Another casualty in the war on r/conspiracy! /u/fivesensesarereal has been banned. Mods please explain.

16  2013-12-25 by [deleted]

This is getting ridiculous. I have been pretty tame in my remarks and my handling of this situation as a whole.

Also did you guys ban /u/letsownthenwo ?


If you have been banned please message me. I will gladly speak for you to resolve the situation.


Rule 5- no capslock. Next infraction is a ban.


Dude you have to calm down bro. Follow the rules man. Stop being so entitled

You're a fucking joke.

You're pushing me. Please reread the sidebar. The list gives you a good guideline on how to conduct yourself here. You are free to express yourself about any topic- but have some respect for others in your delivery.

Hey Solidwhetstone, some criticism here.

You're pushing me.

It's not about you. It's really not. And BTW, are you threatening him with a ban? I don't think mods should abuse their powers like they're some kind of drug that feels good.

When a mod bans a user and the community wants that user back instead of the mod, something is not right. Then you are acually NOT contributing to the community. I suggest you rethink who you're banning, and what's best for the community, not what's best for the rules.

Now you are just incarcerating minorities because they had some pot on them.

So I am not allowed to have a negative opinion of you? Or express it freely?

You absolutely can have any opinion of me that you want. Just follow the sidebar in how you express your opinions. The sidebar is there so we can all have rational discourse with each other- even when we disagree. Fair?

Can I get a list of the users you have banned in the last 48hrs?

Edit: I guess what I'm wondering is this information open to the other mods and to the community. I think it should be transparent.

I wouldn't share info like that unless the mod team approved of it- so ask in modmail if you'd like to.

Doesn't matter that much though really does it? Accounts can be banned, individuals can't. It's a minor inconvenience at most. A meaningless squabble about the structure of pixels hitting the iris of a being that considers them self to be the most intelligent out of all other creatures that it can interpret through it's five senses using a scale of intelligence that it has personally defined at worst.

/u/fivesensesarereal was banned for personally threatening me (which is against reddit's TOS and rule 10 here).

I read the comment and it was not a threat. You took it out of context to once again abuse your power.

The comment he made:

You are a fucking jack ass. You should start watching your back in the street.

That's what he said. Any reasonable person would see that as a personal threat.

EDIT: Regardless, it's a violation of rule 10. Calling someone a fucking jackass is not conducive to rational discussion.

You are surrounded by a community that does not want you here. Why would you stay? Do you like the power? Do you honestly think you are benefiting this community by staying here and giving us some bullshit "I've demoted myself" Leave.

I'm not sure you understand. It is my job to enforce the guidelines in the sidebar. Those are the rules of conduct here. I don't moderate for content. I enforce the sidebar guidelines. If I did this to be liked, I would have quit long ago. Please follow the sidebar and happy posting.

If I did this to be liked, I would have quit long ago.

Why are you doing it since there is such a majority that would rather you not moderate this sub? Do you get paid?

Isn't it obvious? I'm a masochist.

Lol. That definitely appears to be true. I feel bad that you caught so much heat the other day. Don't you moderate a bunch of other subs too?

Cool. Art and conspiracies huh? Lol. Seems to go together for a lot of people (me included). What conspiracies are you into?

Mostly I have been following the NSA leaks, but I also keep an eye out for any new revelations relating to 9/11.

I attended the rt4 protest in Chicago on July 4, and then the DC Stop Watching Us protest in October. Between that and modding here, I am probably on all sorts of lists.

There are far more nefarious things being done on this subreddit than keyboard warriors being keyboard warriors. Sorry he hurt your feelings, you as a mod should enforce the rules consistently rather than how you please.

Your "breaking rule 10" excuse is weak as I see rules broken everyday. This poor guy was only punished because it was directed to you. (Also spelled as admin abuse)

Lastly "watch your back in the street" is NOT a threat. A threat is a statement of intention, the idea his post was a threat to you is such a stretch and another blatent display of...well, you. And threating a ban because of an all caps comment? What about your antisemtic buddy in conspiratard?

I see that as "you have pissed enough people off here that you are better off stepping down before something bad happens to you." Not a direct threat.

you have pissed enough people off here that you are better off stepping down before something bad happens to you

how is this not a direct threat?

something bad happens

How is that direct?

Anyways, this all seems so unecessary. Like this is what we want to debate in here... Stop stearing the discussion u/solidwhetstone.

ok. we will have to disagree then. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

EDIT: Regardless, it's a violation of rule 10. Calling someone a fucking jackass is not conducive to rational discussion.

But banning him is conducive to rational discussion??? If anything this whole debate about you and this ordeal is distracting and NOT conducive to rational discussion. In fact, more harm then good was done. /r/ conspiracy has a mob-mentallity when acting in a group, just as any other group. It will act with almost uncontrollable reactions, and individual members of this group can do nothing to stop it(alone).

If we boil down the situation to one guy who could have prevented it, it would be you. As an individual, do I have to blame r/conspiracy as the root to this specific incident?

Let me try to phrase it differently. If one guy could do anything about this whole deal, that would be you, right? Sorry for the unfitting rant, but this all seems upside-down to me.