Anyone else here getting creepy PM's? I'm hitting the front page exposing trolls and Bipolarbear0 and magically I start getting these weird pm's

49  2013-12-25 by [deleted]

Edit: another.

Check the accounts. They are fairly old, so this is obviously someone with a shitload of extra accounts. I'd be surprised if the admins blew this off because this is literally stalking.

Edit 2: 11 month old account


it's just people trying to be 2spooky.

Holy shit. These kids are incredibly butthurt!

Report threatening harassment like that to admins here:

By posting these you're feeding the trolls.

I'd rather just let everyone know about this. These accounts are fairly old as well, so I'm assuming this is literally a shill (not just a troll) who is trying to spook me. If you check the front page, it's pretty damning for conspiratard and Bipolarbear0.

These accounts are fairly old as well, so I'm assuming this is literally a shill

If you think trolling Reddit is something that only happens within the past few months, well...

The age of the account is no indication of troll or legitimate shill.

What do you want? Can we just agree to disagree here? Let's talk about the fact that we have some extremely dedicated people who are "anti-conspiracy' and also mentally ill.

Ignoring the trolls is an easy, effective step to reducing them.

Giving them attention is not.

They will still brigade the shit out of this sub. I think most of us know that. Again, I would simply like to agree to disagree here and concentrate on my post, or talk about something else in another thread. I'm posting these so that everyone is aware of these deranged and obsessed trolls, or whatever they are. I'm also claiming that this wasn't a coincidence and that these are probably Bipolarbear0's accounts. If you don't know who he is, please look him up. He's mad that another person is exposing his bullshit.

Don't feed the trolls!

Harassment and threats should not be ignored.

Ignoring can still involve downvoting and reporting. Just not giving them the attention they desire by replying to or making posts about them.

Ever wonder why the refrain "Ignore the trolls" is constantly being typed? Because it doesn't work unless everyone ignores them and that simply will not happen.

This is also menacing, threatening harassment, not just harmless "trolling". Admins should deal with it.

Mentally ill?

That's exactly what anti-conspiracy people try to call those who participate in this sub to discourage participation.


Same happened when people were investigating Sandy Hook in this sub. We need to ignore all this meta drama and get back to business as usual.

By definition of "feeding the trolls" I'd say you would be incorrect in your summation. Please try again.

What do you think motivates trolls?


Really? I would've gone with attention. Which op is giving.

You seem the only one in here who seems to enjoy attention.

Any one know why this user is deleted now?

Probably for the exact same reason he's being stalked - someone wants him to shut up.

You are being watched

That's creepy as fuck. I'd put tape over my camera.

Since 2010 my friend.

You look at your private messages? Why? I never bother looking at my mail. It just piles up, unread.

why not?

It's a waste of time. I say what I want to say in the subs, and if I happen across a response there, I'll answer it there. I'm not interested in one-to-one communication with anybody.

Looks like you are to me lol.

Some kids are trying to freak you out.... Oooh so creepy. You think if they were really tracking you they'd tell you about it?

more likely Stratfor or similar marketing manipulating company.