/r/conservative mods are pieces of shit

51  2013-12-26 by [deleted]

I didn't write that. This sub is supposed to be about conservatism, American conservatism at that, and there's nothing conservative about supporting a state that spies on us as well as takes our tax dollars to air strike Palestinians and surrounding countries.

This was in response to one of their main commenters saying "DA JOOS" or some troll line like that to me, which was in response to me wondering why yesterday 3/10 top posts were about jerking off how noble and peaceful Israelis are and more stuff about Israel/Jewish people on Christmas in the American conservative sub (that type of concentration of topics doesn't happen, something was afoot).

I just needed a place to vent about this because I am pissed that you can't say anything implying that Israel commits wrong acts there.

E: Yes I was banned for this comment.


The real shocker is that you're only JUST NOW finding this out.

They've always been really pro-JudeoChristian and anti- Muslim, which explains a lot of it, but they're also very quick to explain how WE NEED ISRAEL AS AN ALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!

And it's been a long-known fact that /u/chabanais is a whiny little bitch who bans anyone for slightly disagreeing with him, and then calling the banned people "retarded" or saying "hurr durr" or some other such childish nonsense.

Yeah, fuck that sub. It's worse than SRS.

Hey libtard! You've been banned from /r/conservative and now I'm going to post about you on my personal reddit blog with all the other libtards. /r/libtard.

HA! You totally have his mannerisms down perfectly.

Downvoters - care to explain why you don't want to talk about how there is a conspiracy to protect Israel at all costs in /r/conservative?

I noticed this post yesterday in r/conservative as well. It struck me as odd how much support the users there had for Israel.

There's plenty of sources out there about this, but I'm lazy. Israel hires internet propagandists, along with the US and many other countries. I'm pretty sure they didn't forget about Reddit as an easy target.

It's christian zionism. Basically, it's bible prophecy that Israel is created, that the world government gets set up there, anti-christ comes and runs it, WW-Apocalypse starts, then Jesus comes back and sets everything to rights. So, helping the plan along is doing God's work.

Bloody Biblical End-Timers. If they want to get to Heaven that bad, they can go early. They don't have to end the world for everyone else to do it!

Yes, they do.

Thank you. If I may butt in with a non sequitor: as a Christian, I get very annoyed when I am associated even remotely with the "Judeo" Christian construct. A) "Judeo Christian" is a contradiction in terms, as Judeo is diametrically opposed to Christian. There appears to be almost a conspiracy in how Christianity and Christians are portrayed in the media as being the yin to the Judeo yang- or, say, "buddies" with Jews. I believe this starts with the misconstruction of people assuming Jews use the Old Testament. They do not, they are Talmudists. Jews and Christians are about as related as say, Muslims and Jews. Oh how deluded are the zionists. In fact, Jesus himself stated that Jews are of the synagogue of Satan.

Er... you do realise that the entire Christian religion originated from the "Judeo" one originally? It would never existed otherwise!

It was out of control how stupid the comments were - everyone just praising peaceful, rational, "just minding my own business since 1917" Israel.

I love when Israel supporters say that Israel hasn't stolen any land and that it's just their consolation prize from the Six-day War. It's even funnier when they call Palestinian's squatters. Oh, and don't even dare say anything critical of the nation-state of Israel because that means you hate all Jewish people and you're a Nazi sympathizer.

You didn't get the memo about calling out 'minorities' on legitimate issues? The second you do, you are labeled a racistantisemitehomophobesexist piece of shit. And don't you dare let your facts get in the way of their name calling.

I downvoted this because you're just whining about being banned from another subreddit. It has nothing to do with this subreddit at all. I don't care. Grow up dude.

It does because there is a conspiracy to support Israel there. Thanks for stopping by and being negative though.

There's no "conspiracy" to support Israel in /r/conservative. Most of us just happen to support Israel in general. In response to you being butthurt yesterday, the posts were in response to terror attacks in Israel that weren't receiving any news coverage.

You still have not (nor have the mods) cited a reason for my banning aside from making a comment that isn't pro-Zionist.

Most people support Israel there? It will seem that way if anyone who says a word against Israel is banned.

I don't care why you were banned. I'm just saying your reasoning is wrong. And I haven't seen anyone get banned for "anti-Israeli" statements. In fact, I'm sure I've made some before. I don't praise Israel blindly.

You just saw it happen.

I didn't, actually. I just happened to run across your post here today.

I can't. I upvoted this post for visibility.

(Whilst I generally disapprove of this sort of "me too" post, so people only see me being negative, perhaps I should just post this sort of thing more often, so people can see that there is content here that I upvote).

There is also a conspiracy to protect the word "conservative" so that it means only one kind of person with one kind of politic.

Jerks think they own language...

Zionism is a helluva drug

Your title is super angry. Can you show that you were banned? Did you ask the mods why?

I did ask the mods why, I will take screens.

You might want to work on your diplomacy! Ask the questions, then wait for an answer, before diving straight into the "You mods disgust me" part, which basically means you've burned your bridges with them, and they're not going to bother answering you after that.

When you say conservatism, do you mean conservatism within the context of the left-right paradigm, or conservatism as a stand alone construct where the left-right ideas don't apply.

I'm just genuinely curious as to why you were participating on that sub. I used to consider myself a conservative, but now realize I was just part of the problem, the problem being we live in a corporate-oligarchy more than the representative republic I thought we lived in.

I was once also. Then I realized there were two parties of big government. The only choice these days is if you want a side of guns with your big government.

Left-right, which I won't believe in, but I do like that there are values of liberty and efficiency on the American conservative right.

Red team does not believe in liberty. It is an Edward Bernays proven tactic to win over certain personalities. They are just as much authoritarian as blue team. They are scum.

I don't vote GOP. Gary Johnson last generals.

im trying to downvote in their sub but apparently thats not even an option..cant stand Israeli supporters...not a fan of zionism in the least.

They are disgusting people who believe that their blood makes them better than others and entitles them to land.

I've been banned from there for disagreeing with them.

I gave up on r/conservative because of some disturbing "prevalent opinions" life that.

Now I am only at r/libertarian.

I was with them until they tried to explain how supporting Israel is conservative, when it isn't.

R/conservative still views shit in a left right bubble. You won't get much going through that.

I have my views, I just like when they support traditional values, guns, low taxes, and a bit more.

and you are surprised that a group of conservatives with judeo Christian beliefs support israel?

I was raised Christian. I think for myself though. And conservatives shouldn't support policies that hurt America.

Whether or not those policies hurt us is debatable, however.

I'm pretty sure we can measure it in dollars spent and lives lost.

Even then you really can't. The sources of death counts can be debated, and put into question quite easily. If you can debate the nutritional value of wheat you can debate the necessity of nearly anything. Same with the moon landing or the birth place of a president.

As are Conservatives generally so it's a well placed irony.

Didn't you know, goy?

Israel is your greatest ally and can do no wrong.

From what you are saying (a link to the thread would be still appreciated), the people you are talking about are not simple Conservatives, they obviously belong to the Zionist association.


Is one of them, the other was the "If Israel responds, you'll hear it" - LOL!!! YEAH BECAUSE ISRAEL NEVER ATTACKS ANYONE "PREEMPTIVELY"

Are you implying that the thread you were talking about was deleted?

I'm implying nothing. I gave you a np link to where I was banned and there were two other Israel jerkoff posts.

Sorry dude, it was a link to a thread where pople are cheering each other, that's it. Not the link to the thread from your OP. We need evidences. People talking about Christmas and Jews means nothing about what you are claiming.

Well after this link all I can say is to read my #1 post here.

link please.

What link? To what? All you need to scroll till my first post.

I don't know how - do me a favor and send the link.

That they are Zionists?

Yes, it is in my first post. I said they are not normal people, they are zionists. That's it.

You still have not (nor have the mods) cited a reason for my banning aside from making a comment that isn't pro-Zionist.

Most people support Israel there? It will seem that way if anyone who says a word against Israel is banned.

I'm pretty sure we can measure it in dollars spent and lives lost.