/r/conspiracy thanks for helping me keep my sanity

65  2013-12-16 by [deleted]

I've been a redditor since the summer and I just want you all to know that this community is important since it enforces what a majority of us know to be true. That our government, our economy, and media are a trigemony. A hegemony is where the government and the ideology (church) have the same agenda and operate together, which is illegal. What we have going on is much worse. They are all in cahoots, all corrupt. The current state of America is hypocritical to the ideals it was founded upon and is fascist.

I wanted to let you all know that I've discussed many of the subjects on here with my professor and fellow students in my media, state and society class. We spoke a lot of Snowden, the NSA/CIA/DEA, the Constitution, the War on Terror but even went further into issues not discussed in the mainstream media such as depleted uranium and chem-trails. These are all true issues that we certainly do face. So stay Brave in this New World. Our media may be straight propaganda, but there are many educated Americans who have their glasses on.


Bin laden didn't blow up the projects. It was you, nigga. Tell the truth, nigga


It just sucks that there is only so much we can do. Some people see through the lies but, most just believe anything the media tells them.

I'd like to point out that they didn't mention the thousands of engineers and architects "striving to find the truth" because the truth has already been discovered. As it turns out, buildings collapse when you fly a fucking plane into them.

Yeah, that's just what WTC7 did...oh wait, no plane...

Plane? No. Debris from the other buildings collapsing? Yes. That, plus a ragingly hot office fire meant that the building just collapsed on itself.

Edit: that's right, downvote me and keep on sucking Alex Jones dick. I though this place was for free thought, not blindly circlejerking about how da gubbermints did 9-11

You are very very badly misinformed.

A 47 story building falling straight down into it's own footprint in under 7 seconds, due to office fire? No person with two functional brain cells could believe that crap. It's just as stupid to see that in print as it is to hear it out loud.

Anyone that can watch the video of the "collapse" of WTC7, and still think it was caused by office fires, is an idiot. A full blown, below-70-IQ idiot, a person who shouldn't be trusted to safely operate a spoon, a person who should be sterilized before he/she can procreate.

A 50-story building, with critical load-bearing girders having been heated by a massive fire over several hours? That would be enough to be bring the building down on its own. After having been hit by tons of WTC debris, it's collapse was a sure thing. Also, your rousing cry for eugenics against the mentally handicapped was a nice touch.

Not all handicapped. Just the ones that are so incredibly stupid that they could believe the WTC7 "collapse" could be caused by office fires. That's stupidity to the point of being dangerous to self and others.

Again, a building that has had its structure heated to a point where the girder's integrity is compromised can collapse very rapidly. Besides, in the absence of any other theories, I fail to see why doubt should be cast here.

Is your soul worth that paycheck?

edit: I don't feed shills.

Hey, when the Jewish illuminati lizard people take over, we'll see who's laughing then. In all seriousness, if you look at my account history, you'll see that, if I'm a shill, then I'm a very active one who legitimately thinks that you 'tards are full of shit. Seriously, how self-important do you have to be to believe that the government is so scared of you that they send shills to silence you.

Confirmed. This guy is a conspiratard troll.

You can tell by his use of "tard" as a pejorative, his poor logic, his juvenile antics, and his shill-like behavior (spending a disproportionate amount of time weakly 'debunking' conspiracy theories).

How did fireproofing not prevent the steel from weakening?

Fireproofing was designed to keep it from collapsing long enough for people to get out, not to keep it standing after a several hour long, uncontrolled fire. That, plus the massive fucking in the side of the building made it collapse, not a controlled demolition by lizard people.

Hardy har har. Lizard people. Your juvenile humor is soooo funny.

You're just talking out of your ass. You're some ill-informed conspiratard troll that couldn't care less about facts and the truth so you're just leaving your turd droppings here so we all have to step around them and waste our time with your poorly formed 'thoughts.'

Show me how fireproofing only works for a few hours. If a fully fireproofed beam is subjected to 1200 degree fire are you telling me it will only work for about 8 hours then fail? How does the fireproofing fail from a "normal" office fire?

The official story on the towers is that the fireproofing was ripped off but that's ridiculous as well because only small portions would be ripped off and the steel will still be mostly protected (not to mention it's idiotic to think mostly aluminum planes are going to sever steel beams, etc.).

Fireproofing is designed to consistently withstand certain temperatures, dipshit.

There is no precedent for that happening anywhere, ever. Steel framed buildings have survived fires which burned out every single floor, yet they survived. So saying "that would be enough to bring the building down" is just speculation on your part, seeing as it has never happened before.

Speculation yes. However, it is educated and based on ideas corroborated by the witnesses present. This is as opposed to whatever you guys believe, whether it be the CIA or thermite or a controlled nuclear explosion or really whatever ridiculous bullshit strikes your fancy.


So you admit that you are spouting bullshit, and you try to divert attention from that by mounting a strawman on "whatever bullshit strikes my fancy". I didn't offer an explanation for how WTC7 came down, so how can I be bullshitting? You are the one making the extraordinary claim - that a 47=floor steel frame building came down in its own footprint after suffering a fire. Prove it or STFU. (Go on, use the NIST report, I double dare you)

Two words: Barry Jennings.

"The fourth branch of the government AKA the media Seems to now have a retirement plan for ex-military officials. As if their opinion was at all unbiased. A machine shouldn't speak for men, So shut the fuck up you mindless drone! And you know it's serious When these same media outfits are spending millions of dollars on a PR campaign To try to convince you they're fair and balanced When they're some of the most ignorant, and racist people Giving that type of mentality a safe haven. We act like we share in the spoils of war that they do. We die in wars, we don't get the contracts to make money off 'em afterwards! We don't get weapons contracts, nigga! We don't get cheap labor for our companies, nigga! We are cheap labor, nigga! Turn off the news and read, nigga! Read... read... read..."

Sort of embarrassing that I listened to Immortal Technique since he first came up but never really understood the truth behind any of it until a few years ago. At least he was ahead of our time.

bush knocked down tha towers

Reddit as a whole is dying and this is one of her last safe havens. Glad to have you on board sir.

I was going to post a "LoL", but I just got done browsing the front page.

Aw that's so cute. They care so much

I don't think they realize we can eventually just start sorting comments by controversial. That'll make the posts and comments they down vote appear at the top.

Would be better to ban these trolls to try to defend the integrity of this sub. Why let admitted trolls disrupt a sub like this?

You have guys coming over here and saying he's just here to make fun or you "tards," like Kinkodoyle does above, and he gets to vote and participate here yet other legitimate conspiracy users are banned for made up instances of anti semitism.

Also, they play fake victim and act like they are banned for "dissenting" when I can find very few instances of them actually being banned. Case in point is troll Kinkodoyle above being able to spew his garbage here and over there.

Same goes for their activity in general. They swarm on something? It's probably true. Taking flak? Over the target!

Thanks shills!

I feel so bad for them...the comments....."Jesus. The stupidity in that thread is palpable. Nothing new for /r/conspiracy, but still incredibly fucking stupid." is the top comment there....that's so....cute, and incredibly ignorant.

You're most welcome. We might be crazy, but it keeps us from going insane.

America is fascist.

Yeah, THIS is what we need to say more clearly.

You know things are bad when even the New Yorker won't publish Sy Hirsch's articles:


Yup. It may seem like america is full of sheeple, which it is, but there are certainly more people who are awake to whats going on than what it seems. For every person screaming "conspiracy!" Theres even more remaining silent...

Awesome...that's the basics...Conspiracy 101 if you will...care to go further down the rabbit hole?

...try your "open" mind on these topics..."counter intelligence operations" ..."psychological operations (psyops, Colonel Stubblepine for example, not to mention that Gloria Steinem was a CIA agent paid to spread divisive feminist ideology, extremely successful operation), "Limited Hangout Operation" (Snowden and Assange are LHO agents and not legit whistleblowers...another succesful operation) not to mention vaccine science fraud or big-pharma and SSRIs, or Darwinian evolution or carbonazis or zero point energy or esoteric Christianity.

Push further!

A hegemony is where the government and the ideology (church) have the same agenda and operate together, which is illegal.

This is not the definition of a hegemony. A hegemony is, as Oxford Dictionary puts it, "leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others: Germany was united under Prussian hegemony after 1871.

Circlejerk posting.


An this is exactly the problem with r/conspiracy. You make a valid point, but instead of a response or discussion, if you don't go full retard and accept every theory without thinking you'll be down voted.