I can't wait for absolutely nothing to happen with comet ISON today...

4  2013-12-16 by dieyoung

just so I can hear all the ridiculous excuses people come up with as to why nothing happened.


Ison attained a significant fraction of the speed of light when it accelerated past the sun. It visually 'blinked' out of existence. What did it bring back from another dimension? We might find out today!

You're joking, right?

about what?

Moving a fraction of the speed of light doesn't "blink" you out of existance. Nor does it send you to another dimension.

Didn't Ison disappear from instruments and then return? even reputable astrophysicists used the term 'ghost comet'

It seemed to have been destroyed by the sun and we lost it. Then it suprised us by not being destroyed, but was damaged enough that it is a mere ghost of itself.

This doesn't mean that it blinked out of existance, and certainly not because it obtained a fraction of c.

don't pretend like you know all about wormhole physics. metastable states can form at sub light speed, it depends on the space-time vortex gradient created by the head-wake of the comet - governed by its density. tell me you know what the density of the comet was?

Are you just throwing words around? Metastable states sound cool but are actually quite mundane. Boiling water or supercooled water, for example.

I would love to know what source you have that says the comet punched a momentary wormhole to another dimension and then came back because it was traveling at a fraction of c.

The comet wormhole at fractional c is derived from first principles using general relativity. There's no source, that's the way it is. Don't like it? Go somewhere else.

Every matter in the universe has a wormhole associated with it. General relativity prescribes that the wormhole effect increases as you approach c. along the way there are resonant states. the comet disappeared from instruments momentarily and was pronounced dead.

Here you are, tossing around words incorrectly.

Every matter in the universe has a wormhole associated with it.

What? Every matter in the universe (the hell does this even mean?) has a tunnel through spacetime associated with it? Thats what a wormhole is. A theoretical tunnel through spacetime.

I'm going to assume, based on your confusion and the fact that you mentioned an increase as you approach c, that what you actually are trying to reference is time dilation being associated with everything that has mass. Which has nothing to do with your claim that a comet tunneled to another dimension and back.

the comet disappeared from instruments momentarily and was pronounced dead.

And then we said, "No. Wait. There it is. Nevermind."

A theoretical tunnel through spacetime.

yes, though smaller slower objects it's very slight - mainly due to the de broglie wavelength.

, that what you actually are trying to reference is time dilation being associated with everything that has mass

that's an oversimplification - that's why I said General relativity, not special relativity.

And then we said, "No. Wait. There it is. Nevermind."

so now you concede it reappeared.. are you trolling me?

yes, though smaller slower objects it's very slight - mainly due to the de broglie wavelength.

... This doesn't explain how all matter has a wormhole, nor how the wormhole thoery relates to the particle/wave duality theory. Where do your theoretical wormholes lead?

that's an oversimplification - that's why I said General relativity, not special relativity.

Then how bout a nice complicated equation to get the juices flowing? I'd like to be on the same page as you.

so now you concede it reappeared.. are you trolling me?

We thought the sun destroyed the comet. We lost it. Later, we realized that the sun only damaged the comet, and we found it again. This doesn't mean that it ceased to exist in our dimension while we were looking for it.

Where do your theoretical wormholes lead?

you can't use maths in our dimension to describe itself. that's a violation of godel's theorem.

Then how bout a nice complicated equation to get the juices flowing?

how about it? you want to know how matter perturbs spacetime in several dimensions? I'm still integrating this one, maybe you can help.. It's a bitch.


This doesn't mean that it ceased to exist in our dimension while we were looking for it.

maybe, but it certainly does make the observations seem uncertain and unreliable at the least.

you can't use maths in our dimension to describe itself. that's a violation of godel's theorem.

So no answer on how wormhole theory and wave/particle duality theory make a baby that might explain why you think the comet traveled to another dimension?

how about it? you want to know how matter perturbs spacetime in several dimensions?


I'm still integrating this one, maybe you can help

Oh. So you don't know. But you have some math to work on so thats something! It probably means that the comet did visit another dimension. I hope its bringing those hotdogs that are roasted on the sun from that other dimension where they roast hotdogs on the sun.

maybe, but it certainly does make the observations seem uncertain and unreliable at the least.

Does this mean that when I can no longer observe a planet, it is probable that it ceases to exist? I can send my daughter to school perfectly healthy, but she can return to my observation with a skinned knee. She must have tunneled to another dimension when I wasn't looking, and now look at her all scuffed up! Damn wormholes.

I can no longer observe a planet, it is probable that it ceases to exist?

don't be ridiculous. that hasn't happened.

Which hasn't happened? My inability to observe a planet? Or it's cessation of existance?

cessation of existance.

Isn't that what you proposed the comet did? Momentarily ceased to exist in our dimension via ubiquitous and ever present wormholes that were amplified by fractional values of c?

This is why we lost track of it and have only been able to catch the "ghost" remnants of the comet. This is what I said.

This is what you said;

Ison attained a significant fraction of the speed of light when it accelerated past the sun. It visually 'blinked' out of existence. What did it bring back from another dimension? We might find out today!

Here you say it visually blinked out of existance. Were you maybe saying that it was simply not being picked up by our instruments? Perhaps. But you then go on to ask what it brought back from another dimension, so you clearly meant that it ceased to exist in our dimension.

Tell me again. What's ridiculous and hasn't happened?

I can't ask a question without incurring your wrathful sarcasm and insults?

I can't wonder aloud what today will bring? Jesus Hitler Christ.

You can ask all the questions you like.

You declared an assumption (that the comet left our dimension (by way of wildly goofy science)) and based your question on that. I pointed that out.

You weren't wondering aloud what the day will bring. You were being quite specific in your wonderings.

There's no source, that's the way it is. Don't like it? Go somewhere else.

No, you go somewhere else. I'm tired of people like you making real truth seekers look like idiots because anytime anyone asks for proof, all you can say is "wow you just don't get it, you must be dumb".

I make real truth seekers on reddit look like idiots because my truth seeking is that much more advanced.

I didn''t lie. Some idiot posted NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN TODAY.. and you are pissed off about someone trolling them back? LMAO. wake up sheeple.

Oh God dude, you don't have any idea what you're talking about. I'm not even going to waste my time.

oh boy.. too late.

You are so bat-shit crazy that I suspect you are either a professional from the Air Force, or a computer program.

The "comet wormhole at fractional c ... general relativity." No, it is not. You lie and lie. The problem isn't that you don't have sources. The problem is that you apply science jargon to your insane fantasy.

Yeah, I too go out of my way and waste my own time to put down peoples ideas that i dont even remotely agree with.....get fucked, seriously.

"Ideas" that have no proof and are completely alarmist. Seems like you don't like my ideas because only one of ours can be right. Well it's 2pm EST, still waiting on the apocalypse. And no, you get fucked, seriously. This stupid bullshit is why most people think this sub is retarded.

Considering i didnt attempt to push any idea other than the fact that your post solely exists to put someone elses down shows you're the shit that make people think this sub is retarded.

It's a nail-biter, all right.

it aint over till february

Comet Ison was just another comet.

There are literately trillions of its brothers and sisters out there.

Some people, including some who probably post to this subreddit, often live their lives promoting the next doomsday. When they never come to pass they push the date back, call you a fool or troll or idiot sheep for not believing them, and find a new doomsday to promote.

None of them have been right, uh, well, ever.

Does that mean that the end will not one day come? No! I am sure many of us feel that sense that something is not right, that something wicked is coming.

A false internet prophet telling you what it will be is just an illusionist distracting you from the things you should really be worried about. But you are only a member of their audience so long as you allow yourself to be.

Accept that others on the internet do not have some special inside source that you don't, and accept that if they tell you of a coming apocalypse its because they have been fooled or are trying to fool you.

Not that the apocalypse is not coming.

All things end.

And the sense that the end is near is something a lot of us feel. That pressure at the back of your mind. That sense that danger lurks just outside the light. Its probably why we see the massive surge in the prepper and doomsday crowd. Other people feel it and come to places like these seeking answers.

No one has the answers.

Comet Ison is not the apocalypse or a space ship.

The next comet wont be either.

Or probably the one after that.

Not that there are not space ships or aliens out there. There may be. I don't pretend to know, one way or another. I do know that other folks here or on forums like this about the internet don't know either, despite what they might tell you, or themselves.

When the end comes it will be sudden, I think, and not predicted by some internet prophets and pocket illusionists.

Well, obviously, it's because they spread enough AWARENESS of it that the NWO/illuminati decided not to let the earth be hit by it. /r/conspiracy saves the day again by redirecting a comet!

they didn't account for relativistic effects is all.. the doomsday missed our dimension by a fraction of a higgs brane. somewhere sometime on an alternate earth, it's happening.

Yup, was thinking just the same thing myself.

about what?

It seemed to have been destroyed by the sun and we lost it. Then it suprised us by not being destroyed, but was damaged enough that it is a mere ghost of itself.

This doesn't mean that it blinked out of existance, and certainly not because it obtained a fraction of c.

A theoretical tunnel through spacetime.

yes, though smaller slower objects it's very slight - mainly due to the de broglie wavelength.

, that what you actually are trying to reference is time dilation being associated with everything that has mass

that's an oversimplification - that's why I said General relativity, not special relativity.

And then we said, "No. Wait. There it is. Nevermind."

so now you concede it reappeared.. are you trolling me?