quite easily.

I'd say that's our method of defiance. If mods want to delete things on a whim (not saying they did in this case), then we'll just fight back with reposts.

Dat NSA.

Welcome to the new reddit.

Check out the new user agreement that will be enforced in Jan.2014.

Along with the new cybersecurity bill from Rockefeller, I'd say we are looking at some major changes to the internet- and I would be damned if reddit isn't playing a major part in these changes.

Someone needs to use reddit's code and create a website that has public moderation logs and a setting to disable what a moderator does to a subreddit...

"I want answers" or what?

I mean clearly it's a conspiracy...

Seems like a reasonable explanation.

Except you're a conspiratard troll, aren't you, that only comes here to mock people.

Odd that the mods allow disruptive trolls like you but censor well argued conspiracy theories . . . some might suspect a conspiracy theory there . . .

Maybe you saying suspecting a conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory? By the jooz of course.

Yet another conspiratard troll making an inane comment and adding zero value to this sub. I love the juvenile style of the alleged humor in your post too . . . feigning victim-hood and constantly bringing up Jews.

Go back to conspiratard where your High School internet warrior team actually appreciates this inane humor.

It's OK, though, because the mods are obviously in on the conspiracy.

Well, if we had effective moderation you would not be allowed to troll here.

You hang out at conspiratard and mock this sub and users of this sub. You just posted in another thread linked from /r/conspiratard calling a user here "nuts" and are hee hawing about running him off the sub.

Any self respecting website would not allow itself to be infiltrated by people who admit they are committed to disrupting the website and mocking it.

I didn't call anyone nuts. He is, however, being a drama-queen with the whole "I'm leaving forever!" thing.

On a side note: A thing to keep in mind is that /r/conspiratard is dedicated to laughing at the insanity of conspiracy theorists. You can rest assured that nobody there wants to destroy this subreddit, since it's indirectly a major contributor of content to said subreddit. /r/conspiracy serves as an aggregator of craziness, so if /r/conspiracy shut down, we'd have to go looking for crazyness on our own, i.e start reading infowars, david icke, all that stuff.

Meanwhile, all of this could be inside OP's head. He could be misleading you, lying to you, etc. A moderator here denied this, so all you have is he said she said.

Thank you for being honest and admitting your only interest in this sub is trolling it.

And the mods didn't deny this happened . . . they said they can't explain it and confirmed it had been pulled and that the mod put it back up (exactly what has happened to me before as well).