Something very dark is happening in the US. The State is using multiple excuses to literally rape and molest our fellow citizens.

498  2013-12-21 by [deleted]


I can't help feeling, the powers that be are trying to purposely cause civil-unrest, as an excuse to bring martial Law.

This3. Preferably, a Gun-n-Bible-Hugger, Homeschooler, or Raw-Milk Commune will flip out over this government dick-waving. Ideally, the rage will take a public and bloody form.

Then we'll see the Messiah-in-Chief tearfully reading the Martial Law declaration from his teleprompter, and activating that "civilian defense corps"; you know, the one with billions of rounds of hollow-points.


The Boston Marathon citywide shutdown was one of the dressed rehearsals.

Yeah, I remember hearing that the city was shut down during the manhunt. I thought that was weird. I thought how do you shut a whole city like Boston down? In hindsight I believe you are correct.

It wasn't just shut down. They were going door to door pulling people out of their homes at gun point...

I also seem to remember a naked guy. Then the next morning, nothing. I was like what happened to the naked guy?

Oh shit! I forgot all about the naked guy! Wtf was that about!?

You mean this guy Who looked remarkably like one of the bombers, taken away from the scene in a patrol car ALIVE! & then never heard of again?

Yes sir! That's him!

Geez, and whatever happened to their mom? Wasn't she trying to sue the US?

Muricans... this isn't America anymore, Toto.

I always thought because its easier to take advantage of a population when it's in turmoil. Ie. Iraq/Syria/Afghanistan. Bombs going off all the time destabilizing the country and keeping it down(meanwhile no one knows who is causin the bombs... Is it the Sunni, the Shia the Kurds? lol it's probably us... Meanwhile we got the president on our payroll and control of the natural resources.

We got some nice divisions here in the US, when the bombs start going off whose really going to be doing it?

Same thing I've been thinking for weeks.

as an excuse to bring martial Law

wanna know what WON'T give them any excuse for martial law?

strict adherence to non-violence, with broad international and non-partisan support.

just demand change, and renounce violence. victory is inevitable.

So, Occupy all over again?

be honest, did you really ever occupy anything the first time? i'll call it an occupation when the wall street bull is covered in protesters for 24hrs straight.*450/20120918_inq_occupy18z-e.JPG

My point was that what you described is exactly what occupy tried, and as soon as it gained traction the media started reporting that protesters were violent, intrusive, etc and it all came to a halt.

is exactly what occupy tried

did you look at the picture i linked? they never did actually occupy wall street itself. and they certainly didn't openly disobey police to maintain that occupation.

it all came to a halt.

where do you think we all went? we're still here, still working. occupy isn't over, the economy still sucks and is getting worse. we're growing. the only question is when and how the next wave will break.

i advocate for a general strike, with real occupations of government and industry properties. massive civil disobedience. cross those police lines, refuse to disperse. refuse to submit to arrest. resist resist resist.

I did look, and I know they never actually occupied anything. They weren't properly motivated and they weren't willing to defy the police even with overwhelming numbers. From what you originally said, and how it was phrased it sounded like the same thing, but now that you clarified it I agree.

What exactly are "the powers" and why do they have a throbbing hard-on for martial law?

Easier to control the masses.

But if they actually are powers, don't they already control the masses?

No. Not necessarily. Doesn't work that clean, cut, and dry. That's like saying "if they actually are wolves, don't they already control the sheep?"

The wolves can definitely fuck up the sheep, but it's only so long as the throng of sheep don't wake up and realize that they outnumber the wolves a thousand to one and act on it. If they did, the wolves would be fucked...and the wolves in this case (in the form of TPTB) know this. They know it's a balance that they must keep - often time through subtle and not so subtle manipulation - to keep the masses in check and confused and scared and on edge. TPTB work hard at remaining in power, and they're in power not because they're soooo god almighty powerful that they have NOOOO chance of being overtaken by a 99% that's awake and aware and enlightened. A 99% that is awake and aware and enlightened WOULD indeed do well against TPTB. That's why TPTB work so hard and effectively at keeping the masses dumb and blind.

It's not as clean, cut, and dry as you think it is.

Okay, but what are the powers?

What are the powers? Seriously? You're seriously going to ask a question like that? Are you being antagonistic or posing this question in a manner that will elicit a response that you'll feel you can possibly deride or something? You're asking "What are the powers of TPTB?"


First of all, I personally am not in that "inner circle" so I, like so many others, derive my knowledge and information about them from public records and personal investigation. As such, I don't purport to know all that much that is all that different than some other critical thinkers and investigators out there. I know enough to know that they are powerful enough to, among many other things, get away with raping and murdering people young and old alike.

Okay, thanks for answering my question.

come on you plebe, it should be obvious why governmental officials want to molest and shoot as many people as they possibly can

Are they one-dimensional comic book villains? Do they all get off on killing their followers? It's not actually obvious.

they already control us by having more money then we do why would they rock the boat unnecessarily by declaring martial law

Because martial law means they don't have to be sneaky bastards trying to scheme their way around us. They can just shoot us if they please instead. And there's plenty of money to be made in the meantime.

They'd have to convince people to take part in the open oppression of their compatriots, though. Sure, it can be done, but doesn't it seem like that would be a little more complicated than just controlling the money and owning us that way?

Take a look at all this Duck Dynasty "First Amendment issue" nonsense to see how easy it will be to rally the easily led into attacking people.

This is a le police state!

Which is exactly why Americans are still permitted to carry firearms and critics like OP aren't censored.

I thought we were supposed to already be under martial law. Or is that inaccurate?


  • ArseGoblin



The Duck Dynasty thing is to get different classes of people at each others throats.I have long hair and a beard and wear flannels and already i am sensing certain amount to tansions when I go to one of the local bars where it is a general mix of people, including blacks ,gays and whites.

Because lord knows rednecks can't just express their opinion on TV without it being part of a secret agenda to increase "tansions" between the general public and people that look vaguely like rednecks.

Except he "said" it in a printed interview not on tv. There's really no proof he said it at all, it could all be planned for publicity or other more nefarious reasons.

Publicity? Makes sense. Nefarious reasons? So why Phil? Why not someone with lots of power and a large amount of followers? Wouldn't that create much more civil unrest?

They been treating black people this way for years. We're all "niggers" now

You mean "goyim"

It's true. And we will implement the purge alphabetically, using screen names from Reddit.

Fortunately I have several

Wait, I'm confused...there is a subreddit dedicated to making fun of this one? That's strange as fuck. Why? Do they all believe it's just hunky dorey and the government loves us and would never lie to us?

Do you frequent conspiracy sites other than /r/conspiracy? /r/conspiratard doesn't focus solely on this subreddit, though of course they devote most of their attention here.

I mean, some people do post some Looney Tunes stuff on the internet. For example, the other day I ran across some guy's personal site that said black people weren't actually human. Like literally not people and that they were a plot to...I forget, do Bad Things to humanity. That sort of stuff deserves ridicule, in my opinion.

Failed prediction after failed prediction after failed prediction, America should have been under martial law in 1994 or...wait...1997? 2003? Wait! Novermber 27th, 2012! No? And why didn't the world end last year? Or on the 16th of this month? Etc, etc. I enjoy reading conspiracy theories myself, but there's lot of it that's pretty ridiculous, and proven to have been ridiculous/inaccurate because it didn't happen. Tends not to inspire much confidence.

Things aren't great, but they're never as bad (or get as bad) as some people 100% assure that they are or will be. I'm still alive, not in a FEMA camp and I ate a nice meal earlier. According to some people, I should be living, for example, in the midst of Thunderdome-style post-apocalyptic mayhem (I stole that). You know what I mean? Maybe some day soon I won't have anything to eat, maybe there will be martial law, maybe various other terrible things will happen. But anyone who tells me, in detail, what will happen or what the government is doing and exactly why, unless they give me a reason to trust what they have to say, is met with skepticism on my part.

TL;DR The problem is that some conspiracy theorists jump from theorizing to speaking with absolute authority. They're often proven wrong and that makes people doubt what other CTs say. The Boy Who Cried Wolf is a well-known parable for a reason.

I love your work.


"Goyim" doesn't mean "Christian." And most black Americans are at least nominally "Christian."

edit - grammar fix

Well, what does it mean? FYI it's all non-Jews.

Well, racism has always been used to divide.

Great post, OP. You collected several real incidents, didn't add a bunch of bullshit commentary, and compiled everything together in a nice concise list. That's the best way to spread the word that this type of stuff is happening. People need to know about this stuff. Thanks OP.

What really got me mad was a few months ago my fiance was going out of town and she took my laptop bag. Well my laptop bag had one of my 8 inch fixed blade knives in it. She got through TSA twice with no problem. Found out the knife was in her bag when she got home.

This isnt about safety.

Look up the term 'security theater'. That's what it is.

i agree, failing to detect knives is definitely what the TSA would do if they wanted to make a "show" of being tough


You shouldn't carry your knife in such an inaccessible place ;) Anyway, I do agree with you.

Kelley Helleson, one of the troopers who assaulted two women, was fired. She was reinstated in August, once the media storm blew over. Sickening.

edit: So was Jennie Bui, the other rapist in the story.

It blows my mind this shit can really happen. I mean what do you even do in a situation like that? I wasn't expecting so much evidence on this post- definitely surprised and startled.

i wish i was a gay TSA agent


Power and control

Do not be afraid, it is merely normalization in progress.

Looks like you are being down voted by the Marxists...

You know nothing about Marxism. It just makes you feel cool to make anti-Marxist comments.

It's kind of sad that conspiracy theorists are so against Marxism. The skepticism they have is well founded and a lot of their criticisms are fact-based and have evidence behind them (I'm staying the hell away from chemtrails and fluoridation but I wouldn't exactly put that past capitalists, I mean ties within the bourgeois class and stuff like that) but without an accurate ideological framework of why things are the way they are, where they want to go and how they are going to get there a conspiracy theorist will never end up doing much that is practical.

I have a friend who told me a very profound thing: If you can count on Americans to do one thing, it is to vote against their own self interest. It's true. And the funny thing is: Marxism and democracy are not so incongruous as one might think. They both take as their cornerstone the power of the people.

'Marxism and democracy are not so incongruous as one might think. They both take as their cornerstone the power of the people.'

jesus. exactly this. it's so weird; I would argue that's the cultural hand of capitalism manipulating perspectives in order to sustain itself.

It's why social democracy has been successful--socialism is an economic, not political term such as communism or democracy. Capitalism is also an economic term. In order to, as you said, sustain itself, capitalism has made it look like democracy and capitalism are the only natural partners, and have fooled a lot of people. But democracy and socialism are at least as natural together as democracy and capitalism. The problem is capitalism has taken our democracy from us and should be done away with.

And yet so many blindly support libertarianism, while ignoring the vastly increased powers corporations would have with no government at all. I think in some ways, Libertarianism is becoming the "cool" republicanism - you can be for the people while still supporting the fascist business elite.

Don't worry, when I'm President I'll just rename our country the "People's Republic of America" so it's official.

vastly increased powers corporations would have with no government at all.

I wish people would stop saying this as it is completely untrue. Corporations would actually be accountable and far less powerful and decentralized if they didn't have state force backing them up.

Yeah and what would hold them accountable?

Think about that the first corporations which came into being subjected entire continents! They are but another tool the of the rich and power, those that consider themselves rightful heirs of kings (not literally of course) And think how the first "state" was merely a "corporation" of armed men.

The two are one in the same, identical. The corporation IS state power, And state power IS the corporation.

What world do you live in where you look to the state for accountability?

You're delusional.

If you haven't noticed, it's when the state becomes involved that there is no accountability... not the other way around.

'If you haven't noticed, it's when the state becomes involved that there is no accountability..'

so with no state everything will be perfectly fine! small groups of people with lots of money won't be able to amass power or weapons because the citizenry will take them down before they can... or something


This idiots don't get that in a country with a weak or nonexistent government, the corporations will simply hire armed men and take over governing. Its a fantasy.

The government is really fucked up and is often subverted. But without it for example, the air would literally be smog and all the rivers would be horribly polluted. In fact the quality of our air and waters used to be way worse... it was only the horrible government that started to enforce air quality standards and prosecute the dumping of toxic waste into rivers.

Like gov is fucked up for sure... but I can't see how anyone would want to live in a state where the corps hold all the power.

I think there is a corporate coup going on right now. Large multinationals are sabotaging different areas of government to purposefully corrupt them, giving the American people reasons to distrust, and dislike their government. Then they will bring in the international treaties(TPP) and the majority of knuckledraggers, whether it be mainstream liberals, or fox news republicans, will be begging for the stripping away of American sovereignty for something that has been presented to them attractively on television as an effective solution to American corruption.

I like you

I can't help noticing the worst cases are all in Texas...

And I can't help noticing I live in Texas...

I should move.

And NM - probably because they are border towns - because of drug trafficking across the border, citizens that live there don't have as many rights.

My wife had to travel about a month ago for her job. I drove her to the airport to drop her off, we live in a small town in NW Arkansas. I see and hear about all this stuff but never actually witness it due to where I live we've practically been untouched by all of this.

So I walk her in to say farewell and that I love her. I was able to walk with her all the way to the security checkpoint in the airport. For the first time I saw the huge security scanner that scans your whole body.. I was instantly disgusted. I've flown out of this tiny airport before and they never had this. Once they scanned my wife, which I told her to refuse, they were patting her down. They literally were touching her legs, which she was wearing the tights, and her thighs then up the her breasts. I yelled out, "criminals". This shit is so wrong I could not help it.

But, what do ya do?? People just bend over and spread their butt checks and take it. Saying things like, "Well if you don't go through or let them pat you down you can't fly." Sorry, I'd be the one to refuse and quote my constitutional rights. I never signed anything to give them the right to molest me.

Well, sadly none of that matters. They arent asking your permission bro. You cant refuse - you cant even get out of line once your in it without facing punishment, fines, and a possible cavity searth. I am all for saying hell no, but there is no way to avoid a violent clash if you do. We as a collective have to decide at what point enough is enough, and let the chips fall where they may, hang the risks. That or live in subjugation, and deal with it. Sadly I think for the most part the latter is what were going to be looking at. For all this talk about revolution, I have yet to see anyone actually DO much of anything. So many opportunities, so many chances, so many people standing on the sidelines watching, taking pics to post to reddit, but ulitmately remaining uninvolved. Most Americans think revolution is someone elses job, and so, here is where we find ourselves. Flouridation works.

This really proves it is very much to keep the lower classes in line. The elite of the sort that can afford their own private planes, don't even have to go for security at all.

You can't refuse at an airport because that is a private enterprise that is using these government agents to allow you access to a private service.

However if a cop is using a K-9 as an excuse to cavity search you without warrant you can definitely refuse. Maybe they will take you to jail but you will force them to get a warrant, which seems unlikely in any of the above cases.

They still very much need a warrant and you can't let them trick you into thinking otherwise.

Sure you can get out of line.

Lol, you CAN, but they CAN detain or fine you for doing so.

Any examples? Not disagreeing, I've just never experienced that the few time I've gotten out of line or seen people get out of line.

*Fixed mobile typos.

I mean it states "No one will be forcibly searched or arrested 'just because they refuse to go through the security procedures,'" but it's a pretty short trip from there to "if a person is judged to be a possible threat, deputies are legally permitted to detain and search that individual."

Pretty fucked up.

I guess my wording was poor, you can face penalty, google it, if you get out of the security line wihout getting molested they can fine you like 10000 bux, not to mention detain you and stick their finger in your ass. They consider not wanting to be felt up by the tsa suspicious activity.

Could it be that, because smartphones, this info just gets out to the public quicker and with much greater frequency? It's been dark times for 100 yrs.

This might be unpopular, but it is my belief that technology only sheds more light on such atrocities.

In the past, word just never got out/nobody believed the victims, and so forth.

But technology is catching people in the act now.

I think it's to separate us from those who protect the elites (police, soldiers).

Remember how in every way pretty much soldiers rape civilians? It's a form of payment for their services, and they go to great lengths to protect those who get caught.

Something is coming, and they're making sure that the rest of the populace hates these front line "protectors" so they as a group start identifying amongst themselves and not the rest of the population.

I'm sorry, what's that? As a guy in the military, neither I nor anyone I've known and worked with have raped anyone. The few cases I've seen reported have been investigated and punished harshly.

I thought this sub was all about not believing everything the media tells you. Or is that only when it helps your narrative?

Edit: Typos from mobile. Also, the military already identifies amongst itself for a number of reasons.

I think he got real life confused with Game of Thrones

The stuff they used to do abroad, they have brought back home.

Cops who do that should be doxxed, hunted to their homes, and have their gonads cut off and fed to dogs as an example to others.

Don't become the monster you're trying to fight.

Do you want to be the person cutting off someone's junk and then watching as dogs eat them?

That's a little rough.

Look into it. I'd have to work a lot harder than that to "become the monster."

Don't be a pussy. The cops would not think twice about killing you, your dog, your wife, your kids. "That toddler was coming right at us." is what they would say, and they would get away with it.

It's about dehumanizing you into believing your cattle and don't deserve rights.

"Something very dark is happening in the US"

What tipped you off? Every event The US has been involved with for the last 75 years perhaps?

This was literally a comment on the video of the wheelchair boy being patted down. WTF. People are beyond brainwashed.

"Safety is top priority,this child doesn't seem to be tramatized by the search,a little uncomfortable. TSA I commend you on the job you provide,as I understand the criticism,I work in this capacity as well.I rather you do your job thoroughly according to policy,not excluding anyone.Where I work there was a guy in a wheelchair w/an artificial limb,he tried to bring drugs into the facility.Those drugs could've have been another type of weapon.Keep up the GREAT work.!!!"

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

either government powers are a huge job incentive for perverted scumbags, or they're searching for aliens living amongst us, and the only way to tell the difference between a human and an alien is to anally probe them.

Well duh, of course the Zeta Reticulans have a different colon than humans.

You know, it's getting so ridiculous I almost wish this was true.


And people wonder why I hate government.

Someone is definitely using the literal definitions of "rape" and "molest" to their advantage. Almost misleadingly....

Almost. Too bad it's accurate.

I agree in most of these cases the people involved were molested and mistreated, but as far as the TSA patting down the baby and the boy in the wheelchair although unnecessary I don't see how you can call that molestation. I think those two titles are a little misleading.

Its all about control this is simply psychological training. We become complacent and used to these searches so it will make it easier for them in the future to preform these searches as an everyday occurrence on the street in or in your home.

I work with TSA officers. Can't confirm if they are being assigned to rape and molest individuals. I will ask them tomorrow.

The Chicago police gun raped a dude!

Was the enhanced patdown image search supposed to invoke In me that the TSA is going too far?

Both sides are being desensitized.

Don't know of this has been posted, but I believe that this sort of thing is used to condition and demoralize the general populous.

Once this is a complete norm to kids growing up, do you think they will object when it's done to them in the streets?

Anyone else get molested every year at school? We had this doctor or nurse come in every year and the boys would all get their balls cupped "to check for hernias." "Turn your head and cough" was the phrase they used after cupping my balls.

hmmm well yeah that happened to me as a kid at school. However I do think those are a bit different.

I might not care as much if TSA was screening me for cancer and developmental problems;)

At my school parents had to consent too.

How many hernias do they really catch? Is it worth it to train kids to allow authorities to touch your sack?

I think we need to be sensible here. There is a distinct difference between these two issues.

I don't think its in this subreddits best interest to lump these two completely different cases into the same basket. You loose all argumentative power if the person you are trying to "wake up" feels you are walking off to nonsense land. I'm not saying it is nonsense, just that that is exactly what the layman might feel.

Also remember please, we are on the proverbial same team, I am more than happy to discuss and debate this, and would love to hear your opinions. You might even change mine!

I just don't think all of these are a coincidence. I can't simply state that I am a human being with self respect and I don't want anyone to touch my penis or stick things in my ass. The reason this wasn't specifically mentioned in the constitution (although we do have search/seizure protections that apparently are being ignored) is because it is obvious that the government shouldn't be allowed to molest citizens under the guise of boogeymen or any other reason. You don't have to mention that in order for people to think it is wrong. But, I think they got us to accept it in other ways, like "hernia checking" so that we just think this is normal.

I see your argument and understand where you are coming from. But surly you let your doc touch you in these ways? I remember my father telling me what they were gonna do and told my why. I suppose that's why it was not that big of a deal to me.

I do concede that id much rather have no one touching me than anyone, it is however important to pick your battles wisely.

I went to school a lot... Probably not as much as I should;) but I think they only did that twice.

Every time I fly i get molested.

Wonder if they would say I sexually assaulted them if I had an erection during the process. That be laughable.

A symptom, IMHO, of the increasing police militarization and security theater; thugs in uniforms are still thugs. What we've been doing for them figuratively, more are expecting literally.

TSA Administrator sadist dungeon master

3 little piggies:

minion 1

minion 2

minion 3

I parodically jest to keep from anger of what seems like text book definition of actual molestation & rape, but I shall not ever let them touch or molest me.

Pat-downs and cavity searches ARE necessary. However there needs to be a lot more regulation and restriction on who performs them and where they can be performed.

There is no act that says "I own you" like ass raping. Include here finger probing, cavity search, whatever. I have noticed the same thing, an increased obsession in the news with anal sex. It's probably driven by the homosexual agenda.

Headline from one of your links (above):

Texas state troopers caught on camera probing women's privates aren't isolated incidents: lawyers

But why Texas? I think I see the problem here:



I want to understand the link between these cases and the apparent agenda of "the state". Where is the direct link? Do you all believe government agencies like the TSA all the way down to the police power force of the states are telling their employees to do this?

I guess where this falls apart is in the evidence. through only five examples are given, it spans two government agencies (TSA and border services) and at least one state(TX and I dunno about the David Eckert case). The oversight and communication required for the execution of such a varied operation is massive.

Further, I gotta say(on a kinda unrelated note to all that) that I don't believe government officials, between administration to rank-and-file members, would keep quiet about explicit directives like this.

I think /r/ conspiracy is full of shit sometimes. This is a fucking scary title followed by a bunch of unsubstantiated shit that draws conclusions only for people who already want to believe something this fucked up is happening on purpose.

And no matter how much evidence is provided to you, you will always feel the way you do.

So how are you any different?

In other words, you know there is no such evidence but won't let that stop you from making inferences as if there were.

Alright, where the fuck do you get off using the word molested in regards to the story about the baby? That is so misleading and such ridiculous hyperbole that you either must have a completely skewed agenda, or be an idiot. They patted the baby down. That is not MOLESTATION. people like you are why no one takes this sub seriously. Stick with facts, and don't exaggerate them for karma or coverage.

If you "patted down" someone's baby on the street you would be accused of molestation. Note the use of the code word "patting down."

Different rules for them and you buddy.

Note the baby, mother, guards, all having looks on their face showing nothing bothering any of them. They probably patted his pockets and that was the end of it. And of course there's different rules dumbass, they're security agents. Now how about instead of bitching over irrelevant things hoping to limit the power of civil servants to do a job necessary to society, you bitch about incompetent people in those positions and try to stop them from getting those jobs.

Entitled nitwits building strawmen, that's what half of this sub is.


You fail to see the complexities of the world if that is your only reaction. You are an uneducated igorant piece of shit.


My statement means that the changes this planet is going through will NECESSITATE strong central authority to protect and manage resources and to facilitate peoples adjustment to the life styles changing environments will require. You gonna quietly accept an electricity ration because one day carbon emissions have to stop completely, now, or else? Are you going to accept wsatever staple nutrional source you have access to when wheat, potatoes,coffee, fruits, start going extinct? No, you will be a typical whiny and imposing American passing the blame for these things off to anyone but yourself because you refuse to acknowledge your part and complicity in the systems doing these things. You will rise up, and buck against the central logistical system that could adapt to the new situations, and if you succeed in doing that, will simply find yourself in a multitude of microcosms of our current world order instead of a united and alterable macrocosm.

Instead of spending your efforts reforming that system, in keeping it in check so the tools at its disposal can be responsibly used to the good of all, you scream and whine like a child in a tantrum with no real context for what is happening to this planet. Grow the fuck up.

And also, you began hurling personal insults first, I began with general statements. As well, your assumption that I'm a troll instead of a person speaking their mind, simply due to my account age and two comments, is excellent use of deduction. Well done Watson .


Why don't you check my post history, and see if I've ever posted there. Newsflash. Never have.

Newsflash: new account

Newsflash: you're only supposed to stop your meds when the doctor tells you.

newsflash: troll


Again, go look at what Google is doing and think of the economic consequences. They are at war with the system you claim to hate, all out, and I doubt you see them as anything but an extension of the NSA. You're a fool.

You are a joke. Play in the system? You miss my point. You take the fucking system from then, and shred them to pieces with it. Google Google. If you can't see what they are doing, then you will never understand the world you live in, you will just be a sad angry man your whole life, and probably do some very destructive things. The system is a system, players and what it is used to do ebb and flow in a natural progression. If that makes no sense to you, read up on evolution.

Textbook response, almost down to the letter. You should try to be more creative.

Legitimate problems or complaints, Indian diplomats and american citizens being internally invasively searched for insane reasons. Problems exist in the system exist, don't hesitate to point them out, but don't blow irrelevant things out of proportion to sell legitimate compaints. Don't be like my state congress representative, who came to my door with no understanding of the most basic local issues and problems. Her campaign advisor, or handler, pretty much point blank asked me if I voted for Obama, and having never voted, I lied and said yes. He immediately gave me a bullshit liberal pep talk, disengaged recognizing how stupid they looked, and moved on. Know what she ran and was elected on? Neighorhood postcards with kids in the park, pitching INSANE increases in sex offenders laws and regulations, and ridiculous expansions of qualifications to normalize things like listing people pissing in the park at 3 am.

People like they play on primal human instincts, and are in the end clueless puppets waiting to be tugged on.


No. It would be a policy issue. Some crazy asshole or two way at the top of the pyramid is doing this deliberately for some unknown reason (I'm pretty sure I know what it is, but that can be talked about later). That is why it is happening across the country in multiple different ways. They create the policy, and police, TSA, etc have to follow that policy.

Molestation and rape are agents of political control. If they can rape you just to search for drugs, then you are nothing but chattel.

Lol, you CAN, but they CAN detain or fine you for doing so.

Note the baby, mother, guards, all having looks on their face showing nothing bothering any of them. They probably patted his pockets and that was the end of it. And of course there's different rules dumbass, they're security agents. Now how about instead of bitching over irrelevant things hoping to limit the power of civil servants to do a job necessary to society, you bitch about incompetent people in those positions and try to stop them from getting those jobs.

Entitled nitwits building strawmen, that's what half of this sub is.

Well, what does it mean? FYI it's all non-Jews.

Yeah, I remember hearing that the city was shut down during the manhunt. I thought that was weird. I thought how do you shut a whole city like Boston down? In hindsight I believe you are correct.

And no matter how much evidence is provided to you, you will always feel the way you do.

So how are you any different?

Except he "said" it in a printed interview not on tv. There's really no proof he said it at all, it could all be planned for publicity or other more nefarious reasons.

'Marxism and democracy are not so incongruous as one might think. They both take as their cornerstone the power of the people.'

jesus. exactly this. it's so weird; I would argue that's the cultural hand of capitalism manipulating perspectives in order to sustain itself.

Publicity? Makes sense. Nefarious reasons? So why Phil? Why not someone with lots of power and a large amount of followers? Wouldn't that create much more civil unrest?

No. Not necessarily. Doesn't work that clean, cut, and dry. That's like saying "if they actually are wolves, don't they already control the sheep?"

The wolves can definitely fuck up the sheep, but it's only so long as the throng of sheep don't wake up and realize that they outnumber the wolves a thousand to one and act on it. If they did, the wolves would be fucked...and the wolves in this case (in the form of TPTB) know this. They know it's a balance that they must keep - often time through subtle and not so subtle manipulation - to keep the masses in check and confused and scared and on edge. TPTB work hard at remaining in power, and they're in power not because they're soooo god almighty powerful that they have NOOOO chance of being overtaken by a 99% that's awake and aware and enlightened. A 99% that is awake and aware and enlightened WOULD indeed do well against TPTB. That's why TPTB work so hard and effectively at keeping the masses dumb and blind.

It's not as clean, cut, and dry as you think it is.