FULL DISCLOSURE: Yes, I am a paid shill - AMAA

19  2013-12-23 by [deleted]

It's been fun, but this is about to get brigaded by my friends at /r/conspiratard.

Thanks for all the questions. See you around.


You're still full of shit.


Ok since it's just us shills talking... what's our secret password?

How are we all going down exactly ?

Fuck off, someone ban this guy

Don't even ban him. Just let him not matter.

No, ban him. Everything he posts is worthless.

He just wants to be important.


So the best way to keep somebody unimportant is to ignore them. I made the mistake of responding to this guy for a couple of days. This is probably his 50th account so banning him won't even matter cause he'll just create another one.

The best way to get shitposters to stop posting is to ban them

I get your point but then he'll just be a shitposter with a different account name. At least we can all identify and ignore him so long as he is "IgnoreTheShill."

He can make a new account anyway

There is literally no downside to banning this account

The downside is that he will see that people are having a reaction to his posts.

He can already see that...

Winter is in fact, coming. Be prepared.

Go into more detail please


Can i assume that if you really were a shill you never had any access to information regarding deep-black projects or more fringe conspiratorial issues?


You believe TPTB are preparing, do you have a time-scale for readers here and how they can best prepare?


1st quarter next year things will get real nasty.

The US economy?


Well China's lust for gold has been well documented for a while now, i agree that it is escalating. Does this have anything to do with their recent air force zone protocols?


So, you have mentioned unification and vigilance as keys to understanding and in battling their plans for a total Orwellian police state.

My last question. Is there anything else that you can tell us - other than what you have already mentioned, anything else we should be aware of that could help people, if all of what you say is to come to pass starting in 2014?

Do you know anyone that worked that are and would they be doing what you're doing (disseminating the status quo) or would they be doing something differently? It would seem your two areas would get a lot of overlap with topics like 9/11 and mid-east interventions.

You're talking crap.

You come out with this paid shill bit, then use it to boost credibility in your own personal conspirational beliefs to try and lure people down yet another path of trolling.


this account


as SR ?


oh there are more ?


all this is very satisfying.

Nothing you posted is in any way convincing.

What is the name of your company? Why not actually blow a whistle?

Because you're just trolling.


OP has not only deleted their account, they went through and individually deleted all of their comments too.


If your purpose was to expose organized shilling, you have failed with aplomb.

Can you give any convincing information? Why did they give you a weapon when your job is to browse the web? What program was featured in that screenshot you posted? Does your company have a website? How long have they been under US gov contract?

It almost appears that your true purpose with this post is to spread disinformation and create confusion.


Post more documentation.

You have screens of these lists with bullet-point talking points? The alleged pre-news you receive?

You say you've been with the company, assigned to browse reddit, for 4 years. Can you post examples of your past work? Past work of your colleagues?

Why are you playing coy when you claim to be attempting to clear your conscience?


you are all being manipulated, by me and my coworkers and God knows how many other agencies that are doing the exact same thing.

To what end? What's the end game of the manipulation? as far as you know anyway...

Also, what would happen if your bosses find out you're doing this? How in trouble would you get?

OP bolted.

...as he said he would I guess.

How convenient.

Well, I personally wouldn't be too quick to trash him. I read through his responses on here, and whether he himself is personally the real deal or not, the kinds of things he mentioned being a part of certainly do happen.

Ultimately, the information was interesting all the same.

Agreed. And I've gotta say (probably despite my better judgement), he kinda seemed legit to me.

Same here. He seemed pretty legit to me as well.

Anyone screenshot this thread?

Oh snap. I had no idea he even deleted his comments. Wow.



I checked your links and other things since my original post. perhaps i shouldn't have been so quick to dismiss this topic.

but I want to buy my soul back now.

Redemption, of course, is possible to everyone regardless of their deeds. However, the law of karma (the real one - not the Reddit kind) never, ever goes unpaid. All this is to say that your soul will indeed most certainly get "bought back", but it may not be in this life...and it may not be without a lot more effort and toil than you might have otherwise bargained for or anticipated.

Only speaking from experience.

this is interesting to me..

so this company flies you all over the place while you shill reddit?


and how does one go about getting a job of a Shill ?


why not just reveal the name of the company ?


we'd all apply for the job.. :)

Oh gee wiz! Tell us more!

So what can we do? We know shills exist. I don't need you to prove that to me. What should we do with this information?

You speak of Christmas spirit and of knowledge of biblical proportions. Can you expand on that a little more, are the two connected? Also any major headlines we could look for to confirm the media side?


I'd be interested to hear a little more about this..


You too, man. Catch you on the flip side.

I can't believe anyone is buy a word of this fools post.



I believe ya dude.that your who you say you are. but tbh it doesn't matter.

I got prophecies (scriptures) too. Luciferians aren't the only ones expecting Baal, and all the kufar that bow to this cursed jinn? their efforts will be made fruitless.

You said you worked on the media. Can you explain that more? You said you worked for a contractor. Do you have an idea who they reported to?







If true, then I wouldn't be surprised. Your post and comments appear to be sincere.

If you're trolling, then it's well done.

I'm sitting on the fence and leaning towards the true side.


Could it be said that the people in /r/conspiracy played some small part in your decision to leave that job?

They were trolling. All comments manually deleted along with account.


These last few weeks I have created an account whose sole purpose was to amass the highest quantity of downvotes (my goal was -1000, this is why I antagonized /r/conspiratard[11] , /r/SubredditDrama[12] and GMO subs) while speaking the absolute truth about everything I know, and having some laughs in the process. Since a lot of people give more importance to karma than the truth, this would be a good way to keep a low profile, not calling too much attention to myself from my colleagues.

If that was the case why did you lose arguments so badly and have several meltdowns where you spammed threads to sub-reddits and sent people abusive PMs? here's an example of you starting and then losing an argument - http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1t9gz6/active_thermitic_material_claimed_in_ground_zero/ce6plxs

Here is you having a meltdown and screaming at people who think GMOs aren't evil - http://www.reddit.com/r/GMOMyths/comments/1tht27/everyday_reflection_for_progmo_militants/

And you're going to claim this was part of some master plan? Did you boss say "hey go lose arguments on purpose, then move the goal posts and don't even research what you're talking about. And after a day or two just give them a one sentence admission that you have no idea what you're talking about. You're really earning your pay check this week!"

Was it part of the company procedure to tell me to go eat poison ?

This is an incredibly desperate and obvious lie. You started out as a good troll and now look at this, it's just sad.

You're really going to pretend you get paid to do this? I mean I knew today would be the day you made a new account but I had no idea you were going to throw in such lies about it. And you'd think if you were being paid to argue it you'd


See what I mean? no counter argument like you'd have if you were in fact a paid shill. Just a reference to an earlier insult in a conversation that is useless to anyone else reading.

And if you were a shill are you saying that all conspiracy theories are government ploys and that believing blindly in them like you have shown to is actually playing right into their hands? Because why would you come here to shill by talking about the boston bombings and 9/11 and just saying all the normal conspiracy theorist stuff?

I mean somebody paid you 500 bucks a day to just post a bit on conspiracy saying things conspiracy wants to hear? And you expect us to believe that with no motive, with no explanation of the goal of the company or how it makes money or helps the government by going and circlejerking and accusing people of being shills in a sub-redit full of crazies on the internet?

In all honesty there is a 94% chance you are just a teen with way too much free time this summer. Go spend it with your family fer christ sakes, it's christmas eve already! (well here at least)

But feel free to provide proof that you work for said company and said company performs said actions. Pictures of some guy in different places with his face blacked out, and a picture of a reddit address in some random software, is not proof.

If you were really a shill it would be pretty easy to get proof. GO find the user guide for the software you use. Grab paper from your orientation day where they explained the goals of the job. Take a screenshot of a company email that incriminates them somehow where it is clearly not photoshopped.

These are the things you would do if you were not lying about all this.


Again, further confirmation that you are not in fact a paid shill.

What I can't figure out, is if people are upvoting you here beause they actually have fallen for this awful story full of bad photoshops and zero evidence. Or if it's just because they think it's fuckin hilarious how awful this attempt to troll has become.

You just engaged a black-prop troll who *poofed* when cornered. Not the first time, I'm very sure. ;)

Shit gets pretty fucking real, my friend. You speak more truth than many are aware of or willing to be aware of. There is more to it all than most realize, however.


Yeah. Only those with ears to hear will listen...and those who hear not the music will think the dancers mad.

so...Comet ISON = TOTAL BS... just like you.

Can you offer specifics about the stories you were directed to manipulate?


Just anything where you were directed to undermine populism surrounding political or corporate power. You said a lot while remaining vague, can you just give us some bullet points on the things you gamed/commented on?

One of the things I've considered to be more "fringe" is the whole ISON thing.

However, in one of your comment, you said that it isn't an ordinary comet. Is this based on the currently available information or is this based on some insider knowledge?


In your opinion. Are we alone? If not are they extra dimensional or just extra terrestrial?


I actually agree with this comment as it speaks to my own faith.

Interesting. Could you go into more detail about your particular faith?

Quick and to the point... My faith is Islam, I'm a Muslim, one of the ones the msm tries oh so hard to demonize these days.

On topic tho...I wonder if OP is talking bout Luciferians here?

Perhaps he can elaborate on the esoteric stuff?

troll all you like and try to divert attention away from the topic at hand (which is shilly in itself).

But op's managed to get my interest so down vote me all you want, i simply don't care.

Not trolling, unlike OP. You should actually read that link and get back to me.

When he first came out i thought wak job. Even posted a "burn". the ... post in my history that i edited.

Then i did go back and checked his top post, links, other things he has said, some of it matches up with my own beliefs,

So stop demanding documentation. Not all of us need it. I would like to hear what he has to say.

If hes lying or not, whats it matter? Some of us just don't care. Lying? fine then give the rope so he hangs himself.

Is the Dulce DUMB base incident real? What does your company have to do with that kind of info? How and why would you know that?

Is the "esoteric stuff" the mythology that theyre following? What texts can you recommend that reflect their beliefs and the ideas thy are following? Is it Manly Hall kind of stuff or what?


What are any red flags you can warn us of to be aware when something is coming? When you said the next false flag will be "huge" does that mean nuclear? What region of the country do you anticipate is the "hottest" or most likely to be a target? What are the hottest topics they had you pining against?


Which alternative media sources do you feel get closest to the truth?

If they had the meeting set since the beginning of the year, then that would imply that they knew he would be expiring around now. Is that correct?

Also, a general question about how much you've been told. Assuming you're the real deal, I'd imagine that the most effective way to conduct this business would be to keep things on a need-to-know basis. Take the meeting being pre-planned for example. Was this required for you to do your job? If so, how? If not, why would they include that?


Tell us about your research. Give links.


I can't thank you enough for doing this. I've been waiting for you (someone in your position) to do exactly this. I hope you've taken necessary precaution to ensure your safety.

This act is grander than you can ever believe. Thank you.


This may sound ludicrous but when you believe you don't need proof. Proof is impossible to come by when you know that it's being kept secret. Personally, i have been constructing a view/perspective of the world that explains many unknowns, his answers are corroborating my assumptions to a T.

Like he's been saying, you have to do your own research. Be your own bullshit detector. When you know information is being manipulated is there any 'proof'.

Anyone who thinks other wise is kidding themself. For most of human existence we have had zero answers for life's greenhouse riddles. And suddenly in three generations we have them all?


If you bothered to even read my post or any of my comments then you would know I said nothing of the sort.


So you're just another paid shill trying to aggravate me?

Hey, I just wanted to apologise. I was being a bit of an ass last night and wanted to say I was sorry.

But I did want to ask you why you believe me to be a paid shill. Isn't that a little arrogant to believe that some company out there cares enough about some random internet commenter to spend money to troll them? Isn't it more likely that people who don't think very much of you are just being dicks on the internet?

because he thinks he's important


What's the point of starting a company if shit is about to hit the fan in the new year?







Mmm hmm.


So everything you can possibly provide is already posted above. Is that what you're saying? You've got nothing concrete to show? We're just supposed to take your word for it?

Ever heard of a guy named Snowden? Check out his MO.

Ever heard of a guy named Bamford? He was right, and wrote a book about it, but no one cared. He didn't provide concrete evidence.

You're doing it wrong.


You missed the point. I'm not sure if that was done intentionally or not.

So what's the new job? Best of luck!

Yes, they knew he was "expiring". The Denver Airport mural[1] is a tribute of sorts.

The whole Mandela thing was unique. Usually things serve as distractions for other things. This time there was no distraction, just misdirection. They said they were there for his funeral when in reality more shady goings-on of the occult nature were happening. It was part of my job to discredit the shady part and focus on the funeral part. That's what peaked my interest. And like I said, connect the dots. He was supposed to die so they could meet. They say the military is about 10 years ahead of us, politics is about 5. And yes, we only get briefed on a need to know basis. Occult is a personal interest so I did some research myself based on the fact they wanted us to focus on just the funeral.

IgnoreTheShill [S] 1 point 1 hour ago

Who exactly owns the Fed and who exactly owns the Bank of England?


Right, so: A. not exactly. B. yes everyone cares about that issue. It is THE issue.


Does your company have topic derailment methods of which you could outline here?

You've been pretty active on this sub lately, mostly calling out people you deem shills. Is it to be assumed that you haven't been "working" during this time? Secondary question: assuming reddit is as censored as some of us think it is, why would you be allowed to post any of this here? How would the NSA or other similar government agencies not have figured out they have a "rat" so to speak?


Hmm.. I'm intrigued enough to at least entertain the idea that you're legit, despite my skepticism.

So, in my opinion, it takes a pretty morally bankrupt person to knowingly mislead people from the truth for money (no offense, honestly). So why now? What changed that made you suddenly find a thread of humanity? I don't mean to word these questions so harshly I just don't know how else to phrase them - I hope you understand.


Did others feel the same or were you the minority who felt pangs of guilt? Did you all have a good laugh at ours and others' expense after a particularly good trolling/circle jerk? Did you work together with others knowing full well that they also were shills? Did you use multiple accounts in the same thread to "agree with yourself" and make it look like it was multiple people?


If you're changing jobs and getting out of the business and all this, can you post some documentation. Do you have any memos that prove what you're saying? Do you have any memos that describe the false flags, chemtrails, anything that you've claimed?

I saw that you mentioned 1st quarter next year is when shit's going to hit the fan. What else can you tell us?


Did someone verbally telling you that 1st quarter is when "winter" will come or is that your own estimate?

In one of your linked you confirmed that Sandy Hook, boston bombing etc are all false flags. Was that info confirmed to you verbally by people in your company?

What is the objective of your job? Is it to just discredit all theses conspiracies? Is it to cast doubt? Do you ever report specific users to your higher ups or log them in any way?


Yeah. It's definitely settled at this point. Reddit has become about as bad as if not worse than ATS.


It's a website called Above Top Secret that used to (or still does? I dont' know) have a bunch of info relating to conspiracy-oriented material. For the most part, the place is absolutely crawling and infested to the core with naysayers and shills. It's a wonder how anyone ever talked about real info there.

Are you posting all of this from work? If not, how did you get the screenshot of your Reddit account management program out? If they are that careful, I'd imagine the would monitor that kind of thing being uploaded since it isn't via SSL.



How many people do you work with, and how many people in total across related agencies do you think are paid to do what you're doing?

You're telling us to organize - in your opinion, what would be an effective way of organizing against this? Since you 'are the enemy' so to speak, perhaps you would also know your greatest weakness

Thanks for the information, and for the AMAA.


Wow, that's pretty crazy. Does your employer generally not care about how many loose ends (in terms of people who are 'in the know') there might be in this sort of operation?

Also, what are some of your sources of information? Any particular websites that seem to be more closely aligned with what you think is the truth?


Thanks for the replies. Here's a bigger list of questions:

  • During your employment, which event or story was considered the most important to obfuscate?

  • Did your employment contract allude to any consequences you may incur by revealing information or even quitting the job?

  • Do you feel like a burnable asset that could pose a threat to TBTP?

  • Have you ever had direct contact with or orders from any agents of the US Government

  • Where do you suppose the next major false flag will occur? Going off this, since you get information before it's reported, anything you can divulge right now that we might see in the media later, as a form of proof of your claims?

  • Who or what has the most to lose by your claims?


Once you 'get out' do you think you'll be spared any of the prophesized doom and gloom we're all to face? Do you have any plans to work for the good of humanity once you leave? Or do you just want to slip away quietly with money in the bank?

As for the dollar taking a big hit - is there any exact catalyst or reason why? And you say Bitcoin is a distraction - do you think this is a government invention, and if so, what is it distracting us from?


And thank you for your insight. Take care as well.

Any chance you saved screenshots?


Damn! I can try from memory.

First reply:

How many people do you work with, and how many people in total across related agencies do you think are paid to do what you're doing? You're telling us to organize - in your opinion, what would be an effective way of organizing against this? Since you 'are the enemy' so to speak, perhaps you would also know your greatest weakness

He said in his building there are 8 floors, and each floor has about 100 people. There's an entire army of paid shills in different countries as well. I don't think he directly answered the 'greatest weakness' part of the question.

Second reply:

Once you 'get out' do you think you'll be spared any of the prophesized doom and gloom we're all to face? Do you have any plans to work for the good of humanity once you leave? Or do you just want to slip away quietly with money in the bank?

He said that money talks and he makes about 20k a month. No one is really willing to give that up.

Also, what are some of your sources of information? Any particular websites that seem to be more closely aligned with what you think is the truth?

As for sources of information, he said the important ones are the ones they are paid to target, so Reddit, ATS, Godlike Productions.

Third reply:

During your employment, which event or story was considered the most important to obfuscate?

He said 9/11 without a doubt - he put it as 'beating a dead horse for 11 years that still won't die.'

Did your employment contract allude to any consequences you may incur by revealing information or even quitting the job?

He said anyone is free to leave or quit at any time...can't quite remember what he said about revealing information..

Do you feel like a burnable asset that could pose a threat to TBTP?

He said no, not at all, he and his colleagues don't really pose a threat to anyone

Have you ever had direct contact with or orders from any agents of the US Government

He said no, he takes direction from his own people down in SA, but he has seen highly decorated military folk around his building on occasion.

Where do you suppose the next major false flag will occur? Going off this, since you get information before it's reported, anything you can divulge right now that we might see in the media later, as a form of proof of your claims?

He said he has no idea where the next false flag will be. For the second part of the question, he said in the first quarter of 2014 the dollar will take a huge hit. However the media won't report on it until it's already too late to do anything about it. Bitcoin is just a distraction

Who or what has the most to lose by your claims?

He said 'no one.'

Fourth reply:

Once you 'get out' do you think you'll be spared any of the prophesized doom and gloom we're all to face? Do you have any plans to work for the good of humanity once you leave? Or do you just want to slip away quietly with money in the bank?

He is only going to safeguard his friends and family, and plan on doing that pretty soon

As for the dollar taking a big hit - is there any exact catalyst or reason why? And you say Bitcoin is a distraction - do you think this is a government invention, and if so, what is it distracting us from?

He said that's all the time he has questions for, and to keep an eye on the little sources and leaks. MSM lies, government lies, everyone lies - the little guys are where the real information comes from.






10/10 good troll, would read again.

You simpleton. Do you really think you can fight us? Your fellow redditors are downvoting you like crazy simply for telling the truth. The only thing your little attempt at calling us out has accomplished is you being marginalized by your peers.

These are my words. I stand by them. From the comments in this thread, it is obvious that my words were not idle threats; every letter has been vindicated as OP's credibility is zero in the eyes of his cohorts. I am honestly glad that you have chosen to deactivate your account - This will spare us the displeasure of having to target your loved ones. We are not evil. That is to say, we do not actively desire or find pleasure in ruining people like we did "IgnoreTheShills", but our Brave New World is too important to mankind and those who oppose it must be silenced.

I honestly wish you well, IgnoreTheShills - It was a brave, but foolhardy attempt. You got in way over your head when you started trying to call us out. You did not come close enough for us to have to play hardball by taking away things you love and/or your life, so I urge you to go back to these things; cherish the life you have, your family, your friends, whatever you value. Forget about this; forget about us and our doings. It will be better for you.


:-) All the best.


And yet you are the one who is taking the ball and leaving, after crying foul. I doubt you will really leave though.


Why are you quoting me in your your initial post if you believe I'm a troll? You're contradicting yourself.

naw, and that was the end of the /u/ignoretheshill saga.

he's still with "us".


and more, probably. people who were once normal reddit users are hired to shit all over this place.

sign of the times

Who are SR and DS? I might know the real names. I assume this is a guy who makes a new account every couple of months? There's another obvious troll you might mean, the "I am making a movie about newtown and it's going to blow the lid off it" and "/r/conspiracy is filled with the smartest fre thinkers from every field" etc etc guy. Uhh Darpascopimus or something? he was SB'd or deleted his account recently.

So everything you can possibly provide is already posted above. Is that what you're saying? You've got nothing concrete to show? We're just supposed to take your word for it?

Ever heard of a guy named Snowden? Check out his MO.

Ever heard of a guy named Bamford? He was right, and wrote a book about it, but no one cared. He didn't provide concrete evidence.

You're doing it wrong.

You said you worked on the media. Can you explain that more? You said you worked for a contractor. Do you have an idea who they reported to?

I believe ya dude.that your who you say you are. but tbh it doesn't matter.

I got prophecies (scriptures) too. Luciferians aren't the only ones expecting Baal, and all the kufar that bow to this cursed jinn? their efforts will be made fruitless.

Which alternative media sources do you feel get closest to the truth?

How convenient.