Why do Putin and RT seem to back libertarians and conspiracy theories?

20  2013-12-12 by ButtAllTheThings

I have noticed RT runs a lot of stories on Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, and anti federal reserve pieces. Also Putin or his administration seem to support Snowden and here is a page with at least one story and a list of links to others which seem to indicate russian support of anti NWO/zionist/rothschild ideals. Is russia the new "Free" world or is this some kind of misinformation campaign to foster dissent among americans? *edit spelling


My guess is the old adage "the enemy of my enemy..."

putin knows that the american people arent his real enemy. he knows that his real enemies are the people in control of the american government. he also knows he can get the american people to fight their government, because the american government has abandoned the principles that it was founded upon.

the difference is that the american people want freedom, but putin only wants to replace the oppressors

EDIT: to clarify;

putin wants ron paul to be president.

a violent revolution would result in WW3.

putin needs a peaceful revolution to take place in the US to cause the US to revert to isolationism, because that would allow putin the freedom to do what he wants and dominate the world in the same way that the US used to. its hard to be a bad guy when there is a better bad guy next door.

he WANTS the US to be the good guys again, because the good guys wont spend trillions of taxpayer dollars starting proxy wars in order to interfere with putin's efforts to shape the world.


it is pure coincidence that what putin wants for the US, is the best possible thing for the american people. in the long term, putin would seek to impose the same kind of totalitarianism upon the american people as he has imposed upon the russian people.

Exactly. If the U.S. had a revolution, it would quickly become Russia's revolution.

What RT is trying to do is drive a wedge between the American people and their government. It will weaken the U.S. and make them less able to bully other countries, including Russia.

Makes sense to me, at least.

putin's goal is not to cause a revolution. he wants the american people to force the US government to return to isolationism. its hard to be a bad guy when there is a better bad guy next door.

they WANT the US to be the good guys again, because the good guys wont spend trillions of taxpayer dollars starting proxy wars in order to interfere with putin's efforts to shape the world.

in other words, putin wants ron paul to be president.

it is pure coincidence that what putin wants for the US, is the best possible thing for the american people. in the long term, putin would seek to impose the same kind of totalitarianism upon the american people as he has imposed upon the russian people.

The US and Putin put on the front that these proxy wars are bad for them, but in reality they love them. It allows their military industrial complexes to make shitloads of cash. It's all an act like the two sides hate each other, or are in each others way, they need each other to exist. I agree that Putin/RT is no friend of american citizens interested in dissent or being leery of the growth of the US Governments power, it's simply advantageous to promote the same line of thinking for now.

You're absolutely right.

I have not forgotten about Pussy Riot.

Spot on. Any revolution in America would probably be quickly co-opted by the Russians. I recently stumbled onto some seriously interesting lectures and interviews from Yuri Bezmenov an ex KGB agent and Soviet Union defect. If you have time check this one out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g. It is long but incredibly interesting and made me question how much influence Russia has had on the US since the beginning of the cold war.

Edit: why was I downvoted for this?

yes because Russia surly possesses the principles that america has lost...

i cannot fathom why /r/conspriacy trusts putin and russia more than USA. Russia has far more corrupt politicans, openly corrupt cops and has been passing very oppressive laws lately

are you fucking retarded?

i CLEARLY STATED that the only reason the russians are undermining the US government's attempts at keeping secrets is because putin wants to REPLACE the US government.

putin is not an ally. but that doesnt mean his conflict with the US government cannot benefit the american people.

Both. Freedom is relative, of course; Russia is free of NWO banksterism, which is saying a lot; but not as free as the fantasy US. Putin knows Russia's enemy is much larger than the US, but the US is still the iron fist of that enemy; he is using RT to support Americans against their rogue government, but also dividing an enemy's popular base of support.

i guess i am asking more if it is genuine. does putin and or the russian mainstream really stand against this stuff or are they trying to elbow out the US for a better piece of the pie

I don't get an imperial vibe from Putin; and with the exception of NWO engineered situations such as that in Ukraine, Georgia, and Chechnya, his track record seems to value the sovereignty of other nation states. I think he believes Russia is so rich in resources that it would naturally dominate a level playing field, and a unilateral balance of power in the world seems to be all he's after; and what brings Russia to loggerheads with the NWO world domination conspiracy. But in my dream, the writing on the rifles we were using against the army was Chinese, not Russian.

that makes sense. it's the russian backing of the underdogs that makes me think their intentions are good.

RT is simply Kremlin propaganda intended in fomenting anti-American/western sentiment amongst its audience.

Recently Putin ordered the re-arrangement of one of the state's largest and oldest news agency RIA-Novosti now under the aegis of Rossiya Segodnya (Russia Today), in order to "better seek Russia's interest abroad". Independent Russian media is claiming that such move would transform RIA into a de facto non-journalistic propaganda mouthpiece (a la RT).

In RT's defense, treading carefully through the anti-American pro-Russian propaganda, there's a wealth of information that will unlikely be seen on major MSM. Similar to that North Korean documentary on "the evils of the American Empire

Putin hasn't been invading and bombing everyone.

RT is a propaganda arm of the Russian federal government. The budget is entirely funded by Russian federal money.

The federal budget for 2009 on Russia Today TV channel is planned to allocate 3.6 billion rubles. This amount may be revised, as the Ministry of Finance in early February plans to complete the allocation of the 2009 budget taking into account the drop in oil prices and the dollar exchange rate. Funds to subsidize usually distributed in mid-February, said a source in the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.

Their output is basically the Putin party line. You live in the west and see them embracing anti American positions and think "Finally! A news source I can trust!" Nope. If you want to see how honest their reporting is look at how "critical" they are against the Putin musical chairs dictatorship, pussy riot arrests, Chechnya, Georgia etc.

TL;DR When you watch RT.com you might as well be listening to a Putin speech.

i am aware that RT is russian propaganda, i think more to the point is whether or not putin embraces libertarianism for disinfo purposes or because that is what he believes. Does russia fight against the red shields/ round tables to end tyranny or because they have their own tyranny to push that doesn't mix well with western corpratism?

Russia is ranked 148 of 179 countries for press freedom by reporters sans frontiers (the US ranks 32nd) so I would expect a private news organization there to be shamelessly controlled and bullied by the state.

They have their own tyranny to push and they are basically on the wrong side of history. When you walk around Rome today you see marble columns poking out of building-site-now-archeological-sites and think "Wow, this place was the center of the world a millennia ago, why does a doctor need to pay someone to wait in line at the drivers license office to bribe an official to get a stamp today?" Russia has gone from having that sense of importance to basically nothing but a petro state in a generation.

harsh but poigniant

The sad thing about America is that when it falls hard it is going to be pretty obvious that wasted everything and still has cheesy buildings and very limited railways. If only this country had endured a gorgeous architecture building bubble and had blown those trillions building some badass castles. At least we'd have that shit.

I'll take footprints on the moon over "badass castles."

Putin embracing libertarianism in any way? Russia is an authoritarian state with corrupt cops and politicians.

what gave you this idea? (pg 21-25)

I go with option 2) that RT is a misinformation platform for Russia to incite dissent within "rival" populations; and to be fair, just as the United States does | voice of america al-hura national democratic institute International Republican Institute among others.

That being said, I'm surprised not more of Reddit realizes' this and posts RT stories enthusiastically. Replacing American government/corporate propaganda with Russian government/corporate propaganda isn't going to help us get closer to the truth.

Examples of past Russian psy-ops for those that can't see or smell one when it's staring them in the face:


EX-KGB AGENT: Demoralizing in America. Great YouTube video posted on Reddit earlier of how RT works today.


that ex kgb video was great i must of watched it 3 times to let it sink in. it was that video that got me thinking about this question. I guess i need to get to know more russians to find out how they feel about their government to really know. i guess at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what their intentions are if they are bringing some of these ideas to a broader audience.

Here's the problem I have with your statement: The US is so fucked up that Russia doesn't need to lie about anything; they only need to reveal the truth.

Understanding the bias of the source makes me believe I should trust RT to report on the US more accurately than CNN.

Because they want to see America in full-scale decline. Sensationalism will definitely speed that along, and that's definitely a good way to use libertarians.

Because it helps to keep the Americans fighting amongst themselves.

Putin is an ex-KGB thug. I wouldn't even blink if he was in the same room as me.


are you fucking retarded?

i CLEARLY STATED that the only reason the russians are undermining the US government's attempts at keeping secrets is because putin wants to REPLACE the US government.

putin is not an ally. but that doesnt mean his conflict with the US government cannot benefit the american people.