ELI5: Can someone please explain to me what Chemtrails are and what they do to us? [SERIOUS]

23  2014-01-06 by [deleted]

ELI5 wouldn't help me. In fact, my post got taken down, and I'm pretty sure I'll get banned from there so let me ask you guys and gals:

ELI5: Can someone please explain to me what Chemtrails are and what they do to us? [SERIOUS]

Yes, I've Googled it, and yes, I've read a bunch about it, but so much of it seems to be at odds with itself: Global warming protection, mass inoculations against terrorist threats, eugenic experiments, misunderstood contrails, dumping excess industrial waste to avoid clean-up fines, etc.

Look I have no idea. I just see them from time to time where I live. I know they are not contrails, but I don't know what they are or what they are doing to me and my family.



Chemtrails are geoengineering. They spray a metal-based chemical into the clouds to control the weather. They use microwave beams called HAARP arrays to ionize the atmosphere.

This is a whistle blower that was murdered: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQeWAkk22-A

This is a Congressional bill that acknowledges the existence of chemtrails in sec7b: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/107/hr2977

This is a local news report that collected and tested the particulate they were spraying: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7PTfSviH48

It could also be part of Project Blue Beam: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/projectbluebeam25jul05.shtml

We don't know, that's the kicker. Some chemtrails are for weather modification, some are to combat global warming, some are chaff, and some even claim that mind control chemicals are being sprayed.

Personally I think our government and organizations are testing various chemicals for weather/climate experiments, not mind control. We don't know what chemicals are being sprayed or the extent of the spraying, although there have been a few reputable reports.

Don't confuse chemtrails with contrails, which are completely normal.

I understand the mechanics of Contrails and I am certain that Chemtrails are a completely different thing.

Don't confuse chemtrails with contrails, which are completely normal.

What's the best way to tell the difference.

I don't think I'm qualified to answer that question. Would someone else that actually knows inform the doctor?

Personally, I've noticed that sometimes, the trails behind the planes, do not linger. Then you have the long, far stretching trails that span the sky. I don't know what the difference is. What methods are there to collect air samples at high altitudes?

What methods are there to collect air samples at high altitudes?

It would be very difficult and/or expensive.

Contrails dissipate in minutes/seconds. Chemtrails linger.

Total bollocks. A complete myth which gets repeated over and over like a mantra – "if it dissipates it's a contrail, but if it persists it's a chemtrail". This has no scientific basis at all and the length of time a contrail will persist depends on humidity, temperature, and pressure, and nothing else. Persistent contrails are most often seen just before a cold front arrives.

My conclusion after years of watching the subject is that they use Barium for military communications and signalling beyond the horizon. This was covered on many military (.mil) websites around 2001. I'm not going back to them to see what they say now.

They use Aluminum oxide for changing the reflectivity of the earth, a bad idea, and there is probably some kind of protection against radiation thrown in as discussed by Lawrence Livermore Laboratories in 1988/89.

Barium in the ambient air was suspected of causing extra cases of Multiple Sclerosis and when aluminum oxide reaches the pituitary gland it can lead to extra cases of Alzheimer disease.

I highly recommend this documentary for anyone wanting to get their head around the whole chemtrails thing: What in the World Are They Spraying?

And this one has some compelling speculation as to why it's being done: SHADE the Motion Picture

I love how towards the end none of the politicians (with the exception of a couple nice old men), would even come near these people reporting on chemtrails even though they are supposed to REPRESENT the American people. Now it's one thing to turn a person away on false evidence, but to not even look at it is suspicious.

here listen from the horse's mouth for yourself {9m44s}. Essentially, they claim to not know what the effects of the aluminum dosing will have, because they're still in testing phase. (cough cough)

Here are a few government documents regarding weather modification/geoengineering dating back to the mid-60s..

A Recommended National Program In Weather Modification - 1966 (NASA)

Weather Modification: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate - January 1, 1974

Chemtrails, Chemistry 101, USAF

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

Atmospheric Aerosol Properties and Climate Impacts


Of course, weather modification in and of itself can be used as population control. If the weather could be controlled around the world, tptb could whip up a few hurricanes, floods, harsh hot or cold extremes, and check off box #1 on the Georgia Guidestones.

I don't believe they have that capability yet. I believe they are actively seeking it, and the man-made clouds we sometimes see are part of the "testing".

Where did I say anything about contrails? The person asked about chemtrails and I provided links to known instances of dumping chemicals on populations.


What kind of plane do you have?

It's hard to collect samples from mama's basement.

There's evidence all over taken from water extreme amount of metals in it (easier than flying a plane and taking samples). And what is there to deny exactly? Is it not obvious there is something being sprayed? There's many videos of the spray being turned on/off, and even videos of people flying behind the plane spraying. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwjuSBXjelU What does that look like to you?


look for yourself.

Skip to 2 minutes in, then 6 minutes in. (you don't have to watch the whole thing since you're lazy) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZFNJplylns


Ok. Here's a post I just saw, with more evidence. Not like you're going to read any of it though, you're a very ignorant person and seem to have no interest in changing that. http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1urkoq/just_so_that_we_are_clear_chemtrails_are_a/


My friend showed me the water samples, I have nothing to prove to you. And those aren't "stories", those are real. You're funny xKibby.


I feel bad for people like you.

That is a fucking video game.

Just read THIS

TL;DR: It's basically weather modification.

My cut'n'paste stock answer: (cue stock c&p ad hom "King-Hell is a shill!" attack)

First of all, I don't simply write off every conspiracy theory as the work of paranoid nutters. Many conspiracy theories turn out to be true, like the CIA's guns-for-cocaine Black Ops in South America.. I don't accept the official line on 9/11 and I believe the probability is that WTC7 was brought down by a preplanned controlled demolition.

But I just don't buy into chemtrails. People say they've only been happening in the last 20 years but I remember them from my childhood, and there are plenty of pictures on the Internet of World War II bombers turning the sky white with persistent contrails over France and Germany. Back in 1944 these contrails were a serious problem for strategic air command. They pointed like huge arrows in the sky at the incoming bombers.

In the past 30 years there has been an explosion in budget passenger and freight air traffic with 7 to 12 percent year-on increases. Where once there might have been one or two contrails there are now dozens which merge to cover the whole sky in a persistent artificial cloud. This may be a very bad thing. The reduction in sunlight reaching the ground is having an effect on plants and is messing with the weather. If you understand anything about chaos theory you will realise that even the slightest tinkering with the weather can lead to devastating and unpredictable results.

There is a simple scientific explanation for the trails you see criss-crossing the skies. They are plumes of ice which are left when a jetliner burns fuel in a cold wet atmosphere. A large 20 mile long contrail may contain several thousand tons of ice and there isn't a plane ever built that could carry that amount of any substance to that height in the atmosphere.

Jet fuel is very similar to paraffin (kerosene); it is a hydrocarbon. When it burns in air the carbon part combines with oxygen to expand into carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and the hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water (Dihydrogen Monoxide, H2 O). These two reactions give off a great deal of heat energy. 1 kilo of aviation fuel combines with oxygen to produce about 1.2 kilos of water which boils instantly into 1,600 litres of superheated steam. It is these rapidly expanding hot gases which push the aircraft forward. At high altitudes the steam will freeze into tiny ice crystals almost instantly. If the air is already saturated with water vapour then these crystals will grow many times in size into snowflakes through a process called deposition and can last for hours or even days in a distinct formation. This is a contrail. It does not require any sinister chemicals to make it form. How long a contrail lasts depends on temperature, pressure, and humidity, and nothing else.

Water is an amazing substance with some unique properties which defy logic. It is important to realise that water does not freeze at zero centigrade. It will freeze at any temperature from zero degrees down to minus 48 (zero degrees is defined as the point where pure frozen water melts, not freezes). Suspended in air it can co-exist as vapour, super-cooled liquid, and solid simultaneously. Liquid water droplets, ice crystals, and invisible water vapour (cold steam) are found together in clouds where the temperature is minus 40 (centigrade or Fahrenheit; it's the temperature where they both agree). Even clear air will contain a lot of sub-zero water vapour. It's not hard to see how a jet liner spewing fire and ice can leave a huge spectacular cloud behind it.

What nobody in the chemtrails camp seems able to do is to explain why and how they are happening. Just that "they are" and that it should be "obvious" to anybody who looks up in the sky (And if you don't see what they are seeing you are 'sheeple' that needs to 'wake up', or you are stupid, or you are a government shill). If it's being done for rainmaking then "they" picked a peculiar time and place to do it last year. After the wettest winter on record in Southern England, why would anybody want to make more rain when the rivers and reservoirs were already bursting their banks? If it's for some form of nefarious mind or population control then "they" are doing it to themselves and their families as much as to us. Where is the logic in that? Could it be a benign program to combat global warming? Probably not because that kind of seeding needs to take place in the stratosphere, way above the height that most commercial airliners fly at. The theory that it is used in conjunction with HAARP to create tornadoes and earthquakes is intriguing, but again there is no solid evidence – just speculation.

'How?' also goes unanswered. If commercial jetliners are being loaded up with toxic chemicals to spray behind them as they fly then it involves a conspiracy of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who own, fly, refuel, maintain, and design aeroplanes. With all those people and all this time do you think that not one person would stand up and blow the whistle? How many tons of chemicals would it take to create a 20 mile long trail across the sky? Where is it stored on the aircraft, and how is it dispersed? How is it replenished? Who pays for it? Who decides what days are going to be 'Spray Days'? Are the pilots in on the plot, or is the spraying done automatically or controlled remotely? How do crews account for the weight discrepancy when takeoff weight is such an issue that easyJet are disciplining pilots who land with more than 100 kilos of fuel above their emergency minimum? And possibly the most basic question: Why not just do the spraying at night when nobody can see it?

If you are a government wanting to deliver a chemical agent to the population there are far easier and more precise ways of doing it; the Syrians just weld a calor gas cylinder to the front of a rocket and fill it with sarin. If you are pumping chemicals into the jet stream at 30,000 feet over Europe, which country, approximately, do you think they will come down to earth in?

And who are the "they" that are doing it? The illuminati? The lizard people? Reverse vampires? The questions go on and on and never lead to any answers – just more questions.

All of these conspiracy theories could be true, but there's actually no evidence to support any of them. What evidence is offered can often be traced in a big circle straight back to where it originated in the mind of a another conspiracy theorist, quoted and repeated until it takes on a life of its own. No matter how many times they get debunked, some myths just refused to die, such as the 'secret photos' of chemical tanks on board aircraft. Just because there's 100, or 1000 people claiming the same thing doesn't make it the truth.

Nobody is doubting that geo-engineering is taking place. The Chinese use it extensively to control rainfall and it was used during the Beijing Olympics to target rain on the capital to help clear the smog. But it was done with specially modified aircraft, rockets and artillery, not commercial airliners flying at 39,000 feet in clear blue skies. There are numerous patents for different uses and methods of geoengineering, but no evidence for most of these ideas being taken beyond a proof of concept. Recent research into using a reflective heat shield to combat global warming, for instance, suggests that it may actually make things worse.

Chemtrail campaigners claim that raised levels of aluminium and barium are evidence for artificial spraying, but these are chemicals naturally found in the environment and their raised levels can be explained by mining and fossil fuel burning.

In the past 30 years there has been an explosion in budget passenger and freight air traffic with 7 to 12 percent year-on increases.

Can you back this up with a link?

No. I told you last time you asked and the time before that. Do your own research if you want to challenge what I say.

Last time I asked you to provide proof of that outrageous claim, you squirmed, used deflection and used insults until you uttered this:

Fuck it. I can't take the pressure any more so I'm going to fess up. Yes, I am a shill.

...which is the most truthful I think you have ever been.

Here you go, some statistics for you. Representative samples of freight and passenger air traffic increases over the last decade or so. If you want anything more, find it yourself. And seeing as I have met your request, here is mine: Post back here the bit where you say I insulted you.



Amusing. Those figures conflict with figures I found from nearly every major airport in Europe and United States that lists that information.


Really? The 'Offishul Air Traffec Repurts' you knocked up in Paint?

edit: where are those 'insults'?

It's as valid as your composition.

You are just a troll now. I'm done w3ith you. Grow up.

Nothing changes the fact that you made up those figures in your "copy and paste" answer to go along with your disinformation campaign.

I guess that's a "No, I will not provide you with the sources I used in my wall-of-text automatic response".

Excellent cut'n'paste stock answer. I'd further point out that many claim the use of chemtrails for population control. It baffles me that if this were true, that 'they' (who is they?) have failed miserably.

contrails that's what "chemtrails" are, if you don't have a clear understanding of contrails than your likely to be someone who is misinformed and thinks they are "chemtrails".

I understand the mechanics of Contrails and I am certain that Chemtrails are a completely different thing.

they are not. sometimes the real answer is the simplest one.

Some myths refuse to die and someone posts this disinformation about every month. Those ARE NOT chemical tanks, and there's nothing secret about them. They are ballast tanks containing water, which can be pumped around the cabin to simulate different loads during flight testing.

I don't have the knowledge set to debate someone like you. We simply do not know for a fact if they do or not. All I know is that some "contrails" dissipate in minutes or less. Some other kinds of trails linger for 20-50 minutes or longer.

Combined with the knowledge that it is profitable for the elite to keep us ill and sick en masse while offering treatment. The motivation of money and power is not something I doubt.

This issue resides in the Plausible but needs more evidence pile of my mind.

the reason some contrails stay in the air longer than others has to due with the amount of humidity in the air. look here for an explanation, i just read the whole thing and learned a lot.

How then does a trail from an engine of no more than 6 feet breadth produce enough water vapor to eventually cause a completely overcast sky. and couldn't that be reduced.

When I grew up the airliners were similar to today's units but they never caused the long lasting hyper inflating trails you see today.

All I saw as a child was the short version that dissipated within a minute.

In fact they suddenly became an every day occurrence in 1996 when the military changed over to JP8 fuel, They have moved on to other fuels now but that was the beginning of seeing them regularly.

I have seen such trails used in the second world war but they weren't regularly seen in our domestic skies as I say, until 1996.

I'm pretty sure they only originate from military planes If someone has a record of domestic airliners causing them I'd like to know that.

For the first 5 years after 1996 we were told the trails didn't exist.

After that we were told they had always been there.

I never heard one peep about the chemtrails on bbs's or the internet during the 1990's in conspiracy discussions. I also never saw a contrail spread out to cover the sky until around early 2000's. I take that back, the only time I saw them was at airshows and for commercial skywriting.

Now they appear nearly every day and the internet is full of trolls telling everyone that it isn't happening. If they always existed, why did the televised news channels not even try to "debunk" them until the last couple of years? Why: because people were not talking about them due to the fact that they were not being used on such a mass scale until the last couple of years.

i posted a link in one of my other replies (here it is.) that explains a lot about why some contrails last longer than others and talks about jet engine exhaust and why it causes contrails. i learned a lot reading it.

The physics supporting these persistent clouds has only apparently worked widely since 1996.

I'll get back to chemtrails a few lines down,

I'd like to first illustrate by showing a similar problematic set of physics

There were anomalous clouds from about 1998 to 2001 that had the same problem.

The explanation for them sounded reasonable but somehow the physics that created them only worked for about 3 years and not before or since.

That doesn't happen

These clouds only existed for a couple of years at the turn of the century but they were explained as being caused by ordinary physics too.

Here are those 'natural' clouds, Hole Punch clouds

https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1067&bih=655&q=hole+punch+cloud&oq=hole+punch+cloud&gs_l=img.3..0l3.3159.8616.0.9159. .....

Back to chemtrails.

The government and it's assets were talking a lot about creating such long lasting aerosol plumes or chemtrails during the late 80's and the early nineties.

Here they are in 1993 (actual deployment was 3 years later).


Here's a PDF from Lawrence Livermore Laboratories from 1989 convening a large group of nuclear and atmospheric aerosol related scientists to create long lasting clouds as some sort of nuclear protection.

Their circumspect introduction should be sufficient to let you know what they were about.

It was the testing of the use of chemtrails.


The testing for Barium in the atmosphere was positive and significant.


Here government states their intent to own the weather by 2025 but I'll guess you won't believe them.


If none of that is good enough what if I show the spray equipment mounted in a plane?



Nothing to see here, move along.




Excellent cut'n'paste stock answer. I'd further point out that many claim the use of chemtrails for population control. It baffles me that if this were true, that 'they' (who is they?) have failed miserably.

In the past 30 years there has been an explosion in budget passenger and freight air traffic with 7 to 12 percent year-on increases.

Can you back this up with a link?