Can we get a petition going to get solidwhetstone to step down from being a mod?

1699  2013-12-24 by dieyoung

How do we go about something like that?

Edit: For people who are asking, this is the main reason why people want /u/solidwhetstone to leave. He is soliciting advice from someone who has had a history of manipulation in this sub, as documented by /u/TheGhostOfDusty in /r/NolibsWatch, and more specifically in this thread . The person, /u/Bipolarbear0, said this:

These [analytic data regarding people from racist subreddits who also sub to /r/conspiracy] speak wonders, but the true story can only be ascertained by spending a few hours digging into the sub. The racism pervades deep and corrupts the subreddit to its core, undermining the forum and its long gone potential as a place for enlightening discussion.

...was caught redhanded using an alt account and making "blatantly anti-semitic posts in /r/conspiracy [to see] how many upvotes they could get" then goes on to complain that "of all the mainstream subreddits, /r/conspiracy is certainly one of the most racist". Note that the top post in that submission says "Why are all of your submissions about Jews?" Given this information, you may now be able to understand why some people in here would be irate that one of the biggest provokers and trolls this sub has ever seen is giving a mod advice on how to run it.

I am not advocating /u/solidwhetstone being banned from this sub for 'fraternizing with the enemy', I am not ever for restricting someone else's right to free speech. My concern is that this person has the power to restrict mine.


Test run, up/downvote this thread for yea/nay removal of solidwhetstone.

See if there is any actual steam to make this happen. He has to go.

/r/circlejerk here we come...


lemme steam u up

...You do realize Reddit is not a democracy, right? You can't just make someone not be a mod, lol. If you really hate him that much, make a new sub like the /r/trees guys did.

We can ping the sub and see if he does the right thing of his own account if there is sufficient interest though.


Remember rule 10 please.


Writing spam bots is most certainly against reddit's TOS, let alone the rules in this sub- so please be cautious. Voicing your disapproval- perfectly fine. Making threats- not fine.

So are you ever going to address the hundreds of messages and the hundreds of members of this sub who want you out of here or are you just going to keep sucking Conspiratards dick and blowing off the members of the sub that you are supposed to be modding? Get the fuck out.

You should follow your own advice.

nobody cares why should we you certainly dont

I must be out of the loop. Why would we want him gone?

Because he engaged in a reasonable discussion with /r/conspiratard about how to improve the rampant racism and myriad other problems with this subreddit. That's apparently unforgiveable.

This sub has temporarily turned into that obsessed girlfriend meme - Mods must not talk to ANYONE I don't like!

Seriously guys and girls, reign it in would you?

I get your point, but when the other sub exists solely to pick fun at and mess with another sub it kind of makes it a bigger deal to cross that line.

It's like if there was a racecarssuck subreddit that was devoted to going to /r/racecars and telling them all how stupid they are for liking race cars. It's just a waste of everyone's time.

Except they made some perfectly valid points about racism. The criticism they offered was constructive.

Except they are also actively contributing to the racism present on the sub. Sounds like a fucking setup.

I guess you didn't read the post here.

You're joking?


Better safe than sorry ;)

Racism is banned in this sub already. What are the myriad of other problems?

calling everyone a shill,thus stopping any reasonable discussion

Because r/conspiratard members don't make fake accounts in order to discredit this sub, right? They are the problem.

Also, if a girl was dressed in really skimpy clothes and asked me if I wanted a handjob, I'd call her a slut. That doesn't make her a slut necessarily. If they stopped vote brigading and acting like shills, maybe this wouldn't be such a problem.

The problem is that anyone who disagrees with someone is called a shill. I got called a shill yesterday because some guy made a bad analogy and then despite other people telling he was wrong, he still insisted we were just shills and trolls trying to discredit him.

Everyone here get's called a shill. There's a couple idiots in here that go around calling everyone a shill. I'm guessing almost every single one of those idiots are alt accounts, but even if they aren't, who cares? We have a shitload of people in here acting exactly like shills, so obviously it is going to lead to witch hunts. The shill name calling will slow down once we ban every single one of those trolls from r/conspiratard.

The shill name calling will slow down once we ban every single one of those trolls from r/conspiratard.

Yep, I've been making a list.

There'll be no more need to call anyone a shill once we ban everyone with a dissenting opinion!!!

It's not just that. Simply disagreeing or presenting an alternate theory is being met with being called a shill, whether or not one also subscribes to r/conspiritard. If someone makes a post you don't like, downvote it. If they break enough forum rules, ban them. But don't ban them for posts you don't like.

As an analogy, I'm in an outfit in Planetside 2 called the 4aces. They frown deeply on their members having alternate characters in different factions in another outfit on the same server for a good reason, because you dedicated your character to the Aces and it's a community of players, and swapping allegiance to another faction's outfit at the drop of a hat isn't taken well. But even they won't outright kick or ban you from the outfit.

Who's getting banned? I just showed the mods proof of a guy claiming to be a shill. He's just here trolling and they didn't ban him. So who is actually getting banned "simply for disagreeing?" I think this is another one of those myths that everyone keeps throwing around. Just like the r/conspiracy = rampant anti-semitism myth.

Nonsense. Calling someone a shill isn't going to stop discussion. All that is is shorthand for "you were paid to say that!". Big deal.

Except someone being called a shill does stop the discussion because it either derails into

"I'm not a shill"

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are"

Or people just refuse to argue further because they've decided the other person is a shill.

You don't need to engage the people who call you a shill, and if someone thinks you are a shill and refuses to talk to you that is going to happen whether they actually come out and say it or not.

the analysis he was presented with and took into consideration there was a load of bs and we don't need someone modding this sub who will listen to a drama queen without hesitation.

as someone pointed out, conspiritard is pretty much the only subreddit that is designed to mock another subreddit.

Even if you wanted to "improve the rampant racism" (lolol), I dont think that is the place to go for discussion

also, arent you forgetting that he posted a bunch of anti jew stuff himself, because....why exactly?

There is no rampant racism here, and I challenge you to point out the "myriad of other problems"

I'm not forgetting that he posted racist stuff, and I hope you're not forgetting that /r/conspiracy upvoted them. I don't defend his behavior, but nor should you whitewash the upvoting.

Some of the myriad other problems, in no particular order, and by no means complete:

  • Calling people shills and other names when they disagree

  • Upvoting indisputably false information to the top positions when a simple search would have proven it wrong

  • Downvoting posts that disagree with the hivemind

  • Everything lately is a false flag

  • Starting a petition to remove a mod for talking to 'the wrong people'

Seems that most if this is covered in reddiquette. moderating racist content is one thing but when the comments are too heavily moderated we end up with an editorial page created by the mods. We may as well watch the news on TV. I think most users are lurkers and probably ignore dumb comments.

How do you know that /r/con upvoted them? Wasn't he going into ircs to brag about it? If anything I would think that would lead people from there to upvote it. Making racist posts with alt accounts and complaining about it in /r/conspiratard as proof of rampant racism, is something that we have come to expect here. If someone makes a derogatory remark about Jews here, I always just assume that it's an /r/conspiratard trolll.

Let's say for the sake of argument that us shills did upvote him (which I'm pretty confident we didn't.) The onus is still on you guys since you didn't downvote him. Some of the blaatantly racist posts I've shown you guys were the #1 posts on their pages. They're not uncommon.

What onus? In terms of explanation, the people of this sub owe you exactly dick to help you sleep better at night. Everyone here is their own person, with their own thoughts, beliefs, politics and background. Even if a post is at, say 500 upvotes. 500 out of 200k doesn't justify a "you guys" tag. Me personally, I don't downvote shit. I will upvote to promote discussion (not to confirm absolute belief, which is where /r/conspiratard gets confused a lot). But I don't downvote. If people want to discuss, Bigfoot, aliens, bankers or Israel, good for them. It's there business. If the topic were to turn to drunken Irishmen and I began to feel uncomfortable, I would stop participating. Put on some big boy pants and understand that the world doesn't owe you shit. People don't al have to agree with you for the world to be okay. And you can't run around trying to be a white knight against all of the assholes in the world. It doesn't work. If you don't like /r/con go somewhere else, simple as that.

I don't need a single person to help me sleep well. You shouldn't either; I'm not criticizing you, I'm criticizing /r/conspiracy. I hope you don't think I'm against every conspiracy theory; I think there's more to the JFK story. I don't trust the government as far as I can throw it, and that's because I worked for them.

I don't post in this subreddit to disagree with bigfoot, aliens, bankers, or Israel. I love that shit, and I'm happy people post it. It give me a good laugh. Hell, I laughed my ass off when people thought Paul Walker was killed by an Obama drone strike.

My oldest account is 8 years old, and I love the reversals that reddit keeps pulling politically. The entire reddit community is a pretty big laugh to me, except when it strays into real racism and sexism. I won't stand for that, nor should anyone else.

Edit: Since I have two people PMing me about how "you are a newbie shut up you faggot' and a similar messsage, I'm happy to verify my oldest account age to the first person who has an account >1 year old who is willing to preserve me confidentiality.

/r/conspiratard does not just make fun of this subreddit. It makes fun of conspiracy theories in general.

the majority of stuff there is making fun of the "batshit insane" people that frequent this sub, if /r/conspiracy didnt exist I doubt r/conspiritard would.

I honestly dont care, anyone should be allowed to say anything on teh interwebz, their only punishment should be ridicule. conspiritard fails for the most part, not much funny or insightful stuff there just a solid misunderstanding of most issues.

On that end, I did a count last night and only 20/100 posts pointed to reddit at all. I didn't bother counting how many of those went to /r/conspiracy, though it was certainly most of them.

I just counted 9 our of the top 50 posts that link to /r/conspiracy, and 5 of those are about this latest fiasco.

I think I'm going to stop engaging with these guys. I just came here to defend /u/solidwhetstone trying to improve this subreddit and the bizarre backlash against it.

They delete most of the threads that link here. Check top/all time. There is no need to keep those links once the vote brigade has ended and they've instilled a false consensus on whatever topic they decided to brigade.

Plus, they used to be really bad with the links to this sub. Now that things have been exposed a bit, they reigned in the brigading. That included the very recent use of .np links. They used to simply not give a shit, but now they have to because everyone knows what they're doing.

I'd love to see your evidence of those deletions. I have a database with just about every reddit submission, even those removed by moderators. Sorting that by top matches up 1:1 with /r/conspiratard/top.

On the brigading thing, I would love the admins to weigh in. It's hard to believe our (comparitively) puny little community could make much of an impact here. I know I sure as hell have never downvoted a linked post, and I have to believe that most of the other subscribers don't touch the poo either. We just want to make fun of conspiracy theories.

Forget about that because I don't know how to/ and don't really care if someone thinks I am lying. Plenty of us know what's going on. It could also be that all of the direct links simply don't make it to the very top post. I don't know.

And your second paragraph is really stupid. If your sub has 250 currently online users, they can easily overwhelm the 500 currently online users here if they link directly to a post. The 500 here are scattered throughout 50 threads. Not to mention the fact that many people here are members of r/conspiratard. For being a member of a community that prides itself on being so much more intelligent and reasonable than this community, that was pretty ridiculous.

Your sub is just a giant cancer that keeps claiming it isn't cancer. You guys make fake accounts and post anti-semitic shit here, then cry about it in your sub. Why can't you just leave us the fuck alone?

We're lucky to ever reach a quarter of your online users. I grant you, I can't prove anything, which is why I would love the admins to weigh in. I'd want any users who were voting in linked threads to be banned.

I'll tell you what I'll do. I work with the reddit API, I'll write a bot to monitor upvotes and downvotes for a given linked thread/comment and make those counts available in the comments of the link as a graph and raw data. Sound good?

I asked the admins about .np links and I got no response, obviously. The people who delete the .np and replace with w w w don't register as "brigading," so they can never be banned. They simply get to the thread in a roundabout way. The people who attempt to "brigade" by following a .np link and casting votes don't count anyways, so they also won't be banned.

Sweet profile name

about how to improve the rampant racism and myriad other problems with this subreddit. That's apparently unforgiveable.

"Rampant racism"? What are you talking about? There's more racism that comes from the fucking people paid to plant it here than actual users.

They are creating a problem that has to be "dealt with". Dealing with the problem means censorship. Racism is a first amendment fucking right. I'm not racist but I defend anyone's right to be racist.

He was fabricating racist comments and using alt accounts to up votes them. What world do you live in where that is forgivable?

I think you're getting your hes mixed up, unless you think polarbear and whetstone are the same person.

Racism? You evidently don't know this place at all. But do keep talking, so everyone can see you for what you are.

And these all have negative karma. So how's the whole subreddit racist? Seems just about like any other sub. There's a bunch of idiots, big surprise.

Not to mention the fact that they publicly admitted to creating fake accounts for posting anti-semitic stuff here:

Here's another example:

They're too lazy to use accounts that are more than a month or two old, and the "anti-semite" rants here are usually on accounts that have very little activity, almost as if they are alternative accounts... It really is pathetic the lengths these idiots go to in order to discredit this sub.

And honestly, there's no better way to discredit someone or a group of people than accusing them of anti-semitism. Unless you can convince everyone we're all rapists or something.

Whatever, I'm used to people going to absurd lengths to protect their delusions.

They were not all negative when I posted them, in fact the FightTheSerpent one was +4 when I posted it. I'm glad to see you guys downvoting them now though.

There's a bunch of idiots, yes, but in other subreddits the racist morons are banned, and rightfully so.

Good job finding all those examples of racism that were downvoted. That totally means that the community agrees with them.


Since this place is oh-so-racist, then you shouldn't have an issue finding an example of a high-point, racist post. There are a plethora, right?

Those were not all negative when I posted them. One of them was +4 when I linked it. You guys have been downvoting them since I posted them, which is good.

So, racist high scoring stuff? Depends on your definition of racist and high scoring. I don't have all morning to search, but here are a couple tidbits from FightTheSerpent's history: - Good ol' holocaust denial at +10 - The /r/WhiteRights guy applauding the label of anti-semitic, +21

If the community disagreed with racism as much as it claimed to, my linked posts would already be removed and the users banned. Complicity is pretty shitty. The report button exists for a reason.

Edit: Also, why edit your post? Here's where he accused me of being a troll, because having an opinion and citing sources is troll behavior now.

    Please, tell me what I am.

The anwer would be "troll".

These posts have nothing in common with the overtly racist ones you posted previously.

Good ol' holocaust denial at +10

While this person could be the biggest bigot, comment is not evidence of this. In fact, I'm sure a large segment of those who don't believe the holocaust didn't happen are bigots. However, you cannot infer that simply questioning this implies hatred of all people in a certain group. And to say so is simply intellectually lazy. He presented a collection of factoids he believes to be true. I'd begin by disproving those points. And it is through that discourse that you'd be able to find out if he is in fact a bigot or simply misguided.

The /r/WhiteRights guy applauding the label of anti-semitic, +21

Yet another grey comment from the same dude. Did you even watch the video he was commenting on for context? If not, then it seems he is raising the valid point that "anti-semite" is often thrown around when one starts to talk about Palestine as if being against neo-apartheid means you have to hate all Jewish people. By that definition, 43% of Israelis must be antisemetic since they want a freeze on the the expansion of the West Bank as well.

So in summary, you found unpopular posts that were overtly hateful and other posts that could be from a hateful person, yet contain no actual hateful content.

In other words, the rampant racism claim against the community remains unfounded.

Also, why edit your post? Here's where he accused me of being a troll...

That is correct. That was an error on my part since I conflated your post with other posts while formulating my comment. It couldn't have been up for more than a minute or so before I realized that this did not apply to you since you had been genuine in your posts (even if I strongly disagree with the conclusion you draw about this sub).

I appreciate the fact that you didn't call me a shill for calling you out on my edit. That's all that I need to know that you're not an asshole. We may not agree, but we certainly have common ground here.

I've ended my conspiracy/conspiratard debate on the http end, but I hope you understand that my entire /r/conspiracy existence is as on the idea that you guys are funny as shit. I don't trust the government, and unlike a lot of conspiratards I have a reason. I just wat the fucking anti-semitism to end.

But your examples of anti-semitism are bullshit.

You just want to shut down honest inquiry about WWII and Israel.

Over 200k subscribers, post has 10 upvotes. Does that really seem like rampant racism to you?

I'm not claiming /r/conspiracy as a whole is racist. I'm claiming that racism isn't handled appropriately. +1 or +10000 doesn't matter, it's the number of comments that matter. When I search my couple of days of comments for 'jew', I get well over a thousand results, and a few dozen for 'nigger'. That should be telling. In the next couple days I'll have over 200 million comments in my DB, and I'll post a better analysis then. If it turns out that /r/conspiracy isn't more racist than other subreddits, I'll take my comments back and apologize formally.

I think we both know that's not going to happen though.

Add jooz into your search. Its the favorite saying of /r/conspiratard trolls. I hope you remember to factor trolls into your experiment.

Here are those results, and forgive the fucked up links, they're the easiest way to format them:

joo: 1 result,

jooz: 3 results,

Edit: Feel free to check me,

I do run it, but I am incredibly anti-censorship, and we have the most anti-censorship user, /u/go1dfish on the team. He knows how anti-censorship I am, and I would hope he would back me up on it.

Edit: Had the wrong username, I always forget where the '1' goes.

Can confirm; we have some shit coming (re: anti-censorship) that will blow people's minds.

I've been in this sub awhile, I feel comfortable saying that I have never seen someone saying nigger that wasn't a troll. At least half of the time that "Jew" is used, it's a troll as in "the Jews did 9/11". Of the remaining, I see people being corrected often about the importance of distinguishing Israel from Jews everywhere. As for the rest, I chalk it up to ignorant assholes and those are everywhere. I think most of the complaints about /r/con being antisemitic is because we criticize Israel. I don't see anything wrong with criticizing or disliking Israel.

I mean absolutely no offense, but you haven't been viewing every thread if you haven't seen 'nigger'. It's not particularly common, but it's certainly not uncommon.

I know none of you guys know this, but I think Israel is shit. They've held a nuclear program for decades in direct opposition to law, and the US refuses to uphold our laws regarding that. I think the US should absolutely enforce our laws, and we don't.

None of this is anti-semitic, and none of this is wrong. This isn't what I'm complaining about. I'm complaining about the actual anti-semitism, not antizionism. Antizioism is (loosely, because it absolutely isn't actually antizionistic*, closer to just straight politcal opinions)

"Israel sucks because these 12 Hamas guys were killed today from a rocket attack."

You'll notice I didn't emphasize it, because it didn't need emphasis. If the 'jews' are doing the bad you suppose they (not 'you' they, /r/conspiracy 'they') are, no exaggeration is needed.

Please, tell me what I am.

You're a muckraker.

Thank you.

Edit: Despite how it sounds, muckraker is really a compliment. The best journalists of all time were muckrakers without a doubt, though I would not even stand in the general direction of their farts due to my unworthiness. Here's some info on them.

The one where everyone was angry because Obama appointed some jewish guy into some bankings related positon was good recently.

Also look into the post history of /u/2to4 and /u/Grandest_Inquisitor if you want examples of holocaust denial.

"Holocaust denial" (a completely loaded term in and of itself), is not racism.

No, it's anti-semitism and support of neo-nazi propaganda. .

That's complete and utter horseshit, man. If I thought you were anything more than a troll I would debate you further.

You're saying there's a school of Holocaust denial that isn't rooted in trying to minimize the tragedy of WWII and trying to justify Nazism?

It's not holocaust denial. I keep telling you I accept many Jews were put in camps and murdered by the Germans . . . I simply question much of the official story as I do about 9/11 and the JFK assassination.

You stalk me and falsely label me a "denier" and "anti-semite" to shut down legitimate debate about WWII here.

... this subreddit is insanely racist... I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or not

No, it is not. Repeating a thing doesn't make it true.

What an unsubstantiated blanket statement..

They want him gone for stupid reason. The above "evidence" would only upset a moron.


I am sure he read everything but still doesnt understand WHY he should be removed, everything i have read lacks evidence of any real moderator no no.

After roughly a year of lurking (r/conspiracy) here and there i didn't see any racism, trolls maybe. I'm not saying there wasn't any but it's just a little funny how much of a battle it's become. If you go to someone defending the "enemy" saying that the mod or r/bipolarbear0 had a valid point and they were polite and they get down voted. The same thing goes for us defending this sub. There's a comment pleading for users to actually read the link and say we'd find the enemy's argument incite-full, and valid all comments against him were also down voted to hell even though they were valid thought out points. It's just funny how this turned from which hunt to war. Much hypo criticism

But I want to upvote for visibility because I believe meta discussion is important for this sub yet I'm not informed enough to make a decision.

There is only one thing this forum needs, and that is for /r/conspiratard trolls to be banned. /u/solidwhetstone not only fails to see this problem but encourages it (though this is likely more of a ruse/troll on his part). In any case, whether ignorant of the problem or trolling his own forum, he's shown that he is unfit to stay as moderator here. /r/conspiratard is caught red-handed creating and upvoting racism here and (successfully)blaming /r/conspiracy members of doing it, to the so-called moderators here!

Get rid of the /r/conspiratards and you will get rid of the racist comments.

Get rid of /r/conspiratards and you will increase quality of discussions ten-fold.

Getting rid of /r/conspiratards is one of the only moderating issues that needs to be handled and it is clear /u/solidwhetstone is preventing this from happening(unbanning them as we speak).

/u/solidwhetstone Has to go.

Its important that the other mods take this seriously and avoid falling into the 'us vs them' paradigm. This is about /u/solidwhetstone specifically and you can choose to accept this communities advice and remove him. You will be praised for doing the right thing instead of defending and protecting him like so often authorities are inclined to do. Hell, you'll just be taking some internet power away from him, he's gonna be okay. In the end as long as he's gone, there's no hard feelings and life will go on.

Tag teaming now, huh?


Ask them to deny it.


I'd love to see a screen cap of him saying that about Rachel being a Hamas supporting scum.

Close enough...

Founder of r/tard:

That's actually disgusting, it makes my soul feel sick. The people at /r/conspiritard accuse people here of being racist and anti-semetic (which isn't true), yet their mods are doing sickening shit like this.

This exposes what /r/conspiritard is actually about... supporting the status quo no matter how demonstrably monstrous it is.

Straight up

The reason I created /r/NolibsWatch was to assure that these callous bigots would have a hard time in their pro-war propaganda agenda.

I saw a comment from jcm267 calling "Veterans Today" (I believe) anti-American, which of course is a pro war propaganda slur against people who think American foreign policy is disgusting. And thing is, you have to be downright ignorant to use the term "anti-american" unironically. (Source: I used to be a huge neocon myself, I know how ignorant they are, when I was a neocon I had no knowledge of actual American history, just that we were #1)


How many times do you plan to post the same thing? did you forget your medication this morning? you already posted this 10 times.

the denizens of r/conspiratard do many things to undermine this sub, to include pretending to call everyone a shill, in order to support the notion that we hurl that accusation loosely. Clearly, /u/lifestyled is of that ilk.

  • and now that he has been called out on it, he has deleted his comments. Anyone still think this isn't being coordinated?


Did you ever consider that maybe I delete my comments so people like you stop trying to dox me when you don't get your way and can't defend your opinions without falsifying information?

No. Shills do that to hide their deeds. That's what comes to mind first. I guess you should just go ahead and delete all your comments then. It's very brave of you. Clearly you believe that going around this sub the other day, and calling random people a shill, so many times that at least three people called you on it, was a noble endeavor...yet now your "possible" reasoning for deleting your comments is so people stop trying to dox you.....or something something my opinions? Dude, I think you should just go ahead and delete this commment as well.


Did you ever consider that I was only doing exactly what this sub does anytime someone post something critical of the content?

Did you ever consider this line of questioning is more obvious then you going around the sub the other day and calling everyone a shill? Now that you admit the whole maybe maybe dox me thing had nothing to do with it, I am left with the notion that you are simply here to troll.

So, have a nice day, troll.

Tell you what, I'll give you my name, address, phone number, everything. Come and kill me. Bullet in the head, leave me dead. Because apparently I'm not allowed to have free thought, I must conform to what this sub wants. So kill me. Please. End this life so I don't have to do it myself.

Dude. Here is a link to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. Things will get better. Hang in there.


Come on man, don't say an upvote and a smile :)

Go back to /r/nolibswatch then. Nobody wants you here calling names and making everything a partisan issue.

If anything, events like this demonstrate the need for /r/nolibswatch. If he did not create it, someone else would have had to.

Sure buddy.

Damn man, he cracked. Glad you were there to document it.

Search "jcm*" in /r/NolibsWatch for the litany.

/r/nolibswatch is a great example of how conspiracy theory itself has turned into a partisan political game. Our govt. can radicalize stupid conspiracy theorists on the right wing, claiming that everything is a "Liberal Conspiracy" and then effectively makes the conspiracy culture split down the middle and argue with each other and get nowhere. Just like they did with politics. Make them fight each other over stupid shit while the NWO gets away with whatever it wants.

Sorry to ask this, I'm still new to this sub but why are those bad things.

More name calling just because the guy is trying to moderate by talking to people who get downvoted here. And you get downvoted for asking a simple question. This sub hates discussion and facts and reason. Either you're with them or against them. The pinnacle of circle jerking

He was probably downvoted because it's a really dumb question. It's right there in the link.

Look, you may be new here, but /r/conspiracy is where many top minds collaborate, and routinely outsmart the most well funded, well equipped and diabolical organizations on earth. How do we do it? Top thinkers, experts on every field, unparalleled investigative skills and fearlessness. I would trust a top comment here over pretty much any news source, especially a mainstream source, any day.


it's a copy pasta of someone from /r/conspiracy who made a really stupid comment. Now it's used to make fun of /r/conspiracy.

Rant here

Makes sense. Thanks for the info.

You may not meet the criteria, I'm afraid.

Too bad.

We could try to get you a spot as bat boy or something. Would you like that, Billy?

Oh, good night. Would I ever!

I must say I agree. This forum is like a magnet for Reddit's top men.

I have to get that on a T-shirt!

LOOL I can't tell if you're joking or trolling, but /r/conspiracy is a home of racists, bigots, tea party members (which I think covers the first two well) and the mentally retarded.

Care to back up any of that with links or are you just talking out of your ass like all the other c'tards in this thread?

Links for what? To prove there are racist bigots here? Look at the top comments in any thread about "da jeuuuus" and you'll see it.

Pancakes are the food shills.

Yeah, I asked solidwhetstone if he knew about Rachel Corrie and the subs /r/conspiratard created to celebrate her death. He never replied.

Hey solidwhetstone, you're a fucking shitbag. Your silence on this matter speaks volumes.

I have gotten hundreds of messages in the past day. My silence speaks no such thing. I have never heard of rachel corrie before yesterday and the subreddit everyone keeps talking about is private, so I have no idea about any of it.

So are you ever going to address the hundreds of messages and the hundreds of members of this sub who want you out of here or are you just going to keep sucking Conspiratards dick and blowing off the members of the sub that you are supposed to be modding? Get the fuck out.


Am I the only one that finds it funny and very confusing that when a comment on /r/conspiracy mentions "conspiratards" they are referring to the users of /r/conspiratard.

But when a user on /r/conspiratard uses the word, they are referring to users of /r/conspiracy.

No, you're not the only one.

Your thoughts on their penchant for the Rachel Corrie animosity? Prudent, or no?

That was some douchebag individuals years ago

Move on

Nope. If your sub is going to nitpick comments from the past that you deem anti-semitic/racist, you're held to the same standard.

Take your beef with the mods at /r/conspiratard to them.

I don't really care what they get up to, since they only mod the subreddit. They don't really have any more control over it than any mod does - which is to say not very much.

Mods don't control a sub? ..What?

Considering the cess pool of hit garbage that this sub is, I'd say it's fairly evident they do not.


Oh the irony.


What is your primary reason for posting here.

when a comment on /r/conspiracy mentions "conspiratards" they are referring to the users of /r/conspiratard.

I think that's most likely true of all other subreddits too, not just /r/conspiracy. That's the only logical result of naming your sub "conspiratard". The guys that set it up just had no clue what they were actually doing when they named it. Par for the course.

conspiratard is in pretty common usage in the real world to refer to conspiracy types.

But it's not the real world. The language and symbolic matrix is something we humans have created for ourselves over the course of thousands of years. Our language is the reflection of ourselves, and thus an illusion in itself.

I get your point btw, 'twas a joke.

Well, they are in r/conspiratard, and they are retards, so ....

Ever actually go to the thread? Its far less retarded than this one can be. "Conspiritard" is a common nomenclature.

The word itself and therefore the thread wouldn't exist without people with paranoid mental issues using ad-hom attacks, while believing in the idea that everybody, even reddit mods, are out to get them and are "the enemy" as described by the OP.

"Common nomenclature"... LOL

Among bigots.

You would find it confusing because you're not considering my use of the /r/ to denote their subreddit. Now that the issue is cleared up for you, have a nice day.

So literally everything wrong with the sub is because of /r/conspiratard?

No but there has been a massively notable wave of troll posts since their inception, and it's been getting much stronger in the past 3 months particularly.

They have a large community that is literally working to disrupt our community, despite what they may claim of not being a downvote brigade ( fucking bullshit ).

Oh come off it. The number of openly racist and anti-semitic posts came down (not disappeared, but came down) after folks like /u/tttt0tttt and /u/bumblingmumbling were banned.

They were two users (mods of /r/whiterights) who not only had nothing whatsoever to do with /r/conspiratard, but were two users who were welcomed by /r/conspiracy.

But you think that's somehow a false-flag by /r/conspiratard? Come on guys! We're making ourselves look ridiculous now!

I suppose you missed this screencap of a comment by Bipolarbear where he admits to doing exactly what dsprox has described.

The OP was nice enough to put it in the text of the submission, but since your comment seemed to suggest otherwise, I thought you might have missed it.

What I want to know is how many upvotes it got.

How would you know if they were from /r/con or his alt accounts though?

We're making ourselves look ridiculous now!

It's what we are best at!

By troll post you mean someone trying to debunk a theory, right?

"Since we all know that Sandy Hook was objectively a hoax..." - All of the upvotes!

"I'm sorry, but some of your points are incorrect or biased, and this is why I don't believe it was a hoax..." - Hovering below zero...

"There's no evidence that six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust." - All of the upvotes!

"Yeah, here it is." - Hovering below zero...

"Shut up, you filthy kike Zionist shill!" - Upvotes galore.

This perfectly summed up my experience in this sub. I'm used to being in /r/economics and /r/politics and /r/science where you get deleted or banned for the slightest amount of rhetoric, hate speech, or name calling. The users on this sub wouldn't last a day on a reasonable thread, that's why they are here. Groupthink engage!!

Honestly, I wish more subs were run like /r/askhistorians.

Ouch. That accuracy chaffs.

None of those are actual submissions. Above post is propaganda.

No I mean literal troll posts, like text posts of people claiming to have been recently abducted or to have seen a ufo but I can't find the video/picture/proof.

I'll offer a different opinion. I post on here and tard and I feel like tard kind of keeps a balance to conspiracy. While there are trolls and terrible people(on both sides) there are level headed posters that come on here and post another point of view.

I think this is turning into a conspiracy theory about /r/conspiracy. So meta. I should make /r/metaconspiracy


they're 50% Miley Cyrus, 50% Hitler, and 50% Andy Dick

One subreddit dedicated to harrassing and trolling another subreddit, no never.

Please do read my post before commenting on it.

Getting rid of /r/conspiratards is one of the only moderating issues that needs to be handled

There is only one thing this forum needs, and that is for /r/conspiratard trolls to be banned.

So, yes. You are very clearly saying that everything wrong with this forum is because of /r/conspiratard

You must have trouble interpreting meaning. He said it's one of the only problems, which is a far cry from claiming that it's the only problem.

Just because you have a sloppy brain doesn't mean the rest of us do.

It seems to me that an issue of comparable importance is our tendency to fight at every opportunity. Here is a community that takes pride in seeing the corruption that causes humans to be violent and aggressive, or scared and greedy; yet we seem largely incapable of settling matters like these calmly.

Please don't interpret this as a singular accusation, I legitimately think our etiquette should be addressed to better communication in this sub. I'm sure you can provide some justification for your tone here, as can /u/GlenBaskerville and /u/AZSnakePit , but I don't believe justification really makes up for the potential information lost. IMO the efficiency of this sub would be massively improved with a consistent "water under the bridge" attitude. I welcome thoughts.

"One of the only problems"? That makes no sense, on the most basic level. It's either one of the problems, or it's the only problem. IT CAN'T BE BOTH.

And since nothing else he says refers to anything outside of /r/conspiratard, that confirms the very first sentence of his post, which clearly says (and I have to repeat, since you chose to completely ignore it), "There is only one thing this forum needs, and that is for /r/conspiratard trolls to be banned."

That's what I said, but everybody seems to have jumped on the downvote train. I'm so terribly sorry that I haven't chased down GlenBaskerville's entire comment history, Mr. Internet. I was responding in context.

Man, you guys take Reddit seriously!

It's so intense! It would be funny if it wasn't so depressingly sad.

"First they came for the conspiratards and I didn't speak out...."

If we banned people from conspiritard, they would still be able to make alt accounts and post in here.

So? Let them. If they're REALLY that devoted then nothing will stop them, not even an ip ban.

But why let them continue to literally troll this sub?

Fucking ban them because their only purpose here is to fuck shit up.

A moderators job is to stop that, and banning these people is the only way.

You just said that they'll get around the ban if they want to, and yet you're demanding a ban because it'll supposedly keep them from trolling the sub?

That doesn't make much sense, what you're saying. So you just want the symbol of them getting banned? Even though it doesn't solve your problem at all?

Did you completely miss my point?

Banning them makes it so that they have to actively make a new account which upon banning would require them to make another account.

They are playing a game, and we have to play it right back, and the only way to play the game to win for us is to ban blatant trolls, forcing them to either create new accounts each time, or quit the game, which the weak trolls will do.

This will lower the level of shit here.

Yeah, it's pretty telling so many want this community to allow itself to be trolled and its moderators are playing footsie with the troll sub.

What about the people from r/conspiratard that don't troll and just want to discuss shit. Are we getting banned too?

Well no, people who contribute to threads with meaningful discussion that isn't just trolling is exactly what we want.

It's, of course, just a measure of discouragement to decrease the impact they have.

Eh. This is my first time coming across this sub. I pressed "all" because I don't feel like getting off the shitter yet and I lost a bunch playing poker already.

Go outside. This shit isn't that important.

/u/callofdusty and /u/ghostofdusty He didn't get banned but is a prime example of a serial name caller who used multiple accounts to be a dick.

The people shaking their heads and laughing aren't somehow responsible for the typical claims that vaccines cause disease, for the instant claims that every attack is false-flag, for the ridiculous numerology that sounds absolutely schizophrenic, for the treatment of Alex Jones and Mike Adams as remotely reliable sources, for the obscenely callous "crisis actor" nonsense, for the "body double" prosopagnosia, or for the unabashed holocaust denialism.

The people who submit and upvote this guff aren't infiltrators or shills. They're your bros. They're your fellow redditors who "saw through the lies" and "woke up." I'm not saying they're representative of all regulars here - certainly the sub's content has grown less wacky since Snowden - but they've seen genuine praise and defense even from your precious moderators. 9000sins once went so far as to say absolutely anything conspiratorial is welcome, but counterclaims will be treated to close scrutiny and harsh moderation. That is not how sensible discussions take place or how subs attract reasonable people. It's a ratchet for helping the crazies stand among people with rational complaints.

As for racism - on the /r/Conspiracy frontpage right now, there are three users I've RES-tagged for overt antisemitism in past discussions. These people are power users. If they're fakes, you're already fucked.

But one guy on /r/conspiratard said something terrible. If that isn't enough to ban their whole sub, what is????

Seriously. And to stem to inevitable backlash for your post: yes, /r/Conspiratard exists to point out when one guy in /r/Conspiracy says something terrible - but they're just pointing and laughing, not demonizing or damning the entire sub.

Care you link to said "overt antisemitism" or are you just making baseless claims like all the other c'tards in this thread?

Fine. Here's Alllie making a "Jews did 9/11" alllusion toward a Jewish redditor who points out that plenty of Jews served in WWII. This is in a thread submitted by Occidentalist, who regularly posted in /r/WhiteRights and was unabashedly a white supremacist. This submission received hundreds of upvotes and many supportive comments. His Stormfront buddy r00t shows up to lend support and claim that "American Jews are mostly cowards."

In the same thread, idonotcollectstamps basically accuses all Jews of being un-American based on his statistically explainable anecdotal experience. He was a regular here until his account went quiet, and he'd jump at any opportunity to accuse the "jew boys" in the JIDF "ZOG machine" of trying to take over the internet.

Dieselphiend is there, too. Along with claiming /r/Conspiratard of being 100% "paid shills," he loved the usual "Jews aren't a race" argumentum ad Webster, and outright said that millions of anti-semites must have a good reason.

Bumblingmumbling also shows up, and do I even have to explain what an asshole he is? This is the guy who said WWII was a Jewish plot to stop Hitler's monetary plans. 9000sins wrote of him: "The man may indeed be a hardcore racist, but that does not make his points invalid. Every point he makes is backed up by evidence." The mods here banned people just for arguing with his overt and ridiculous racism masquerading as politics. He used to be in every goddamn /r/Conspiracy thread and he's still active in /r/WhiteRights.

Then there's billsang1 claiming there's no such thing as the Jewish race, even though the word means both the religion and the several ethnicities closely associated with that religion.

I don't know if there's been any shift to actually bother enforcing Rule #1, but even if the mods now care enough to keep the racism quiet, you guys had and presumably still have a shit-ton of racists.

Do you know what antisemitism even is? Doesn't look like it.

Propagating the myth of a Jewish cabal that has control over all media; a dangerous stereotype that attempts to justify hatred towards Jews and that's led to things like Rick Sanchez being fired from CNN or caused Henry Ford to print his own expanded version of the Protocols? It kinda looks like it. And the mod handled it in the worst way possible.

Promoting a stereotype is pretty much at the core of all racism. This is exactly that.

Being against Zionism is not antisemitism. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that.

But anyway, as for that link you posted - good thing you had the foresight to create a c'tarded thread so that you and the other c'tards could all rain some downvotes.

The word Zionist was never mentioned in the thread that I linked to. It very specifically refers to Jews. Unless you think Jew and Zionist are synonymous, which this sub evidently does as a way of creating plausible deniability towards accusations of racism, then this is a specific attempt to spread a dangerous stereotype about the Jewish people.

Also, I waited over a week to link the thread and the votes may have changed +/- 2 either way. I'm against vote briganding and the delay helps catch it.

Antisemitism, in any form, is not a trivial matter. It's one of the major reasons that this sub isn't taken seriously. The mods response only reinforces why this sub can't improve itself.

/r/conspiratard offered genuinely helpful advice for making this a better place. This sub responded with a call-to-arms and you trying to defend antisemitism.

You guys scare me. Can I just be batshit insane in peace?

batshit insane

Do even realize that you're being a bigot?

against bats?

Its important that the other mods take this seriously and avoid falling into the 'us vs them' paradigm

This sentence in a comment that solely consists of "us vs them" is kind of hilarious.

Curious why a 3 month old account is leading the charge here...

Do you have any proof of /u/solidwhetstone upvoting racist comment that came from /r/conspiritard users? He does seem to want to improve this sub, and evidence contrary to his words would prove otherwise.

Amen. I nominate you for moderator position based on this comment.



See, /r/conspiratard isn't the problem with /r/conspiracy.

This is the problem with /r/conspiracy.

Also the blatant racism.

Upvote this fucking post if you haven't already.

I would say the best petition would be the one you just started. If enough people want it it will make it to the front page. Everyone who upvotes also leave a comment stating whether he stays or goes, that way vote manipulation can only do so much. If as many people want him gone as I suspect then this should make it to the top of the front page. He'll see it, hopefully along with the other mods. And he'll have to comment on it, he'll either do as everyone asks or he will refuse and he'll keep his post. If he does that then I would think that it's time for everyone to move on to a different sub.

EDIT- Here's my vote- Resign

I'm going to upvote the post because I enjoy a little subreddit drama and find this an interesting overview of the people who browse this subreddit. I vote the reasonable mod stay. Why? He asked a group of people that make fun of /r/conspiracy's false witchhunts for ways to prevent such crap from reoccurring.

Edit- just read through the thread. The troll may have misled the mod into thinking this subreddit gets lots of traffic from racist subreddits, and in response, the mod said he was concerned about such content and would consult the other mods on what to do. Seriously, through, read the bloody post. The "enemy" puts up extremely valid concerns and criticisms. The entire time that mod was polite and thoughtful! The link is in the top thread.

The "enemy" puts up extremely valid concerns and criticisms. The entire time that mod was polite and thoughtful! The link is in the top thread.

That's not the fucking point.

This is about treason to most people. What is it to you, oh expressive one?

I agree. My vote is resign.

He has a point. I hate the fact that the truth movement has been taken over by right-wingers. By and large, it used to be the left who engaged in conspiracy theorizing. The right uses fundamentally flawed reasoning (i.e. bad/no science like in the evolution debate) and it makes us look bad. I miss conspiracy theorizing being about hard-hitting facts and intelligent anti-Establishment thinking rather than thinly veiled partisan neoliberal politics.

I don't know the whole story, but I can't help but think that if he's pissing off a lot of y'all, he has to be doing something right.

That's an idiotic blind assumption to make.

Why are you guys so in love with the word 'blind'? It's very odd.

It's blind because you said "I don't know the whole story" and then proceeded to assume that he's doing "something right" after just admitting that you had nothing to base your opinion on.

In case your reading comprehension isn't up to snuff, I'll spell it out for you: you literally made a blind assumption.

Edit: And maybe the reason you're accused of being blind so often is because you make c'tarded comments like these? Just a thought.

If someone can see a little bit of something, they're not blind. I got the gist of why people are pissed here, buddy.

"Blind" just sounds like such a conspiratard word.

"I miss conspiracy theorizing being about hard-hitting facts"

It seems that you're a bit guilty of this when you generalize about the people here along with their method of rhetoric without any "facts" yourself. Look at most of the posts on this sub, they are are all referencing articles filled with facts. However , I do agree many of posts here come from untrustworthy sources. Still, you can't claim it's not about facts anymore. Moreover, I feel like this "truth movement" you reference is most harmed when people are categorized into "the right" and "left" and you have predetermined one is correct and the other has "fundamentally flawed reasoning". The best way to discover truth is to avoid the Ad Hominum fallacy and focus on facts and arguments.

E. G. I could have started this post attempting to refute you based on your position as a moderator on /r/socialism. But I stayed focused on your reasoning instead.

He went to a subreddit which is obviously critical of conspiracy theories and so is full of people critical of conspiracy theories to ask how a subreddit on conspiracy theories could be improved, in a polite and completely open way and people want him to be removed?

He clearly didn't go to /r/conspiritard to ask advice specifically from someone who had "a history of manipulation in this sub". He went because he knew that people would be more likely to give much better answers on how to improve /r/conspiracy than the people on /r/conspiracy, because the subscribers of this subreddit are more likely to think that this subreddit is alright how it is.

Just look at the replies to his post in /r/conspiritard. They're mostly genuine answers. I can see why a subreddit like /r/conspiritard exists when people from /r/conspiracy think a mod is "conspiring with the enemy" (-/u/SovereignMan). It's fucking Reddit. He's not trying to infiltrate and destroy the subreddit. The people who think that really are just paranoid maniacs.

EDIT: Unsubscribing. Thought this subreddit would be a sensible place to discuss alternative news. Nope.

The mods actually do a really shitty job of deleting comments and posts that break the rules of the sub out of fear of being accused of being a shill. So the mods just let the whole sub go nuts. Rules include, no name-calling, no caps lock, sources required, no memes. These rules get broken in every thread and the mods and users are under constant attack for trying to be reasonable. But the mods don't want to ban them because that's just throwing gasoline on the paranoia fire.

Dude you came way too late to the party, the masses can destroy anything.

See ya. Bring some of your pals with you, you won't be missed.

I tend to only come here for news stories and don't always notice discussions in the sub itself. What did /u/solidwhetstone do?

The amount of irony in this thread is amazing


That isn't what happened. The fact you used the word shill after having already seen the thread really makes me unable to take that statement seriously.

He's asking people that mock this sub openly for advice on how to help the sub. Like asking r/libertariansareretarded for advice ok how to mod r/libertarians.

Or asking /r/conspiracy what they think US domestic policy should be like when all they do is say unflattering things about the federal government.

Only people who support Obama should get to voice their thoughts on what he should do.

And he was only replying to the comments that didn't seem like they were spewed by assholes.

Not this, but this. Conspiring with the enemy.

That is not conspiring, that is discussing in public. Is that all he did, ask the wrong people for their opinions?

He asked the wrong people for advice. Think of as if the South Korean people had just found out that their government had been faxing with Kim Jung Un his advice on how to run their government. r/conspiritard exists to fuck with /r/conspiracy, hence the name. People here get pissed if you even link to it, because most here have had to deal with their middle school bullshit.

The opposite analogy is probably better, since bans are like political imprisonment, and anti-semitism and white supremacy is like nationalist propaganda.

It's a good analogy but your bias shows if you think you're not the fringe group

/r/conspiracy isn't the only place with conspiracy nuts. How very self important.

Really, /r/conspiratard exists to point out all of the fallacious nonsense that goes on here. Given almost every post on this sub is fueled by batshit paranoid delusion, there's a lot to point out.

it's there to point out far fetched claims some users take that too far also

...he went to /r/conspiratard and asked them for mod advice? THAT'S what these people want him gone for?

Perusing the thread, I haven't seen anything regarding censorship, just reviewing ban policies and the discussion of a vote-brigading troll.

maybe he was trying to engage with them in order to stop them trolling?

Yeah he is actually taking a non ban initiative to try and improve a sub he mods, thats not so bad... he could go to the people directly but then again some people posting here are a little out of control.

Except he wasn't. In fact he did the exact opposite and removed the bans that had been placed on some of the trolls subscribed there.

these people want him gone for?

Not gone, just removed as a mod.

That doesn't make it any less silly.

Shhh, I'm hunting internet. Be vewy vewy quiet.

You obviously don't come here often or you would understand.

And you automatically expect me to either leave or prompt you for an explanation, meaning you don't want to give one.

Either you don't see how ridiculous this is, or you're unwilling to.

On the off-chance that I'm wrong, however, I will give you a chance to explain to me why asking for mod tips from the other sub qualifies as "conspiring with the enemy". You're probably going to have to define "enemy", and also explain WHY your chosen "enemy" is designated such.

All it takes is a little common sense to realize /r/conspiratard is designed to ridicule /r/conspiracy and make them obsolete. If you understand that part, it takes a little more common sense to realize that a mod of this sub asking advice from them will lead to nothing but damage... so Wolfgang, today you learned that its not really about 'enemies', or anyone acting unfair, but about common sense: We dont need a mod who asks advice from a sub thats designed to attack the mod's own sub.

If you can't go to your critics for advice, who should you go to? I thought the idea was that the people in power ought to look at those who are saying they're wrong as a sign of what to do to fix how they act.

You nailed down my rationale exactly.

He didn't take any bad advice as far as I read (which was only a few threads). I'm glad the mod would see what the most cynical people would think. If it points out actual errors, then success. If you asked for help aging wood in a metal smithing subreddit, you could easily learn something new because of a slightly different perspective.

All it takes is a little common sense to realize /r/conspiratard is designed to ridicule /r/conspiracy and make them obsolete.

This sub has 200,000 + people subbed, conspiratard has 24,000 + people subbed. Their is no way conspiratard can take down this sub. I have watch /r/conspiratard for a while now and I have to say their foucs is not just on this sub. It just seems that they post about /r/conspiracy a lot because both forums are on the same site. They are lazy complainers basically.

This is true, I complain a lot, and I'm lazy. ;-)

A lot of the content on conspiratard has nothing to do with Reddit, so claims that it exists only to mock this specific subreddit are obviously inaccurate.

Dude, what? Like 50% of the links there mention or link to this sub directly, if not more. What are you talking about?

Seems to me that he ignored the hurtful and less serious suggestions. IMO, you're going on a witch hunt. If he's still maintaining order, not actually censoring anyone who doesn't have it coming (trolls and their ilk), and is in general being a decent mod, then who cares where he got his advice from? You might as well say someone's parenting advice is invalid because they attend a Catholic church.

He sort of has a point. /r/conspiracy is 99% shit.

I mean, /r/conspiracy was absolutely right about the government being able to listen in on your smartphone. Right for years when nobody did anything but laugh at you. Why? Well because it drowned in the bullshit that make up most of this channel, stuff like how giant lizardmen are running a shadow government.

Asking people for advice doesn't necessarily mean you have to follow it, and it's always constructive to ask people you disagree with for their opinion. If you sit in a closed little bobble with people who all agree with you, you're never going to evolve.

stuff like how giant lizardmen are running a shadow government.

Almost none of those ever break above 0 points and even if they did, they would never be on the front page.

I think he's using hyperbole. If I can presume, I would say that a comparison old be that the 9/11 conspiracy has some definite merits, while the moon landing conspiracy is garbage because there is so much scientific data to disprove it.

Icke's particular brand of infamous lunacy is indeed not very popular on /r/conspiracy, but really out there theories are by no means uncommon here. Submissions about ISON, the magic alien apocalyptic Mayan Freemason comet that ended the world 8 days ago have been frontpaged every other day over the last few weeks.

Right, and look at all the comments, almost every single one is calling it bullshit.

When Glenn Greenwald says that giant lizardmen actually are running the government, you'll be sorry!

See, this is why saying 99% shit is messed up. The NSA stuff was shit until it went mainstream. It's all shit until the tipping point is reached. None of us have any objective evidence about the NSA even now, but we all believe it because believable people are telling us so.

99% whacko, yeah. But that's the best stuff!

I've used the giant lizardmen before, and everytime I do I laugh a little about how sorry I'll be one day. :p

As far as your mainstream argument goes I'm not sure I agree completely. A lot of us remember things like echelon, and it wasn't the fact that the NSA is spying that was surprising. It was their reach. I mean, they had a small team work in a backdoor into Skype without the majority of the Skype development team ever finding out.

it's 99% anti american sentiment why are the vast majority of conspiracies only american and or Israeli its not like r/conspiracy is being used for a political forum. also some economic interests such as people who sell gold constantly harp on about gold conspiracies in order to stimulate the gold market .

The 'enemy'...

That sub was originally created to be an enemy of /r/conspiracy. So... yes.

No... It wasn't. It was created to mock stupid conspiracies. Low and behold there are some stupid conspiracies on a forum about conspiracies. Dare I say you should do your research?

I don't get involved in that stuff, but I hope I never hear MKUltra this or Project Bluebeam that again in my lifetime.

For those that don't know what I'm talking about Project Bluebeam doesn't exist and is actually often presented in an edited form. The original theory (which came from the government) states that the whole plan is to put the Anti Christ in power. Now the Anti Christ as defined in the bible is literally everyone who doesn't believe in the bible, church or follow Christianity.

MKUltra never achieved mind control or manipulation. Those areas were achieved later under a different program that had nothing to do with the MK series.

I've had long debates with both jcm267 and herkimer here at Reddit shortly after it started up (I was GrampaMike46 at that time) and before that at Digg. My research is first hand information from the creators of conspiratard themselves. What's yours? Hearsay? Believing what herkimer and jcm267 say nowadays?

Because I've never seen someone from /r/conspiratards actually try to destroy this sub. I've seen them mock it. I've seen them banned from it for no reason. I've seen them laugh at it.

I have not seen any actual proof of organized efforts to remove /r/conspiracy. Your, extremely vague, 'discussions' with the current mods are not proof of their intent.

Yes, the sub was probably created with some malice towards /r/conspiracy, but I don't think they want it gone.

I've never seen someone from /r/conspiratards actually try to destroy this sub...

Have herkimer or jcm267 invited you to their private subs yet? Example.

TIL r/RachelCorrie and r/conspiritards are the same thing. Whatever Rachel Corrie is.

Rachel Corrie was a protester in Israel/Palestine who got crushed by a bulldozer being used to destroy palestinian homes to make way for jewish settlements.

Have you seen the disgusting jokes they make about pancakes? They're talking about her.

As if he would actually eat it...

Actually, we mock conspiracy theorists in general, and this just so happens to be a very concentrated area for theorists. The name is /r/conspiracy for fucks sake!

/r/conspiracy is full of mental ill people

Kind of reaching there aren't we?

you sub'd here, whats that say bout you?

I enjoy fresh content to make fun of


I enjoy fresh content to make fun of


10.Any posts that attack the sub, users or the mods will be removed. Breaking this rule more than once can earn a ban.

So you admit your here to add nothing of value, only to troll.

Its really sad tbh, but if your personal life is so slow to come make fun of crazy ol me..

then troll on troll, troll on

Maybe one day a mod might actually give a sht and ban ppl like you.

I consider a sad life one who spends all day insulting Jews

Is that your professional opinion? If so, please provide an abstract of your research to refute this peer reviewed study which would suggest the opposite of your claim. If you spend much time browsing this sub for the purpose of mockery, you may want to take a look at your own mental health.

Some folks have a difficult time comprehending things outside their comfort zone/world view and react to conflicting information by calling people names in order to silence them.... r/conspiritard reminds me a bit of a truck full of rednecks hootin' and hollerin' and blasting off shotguns looking for some poor guy wearing a pink shirt so they can beat him for being a homosexual. Because that's a really good way to reassure yourself and your peers just how straight, or in this case, how mentally stable you are.

The term "conspiracy theorist" is a useful tool to silence debate by those who would rather not face information that makes them uncomfortable. If you would rather keep your head in the sand that's fine, but ridiculing people with different opinions and beliefs might be an indication of your own mental deficiency. You certainly don't demonstrate a higher cognitive function over those who dig to uncover the truth about the world they live in by doing that. Please resist the urge to say I believe in lizard people because I want to know more about what the NSA is up to. If it wasn't for the mainstream media coverage of Edward Snowden's revalations, I suspect you would call him a nut job who also believes the moon is made of cheese.

i am not scared of any of your "theories",they're not out of my comfort zone. I used to believe in conspiracy theories but then I realised people who create them make money off idiots like /r/conspiracy by bringing traffic and others.

Ever wondered why celebrities use different symbols on youtube like the pyramids and such? I sure you did. They do this for money because a lot of idiots will look for "symbols",trying to "decipher" then in this way making money out of you by ads and others.

You use a defensive mechanism by saying that your theories are 2spooky4me so I am too "afraid" to read more about them. It's the opposite,your defensive mechanism shows that you are very unstable by saying that people who dont have your world view are "scared","afraid to get out of their comfort zone".

It's my right to ridicule people who believe in retarded things,who can say the opposite?

i am not scared of any of your "theories",they're not out of my comfort zone. I used to believe in conspiracy theories but then I realised people who create them make money off idiots like /r/conspiracy by bringing traffic and others.

Ever wondered why celebrities use different symbols on youtube like the pyramids and such? I sure you did. They do this for money because a lot of idiots will look for "symbols",trying to "decipher" then in this way making money out of you by ads and others.

Classic example of what could accurately be described as a conspiracy theory. Congrats.

You use a defensive mechanism by saying that your theories are 2spooky4me so I am too "afraid" to read more about them. It's the opposite,your defensive mechanism shows that you are very unstable by saying that people who dont have your world view are "scared","afraid to get out of their comfort zone".

Not everyone's world view, just yourself. I seek out other world views and my own are constantly changing. I don't believe that is unstable.

It's my right to ridicule people who believe in retarded things,who can say the opposite?

I actually have not advocated one issue or view point if you read what I wrote. I just posed a question or two to which you said you refused to address. You were rude and presumptuous and although you have a right to I sultry anyone you want, it's just a sad way to go through life, bra. Good luck with it.

I wish I could answer that with a list of policy changes made since the Snowden revelations started, but I can't yet. But I find it hard to believe that by the time the last of the documents has been released, that it will have had no impact on the extent of government spying. Shining a light on corruption surely has a long-standing tradition of affecting change, and the lies and cover ups that follow each new report serve to multiply the outrage of the people, and puts faces and names to the crimes. I had never heard of Clapper till he lied to Congress. At least now when you try and warn someone about privacy they can't treat you like an idiot, nut job. It's they who deny a problem exists who look stupid now. There's change a-comin, and it's hard to imagine it not coming, once a critical mass of like minds have had enough of the crap. As for the new Pope. I smell a pure PR decision in bringing this one in. It worked so well with Obama! And the media surrounding him, reinforcing his rebel, Christ-like character should be a clear tell. Maybe this pope is like everything they say... But he is just the figure head of a corrupt institution which will not dance in step with this "pied piper" in terms of any real change to the Catholic faith. It sure takes the heat off them right now. Brilliant marketing move IMO.

Classic example of a mentally unstable human

its a mixture of things

So you mean basically you guys made a big conspiracy out of nothing? I'm shocked.


I don't think that's what "conspiring" means.

I don't get it :s

Ultimate denial.

Your arrogance is what troubles me.

all this against you and your argument back is a cartoon? dude shouldn't be a mod anywhere, let alone here.. aren't you supposed to stand for something? not cripple the subreddit with censorship and bs?

Hey, I bet that took forever for him to draw.

Censorship? Huh? I guess we've ceased rational discussion at this point? I'm going to bed.

I agree with you. This whole witch hunt is a perfect illustration of the sub's weakness. You are doing the right thing, reaching out and trying to find a way forward. It's terribly sad that this has been the reaction by a ardent minority. Please don't resign as a moderator.

"minority"? Doesn't look like a minority to me.

It's a subreddit that exists solely to harass/whine about another subreddit. Why should anyone reach out? That sub wouldn't even exist without this one.



as of your post..

04:22:43 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)

This petition is not even 8 hours old.

1780 (with -595) have voted him OUT.

have you ever seen more then 600 on at once?

3/1 want him Gone

Your no longer wanted here solid.

Have shred of decency and resign.

Of 204k subscribers. I believe you still permit me to have freedom of speech or are you going to use your pitchforks on freedom of expression next?

Of 204k subscribers.

I don't have a dog in this race, and I'm not sure I give a shit either way yet.

However, this is a fallacious argument of the worst kind. In elections, it's always a minority that actually goes out and votes, and those votes speak for everyone who doesn't bother. The same goes here. When it comes to petitions/vote tallied threads on reddit, ONLY the actual votes count. You can't just invoke the supposed opinion of the silent minority, because they are silent on the issue.

I know what you mean but this is a snap vote , given without notice and with little time for both sides to fairly contribute their considered views. The snap vote represents a 1% turnout of the total subscribers; perhaps that shows we need more time and not rush to judge either way?

The only thing to judge is your own vote. Nobody besides the mods older than him can force him out, he has to step down for anything to change.

I believe you still permit me to have freedom of speech or are you going to use your pitchforks on freedom of expression next?

To complain that your "freedom of speech" is somehow being impinged is ridiculous. You should already know that the whole concept of freedom of speech is only to protect individuals from the government, not some guy on reddit who disagrees with you. He could track and blast your opinions in every post you make and it wouldn't be a freedom of speech issue. Hell, the mods could ban you or the admins could shadow ban you and it still wouldn't be a freedom of speech issue - reddit is not the government, it's a private site. Freedom of speech isn't about feels. It's something far too important and rare these days to trivialize like this.

I agree with you. I was trying to make a broader point that just because we have dissenting views, it doesn't mean he is right or I am wrong. I don't know why though his immediate response to the mod's behaviour was outrage and calls to 'resign'; seems extreme to me personally.

Maybe so, I haven't decided how grave the situation is (if at all). Maybe OP is just sensitive to the issue due to the way so many other subs have ended up. It would be a shame for that to happen here to the same degree.

200k with 600 top average visitors?

Seriously, its more like 100k, if that.

Were not counting the 10+ dummy / shill / dead / alt accounts that everyone seems to have here.

Let the vote speak for itself.

At the Moment....

for every 1 person

that wants Benedict Arnold here,

3 more want him to be a memory

Downvote if you like, its a FACT!


"It isn't a minority if we ignore 90% of people here"

how are 90% being ignored? i didn't know that petition topic was closed.

Were not counting the 10+ dummy / shill / dead / alt accounts that everyone seems to have here.

200k - 90% = 20k.

Think i alluded to 100k being real accounts?

But really, lets pretend we have 100k Active, Different people here

Have you Ever seen 1k user on at once?

Have you ever seen 1% of this sub's user's on at once?

I think 940ish was most on that i ever saw for reference.

Proofs in the pudding doubleraptor

Edit, btw, 1% of 100k is 1k.... sub actually has 204k, so have you ever seen more then .4% (point four percent) on at once?

You really baffle me. So the most people you've seen online in this sub is 900 people. This thread alone has more upvotes than that, so clearly there is more to it than the amount of people who had the subreddit open in their browser at the very moment you decided to make a note.

Also "Proofs in the pudding"? You do realise that doesn't actually mean anything, right? It really helps to think before you speak.

This thread alone has more upvotes than that,

Maybe it has something to do with people logging alts?

You prove my point and don't even realize it. If they were Different people would they not log on at the same time? At least on some days?

We got 204k ppl? Why do you Never see 5k on at once?

Proofs in the pudding

Do you prefer "what you see is what you get?"

Lets not argue mannerisms, that's idiocy.

It really helps to think before you speak.


Edit: why are we arguing how many people are in /r/conspiracy anyway?

I so don't care if it's 2 or 2 million., I'm done with this back and forth

Yep, time to go back to your main account?

You prove my point and don't even realize it. If they were Different people would they not log on at the same time? At least on some days?

There's ~7 billion people on Earth, surely they'd all be driving on the M25 around London at the same time at least one day, right?

nah, i'm done with this back n forth, g' day to you.

So what you are saying is that you have no idea how reddit works

So what your saying is you have no idea how math works?


upvoting a comment is not something that is ever going to effect anyone and is not a fair judge of the will of the community. And in any case, the moderator is not subject to following whatever an upvoted thread or comment tells him to do, especially in such a witch hunt oriented community.

Off to bed, lets think about it tomorrow, eh?

ceased rational discussion

Where do you think you are right now?

So are you ever going to address the hundreds of members of this sub who want you out of here or are you just going to keep sucking Conspiratards dick and blowing off the members of the sub that you are supposed to be modding? Get the fuck out.

your an asshole.

No, you are. You're...

Seriously? You can't even properly retort a basic argument. If you can't handle it, stop being a whiny cartoon-drawing bitch and pass the RESPONSIBILITY to someone who can.

Are you serious...

Why are you complaining about removing racism and calling that censorship? Nor attacking u I'm just confused. It looked like the miss had the sub's best interest at heart

Fuck these cry babies. /r/conspiracy should be scalded for its anti semitic tendencies

So... you tried to meddle and impose yourself on others and people got irritated. How is this Ironic? It is exactly what every overzealous moderator should expect. I am laughing at the comic because the moderator thinks HE is the victim, when actually the hate he receives from the forum is well deserved. He will always wonder why people don't appreciate his 'help', help they never asked for and don't want. It really is a sad story...

P.S. There will never be any compromise to be had with the real bigots in that hate group. To think what you did was wise or even acceptable shows unbelievable lack of judgement. How else can I say respectfully that I no longer respect your authority... Please resign.


happy cake day!

"wicked ideas" wtf?

I agree with you. Some people see conspiracy theorist as manipulative, crazy, and a danger to society. It's funny how they go after us instead of their 'masters'. Stockholm syndrome.

Can someone please explain the reason why he should step down?

It's all over the front page.

Essentially, he went to /r/conspiratard to see how he could improve this subreddit. The answer was censorship and he's all for it.

The answer was censorship and he's all for it.

The top response on the thread he posted was to "raise awareness of and intolerance for groupthink." Is this the censorship you are claiming?

"Raise awareness of and intolerance for groupthink"... talk about fucking doublespeak.

"Doublespeak is language that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Doublespeak may take the form of euphemisms (e.g., "downsizing" for layoffs, "servicing the target" for bombing[1]), in which case it is primarily meant to make the truth sound more palatable. It may also refer to intentional ambiguity in language or to actual inversions of meaning (for example, naming a state of war "peace"). In such cases, doublespeak disguises the nature of the truth. Doublespeak is most closely associated with political language"

"Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an incorrect or deviant decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative ideas or viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.

Loyalty to the group requires individuals to avoid raising controversial issues or alternative solutions, and there is loss of individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking. The dysfunctional group dynamics of the "ingroup" produces an "illusion of invulnerability" (an inflated certainty that the right decision has been made). Thus the "ingroup" significantly overrates their own abilities in decision-making, and significantly underrates the abilities of their opponents (the "outgroup")."

Perhaps the poster of that comment should have instead said something along the lines of "Put a stop to the circlejerking." However, since that comment wasn't actually intended for for the individuals that frequent this subreddit, there was apparently no reason to simplify the sentence for the target audience's level of comprehension.

Perhaps you should let the poster of that comment speak for himself?

And thanks but I know the definitions of the words I used - that's why I used them.

Read your own definition. His comment was doublespeak. Blatantly. If you can't or won't see that then I don't know what to tell you.

The poster doesn't have to speak for himself as there is nothing incorrect with what he said. The sentence makes perfect, legible sense. "Raise awareness of groupthink." "Intolerance for groupthink."

The title wasn't the discussion therein. Do you only read the headline in newpapers without considering the content?

So you believe that Solidwhetstone should step down because he discussed how to improve /r/conspiracy with /r/conspiratard?

So your reason then is what...treason?

Bipolarbear0 is a known redcoat. Just saying.

1- He didn't even bother asking his own community for suggestions before going there. I'm sure there are many of us who have ideas in how to improve this place.

2- If you're the mod for r/puppies, would you go to /r/puppiesareretarded to ask for help moderating r/puppies?

OK, so because he didn't come to /r/conspiracy directly, you feel slighted by this?

Please understand I'm not trying to argue here. I'm just asking questions for clarification.

He was asking for advice from the very people who most want /r/conspiracy destroyed.

'We' ( because we're not just one person) do not want /r/conspiracy destroyed. For the most part we are people - who at one point or another - believed in some conspiracy theory, or at least entertained the thought; tried to find something about it on the internet, and only found crazy.

We do not want you destroyed. We want to be friends. We want /r/conspiracy to be a place to rationally discuss actual conspiracies: not random libertarian shit that is not even close to an actual conspiracy, Jews or lizard overlords.

I'm sorry if I seem a bit angry, but you guys are really frustrating when you act like we're the bad guys, because we're not. Neither are you.

I have to agree with this statement. Any time you try to propose people be of common sense and mellow out and post sources or anything you get called a fool or a sheep just because you don't believe in every damn conspiracy. /r/conspiracy does cater to people who have already made up their minds and argue from an egotistical perspective. It gets circle jerky. People get downvoted for simply posting a source that the collective hates for this week for whatever reason.

Good comment and happy cakeday!

Best of luck sorting out this whole debacle.

Thanks. It usually sorts itself out.

The top post is clearly stating we want you gone and you're still here? You have nothing to offer. Step down, sir.

Because he asked /r/conspiratard for advice? They raised valid points, such as the extreme racism present in this subreddit.

Sure would be nice to have this subreddit taken seriously.

Thanks guy, sorry about all the hate. There are a few people on this sub that take offense to nearly any opposing views. You have a tough job.

It's ok. My hope is that over time, more people will see what I'm doing and understand- it's about setting an example of rational discourse, and being willing to listen to the opinions of your worst critics. I chalk this thread up to groupthink- the very thing I'm thinking about how we can improve on. In other words- nothing surprising that this was /r/conspiracy's reaction.

not random libertarian shit that is not even close to an actual conspiracy, Jews or lizard overlords.

Don't forget spraying vinegar to disperse chemtrails within 30 minutes. There have been at least three threads in the past year seriously entertaining this notion.

Speak for yourself - I've never believed in a conspiracy theory (other than the obvious "bourgeouis have more power than proletarian" kind of thing) and I sub just because a lot of the people here are fucking nuts and it's hilarious to watch. One of them claimed as evidence for big pharma being evil the fact that a lot of mass murderers are on prozac. As if the connection between crazy person and murder is irrelevant compared to medicine -> That said, I don't downvote or try to discredit them by posting racist shit either. Why would I?

Why are you even here? For entertainment only?

that's why i'm here. can't speak for the other guy.


yeah, you guys crack me up. I discovered conspiritard before I ever heard of /r/conspiracy after I had a hilarious encounter with a guy who thought liquid soap was a secret plot and that parfum was a secret conspiracy of some kind. I enjoyed the encounter so much I went looking for more crazy conspiracy people. I also consider the "rainbow" water woman to be my all time #1 funniest internet video.

LOL. yeah that rainbow video cracks me up every time.

I'm like you in that I often don't believe much of this subreddit either, but I'm also not naive enough to believe that conspiracies don't exist. They've been around in government since government existed. I'm also not naive enough to say that arbitrary variables make up a valid conspiracy, which I see a lot of on here. As for the big pharmacy thing, there has been evidence of massive conspiracies, the first one coming to mind being the Bayer/HIV OF THE 1980's and on. That's one that has real tangible evidence. I don't believe all pharmaceutical companies are evil because that would be a generalization without sufficient evidence.

Not saying that conspiracy theory is right but I watched a documentary on big pharma the other day and it went into depth on Prozac. In the clinical trials they actually found that it made people very aggressive or pushed their depression over the edge so they actually added a tranquilizer to it to market it as an antidepressant like they wanted to in the first place.

I gagged reading this. 2/10.

8/10, I gagged writing it. Eating 8 poptarts in one day is not a good idea.

We want to be friends. We want /r/conspiracy to be a place to rationally discuss actual conspiracies

When you folks can come here and rationally discuss anything without using any of these tactics then you're certainly welcome. However, very seldom does anyone come here from that sub without using them, thus identifying themselves as trolls/shills, which are not welcome.

you act like we're the bad guys

When conspiratards come here with fake accounts making racist posts in order to make /r/conspiracy seem racist, then you are the bad guys. When conspiratards come here screaming "anti-Semite" at every complaint about Israel, then you are the bad guys. When conspiratards come here calling people "stupid", "idiot", "moron", etc, then you are the bad guys.

If you choose to be associated with that kind of people that's certainly your prerogative. But then don't come here crying about not getting any respect.

Mostly that. And the place he chose to ask for advice exists to call his own community retards. How did he expect to get a valid response?

Did you look at the thread? He got plenty of valid responses.

The second highest post is from one of the biggest racist trolls in reddit. I don't consider anything he says valid.

Because the best way to improve yourself is to automatically discount a critic as invalid.

He went to the people that mock us, accuse us of being racist, derail threads, post BS links to marginalize the content, and generally beat off all over our faces.

He can go to hell and suck a bag of cocks.

And he took advice from the biggest troll over there, BipolarBear, who is going to help him identify "racists" on this sub.

Never mind the fact that BipolarBear has submitted black propaganda here to make this sub look "racist," and has a long history of banning and accusing people of being racist who have done no such thing.

Can you give an example of the black propaganda he's posted? I don't even know what black propaganda could bem

Here's the most recent example:

He also bans conspiracy users from the many subs he mods based on imagined racism.

He bans people for criticizing Israel and argues it's racist.

He thinks questioning any aspect of the Holocaust is "racist."

He thinks questioning Jewish influence in our foreign policy or any other aspect of our society is "racist."

He basically attacks this sub nonstop and yet solidwhetstone is taking his advice. He epitomizes /r/conspiratard and other subs like /r/subredditdrama and he's the last person that should be consulted on how this sub is run.

Yeah, this whole thing is sounding like a conspiracy theory. I don't doubt the guy got pissed after bring downvoted so much that he started trolling and should be banned for that. But maybe if /r/conspiracy didn't upvote racist shit and downvote common sense he wouldn't be able to frame them as such. I have been subscribed for a year and I have seen plenty of bullshit on this page , enough to make me want to unsubscribe. But it's just too damn entertaining to walk away. Like watching a train wreck.

Dude you're either with them or you haven't been around here long enough to get it.

The majority of us are not racist. We do whatever we can to keep racists comments/threads/whatever at a minimum.

There are people coming in this sub with the intent to make us look racist, posting racist comments, posting racist link/threads.

"You're with them." jeez you sound so stupid. Just because I agree with their statements doesn't mean we are conspiring to get you. Dude, I know the majority aren't racist, but look at the front page right now. Several posts with cursing and name-calling in them. 4 posts dedicated to a witch hunt over one of the long-time users and mods who is only trying to be reasonable. This sub needs moderation, bad. People blatantly break the rules daily and alienate people who are trying to debunk something. Debunking isn't trolling, nor is it against the subs rules.

This sub needs moderation, bad. People blatantly break the rules daily and alienate people who are trying to debunk something. Debunking isn't trolling, nor is it against the subs rules.

I agree it needs moderation.

Most of the debunking I see is "Fuck you, you're a faggot and you're dumb"

I rarely see debunking that is backed up by facts.

If /r/puppies is retarded, yes?

I think the reaction here is illustrating perfectly why he didn't bother asking his own community for suggestions.

The logic is strong with this one. Hence why he continued talking to /r/conspiritard and has exited this thread. There is no point in arguing with people who are all butthurt and calling names over something that people will forget about in a few days time.

'Cause who better to tell him how to run the sub than the people whose very existence is predicated on undermining and derailing any and all discussions here. Such "strong logic".

Any and all is a bold statement. Jeering and debunking isn't the same as trolling. People can get way ahead of themselves here and get offended that anybody criticizes them. /r/conspiritard isn't undermining you, its just a joke at your expense, and you're offended. I get it, it sucks to feel stupid, be proved wrong or told to be reasonable. The reason /r/conspiritard was founded is because of the silly butthurt. You don't see and /r/historytard do you? Because in /r/history everything has to be verified and the threads are moderated so you don't get stupid shit clogging up a thread that is supposed to be informative.

The reason /r/conspiritard[2] was founded is because of the silly butthurt.

What butthurt? If the sub didn't exist yet, what was there to be butthurt about? This sentence doesn't even make sense.

Because in /r/history[4] everything has to be verified and the threads are moderated

So, in other words, censored? I'll pass.

Its called Consensus. Its what happens when your theories must be based on tested facts. Correlation does not equal causation buddy. Just because people have an agreement and wait for evidence before they make conclusions doesn't make them shills. But that's why I'm on those threads and you aren't i guess.

he's actually made 3 different community threads to /r/conspiracy before but hey, its not facts, it's not important.

So the guy wanted to open a discussion with people from the other side of the issue and now he has to go? Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

"Other side of the issue"? How can I even respond to such a biased comment. Their sub literally only exists to undermine this one - that is its purpose. The only "issue" that exists is the one they created.

Edit: Thanks for downvoting instead of responding. Lets me know I'm on the right track.

If you're the mod for r/puppies, you don't go to /r/puppiesareretarded to ask for help.

He didn't even make a post in this community asking what we think could be done to improve it.

And how do you know he was not going to? Everyone over here went off the deep end and called for his head. The guy was trying to improve this sub. There was no malice. Here is an idea. Rather than calling for the dudes head, you guys try talking to him like he did to the people of /r/conspiratard. There is nothing wrong with people talking and exchanging ideas. People here should not be acting like it is.

And how do you know he was not going to?

Has he done it yet?!?!?!

He's a mod here.

I already answered that in the same comment you mentioned. No one here gave him a chance to. People have a life outside reddit.

Do you not see how insanely retarded his decisions are and how they completely spit in every one of our faces?

Let's get a run down here.

The sub here is having troubles, so he looks for advice on how to make it better.

His first move is "let's ask the people whose sole purpose is to MOCK US AND MAKE US NOT CREDIBLE TO REGULAR FOLKS.

Yeah, seems like he most definitely fucked up by making his first move on how to fix his sub, asking the sub that's trying to destroy his for advice.

Yeah, what a smart fucking guy, glad he's still a mod..........NOT, what a terrifically retarded thing to do, holy fuck, like are you kidding me?

"Hey guys, our sub is doing that great so I asked the people that have declared themselves our mortal enemies for advice, I'm not sabotaging the sub........."

I understand there are people over at /r/conspiratard that just fuck with people here. There are also people like me that view both subs in an attempt to learn as much as possible. I ignore the assholes in both subs. I think you are selling a lot of the people over there short by thinking of them as "mortal enemies" The guy simply tried to open an honest dialog. There are plenty of people over at /r/conspiratard, myself included, that understand conspiracies can and do happen. There are also people over there, myself included, that understand they are not everywhere and at all times. I'd bet there are a lot more moderate minded people than you are giving credit for. The notion that the Mod committed some mortal sin for simply talking to the other side is just ridiculous. Open a serious dialog. Maybe we will all come away more intelligent.

Give me a fucking break. There is NO redeeming value to conspiratard. Its primary purpose is to make fun of this sub and conspiracies in general.

There is no "dialogue" that is going to happen with trolls. They don't care about this sub! Why would they offer constructive criticism?

And it's laughable to argue that they understand conspiracies happen and are open to exploring them. They are extremely hostile to exploring conspiracies and comments like "I just go to /r/conpspiracy to eat popcorn and watch retards look retarded" is very common. I've never seen any respectful comment about this sub.

I felt there were a couple of reasonable well thought out comments in the thread that started all this, but opinions are like noses and all that...

Well, I'm sorry we don't agree man. Thanks for actually taking the time to exchange comments with me and not just resorting to calling me a shill. Maybe we will agree on the next subject :) Happy Holidays!

Honestly, you're like a stuck record.

I understand there are people over at /r/conspiratard[1] that just fuck with people here.

Understatement of the fucking year. Do you also understand that that literally is the reason that sub was created and continues to exist?

Edit: Thanks for downvoting and not responding. Noted.

The name of the club you're defending the honor of includes the hateful bigoted slur "tard" in its name.

Stop deluding yourself that you and your club aren't piece-of-shit bigots.

Name calling now? I bet your descended from a LONG line of ignorant, pitch fork wielding, start a witch hunt, rather than have a discussion, plebes. It shows in how you approach people just trying to have a conversation.

Nicholas0817 [score hidden] 2 minutes ago

Name calling now? I bet your descended from a LONG line of ignorant, pitch fork wielding, start a witch hunt, rather than have a discussion, plebes. It shows in how you approach people just trying to have a conversation.

Go on...

/r/conspiracy partisan calling someone a bigot! yay!

At least /r/conspiracy doesn't include a bigoted slur in its name.

To be fair, I joined the sub long after they took the name, which I admittedly find offensive. I don't think the name represents the views of the subscribers in relation to people with mental health issues. If anything I'd say it was more a commentray on the US's (IMO) terrible attitude to mental health issues, although as an outsider to the country thats based on fairly limited observance of American culture.

EDIT: That is to say the name wasn't chosen AS a commentary, but rather IS a commentary by its nature.

If anything I'd say it was more a commentray on the US's (IMO) terrible attitude to mental health issues

LOL!!!! Thanks for that, I needed a laugh today.

Any time mate! Would you mind telling me why? If it's because I was hilariously wrong I'd love to know; as I said not from that part of the world so my assumptions are based on secondary and tertiary level evidence at the very best.

It is solely to make fun of people who "believe in conspiracies" which in itself is the dumbest phrase in existence because "conspiracies", the actual definition of the word, have existed since the beginning of mankind.

I meant the name rather than the sub itself mate.

ya'll make up for that in the comment sections!

It's "ya'll" in disguise.

Ironic, eh?

you're trying to tell me every single instance of anti-semitic hate speech that i've read in this sub over the last year and a half has been coming from /r/conspiratard? y'all crazier than i thought! ha ha!

You're trying to deflect from the documented fact that it is happening and has been happening. OOPS!

No, I'm not telling you that.

And it doesn't help the their anti-Semitic hate speech sockpuppet accounts advertise and participate in the openly racist elements on this website. They are creating their own boogeyman.


What are you talking about? Link up!


Defamation, ladies and gentlemen.


Bullshit. This place is for exploring conspiracies. If a theory is unlikely then that's fine if people want to argue it's unlikely or question the evidence. Saying theories are off limits is bullshit. Sandy Hook theories are legitimate theories and if you want to mock a theory rather than discuss it then take your juvenile antics back to conspiratard.

But we don't need advice from trolls who only mock this place. This is classic concern trolling. Why take advise from juvenile trolls?

Making hoax theories off limits is a terrible idea.


Did I say all theories were equal?

Some theories are unlikely or make extraordinary claims or rely on inference. That's fine if you want to argue that.

But as this is a place to explore theories they all deserve basic respect and should be allowed to be aired. Basic respect means not calling a person "retarded" or mocking them for presenting the theory and not judging the entire sub for it ("this post just proves you're all retarded here").

Piss poor judgment on his part.

It's like driving home drunk, getting lost, and asking a cop for directions.

You're gonna have a bad time.

Yeah, that's exactly like what he did.

See!? Downvotes and butthurt galore. This sub downvotes faster than any other sub I've been on. Maybe they wouldn't have enemies if they bothered to use restraint when downvoting and name calling. People have legit gripes and are upset with the sub and have contacted him as a mod to complain. ( that's what mods are for; moderating) so he is trying to play diplomat and they throw him under the bus. Nixon shook hands with Mao, but I'm sure the tin foil hats just see that reference as evidence of my sheepleness. "You can only make peace with an enemy, that's why it's called 'making' peace"

I'm just saying it doesn't make sense to me and a lot of others why he would go to the very people who exist to fuck with us, to ask for help on how to improve the sub.

We can improve the sub by keeping conversations on topic, getting rid of trolls, banning the racists (which a lot of us believe is brought here by the lovely people in /r/tards), deleting bullshit submissions, so on and so forth.

We don't seek ideas to improve our sub from those that mock us. That's stupid.


Sure is getting SHILLy in here...

HAHA! JIDF pun thread, c'mon guys let's get it going!

What bollocks, the top posts are all about enforcing the rules - Which this sub should already be doing.

Otherwise get rid of the rules if you won't enforce them.

The top posts are hyberbole and the genuine debates about the outlandish claims are -90 karma...the very definition of censorship.

The hypocricy of your sub is obvious to all but the people in it

Don't you get it! we don't need to ban the racists and anti-semites because they're all just bipolarbear0 on an alt. And for some reason if somebody is being anti-semitic while trolling, that deserves a ban. But if they're just being anti-semitic or say "holohoax", it doesn't for some reason. Even though you wouldn't really be able to tell the difference half of the time. That'll stop the trolling 100% and allow us to keep posting hitler quotes and nazi propaganda without getting banned.

Is it really censorship if you delete the misinformation and downright false shit? Cause there's a lot of that here. How many times do you click on a comment thread with the top comment disproving the post? Happens all the time.

Is it really bad to censor blatant racism? Cause there's a lot of that too.

Nothing on a private website is censorship, just like it's not censorship when you don't let someone speak in your house if you don't like them.

You can certainly have private censorship....

I don't see any racism here. I see a discussion about race that makes uncomfortable those who have been brainwashed by the media never to talk about race.

voluntary blindness, that's what you're doing

What he did was like if you were to ask /r/thebluepill how to improve /r/theredpill

Oh and he supports censorship, agrees with it, thinks we should become more "likeable" as a subreddit, and unbans those who do nothing but come here to derail all content and discussion (conspiratards).

I'd like to hear what he has to say. Where you at solidwhetstone?


Based on conspiritard's responses, what would you suggest changing about r/conspiracy to make it a better place and why?

I'm not him but I would say require some rules for actual discourse. If you suspect someone of being a "paid shill" you can report them to reddit, otherwise accusations like that would be seen as ad-homs and dealt with accordingly. What goes on here isn't debate, it's people who would otherwise be standing on street corners proclaiming the end of the world or the country shouting at each other.


No racism of any kind.

No blog spam/malicious web sites.

No abusive/threatening language.

No stalking.

No caps lock.

Bans are made by moderator consensus.

Facebook links are subject to removal.

Memes are no longer allowed here, use /r/ConspiracyMemes. All image posts are subject to removal at moderators discretion.

Cross posting links to conspiracy posts or comments, in other subs is subject to a ban, depending on context.

Any posts that attack the sub, users or the mods will be removed. Breaking this rule more than once can earn a ban.

No subreddit advertising or promotion via userflair on this sub. Racist and potentially offensive userflair will also be removed. 

These aren't good enough?

This whole thread is full of abusive language by the very people who are requesting the mod step down.

But we can't remove them for running the risk of it being called censorship. Catch 22.

They would be if they were enforced. I see rule number one violated all the time but since we call Jews "Zionist" here it makes it all OK. There are real Zionist in the world and they want all of what they consider "Israel" to be under the control of the Israeli government. They are a minority subsect of modern Judaism and would be like calling all mainstream Mormons members of the child raping polygamist cult that is the FLDS church. Basically I think the mod staff should be critical of any post that blames all of the worlds problems on Jews (or any group for that matter), if they are backed up by evidence then leave them, if they are accusations with blogs and youtube videos as citations then remove them as unsubstantiated. Basically anything that can't be verified should either be removed or have a massive "UNVERIFIED" sticker next to it.

It should be stated that you don't have to be Jewish to be Zionist. Many Christians are also Zionist.

child raping polygamist cult that is the FLDS church.

Unverified! How dare you present anti-Mormon propaganda here.


So every Jew is a Zionist now? Be careful, your true colors are showing.

no because you guys don't follow them

Then the mods are at fault for not doing their jobs. If that's true, then implementing more rules will simply result in more rules being disregarded. It's dumb.

The mods asked what could be done to make the subreddit better and they got a lot of good replies and you guys freaked out. This sub needs a lot of help. If ANYONE disagrees with you they get called a shill and downvoted. Hell if they provide cites they get downvoted anymore. Thats the problem but you guys don't see it

Why is it a problem? Upvote/downvote - that's how it works. I've made dumb comments that get upvoted like crazy, and I've made what I thought were insightful comments which have gotten downvoted into oblivion, but so what? It's not supposed to happen, but it does all over reddit. It's hardly a problem specific to /r/conspiracy/

Hell, I got banned for a comment I made in /r/morbidreality/ calling attention to a man's medical problems being exacerbated by elite disregard because it was presented as sarcasm and no one understood it, even tagged /s! Does that mean the mods and users of /r/morbidreality/ are idiots and need to be policed? No, it just means they don't get sarcasm.

You can't moderate stupid, and increasing rules in order to corral discussion into mainstream thought-lines is only going to dumb down the entire sub and create more stupid.

So does that mean that /r/conspiracy doesn't understand facts?

Not so much misunderstanding as disregarding.

Do you think maybe the reason why everyone makes fun of this sub is because how you act? That is an easy fix.. quit acting like you do. There are many great conspiracies.. I come here and read about them then I scroll down to the bottom and find a perfectly worded comment with -36 points that is cited with evidence. Not seeing the light is a big problem. But do you guys bother with reading anything? NOPE you just downvote them and call them corporate shills. That mod was trying to get constructive criticism and instead of listening to the criticism you guys FREAK THE FUCK OUT and demand the mod step down.. asking for things like that is what a good mod SHOULD do

I don't think people make fun of /r/conspiracy/ because of how I act, no. Of course, no. I should think they would make fun of me, not the entire subreddit. That's insane.

Not seeing the light is a big problem.

No, I disagree. Maybe you desire something from that subreddit that the majority do not? I think you may as well go into /r/awww/ and give carefully worded theses on why one animal is cuter than another.

See this is what I am walking about. You wen't off on some tangent instead of debating the facts. Go into any big thread on /r/conspiracy and go to the bottom. The most downvoted comment will usually be well worded and cited added to the conversation and yet it is downvoted..The top voted comment will say something like "typical military industrial complex" without adding ANYTHING. Its like a huge circle jerk

Happens all over, man. They implemented the "dont show vote totals" thing to combat circlejerking. So whats the next step? Are you saying you want all such comments removed or auto-downvoted, or comments with links auto-upvoted? I fail to see how more rules are going to have any effect on this, nor do I find it to be such a big deal that it needs to be fought off. We are still talking about insufficient rules here, right?

You wen't off on some tangent instead of debating the facts.

No, I did not. I tried to say that what you apparently want from /r/conspiracy/ is by the evidence not what the majority of users want.

You pointed me to /r/aww... anyways the mods were asking what they think should be done and they got a lot of useful answers. The community (you guys) need to actually take some responsibility for the state this sub is in. You won't though, you just call people shills instead of actually having a converstation.

Blah blah blah, same old story from you. All this boils down to is that someone called you a shill and you don't like it. And no, "the mods" never asked anyone, it was one mod asking a subreddit whose very existence is predicated on mockery. I personally don't find that a problem, but I'm not one to go around creating problems out of thin air.

You started off saying the rules were insufficient because the users don't follow the rules. When I pointed out how illogical it was to implement more rules because of that, you started talking about being called a shill and how the users were being made fun of and how that is some great problem that needs some solution, apparently to be solved by rules, but you can't seem to offer anything concrete there.

My position remains the same. The rules /r/conspiracy/ has right now are sufficient.

No they are not because you guys do not follow the rules. Look at any thread on this board. If anyone says ANYTHING that goes against what you think they get called a shill.

If people aren't following the rules then the mods need to enforce those rules. If the rules aren't being enforced, then how will more rules help?

haha seriously? if the mods started deleting and banning people who did that you guys would flip your shit. Can you imagine? If anyone who called someone a shill got banned what would happen? You guys would say stuff like "the mods have been compromised" I used to love coming to this sub but now I don't because there is no discussion.

If the mods started deleting and banning people who did what?

As to a charge of shill, is that actually against the rules? I don't think so, though maybe someone could make a case it was an attack. Regardless, no, I wouldn't care.

Because calling someone a shill adds nothing to the conversatio. Its just used when people prove you wrong and it makes you mad. People come to this board and post FACTS. For example I remember a thread about climate change. I asked for any peer reviewed sources that says climate change is not happening. The response I got was "you show me any peer reviewed studies that show that it is happening". So I did, I cited about 5 sources. The response was "yeah nice cites". I said "Yale university is not reputable?" Then I got called a shill and the whole comment chain was down voted. Thats the problem. People on this board do not care about ANYTHING but hearing themselves talk they believe every conspiracy even if it contradicts the others they believe in. Did a missile hit the pentagon? wait no it was a remote controlled plane! This shit isn't even consistent

So you want a rule that bars people from posting "Shill"?

I think that it should be covered under a spam rule honestly. But it doesn't matter. People don't come here for discussion or facts they come here for a circle jerk.

I think it's probably covered under rule 10 - personal attacks. I think you are right that many people don't come to /r/conspiracy/ for discussion or facts. I don't, though it's nice sometimes to find discussion. I come for the crazy - I enjoy it immensely.

Just the obvious



that you don't get paid for, to moderate this bunch of assholes who are "never wrong".

How do you know he doesn't get paid?


To be fair, the people mocking this sub may be a lot smarter than some of the people that participate here. I'm sure this is probably the WORST sub to mod for ever, he probably just got sick of it.

You really hurt me when you snubbed us for that other girl, bro. Stay strong.

Just resign already.

Come outta your hidey hole Mr. Helicopter Pilot

Holy shit where did you ever find that? That's one of the best things I've ever seen in my life.

no words to describe. thank you.

Poor dude, he really needs help............finding the helicopter pilot.

r/conspiritard. Well, he was 2 minutes ago anyway, talking about how awesome it would be to make money manipulating Reddit.

Nah this guys cool, at least he has the balls to face his enemies and realise that for the most part their not actually that bad.

Working with /= facing

/r/conspiritard /= enemies

Uhh.. what definition are you using?

enemy: "a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something."

But no, that couldn't possibly be used to describe the sub that literally only exists to derail, demean, and undermine this one. You're totally right.

Who gives a fuck man learning to see through the bullshit is why were all here right?

I would have thought that the people of /r/conspiracy could all agree that they had more important enemies to work against than /r/conspiritard. Spending that much energy worrying about a sub roughly 1/10 the size of this one seems silly to me.

Honestly, most of the high rated comments in that thread are valid options at this point. I tire of this subreddit because of the condescending attitude that many people here seem to have towards people who don't believe the same things they do.

Just because one troll provided advice on a thread that anybody had access to post on, doesn't mean that a mod should have to step down. I fail to see your logic here.

Granted, I don't pay much attention to this sub, for reasons that are stated in that thread.

I fail to see your logic here.

There is a sect here who believe that r/conspiratard isn't the light hearted place to make fun of crazy shit people believe but instead a hive of CIA, NSA and Mossad activity. It isn't about pointing and laughing at the dumb shit people buy into, oh no, it's part of a super secret plan to make r/conspiracy look like nuts because all of conspiratard know "the truth" about the NWO but work hard to suppress the message to the "sheep".

That is why you are seeing so much butthurt here, they truly see the people making fun of them as "the enemy" and don't get the joke.


Have you seen the comments over there? It's literally a playground where immature individuals make fun of others, simply to make themselves feel better.

Did you read the comments? They were all constructive.

Would you mind showing me where this "sect" of people are saying that? I've never seen it.


Again, go see r/nolibswatch. Is it really so hard to believe that conspiracy theorist see a conspiracy in their own sub?

He's really adamant about staying. I don't think he's going anywhere.

edit: looks good so far. Anticipate /r/tards to come game this and /u/solidwhetstone will take their downvotes as his mandate.

Worth a try. Worth it for the sake of voicing all of our opinions.

Would not be surprised at all to see what you said in your edit come true. Some hours later some conspiratard dickbag will make some bullshit post on why he isn't a detriment and it will be vote botted to the top (or near it) and he'll take that as majority opinion.

Probably not, but maybe.

I'd sign it

Consider yourself signed.

I sub here but I must've missed what we're talking about. What'd he do?

I'm not saying "I know what he did, but what'd he do?! Really!?"

I mean, what'd he do?

He went to the sub that's created to troll/shill this sub and asked for advice about "improving" this sub.. the sub they're dedicated to destroying.

They aren't destroying anything. They are just mocking it. There is a difference. So much butthurt and mellow drama. Lighten up people it's a blog, hence why /u/solidwhetstone went to bed on this silly post. Bunch of paranoid cry babies.

Bunch of paranoid cry babies.


Replace the theys in your sentence with we and it looks a lot better. Go back to tard land please.

To be fair most of their advice seemed pretty solid.

Was there a specific piece of advice you took issue with?

No one wants to "destroy" /r/conspiracy. Get over yourself.


Yep I remember them braging about getting a mod in here too


Are you going to ask him if he is, or ever has been, a member of the Communist Party next?

There's always a mod on here that needs to be fired just about every time I read in r/conspiracy

what's it for this time?

How often do you come here, two times a year?

anyways, this should't have been blown up like it did.

I think it's ironic that we have no problem monitoring other people's posts all across reddit and judging them for it. We'd make awesome NSA recruits.

Edit: I visit /r/dolan and get a kick out of it. I must be a terrible person.

But posting on a public board=/=Shady goverment groups looking at and recording peoples personal lives.



It's pretty clear he should be removed as mod in this sub. Consider this my signature to get rid of him.

up voted. Signed.

Why is /u/solidwhetstone being attacked? Keep /r/conspiracy a free-speech zone!

How does what I suggested at all imply that I want to restrict his right to free speech? I just don't want him being in charge of mine.

Why are you trying to silence HIS right to free speech? Are you part of the JIDF?

Your logic is shit. Asking him to step down as a mod has literally zero effect on his free speech. Try again.

If so, then letting him remain ALSO has zero effect on his free speech.

It has an effect on ours which clearly is the entire point of this thread. Try to keep up.

But there is no right to free speech on reddit. It is a private website.

I just responded to this in my edit

This is stupid. I'm subbed to both of these subreddits.

I saw the post and the guy actually tries to get more users involved in THIS community. What is wrong with looking for opinions in other places?

A lot of the responses were pretty good (like stop using JPEG images as fucking sources and/or statements that hold any value) and surely most people would definitely agree that there are some bat shit crazy people on THIS sub.

Yep, I'm fed up that someone here might take the time to post something that's fairly in-depth and interesting and can barely scrape 40 votes, whilst any clown can post a silly picture with some words on it and get a 1000 upvotes.

I have to agree. He should step down. Or be removed.

Let's let them address their actions first. If they refuse to do that, then protest may be needed.

Fine. But I'm keeping my pitchfork with me.

Protip: they're useful for moving hay from one place to another.

Then what the hell am I supposed to do with this torch?

He had an exchange with BipolarBear who is going to help him identify "racists" on this sub.

Do you really need more evidence?

But there is racism on this thread though. It is a legitimate gripe and most of what gets posted on this sub would be removed from other subs moderators. He's just doing his job

Link a couple if racism is as rampant as you say it is.

Dude, I have a life. I'm not going to spend Christmas digging through old arguments on reddit just to prove a point that will just be tossed out anyways.

If you can't be bothered to link even one example then how can you sit there and make that claim as your main source of argument? How disingenuous can you possibly be?

most of what gets posted on this sub would be removed from other subs moderators

Bullshit. Unless you mean they would remove it because conspiracy material belongs in /r/conspiracy.

His "job" is not to hang out with trolls and enable their false allegations.

Most accusations of racism are bullshit. I've seen BipolarBear make many false accusations and plant material here to claim "racism."

pro tip: saying that 300,000 people died in the Holocaust and that it was mostly from disease is very anti-semitic.

No, no it isn't. At all.

This is exactly what these internet warriors are attempting to achieve . . . equating questioning of the official WWII story as "anti-semitic."

I've been over and over this with redping explaining how I am not biased against Jewish people and how I don't know how many people died and that I accept many Jews were murdered yet he persists in ignoring all that.

Notice too the number of votes they've now brigaded on this thread.

They are trying to make alternative histories taboo subjects on the one place on reddit where we can still discuss them.

Browse my user history from today. ;)

Well, you're challenging him but I don't see why it's necessary to withhold judgment.

Pretty clear what's going on.

He even said this is humorous to him:

Patience is a virtue.

I'm thinking that said mod is possibly on the brink of a revelation of sorts. There's a good chance they're not "in on it". We'll see.


Sloppy defamation of this sort is hilarious. What's caused you to defame me here tonight?

Wow. I'm pretty sure you deleted your comment history and that you're posting made up facts about TheGhostofDusty . . . the idea he made posts inciting violence against women and racial hatred is ridiculous.

But I'm sure you're truly just concerned about how this sub is moderated and want the best for it, amiright?

We need some mods who can man the fuck up and defend free speech, not people who try to find ways to curtail it.

  • "Isn't this censorship?" Post guidelines are not censorship. Censorship is the removal of content based on a disagreement with the subject matter. We agree with the subject matter of holding reddit accountable. We support it. We believe in it. And we want to help facilitate that discussion. What we're talking about is moving the discussion to another subreddit and then encouraging people to go there to discuss those things.

I don't buy that argument. Especially since the mod eventually edited the post to say;

can you make a counter proposal that would enable holding the rest of reddit accountable without creating witch hunts and potential false flags?

It's pretty clear the admins PM'd them and said "No more reporting on meta censorship within reddit."

Wait, so they ask the community for their opinion in hopes of finding an optimal solution, and that's proof that the Reddit Admins are censoring them?

How did you jump to that conclusion?

That they would even dare to suggest that reporting on reddit censorship does not pass muster is suspicious.

That they do so out of concern for "witch hunts" and "False Flags" seals the deal that it was the admins. That post lasted one hour and thank god for that.

The free flow of information will not be curtailed by some reddit inc contractor/admin who doesn't want to see this sub air reddit inc's dirty laundry. 230 million dollars is at stake. Yishan has gone as far as to say that any threat to the organic curation of content would cost the admins their jobs. As such, instead of stopping mods in big subs from deleting content the admins instead come here and force our mods to attempt to ban stories about reddit censorship.

Very detestable state of affairs.

Witch hunts and false flags are legitament concerns, they lead to retarded hate circlejerks that are not condusive to actual discussion.

He isn't saying that reporting on Reddit censorship is bad, just that it should be it's own sub so intrareddit drama doesn't spill over to unrelated things.

The free flow of information will not be curtailed by some reddit inc contractor/admin who doesn't want to see this sub air reddit inc's dirty laundry. 230 million dollars is at stake. Yishan has gone as far as to say that any threat to the organic curation of content would cost the admins their jobs. As such, instead of stopping mods in big subs from deleting content the admins instead come here and force our mods to attempt to ban stories about reddit censorship.

If the admins cared about people "airing Reddit's dirty laundry" SRS would have been banned ages ago. Also I'm fairly sure Reddit isn't actually profitable as a business.

Also, do you actually have any proof of malice?

SRS would have been banned ages ago.

Are you new here?

SRS/SA ran the predditors tumblr which helped Davack and company get ride of PIMA and VA.

SRS's very existence is a reward for helping hide reddit incs dirty laundry.

Honestly, I may be completely wrong, but weren't those two banned for modding those now-removed creepshot subreddit? I would say that's not hiding dirty laundry as much as cleaning it.

And my points still stands regardless: witch hunts/false flags are legitimate concerns, Reddit conspiracies are best isolated to prevent drama and you still have absolutely no proof of malice.

Seems to me /r/conspiracy created /r/conspiratard by jading some of its very own subscribers. Same thing happens when the U.S. bombs a country, it creates more anti U.S. ideologies. I find this whole thread completely ironic.

/u/whetstone stays! He extended an olive branch to our detractors. Whom the majority of, responded in kind

The conspiratard sub was created by two people that have been doing the same thing for many years, clear back to the heyday of Digg and even Usenet before that. Long, long before /r/conspiracy appeared.


Well at the very least it gives those wounded by /r/conspiracy a place to vent their hate with their new found bretheren.

get rid of /u/solidwhetstone

Sooo you're proposing we conspire to de-throne an r/conspiracy mod?

This is gonna be good.

Conspire? Am I being secretive about this?

This is no 'conspiracy' against him as a mod, this is an open-forum where we're discussing how he's inadequate and his performance as a Moderator has detracted from the subreddit's initial purpose. free speech lives here..

It really seems like most of the people who hate conspiracy theories have no idea what the word conspire means.

Conspire means to get together in secret for a distinct plan. There is no secret here.

Light-hearted colloquialisms, jokes, common-use vernacular vs precise definitions; all these are lost on pedants :)

TL;DR: Who needs a forest when you have all these trees!! Amiright?!

That, and the secret distinct plan is generally malicious in nature. Recalling bad leaders is hardly malicious, its a practice that the US is founded on.

Ironically, there are a lot of hostile, malicious users like /u/Rancid_Bear_Meat in this thread that could be said to have conspired to be here.

I'll repeat just for you :)

Light-hearted colloquialisms, jokes, common-use vernacular vs precise definitions; all these are lost on pedants :)

TL;DR: Who needs a forest when you have all these trees!! Amiright?!

TL;SDR: It was a joke lost on your profound and evident genius. /facepalm

What makes you people think that he has any reason to care what you think?

If he cared what the people here thought, would be be consulting with a group devoted to mocking and undermining this one, in the first place?

I don't understand how this is just now becoming a thing. I haven't been on this sub for long I instantly noticed the constant trash spewed from the ends of some people's finger tips. If we can't even have a normal sub to conspire against the conspirators, "....then the empire has already won."

edit:spellin' n shit, dawg

After waiting how the mod as acted in this very reddit I have to vote yes.


What did he do wrong?
Also wouldn't that be a form of censorship?


Oh that man has been under a little bit of stress recently, he has the ability to kill somebody better lock him up for the rest of his life.


process of implementing a bot

[Source Required]


From the looks of it the bot only moderates racism and that's already against the rules. From the sounds of it the bot only notifies him of racist comment/posts so he can remove them manually.

We get notified of racist content all the time


It doesn't police it as it does not enforce, it merely informs the mods so they can take action if it needs be.



A person who gives information to the police about secret or criminal activities

Are you going to argue that a cat is a mouse as well?


It detects, alerts and logs keywords and phrases.

These are all functions of policing. Policing entails enforcing, the bot does no enforcing.

If you believe subscribers to an online conspiracy forum would want a script which logs and searches their comments for keywords, you are kidding yourself.

What would it matter, I could make one but it wouldn't do anything, it would just monitor stuff and the best part is you guys wouldn't have a clue.


Doesn't regulation and control entail some sort of action being taken as apposed to just informing somebody capable of doing so?


Conspiring with the enemy. Removing him as a mod is not censorship. In fact, it's to prevent him from censoring /r/conspiracy.

The enemy? Good lord...

The sole purpose of conspiratard is to destroy /r/conspiracy. That was made quite clear when it was created. So, yes, that sub was created to be an enemy of this sub.

Don't flatter yourself honey, most of us subscribe because reactions like yours are hilarious. I have no intention of destroying something so funny

Do they honestly not get that? Why would anyone destroy conspiracy, then more of them would spill over into the news subreddits than already do. I shudder when I see certain topics come in my news subs, and often just avoid them, because I know they'll be shitbombed by /r/conspiracy posting Alex Jones links and shit. /r/conspiracy serves a very good job of keep the reality impaired nicely contained in their own little echo chamber. That it also serves our continued amusement is a great side benefit. Do they honestly think people at /r/conspiiritard care enough to attack anyone? Nobody there cares that much. Hilariously /r/conspiracy takes /r/conspiiritard more seriously than anybody there.

So you want to remove him for something he hasn't done yet, that sounds about right.

That sounds almost like... pre-crime.

He was conspiring with conspiratards to commit censorship. Close enough.

Edit: I see you posted in his thread at conspiratard before your first post here. So you already knew what he did wrong but were just playing dumb and looking for an argument when you asked here.

Forget it.

You realize that you can go there and post, right?

I wish he wouldn't feed you trolls. You can have your juvenile circle jerk hate club. The issue is whether you should be allowed to trolls us as you do above . . . thanks for your concern about how this sub is moderated but I don't think you really have its best interest in mind.

I was trolling?

Not fully agreeing with people here is regarded as trolling.

You were concern trolling, yes.

We should care about your imput on how this sub is moderated and that people are jumping to conclusions about solidwhetstone why? Because you have the best intentions for this sub?

Concern trolling

What do you mean?

That people are jumping to conclusions

The issue with this subreddit in a nutshell.

I wish he wouldn't feed you trolls.

If you're talking about me... yes. I apologize. I normally don't but didn't realize this one was until too late.

No. I too challenge them when they come to this sub (even if it's probably a waste of time and/or not effective anyway).

I meant going over there to comment. It gives their troll sub attention but then again I don't begrudge legitimate conspiracy users from going over there to argue with them. I understand wanting to challenge trolls on their own turf . . . and it's not equivalent to them coming here because this whole dispute wouldn't exist but for their trolling in the first place.

I'm not a troll, and if I appear to be one I had no intention of trolling anyone.

You realize that you can go there and post, right?

No, I can't. My conscience won't allow it. The pure evilness of that sub is overwhelming. I avoid it as much as possible.

it's now evil to poke fun at outlandish bullshit? well, there goes everything i do on the internet. it was fun while it lasted.

Evilness of the sub?

You guys are overreacting. Who gives a fuck if he went there? The worst that can happen is that he is given bad advice and he chooses to take it. The rest of us can tell him that it is bad advice and then he doesn't take it and life goes on.

You guys realise that your votes and petitions don't have any effect on him, right?

He realizes Bipolar bear is a sham or he goes.

I envy the time some of you seem to have on your hands...holy shit!

Real things happen in the real world bro's...not trying to hate here, just observing and opinionating(not a word is it?) that this online time we all sometimes blow can be spent "fighting that good fight".

That said, let's all be strong and productive for 2014!



I'm just curious as to why out of ALL the subs, he had to ask conspiratard for advice. That place isn't even about anything serious....

What did he do wrong? He is trying to improve on this subreddit and the occasional asinine and ridiculous content by consulting with those who have set out to criticize the people here. I mean, come on, this subreddit is nearly carcinogenic.

Who cares? Its free speech on reddit as far as im concerned. Just his opinions.

He has to go. I vote he be removed



Why don't you tell us about it and we'll let the up/down vote system do it's job.

I would like him to resign as a mod.

Something that we are going to have to live with is the inability to discern another's intentions behind the firewall. The person commenting might really believe what he or she is saying, or they might be working for the government, or they might be working for a reputation repair firm, or they might just be misguided.

I think it's weird that the mod went to that asshole den to ask for guidance on a sub when he could have posted here or asked another mod. This tells me these mods are elected for strange reasons. If the mod in question is, as he said, not that big of a conspiracy theorist, then why moderate this community? I can see that you care if you are asking for help in the first place to improve this community, but why? And what's wrong with it in the first place? I think it's just fine.

These kinds of posts will become more and more frequent as the authenticity of other users' commentary becomes more and more questionable. Trolling and deceiving is now profitable and is a desired skill, so arguing over whether or not to trust another anonymous user on the net is moot. Instead, focus on what we do know to be true.

This thread is amazing.

A group of people who beat off over transparency wanting to remove a guy who transparently asked the opposition what they would do to improve things, are now crying about not being able to remove him.

The rules are right there in the sidebar to get rid of most of those problems, this subreddit is dedicated to conspiracy theories no matter how whacky they might be, that subreddit is diametrically opposed to everything r/conspiracy is meant to be, its like asking mods at r/fascism how to mod r/libertarianism.


It was analogy, like if Mao Tse Tung was shuffled into the US founding fathers and allowed to rewrite bits of the constitution. I didnt ask for your opinion on the ideologies.

What is with all the shitty analogies? Can someone explain what is wrong without comparing random shit to other random shit?

I've never even thought that this sub would be racist yet it's presented like a known fact. Yes I see the userbase statistics but that doesn't automatically make this sub racist.

A bunch of KKK member could discuss watches on a subreddit about clocks and that wouldn't make the discussion racist.

This is one of those subs where you read the comments at your peril - but good lord, if you are an fan of conspiracy or interested in how various conspiracies and movements have played out over the last few hundred years, removing conspiracies alleged to be directed at Jews or motivated by Jews would leave... well, not a whole lot.

I'm personally quite intolerant of bigotry and cultural supremacy movements, I don't think anything that leads to purges and pogroms is a good thing - for reasons that I should not have to explain.

But at the same time, if you are going to have this sub at all, antisemites and Zionists will form part of it's frothy brew. At best, you can get the better sorts of those to police the worst sorts. Indeed, you can expect them to conspire to do that in order to paint their own views in a better light and the other sorts as being clumsy, bigoted trogs.

Me, I am a fan of the history of such things but perhaps I'm too jaded to take such things seriously, but really, how could anyone expect anything else?

I'm not even sure which way to argue: given that I believe your allegations about /u/solidwhetstone , does that show him to be unqualified to mod this sub, or does it demonstrate him to be more than usually qualified, with but the one slip in his trade-craft? Mods moderate. That means that they do indeed "manipulate the direction of the sub and the discussion."

I think I'll just go back to my popcorn. :}

He should resign as moderator.

Holy shit I clicked in this thread it was at 911 in total votes /u/solidwetstone is an anagram for Osama bin laden

Who the fuck has the spare time to give a shit about manipulating a public space such as reddit? Get a life...

People who care about freedom of information, dont you have a party to be at.

For fucks sake. Here's a little fact for you all, Jews aren't a goddamn race! As much as they'd like to be! They are the Heinz 57 of the Middle East AND Eurasia! I can't stand the Jewish religion, but that certainly doesn't make me a racist! A bigot, perhaps, but definitely, and definitively, not a racist...

Anyways, I vote to remove /u/solidwhetstone. He's a fucking plant and a poser. What do you people expect with someone like Illuminatedwax at the helm? He's fucking useless, and always has been.

Well, there is some evidence that disagrees with you.

Race isn't a biological construct; it is a social and cultural construct linked to some biological realities. You can not argue that a race doesn't exist because they are mixed. Most people consider jews a race, and they are certainly treated as such. As race is cultural, there is no reasonable way to conclude that they aren't a race.

The fact that they are mixed with other races - 'Heinz 57'? Doesn't mean that they aren't a race any more than Barack Obama proves that blacks aren't a race. Consider that a black/white 50/50 in USA is generally considered black but a black/white 50/50 mix in latin America would be considered white. It isn't biological, it is driven by culture.

Lastly, I agree that the Jewish religion is separate from the Jewish race.

But bigotry shouldn't be any more acceptable than racism.

I tend to subscribe to the old school of thought regarding race. It's the only train of thought that makes any sense to me. Remember? Hispanic, African, Caucasian, Asian, etc, etc...

Now, tell me, what "race" are Jews? What makes them so fucking special as to get their very own race? If race is cultural, why aren't Christians considered a race? How about hippies? Shouldn't they be a race as well? What about punk rockers? Hmm? The cold hard fact is I, or anybody else can become a Jew. It is nothing more than a religion, and it does not deserve racial protection.

Who are the real Jews anyhow? Perhaps they are the black Ethiopians?

Perhaps the Palestinians have more true Jewish blood?

If a race didn't exist five thousand years ago, it doesn't exist today!

Jews already have way more than their fair share, why should they acquire racial protections???

Jews already have way more than their far share,

The racism is so thick.

So thick.

So, if they aren't a race, then why were they wholesale slaughtered based on their bloodlines? Why are they treated like a unique group based on their relationships?

You should really take a moment and read a little) about what race is. It's not just your "old school" of thought.

In the end it doesn't even really matter; let's just abort the entire concept of race. Let's instead classify it as unfair bigotry against a group.

Whenever you see people referring to anti-jewish racism, just mentally replace it with "unfair prejudice and bigotry against the jewish people".

If you don't think there is unfair prejudice and bigotry against them - and I feel you have displayed plenty here - then I don't want to talk to you any more.

"So, if they aren't a race, then why were they wholesale slaughtered based on their bloodlines? Why are they treated like a unique group based on their relationships?"

So, this is what determines race? Any idea how many groups that would apply to?

I guess that makes skateboarders and hippies a race as well? Or, do we have to have a skateboarder holocaust, first?

"If you don't think there is unfair prejudice and bigotry against them"

Unfair? Perhaps to some, but as a whole, no. They've been kicked out of over 200 countries in two thousand years. I'm so fucking sick of the Jew apologists, fumbling over themselves to stick up for something they know nothing about because it's been ingrained in their tiny little minds by Hollywood and the media since birth. Life is fucking hard, every cultural group of people in the world has faced persecution. Tens of millions of Christians were killed by the Jewish Bolsheviks starting nearly one hundred years ago, and they killed at least ten fold more Christians than every Jew who died in Germany. If there was a Holocaust in the past one hundred years, it was committed against Christians by the Jews...

I guess that makes skateboarders and hippies a race as well

You are saying that someone has been killed because the had 1/8th skater blood? Please let me know who.

And yeah, straight into holocaust denialism and justification of your own hatred and bigotty. Mission accomplished folks, have a nice day.

"You are saying that someone has been killed because the had 1/8th skater blood? "

Uhm, what?

of the mods, by the mods, for the mods ?

Before I grab my pitchfork I need to ask, has anyone approached /u/solidwhetstone and ascertained his/her side to this?

Good luck getting it out of him. His side is fairly obvious to most discerning people here.

I know what it looks like, but I would still like to hear his the spirit of due process.

I agree with you but, based on what I've seen out of him so far, I really just don't see it happening.

I am actually in a conversation with him right now. Still awating his response to my question (i.e.: why seek advice from the dude who wants to destroy the sub you moderate for). I imagine he has quite a few of these going right now.



He has a point, sometimes you guys get stupid and racist as fuck.

I like how the sarcastic comments (or any comments useless to the discussion) are being downvoted ferociously. Most from conspiracy who visited conspiratard recently for the first time and glanced at their posts have left feeling a little more stupid and frustrated, so you can't blame us for being a little angry. Seriously, the first few links may have made me chuckle, but their adamant uploading, adding to reddit's garbage heap of the most useless posts on this site is something to fear, particularly because they're attacking something that is at least potentially serious...

On the point of racism in this sub, I'm pretty new here but the majority of new posts are usually interesting ones, or ones asking for discussion (I know, we can thank the mods for that).

This is the petition. Upvote this shit.

Mod bro should resign.

Mod bro pls.

Commenting to sign

My vote is resignation

Step down, solidwhetstone. You're a disgrace to this community.

I say he goes. Has there been any input from the other mods? I believe that in general most things can be improved upon, but I disagree in the way that he went about it. I'm in a number of other subs where the mods have asked these questions of their own sub.

lets fight fire with fire, how can we make conspiratard 'better'?


Actually, this helps improve /r/conspiratard.

They best thing that can be done here to improve /r/conspiratard is to upvote the most ridiculous things, ignore upvoted racist and bigoted comments, and hail the lizard people as our new overlords.

Yeah how can we fight the anti gentile racism that is rife there.

Anyone who plays footsie with the notorious troll bipolarbear0 should not be a mod of this or any sub.

Or can we?

judaism is not a race, it is a great religion.

"of all the mainstream subreddits, /r/conspiracy[11] is certainly one of the most racist".

That seems easy to disprove. Why hasnt anyone done this?

The burden of proof is on him? He just feels like we're the most racist apparently. If it was any truth to his statement it would be easy to back it up with something other then a handful of -2 comments. Show me where racism is accepted and welcomed in this sub. Is it more then 0.01% of our sub? That's 20 racist basterds. Show me those 20 racist basterds and ill agree 0.01% of this sub is highly racist. Show me 200 and I'll agree 0.1% is highly racist.

An exaggeration, but you get my point?

Statistically, you are correct. However the prevelance of racist comments are fairly easy to catch.

Here's one.

And here's one that is truly amazing.

This thread has some good examples too

And a couple here, as well.

He would have to back up his statement with something other than his blanket statement. No need to disprove something that hasn't even been attempted to be proven.

I'm not sure man. Sounds like a conspiracy to me.

yeah, /r/conspiratard considers this board a lost cause instead of trying to actually enlighten and make a difference. They are just a bunch of edgy little shitheads

They are a hate group against this sub that actively mobilizes to come here antagonize, manipulate, troll, and make racist comments so they can turn around and criticize this sub for it.

This sounds like a conspiracy.

I think there are enough facts here, that after logic analysis are reavealing that this IS a Conspiracy. The only three facts missing about this Conspiracy are:

1 - What exactly is the real purpose behind this Conspiracy?

2 - How many people are exactly involved in this Conspiracy?

3 - Are Conspiracy members only low level, or high level too?

sws dégage

What I find amusing is that if this mod doesn't step down, since it's obvious they have lost the support of the users of this subsection, they are essentially doing what they criticize people in office for doing. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.


"Vocal minority"? Did you check the vote count on this thread and the top comment? Do you know the difference between "minority" and "majority"?

That trick with the manufacturing the racism he claims undermines the forums bespeaks a massive lack of personal intergrity, regardless of his motives.

Seems like an honest mistake. I don't blame solidwhetstone for looking for ways to improve the sub, as a mod should. The fact that a huge troll got to him first doesn't seem to have a huge effect here, but it is unfortunate.

If anything this campaign to get rid of solidwhetstone seems like something /r/conspiratard would want. I bet this post was their idea.

Wouldn't getting a mod removed be their greatest achievement?

Why would /r/conspiratard want to get rid of a mod that listens to reason?

Because it would disrupt /r/conspiracy.


Currently this sub is pretty divided on the issue and getting rid of a good moderator would be a great way to manipulate the redditors here.

If he stays, half of us will say he used his power to stay and censored people critical of him. If he leaves, the other half will complain that he was set up or the other mods jumped the gun in removing him.

Either way, people will take sides, arguments will begin, and the community as a whole will suffer, just like it has over this silly issue.

Oh yes, because /r/conspiratard chained /u/SolidWhetStone to a chair and forced him to listen to us.

I wasn't saying that but I get your point.

/u/Flytape COME BACK!!

Make a post in /r/AskFlytape


Why not? Seems like a lot of people wish he were still a mod.

He was an instigator. He was very quick with the banhammer and attempted to bring in vote brigades from SRS and other subreddits multiple times.

/u/solidwhetstone may be unpopular due to pandering to the "enemy" but /u/flytape was the perfect example of "we have met the enemy and he is us".

I disagree as well. He seem to be one of the very few mods that actually did anything. I've seen him tell numerous people to "tone down the insults." I reported a few racist and spam comments, he banned them, removed the posts, and replied to me. I've never had a problem with any of the mods on /r/conspiracy, until one started collaborating with people on /r/conspiratard.

I have to respectfully disagree.


Lmfao okay mang!

SRS brigades... lmfao. Please do provide proof of your accusations you lying bipedal excrement.


Mod from Israel, makes attack against flytape that is unfounded, asked by flytape to provide proof, down votes and ignores.

Well I'm not one of them. He was one of those women-hating MR guys. Appointing him mod was like appointing a full out racist mod.

Please provide proof of me "women-hating".

You know I can't because now, if you still post to MR you delete it or post under a different user name. Once you realized your history was gonna be a problem for you, you went through and deleted it. But I still remember the first time I looked at your user page when you were pushing to be a mod, when it was there. Which is why I was against it. But, clever boy, by going by the gentleperson's guide for forum spies you got your way.

And here is proof that you don't have a clue what you're talking about (as usual)

Oh wow what's that? My highest voted post made in /r/mensrights and lookie lookie little cookie! Its not deleted like you said above.


The truth is that you are biased against men and especially men like me who don't tolerate your "woe is me I'm just a little woman and always the victim" bullshit.

You're such an evil sexist. As this post of yours proves.

It only proves it to those whose minds were already made up.

It also proves that you're a liar. Which isn't new information to many.

Merry Christmas!

That's bullshit alllie, my posts to MR still exist. That doesn't make me a woman hater any more than posting about women's rights would make a person a man hater.

For real. Let him post and comment and whatever, but mod privileges no thanks.

I'd sign.

Resign. We don't want you to encourage the behavior you have been any more.

Im out of the loop. Anyone care to fill in those that haven't been paying attention?

edit i like how i'm being downvoted for merely asking what was the issue.. Seriously guys?

/u/solidwhitestone asked /r/conspiritard how he make this subreddit better in terms of the crazy amount of antisemitism. People are angry at the possibility that their circlejerk could get interrupted by logic.

Link me to some of this antisemitism since there's such a "crazy amount".

I suppose the issue is that everyone has a different view on racism. While saying that Jewish people are behind certain actions is not racist/anti-Semitic (as long as you have verifiable, factual evidence to support your claim), blaming an entire group of people for every event that occurs could be seen as racist.

And no, I'm not saying that you or anyone else does that. It's just a thought.

Ah thank you.

I smell...a conspiracy.

Wow this post is proof of how shitty this sub is... how dare /u/solidwhetstone seek advice on improving this shit sub!!!

/u/dieyoung you are a pussy and a fascist. So is everyone who upvoted this.

He asked the hate group subreddit that is against this subreddit for advice, he got lies about racism.

Asking people opposed to free thinking how to fix a sub dedicated to free thinking is not ok. If you think the sub is shit no ones forcing you to read it.

Just because you say "/r/conspiritard is against free thought" doesn't make it true. In fact its quite the opposite. In /r/conspiracy you have to watch what you say or the 'popular prevailing opinion police' will down vote you to oblivion. I dont think this sub is shit. I know this sub is shit because I read it often to keep up on where shit minds are taking shit trends. Helps me keep up with what level of paranoia I am dealing with.

/r/conspiritard is a hate group against this subreddit.

Just because you say "/r/conspiritard[1] is against free thought" doesn't make it true.

You then go on to "say" a bunch of things with nothing to back them up. So I guess we're to assume that nothing you said is true either?

Oh ok may I suggest not visiting a subreddit dedicated to something you hate? Also you‘re referring to the hivemind that is inherent with the reddit voting system and most subs where popular opinion is biased to one view over another, your example is fickle at best as even in this thread people supporting the mods removal are being downvoted to oblivion.

Even his fellow mods have gotten to the point where they think he should resign.

We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Your choice, /u/solidwhetstone.

the hard way

Referring to what exactly?

his fellow mods have gotten to the point where they think he should resign.

[citation needed]

Do you not see all the people here telling you to resign? How thick-headed can you be?

Good thing we're all critical thinkers and don't go along with the opinions of the masses!

I can only speak for myself but my opinion that you should resign is mine and mine alone.

In fact this situation seems pretty black and white to me, I don't know how you can even pretend that you're acting in this sub's best interests.

Well do you (as a critical thinker) believe situations are always black and white? Or does it happen sometimes that we haven't thought through things all the way, or we don't have all the information?

Even Nixon knew when to call it quits.

Best comment ever. Just... beautiful

So are you ever going to address the hundreds of members of this sub who want you out of here or are you just going to keep sucking Conspiratards dick and blowing off the members of the sub that you are supposed to be modding? Get the fuck out.

Referring to what exactly?

Every action you try on this sub will be scrutinized as if you were a reddit inc insider?

[citation needed]

Oh you're right. He didn't call for you to resign. He called for us all to leave over your nonsense..

Bullshit. You need to leave if you think anything said by the reddit inc trolls over on that other sub should ever be considered here.

Dude, you fucked up in a big way. Stop deflecting and start apologizing.



Keep solidwetstone, remove all the others.

Start your own sub maybe.

Fuck him. Ban hammer.

The fact that he bought 90,000 Dogecoins is all I need to know.

I'm sorry I'm being ignorant but what does dogecoins have to do with anything

People use it to pump and dump on noobs who get sucked into the scheme. It's a joke based off Litecoin.... and a bad one at that. Go check out the site. Anyone willing to scam idiots with crypto currency schemes doesn't have the moral character to be a moderator IMHO.

So is there a big difference between litecoin and bit coin?

Also so what your saying is he bought a bunch to wait for some hyper inflation then sell?

Yes, they are based on different technologies for the encryption algorithms.


Many crypto currencies (there are a lot besides Bitcoin) are overinflated and in a bubble. Buying or selling them involves some amount of speculation.

However, this "Dogecoin" thing was created as a joke to make fun of all the other crypto currencies out there. It was funny and it made a point about the silly nature of all these new me too currencies being created.

Some people turned the joke into a real-life Ponzi scheme. They buy a bunch, and then go around the Internet spamming to pump the value of Dogecoin. They convince suckers to buy in and raise the value. Then, when the value is at it's peak, they sell and cash out --dumping-- leave everyone else holding the bag. It's unethical. It's slimy. It shouldn't be legal.

This guy could easily abuse his position as moderator to push his scam on unsuspecting noobs. Who would stop him?

Ahh I see. Thanks for the explanation!

How do you know that?

He said it here. I've already added him to my ignore list and will downvote anything he posts.

He is right though. There is too much racism on this sub. I feel like r/conspiracy is being taken over by racists who either hate that Obama is president (and believe that their is a conspiracy involving his race, nationality or religion.) or believe that Jews run the world. I am wondering why so many people are taking such offense to this. Rcists should be banned, because they are a large part of the reason r/conspiritard exists in the first place.

Can you link me some racist comments? And theory's about Jews controlling shit is not racism.

I suppose the issue is that everyone has a different view on racism. While saying that Jewish people are behind certain actions is not racist (as long as you have verifiable, factual evidence to support your claim), blaming an entire group of people for every event that occurs could be seen as racist.

And no, I'm not saying that you or anyone else does that. It's just a thought.

And theory's about Jews controlling shit is not racism.

Well, yes, it is. It's like saying the blacks are barbaric thugs; generalizing to a whole race because of evidence that some limited number of them have trait X is very much racist.

It's plain fact nothing more, and the analogy you made is completely off.

Why is my analogy totally off?

Someone makes a generalization about a group based on some perceived traits of that group, and applies it to the whole group regardless of who the individuals are or what they did.

Can you explain how that isn't the case with both situations?

There is a difference in pointing out key individuals in power as Jewish and on the other hand saying that an entire race is savage. I don't believe all Jews are power hungry but enough of them are to the point where they were expelled from around the world.

Even though Jews constituted 2% of the population in Germany they controlled most of the theater industry, most of the financial institutions and they were heavy in politics as well as they are today in America and used to be in Russia (the oligarchs). It's not racist for pointing that out. It's the truth.


Where did they say that key individuals in power are Jewish? That wasn't the statement made, the statement made was not about any individuals.

Don't you see what is happening? That you are conflating a few individuals with power with an entire group of people - and that same bigotry was used in Germany to orchestrate the mass extermination of that entire class of people, not just the ones that were actually in power? Don't you think it is wrong that you are making vague insinuations about the Jews having power? So what if one ethnic group is concentrated in industries? Why bring it up?

The reason you are bringing it up is that those concentrations are used as excuses for persecution. It's not wrong to blame the Jews if they are secretly wielding power against the rest of the population, right?

Racist version: It's the jews

Non-racist version: Some people have power in the theater, banking, and political world and are abusing that power

It was never the bulk of Jews that controlled those industries, any more than most Christians in American control theater, banking, and politics - the simple fact of the matter is that most people have very little power.

This is textbook racism. Right here folks, right here.

Except it is important to call out the fact that they are Jews in the same way it is important to call out the fact that suicide bombs going off were the product of Muslims. If you negate the person's religious background which in both cases has an incredible influence on the person's development then you end up with things happening that have no real context.

If for example you would negate the fact that a Muslim was indeed the person doing the bombing then you wouldn't understand why he did what he did. In the same way Jews whether you like it or not have a doctrine which is very foreign to us westerners, the degree of extremism is dependent on the individual but it is important to understand that it exists. Jews see themselves as a people very different from the rest of the world, their books talk about their exceptionalism and how they were made to rule over the rest. Jews who are fairly moderate will have moderate stances toward this, but there is a huge base of Jews who literally see the world in this manner, it's because of their religious notions that they can do what they are doing in Palestine.

From this world view follow their actions, and their actions today as in the past in this world are inline with what their books are saying. So it is impossible to disconnect the Jewish identity from world politics. They hold the most power of any group in the world and thus have the most influence. The entirety of American politics is very strange, it's as if the American government does not work for it's people. Now ask yourself why this is? It's the same reason why the USSR wasn't working for it's people, because the group who has the power to create change and prosperity is choosing not to do so. It is a powerful group of people who doesn't care about the interests of the inhabitants of the country they control. They merely use the inhabitants of that country to push forward an agenda.

America is fighting the Jewish war in the middle east, to the public a different narrative is laid out, however people have started questioning these wars and questioning the events that have put everything into motion (9/11). People are starting to doubt whether they are actually fighting for terrorism and not for something else. Some have said that oil is a motivating factor, or perhaps power, gold or the poppy fields, people have investigated all this stuff at length simply to find an answer to why America fights the wars it's fighting. They will never find the real answer however, because the real answer lies in a place that they have been taught never to look at, and that's the Jewish question.

America wants to bomb Iran, the goyim are told it's because of an alleged nuclear weapons program (evidence for this does not exist). The real reason is because of Iran's stance toward Israel and Zionism. The middle eastern wars have been planned before 9/11 Wesley Clark talks about this and there can already be seen a lot of propaganda directed towards Iran before that period. 9/11 was the event that started it all, and this crucial event is shrouded in mystery, it is the event that has brought forth mass skepticism and an awakening from the American populace, and rightfully so. But whenever the Jewish question is touched upon we are as a collective taken aback by our conditioning, a conditioning which is so pervasive that even when clear evidence presents itself we choose not to see the reality of the situation.

I'm not saying all Jews are bad, I think many Jews are regular people who live their lives entangled in all of this mess without their knowing, Israeli's are very indoctrinated people, their view of the Palestinians for example is completely skewed. Palestinians are a suppressed people and they will attack in anger at times, usually with very amateurish weapons, such as home made rockets. These attacks of the Palestinians are inflated by the Israeli government, the Israeli government depicts this conflict as though it was fighting a large terrorist force. This stance is incredibly useful to get the population to follow along with your extermination plans, but in reality they are not a terrorist force at all. They are merely people struggling to survive, and with their displacements from their home, the deaths of their loved ones comes a great deal of anger, especially in the hearts of proud Muslims. Arabs are an honorable people who will fight to the death for their land.

Imagine the Americas at the time of Columbus, the Israeli situation is very similar. Now imagine that the colonialists had some way of propaganda, and depicting the Indians not as a people protecting their land and family but simply a bunch of rowdy extremist individuals who want death to the colonialists. This is Israel today, and the Jews their are heavily indoctrinated. I'm not even sure whether the true elite even care about the Jewish population.

And while you are blaming me for pointing at the Jewish elite, the western propaganda machine is going on an all out war against the Muslims. I believe there will be a great war among the west and Islam. The two greatest enemies of established Jewry exterminating themselves, all caused by Jewish manipulation of the masses. One of the perks of controlling the media is the control of an entire population. I posted a documentary about the oligarchs in Russia, this exact process was happening there until Putin intervened and drove them away. But before Putin did what he did they were taking up all the banks, all the resources and the media, they were the ones who made the politicians, you couldn't get your foot in a governmental building without having been approved by these oligarchs. The only reason Putin got on the inside was because he gained the trust of these people, and once he was firmly established he started the process of elimination.

This process never happened in America, and to this day it is ruled by people with power (money). And while the mainstream masses are talking about left and right, blue and red (which they are waking up to) there are a group of people laughing their asses off. America will be used for as long as possible and they will never leave America lone until it's completely destroyed and used up.

The people will never understand the real issues, their houses will be foreclosed on, their relatives will die in wars in the middle east, the major players of their economy will move to different parts of the world, they will be left completely ideologically divided. Not just ideologically but on every issue imaginable. Black/white, gay/straight, pro-healthcare/anti-healthcare, pro-gun/anti-gun, christian/atheist, pro-choice/pro-life and the list goes on and on. When they leave America alone, there will be no America anymore.

This is how I see things from all the information that I am exposed to. Whether my conclusion is suited to you or not is not my problem, I have no control over the conclusions my mind makes. Information is gathered and that information must assimilate into the mind to then form a coherent picture of the world. Quality information is hard to come by nowadays, we are being deceived at every turn and so our abilities of discernment is all we have.

Good luck on your search, I will never censor you for your truth, so let's not censor me for mine.

This is a big pile of psychopathic bigoted racist hate with a thin veil of intellectualism to conceil the terrible views within.

Let me state this as simple as possible;

If someone explodes a bomb to kill others, it doesn't matter whether they are Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Black, White, Green, Orange, Hindu, Illuminati, or well, anything else.

What matters is that they were willing to kill someone else.

There has been research that shows that extremists of all these groups share characteristics; those characteristics drive the extremism. Not the fact that they are X religion.

Your post is the psychopathic hatred that /r/conspiratard objects to; it's the same hatred that has been used by every authoritarian state to rise to power.

Find someone weak, and few in numbers; blame them, say they are powerful beyond the ken of mortal man.

And then you burn them. Because they are witches.


I never see racism on this sub. We have antagonists that come here to post racisist things, incite racists comment threads, and upvote racist comments, just to turn around and point them out to discredit this sub. There is a whole subreddit devoted to such manipulation. It is called conspiratard and it is the sub that our moderator asked for constructive criticism and got nothing but fake racism accusations from some snickering trolls.

Hey I got a conspiracy for you: It's amazing that I can offer any large range of facts involving black crime and people like you will call 'racist' endlessly rather than look at the facts and come to the obvious conclusion that black people have serious problems.

You make excuse after excuse for black behavior. You have been programmed by the liberal media and leftist sources to overlook problems with blacks in general.

THAT is a conspiracy, and really, it's one of the largest ones in the world at the moment.

Anyone who isn't a racist white guy have anything to say?

You know if you look at the murder stats for Chicago, where blacks and whites are almost the same % of the population (which makes it an easy example) blacks commit 70+% of the murder every year? Then hispanics commit 20 odd percent, then whites, who commit only a few percent.

Really people like you have been programmed to accept a fantasy instead of seeking the truth. You're nothing more than a drone. 2008 2009 2010 2011

I am not going to argue with you. Pat yourself on the back buddy, you won this. Good job.

Wait, so black culture is to blame for Chicago's violence? No black fathers is to blame? There's nothing to say about a history of racial discrimination and racial violence against blacks? The fact that black soldiers after World War II were systematically denied FHA loans that allowed many white families to leave the city and become homeowners in the suburbs? The fact that Daley I was an active participant in race riots in his youth and then continued almost overtly racist policies and covertly racist hiring and contracting policies throughout his terms? Daley II was less overt about it, but white patronage still controls a large part of the business of "I know a guy who knows a guy" in his city.

Sociology even had to invent a new term for our virulently racist urban landscape: "hypersegregation."

But no, none of those things are important. Black culture is broken. No more study or nuance necessary here.

I used Chicago as an easy example because it doesn't require computation, but if you're willing to look at national statistics you quickly see the problem nationally as well:

And then if you look around the world you see it around the world:

I could list more, but the thing is you would ignore then because it's convenient for you. You'd rather have this fantasy of some world level conspiracy by legions of evil whites to oppress the black man, rather than simply seeing the black man as the criminal he is.

In the US blacks are 13% of the population and commit right about 50% of the murder.

Keep making your excuses, blaming those 'evil whites' in ways that make you feel good.

The fact that black soldiers after World War II were systematically denied FHA loans that allowed many white families to leave the city and become homeowners in the suburbs?

Why is this of interest? Because they returned to lesser jobs or no jobs compared to their white counterparts? Of course they would be denied loans, it was only good business.

When they stopped denying black people loans who couldn't repay them we reaped the housing crisis. Giving loans out to people who can't repay is bad practice, pretty simple.

rather than simply seeing the black man as the criminal he is.

Holy shit. You actually said that. I am blown away. And it's surprising to /r/conspiracy is accused of racism?

When they stopped denying black people loans who couldn't repay them we reaped the housing crisis. Giving loans out to people who can't repay is bad practice, pretty simple.

Redlining was a thing, learn something that's not racist bullshit from the Daily Mail. ninja edit: my bad, I thought it was the British Star. I apologize.

Lets take a quote from the opening paragraph of the Wikipedia article on redlining:

"For example, in Atlanta in the 1980s, a Pulitzer Prize-winning series of articles by investigative-reporter Bill Dedman showed that banks would often lend to lower-income whites but not to middle- or upper-income blacks."

So essentially, your whole argument revolves around blacks committing violent crime in America, without any concern for any of the nuances in the study of marginalization and discrimination and the history of race in America.

Holy shit. You actually said that. I am blown away.

I know! Then I supported it with factual data! Something you don't do!

Redlining was a thing

Yes, I know it was 'a thing', and democratic reversal of redlining is what CAUSED the American housing crisis which started under Clinton.

just because they're from the UK doesn't make them reputable sources.

Hilarious. It's always 'racist lies' when anything is sourced that idiot apologists like yourself don't like. It's always that fucking fantasy of blacks being 'victimized' THE WORLD OVER that plays through your head.

The Star is from Toronto. You know..Canada.

The obvious nature of how stupid such a fantasy is doesn't occur to you, you'd rather believe what makes you feel good.

So essentially, your whole argument revolves around blacks committing violent crime in America, without any concern for any of the nuances in the study of marginalization and discrimination and the history of race in America.

No one gives a shit about 'nuances of x' in America as they are being raped or murdered by some black criminal, which is rather prevalent these days.

Let's be blunt: Whites were slaves. Every other race has been slaves. Only blacks are milking it hundreds of years later because of idiots like yourself, CONSTANTLY telling them they can't do better. CONSTANTLY apologizing for them. CONSTANTLY excusing them for their horrible criminal behavior.

People come from fucking China to America in modern America and pull themselves up in ONE generation, why do blacks continue to be unable to do so? Oh that's right, they're 'always the victim'.

Even more whites were slaves under the Irish save trade than there were ever black slaves in America. You don't see us whining about it today.

You stupid prick.

rather than simply seeing the black man as the criminal he is.

Holy shit. You actually said that. I am blown away. And it's surprising to /r/conspiracy is accused of racism?

Are you delusional? DarlingtonDude just got finished posting:

In the US blacks are 13% of the population and commit right about 50% of the murder.

Do you get this? Can your liberal mind process this? Blacks are doing the largest portion of the murders, even though they are 13% of the population. Let me repeat: it is blacks who are committing the murders. Do I get through to you yet? Hello? Hello?

You're completely disregarding the system they're born into that is literally designed against them.

I can offer a wide range of facts showing that white people are inferior to Asians and people like you would never come to the conclusion that white people are genetically inferior to Asians.

The difference is that I don't dispute asians do better on IQ tests than whites. The difference isn't as large as that between blacks and other races, but it's there.

I don't disagree with it at all.

You however, would shout 'racism', right? You're so typically predictable.

I noted asians scoring better than whites on a post a week or whatever ago. You can check my post history for it.

Owned, bitch.

edit: No, it was just 2 days ago, although I've probably noted it before:

DarlingtonDude 1 point 2 days ago Yes, clearly you wouldn't want to 'waste time' trying to fight what 60 or 70 years of IQ testing has clearly shown in schools, the military, and corporations. Asians score a bit higher than whites, which you would probably agree with. Amazing how facts really fuck you liberal idiots in the ass in any real argument, isn't it?

Here's some more 'fun with black people' while we're on it:

Murders with guns are the No. 1 cause of death for African-American men between the ages of 15 and 34. But talking about race in the context of guns would also mean taking on a subject that can't be addressed by passing a law: the family-breakdown issues that lead too many minority children to find social status and power in guns. The statistics are staggering. In 2009, for example, the Centers for Disease Control reported that 54% of all murders committed, overwhelmingly with guns, are murders of black people. Black people are about 13% of the population. The Justice Department reports that between 1980 and 2008, "blacks were six times more likely than whites to be homicide victims and seven times more likely than whites to commit homicide."

You'll notice no other race reflects these kinds of numbers.

This is so stupid and pointless

The problem of a thread like this is A: reddit has an automated downvote system that " Helps " keep posts " reasonable " and B: Down vote trolls that downvote for the sake of downvoting.

There's also people who see the title, assume that all the upvotes mean it's a legitimate reason and upvote without reading the story.

This is also true


Who? Check my profile bud. I've been on reddit for over a year with over 11k Karma... this isn't a throw away account. It's honest truth. I've been in several reddits that have removed the down vote button and yest stuff still gets downvoted.

Off with his head!

Yeah, remove him for introducing new ideas!

DAE hate censorship?

Who said anything about banning him? Besides you?

This is all about removing him as a mod, not banning.

kk fixed

Remove him? No, I'm just advocating removing his ability to remove other people. I never said ban him.

Honest question, who is gonna ban him?

Who said ban him?

new ideas

Giving the /r/conpiracy hate group, conspiratard, a platform to spread more lies about this being a racist subreddit.


he is not qualified to be a mod here. no hard feelings, he just shouldn't be a mod in /r/conspiracy, that's all.

from what ive heard of his views he barely deserves to be a user of /r/conspiracy let alone a mod, same as englishmunichfan. we need hardcore, knowledgeable members of this sub as mods, not part time light weight defenders of the statusquo.

yeah, since i've made the above comment, solidwhetstone has made public comments that have clarified his role in this charade. no need to downvote me any more, i think it's pretty clear what needs to be done here

Only some of these posts are racist, and in those that are, they're rebuked in a civil manner in the comments and downvoted.

Yeah, but the logic around here is that everyone of these posts are "alternate" accounts from another subreddit.

Well maybe BiPOlarBear0 shouldn't have trolled this sub with racist sock accounts.


Well maybe /r/conspiracy shouldn't be legitimizing witch hunts or promoting the stalking of individuals. Again though, prove to me that all these post that I have here are from one single redditor.

Prove they aren't. You're asking for something you know can never be given.

Because a lot of people here are more insistent on finding one enemy to blame it on for all the obvious failings on this subreddit.

You're welcome to think the subreddit is fledgling and/or has failings.

I personally think it's wonderful that this sub has enemies within reddit inc. Fuck Alexis and Erik.

Maybe we'll do as we please? Which includes vetting Eglin Airforce Base Operatives like Bipolarbear0.

Fuck reddit inc and her PR firm minions. I see you Antique Jetpack Fags.

Maybe you should take your leave with the evening train before I start talking about more of your bosses "business" dealings?

Absolutely upvoted.

This thread is reason #42 why /r/conspiracy has fallen so far.

I do not know who he is but I can say the facts do not lie. He is a reptilian from nerobu taking orders from the Zionist and the trilateral commission. He serves no point but to help the Illuminated contaminate our water with nuclear by products namely sodium fluoride. In his spare time he enjoys putting mercury into vaccines and sending them to africa to sterilize the women. His agenda is 21, He vacated the south tower exactly 33 minutes before the thermite he planted was ignited. His father was a chairman of the bilderburgs and he inherited his fortune from the gold his father stole from Auschwitz. When he vacations to austria he sprays chem trails over Poland. He helped write the NDAA and the Patriot Act. He passes out SSRI's for Halloween and dresses up as a pyramid. But with all that being said he still has the 1st amendment to protect him and if you all want to infringe on that you are hypocrites.

Troll. These are the people who should be banned.

This is just some random that never comes here, who came to troll and try to discredit. He doesn't need banned, just downvote and move along.

You will never ban a known under cover CIA operative that comes for the LAWLS

The grown ups are tying to have a serious conversation, go back to the kids table and wait.

Have fun thinking you are making a difference.

When everyone is censored we will have UTOPIA!


The only racists bigots in r/conspiracy is sock puppet accounts from r/conspiratarded raids.

Dude, I promise we're not all batshit crazy like the motherfuckers with their panties in a wad. I just enjoy reading the plausible theories.

Though I never heard of the human pancake before I'm shocked that anyone is angry at the Israel. They have been making every attempt at peace and getting shit on at every turn. Sometimes they have to push back and people shouldn't intentionally put themselves in harms way. I wasn't even alive when these fights started but I'm old enough to know that it's utter bullshit.

Shit's about as dumb as those anti-nuke protesters laying on the tracks. It's not as bad as idiots getting on a bus and blowing themselves up with a bomb or constantly launching rockets into civilian population...

As for the trolls and modding I have no idea whats going on here without a larger sample of data so I'll leave it as a abstain to vote...



Don't feed the troll.

Not everyone that expresses an opinion different from yours is a troll.

It wasn't an opinion. It added nothing to the discussion and was meant to get a rise.

Tell me what "lol this sub so funny" contributes?

implying people follow reddiquette here


Because the over reaction shown here, to simply talking to people that have a different opinion, is funny. And kinda sad.

You fucking shill

I was waiting on that one.

Right!? Exactly why people hate this thread and create an entire sub to mock it. Juvenile name calling and downvoting as soon as you call people out for being ridiculous.

I would further motion to promote me to moderator. The People of this subreddit need a voice.

Your humility is humbling.

Lol. He's got a very big head. We certainly don't need to ask one mod to step down and replace him with one that's even worse.

Wow, you weren't kidding.

Oh look, it's my personal troll.

I like how he capitalized People. It means We're important to him. Hope and change, baby!

National Treasure?


Get the fuck out with that bullshit.

Go back to /r/tard with your black-prop bullshit.

What does it say about you guys that you feel compelled to pretend to be anti-Semitic here?




Your bullshit is see through brother.


You would find it confusing because you're not considering my use of the /r/ to denote their subreddit. Now that the issue is cleared up for you, have a nice day.

when a comment on /r/conspiracy mentions "conspiratards" they are referring to the users of /r/conspiratard.

I think that's most likely true of all other subreddits too, not just /r/conspiracy. That's the only logical result of naming your sub "conspiratard". The guys that set it up just had no clue what they were actually doing when they named it. Par for the course.

He went to the sub that's created to troll/shill this sub and asked for advice about "improving" this sub.. the sub they're dedicated to destroying.

Actually, we mock conspiracy theorists in general, and this just so happens to be a very concentrated area for theorists. The name is /r/conspiracy for fucks sake!

No... It wasn't. It was created to mock stupid conspiracies. Low and behold there are some stupid conspiracies on a forum about conspiracies. Dare I say you should do your research?

Can you give an example of the black propaganda he's posted? I don't even know what black propaganda could bem

Why are you even here? For entertainment only?

No, you're not the only one.

Your thoughts on their penchant for the Rachel Corrie animosity? Prudent, or no?

/r/conspiracy partisan calling someone a bigot! yay!

Name calling now? I bet your descended from a LONG line of ignorant, pitch fork wielding, start a witch hunt, rather than have a discussion, plebes. It shows in how you approach people just trying to have a conversation.

most of what gets posted on this sub would be removed from other subs moderators

Bullshit. Unless you mean they would remove it because conspiracy material belongs in /r/conspiracy.

His "job" is not to hang out with trolls and enable their false allegations.

Most accusations of racism are bullshit. I've seen BipolarBear make many false accusations and plant material here to claim "racism."

I'm like you in that I often don't believe much of this subreddit either, but I'm also not naive enough to believe that conspiracies don't exist. They've been around in government since government existed. I'm also not naive enough to say that arbitrary variables make up a valid conspiracy, which I see a lot of on here. As for the big pharmacy thing, there has been evidence of massive conspiracies, the first one coming to mind being the Bayer/HIV OF THE 1980's and on. That's one that has real tangible evidence. I don't believe all pharmaceutical companies are evil because that would be a generalization without sufficient evidence.

Replace the theys in your sentence with we and it looks a lot better. Go back to tard land please.

Not saying that conspiracy theory is right but I watched a documentary on big pharma the other day and it went into depth on Prozac. In the clinical trials they actually found that it made people very aggressive or pushed their depression over the edge so they actually added a tranquilizer to it to market it as an antidepressant like they wanted to in the first place.

He asked the wrong people for advice. Think of as if the South Korean people had just found out that their government had been faxing with Kim Jung Un his advice on how to run their government. r/conspiritard exists to fuck with /r/conspiracy, hence the name. People here get pissed if you even link to it, because most here have had to deal with their middle school bullshit.

He said it here. I've already added him to my ignore list and will downvote anything he posts.


I enjoy fresh content to make fun of


10.Any posts that attack the sub, users or the mods will be removed. Breaking this rule more than once can earn a ban.

So you admit your here to add nothing of value, only to troll.

Its really sad tbh, but if your personal life is so slow to come make fun of crazy ol me..

then troll on troll, troll on

Maybe one day a mod might actually give a sht and ban ppl like you.

So what your saying is you have no idea how math works?


upvoting a comment is not something that is ever going to effect anyone and is not a fair judge of the will of the community. And in any case, the moderator is not subject to following whatever an upvoted thread or comment tells him to do, especially in such a witch hunt oriented community.

Bunch of paranoid cry babies.


Yeah how can we fight the anti gentile racism that is rife there.

Just because you say "/r/conspiritard is against free thought" doesn't make it true. In fact its quite the opposite. In /r/conspiracy you have to watch what you say or the 'popular prevailing opinion police' will down vote you to oblivion. I dont think this sub is shit. I know this sub is shit because I read it often to keep up on where shit minds are taking shit trends. Helps me keep up with what level of paranoia I am dealing with.

Oh ok may I suggest not visiting a subreddit dedicated to something you hate? Also you‘re referring to the hivemind that is inherent with the reddit voting system and most subs where popular opinion is biased to one view over another, your example is fickle at best as even in this thread people supporting the mods removal are being downvoted to oblivion.

/r/conspiratard does not just make fun of this subreddit. It makes fun of conspiracy theories in general.


/r/conspiritard is a hate group against this subreddit.

I'm not forgetting that he posted racist stuff, and I hope you're not forgetting that /r/conspiracy upvoted them. I don't defend his behavior, but nor should you whitewash the upvoting.

Some of the myriad other problems, in no particular order, and by no means complete:

  • Calling people shills and other names when they disagree

  • Upvoting indisputably false information to the top positions when a simple search would have proven it wrong

  • Downvoting posts that disagree with the hivemind

  • Everything lately is a false flag

  • Starting a petition to remove a mod for talking to 'the wrong people'

Well maybe /r/conspiracy shouldn't be legitimizing witch hunts or promoting the stalking of individuals. Again though, prove to me that all these post that I have here are from one single redditor.

Statistically, you are correct. However the prevelance of racist comments are fairly easy to catch.

Here's one.

And here's one that is truly amazing.

This thread has some good examples too

And a couple here, as well.

If anything I'd say it was more a commentray on the US's (IMO) terrible attitude to mental health issues

LOL!!!! Thanks for that, I needed a laugh today.

Link a couple if racism is as rampant as you say it is.

Just because you say "/r/conspiritard[1] is against free thought" doesn't make it true.

You then go on to "say" a bunch of things with nothing to back them up. So I guess we're to assume that nothing you said is true either?

Then what the hell am I supposed to do with this torch?

The top post is clearly stating we want you gone and you're still here? You have nothing to offer. Step down, sir.

It is solely to make fun of people who "believe in conspiracies" which in itself is the dumbest phrase in existence because "conspiracies", the actual definition of the word, have existed since the beginning of mankind.

I am actually in a conversation with him right now. Still awating his response to my question (i.e.: why seek advice from the dude who wants to destroy the sub you moderate for). I imagine he has quite a few of these going right now.

"You are saying that someone has been killed because the had 1/8th skater blood? "

Uhm, what?

I mean absolutely no offense, but you haven't been viewing every thread if you haven't seen 'nigger'. It's not particularly common, but it's certainly not uncommon.

I know none of you guys know this, but I think Israel is shit. They've held a nuclear program for decades in direct opposition to law, and the US refuses to uphold our laws regarding that. I think the US should absolutely enforce our laws, and we don't.

None of this is anti-semitic, and none of this is wrong. This isn't what I'm complaining about. I'm complaining about the actual anti-semitism, not antizionism. Antizioism is (loosely, because it absolutely isn't actually antizionistic*, closer to just straight politcal opinions)

"Israel sucks because these 12 Hamas guys were killed today from a rocket attack."

You'll notice I didn't emphasize it, because it didn't need emphasis. If the 'jews' are doing the bad you suppose they (not 'you' they, /r/conspiracy 'they') are, no exaggeration is needed.

It doesn't police it as it does not enforce, it merely informs the mods so they can take action if it needs be.