My post "How reddit was destroyed" obviously made somebody on this website very uncomfortable. They cheated the post out of the attention it deserved by, not deleting it, but actually making it disappear. Lets give this another try.

2713  2013-12-11 by [deleted]

The Original Post

1) The first thing they did was take away r/all.

This took away the only tool for communicating with reddit about reddit. If you had any concerns about the website as a whole, you could address them through r/all. Taking that away was the first step.

2) The power now resided in individual subreddits, obviously the most popular ones. There was a power grab to become moderators of these subreddits.

I remember as the upcoming election loomed, all of a sudden, r/circlejerk (one of the old default subreddits) became completely obsessed with bashing Ron Paul. I am not even a RP supporter, but that was definitely orchestrated, and NOT by some kids trying to be funny.

3) Once the subreddits were controlled, drastic changes began to occur.

I remember when r/IAma was open to anyone and the popularity was decided by voting. Now it is nothing more than a cheap place for celebrities to whore out their products and you need to be "approved".

4) The appearance of shills soon became VERY apparent.

All of a sudden new accounts started popping up out of nowhere, cue the birth of r/HailCorporate. Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog. From brand new accounts that never posted again.

5) Now we have blatant censorship on r/news, r/worldnews etc... saying that X site is not allowed.

What ever happened to letting people vote on the content of this website?

6) All of the proper "checks and balances" are now in place.

So now we are being fed an anti-Muslim/Islam/Russian/India smear campaign weekly. The amount of stories that demonize these groups is sickening to witness. And with minimal research you can see that most of them are hyperbole, sensationalized, and sometimes outright fiction.

But thats okay, when something goes against the "US is good" narrative, every detail is examined and the slightest inconsistency is used to dismiss the entire story. But that diligence disappears when the story is bashing somewhere else. And those who point it out are downvoted out of sight.

And people will say "What are you talking about, people are constantly bashing the US in every thread".

Yes that is absolutely true. Because those people have decided to even out the score. When you have hundreds of fake accounts moving the narrative in a certain direction, then it is essential for people to come out and loudly counter-balance the propaganda.

It wasn't always like this. A few years ago, there were just as many disagreements and differences of opinion on reddit, but they were REAL. And the site was still a democracy. People voted and things swung from side to side, everybody learned in the end.

Now we have a completely one-sided mess that pretends to be democratic but is quickly becoming the Fox News of the internet.

And I believe this can essentially be boiled down to greed. Reddit gets billions of views. The people who run reddit are not the "cool bloggers" they try to portray themselves as. There is a head running things, and it is sinister and they are making A LOT of money, and have A LOT of power, and A LOT of influence.

And they know it. You should too.

This post was front page of r/conspiracy at +500 upvotes and was quickly gaining momentum. Around 9am, US redditors began to wake up and upvote/add comments.

Then it disappeared. Not deleted. It was simply taken away. R/conspiracy mods claim to have no idea and common sense says someone higher in the chain of command made it disappear.

I immediately began to make a big stink about it and many others supported and got involved. A few hours later, with zero explanation, the post popped into the "new" section of this subreddit.


Keep re-posting this brethren, I'll upvote it every time.

If they decide to delete your account for your diligence, make a new one and repost it again. You aren't going to get answers for these absurd actions taken against your free speech, you can only make your voice louder to make their censorship more obvious.

You aren't going to get answers for these absurd actions taken against your free speech, you can only make your voice louder to make their censorship more obvious.

Brilliant! May I quote this?

You just did.


look at you, doing all the quoting and stuff

keep it going

revolution is coming

ISON is coming

We dont have freedom of speech on private property (reddit is private property) You only have freedom of speech where the government is concerened.

He's not a professional quote maker

V for Vendetta


Where is this new version of reddit we heard about a few weeks ago???

It is still in the works, the only Mod who tried to address this censorship, Sarah Connor, is working on something and I assume the guy who posted about making a new site is as well. These things take time, life happens. I'm confident that an alternative will arise soon because, as we have all see over the past few months, censorship really has taken over our little haven of dissident free speech. :/


I personally don't like the fact that it's private.

and shill free?

Indeed, I have been wondering about that as well.

This is ridiculous. The post did not disappear. It is still there. You can search for it.

It just fell of the front page after 2 days

No censorship here. If you don't believe me, search.

Is this true?

Well your link works, I can see the post aaa made 3 days ago with about 300 comments. Do we have any other people able to shed light on this. Right now it's one guy saying, "my post is gone". And another providing some legit looking evidence that this is untrue.

No, and I have ELNOOBSTER tagged as "possible shill", one of about 5 people ive ever tagged that, so hes most likely running damage control.

I had a feeling and hoped my post would bring others input to light

Lulz .. repping the NWO from Finland.

Shillaus on ulkoistettu suomeen siinä tapauksessa. (Your shilling has been offshored to Finland, or maybe it's a demonic NWO language).

It was deleted for most of the day. Then it was reinstated and appeared in the "new" section despite the fact that it had originally been posted a day earlier.

Edit: But nice try.

Free speech on a privately owned website? I don't think you know theatre meaning of free speech.

they brag about free speech

Thats cute, I figured someone would say that. So you prefer to see only what you're allowed to see? Maybe op doesn't have the "right" to free speech on reddit, doesn't change the fact that his thread getting deleted is bullshit

privately owned website? I don't think you know tha intarwebs.

Seriously though, I am often amused by people seeking to assert some free speech privilege against a non-governmental entity. In cases like this, I'm also dismayed by the 'free press.'

me too, good fight

You aren't going to get answers for these absurd actions taken against your free speech

Uh, you don't have free speech on other people's websites. They are well within their rights to censor you as much as they want.

And he's well within his rights to piss and moan about it if he doesn't agree with it.

And you're well within your rights to shitpost and add nothing.

You're such a pleasant and kind person.

Thank you, o valiant defender of privatized censorship.

Free speech? If what OP is alleging is remotely true, it is irrelevant because this is a privately owned website. He doesn't have that right.

I shouldn't have clicked this thread. Ah well...

As a former digger I always thought this is what happened with digg. If you're not listening to the state/corporate approved media outlets, they'll just infect what ever they don't own(in this case conde nast has it already). The current power structure is about feeding us illusions, the illusion of choice is a popular one.

That plus digg started injecting adds in to the newsfeed like they were upvoted stories, and then they redesigned the site, twice. On the second redesign it was so different from the original that people hated it and left en masse to reddit. The great digg exodus of 2010.

Yeah that's when I left, it was either intentional or the biggest f'up in web history

Oh it was definitely a mistake, they were just desperate and grasping at straws to do anything to keep/gain users. Instead they just shot themselves in the foot, so typical.

I assume we'll see reddit go through the same death-throes over the next few years, once popularity peaks. But for right now it's still growing. -graph-

Yeah, I never understood the retarded notion that you have to change the entirety of something to keep those using a service interested and to gain new ones.

If those who are using it are using it, it's likely because they like it. Someone who's not already using it isn;t going to notice a change in the layout, unless they start using it, which would come from a different source.

That different source, 9 times out of 10, is gonna be someone else who already uses it.

It's as recurrent of an issue in the history of the internet as invading russia in winter.

I think, this is because there is as much corruption in corporations as it is in goverments and other institutions. When we say there are personal interest behind goverments decisions, the same thing happens in corporations. And ussually its about creating an expensive unnecesary "thingie" that is being presented to decision makers as crucial.

TL DR: Dude convinces boss to let him redesign the site for a bunch of money. (or start a war, sell some drugs, or change a goverment, etc.)

As my grandpa used to say: If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

It is broke to those who want to influence people and destroy any form of organic democracy, like Google and YouTube, you think theyre really that dumb to keep making horrible mistakes, no its using money and copyright laws etc as an excuse to gain more control/power and take the power away from you or the average user.

Well, also Digg wasn't making any money and was expensive as hell to run.

It was basically only done to make it seem profitable enough to sell.

I would guess it was more executive decision than mistake. I recall that was the height of the "Digg Patriots". I referred to them as Diggleberries and have no question that the same element it here on Reddit.

It was not a mistake. The users were vocal about what would happen if they continued with the plan for Digg.

Which is why I say it's like Digg rev 5 around here lately.

Do you honestly think the owners of intended to drive people away? That seems silly and unlikely

No, I think they intended to make money and convinced themselves they didn't need a userbase to do it.

You've got a point. I think they also thought they'd retain users after the redesign, and they could just exploit those users more to keep profits level. Instead, they drove more people away, which they didn't expect. There was so much backtracking, but it was way too late.

Ditto. Can't even remember Digg much but to make so many leave what a fuck up.

I dunno man.

This Google+ and YouTube shit is going pretty badly as well.

That is pretty much what buzzfeed is all about. 90% of its traffic comes from ads buzzfeed puts on other websites (like that big companys pay for. So it does not shock me that digg tried that first. Its a good idea if you can get the dones who surf the net from work to support it.

It's why I'm here. Picked a crappy name at the time, not going to lie.

Ive been here for a while, not the longest but longer than some.

I wouldnt mind leaving this place, it's stinking through the nose.

You have to admit Reddit needs a major interface update.


Reddit is all about the defaults..90% of visitors never get past that level of censorship

Honestly, I think it's fine and they shouldn't mess with it.

I miss the good old diggs

Condé Nast Digital no longer owns the webservice. It is now owned by Reddit, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Advance Publications.




If we take this seriously, before we abandon ship... I think multiple admin should be messaged...

But, I've had a sinking feeling about reddit for a bit...

As a mildly satisfied customer, I'm willing to go elsewhere, even create a new community.

but I'm still willing to give this place a chance

So where is a good place?



We need more people trained in zen.




I can see this being on /r/HailCorporate.

"Breaking news! Reddit admins are actually shills for Reddit!"

And a year later we'll have the realization that servers and man hours cost money.

Reddit sold out because they had to. More or less.

Not quite the same idea, but a place free of censorship : (open source) and a short overview at

maybe if we made a new subr... wait, no that won't work... this is tough.


It is part of the Project Meshnet which aims to be independent from the internet.

In the mountains, 60 minutes into zazen.

a place where people filter information and you get the leftovers.

Sounds like the definition of modern "democracy" in action.

It's okay, I had a simple comment in /r/news that randomly got deleted last night.

So I posted it again this morning here and it is from what I can tell, it's still up.

Here is the conversation with one of the Mods..


re: Comment is being repeatedly deleted from NewsNinja101[M] via /r/news/ sent 2 hours ago Political comments may be removed, this one was.


re: Comment is being repeatedly deleted to NewsNinja101 sent 1 hour ago May I inquire as to why it was removed so that I do not make the same mistake again?


re: Comment is being repeatedly deleted from NewsNinja101[M] via /r/news/ sent 1 hour ago it was a political comment and may be removed, thus it was removed.


re: Comment is being repeatedly deleted to NewsNinja101 sent 1 hour ago Obviously, given the amount of political posts and comments on /r/news it would seem did an offensive comment would have to meet a certain criteria to be removed. I'm just asking for the guidelines for the criteria of political post that could be seen as offensive and need to be removed. This way I will better understand how to use this subreddit.


re: Comment is being repeatedly deleted from NewsNinja101[M] via /r/news/ sent 1 hour ago I explained it to you, matter is closed.

The original comment is here

How about this for some reddit BS?

/r/news is run by DOD. No question about it.

I mean hell, you can buy the book in stores that I was commenting about.

And last I checked, US news is political.

So, in that respect, going on what NewsNinja told me, they basically can remove nearly any and everything.

That's a great book.

I got my ass handed to me in the Vice guy's AMA about the kiev protests when I asked if it was obvious that western intelligence and ngos/foundations were the one's backing the movement against Yanukovych. I was all, "jesus, has nobody read brzezinski?"

some low level spook even called me a retard.

shit you're on to me!

Stay where you are btw, the cameras on the new black helicopter broke, so its hard as shit to find you when you move. gives us, like, 10 mins to get there.

Edit: actually i looked through your history (trying to find your state/country to mess with you, haha) your views are relatively reasonable. idk, just interesting

You can buy the book, however, some people don't want anyone to read it. What makes it all too real is the type of sub reddits that are in the control of the same people.

People seem to be doing a good job of reposting your comment, hopefully others follow suit if/when the posts get deleted.

Fuckin seriously

He also thinks that bipolarbear0 works directly for Stratfor or DOD. I dunno how you could possibly think the DoD runs a default sub-reddit with it's main goal to delete posts about israel.

He also thinks that bipolarbear0 works directly for...

Glad you mentioned him. In fact, I'd bet that HE is the /r/news mod that ShellOilNigeria referenced above.

Your hypocritical, power-tripping little friend is a prime example of the reason that Reddit is going to shit.

holy out of context attack from a raging anti-"zionist" with a grudge, batman! You even make pictures about him now? All he did was ban you for saying something he and others found anti-semitic.

That's just him admitting to that failed troll he did ages ago where he used alts to see how easily /r/conspiracy posters would upvote anti-semitic comments. I thought it was kinda silly too but it certainly doesn't make him an anti-semite. He's Jewish himself. It's not like he ever talks about the dubious aspects of the holocaust.

holy out of context attack

"Out of context"? LOL! We're discussing how Reddit has become putrid - infested with agenda-driven, hypocritical power-tripping characters like your BearBuddy who try to steer the conversations to suit their agenda by banning users, deleting conversations, etc.

That's just him admitting to that failed troll he did ages ago where he used alts to see how easily /r/conspiracy posters would upvote anti-semitic comments.

Oh that's it. Now I see. He just went into this sub under an assumed name, posted a shitload of anti-Semitic garbage, and then (no doubt) recruited packs of his pals from /r/'TARD and other subs to come in here and upvote the trash he posted to the main page.

But it was all for a "good cause", right?

Is this the kind of agenda-driven punk that should be modding a sub like /r/news?

He's Jewish himself.

I don't give a shit if he's a fucking Martian. He's a lying, deceptive hypocritical POS - but you knew that, didn't you?

It's not like he ever talks about the dubious aspects of the holocaust.

"Dubious aspects of the Holocaust"??? Why are you saying that there are "dubious aspects" of the Holocaust? You're starting to sound like a Denier and an anti-Semite, redping.

You'd better hope that /u/BipolarBear0 doesn't read this - he'll issue a hypocritical "global ban" on your sycophant ass.

Oh that's it. Now I see. He just went into this sub under an assumed name, posted a shitload of anti-Semitic garbage, and then (no doubt) recruited packs of his pals from /r/'TARD and other subs to come in here and upvote the trash he posted to the main page.

That would be convenient, but no, I think it was just some random little pet project of his own and accounts for very little of the anti-semitism in /r/conspiracy. You really don't understand

"Dubious aspects of the Holocaust"??? Why are you saying that there are "dubious aspects" of the Holocaust? You're starting to sound like a Denier and an anti-Semite, redping.

I was referring to the typical behaviour of an anti-semitic /r/conspiracy poster. Grandest-inquisitor is a good example. I do appreciate how you intentionally misread things to form arguments. I mean you know bear isn't anti-semitic. But hey, fling shit at the wall 'till something sticks I guess.

Because Eglin Airforce base is the most active userbase on reddit?

Also, I think Bipolarbear0 works as a contractor for a PR firm who has DOD as a client.

That's just ridiculous. Do you have any proof of this or is it just because they have strict moderation that disproportionately effects conspiracy posters?

Stratfor and bipolarbear0 do have the same level of extreme useless douchiness. I've wondered about a connection based on that alone.

the army has psy-op units that spend a good deal of time online domestically so it would make sense for the air force to have the same. It is odd to think that they have the most active user base on reddit.

the army has psy-op units that spend a good deal of time online domestically so it would make sense for the air force to have the same. It is odd to think that they have the most active user base on reddit.

They have identified the "enemy".

That's all.

Logically, if the Governments of the world are actively reading and monitoring the communication of very ordinary citizen, as was exposed by Snowden, it's not a big leap to understand the kind of effort they'd put in to monitoring - and controlling - a service such as Reddit.

Reddit has been big business for a long time now, it's a powerful influencer of opinion especially in young people rather than just and indicator of what people think. It's politics are strongly anti-government - whether coming from Left OR Right - and the authorities are quite simply not going to let that kind of thing go unchecked.

Some of the excellent factual observations by posters here, about what sources are banned, about Mod behaviour, about what happens to their posts, should leave us in no doubt that every major agency is here, every political party and every powerful Corporation and they are here in great numbers using powerful technology to assert control of the message you post and the message you read.

source : lifelong cynic, eternal skeptic who makes fun of truthers and the tinfoil hat brigade. just interpreting the facts as presented by others.

Keep in mind large corporate conglomerations compartmentalize their books. Just because they keep lean and "barely profitable" doesn't mean another agreement isn't in place that allows demographic data to be shared upstream to a corporation which can profit more handsomely from "cost free" information which is classified as an "incidental" to the operation of on the books of Reddit, Inc.

On the books the sharing of data isn't even a line item. It's in a contract somewhere. They don't consider the data a "cost" so they literally don't account for it. Their parent company gets access to the data, sells it for millions of dollars a month to advertisers, and the shareholders of Advance Publications, or whatever other corporate entity does the actual selling, see a profit and gain the benefit from the data.

And the whole time they can say " isn't profitable yet" because it isn't. Dole wouldn't make much money if they gave away their bananas to a parent company for free and tried to sell "DOLE" stickers. Demographic data is more valuable than ad space. Demographic data allows advertisers to constantly post images and links as native content without being called out. And that's more profitable to whomever is selling the demographic data than any amount of ad rotation. In fact, limits the amount of ads in order to deceive us as to what constitutes an "ad".

The rotating ads on the site are like the fee you pay the cable company for TV service. They want you to think you are the customer when in fact your viewership is the product being sold to advertisers for millions of more dollars than your sad little $20 a month. The product being sold isn't even sold by either. The ads on the site are managed by Advance Publications.

Advance Publications is selling our demographic data to those "agencies and corporations" you mention, while maintaining the ruse that "isn't quite yet profitable ... just buy some more Reddit Gold please".

This is why 4chan is so much fucking better. And I'm not saying that's exactly a good thing, just that reddit will always remain inferior. The mods at 4chan know that if they get heavy handed the website will get raped. Checks and balances

Well I think that is partly what we are all trying to accomplish with these types of posts.

Get enough people behind the person who has been fucked over by the mods and given enough people + enough time in the spot light and eventually someone will have to come forward and give the answer to what happened.

The same conspiratard trolls that haunt this place control that sub (BipolarBear being the most obvious).

They have an agenda. They are an extremely aggressive group of propagandists and it's obvious the people in this sub represent their biggest threat . . . hence the complete invasion here and the attack of people like you on any sub outside here.

I'm currently being hounded by these same conspiratard trolls and the mods refuse to do anything about it.

The top comment on that linked comment thread has been [deleted]. I'm guessing that's your comment based on the fact that you did not include any context levels.

What is the book that you speak of?

I saw reference to that in other comments, but wanted to make sure that was the book you were referring to.

I will have to read that book. Thank you for the suggestion. Sorry your comments keep getting deleted.

Honestly at this point, what with the huge amount of shills and spooks, censorship etc., I think it might be time to make a fork of the reddit code and host it ourselves for /r/conspiracy purposes.

I'd actually like to see something I saw mentioned in your previous thread about this - a tagging system instead of subreddits.

We could also fix the obvious logic error in the vote weighting that sends stories to the end of the list, so that it wouldn't be so easy to game in that respect.

Edit: While I am a programmer, I'm not a python developer in general, but I would be willing to help administer/set up hosting etc. if some other python devs would be interested in making the changes.

If no one contacts me about this I may just set it up anyway and start porting the best content from the sub (i.e., "Financing the Breakaway Civilization", your post here, etc.).

Honestly at this point, what with the huge amount of shills and spooks, censorship etc., I think it might be time to make a fork of the reddit code and host it ourselves for /r/conspiracy purposes.

How can you possibly say this??

Reddit can be saved!

All aboard!

EDIT: Sarcasm

I like your enthusiasm, but as long as it is owned by corporate interests, there is only so free it can be. Reddit is great for a lot of things (cats, recipes, books, cats, workouts, cats) but no site with corporate ownership can be worth a damn when it comes to speaking the uncomfortable truths.

You didn't click the link, did you?

Right. I agree. I love it here. I've had a bunch if interesting discussions, learned a lot of things, etc. but it is definitely not the place for news or politics.

I am a python dev, albeit not one of the best, but i'll help. I made a post earlier on how I would re-design reddit. I'll make the mockup tonight.

Perhaps do it on a .onion site.


If the posts are all propagated nonsense, don't you see where this is counter intuitive?


The content at its core is corrupted. If we acknowledge that there's posters that are filling the ranks of common discourse with garbage then I would go as far as to say that both comments and threads are defunct and ergo not worth salvaging. Beyond that, I feel its more than likely beyond just a management problem if the end users of the content are also potentially fake, by that I mean sock puppet accounts and paid posters.


I just dont see why exactly we would need to pull need from an aggregate site like this instead of just posting it ourselves. I guess I dont see the ingenuity in creating a new site to get away from reddit, and then copying all of the potential material on reddit. If reddit is failing its because of the content and users, and we take the users and content, would that not be equivilently the same thing even if some of the rules are changed?


The shills are end users that are causing reddit to fail. These and other users are the moderators that are skewwing your content.

You can bet anything that an admin is keeping watch of the front page and removing whatever they want.

sadly the /conspiracy mod team is deeply suspect at this point, failing to act on obvious shills and topic dilution, flytape tried, what happened? he is no longer a mod. englishmunichfan defends the statusquo in every post he makes here and we never hear a word from wax, solid, super

this sub needs mods who are not afk, even more than any other sub.

otoh, it gives a lil bit of flavor to /r/conspiracy - Spotting spooks is fun :)

and once they've been banned you get to spot them all over again! i agree its fun, a shame the banning part doesn't seem to happen here though...

How about crowdsourcing a new site: bluedit or bluster or reddnotit, whatever...

Make sure it is not taken over by nerdy Asians with no sense of humor whatsoever.

Make all the profits go to infrastructure, lawyers battling NSA and the rest of it go to charity.

And make charity contributions public and celebrated.

It is about fucking time someone organized drive to collect money for let's say Red Cross. One of a few respectable charities who really help people in need.

And let the kids gamers stay on reddit and talk about Jennifer Lawrence, half life, PSn, tomaguchi pets, whatever.

nerdy asian mods ruined r/nyc

Yeah, the traffic in NYC is a bitch.

They always go into the left lane and slow it down. And never turn them blinkers

It doesn't though, they just updated the user agreement that says you agree to let them censor and remove anything they don't agree with.

You do realize as of June 3rd the propaganda ban banning use of propaganda by the government against its own people was lifted? To think, now that the ban is lifted, the PR machine is not going to take advantage of whatever it can is nieve. Of course relating the ban to reddit shills and suppossed censorship just a theory, but I wouldnt be surprised.

Reddit's staff knows you can't take things off of the internet though. You've got a better chance at taking pee out of a pool.

Now this post is gaining extra coverage - that's the Streishand Effect.

Is the reddit admins did it, it was risky due to the Streishand Effect that they must be familiar with.

The other possibility could have been that you recognized this too and deleted the post... But you didn't. It was simply gone. Maybe it was a server issue? Hmm...

Because you were censored by time. As in a well-documented and... well, common sense part of Reddit's visibility algorithm, as determined by upvotes over time. It was on the front page for two days, and then it moved off of the front page.

Here is a link to it, on page 14.. If you scroll through the "Hot" tab, you'll see that dozens upon dozens of topics have been submitted in the past two days, several garnering a few hundred upvotes themselves - ergo, a lot of posts outranked yours in terms of Reddit's ranking algorithm.

If you're going to blame someone for censorship, blame /r/conspiracy for "burying your post in flak."

You're completely wrong. It was removed entirely - unsearchable. Then it was reinstated and appeared in the "new" section with hundreds of upvotes and comments despite the fact that its timestamp was from the day before.

If you send a message to the mods and nobody answered, then explain how: "R/conspiracy mods claim to have no idea and common sense says someone higher in the chain of command made it disappear."

If they didn't respond to you, how is it that they "claimed" anything about it?

Edit: I see downvotes, but I don't see how this isn't a legitimate question. If the mods ignored him, how can he claim that they said something to him in the next sentence.

There are a lot of problems with this that I'd like to correct.

1) The first thing they did was take away r/all.

starting out with incorrect information. I think you might be referring to /r/, which has been closed for a good two years now. That wasn't the "only way" to talk to the "website as a whole" anyway, just an all-purpose subreddit. /r/self is still there for what you want btw.

The power now resided in individual subreddits, obviously the most popular ones.

been that way since 06. that's basically how reddit works.

I remember as the upcoming election loomed, all of a sudden, r/circlejerk (one of the old default subreddits) became completely obsessed with bashing Ron Paul. I am not even a RP supporter, but that was definitely orchestrated, and NOT by some kids trying to be funny.

  1. /r/circlejerk has never been one of the default subreddits
  2. the purpose of /r/circlejerk is to satirize reddit. during the election the general opinion of reddit was that Ron Paul was the new messiah (don't believe me? just search around, and /r/circlejerk was making fun of them for it.

The appearance of shills soon became VERY apparent. All of a sudden new accounts started popping up out of nowhere, cue the birth of r/HailCorporate. Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog. From brand new accounts that never posted again.

maybe all of the new accounts are actually just related to the fact that reddit is growing by the millions every year? maybe you're just seeing all of those "shills" because that's what you want to see?

the rest of your rant.

c'mon, you don't see that reddit could actually be full of people that just have opinions different than yours? you just automatically assume that there's some kind of puppet master admin pulling all the strings or whatever? rediculous.

This needs to be higher. I know this is a sub about conspiracy and such, but there has to be some counter-point (or I guess Devil's Advocate here) and a defense by either side otherwise it's all just baseless nonsense.

Yeah it's the pattern for every new frontier. The Wild West was originally adventurers, opportunists, free thinkers. But eventually the accountants and lawyers came. Every "new" place is like this. Starts out free, then the corporate interests show up to make it "more civilized".

I got banned from circlejerk for shitposting about admin banning and censorship

my favorite is when they say that reddit's owners are making a lot of money. how? no ads, and maybe, MAYBE they are given some money from brands to allow promotion (though I doubt it since they can do it for free).

so how are they making all this money? reddit gold?

EDIT: true, there are ads, I almost exclusively browse on alien blue. however, one banner ad per sub isn't doing more than paying server fees, i guarantee you. that plus reddit gold MINUS hard costs doesn't equal much.

They have ads... or at least my free account does, top of every sub, sponsored link

Uh, they make money from ads.

They're making money because they're being paid to get certain threads to the front page. Product placement, propaganda, etc. it's actually blatantly obvious of you think about it for a minute. 2 of Reddits creators own Personal relations firms now. That explains the very sudden spike/organization of AMA's / verifications in famous people on this website.

Seems to me that was very clear. If government propaganda is here, then government is taking care of the owners to keep things that way.

With so many journalists, bloggers being harassed, threatened, "suicided", thrown in jail these days, joining up with the government is not a hard decision.

Dude there's ads everywhere on this site. Payola too. Reddit gold. Massive influence on the public. Public forum to promote anything to millions. All that stuff = big $

If you don't know the answers to those questions you still have a ways to go.

Point about /r/circlejerk is spot on. I'm a full Ron Paul supporter but love shitposting on /r/braveryjerk as much as anybody. If you can't laugh at yourself...

you are incorrect about r/


was a subreddit created to contain all the original content of the site which at that time had not been subdivided.

in other words inthe beginning when reddit was best there was just and all posts were up and down voted by everyone and all readers got exposed to all sorts of information that the new owners didn't like. information that actually affected elections and bills in congress and businesses as say 1 million people sudden'y learned of a new bill that was horrible and all actually contacted the congress or they learned a health insurance company was screwing everyone so they got pissed or they found a new candidate they liked and all 1 million of them sent him donations and he rose to huge promenence and the establishment couldnm't get rid of him becuase he had a huge war chest (cough Kucinich cough cough)

so they had to subdivide the masses so the masses would not see what they already didn't want to see so the masses never learned any truth they didn't think they already knew is say r/conservative or r/progressive.

and then things were like they were before and the measses were kept fighting one anothe intheir walled off ignorance as they were only allowed the information the 7 th largest media family in the world who ownes reddit wanted them to know.

/r/braveryjerk legitimately ruined Ron Pauls last AMA long after the election season. To suggest its satire is laughable

time for a tech savvy millionaire with balls to step up and take the FREE, OPEN SOURCE, reddit code and setup some servers in a country far far away

reddit has jumped the shark, digg2.0

sell out to the feds, censor legit news and comments? its over.

I am no millionaire but I have the resources to get this setup and going but, as always, webdevs who understand what happened to reddit in terms of PR firm usurpation are needed.

I think another person was trying to set up a reddit clone on this sub as well (with a lot of interest) but he went dark some weeks ago.

Then let's fucking do this.

webdevs who understand what happened to reddit in terms of PR firm usurpation

Not sure what you mean, please elaborate.

Certain reddit admins own PR firms (NYRD labs and Antique Jetpack) and use their insider knowledge of the medium to manipulate the organic curation of content to the benefit of their clients. Those type of people must be precluded from consideration.

This new site is going to be Aaron's dream realized or it's not going to happen.

not just PR firms, i used to work at an ad agency that had a whole team dedicated to posting pics of Kraft products and doing AMA for celebs. I've not worked there for 3 years but they signed ben and jerrys a little while back and there was a fucking flood of ice cream posts that went up.

Memetic warfare is alive and well.

How many times at the ad firm did you hear the word "inject" used?

it was never called inject, they simply called it social media management.

Ok, guess it was worded a little awkwardly. Sounded like the webdevs should know all about the history of Reddit subversion, rather than just be upstanding individuals.

Ah yes, upstanding is good enough. But some knowledge of what went down on digg and reddit always helps.

Anyway I'm open to considering anyone who wants to help with this project so please feel free to be in touch if interested.

Well, I was around to witness the bury brigades on Digg, somewhere in 2007-08. Made me leave and from there, it took me quite a while to ever sign up here...I never experienced Reddit's golden age T_T

I wanna witness humanity's, though. So, you say you got the resources? I for one propose altering the administrative structure, but this would all need to be thought through by multiple bright people. For an initial suggestion, see this post.






I'm a developer and I would totally be up for teaming up and help!

Motion graphics designer. You have my axe

I think it should be more than a mere clone. How about rethinking the entire administrative structure? Quoting myself:

One idea would be to implement 'earned' privileges for users, similar to e.g., which should incorporate account age in their privilege escalation mechanic, making shoddy sock puppetry ineffective and obsolete. Essentially, 'weigh' accounts by their age, in part. Moderation privileges could then be obtained by regular users after a while, but every moderative action would be logged and public, so that, should a mod misbehave, there could be a 'motion of distrust', voted upon by the userbase -- again, according to their 'reputation score' consisting in part of account age, which would lose the offender his account -- and all the time spent establishing it -- if successful.

Also, it'd require some mechanic to weed out idle accounts set up to 'farm reputation', I suppose. Anyway, just throwing my thoughts out there...

Whatever form it takes, there needs to be a system of accountability.


Gotta say I wouldn't entirely discount the advantages of a comment rating -- like getting a picture of general opinion -- but I'm in no position to decide, am I? I merely want to encourage discussion and tap into the collective consciousness.


Ah, I see. Totally agreed!


Human nature dictates that people naturally seek attention from the group. Ignore that and your platform won't gain traction.

The day you get rid of cat ifIfitsIsits posts is the day the Internet dies.

The idea isn't to eliminate the karma whores, the idea is to limit the shills, ad company people and etc. Let people have their upvotes. Focus on a trained, reliable and trustworthy moderation team.

And make the actions of the moderation team open to the membership to be seen. Heck, you could even place a poll system for members to be redeemed by community vote. X members post was deleted by moderator action, but Y amount of members voted for its reinstatement.

Just an idea to curtail the Internet phenomenon of forum moderators becoming Little Hitlers.

The best way to make a group strong is by making each individual member feel committed to the overall health of the group. Involve the community in group decisions, invest each member in a way that makes them feel a part of something bigger than themselves and the community will support you back tenfold.

I would more self moderation

Yes, exactly. Setting up a new Reddit would be like resetting the Matrix; the Agents would still be present, and things would progress in pretty much the same way until the determination is made to reset it again.

Unless you figure out a way to make a Reddit-like thing more resilient against PR shills and propaganda shills, there's really no point in rebooting the site.

It should automatically clone posts to /r/conspiracy before they have a chance to be deleted.

Have you seen /r/conspiro?

Yep - it's creepy.

Try /r/POLITIC this is exactly what it does (not just for this sub, but for the most active political subs on reddit)

You can opt out with the freedom controller:

It would take some seriously DEEP pockets. Competing with a name like Reddit is no small task, no matter how open, free, and fair you make the website.

I posted this in another "reddit deleted my post" thread..

I have the resources and have had a sort of pet project coded since earlier this year.

If you're pining for the fnords, whole-site SSL, no moderators/karma/upvotes, and completely anonymous posting with server logs redirected to >/dev/null, would be happy to be the new /r/conspiracy home.

Man I don't give a shit if you post this every week. You will get an upvote from me.

Maybe every post in this subreddit needs to be a repost of the OP?

I think that would be a cool way of sticking it to the man.

Could we form a conspiracy to do it?

It already is.

I am not saying that. There is nothing wrong with reposts. I spend quite a bit of time here so I see most of the top posts when they hit. Good information like this needs to be seen by as many eyes as possible. If that takes a repost every now and then I am ok with it.

I'd rather it be good reposts than shitty new posts.

For sure, I was actually suggesting we protest by filling the sub with the OP's post.

My bad man. Thought you were being sarcastic. I saw your new repost of this. I agree. Pin this shit.

The mods will not respond when asked what the mod log reflects for this submission.

I asked sarah_connor twice yesterday



and she did not respond, although she did indeed confirm the submission was in the spamfilter.

Earlier today I sent a PM to the /r/conspiracy mod mail asking to see the mod log for the submission.


An admin did this and I gurantree the admins are threatening the mods here to stay quiet.

The reason for this is if it comes out reddit admins can manipulate the organic curation of content in this way the site will undergo a v4.

To you conspiracy mods I say; who do you fucking stand with? Them or us?

An admin did this and I gurantree the admins are threatening the mods here to stay quiet.

That'd be too risky. The mods here would surely love to be mini-Snowdens and start posting any threats by the admins.

If the admins are doing it, they're doing it on their own without telling the mods.

Why are mods staying silent? Surely they've realized by now.

Power corrupts. Why is there even moderation in this sub?

Why is there even moderation in this sub?

This. That in itself is just censorship waiting to happen. Make it up to the users.

Like /r/atheism used to be?

No thanks.

I don't recall I don't visit that sub very often.

visit /r/uncensorship. I wrote the bot for exactly this reason. Reddit admins intentionally prevent mod logs from being public. I wrote a bot that automates it.

No moderation leads to low effort posts taking over.


The problem is there is a large group of very committed trolls/shills who want to disrupt this sub (and who knows how many bots). They will just post endless Rachel Corie pancake recipes or derail conversations and act like trolls if there is no moderation. Hell, that's what they're doing now.

I used to believe in no moderation and letting people sort it out but it's too easy to corrupt a website by trolling. Trolls need to be eliminated so people can freely discuss conspiracies, news, etc. It should be very limited but people who only come here to hurl insults at the sub and disrupt add no value.

But we all know that power corrupts. How can we ever trust anyone who is given power? This is a legitimate question, not sarcasm.

I think it's moreso that, generally, the type of person who craves and goes out seeking power tends to be the type of person who is easily corruptible.

Our society (and the bastardized capitalism that comes with it), from top to bottom, literally rewards corruption.

So the key is to give power to those who don't want it. Not a terrible idea. Some men have greatness thrust upon them.

I agree power corrupts and it's a legitimate issue.

I'm torn and previously thought just letting users sort it out was best. But the trolls are too disruptive and ruin many good discussions.

What site on the internet would allow people to spam comments there when they spent all their time railing against the site and mocking the users of the site at other places . . . and then when they showed up called them all stupid and derailed posts with inane comments and turned the site it into a shouting match? It's not a thinking ground to air out different theories if you constantly have people shouting insults at you . . . I like debate and skeptical questions but this behavior is meant to disrupt and not enlighten.

Here are my solutions:

I would limit this banning/troll protection so as to limit potential abuses of power.

I would prefer to ban anyone that posts in /r/conpsiratard discussing this sub. And same for a few other similar subs, like subredditdrama, etc. I think they should be able to appeal to the mods or users and ask to have the ban lifted if they can demonstrate good faith and promise not to troll and attack users and this sub.

But maybe tagging these people with 'Conspiratard Troll' and only allowing two posts a day would work too. And taking away voting privileges.

You're right though that any system is limited by the people running it and right now I have little faith reddit can fairly administer any of these rules.

See my other comment in this post re the mod log.

It didn't reappear with "zero" explanation. I told you I looked after being PMd by you, I approved it as it had been moved to "spam" -- after looking at the moderation log, I found no entry in the log on it being marked spam by any mod of this sub. I did find the approval by me in the log, so I cannot explain this at this time.

Could you ask all other mods via modmail?

You all have been very silent other than saying "it was in the spamfilter but we don't know how it got there."

I have an idea how it got there. And their names are Erik and Alexis.

So you're saying that there is no record of it being removed? I'm sure you've seen admin-removed content before, it shows up in the mod log and shows which admin acted.

How could it not show up in either the mod log or /r/uncensorship if it was removed after receiving 500+ points?

Stealth admin activity? Is that what's being suggested?

Ill post imgur screens of what i see in mod log.

*tick tock*

Patience padawan. ;)

It takes 2 minutes...

I asked her over 24 hours ago for those mod log screen shots...

At this point it's pretty clear why Mrs. Connor is being cagey, which in my experience is unusual behavior for them.

Shit, maybe it was an actual threat from the "intelligence community" that's got them spooked. I don't see the admins issuing a gag order that anyone here would respect and follow. What are they going to do, ban r/conspiracy? Good luck with that.

That would be helpful.

I've posted this a couple times now, but...

Because folks have a basic lack of understanding about how reddit works. I've been moderating for a couple of years now so I'm either corrupted and part of the system or I'd like to think I know what I'm talking about.

One of two things happened:

1.) Admins are censoring. Blah blah blah. Doesn't show up in a log, etc.


2.) OP edited his post and the spam checker picked it up. If you don't know, the spam checker checks a post after every single edit. How do I know? Because there are some nights I'd spend just repeatedly approving a single post because an OP kept editing it. Now, if you don't have anything in there to spam it, nothing will happen. But if you have something like a link in there, it will be spammed every single time. And since this is the reddit-level spam filter, you can't turn it off or anything. I mean, you can't turn off the subreddit-level filter either, but at least you can train that one. It would explain why there is nothing in the modlog to be found. No mod took any action. Admin actions also show up in the mod log, but I guess if we're going with the conspiracy idea, we'd have to assume they'd use their admin powers to hide that. Why did it show up in the new queue? Because whenever you get something out of the spam queue, they put it at the top of new to give it a chance.

Believe whatever you'd like, but there is a plausible explanation as to why this happened.

It would explain why there is nothing in the modlog to be found.

If it was "spammed" by reddit's code then a record of that would show in the mod-log, the spam queue and /r/uncensorship.

Then again, screens of the mod-log have been offered by never provided so we still don't know if anything was actually there or not.

I've invited you to be a mod on /r/RCA. Feel free to post a submission with a link. Hell, try an amazon link. Those are just as much fun.

Edit and approve it a few times. You'll only ever see the approval.

This should be higher up in the comment thread.

I don't run /r/uncensorship (the bot) /u/sunshine-x does that; but I wouldn't be surprised if it is written/configured to never post about admin removals; because doing so would likely lead to it being banned.

Some important stuff ends up in a trash bag. Sounds like conspiracy!

Reddit has turned into another controlled media site, propaganda at its best.

It's partly controlled, we can still have our say, it's just an uphill battle now

And they are happy with that. They can clean up any "out of control" threads after the fact, while still giving people the illusion of free speech. Same exact bullshit at Democratic Underground after Obama's election.

Yup. People will move to freer websites though.

What you said brings to mind this Noam Chomsky quote: "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum."

This. This is what "freedom" as we know it in America is all about.

Can you suggest a similar, freer website..?

nope... I'm looking too. The best I see are the small subreddit's on the edge, there's still some time for those. is okay sometimes... good luck out there, I'm sure something will come up

Damn. I was discussing this with a friend IRL recently. We came to the same conclusion; that Reddit is good only after you unsub from all the defaults and find some good, small subreddits that haven't yet been co-opted.

Exactly. Just enough plausible deniability and the illusion of accountability. There is obfuscation so we never know who is really to blame and who is running the show while the shills/trolls run rampant here and make it very difficult to have useful conversations.

I mean, if you look at /r/politics, there is a massively blatant agenda (Anti-Republican, usually capitalizing on the younger generation's dislike of super religious people) going on there. Proof of which has been stated many times, and always ignored.


Many users here are under the illusion that they get their news from independent sources and independent media when browsing Reddit. I was talking to a guy and he said that he doesn't watch TV and prefers to get his news from "websites like Reddit" because its actual news without any censorship.

When there is an opportunity to profit in someway you can bet there are gonna be people who will screw over anyone or thing to get that profit.

Humans don't "screw over" other people.

This post?

I'm having no trouble finding it. How is it invisible?

It shows up in /u/aaaa222 's history, it shows in a search for "how reddit was destroyed" and if you go back 11 pages in you'll find that its currently number 261.

Reddit’s empire is founded on a flawed algorithm

This is how it happens.

By using bots to lower the rank someone can effectively remove content without triggering any kind of alert.

Reddit is being gamed by bots constantly, whether it is software controlled or a meatbag driven system, it's being played.
And not always by the same team for the same goal.

if you read that article you know that it has absolutely no bearing here, since it's only relevant for new submissions that might or might not have a negative score.

it has absolutely nothing to do with the post the OP is conplaining about, he is just retarded and thinks someone deleted his post when it was always possible to see it. He is pissed that his little rant didn't stay in the top just like any other post.

No it wasn't, retard. It was removed entirely - unsearchable. Then it appeared in the new section with all of its comments and upvotes still attached and its time stamp for the day before.

You don't know what you're talking about.

It was invisible and unsearchable for most of the day. Then it appeared in the "new" section with all of its upvotes and comments still attached.

[citation needed]

Hmm... 8 comments eh, reddit? I count 7.

Methinks there's a shadowbanee among us.

The worst part is that they have no idea. I hate that they do that bullshit.

Is that how you can tell? I often click links on r/politics that show there are comments, but when I get to the comments section it's empty.

Yep, and the commenters have no idea, they just think that no one liked their post(s). Pretty creepy right?

I always thought it was cause I was browsing on my phone...

But yeah, creepy.

... it IS because you are browsing on your phone.

Just kind-of seems mean.

Yeah. There was a post about Chris Christie on /r/politics, and it only had 6 comments. It seemed like a pretty important article, so I went in to comment before I could get drowned out. Turns out that those 6 "comments" weren't even there.

Could be something I came across last night. If you view a np link on reddit the np status stays with your browser for new tabs you open.

For instance here's a link I picked from the frontpage of /r/subredditdrama. link. From that page... click to go to other subreddit/posts or even your mail. You are still stuck in the np zone. (np = no participation so your votes and comments don't show up in the threads.) It's like shadowbanning yourself until you log out and back in.

(you see np in the url - as opposed to

You dont have r/all? I do...

Pretty sure he means an r/all sub.

Did you happen to edit the post right before it disappeared? And be honest here. Don't bullshit us because you might have made a mistake.

Because a post is thrown through the spam checker after every single edit. And a link is something that would make a post get spammed. Could it have disappeared right after you added that?

Don't believe me? Make your own subreddit and edit a post with a link. I guaran-fucking-tee it will hit the spam filter every single time.

I'm basically an expert on this shit.

But I guess if you're convinced this happened before the link, your conspiracy might have some merit.

If this is true then it would have showed up in the log, right?

Why did this action not show up in the log?

In my experience, the action of the spam filter grabbing the post after an edit has never shown up in the mod log. Probably because no "mod" took an action. The only action that shows up is when the mod eventually has to approve the spam filtered item.

An easy way to figure this out is for the mods to give some voted representative of the "users" a temporary mod position with extremely limited permissions and let him/her comb the mod log for the where OP's post was removed. That would at least narrow it down to admin tampering or spam checker.

When the spamfilter grabs a post in the manner you detailed above the post will remain in the hot queue when reinstated.

What happened to OPs post was that it somehow ended up in the new queue when sarah connor reapproved it.

I have discussed this extensivly with the mods in private and I do believe they are very perplexed by the situation. They have no exact record of when the edits occured on the post from what they tell me.

This post didn't disappear. It's being copypasta'd in /r/circlejerk as we speak.

"Free speech"


Well, it wasn't the "user base" who deleted your post.

And why didn't it show up on /u/uncensorship? Or did I miss it somehow? It's sposed to log all deletions.

and the contrast between the front page during Euro peak and during US peak is pretty disturbing to say the least.

In what way?

I would also like to know this.


Just wait until you start getting accounts shadow banned for no reason. It's fucking insanity.

All accounts are shadow banned by default. You have to prove you are a legitimate user by doing other reddit activity like commenting and voting, and have to prove yourself every day and in every sub reddit you wish to participate in. Just log out and look for your submissions to see if you are ninja-banned /shadow-banned

I've had several accounts shadow banned that had upwords of 20k comment karma. You can check here. If you say the wrong thing, you will get shadow banned.

What do you mean by 'shadowbanned'? Like you can no longer post stories or comments with that account that are visible by others, but the account is still technically active?

Yea, it's a real dick move by Reddit in my opinion. Once shadow banned you still comment like normal except it's invisible to everyone but you. So you think you are still contributing to the conversation but you aren't.

Is it usually permanent?

Yes. Unless you appeal to the admins but they wont ever respond to you so it's pointless. Once you're shadow banned you should just make another username and move on.

What kind of things do you have to say to get shadowbanned? Does it matter what subreddit you do it in? I feel like I've said some exposing and controversial shit in my time here on reddit, but I've never been shadowbanned. Maybe I just got lucky.

I got shadow banned for calling something funny and another time for calling a poweruser a cunt jokingly. I have no idea what their rationale is but you will never get an explanation from them either way.

Haha oh I see. So basically if you offend the mods, they kick you, it's not really about specific content (other than talking about the mods). Just sounds like power-tripping idiots. That's lame they did that to you.

I think it goes beyond that, mods can ban you from a specific sub but they can't shadow ban you. Shadow banning, I believe, comes straight from the Reddit Admin. Which makes it even more nefarious.

Ah, so making the reddit admins angry at you is what gets you shadowbanned. I see. That is nefarious.

It's not just making them mad, it's just saying what they don't want to say and you're gone.

same thing

do they tell you if/when you are shadowbanned? and wtf how is this a real thing? this whole thread has REALLY opened my eyes. reddit sounds like they are growing money on trees at the expense of free thought.

No. Not usually. Out of my three shadow bans I was told once. There are a few sub reddits dedicated to the topic.

The way they do it seems really under handed to me. It feels like secret censorship and now that I know about it I can't imagine how often it happens. If you hadn't heard about shadow bans and all of a sudden people stopped responding to your posts, stopped answering your questions, or stopped commenting in any of your link posts you could start feeling pretty shitty after a while. This is their goal, to make you leave the site completely for having an opinion they don't like. That is pretty horrific if you ask me.

Or you post 1 comment and then "you are doing that too much, wait 9 minutes."

Or you post a story and it just disappears from the front page of the subreddit. The story is still there and you can still read the comments, it's just not listed anywhere anymore... I've had that happen at least twice in the last year.

I find that hilarious myself. I can post an infinite amount of witty comments in /r/Funny or answer an endless amount of questions in AskReddit, but whenever I get into a debate with someone on reddit - "you are doing that too much, wait 9 minutes." Meanwhile, the other person I'm debating with is able to post comment after comment to me.

Reddit is regulated much more than people realize.

Trying to comment on a thread and get "this post has been deleted"... smh.

Aint no such thing as "free".

"Free speech"

and shadow banning if you don't shut up!

Hey dumb-ass, I was here last night and it was in fact deleted, then put back up. No explanation given, it just disappeared for a few hours. I witnessed this myself. Only when people started upvoting the second thread did they go "Oh shit.." and put the first one back up.

OP is not making shit up for no reason, the Mods have some explaining to do.


FYI, five of the exact same post makes you look desperate and attention-whorish.

i comprehended it just fine. your threads are still searchable; all 88 of them.

also, i'm trying to wrap my head around how you think any of this is important enough to warrant a cover-up conspiracy. it's like you see yourself as some sort of robert langdon character who is on a path to revealing something big and you must be stopped. you are not that important, man. none of this is.


yeah... i'm happy for you that this has given your life some importance and meaning. keep fighting the good fight; you are reddit's only hope.

I remember as the upcoming election loomed, all of a sudden, r/circlejerk (one of the old default subreddits) became completely obsessed with bashing Ron Paul. I am not even a RP supporter, but that was definitely orchestrated, and NOT by some kids trying to be funny.

"The government did r/circlejerk" is by far the most hilarious conpsiracy theory I've ever heard of.

I've worked for the federal government. Their sense of humor isn't that good.

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"Trust me guys, I am totally sure that /r/circlejerk wasn't bashing Ron Paul because, say, the rest of the website was going nuts about him and THAT'S THEIR JOB"

They have a job?

Go talk about gmo and vaccines and see what kind of pattern you get.

your schlomo is showing

I just wanted to mention, that what you describe, with various sock puppets and thread/discussion manipulation has been going on for a fairly long time. It used to be overtly obvious that a few people were manipulating mens rights usenet groups back in the mid 90s, and im sure these sorts of things happened well before that.. The sort of more political manipulation of mainstream news sites ruined a lot of mainstream news comments, and became blatantly obvious over the last few years. . It's a shame this is happening to reddit but that's the way of the internet. well, let us all know where we move to next, time to start over again.

You don't need to look far to see the sphere of influence and many people call it a 'bit or fun' but it's evident when you start looking into comments made by moderators, their demeanour and just what they're in control of to see it isn't a bit of fun, it's serious. This is what happened on Digg. Liberal links and comments were silenced by big pools of power users down voting, ad hominem attacks and threats.

I saw what happened when the NSA stories started flooding in. /r/politics was removed as a default essentially hiding it from view to those not subscribed. /r/news was censored as well and /r/syriancivilwar was infested with trolls calling for immediate war because of 'those poor people dying'. It mirrors the exact same bullshit, shallow and invalid comments you get from 'experts' on news panels. They have a clear agenda and any obstacle in its way needs to be shouted out of the conversation before the sentiments that are dangerous to them stick.

I just found reddit and began posting a few months ago. Where can we flee to establish a totally honest forum? Thank you!


Are we surprised? He who controls the flow of information controls the world.

If you post/see something you think is controversial or against the narrative. Screen shot that post, when it gets removed, you got some nice fuss to make with proof.

Greed destroys everything. Reddit would never of lasted forever

It's why Jon Stewart makes $18 million a year even though he's "just telling jokes"

The irony of your post about Reddit being destroyed disappearing is amazing.

I've been lurking around reddit for about 6 or 7 years and have also noticed a dramatic decrease in the amount of thought-provoking, intellectual, interesting material. It's now all pics of cats and dogs and "OMG look at this celebrity". There's nothing of substance anymore. I think this may also be part of the broader "plan" that's implied by aaaa222's post. "Don't worry about issues that make you think citizen, here's a kitten, awwwww."

With that being said, does anyone have any suggestions for other sites to replace what reddit used to be? I used to come to reddit because it seemed to be a bastion of user driven content, no matter where that content came from (albeit there was a usual liberal bias).

Been looking for a good replacement for a while. Descent subreddits are few and far between..

someone has gone to the trouble to design and make this thing unfortunately the only people who seem to bother are most likely bots. i will keep at it though. if you pop in then say hi. i am maccidently


It's all a conspiracy man.

The idea that conspiracy theorists are all dumb and crazy is in itself a conspiracy theory. And that theory (that there is a purposeful concerted effort to portray conspiracy theorists as crazy) is actually not real either, it's just an illusion.

Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog.

Nothing I loathe more than a comment saying "thank you for your service."

I am very sparing with my dowvnotes, but that one gets it every time.

I wasn't aware that it was shameful to have served in the military in a nation where it isn't mandatory

It's not shameful, it's just unnecessary to offer praise for it. There are far worthier careers that don't routinely get congratulated.

Great post. It's crazy how strong of a social powerhouse Reddit is and therefore it has to be controlled. The same ideologies are reposted day after day to control every Redditor and downvote whoever disagrees. It's amazing to see, really.

I don't know how you can use Reddit and come to the conclusion that there's a "US is good narrative" here.

If you're only subscribed to the main subreddits and nothing else, perhaps then.

Expert trolling/satire?

Well.. this is sad.

I am relatively new to reddit and at first sight, since I don't have much of a reference point compared to OP, everything seems ..well... normal..

I am guessing that if this is really going on they are banking on the fact that there will be a lot of people like me out there and it won't matter.


It disappeared but now it's back up. That's why.

Actually, it's because it entered and then subsequently exited the spam filter.

If you're still unclear about this concept, imagine the many times your head has entered and then exited your rectum.

Perhaps yours has not yet emerged... PULL, COMRADE!!

It misses two key developmemnts that preceded these.

First the subdividing of reddit into subreddits rather than the original which had the effect that people were no longer exposed to things they didn't already think they wanted to hear.

And when people resisted this subdividing and continued to post on what become r/ becuase they didn't want to be subdivided into r/conservative or r/liberal the reddit owners actually shut r/ down to actively prevent people from coming together there. Everyone objected but they did it anyway.

Subdividing was huge. Now the millions on reddit could never hear the story posted in an obscure subreddit that would have been voted up and changed their lives or the politics of the world.

They will just see cats.

at first they said "don't worry!" you should cross post to relevant subreddit to spread the word but of course soon time rules stopped you from crossposting to multiple relevant political reddireddits even if they were relevant. Then the posts were auto censored if they appeared I more than one place so you couldn't info others and let them have the chance to see if even if you did wait out the time limits. .

And then of course was the introduction of moderators which of course was the opposite of what reddit was _ crowd moderated- reader self moderated by voting. That really was the icing on the cake that told us all what the real objectives were..

and of course the infamous shadow ban where they ban your post but you take no notice becuase you don't know it.

Then they started censoring the top posts lists so even historically high posts were disappeared.

I told someone I am a woman in a post, and I automatically turned into a feminist cunt. I am not a feminist.

I told someone I'm American and they blamed me for some problem going on in their country. I just live here. Shit. I am just as powerless as you.

That's just typical reddit smarminess, not much you can do about that other than avoid posting comments in dumb subreddits

Unfortunately, we who live in America all pay taxes, and until there is a revolution, we deserve a little rudeness thrown our way. Take it in stride.

I can totally take the rudeness, but I don't want to be held responsible for an entire country's problems, lol

I agree that there is definitely a lot of manipulation going on at Reddit. I don't think it's as coordinated as you imply, however. I think it's coming from multiple factions, many of them with aligned goals and many of them political and governmental in nature. Keep in mind that the U.S. government is far too vast to coordinate and they often create competing or opposing programs.

It is hard to go back to sleep when you are awake....

I'd venture to say its pretty much impossible to regain the blissful ignorance after you wake up

Even if you could, would it really be worth it?

Absolutely not. Why would anyone ever wanna venture back into the hollywood materialistic celebrity worshiping culture after you see it for what it is

Agree I think mods on some subs are too aggressive. The default subs should be as open as possible

So what's the protocol here? Do I down vote crazy conspiracy theories? Or is that what /r/conspiracy is: crazy conspiracy theories. And the loonier the better?

Although this was on /r/all, where a upvote things I think people should see, and down vote stuff that is purely a waste of time.

What's the protocol here?

So. Brave.

I seriously think alot of you guys have some untreated mental illness

Just because it is claimed to be censored, does not mean it is worth censoring.

Someone is getting paid to post certain things, that is the same with all popular websites though. They're just giving the horde what they want to hear. That's the way it has always been with popular media outlets.

Reddit is going down the DIGG Hole?

Of course. It's the natural end to the life-cycle of a social media website. We're at the phase where the advertisers sink their teeth in to it and alienate the user base, driving everyone away.

Exactly... Look how myspace evolved into facebook. That's the beauty of social media, you cannot control it, and when you try we have this platform to gather our collective thoughts and move on. Rinse and repeat.

I've actually been surprised by the number of shills in this subreddit. Sure it could be deluded sheeple wandering in, but those types don't stay around so long. In many threads, I see a mass of people challenging some obvious things and thats been gradually changing for about the past 2 years.

Maybe the other possibility is some other subreddits link people into some threads. They seem like zealots though.

There are totally huge brigades of trolls that spend hours on here simply to push an agenda and mock users and conspiracies in general. They come from subredditdrama, conspiratard, and a few other subs. Sometimes they have links that help them form a troll bridge but there are huge numbers of them that just hang out here.

It's not natural for instance that so many people have a thing for exposing anti Israel or anti Jewish bias so that they hang out here and pounce on a post or comment discussing these subjects (I have a troll that claims to be from Australia and not even know a Jewish person who is following me around and falsely claiming I'm an anti-semite on posts having nothing to do with Israel/Jews).

I've discovered this first hand as I've attracted a number of trolls that follow me around and harass me. The mods don't seem to mind that half the people here are trolls and it's legitimate users (troll victims) that are usually banned.

I've been here about a year and only started commenting every so often. It seems to me that, like america, a loud minority has overwhelmed the power positions of reddit in order to make it a place for them and their ilk. I understand getting some downvotes for making an unpopular post about anything, especially "things" like christianity, but to be downvoted into oblivion is just ridiculous. This is not a website of free speech, but a communist propaganda machine. RIP reddit... rest in peace...

Yeah. Someone up thread complained that /r/atheism was removed from a default sub as if reddit was censoring this viewpoint . . . but I have the opposite impression . . . these trolls/shills running reddit are pushing an atheist viewpoint and mocking religion. And I say that as someone who leans atheist.

Heck, there was someone that made a post here the other day from /r/christianity (not a usual /r/conspiracy user) who asked why the mods at /r/chrisitianity were mostly athiest and were so hostile to faith based Christians and tried to make that sub more of an academic sub than a meeting ground for believers.

Most of the conspiratard trolls that haunt this sub push the atheist agenda and mock religious belief (except Judaism).

There are a few other subject matters where a false consensus is being pushed and manipulated as well . . . but religion and atheism is definitely on the agenda.

Now we have a completely one-sided mess that pretends to be democratic but is quickly becoming the United States of the internet.


I found this post on r/all, so I'm not really sure what the deal is with this subreddit. Are we serious here, or is this a nonsense subreddits? Because I stopped reading when you said /r/circlejerk was a default sub.

This may sound stupid but I read somewhere a month or so ago that the owner of reddit was actually losing money? And I remember there were many threads about this when this article came out. So who's really making the money behind this site? Although confused, everything you said makes sense and I agree.

There was also a removal of Atheism from the default subs, and replaced with "television".

I don't disagree with taking Atheism out of default subreddits. But I do disagree with replacing it with television. Who the fuck on reddit watches that much tv, honestly.

Similar to the path of political democracies?

Have you been seen for paranoid delusions before?

Sooner than later reddit has to die. Just like Digg. Too many wrong moves against to high a percentage of the user base and then it will all fall. Conde Nast loosening its grip from our balls and ovaries.

I noticed this as well in the form of posts showing an up/down score of 0, even if it's received negative votes.

Is this the post just trying to clarify if it is this one or an earlier one

Yeah about the anti-Muslim/Anti-Islam thing. Its weird watching the comments devolve as well.

At first it used to hey there radicals out there, they exist everywhere not limited to one religion and there was an understanding that not everyone is a fundamentalist nut.

But now its devolved to look at all the crazy nut Muslims, if you're a Muslim, automatically it's assumed you must be un-happy and want to change the system to Sharia law....???

Posts about sweet old ladies handing out flyers warning against Sharia law?? University segregation at an event but the university never get's named but the problem is automatically thought to be wide spread, even though no info is provided on where and how it is happening? Its just automatically assumed that its happening? No one questions it? It seems Reddit is always ready to go and paint a whole group of people with one stroke of a brush.

You can't really demonize the founders of Reddit for wanting to make money off of their own website. I really don't understand how wanting to earn a comfortable living is necessarily a bad thing. Interesting post, otherwise.

While you may be correct in your allegations, just simply saying it isn't really enough for me. "The shills took over, Reddit is destroyed" conversation is kind of hollow without citing your sources. You provide zero evidence for your claims. Are we supposed to simply take everything you say for granted and accept it just because?

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you for the most part but this could have been done in a more professional manner than the old "Plants and Shills are everywhere, circlejerk made fun of Ron Paul.." narrative.

This is a joke. Belongs in /r/Conspiritard

I am going to make a new site.

For all those wondering why they have no trouble finding it, it's because when you WEREN'T informed about this that's when it disappeared. Now that he's speaking out about it, it REAPPEARED. So now that your newly informed of what is going on, you decide to look for it and guess what? You find it. Because it reappeared to make what this person is saying, seem bogus. It disappeared when nobody was aware and reappears when op starts talking...I would be suspicious too.

I think we have to admit that this problem is not so much with "reddit", as it is a problem with "the internet". Reddit is just a symptom, ya dig? The internet is under attack, and the basterds are winning (that is not us, we are lose).

Firing every person who works for the NSA, out of cannons, into the sun, would be a good start.

i disagree. Were very much winning.

Alternative media has loosened the grip of information. A youtube "star" has more subscribers than CNN has TV viewers.


Owned by google, who now forces non-anonymous comments and controls the content. Google is also complicit with Bilderberg and the NSA. They are tracking you by name in and out of youtube channels and content.

Alternative media

Such as the kind that is banned from being posted to places like /r/mainstreamnewsthateveryonereadsorwhatever

Comparing internet adoption to television viewership is nonsensical - the subject at hand is the intense and tightening control over internet content.

Owned by google, who now forces non-anonymous comments and controls the content. Google is also complicit with Bilderberg and the NSA. They are tracking you by name in and out of youtube channels and content.

Doesnt take away from the fact anyone can upload something. Even if they take it down, that doesnt stop it. plenty of full movies, or even porn on youtube if you know how to look.

Secondly, your as anonymous on the web as you want to be. Its not difficult to make a fake G+ account with the name "John Smith". Ta-da anonymity on the comments returned.

thirdly, if the NSA is in the picture, it doesnt matter what you post or where you post it, its being saved and logged., yahoo, xkcd, amazon, whatever. its all saved. It doesnt even need to happen per-website, it could simply be taked from the ISP in one go.

Such as the kind that is banned from being posted to places like /r/mainstreamnewsthateveryonereadsorwhatever

Alternative media extends beyond reddit. were talking about the internet yes?

the subject at hand is the intense and tightening control over internet content.

Again, the internet extends beyond reddit. There is still nothing stopping me from hosting a website and uploading all sorts of content or making it able for others to upload content. 50-75 bucks and ill have hosting, server space and a nifty webdesign.

If there is tightening of control on what you post on the internet, then please, show me an example. Aside from copyright, im having a hard time imagining a scenario where someone can tell me im not allowed to post stuff online.

EDIT: while im aware there are measures being put in for control of internet content by our lovely overlords in DC, the internet in terms of "allowed" content has been the exact same

Doesnt take away from the fact anyone can upload something. Even if they take it down, that doesnt stop it. plenty of full movies, or even porn on youtube if you know how to look.

They do take stuff down, for one. And making it really difficult to find stuff is simply providing an illusion of freedom while effectively killing it. They know it's more effective to hide and hobble something rather than openly killing it.

Plus, they do ban certain points of view. The most recent one I can think of is blogger and other sites banning the Golden Dawn party of Greece even though they did not have any more of a "hate" or "racist" philosophy than the Republican party, and specifically disavow ties to Nazism (not that that point of view should be banned either). I'm not saying I agree with them but they should not be censored yet the media was very effective in censoring their unpopular viewpoint in this country.

Other points of view are hidden behind "hate speech" or similar tags on youtube which you have to click through and has the effect of stigmatizing the speech.

Secondly, your as anonymous on the web as you want to be. Its not difficult to make a fake G+ account with the name "John Smith". Ta-da anonymity on the comments returned.

But you're not really anonymous to the people that really want to know. If anything, it creates a false sense of anonymity and you've revealed your favored monikers to them so they can search the web for other uses of it.

Alternative media extends beyond reddit. were talking about the internet yes?

Much of alternative media is a trojan horse just like reddit. It attracts people with an alternative message but then pushes subtle propaganda on them.

They do take stuff down, for one. And making it really difficult to find stuff is simply providing an illusion of freedom while effectively killing it. They know it's more effective to hide and hobble something rather than openly killing it.

Youtube was just an example. there are hundreds of youtubes on the web, this one is just the most popular right now.

Also, all it would take is a wave of angry users to flag a video or channel to get it taken down. considering how this golden dawn party is not popular at all, its not surprising. I can think of 2 nazi youtubers who have not been taken down; thus rendering your point moot.

Youtube is a private company with normal people in it, theyre not all "in on it" too.

But you're not really anonymous to the people that really want to know. If anything, it creates a false sense of anonymity

Then the "forces non-anonymous" comment system that you mentioned previously is irreverent. No one can hide from the NSA, and just because the information is tracked, doesnt mean its stifled or limited. If TPTB want something, theyre going to get it, regardless of what it is. Whether youre "forced" into using your G+ or not.

Much of alternative media is a trojan horse just like reddit. It attracts people with an alternative message but then pushes subtle propaganda on them

Seriously? every media outlet pushes some sort of propaganda of some kind. there is no unbiased, 100% accurate media outlet. If someone wants to find the facts then they need to think critically about the information given, regardless of the source

Youtube is a private company with normal people in it, theyre not all "in on it" too.

I never made such a ridiculous comment that all people in a company are privy to all the strategies. Do privates in an army always know every strategy the higher ups are employing? Especially the secret ones?

I can think of 2 nazi youtubers who have not been taken down; thus rendering your point moot.

Well, it doesn't make my point moot. Golden Dawn represents a much bigger risk because it enjoys a lot of support in Greece and the region and it's much more important to render them useless as TPTB need to try to impose austerity on Greece. Right and left parties risk joining forces and defeating the global financiers.

Also as I said, Golden Dawn explicitly disavows ties to any neo-Nazi party so you're relying on the propaganda against them to make a point.

Also, neo-Nazi parties have been controlled opposition anyway so it's actually consistent with their agenda to promote them in some ways (while also attacking them in other ways of course).

Furthermore, as I noted before, the American form of censorship is to not totally censor something but to diminish its impact. They don't mind a few small neo-Nazi pages if the larger message can be controlled (e.g. look at post after post on reddit mocking neo-Nazis and making it seem like a big threat).

Seriously? every media outlet pushes some sort of propaganda of some kind. there is no unbiased, 100% accurate media outlet. If someone wants to find the facts then they need to think critically about the information given, regardless of the source

We actually agree on this point. But I simply have found that there is much more subterfuge than you seem to be acknowledging. I'm mostly familiar with alternative leftist sites and have found many of them to be pushing an ulterior agenda (for e.g. Democracy Now and Al Jazeera and Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges and Altnernet and, etc.).

I never made such a ridiculous comment that all people in a company are privy to all the strategies

i apologize. i didnt know 2 separate people responded to me and thought it was the same person. by the tone of both comments it seemed like youtube was being painted as an evil corporation that have goons waiting to censor stuff.

Golden Dawn explicitly disavows ties to any neo-Nazi party so you're relying on the propaganda against them to make a point.

For the entire 2nd portion, the Golden Dawn party has a plethora of ties to Nazism. From the hand salute, to praising other Nazis. The KKK say theyre not racists too, but we all know thats a load of hogwash. Simply because they disavow it doesnt take away from their views. Hell even Michaloliakos was a speaker to Forza Nuevo in Italy, a self proclaimed fascist party. He even hieled hitler at one point.

i dont follow up on Europe in as much detail as the states, and the GD could very well be distancing itsself from nazism today, but they whole heartedly embraced it in earlier years and only time would remove that stigma

But i digress, were not here to discuss our opinions on the golden dawn. My point is, ive seen quite a bit of racey comments, youtubers, blogs, vlogers and whatever else exists on youtube and otherwise. Some get taken down, some dont. im sure governments ask youtube to filter stuff from coming to their country, but id hardly say that Youtube is "controlled" as these are orders any website would follow.

The stifling of the media also has little effect especially on the internet. Otherwise, there wouldnt be so much political dissent. I dont know how old you are, but if you happen to know a 50+ y/o whos somewhat informed, they would be the first to tell you that political dissent in this country is higher than its ever been. That could be directly attributed to alternative media.

We actually agree on this point.

im well aware of the subterfuge (good word, i like it) that goes on in its entirety, i just dont think of its as effective as you do, and that is a point i dont think either one will convince the other on.

Specifically speaking about leftist media (wouldnt consider Chompsky or AlJazeera alternative), they are more obvious about it. With the left and right constantly switching sides between "good guys" and "bad guys", its now the lefts turn to push their crap, with the right being more unbiased in their reporting. The exact opposite happened when Bush was in power, where the left was being more central and the right were pushing neo-conservatism.

Also, just because there is propganda, doesnt mean it works. While it has worked in the past exceptionally, its grip has loosened with the growth of alternative media. My previous example of CNN only receiving much much less than a million viewers shows this pretty well. a good way to asses how effective propaganda is in an article, is to read the comments (also why many msm propaganda machines removed comments from their articles). Even on left leaning sites, people are calling out the BS. even MSNBCs forum section only has like 5 topics.

in anycase, we both agree, just at different degrees.

From the hand salute, to praising other Nazis.

What you know about the Golden Dawn is heavily influenced by propaganda. Do you know Americans used the Bellamy salute as well?

People are falsely alleging that symbols and other things show a tie to German Nazi party and it doesn't.

Anyway, the Golden Dawn is anti immigrant and in that regard they my be "right wing" but frankly it's no different than many Republicans or the way other Europeans treat immigrants and actually Greece has suffered the most from immigration. If there is one country that has a legitimate issue with immigration it's Greece.

There has been all sorts of false propaganda. I saw one photoshopped image trying to depict a new immigration facility as a concentration camp for instance (not only was the image photoshopped but American has some pretty nasty looking detention facilities for immigrants).

And like I said the most important issue in Greece is austerity and economic issues and the Golden Dawn is actually very close with many of the left as far as a solution.

Also, Greece was defeated in WWII by the Italians and Germans and became a satellite government so there is going to be a lot of similarities. Also, the stay behind NATO armies were very active in Greece engaging in false flag terrorist action . . . there's been a lot of meddling in Greece affairs and unfairly impugning the Communists and right-leaning people in order to push a pro West agenda

My point is, ive seen quite a bit of racey comments, youtubers, blogs, vlogers and whatever else exists on youtube and otherwise. Some get taken down, some dont. im sure governments ask youtube to filter stuff from coming to their country, but id hardly say that Youtube is "controlled" as these are orders any website would follow.

Like I noted it's done in subtle ways. One, I bet like reddit that the voting or page views are manipulated. Two, there are "hate speech" or whatever they call it, labels put on some content that are not viewable in some areas and at least stigmatize the content. Three, using third party claims to take down content is an easy way to censor content. New laws make it very easy to make these claims and Youtube will honor them. I can't tell you how many 9/11 conspiracy videos have been taken down under this justification. Four, many countries do limit what is available on youtube. I routinely see people claim they can't see a video in their country.

There is indeed the appearance of much more dissent today then there was 50 years ago . . . but in many ways we are more easily controlled.

Do you know Americans used the Bellamy salute as well?

yeah, in the 1800s. Golden dawn uses it today

People are falsely alleging that symbols and other things show a tie to German Nazi party and it doesn't.

And like I said the most important issue in Greece is austerity and economic issues and the Golden Dawn is actually very close with many of the left as far as a solution.

the irony in this is too much. this is over

Okay. I guess I miss your point but oh well.

I'm saying a salute is a symbol that means different things to different people. They live in a different culture. It means something different to them than to us. Propaganda effects the meaning of symbols.

They claim that there is no connection between Nazis and them. So in other words you're purposely misreading a symbol for propaganda purposes . . . this is the height of intellectual dishonesty. The fact this purposeful misinterpretation of the symbol is rampant in the West shows the prevalence of propaganda.

And do you dispute that there are many on the left and right in Greece that want to join forces against international bankers? Do you think Leftists would join Nazis? Or maybe they view the international bankers as more like Nazis than Golden Dawn?

Also, people in the U.S. used the Bellamy salute well into the 1900s.

Also, people in the U.S. used the Bellamy salute well into the 1900s.

then we, along with the rest of the world, stopped. for obvious reasons

So what? Yes, the propaganda campaign against Germany compelled the U.S. to make the gesture into a Nazi gesture. Every country engages in war propaganda but at the end of the day it's just a symbol. In our culture with our constant anti Nazi propaganda it represents evil . . . but it doesn't represent evil in other cultures. It's not inherently evil.

You can't be this simple of a person where you insist your propagandist caricatures represent the truth, can you?

An American may use a gesture that is totally harmless here . . . like showing the sole of his shoe to another person or something . . . that has a much different meaning in a different culture . . . like an Arab culture. There are many symbols and gestures that are offensive in one part of the world but not offensive in others.

You're engaging in cultural chauvinism by insisting symbols get to mean exactly what you in America claim they mean.

Would you tell an Arab he has no reason to be offended by showing the sole of your shoe to them?

And Greek people can try to "reclaim" their symbols and gestures from the NATO stay behind armies that used propaganda to enforce a victory upon them.

I don't know why your post disappeared but i do know there is a bug in how 'Hot' submissions are sorted, effectively allowing for a bot to immediately downvote your posts and wipe them from the front page.

This is not a hypothetical problem. Curious to see if the code in Reddit’s public repository was what they had running in production, I found a recent post in a fairly inactive subreddit and downvoted it, bringing its total vote score negative. Sure enough, that post not only dropped off the first page (a first page which contained month-old submissions), but it was effectively banished from the “Hot” ranking entirely. I felt bad and removed my downvote, but that post never really recovered. Indeed, by manipulating the query string, you can find a strange purgatory where damned submissions slowly rot, alone in the darkness

VERY strange.. As many know, I run the /u/uncensorship bot that populates /r/uncensorship. Many subreddits voluntarily participate, including /r/conspiracy.

If anyone doubts the accounts of the mods here, I encourage you to check here:

Any moderator action taken against a post in this sub is recorded and made public by the bot. Whatever happened to his post, it didn't get recorded in the official subreddit mod-log, and this leads me to believe it was done by an admin.

Conspiracy mods are helping reddit admins keep this quiet.

This is a sign of very dark times.

I don't know how you came to that conclusion, it's pretty much the opposite if what I was saying.

I think it's time to let my Gold subscription run out.

Keep re-posting this brethren, I'll upvote it every time.

If they decide to delete your account for your diligence, make a new one and repost it again. You aren't going to get answers for these absurd actions taken against your free speech, you can only make your voice louder to make their censorship more obvious.

--RewAmumu, from an excellent comment a previous time this link was submitted

Start your own subreddit. Problems solved.

Or, start your own website. Problems solved.

The problem is this strategy accomplishes what reddit inc has set out to do.

Shrink the audience privy to reddit's insider manipulation to as small an arena if possible.

Just like the /r/conspiracy mods were told to do when they tried to move reports about reddit conspiracies to a smaller sub (most likely at the behest of the admins).

Sadly, so long as reddit has the attention of millions of eyes it is necessary to protect the free flow on information on this medium. To do otherwise would be to allow her true founder to have died in viein.

(most likely at the behest of the admins).

Do you have any evidence of that, or is it like when you ask me "have the admins told you to take something down?" and I reply with "No." every time /r/conspiracy has a post about a TIL removal?

Well the conspiracy mods have been conspicuously silent and I am doing my damnedest to get a response.

As to you TIL folks, there was one time where you pulled some immortal technique stuff about his orphanage and then reinstated a while later (while decrying the actions of people like Roy [karmanaut/bechus/redditnoir]) so I think most of you are alright.

But do I think you (or someone in your lot) has insights into payola on reddit that you don't share? yep.

You have the right to speak freely until you are noticed. If you gather enough attention, you will be overwhelmed with shills pigs.

Yeah good idea, you know how to program?

Move to the darkwebs.


I'm really sorry by why is this such a huge issue? Isn't reddit owned by a private company? Doesn't this give them the right to block any post or website they want? I'm not trying to be insulting or inflammatory but I am just curious about why there is so much uproar?

It helps trying to think ahead. That is what is missing nowadays. People just don't think ahead. when would you think that this is a problem, when we live like in North Korea, where everything is censored and you can only read about the leader? You know that things never just stay the way they are, they progress, in this case downwards. That is why there is such an uproar.

But this is a website owned by a private company, Conde Naste. This company is a media company that owns newspapers and magazines. Its job is to get its idea across and promote its own publications. I just don't think you can draw a parallel between reddit hiding links and the United States becoming North Korea.

Creepy fucking shills

They cheated the post out of the attention it deserved by, not deleting it, but actually making it disappear.

Can you clarify this? I can still see it in your history, just not on conspiracy. That's exactly how a delete works, it makes it disappear from the subreddit. How is what happened different from deleting it?

This strikes me a lot like people who say "secret shadow bans" even though the secret is what "shadow" means. Trying to make it scarier than what it is. So can you clarify how this wasn't a deletion?

You don't think shadow bans are creepy?

That's not really what I said, but to answer your question, not really. I understand why they exist and are used. I do think it would be better if it weren't the only type of ban, but it doesn't really bother me that it is. Especially considering how easy it is to get around the bans.

It just bothers me when people say stuff like "secret shadow ban" because shadow already means secret in this context. Same thing with when they call deleting things as more than just a delete. I don't think the exaggerations or scare words really add to the conversation. It just strikes me as fear mongering.

Add your edit from your original post with +500 upvotes here too, please.

I feel like most of your complaints are general issues with mob rule. For instance jersey shore is on season 5 while firefly (and many other quality shows) don't last because they don't appeal to a mass audience. Which why jersey shore appeals to a mass audience is an entire other matter.

I don't see number 6. Maybe I'm missing it or maybe I live too much in the comments section, but I don't even feel like /r/ex-muslim is anti-muslim. Obviously they sway people away from the religion, but many times through logical arguments that don't demonize anyone who wishes to peacefully practice. Same with /r/trueathiesm ish it has good and bad days.

Then the whole accounts that post rarely.. I like to lurk, sometimes (like now) I'm on the toilet and feel like replying. Many lurkers may create an account because they just had to post something, then went back to lurking. Sure many fishy accounts pop up, and many hail corporate Shit runs around, but I'd like to think not everyone who posts on reddit has actively post all the time just be considered valid.. Then I'd rather go back to the cesspool /b/.

Oddly cesspool was already in my phone's dictionary.

Imho the biggest issue with reddit (crazy power tripping mods aside) is the algorithm that orders the front page. If you get downvoted by some douche browsing headlines in New your post is screwed. It's faulty, but I don't think intentional. Effective algorithms are hard m'kay, but that's a problem way easier to correct than mob mentality.

We need more transparent modding, maybe even rotating or term limit style on bigger threads.

Sounds like the answer is to create new threads and try to destroy the other ones. Or we can create a new web site and quit using Reddit; Or we can replace everyone in charge of all subreddits and take control back. Otherwise threaten to boycott any subreddit that doesn't support a new hierarchy. I already got rid of /politics. We still have /conspiracy to revert to.

Just a question. Why do you said anti-muslim AND anti-islam. They're the same thing to my knowledge.

Muslim is to Christian, as Islam is to Christianity.

I know that, but how would saying "I am against Christians" and "I am against Christianity" really differ?

Ask Gandhi.

"The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers".


saved and printed out, you know, just in case.

maybe everyone that reads this should copy paste it into a new post only slightly editing it? with /u/aaaa222 's permissin of course. if they want the wheel to squeak to get its attention thats one way i suppose. edit: i mean format editing, not in any way change the message to lose its original intent.

Honest question, what is stopping someone from making another site like reddit?

Reddit is now FARK. And, I fucking hate FARK.

You're a dumbass.

Didn't even take me 10 seconds to find it through search. It's on your profile. It's in the sub backlog. You are aware that posts don't stay on the front page forever to allow new content to come up?

Would you bother citing sources? Just because a website has billions of views doesn't mean it's making "a LOT of money", quite the opposite; A popular website costs insane amounts of money to keep up and running.

Just because you have no goddamn clue how things work doesn't mean there's a great conspiracy against you.

And once this post disappears from the frontpage after a while, just as every other post, we'll have ourselves another "hurrdurr dem meanies want to silence me" post. Ungh.

Nobody ever denied there's a "head" running things. You think contributors is all it takes to have an active community? Who's managing the servers? Who is paying for them? Who keeps the code up to date and monitors the network traffic to counter dozens of attacks every day? The company Reddit Inc. and its 28 employees.


I'm sorry, did I inconvenience you with "logic" and "reason" instead of blind outrage and abandonment of common sense?

To answer your question, it pays okay, after all my boss isn't in yet, so I do get paid for redditing at the moment.

Reddit Inc. however has no clue who I am or why they should pay me a dime, sorry to disappoint.


Ah, sorry; Poe's Law, you know. Especially on /r/conspiracy.


Comprehensible writing skills = "";

I can assure you that it is in fact you who are the dumbass since you have no idea what you're talking about. It was deleted entirely - unsearchable - for hours. Then it was reinstated and appeared in the "new" section with all of its comments and upvotes still there and with its original timestamp.

You're other post says you want more data. Try searching /r/PoliticalModeration and/or /r/ModerationLog

Sticky post?

/r/ask has a lame fucking approval process. I had to contact the mods and it was a matter of phrasing that got my query rejected. Reddit has definitely changed in my time here.

Taking away r/all was the worst. That was the end of open discussion about this site. Also the website bans are wrong. Of course some sites are questionable. But it's to the users to decide. And down vote these sites. It shouldn't be a bunch of mods deciding what's good or not. As long as it's not spam or against the law. And I talk about real spam, not news articles you don't like.

holy shit, most sensible conspiracy on here. Still a reddit noob but damn sounds like some shit is going down here, I choose the wrong time to make an account lol


With blackjack! ... and hookers!

Streisand effect.

I believe you are correct. I had the front page pulled up, your post was thereand I opened it in a new tab. I then I opened reddit in a new tab a few minutes later, and your post is missing and I couldn't find it. It does seem that you have a grasp on the what Reddit has become.

Removed and reposted? Do you have screenshots with timestamps?

The mods admitted this happened. Sarah Connor said she/he resubmitted it and can't explain why it was taken down in the first place as there was no moderator mark claiming responsibility as is customary.

How could you know that accounts are fake?

Excellent write up.

Consider adding:

This article was published months before Facebook, G+ (new then), and everyone else online started pushing for your REAL NAME, BUSTER!, while implementing fake online personas (hilarious).

Anyway, context.


Don't you mean they took away /r/ Why has everyone been calling it /r/all? Was there a second instance of /r/ that was called /r/all and then they took that away too?

Second, the behavior you describe is exactly the behavior of the SPAM filter. I'm not saying it was SPAM filtered, they may use similar internal functions with identical behavior for "admin censored" posts too. The moderators of any subreddit can lie or be mistaken as well so it may have been in the SPAM filter and none of them noticed or would admit it at the time. Maybe there is a higher SPAM filter that removes any grumblings about user-owned reddit.

By the way, they are monitoring and deriding those who bring up this information. Even those who are allegedly only unpaid moderators are taking their time to track down and ridicule those who bring up the truth.

I'm pretty sure why your post was blindly removed, if it was in fact done maliciously. About two years ago the subreddit /r/theoryofreddit was bouncing around the idea of buying from Condé Nast Digital and making it a user-owned cooperative. I can't find the link, but it was the idea that killed /r/theoryofreddit and ushered in a new era of controlling and "as long as we don't break Reddit, Inc's rules we can do whatever we want" moderating.

I recently brought this up in /r/politicalmoderation and nothing was said for thee days in response. Then, I think yesterday, a slew of comments came in all at once deriding my statements.

But note closely the point they chose to discredit. As they always have in the past they completely ignore the real point they are discrediting, the user owned co-op idea, and attack me for something that they present as common knowledge fact (for reference /u/blackstar9000 was the moderator that sold /r/theoryofreddit to "professional" moderators shortly after the co-op idea gained steam). They are trying, days after the fact and in a manner that makes their collusion obvious, to take control of the conversation and redirect it into an argument about paid staff based on an assertion I never made. I stated rightfully that there is paid staff on the moderation team. Not only is that verifiable by looking at the list of moderators, it has also been admitted by a former moderator. That's pretty much the definition of a strawman argument.

Now, what does this have to do with your other thread? This comment was towards the top of the discussion thread. What does it have in common? The death of The Dig exodus came to reddit on the collapse of integrity over there, and the same will happen when a better alternative to shows up. Reddit, Inc. knows this. They have no defense.

They know that people with principles will eventually stop playing an unfair game. Those without principles have no ability to discern unfairness and abuse because they have nothing to compare it to. They want a bunch of unprincipled idiots to both moderate and participate. It is actually more effective to annoy and harass those principled players and effect a slightly smaller yet less labor-intensive group of people to control and direct.

Reddit is an environment where people voluntarily write content, and others voluntarily edit that content, and others voluntarily curate the edited content, and Reddit, Inc. pulls in revenue, and most importantly demographic data, as a result. We have shown we are trend-setters. That data is valuable. Old Spice saw a 1000% increase in sales as a result of their native advertising campaign a few years ago. may not be valuable to Reddit, Inc. from a profitability standpoint, but the conversations we have and the things we support/reject as a respective sample of the population are invaluable to advertisers, and I bet all that demographic data is available to the parent companies of Reddit, Inc. even if Reddit, Inc. isn't profiting directly. After all, they need our Reddit Gold to run the site right?

All of the benefits of our hard effort provided for free to the "community" are enjoyed by a corporation. If we move our free effort to another enterprise they lose the benefits of our labor. It is that simple. When we talk about moving away, they try to stop those conversations. It does not matter if the actions of the lords of /r/theoryofreddit are acting on the order and compensation of their master Reddit, inc., or if they are simply protecting their position of limited authority, either way, there is an incentive to control and redirect conversations such as that one which you allege was removed.

I can't disagree with anything you said. I pop into reddit very rarely now, because brother, it ain't what it used to be.

Thanks for posting this.

I think the mainstream just discovered reddit, and now mainstream opinions have taken over. The same thing happened over at 4chan.

I've seen both websites become shitholes, but it's still bettert than watching CNN.

That being said, there's obviously room for improvement. I do truly believe that there is tons of vote manipulation happening by private parties who want their message to seem more important/popular.

Have you ever thought as reddit becomes more popular the view changes? I honestly think there is a shift in reddit, but I feel it's simply because as reddit grows in popularity it'll lose that minority that found appeal in it. Maybe it won't change for the better, but to what the majority of users approve.

Now as for censorship, atheism had massive rule changes that many people think was censorship, but I'm happy to less posts that involve making fun of religious posts on facebook, or car crash images that were thank airbags not God. It's not even that I'm religious, I just think it's uncool to make fun of people for their beliefs. But I simply unsubbed from them when I discovered I could. I guess my point would be, when is censorship okay? Is it censorship to downvote an offensive post till no one sees it? Isn't the entire karma system just a form of censorship? You need to get approval from the masses, and the masses are a mob of angry geese.

Honestly, voting is always a flawed system. Until we get smarter software the predicts what you like, we'll always have a censorship feeling in a system like this. What you like, might not be what the majority likes. That's more or less why there was subreddits, so at least the minority can go somewhere else, but as always if they become popular, the minority will get pushed out again.

It's a false and contrived consensus. The whole way this place is set up is to subtly push certain viewpoints or mock others. Look at the voting system, as you point out. If someone sees certain viewpoints get crushed on the main subs, or other subs for that matter, they will be hesitant to express that viewpoint for fear of being ostracized. It's human nature. So it's really easy to influence people by gaming the voting system here. I have no doubt this is being done. It's pushing a false consensus.

And the rule change to atheism was probably done to make the anti religion agenda much more effective. It was getting so over the top that it was losing effectiveness and they needed to save it from itself.

It's interesting that the Christian subs are moderated by atheists and Jews for instance (according to someone posting here in conspiracy for the first time after having a bad experience on christianity).

No one should be afraid to post or have an opinion warped by internet points and ridicule, but we are setup to want approval and social interaction. It's important that the mass accept us because we are a social and cooperative species, we exist and excel because we work together. Being a bigot is more or less designed into us(in theory). See the little bigot baby video here. We don't like people who aren't part of the collective. Acceptance is something we need to teach, to the extent if a person isn't hurting you, or anyone else, it's fine.

I find it odd that the Christian subs are moderated not by Christians, if that's true. That seems like a conflict of interest. That is supposed to be a safe haven for Christians, but at the same time I think it's valuable to have an outsider view as well. If all the moderators aren't Christian not cool. I have less issues with a Jewish moderator, as Judaism is more or less the father of Christianity. They have common roots, but again all the moderators shouldn't be Jewish.

On the other hand babies are also wired for empathy:

I don't have a dog in the /r/christianity and /r/atheism subs so was only relying on someone who wandered over here for the first time because he was upset by the way he (a believing Christian) was treated at the christianity sub and wondered why the sub had a bias toward other religions and atheism and an academic view of the bible and why faith-based POVs like his were marginalized.

I am simply interested in whether those subs are being gamed to serve an agenda like many of the other subs are.

While outside perspectives are good it would be weird to have say a Detroit Lions fan moderating a Dallas Cowboys sub and also have a moderator that hated football (as well as moderators who were only interested in analyzing the game and not cheering the Cowboys on).

It Reddit is so much a corrupted mess then why not just take your Aspergers and go elsewhere?

Oh look. Yet another conspiratard troll that thinks making fun of people with mental conditions is witty.

You trolls add no value here.

It's a shame the mods are helping run OP off the sub yet allow this infestation of trolls.


I was just on a heavy islamophobic discussion the other day, and it was very obvious there were a ton of sock puppets in use. Same phrase was repeated over and over, not even trying to mix it up.

I thought I had found a place, this ain't the place. /r/politics is down 9000 subscribers in the month + that they made their stupid decisions there. I've been wanting to ask if reddit feels comfortable with the "Resolution" there.

Thank you for reposting this OP.

I tried posting your link to /r/bestof and apearrently this subreddit is banned from there?

Yes. Actually, if you click through and read OP's post linked above (the deleted then reinstated post), he cites this example of censorship in his Edit. It's the first item under "DAMNING EVIDENCE."

It's a bit convaluted to explain but a /r/conspiracy user made a post about his experience visiting Israel and the occupied territories and described the racism and unfair treatment of Arabs he saw there. It was a totally reasonable post if you take the time to read it. It was upvoted to the top post at bestof.

But bestof not only deleted this post because it was critical of Israel but collectively punished all of /r/conpsiracy, evidently because of alleged anti-semitism. How ironic that bestoff uses collective punishment like Israel does to the Palestinians, eh?

The circle jerk subs like conspiratard and subbredditdrama went on a rampage and evidently had inside info and argued with the user who posted about his trip to Israel and told us it was becasue his post was "anti semitic." The user eventually had his account erased and has gone dark. BipolarBear, who is a known troll and who mods many other subs was very vocal in defending this banning and has also banned other /r/conspiracy users from subs he mods like /r/news. BipolarBear has engaged in black propaganda by posting caricatures of Jews on this sub and then using this as "evidence" that this sub is "racist."

Anyway, the mods of this sub don't defend this sub against this harassment and instead let BipolarBear and his conspiratard friends troll this sub with impunity.

Nice job with the re-post. I thought you're write up was an awesome summary of what happened.

I know it sucks, but we gotta back up everything so it can just be copy & pasted

Guess I'll go back to 4chan

Even folks who initially have the best of intentions can be swayed. Not everyone, but most.

Reddit is here to make money, and nothing more. I glean what I can from the site, and discard what I perceive as fuckery or shenanigans, which is a lot.

I'm not ever going to buy into the bullshit idea that buying someone (I don't care if they are effing Lord Byron eloquent) some reddit gold does anything besides make some folks who give zero shits about anything but a bottom line more validation for putting forth the false idea that this place represents some sort of high ground. Perhaps I am jaded, but I don't think so, I just understand human nature, and let's face it, Reddit isn't like some fucking ideal, it's a carefully crafted thing to suck as many people in and get them to buy reddit gold, so we can have a place to talk about gold. Yeah, I'm down for that.

For you folks that thought this place did represent some grand idealistic new thing where we all communicate, I say to you that it is YOU folks who represent that ideal, and reddit is reaping the benefits (unjustly) of your good will and optimism. I salute your good will, but I have no illusion that reddit is just like any other venture that is designed to extract the most cash from the most people possible, and the big money isn't even from reddit gold -- It's clearly from paid shilling, and paid censorship, and many of you pay proudly to be a part of this. But hey, at least you can post about how fucking cool gold is.

I checked the moderation log after Sarah_Conner replied to your first modmail there was only one action related to this theard and it was Sarah Conner unspam the theard.

The Spam Filter is set on the lowest setting on /r/conspiracy (you can't disable it) but i wouldn't be surprised if there are still some errors.

The spam filter doesen't get listed on the moderation log to my knowledge.

The same thing happened to my post about the NSA acknowledging the existence of Extra Terrestrials, the post that I had posted virtually disappeared, not deleted. Perhaps it was a bug?


Nope. It had 2 up votes and a comment or two. Then 5 minuted later it completely disappeared off of the "new" section. Really bizarre stuff.

Reddit is owned by corporate media conglomerates. That should say enough right there

Another trend I've noticed is that post that reveal personal information do better than anonymous post ( especially in /r/pics )

Personal Identifying Information (PID) makes your account undeniably yours should you post something controversial. the karma these PID posts gain will probably encourage more people to share PID. Making redditors more easy to identify and possibly less willing to adopt a controversial viewpoint.

I think the reason so many people call conspiracy theorists nutty, is because too often, they see everything as a part of conspiracy. I work with a ginourmous website, and it has so many fails it makes me want to plotz. Computers are not perfection machines, they are not immediate in response. They are beds of code covered with patches and carbuncles. In short some times shit really does just happen.

What can you do? Nothing is hidden from the all seeing eye.

You bite the hand that feeds you.

They had a natural knee-jerk reaction of "hit this £#€*ing mosquitoe."

Id get you gold, OP if it didnt further fatten the fucking zeitgeist. And the fact that account is probably targeted for orderly disposal. What you said I could never agree more with.

this is a great post and it does a great job at addressing some of the worst parts of "reddit" as a whole.

Ya know it's been a long time coming, but maybe we need a new website, borrowing the best aspects of online communities. It would be a nice water -shed moment

We do, it's called 9Gag /s.

Well, obvi.

You'll get an upvote from me too each time you post this unless proof is provided that this isn't true - also I don't know the whole digg thing but i hope it doesn't happen to reddit. Question why not get this to the front page and someone higher up to respond ?

4) The appearance of shills soon became VERY apparent.

All of a sudden new accounts started popping up out of nowhere, cue the birth of r/HailCorporate. Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog. From brand new accounts that never posted again.

I was a lurker on this website for 6 years before I posted on it. You are assuming way to much.


You are looking way to far into it bro, seriously!

I found this to be a very entertaining read. I may not agree with everything you say but I would like to thank you for sharing the theory. I love the premise, the reddit conspiracy. So anyway I'd like to point a couple things out after reading, I hope you take this criticism positively.

I remember when r/IAma was open to anyone and the popularity was decided by voting. Now it is nothing more than a cheap place for celebrities to whore out their products and you need to be "approved".

Look, I remember when reddit wasn't mainstream also. I remember the body of great iama threads posted by average people doing different things. The thing here is reddit got mainstream. There's really no other way to put it. Before it was a once in a month or rarer sort of thing when a celebrity would do an AMA thread (and further in the past, there were times when it never happened) but now its a daily occurance. Why? Because reddit has gone mainstream.

Now with that being said: Is there anything preventing you from doing an AMA thread yourself? NO. No there is not. ANYONE CAN MAKE AN AMA THREAD. I can make an AMA thread right now if I wanted to. AMA submission page the rules aren't that hard to follow either and given the attention reddit has gotten over the years every single one of those rules is completely understandable.

You are placating the assumption to people that iama is not "open to anyone" simply because its not as easy as it used to be to get to the front page of that sub. Well, blame all of us redditors who would much rather try and speak to a celebrity or scientist rather than a normal joe not doing anything interesting. With that said, if you are doing something interesting then by all means make a thread about it. If its interesting enough the thread will get attention. Looking at /r/IAmA 's frontpage right now I see a lot of ama threads being run by what you and I would both consider "regular people". They've done something cool and made a thread about it, or maybe they had an experience and made a thread about it, or used to have a cool job and made a thread about it. The list goes on.

I think I'm going to end this post here. I got kind of lost there explaining the AMA thing. But really, this is just one point out of many you have in your post which I find issue with. The least I can do is throw a few at you that seem wrong to me. I wont be counter arguing against all of these like the AMA one though. I don't want this to be 17 pages long. If anyone is curious why any of these make me shout "lies" then please quote the point and I will address it.

  • All of a sudden new accounts started popping up out of nowhere, cue the birth of r/HailCorporate. Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog. From brand new accounts that never posted again.

  • 5) Now we have blatant censorship on r/news, r/worldnews etc... saying that X site is not allowed.

  • What ever happened to letting people vote on the content of this website?

  • So now we are being fed an anti-Muslim/Islam/Russian/India smear campaign weekly. (seriously?)

  • But thats okay, when something goes against the "US is good" narrative, every detail is examined and the slightest inconsistency is used to dismiss the entire story.

  • And people will say "What are you talking about, people are constantly bashing the US in every thread".

  • Yes that is absolutely true. Because those people have decided to even out the score. When you have hundreds of fake accounts moving the narrative in a certain direction, then it is essential for people to come out and loudly counter-balance the propaganda.

  • It wasn't always like this. A few years ago, there were just as many disagreements and differences of opinion on reddit, but they were REAL (fake now?)

  • And the site was still a democracy. People voted and things swung from side to side, everybody learned in the end. (we could get into what sucks about democracy here but theres no need because this is how reddit works today.)

  • Now we have a completely one-sided mess that pretends to be democratic but is quickly becoming the Fox News of the internet.

  • And I believe this can essentially be boiled down to greed. Reddit gets billions of views. The people who run reddit are not the "cool bloggers" they try to portray themselves as. There is a head running things, and it is sinister and they are making A LOT of money, and have A LOT of power, and A LOT of influence. (this one definitely deserves a writeup and I hope someone asks for it)

(oh how could I forget?)

  • 1) The first thing they did was take away r/all. This took away the only tool for communicating with reddit about reddit. If you had any concerns about the website as a whole, you could address them through r/all. Taking that away was the first step.

I have been on and off of reddit for a LONG time. I would say at least 7 years now. I had an old account which I use to be able to search, but has since been deleted. Reddit has changed for me, because I use to come here and be informed, seems like I argue more now than I ever did in the past. Now the front page and over excessive amount of subreddits make this place a garbage dump. I come out of habit, but I swear I'll have a heart attack one day because of reddit.

They strive to control the switchboard of our hyper-mind.

...and I will go ahead summarize what I wrote before, which is that you had me until number six.

It's not a conspiracy, why would anyone who is gay (although plenty do), support a culture and/or country which would have you hanged from a pole for being something you can't help? It's fucking retarded! Orthodox Jews might be just as crazy, but the secular laws in Israel protect me from them and establish fundamental rights for it's citizens.

I would have to be insane and/or uninformed to support them over Israel.

Anti India? Damn.

the story of reddit

in the beginning when reddit was best there was just

and all posts were up and down voted by everyone and all readers got exposed to all sorts of information thye had never seen before.

information that actually affected elections and bills in congress and businesses as say 1 million people suddenly learned of a new bill that was horrible and they all actually contacted the congress or they learned a health insurance company was screwing everyone so they got pissed or they found a new candidate they liked and all 1 million of them sent him donations and he rose to huge prominence and the establishment couldn't get rid of him because he had a huge war chest (cough Kucinich cough cough)

so they had to subdivide the masses so the masses would not see what they already didn't want to see so the masses never learned any truth they didn't think they already knew in say r/conservative or r/progressive.

in others words none of them knew to subscribe to r/truth becuase they never saw r/truth while inside their little r/subreddits

and then things were like they were before and the masses were kept fighting one another in their walled off ignorance as they were only allowed the information the 7 th largest media family in the world who bought and now owns reddit wanted them to know.

Your post is still there, it didn't disappear, it just slid off after a couple days due to age. Try using the search box.


Seriously... what do you want? Your entire rant is about how reddit is censoring you... you made a mistake. Nothing was censored. It just dropped off the page because it had been there for TWO ENTIRE DAYS... and suddenly that is a conspiracy against you personally from the admins? So your solution is to spam your link "demanding answers" and then when people repeatedly point out an explanation for your post you just spam READING = 0 over and over again.

So... what do you even want?

Why things like this are even in r/conspiracy? A good media resource should have (maybe a subreddit) for internal issues. And OP definitely helps us to see some profound issue and it's Reddit owners who should be worried about that first of all.


well look who is the majority of this website, its all progressive commie sympathizing libs. I am actually a minority every time I sign in, and I know that. My views as a conservative, and in Law Enforcement, are always frowned upon, and every time I share a piece of my opinion it is bashed. I don't think it is so much as a conspiracy, rather than your traditional progressive thinking takeover using slurs and name calling to diminish your views. Seriously, if you believe in a free market you are "capitalist scum", if you are a police officer you are a "statist pig", if you dislike Obama you are a "racist". You cannot get a word in edgewise on this website.

This website is only words in edgewise.

Look, I'm a super liberal leftist hippy type and I get the same type of hate. Even in subreddits dedicated to those things! People are just smarmy assholes on this website, it really doesn't have a lot to do with you.

a conservative playing the victim card? How original.

why am i playing a victim? I am not a victim, just aggravated by the lack of a cohesive or factual arguments by liberals or progressives like yourself on this website who do not only focus on terms and name calling like "racist", "capitalist", etc. Just facts, and evidence, that is all that I want. But hey, I guess that is why I am a conservative and you are a liberal progressive, because I understand facts and evidence and you do not.

I am actually a minority every time I sign in

every time I share a piece of my opinion it is bashed.

if you believe in a free market you are "capitalist scum"

if you are a police officer you are a "statist pig"

if you dislike Obama you are a "racist"

Your entire post is literally the facts I needed to prove you are playing the victim card. Awe, you feel so mariginalized and victimized on a website on the internet. That's so heartbreaking.

I never called you racist, capitalist, or any other hyperbole and conjecture you have used. In fact, you provide no sources or evidence for your other claims and just spout random complaints about how you are treated so poorly on Reddit.

If Reddit hurts your tender feelings so much, maybe you should try another outlet for conversation that is more agreeable to you. Does FOX news have a forum? I'm sure they will agree with you and you won't feel so victimized there.

and you are proving my point word for word, thank you for playing into your stereotype

I never insulted you nor called you any derogatory names which was your original assertion of "liberals" on Reddit. How do you even know I'm a liberal? Oh wait, you dont't know that. And I'm not.

oh boy, here we go, now you are trying to shift the victim card. Always poor libs being brought down by the man.


I'll be sure to register /ur/ine.

Yeah reddit sucks balls, peace guys, I'm off to 4chan or something


/r/redditisaracket should be a thing.

Y'all i do have to say that every three months or so (since this admin came into place) I have noticed plenty of cover up and push away instances like this... I'm sorry if I don't respond- I'm new to the tech world and don't know how to save this thread. But I am asking for all of my fellow Americans to open their eyes. Love you all.

Been on reddit for 4 years the death began when they went after r/creepshots.

Look at my top posts from all time to see these changes.. And even those are now censored. My real top post was a top ten post of all time in Reddit a d exposed how health insurance companies canceled almost everyone once their expenses were greater than possible future revenues.

that post doesn't even show up in my top of all time anymore and it had something like 10,000 net Upvoted. It ranked just below " obame elected president"

and I have been banned from r/politics for about two years even though I consistently had top post s there including the second post listed In my censored top post list linked below.

go figure.

be sure to select "of all time " when visiting the link below.

Now sees how e ven my top post of all time list has been censored to exclude my REAL top post of all time this is my top ten link that has been censored from my all time top posts link! Look at the over 6000 vote count! It should be on the top of my all time top posts list!

Notice how even today this post should appear in the top post page of all time for ALL OF REDDIT but it does not.

It should rank with others who have 6000 or so net votes and it doesn't. see here.;t=all

The simplest thing to do is unsub from any and all subs that are exhibiting this behavior. WE agree to use reddit and the powers that be call the shots. Remember when you didn't know what reddit was, or it hadn't even been created yet? You lived your life happily and didn't worry about internet brainwashing. It happens, but there's nothing we can do about it as pointing out the information that OP has listed above will simply be removed. Basically what I'm trying to say is get over it and move on, satisfied that YOU can see these inconsistencies.

How can things change with this attitude. Seems to me as you are one of the people he speaks of!

I just don't see how change is possible at this point. I wish it were different, and I know that I'm holding a pessimistic view on the subject, but the reddit setup is simple: All powerful admins, merciless mods, and upset users. The only way that change to reddit COULD come about is to get this message out of /r/conspiracy and to more prominent places in the site. This sub is sadly viewed by the rest of reddit as a bunch of paranoid people who don't know what they're talking about, and they view the posts in this sub as such. The message must be spread, and I for one would love to see these changes come about due to such information as this spreading.

That's why I stay on r/trees

Let's keep this circlejerk alive! WOOOOOO!

circlejerk seems to be the coolest new insult

It's not an insult. It's a metaphor.

It's an ironic insult too because the person making it is expressing a point of view that is common in the circlejerk sub.

These meta subs like subredditdrama, circlejerk, and conspiratard appear to be heavily infested with trolls who are very hostile to this sub and freethinkers across reddit.

I think /r/NoLibsWatch and TheGhostofDusty have exposed some of the shenanigans--these subs are used to form brigades to attack this sub for instance.

So when I hear this reddit insult 'circlejerk' I think of this whole history of /r/circlejerk being a propaganda arm to attack this sub and others like it.

We can win this fight guys. Reddit will survive as long as we combine into one force and never give up. Just keep pushing forward and WE WILL SURVIVE. We are one. We outnumber the superiors. We can rebel! We have many specialized users that if we just JOIN together and fight, we WILL survive. Keep fighting Reddit. Keep fighting.

You guys have too much free time.


I also want to comment




Thanks for taking time out from tonguing Obama's ass to show us what a silly fuck you are!

Excuse me, you ignorant motherfucker, but my political identification is not so simplistic as to be fully encapsulated by either party. If yours is, you're probably not putting any actual thought into it. And, if you are so fucking dumb that you assume my complete approval of Obama based on my annoyance of thoughtless, off-topic comments that do nothing but make you all look like spazzed out pre-teens that just learned how to cuss, then I'd say you're not intelligent enough to even listen in on real political dialogue. Go back to Kindergarten, and start over, because somewhere along the line, you fucked up.

Ahh, your mulatto messiah betrayed you and now you are just a weeping wreck. Cry it out, little one.

Do you understand words?

I do. I also read between them.

Yes, and you're just as good at reading between the lines as this guy is at sign language.

......Says the spazzed out pre-teen that just learned how to cuss......

The feeding is over, troll. Go misinterpret someone else.

If I'm a troll, what does that make you?


I obviously don't expect much from a subreddit created by unemployed high-schoolers

Did you spy on them using your NSA database access, shill?

It's pretty obvious from reading their juvenile material that they are a bunch of petty kids.

After all, what type of person spends all his time at a site dedicated to mocking other people and calling them "tards?"

If they truly believed users here were mentally handicapped it doesn't really argue for their maturity that they spend all their time mocking the mentally retarded, does it?

And most of their comments are inane one liners like yours . . . wait a second, you're another conspiratard troll that has absolutely infested this place and made sure no legitimate discussion can go on.

Please go back to your juvenile cesspool where you can high five your fellow bullies about your clever 'jokes'.

Self-righteous /r/conspiracy circlejerk: through the roof.

Spare me the crocodile tears. You conspiratard trolls seem to be outnumbering legitimate conspiracy people here so if anyone is enjoying this drama it's you conspiratards who are effectively disrupting this sub.

And you guys are the very definition of circlejerk; your main existence on reddit is to troll another sub and then high five your friends about it.

You know what? Nothing. Enjoy your orangered, Grandest_Inquisitor.

k bye

Another conspiratard troll.

The mods harass OP, a legitimate /r/conspiracy user airing a legitimate conspiracy theory, and help drive him from the site, yet conspiratard trolls like Nemesis6 do nothing but disrupt and mock users here and get to rampage unmolested.

These trolls are taking over the sub (look how OP has net down votes while conpsiratard troll has upvotes), and one has to wonder if this isn't the intended result.

OP is linking this thread in a reply to every comment in the /r/conspiratard thread, so of course they're gonna show up.

Well, they linked to it before he did that but yeah . . .

And for the confused, just because this account is less than a month old, doesn't indicate that I just got here. I don't know if the naysayers have figured this out yet, but creating more than one account is fairly easy, and a good strategy if you plan to post things against the grain where trolls will come out to scour your history for any personal info.

Hasn't everyone spotted that you're /u/AssuredlyAThrowAway ? I thought that was fairly obvious. Or are there also more of you in here?

1) The first thing they did was take away r/all. This took away the only tool for communicating with reddit about reddit. If you had any concerns about the website as a whole, you could address them through r/all. Taking that away was the first step.

Huh? That's not a thing and never was a thing. Maybe you're referring to /r/ I mean, yes, there's /r/all, but that's hardly what you're describing it as. And if you do mean /r/, I don't see how this took away you're ability to talk about reddit. There's a bunch of subreddits for that. /r/TheoryOfReddit, for one.

I remember as the upcoming election loomed, all of a sudden, r/circlejerk (one of the old default subreddits) became completely obsessed with bashing Ron Paul. I am not even a RP supporter, but that was definitely orchestrated, and NOT by some kids trying to be funny.

So that's why Ron Paul didn't win the nomination. Interesting. Didn't know /r/circlejerk, or heck, reddit, was so influential. lol. No. Actually, reddit has a population of very LOUD libertarians who masturbate pictures of Ron Paul. The /r/circlejerk thing was simply making fun of that. If you honestly feel a forum on a website prevented a nutty fuck from getting the Repub nomination, you're unwell.

I remember when r/IAma was open to anyone and the popularity was decided by voting. Now it is nothing more than a cheap place for celebrities to whore out their products and you need to be "approved".

Uh... So? There's a bunch of other AMA subreddits for more specific types now. As subreddits grow, they become harder to moderate. The solution to this is to create similar subreddits with more defined rules. So now we've got all kinds of IAMA subreddits, each with different rules and focuses.

All of a sudden new accounts started popping up out of nowhere, cue the birth of r/HailCorporate. Also, around this time, "feel good" military posts started appearing, like a soldier coming home to his dog. From brand new accounts that never posted again.

Based on your feelings. No proof of shills except that you've got a hunch or some crap. Disagree with me? SHILLL!

5) Now we have blatant censorship on r/news, r/worldnews etc... saying that X site is not allowed. What ever happened to letting people vote on the content of this website?

There have always been sites that weren't allowed. If you don't like the rules of /r/worldnews, use a different news subreddit. There're a bunch. Rules ≠ Censorship.

6) All of the proper "checks and balances" are now in place. So now we are being fed an anti-Muslim/Islam/Russian/India smear campaign weekly. The amount of stories that demonize these groups is sickening to witness. And with minimal research you can see that most of them are hyperbole, sensationalized, and sometimes outright fiction.

It's cute that you're so optimistic about redditors. There's no way redditors could be racist! It must be a conspiracy! Face it dude, redditors are shit. There's no shortage of racist pieces of shit all over the place. Not hard to believe when you look at the demographics.

But thats okay, when something goes against the "US is good" narrative, every detail is examined and the slightest inconsistency is used to dismiss the entire story. But that diligence disappears when the story is bashing somewhere else. And those who point it out are downvoted out of sight. And people will say "What are you talking about, people are constantly bashing the US in every thread". Yes that is absolutely true. Because those people have decided to even out the score. When you have hundreds of fake accounts moving the narrative in a certain direction, then it is essential for people to come out and loudly counter-balance the propaganda.

HAHAHAH wait wait wait... so, a MAJOR flaw in your conspiracy theory is fixed with another conspiracy theory? This is gold.

Oh, and I found a bonus comment you made in one of your linked threads:

If you can't trust r/conspiracy mods, then who can you trust?

HAHAHAHAHAHA. You're joking right? Why the hell would you, a conspiracy nut, ever have trusted a mod of a subreddit? I'm not saying they lied to you or deleted your shit, but you came here under the presumption that you should trust a random person on the Internet? Glad they never asked to borrow money, you'd be SOL.

I also find it amusing (and scary) how some people can make the argument that the content of my post is all in my head or some coincidence.

Not in your head at all. The censorship of your post and the subsequent obfuscation is further evidence of your theory.

Plus, I like the evidence you laid out in your edit (I think it was the substance of your edit that led to the censorship not the act of editing itself). You pointed to many other circumstantial pieces of evidence of censorship that indicates an agenda.

It is very unlikely we are to find direct evidence of your theory because that would require the guilty admitting guilt and reddit allowing this confession to appear . . . we are not likely to get that so we can only rely on making obvious conclusions from the circumstantial evidence we do have.

I obviously don't expect much from a subreddit created by unemployed high-schoolers, or the kind of people who would use their own error as an excuse to disregard the actual content of my post. But if you read my post until the end, I obviously state that the original post did reappear

It's called being intentionally obtuse. They are trolling. That's all that sub and these conspiratard trolls do. They are very adept at using reddit and know how it works and they know full well that your post was censored and then a mod reposted it later and they know exactly why this is done. Yet they feign ignorance of these facts.

Then add in the mod obfuscation about what happened and I see a pattern that these conspiratard trolls are being encouraged to harras users like you . . . they call you a "nut" and link to your post and these trolls follow the bridge over here (not that they needed it as hordes of them simply camp out here anyway) and hurl insults at you.

It's a shame that legitimate users like you providing unique content are getting run off the site while these juvenile trolls are taking this sub over.

Honestly at this point, what with the huge amount of shills and spooks, censorship etc., I think it might be time to make a fork of the reddit code and host it ourselves for /r/conspiracy purposes.

I'd actually like to see something I saw mentioned in your previous thread about this - a tagging system instead of subreddits.

We could also fix the obvious logic error in the vote weighting that sends stories to the end of the list, so that it wouldn't be so easy to game in that respect.

Edit: While I am a programmer, I'm not a python developer in general, but I would be willing to help administer/set up hosting etc. if some other python devs would be interested in making the changes.

If no one contacts me about this I may just set it up anyway and start porting the best content from the sub (i.e., "Financing the Breakaway Civilization", your post here, etc.).

It's okay, I had a simple comment in /r/news that randomly got deleted last night.

So I posted it again this morning here and it is from what I can tell, it's still up.

Here is the conversation with one of the Mods..


re: Comment is being repeatedly deleted from NewsNinja101[M] via /r/news/ sent 2 hours ago Political comments may be removed, this one was.


re: Comment is being repeatedly deleted to NewsNinja101 sent 1 hour ago May I inquire as to why it was removed so that I do not make the same mistake again?


re: Comment is being repeatedly deleted from NewsNinja101[M] via /r/news/ sent 1 hour ago it was a political comment and may be removed, thus it was removed.


re: Comment is being repeatedly deleted to NewsNinja101 sent 1 hour ago Obviously, given the amount of political posts and comments on /r/news it would seem did an offensive comment would have to meet a certain criteria to be removed. I'm just asking for the guidelines for the criteria of political post that could be seen as offensive and need to be removed. This way I will better understand how to use this subreddit.


re: Comment is being repeatedly deleted from NewsNinja101[M] via /r/news/ sent 1 hour ago I explained it to you, matter is closed.

The original comment is here

How about this for some reddit BS?

The problem is this strategy accomplishes what reddit inc has set out to do.

Shrink the audience privy to reddit's insider manipulation to as small an arena if possible.

Just like the /r/conspiracy mods were told to do when they tried to move reports about reddit conspiracies to a smaller sub (most likely at the behest of the admins).

Sadly, so long as reddit has the attention of millions of eyes it is necessary to protect the free flow on information on this medium. To do otherwise would be to allow her true founder to have died in viein.

People seem to be doing a good job of reposting your comment, hopefully others follow suit if/when the posts get deleted.

It helps trying to think ahead. That is what is missing nowadays. People just don't think ahead. when would you think that this is a problem, when we live like in North Korea, where everything is censored and you can only read about the leader? You know that things never just stay the way they are, they progress, in this case downwards. That is why there is such an uproar.

That's a great book.

I got my ass handed to me in the Vice guy's AMA about the kiev protests when I asked if it was obvious that western intelligence and ngos/foundations were the one's backing the movement against Yanukovych. I was all, "jesus, has nobody read brzezinski?"

some low level spook even called me a retard.

Yeah good idea, you know how to program?

sadly the /conspiracy mod team is deeply suspect at this point, failing to act on obvious shills and topic dilution, flytape tried, what happened? he is no longer a mod. englishmunichfan defends the statusquo in every post he makes here and we never hear a word from wax, solid, super

this sub needs mods who are not afk, even more than any other sub.

You can bet anything that an admin is keeping watch of the front page and removing whatever they want.

You can buy the book, however, some people don't want anyone to read it. What makes it all too real is the type of sub reddits that are in the control of the same people.

You have the right to speak freely until you are noticed. If you gather enough attention, you will be overwhelmed with shills pigs.

If you send a message to the mods and nobody answered, then explain how: "R/conspiracy mods claim to have no idea and common sense says someone higher in the chain of command made it disappear."

If they didn't respond to you, how is it that they "claimed" anything about it?

Edit: I see downvotes, but I don't see how this isn't a legitimate question. If the mods ignored him, how can he claim that they said something to him in the next sentence.

Perhaps do it on a .onion site.

I would also like to know this.

Move to the darkwebs.


What do you mean by 'shadowbanned'? Like you can no longer post stories or comments with that account that are visible by others, but the account is still technically active?

He also thinks that bipolarbear0 works directly for Stratfor or DOD. I dunno how you could possibly think the DoD runs a default sub-reddit with it's main goal to delete posts about israel.

Well, I was around to witness the bury brigades on Digg, somewhere in 2007-08. Made me leave and from there, it took me quite a while to ever sign up here...I never experienced Reddit's golden age T_T

I wanna witness humanity's, though. So, you say you got the resources? I for one propose altering the administrative structure, but this would all need to be thought through by multiple bright people. For an initial suggestion, see this post.

Honestly at this point, what with the huge amount of shills and spooks, censorship etc., I think it might be time to make a fork of the reddit code and host it ourselves for /r/conspiracy purposes.

How can you possibly say this??

Reddit can be saved!

All aboard!

EDIT: Sarcasm

How about crowdsourcing a new site: bluedit or bluster or reddnotit, whatever...

Make sure it is not taken over by nerdy Asians with no sense of humor whatsoever.

Make all the profits go to infrastructure, lawyers battling NSA and the rest of it go to charity.

And make charity contributions public and celebrated.

It is about fucking time someone organized drive to collect money for let's say Red Cross. One of a few respectable charities who really help people in need.

And let the kids gamers stay on reddit and talk about Jennifer Lawrence, half life, PSn, tomaguchi pets, whatever.

I am a python dev, albeit not one of the best, but i'll help. I made a post earlier on how I would re-design reddit. I'll make the mockup tonight.

I wasn't aware that it was shameful to have served in the military in a nation where it isn't mandatory

Honestly, I think it's fine and they shouldn't mess with it.

Reddit's staff knows you can't take things off of the internet though. You've got a better chance at taking pee out of a pool.

Now this post is gaining extra coverage - that's the Streishand Effect.

Is the reddit admins did it, it was risky due to the Streishand Effect that they must be familiar with.

The other possibility could have been that you recognized this too and deleted the post... But you didn't. It was simply gone. Maybe it was a server issue? Hmm...

Because you were censored by time. As in a well-documented and... well, common sense part of Reddit's visibility algorithm, as determined by upvotes over time. It was on the front page for two days, and then it moved off of the front page.

Here is a link to it, on page 14.. If you scroll through the "Hot" tab, you'll see that dozens upon dozens of topics have been submitted in the past two days, several garnering a few hundred upvotes themselves - ergo, a lot of posts outranked yours in terms of Reddit's ranking algorithm.

If you're going to blame someone for censorship, blame /r/conspiracy for "burying your post in flak."

It doesn't though, they just updated the user agreement that says you agree to let them censor and remove anything they don't agree with.

You do realize as of June 3rd the propaganda ban banning use of propaganda by the government against its own people was lifted? To think, now that the ban is lifted, the PR machine is not going to take advantage of whatever it can is nieve. Of course relating the ban to reddit shills and suppossed censorship just a theory, but I wouldnt be surprised.

No it wasn't, retard. It was removed entirely - unsearchable. Then it appeared in the new section with all of its comments and upvotes still attached and its time stamp for the day before.

You don't know what you're talking about.

You know what? Nothing. Enjoy your orangered, Grandest_Inquisitor.

I am actually a minority every time I sign in

every time I share a piece of my opinion it is bashed.

if you believe in a free market you are "capitalist scum"

if you are a police officer you are a "statist pig"

if you dislike Obama you are a "racist"

Your entire post is literally the facts I needed to prove you are playing the victim card. Awe, you feel so mariginalized and victimized on a website on the internet. That's so heartbreaking.

I never called you racist, capitalist, or any other hyperbole and conjecture you have used. In fact, you provide no sources or evidence for your other claims and just spout random complaints about how you are treated so poorly on Reddit.

If Reddit hurts your tender feelings so much, maybe you should try another outlet for conversation that is more agreeable to you. Does FOX news have a forum? I'm sure they will agree with you and you won't feel so victimized there.

Ahh, your mulatto messiah betrayed you and now you are just a weeping wreck. Cry it out, little one.

Ask Gandhi.