Can someone tell me why Snowden is releasing all his information so slowly, like he wants to desensitize us to it, like a god-damned double agent.

7  2013-12-29 by [deleted]

The above.


It's done in increments because Americans have the attention span of a house fly.

WikiLeaks released thousands of diplomatic cables, collateral murder video, and the Afghan/Iraq war logs in bulk. Do people still remember that?

Also to counter the White House damage control campaign. Every excuse the WH makes is then rebutted with more releases. This continues to undermine Washington and is an effective strategy to wake people up.

shill post

but, snowden isn't releasing all his information so slowly

its Glenn Greenwald and laura poitras who are doing it "slowly"

why?; GG: it takes a long time to go through thousands of documents

To add to this Glenn Greenwald wants to take care that he doesn't release information that could harm agents in the field and as such be characterized as a greater national security threat than what he is now.

journalists have to get it right

Man shut up with that shill post shit. This is a legitimate question. James Corbett and Sibel Edmonds have asked the same question on their recent podcasts, are they shills? Greenwald is milking this for money. He just got a huge book contract and he's using the leaks as a way to give him a platform to profit.

Articles and research don't come out of nowhere. It takes time. He has to maintain his reputation. Any minor fuck up or inaccuracy is going to be paraded as a victory through the mainstream media. The fact that Corbett and Edmonds can't grasp this concept doesn't mean shit. Everyone asks stupid questions once in a while.

And the man deserves a massive platform. He shits on every single person that tries to debate him. You should be glad he's going to make money and get his point of view out into the world. I'm going to buy several copies of his book and give it away to people.

I disagree. I do understand he left the Guardian, but I think he's taking his sweet time to protect himself. If you verify sources, you can't be unlawfully fired, imprisoned or executed.


fair point on the desensitization

all it takes is a quick google as to why it takes greenwald and company awhile to go through, literally thousands of documents

source for book deal? so greenwald is only in it for the money?

The problem is that yes there are thousands of documents and at this rate it will take 70 years to release everything.

Source on bidding war to make his upcoming book a movie

1 - Demoralization 2 - Destabilization 3 - Crisis 4 - Normalization

if it was all dumped at once, we would be 'snowed in' from the bulk of it all and it would be over as soon as the next Duck Dynasty situation happened.


Well why don't you enlighten me?

Promising massive future releases causes real potential whistleblowers to decide to sit back and watch Snowden take all the heat. Then, when months go by and all he has to show are a couple PowerPoint slides, it's too late -- court decisions have been made, the news has run NSA stories ad-nauseum, and the public feels the debate must be over by now.

This strategy is like setting off an avalanche with a controlled detonation rather than waiting for it to build up to disastrous levels. I think the people responsible for these programs knew they would face an avalanche of revelations, so they sent Snowden to at least do it in a controlled, manageable fashion.

This is along the lines of what I was thinking. Mainly sparked by the observation that Greenwald takes no heat from TV hosts.

To avoid being executed before the documents can be spread to as many people as possible?

its because he knows how strong their propaganda is. and he realized if he released this all at once it would have been buried by some other news story.. this way its a death by 1000 cuts and no matter what happens he always has more to leak and bring this back to the top of the cycle.. and eventually the people will have had enough and demand change.

Thanks. I read all the comments. Will make a new post later with a case for why I think Snowden may be helping to release information that is bound to come out eventually, in a controlled way

You know that Snowden isn't the one releasing information, right?

Or is this a troll post? I'm new to reddit.

See ya when you catch up.


Well for one, Greenwald gets on the major networks and hosts DO NOT give him a hard time O'Reilly style. Letting him have 2, 3 minutes of uninterrupted speaking time.

My apologies. You misinterpreted what I posted, but it wasn't your fault. It was mine for being so vague. I'll be more clear:

You said: Can someone tell me why Snowden is releasing all his information so slowly, like he wants to desensitize us to it, like a god-damned double agent.

I posted "'like'?" directly referencing the "like" which you yourself used in your OP sentence. In other words, I'm saying that he actually is a god-damned double agent.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he's a type of cointelpro false flag operation staged by TPTB against the public. "Operation Snowden"...

Ah, I see. Well the fact that 'Operation Snowden' is happening may mean that the NSA thought this type of leak was inevitable, which, I guess, is good.

Certainly possible. A preemptive limited hangout all the way. Not a bad observation.

Actually it'd be a triple agent. And because he is one.

The problem is that yes there are thousands of documents and at this rate it will take 70 years to release everything.

Source on bidding war to make his upcoming book a movie