List of rights we are losing and how?

8  2013-12-22 by ralyks45

I'm trying to compile a list of all the rights we are losing and how they are being taken away. i.e. The NSA spying has taken away our 4th amendment/right to privacy.


I guess everything that's claimed in the constitution due to the fact that the very constitution was abolished to "find dem terrorists"

One of the big things that is eroding rights is the role of global warming. See that the IPCC have year after year put out completely debunked predictions of doom and gloom as a consequence of Greenhouse gases (frex: CO2 some of which is man-made but also methane which is natural and also nitrogen compounds, not N2 which is of course the main component of current atmosphere). the way this is being done is through taxes and regulations on the environment which is supported by dubious science at the best and can be logical disproven in a manner of ways. Also there is an extremley strong trend of science that is self interested have a look at pay-walled journals largely owned by a small group of companies there is about as much freedom in the academic world as there is in the mainstream press tv radio etc. When people say there is a scientific consesus you need to look very closely at which consesus they are talking about!

NDAA = guilty before innocent, no right to trial FCC = no free speech on tv and radio Patriot Act = no rights for "terrorists" NSA = no privacy Gun legislation will erode second amendment. Privatized water and land means you have no rights to access essential-to-life resources. Supreme court rulings that say police don't have to protect and serve means you have no right to peace and protection. I could go on but I think you get my idea of where we are headed.

Why is this getting down voted? Is r/conspiracy now anti-freedom?

No. There are just a shit-ton of no-life trolls here.

Do your own homework. I'm sick of high school projects...

People don't like that this sub is popular and not moderated by reddit inc insiders.

Thanks for the help so far but I'm thinking more big picture. Like the NSA example I gave or the NDAA taking away the right to trial.

No one is more enslaved then the one who believes he is free.

1st amendment, free speech?

2nd amendment, right to bear arms?

3rd amendment will be broken when martial law is initiated. There's just not enough troops on home soil really.

4th amendment, unreasonable search?

5th amendment, right to trial?

I'm not gonna bother going farther. I got all these examples within 10 minutes of googling. Its clear to see man has No Rights, only when its convenient for tptb..

Edit: not sure why so many are down voting this? If you think you have rights then please, Go threaten the president on your fb.. cause you know, 1st amendment protects your freedom of speech.

Some gay dudes sued to force a baker to make them a cake for their wedding. The baker originally declined due to religious beliefs. In essence they set precedent to deny people their right to act in accordance with their religious beliefs. I'm not a religious person... but this is awful. (Right to religious freedom)

As far as I am aware, no religious texts tell their followers to shun on deny anything from homosexuals. They may say things along the lines of 'they are an abomination,' but never have I seen our heard of any religious teachings that outright tell you to treat them any differently than anyone else. You would think these religions who supposedly are based on love would be more accepting. Even if homosexuality is considered wrong by a religion, wouldn't you be living a life closer to the basic ideology of said religion by fully accepting others and possibly teaching them instead of meeting people who do not fit the religion's 'mold' with scorn, anger, and disgust.

I think it's more about the person being forced to be an accomplice to something that is not recognized as 'right' by their religion. Would you expect a Christian Sheppard to sell their livestock to someone for the express purpose of sacrificing it to satan? What about for making bestiality films with? Personally I don't see how they could, in good conscious, do that.

This is a hit to the rights of private businesses in general. Would you expect a black lumber yard owner to sell large cross ties to men dressing in white sheets that wanted to "Make some big crosses to burn"?

In the lumber scenario, if the KKK/white power members wanted to buy lumber I doubt they would give their business to a black owned business. Though I absolutely see your point (which was a good one), I only worry that religious freedoms can be taken to far (in my opinion); for example there was a post recently in r/atheism about Muslims who work at a restaurant of some sort who refuse to sell customers beef/alcohol. If the establishment has a religious base/owners then I have no problem with denial of service based on religion. But if consumption of beef or alcohol is against your religious beliefs AND you work at a burger bar then you may want to look for another job rather than deny service to patrons who obviously do not share your beliefs. Hopefully this came out semi-intelligible.

The major difference is the person Muslim working at burger barn is not working there on a court order. They are there on their own accord.

To be perfectly honest with you, I'm sure there are a lot of bakeries in Denver. To me, the story I linked sounds more like a group of people bullying someone based on their religious beliefs than anything. The fucked up part is the court upheld it.

You post on topic about loss of right, 1st amendment withering away

The First Amendment prohibits the making of any law impeding the free exercise of religion -wiki

And you get 10 down votes.. whats wrong with this sub?

Edit : 7 down votes on this comment... Exactly! ty for proving my point trolls

Couldn't just be people think he's full of shit?

a sourced comment is bs?

EDIT: ah, just noticed that's your very first comment. Man up and reply with your main account troll.

This is my new main account. "I'm not a religious person... but this is awful. (Right to religious freedom) " - What's awful about stopping bigotry and hatred?

You also don't know what a troll is. Just because I disagree with you, doesn't mean I'm a troll.

I should re-word what I said there, his opinion is bullshit. Not that he is full of shit.

Seems like you want an adult convo? k

I am religious (Muslim), but that's not really here nor there. Fact is the constitution grants him freedom to practice religion, bigotry and whatever aside, its this bakers right.

Let me think of a good analogy that fits here....

You have the right to bear arms, my dad was killed by a gun. So I'm gonna fight you tooth and nail to take your weapon from you, (not the best analogy, but hopefully it gets the point across.)

Do you not see how wrong it is to try to take his rights away because you personally don't agree with him?

A satanist has every right to walk on the white house lawn and pray to whoever he wants. Lets not muddy the water with bigotry, hate, w/e. The issue is about the rights of the American granted to him by his constitution.

Lets stop the hate.

Stop, and act like an adult for once, voice your concern and not bury a perfectly legit on-topic response. that's what trolls do

I am voicing my concern, this person thinks it's alright for people to treat someone in some way and is using his religion as an excuse even though there is nothing in the bible about not selling gay people cakes. I think his opinion is bullshit.

Lets stop the hate.

While defending hatred. This is just pure Irony. You might also want to lose the condescending attitude. It doesn't make you look smart, it just makes you look like an asshole

Stop, and act like an adult for once

If you're acting like an adult right now then I hope I never act like one.

I'm defending his rights. His 1st amendment right. Honestly, was it necessary to force this baker to violate his views when I'm sure there were more bakers in town?

And kinda relevant. You don't piss off someone who cooks for you... ugh, who knows what possibly revolting that baker added to that cake, well Karma i guess.

and let me end with your comment to prove who is the bigger one of the two of us, your closing insult. i won't bother replying to mud slinging, I've had my fill today.

Good day to you

If you're acting like an adult right now then I hope I never act like one.

Yup, if being condescending to someone for disagreeing with you is acting like an adult. I'd rather just be what I know an adult is, rather than acting what I think an adult is. Like what you're doing.

His 1st amendment right? Since when is a bakery a religious establishment? Where in the bible does it say you cannot do business or serve gay people?

don't see at all where i was condescending (least it certainly wasn't implied). But now it don't matter anymore. if you want to resort to name calling and insults like a child then.

good day to you sir

Stop, and act like an adult for once

You don't see how that is condescending? Assuming I'm not being an adult simply because I disagree with you?

Also Since when is a bakery a religious establishment? Where in the bible does it say you cannot do business or serve gay people?

Stop, and act like an adult for once

You don't see how that is condescending?*

The guy made a post pointing out a blatant violation of the constitution and 20 ppl down vote him, Not one giving an explanation.

You don't see that as childish?

Also Since when is a bakery a religious establishment?

Read your bill of rights.

1st amendment.

Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

What does Exercise mean to you?

Where in the bible does it say

I'm Muslim, so I can't quote the bible to you , but i can quote the Quran

Al-Maaidah verse 90:

"O Ye who believe! Intoxicants and Gambling, Sacrificing to Stones, and (divination by) Arrows, are an abomination, of Satan's handiwork; Keep away from such, that Ye may prosper."

as far as homosexuality being haram or halal ( forbidden or permissible )

(Qur'an 27:55-58)

Would ye really approach men in your lusts rather than women? Nay, ye are a people (grossly) ignorant!

(before i go past this, let me point out the bible denies homosexulity as well).

..Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders. (1 Corinthians 6:9)

So there you go.

I brought proofs,

Maybe you can bring some next time instead of 20 down votes or just flat out ignorance of the law and the holy scriptures

...Edits for typos here and there

welcome to the internet!

trolls and so obvious to.

"hey, he makes perfect sense"

"Clicks down arrow"

don't see at all where i was condescending (least it certainly wasn't implied). But now it don't matter anymore. if you want to resort to name calling and insults like a child then.

good day to you sir