Thought I'd should share this

7  2013-12-15 by [deleted]

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." - Thomas Jefferson


In case you forgot. This is the ultimate conspiracy.

I cannot believe people can go to see Bill Gates speak at a TED talk seminar and tell the audience his plan to kill the shit out of our population. Our future future family, friends? No one stood up and told this guy "Hey man, go fuck yourself and your insane plan." ? Jeeze.

It is far easier to fix all the made up problems he spoke about versus depopulating the world through vaccines, Bill Gates' "favorite" way. Wtf. He's TELLING PEOPLE THIS like it's Ok. Not only are they trying to depopulate the world and make themselves stronger, they're trying to control our minds. They want us to be OK with being slaughtered. "Sheep".

Why is no one talking about this? This is the ultimate conspiracy. This is tyranny at the utmost. We as people should stop with all the protests, gossip, news stories about Obama, DHS, NSA, NASA, FBI, CIA, JFK, Sandy Hook, 9/11 and whatever the fuck else...and start educating ourselves on how to fight this. It begins and ends with your mind. People should come together and literally create a renaissance. A renaissance of the mind. I come to this subreddit because I know there are people out there who understand what's going on and they clearly see what's wrong with the picture. But protests, signatures, articles about whatever I listed won't really do much except help these people co-create this so called New World Order everyone is ultimately alluding to. A revolution is needed and when that time comes it is going to be a revolution of the mind.

I'm curious what worries you about vaccination? Polio sucks, surely it's good that we can prevent people from being vulnerable to such a brutal debilitating disease?

He's talking about cryptic comments made here:

I can't view vids where I am at the moment, any chance you could give me a brief synopsis? Sorry dude.

Polio would be a thing of the past if people had the right nutrition and pure, clean water. No matter how anyone wants to put it. "But science..."

No, f*ck that. The human body and mind would vibrate to the point where disease would not exist. The same people giving people these polio vaccines are the same ones wreaking havoc on the population through vaccines as we speak. This depopulation has been going on for a long time. Bill Gates is just the messenger. And pretty much everyone at that TED talk and people who agreed with Bill Gates had their minds fucked.

You don't need a "polio vaccine". Vaccines don't worry me. It's people's belief in them.

I dunno. I'm a big fan of Ian Dury and the Blockheads, and clearly his life was shaped pretty fundamentally by the fact he contracted polio, nearly died and was left crippled - from swimming in a pool not a million miles from where I live in the UK.

Polio isn't really a thing that people get in the UK anymore, thanks to the vaccine. I'm sure I was given it as a youngster, and I'm not sure what 'bad stuff' I may have gotten through getting it?

I'm genuinely not being confrontational, I'm just not super familiar with the anti-vac argument and would like to know more.

I saw a lecture about polio rates that basically blamed polio on not-polio. That the epidemics of polio were not really polio but something else that mimicked polio and had to do with chemical processing of foods, such as sugar.

I think it was this one

I've heard stuff about this too, but surely polio was far more prevalent before processed foods were as abundant as they are now?

I really don't know. But all info is good info, so thanks for the link.

Somewhere in that presentation she shows a graph showing polio rates which is basically a flatline except at the time of the epidemic and then upon introduction of polio vaccines. Whether any of this is true I have no idea.

Cool. I cant watch vids right now, but I'll give it a look in the morning. I'm not flatly anti-'anti-vac' but I kinda feel that mitigating a horribly brutal and disfiguring illness is generally a good idea. Like to keep an open mind though!

mitigating a horribly brutal and disfiguring illness is generally a good idea

No doubt.

You can clearly see examples of this when you look at indigenous cultures which are untouched by modern society. None of the degenerative diseases of the past. Also: The China Study looks into how -- once meat is introduced -- you begin seeing the diseases associated with modern western civilization like diabetes, high blood pressure, etc

Are you a vegetarian? Most of my friends are and ethically I want to be, but I really like the taste of meat and am pretty lazy about ehh 'self-actualization' kinda stuff so I haven't committed to the lifestyle, perhaps I should though.

Why do you want to do it? You shouldn't let a belief about food affect how you live your life. What is the point of that belief if it is so constraining? (Belief is a tool.) I still eat meat. I understand and consider the sacrifice these creatures made as well as the struggle of their lives. That's all I can do. Not eating it doesn't make the companies produce less. It's going to be there.

Try going off the meat for a while if you want to. If you feel better maybe that's enough reason to. Maybe not. :P

Edit: I've actually found that I get ill when I don't eat meat. That's part of my make up. Maybe it's different for you and others. All you can do is eat the healthiest you can. You're not going to avoid the chemicals because they fuck with everything. Seriously. Everything.

I'm sorry, but America's lack of discipline w food is one example of how we have abandoned religious devotion. What you fuel your body & mind with IS important.

So many here scream Zionists!, but I've started eating Kosher lately. I want to eliminate as much gluten, corn, soy & dairy as I can afford. Shit is literally dumbing us down & making us infertile.

Religion clearly doesn't = healthiness. You can be a healthy individual without religion/spirituality.

That depends on how you define healthy. I'm certain many religious folk consider their spiritual link as a vital component of their health.

Thanks for the reply and that actually gave me pause for thought.

I mean, I feel guilty that I eat meat because I am an animal lover and I think they are just as sentient as humans, and it's a big lie that they either don't know or are unaware of the fact we are predators and chew on them, that shit makes me feel awful, like not only do we eat them we trick them in the first place.

As I said though, I am terrible at self-actualisation, and I am generally a pretty dysfunctional dude that barely scrapes through life so modifying my behaviour for ethical reasons feels pretty far-fetched... I know I'm just making excuses but damn, I am a mess.

When you talk about 'the chemicals' what do you mean? like the overuse of anti-biotics in animal feed or like GMO stuff or what? I tend to get my veg from local sources, but they probably stick the same nutes in their fields as anyone else.

Ethically it would be nice if we could eat in other ways but we can't. There's a difference between making excuses and the differences in economic situation. There are people who can only eat microwavable meals, after all. Or people who eat mud pies (in Haiti). We love animals and we do it in solidary. For now there is such a thing as this.

By chemicals I mean them altering food, putting in hormones, fertilizers, etc There's also chemicals and drugs in our water supply for no reason. Then you have chemtrails, whatever the fuck those are. And vaccinations/"medicine". It goes on to mind viruses and double think which people are infected with.

Sickness should be expected in a sick world, that's just how it goes. But we must decide why we want to heal ourselves. If ethics isn't your thing how about becoming a better person just because.. it would make you a better person? People who are "on it" are going to be needed when things begin to change -- hopefully for the better.

You should look into apotheosis and chaos magic stuff. They're different ways of looking at the world, just like being a conspiracy theorist is. You can add spiritual "woo" stuff to it if you want to, or deem that irresponsible. I don't think it matters either way, as long as it works and gets you somewhere.

Because we need to get somewhere other than this.

No, I am interested. I'm traditionally a hardcore skeptic when it comes to spirituality and stuff particualrly having been raised in an atheist environment and never really having had religion as a thing in my life, yet one of my friends has been turned onto some new age stuff recently and he seems much better for it. I am still super sceptical but I am very prepared to learn about it and approach the whole thing with an open mind, even if it's all allegorical or psychosomatic it's clearly not a bad way to be if it inspires comfort and happiness.

Maybe it's just because I'm approaching middle age now and I'm sick of feeling bitter and fed up with a world which i find disgusting and cruel.

I will google apotheosis though man, and thanks for taking the time to reply to me, I do appreciate it dude.

I think of it this way: there may be only so much you can know during this era, with the way it is now. There's much information suppressed or distorted and it's hard to tell anything. So maybe the most important thing right now is your attitude about things, after all things have to get done. Whether you believe we're up against some inhuman military industrial complex or it's all been a scheme by ET/human efforts from the very beginning.. where's your line in the sand?

Will you stand idly by while it all goes down, say you're just a victim, or do something about it? You're beliefs determine what you'll do but I don't think anything should stop us from being good people who do the best we can.

I think there's a lot we don't know and I'm excited to find out all about it while we're all fixing this shit that's gone wrong.

Yes, the war for our minds is one that has been waged for eons. Get this people: this isn't about democracy, or freedom.. this is about our entire species being under siege by age-old who knows what the fucks. Okay? People have been covertly -- for hundreds/thousands of years -- been swindled, beaten, and confused out of their power, a power that would change the way the world works.

Link to the ted talk ?

Thanks I'm on my phone and too stoned to navigate the internet

Tom was sort of full of himself, wasn't he? I mean, good guy and all, but this reads like something you'd write after your third martini.

Jeezus, that made me laugh. XD

Religion clearly doesn't = healthiness. You can be a healthy individual without religion/spirituality.