My letter to r/conspiracy...

108  2014-01-08 by strokethekitty

As many regulars herr have seen, there has been a question asked periodically. "What do we do?"

I wish to address this question by dedicating a post to discussing it:

We all are here for a reason. Some find amusement, some find it a good supplement to research, but most of us are here to search for answers. The underlying motive here is an uncanny feeling we have that something is just not quite right with the world and whats going on in it.

So many "harbringers" of peace; so many well-worded speeches that convince the masses that everything will be okay; so much death and destruction. Something doesnt add up. Many have grown tired and wary. Some turn to complacency in order to find their own peace. Knowing something is amiss without having clear cut answers leads one to ask, "what do we DO?"

First, it is important to understand something. (This comes from my personal opinions). Assuming TPTB are guilty of all allegations in this sub, we must understand how intelligent they are. How skilled. How motivated.

Ive heard people dismiss all of what we talk about here, on the account that "oh ive been alive for sixty years and its the same old shit," or "people have been crying wolf for years!".... You get the picture.

The thing to understand, though, is this is by design. TPTB arent just one race of people, they arent just from one country, they dont follow the same creeds, and they dont all have the same cultural background. They arent even from one generation.

Its the slowkill. Theyve been at this for generations. O, what motivation and dedication they must have to follow an agenda passed onto them by their own ancestors, for generations, without fail or falter. Their perserverence is admirable.

Ours MUST be more so. We must not grow wary, nor complacent. We must understand that they play with strategies covering timeframes greater than the lifespan of a human. Slow, incremental changes to the system, so as to be stealthy, and to allow acclimatization of the masses to inadvertantly and unknowingly accept what is to be their enslavement. Its manipulation at its best, and it spans generations.

The point is, nothing may happen in our lifetime. Our skepticism, our suspicions may be 100% correct, but we are doomed to fail if our ideas die with our bodies. Therefore, we must educate not only ourselves, but the next generation who will come to take our place in this everlasting war.

Im not talking about force feeding your kids with conspiracy theories, im talking about education about finances, health, and overall good choices.

You see, TPTB thrive when the people make bad decisions. Bad decisions create dependency upon the government. The more dependent the people, the bigger the government may be, and the more powers are invested upon it.

Take control of your finances. Eliminate debt, however you must. Loans and interest payments are detrimental to a free society, as it creates a downward spiral heading only towards financial enslavement. To own your stuff you own your freedom. Dont take a lease on freedom.

Take control over your health. Bad diets and poor exdrcise are detrimental to a free society, because it gives justification for bogus laws like the affordable care act. Be not a slave to Big Pharma. Lose weight, eat a balanced diet, avoid sugars, unnecessary fats and oils, and seriously start exercising. The more healthy our population is, the less power TPTB can gain. There is a lot of profit to be made off of the sick.

Take self defense classes, learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Take courses on the proper use of firearms. Learn how to shoot, and do it well.

Learn survival skills, we cannot depend on our infrastructure at all times, lest we become complacent.

Pay attention to whats going on in the politcal theatre, lest we become ignorant.

And most importantly, find what makes you happy, and DO IT. Sitting in a cubicle for 1/3 of your life does nothing but offer you a shitty retirement that you will spend doing nothing because of your health situation due to years of sitting, inactivity, and unhappiness. We arent meant to be caged.

All of these things can be done. They are obtainable and real goals we all can achieve. And by doing so, we will live longer, better lives, no matter what nefarious agendas are at play. Teach the younger generations to do the same, and our perserverence can outmatch that of TPTB. It starts on the individual level.

The best part? If nothing happens in out lifetime, we still will live better, longer lives, with the assurance that our children will, too, lead better lives. We, as well as our children, will forever be prepared for whatever may come, whenever it may come, and we would never be forced to cast the first stone.

TL;DR--I explain what we CAN do.


The one thing I would add to that is to LEARN. Learn all the time. Do NOT demonize education or educators. Always be wary of someone who would tell you that education (for instance, a college education) is "not for everyone." Only you can determine that, and only you can determine that by trying it. Above all else, TPTB have sought to enslave you by making you more stupid. Our society idolizes ignorance, focuses on the wealthy and famous, discourages education and intelligence, and it's not at all by accident.

And, as OP said, YOU are in control of all that. You don't need to go to a college and simply regurgitate what they tell you. That's not even what college is. Become a (more) critical thinker. Challenge what they tell you, accept what is acceptable, and reject what is not. But, you need to be able to know the difference.

NEVER stop learning.

This is a great point. Apathy towards one's understanding of the world is a reason why so many people are willfully ignorant.

Thanks! I agree. I also forgot to add the little things, like stop smoking. Addictions, whatever it may be, help to further enslave us and empower those we depend on for help. And, as in the case of smoking, cessation will often lead us towards a better future and healthier life, further breaking the shackles.

Just adding another one- cultivate a taste and preference for simple things in life.

You're being slightly semantical but I agree. College education really ISN'T for everyone, and the statement still holds even if you haven't figured it out

Completely agree. Gotta say that the only change that the public has faced has been through the internet and web technologies. This is where the battle will be won. I urge every one of you to learn how to code and build web applications! this is how we can truly do some damage!

I agree totally.

Can I add another thing?

Learn to manage your own consciousness and teach your kids how to manage theirs'. Read Eckhart Tolle, or Sophist literature, or Stoic literature, or read about Taoism. Anything that can assist you in becoming more aware of the present moment and less wrapped up in your ego is the most helpful thing you can do for yourself and for everyone around you.

"TPTB", as OP calls "them", can only have power over you if you are too asleep, unaware, and/or unconscious to see how you are being manipulated to serve someone else's profit motive. The truth is, many people are in an invisible cage and simply gaining the ability to see the bars is freedom in and of itself. Freedom comes from within you. It is within your own consciousness - it is only a matter of shedding off the social programming and cultural conditioning in order to find it. Once you find it, it becomes extremely hard for TPTB to take advantage of you.

Its been awhile since ive looked into taoism. Looks like i got some more researching to do! Thanks for the info!


I don't think it's mutually exclusive. I didn't mean to imply that at all.

You can have external freedom, or I can lock you in a cage. In either case, you're still going to have to deal with your consciousness, ego, and thought patterns.

My point is, people who can control their consciousness are less likely to feel the consumer-culture imposed "need" for things. The "need" to buy things, the "need" to follow fashion trends, the "need" for patriotism or nationalism to be accepted, the "need" for your boss's approval, etc. People who can resist these false-needs are less likely to be manipulated by the hierarchical power structures of governments and corporations.

I can't put my finger on it, but something about this post doesn't seem right... It is all good advice and I don't have any arguments against any of the advice given. Still, something is off about it.

Oh, also, i want to add that i feel most who ask, "what can we do?" are looking for answers along the lines of, "contact the politicians" or "vote" or "form a militia" or "revolt.."... Or something.

But i feel thise answers dont help much, cuz each of us have neglible influence on the events in question. None of those answers really do much, and offer no tangible results, at least not immediately.

By focusing on the individual level as i have in this post, i was hoping to help people get results immediately that will help with whatever comes.

"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best."

In essence, become a prepper and pay your taxes. Bleh.

I wonder how you were convinced to associate being prepared to take care of yourself with negative feelings. I mean, it seems counter intuitive to think the ability to take care of yourself is bad. It seems to go against nature and evolution to think taking care of yourself and having a plan for survival is a bad idea.

Im sure youre a free thinker and came up with the belief that self sufficiency, preparedness and independence are all bad values all on your own and there is just no way someone convinced you to think that.

The op just sounds like another "nothing substantial to do here, move along and smile, citizen".

I agree with the former, but the latter, eh. I pay my taxes, but i am also aware of the controversial nature of federal income taxes. Some say its unconstitutional, though i try not to say its either way.

Thats a whole other topic in and of itself :-)

Id like to hear your speculations on that, actually. Maybe it was a bit dictative, almost like i was telling people what to do. My intentions were to explain what we CAN eo, at the individual level, with the emphasis that it will produce tangible results both on the individual level, and, if enough people take the advice, on the national levels that TPTB play on.

But, id really like to respectfully ask, what throws you off in this post?

I don't like speculating as it always seems to lead me into some form of trouble. After re-reading the post I find myself feeling that it is almost like baiting (not saying this is/was your intent). The advice is all pretty general and falls under what I consider to be "common knowledge" (which I know is hardly common anymore). Perhaps your post isn't critical enough of TPTB for my taste or the advice not specific or creative enough. I'm not entirely sure. It is just that the warning bell in my head goes off when I read this.

Please understand that this is not a judgement on you or your views and it is not my intent to de-value or marginalize your views and ideas. If I have managed to insult you, I apologize.

The taint of the libertarian propaganda underway at full throttle, be happy, don't worry, be happy, tune in TED.

Why don't you like the libertarian party? Do you realize that corporations only exist because of government policies? Most libertarians would lift the corporate shield, making the heads of that company liable. Here's a short but sweet piece on it.

I can't speak for him/her, but I think a large part of the problems today are inherent to capitalism itself. Libertarian or Anarcho-Capitalist ideas seem like they would only exacerbate the things that are, in my opinion, hurting society: greed, ecological degradation, hierarchical power structures with monetary and power consolidation at the top, and a lack of efficiency at all levels of production.

But these problems are because the republican and democratic parties made buddies with corporate entities and continuously hand them huge contracts and subsidies through legislation. The corporate shield is another government policy that created monsters who are only liable to the shareholders. Without the corporate shield, corporations would not exist.

I think Marx was correct in his observation that capitalism leads to power consolidation at the top.

What I see happening in the U.S. is that the people at the top of these massive corporations have so much power that they are able to leverage the government to do their bidding. This is the best description I've seen of the current situation:

If somehow we were able to completely get rid of the government and have a truly "free-market", I don't think it would help the situation. This group of "power-elites" would find a different way to game the system. It wouldn't be called "government", but it would be some type of oligarchy/aristocracy. A system with the underlying value of greed will only perpetuate a society of greedy people.

To me, the bottom line is that in capitalism you eventually end up with a power-elite at the top of the social hierarchy. Even if you take government away, this is still a problem. The man at the top of the pyramid looks down to see everyone else climbing up the sides, and therefore operates out of a reaction of fear. We have a fear and greed based society.

Also, I don't see how completely anarcho-capitalist "free markets" would increase production efficiency, stop the environmental crisis, or promote equality, safe working conditions, and everything else progressive movements have had to fight for.

The power greedy elites will always game the system, no matter what type of system we have in play. That is the entire point of limited governance. We have to limit their ability to use violence.

I think Marx was correct in his observation that capitalism leads to power consolidation at the top.

Karl's solution to this problem is to skip the power struggle that occurs through corporatism and place a few key elites in control of it all. The libertarian philosophy (true capitalism) is a small business based economy void of government influence. This method, if it is not corrupted, prevents large organizations and rich assholes from using government (violence) against others.

It's true that a mixed set of repubs, demos, and libertarians would not work as efficiently as all libertarians. However at some point in the near future we will have to replace the current paradigm with something. I think a true free market with very limited, and at the very least decentralized government, is our best choice.

I said Marx was correct in his observation of capitalism, I did not say I agree with his solutions.

As far as solutions go: I know The Zeitgeist Movement has gotten a lot of criticism in the past (and most of it rightly so), but recently they've been putting information together that looks very promising. For example: I'm very impressed that they've been able to absorb the criticism of their ideas and develop solutions to address those shortcomings directly.

The problem I see with the libertarian ideas you present is that it's still essentially free market capitalism, which: will lead to a power-elite, will lead to wealth inequality and structural violence, still does nothing to stop the environmental crisis or put an emphasis on efficiency and sustainability, cuts out all the "good" things a centralized government can provide like healthcare and infrastructure, and still systemically runs on greed, growth, competition, and the profit motive. I see that as a continuation of our current paradigm - not a paradigm shift.

I don't think you can remove human nature, which includes greed and competition in some people. What we can do is limit people's ability to use violence against others. Currently our system allows corporations to bribe politicians to create legislation, allowing the use of violence to further the corporate agenda. To get around this, we must limit the federal government.

The environmental thing is a myth. Libertarians aren't anarchists. Preventing the destruction of the environment is one of the few things that government is necessary for.

I am interested in the Zeitgeist movement though, but I would have to take a refresher course before I can speak intelligently about it. I'll watch the link you provided and get back to you later.

Thanks, man. I used to be into the libertarian ideas more. I read a lot of Ron Paul, listened to Stephan Molyneux a little bit.

However, my viewpoint has shifted as I've watched/read more from Chris Hedges, Cornell West, Chomsky, and R. Buckminster Fuller. The libertarian ideas began to make less and less sense as I learned more about alternatives (Resource-Based Economics, The World Game, Socialist Libertarianism, Anarcho-synidcalism), and the crux of the issue for me is that one of the key assumption in free-market ideology is freedom of information (that we'll know if/when a business is screwing us over and then in turn act rationally to leave that business and go to the competition). However, in the real world information is often hidden and people are not always rational.

Also, free-market ideology lacks things that are moral imperatives to me: the environment, wealth equality, public health and the end of structural violence, efficiency and sustainability, non-hierarchical modes of organizing society, and end to the idea that you have to "earn a living".

I think (though hope may be a better word) as we move into the future we'll have the technology to see the entire earth as one system and realize Fuller's objective to: "make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or disadvantage to anyone"

Yadda yadda, sure turn the billionaire bullies loose.

Billionaire bullies exist because of government policies. I really like you, but hate your stance on the libertarian party.

Libetarian party=the ultimate promoters of exploitation and oppression, let's go back to a system of petty feudal lords, constantly at war with each other.

I am not interested in explaining my self and am not demanding that you do so.

Government= the ultimate promoters of exploitation, oppression, corruption, and violence.

The libertarian party has principles, morals, and a rational approach to governance. I really think you should reconsider and do some open minded research.

As a Libertarian, I am confounded as to why so many people believe or view our philosophy like anarchy on steroids. Our beliefs differ vastly, from individual to individual.

Our commonly shared beliefs like limited government, honest and free (decentralized) money, and the sovereignty of the individual over the collective empowers a person to seek true relevance in life. I don't understand how we support oppression and exploitation?

It makes no sense. Our philosophy is the only one that embraces the individual while providing the collective with the essentials necessary for survival and prosperity. It's a frustrating battle, but it's the only one that I will incessantly and passionately preach till the day I die.

You are arguing with people that have been brainwashed to think the collective is more important than the individual. They have been trained to associate "liberty" with "slavery". There is no way you will ever undo the indoctrination those people have underwent.

I disagree. It's certainly an uphill battle, but I was transformed somehow. I was once a neocon who thought Muslims wanted to take over the world and hated Americans because of our freedoms. Two tours of Operation Enduring Freedom changed my mind.

I hope you are right and I am wrong.

libertarian billionaires who are the only libertarians with any power and influence have none of characteristics you mention and are driven by personal agendas of greed and power only.

How many libertarians advocate war? How many libertarians demonize homosexuals or other races? How many libertarians want to limit speech or religion? How many libertarians want to cage people for using drugs, prostitution, or other harmless practices? Zero. If they did, they wouldn't be libertarians.

If we're going to judge an entire philosophy based on a few bad apples, lets use Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini, Tojo, Bush, and Obama as examples. None of these psychopaths wanted to limit their government, and all of them make the Koch brothers look like teddy bears.

I know you're skeptical, and I know you are tired of the argument. But I can't sit idly by while a good reasonable person like yourself maintains this opinion. I just can't, it makes my heart ache.

I am not reasonable, have never been, have never claimed to be.

I think you're just in a bad mood today or something.

Well now what a mouthful when in fact the leaders of the libertarian movement in the U.S. have participated in and or backed all of the above as needed for their own power.

That's a complete fallacy.

I can make unsubstantiated statements as well, defaming people I don't even know.

I won't, but I can.

What person(s) did I defame, you? You don't even know what a libertarian is.

Damn, well I guess you got me. Shucks.

So, what's the solution?

Why not share your own.

Read above. ^

You expect someone to share when you are so stingy, you must be libertarian.

As a LIBERTARIAN, I am confounded as to why so many people believe or view our philosophy like anarchy on steroids. Our beliefs differ vastly, from individual to individual.

Our commonly shared beliefs like limited government, honest and free (decentralized) money, and the sovereignty of the individual over the collective empowers a person to seek true relevance in life. I don't understand how we support oppression and exploitation?

Free lance thinking is not libertarian.

There is an official Libertarian Party Platform, (not much power in that group.) There are the Ron Paul libertarians, (considered racist and very single issue, monetary policy.)

The founders long ago abandoned that road (separate party) and simply began taking over the Republican party, hiding for a few years behind the Conservative Christians, needed for voters.

Now the big move is dumping the bible thumpers and going after young, misinformed young people and new, immigrant citizens.

The organizations that reflect the influential libertarian thought.

CATO, AEI, and now a long list of propaganda outlets posing as news and many formerly merely conservative.

For informing yourself:
Libertarian Party webpage:

And a kind of summary of the most famous and influential libertarians in the U.S.A. If this is what you admire, I find no agreement.

Well aware of those sites and institutions. Thanks, I guess?

As a Libertarian, I never said I support the "party" agenda 100% of the time. Still upset over the whole Bob Barr thing.

I still want to hear your solution.

No, you don't want to hear my solution, you want to feel superior.

Bob Barr? The Republican pushing to impeach Clinton, then becoming Libertarian Presidential candidate in 2008. Ew, say I, not that the Libertarian Party has anything worth representing.

Dear God, calling the Koch brothers Libertarian in some circles is fightin words. The Koch brothers are elitist attempting to control their opposition though infiltration.

Our earliest libertarians, and David Koch was the Libertarian Party vice presidential candidate in 1980.

They will align with any group willing to go along with their ideas, and that is the essence of a true libertarian.

So, you claim there is a "libertarian philosophy," but it is different for every believer.

How can you have both common shared beliefs and beliefs that vary from individual to individual? Can you take that scramble of nonsense to the ballot box? Evidence says no.

Ya, that is a perfect description of libertarians in the U.S.

Fact: The only libertarians in the U.S. with any influence are the ones on the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans. There is nothing attractive or appealing to me about their ideas, plans, methods or actions.

OK, I hear you, and I think I understand your concerns, but what are you really trying to accomplish?

I think we are both in pursuit of a social structure that is just, free, open, and prosperous for all. I hope I am correct in this assumption, but if I am not just let me know.

Libertarian philosophy, in my opinion, is based on the Golden Ratio. It's about the Spontaneous Order structures/organisms/ecosystems create naturally.

So, "Can you take that scramble of nonsense to the ballot box?"

Evidence says? Most likely yes.

Well I guess you are your very own libertarian party of one.

Everyone has to have a boogey man to blame everything on. Might as well be libertarians. I mean there are soooooooo many of them and they have sooooooo much more power than any other political ideology that how can we not all band together to fight the 1% of the voting public!

You poor widdle victim. What have I blamed on you libertarians?

Um, exploitation and oppression? You know, like you said in your post.

Serious question here, are you retarded?

It depends entirely on where you set the bar. -wink-

Im glad I don't know any of the libertarians you know because they sound like they have no idea what libertarianism is and are probably kind of dumb.

ZapPowerz is a tool for the libertarians with power as the Christian Conservatives have been for Republicans.

Aren't you special!

Well I would be special I guess if there were actually any libertarians with any power.

There are the Kochs and their friends and there are the new billionaire tech libertarians, the google boys,Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Larry Ellison, Jeff Bezos, (now owns the Washington Post, other notables. Red Sox owner John Henry (owns the Boston Globe).

The only libertarians with influence are the billionaires.

Oh. Your. God.

I wish you luck in your ignorance.

But stick to the script, I am a religious free zone.

Zap, just for the record, did you mean, you are god,(you're) or a god I might worship, (your god.)

Some people say "Oh My God" Well I don't believe in God so I was saying "Oh Your God" I got it from a Futurama Episode. Bender said it.

Ah television/movies, I lost my tolerance for both long ago. Text is faster for information and provides a more controllable escape experience.

I only watch cartoons and porn so I think Im ok. Certainly I don't use the TV for information. What do you think about Youtube? I get a LOT of information from Youtube. I know I have to be careful, but there are things on youtube youll never find anywhere else.

I prefer reading and while I have sampled some of the youtube offerings, I find too much extremist and time wasting noise/nonsense there. (politics/history/economics, etc.) Not to mention the worst music my poor ears have ever had to endure.

Conversely, I have listened to various music play lists for hours, no downloading required and I just wander around for what fits my mood of the day.

You sound like a peaceful, happy person. Do you drink? I have to drink a lot to find peace.

I only consider myself lucky, not someone who made a better choice, for avoiding alcoholism, only lucky, I still feel like I could lose myself to addiction very easily anytime.

Its the natural shedding of false ideologies. I use to be a suburban over weight underachiever who got A's but was hopelessly depressed. I've since gained insight to the nature of the healing process of mind body and soul. It is not easy. This culture produces addictions on every turn and it has to be a daily effort to strive for the hidden potential we all possess in our psyches. I still struggle with various neuroses but god dammit I know and we all know what's right in our hearts. I am glad to hear others are on this path.

Totally agree. To thine own self be HUMAN. We've lost the human experience in our digital world. The human body was MEANT to experience nature, regular exercise and communal living. We were NOT meant to live in one bedroom apartments w the internet and delivery drivers. I'm going to speak to strangers on purpose today.

I'm going to speak to strangers on purpose today.

Awesome! I love this. I started doing that awhile ago, and purposely smiling even if theres no reason, and its amazing what little things can do to make other peoples day better. Ive personally seen it in my workplace, and its contagious.

It's a little hard in New England. People often look at me funny, but perhaps I am the bright spot in an elderly man's day when I open a door and say "after you, sir".

Hell yes. Im coming off a big knee surgery and cant tell you how excited i am to get back to nature

Check your local disability services, they can refer you to resources. There's surprisingly a lot of accessibility equipment for trails in both summer and snow. I don't know if you've used Arnica, but it helped tremendously w pain, swelling & scars post-surgery for me!

Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your mind - driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?

Let your money talk, if you don't want corporations to remain powerful don't buy their products. Support what you want with your power, your buying power. You may not think it makes a difference but when enough people start to do this, we will force change no matter how small. It's gotta start somewhere

Yup. My wife and i own our cars, they are all paid for. We rent an apartment, so no mortgage. We paid all of our credit card debt off (which wasnt much) and dont use our credit cards. We finished off out student loan debt. We are frugile about our groceries, which, as it turned out, inadvertently became a vegetarian diet with eggs being the main source of protein (dont get me wrong, ill eat the shit out of a juicy steak or hearty burger, its just meat is so expensive, and this diet is much healthier), we dont seek too many possessions. We coukd pack up our two cars full of our belongings and move out of our home in less than a day. Id bet we can do it in just a few hours.

We have computers and stuff, which is helping those corporations, but we arent huge activists anyway. We just decided that we can do without the tiny bullshit and live below our means, so as to be debt free and dependent upon our own selves.

Like you said, the difference may be small, but the more people do this the more the influence and momentum grows...

Take back control of your life. Which really is the essence of Freedom.

You personally and we collectively would be shocked to learn how many individuals, groups, organizations, and governments try to exercise control over us. It is a constant struggle.

No person has inherent sovereignty, or right to rule, over another person. Take back control of your life, and reject those who try to steal, trick, or take it from you. Bow your knee to no man.

I agree fully, good post.


Totally Psychotic Tim Burton.

(The Powers That Be)

lol I like that one.

The People To Blame

The Powers That Be. Its usually used in a negative connotation, i tend to use it in lieu of the NWO, illuminati, or whatever, because i dont like to label things definitively. But basically its used as a term to describe whatever/whoever is behind the agendas that the conspiracy theories in this sub tend to revolve around.

A lot of it is good. As a whole it is nothing specifically wrong, but there is a huge undercurrent of libertarianism that I cannot morally get behind.

I dont label myself with any of those terms. I dont identify with republicans, democrats, the tea part, or libertarians. To be honest, im not even familiar with the libertarian agenda, nor do i care much. I suspect my beliefs have at least some similarities with each group, but id bet there are many diffetences there as well.

If you wouldnt mind, could you explain to me the libertarian characteristics? Also, explain the parts you find distasteful, please.

I'm not actually very related to libertarianism as a whole but I'm not very fond of how close it is to an-caps, which I intensely dislike due to how I don't really think it'll help anything. I'll edit in what seemed libertarian.

Edited in: it may be unpopular, but I sort of like the ACA because I think it's a step in the right direction. Other than that only the survival skills portion seemed out of place to me.

So you agree with the recommendations, but wont implement any of them because for some reason they appear to be (evil) libertarian? Well that makes loads of sense! No cognitive dissonance here at all!

I agree with a lot of them, but there were parts I disagreed with, and my disagreement stemmed from their similarity to libertarian ideas/ideals.

But you said that "as a whole it is nothing specifically wrong." But now you say there are parts you disagree with? Well which is it? Or are you disagreeing with something you have determined has nothing wrong with it?

My wording was poor. In another post I picked out the specific issues I had with it. I shouldn't have used the word 'specifically' because it isn't what I meant.

What I meant was more on the lines of 'this post is good, if you examine it as a whole.'

I appreciate the clarification and I agree with you.

THIS. What a lovely message, I have recently been been asking my self this question 'What can I do?' a lot and always hit a brick wall. But this, for me personally, confirms what I should be doing. Take life into your own hands, DO what makes you happy and spread the happiness onto others.

I do have one question for anyone willing to help me, I would love to understand financial systems and how to make the best of my money. Where should I start my journey for learning this kind of skill?

Thank /u/strokethekitty for sharing this. Open letter enjoyed.

And most importantly, find what makes you happy, and DO IT. Sitting in a cubicle for 1/3 of your life does nothing but offer you a shitty retirement that you will spend doing nothing because of your health situation due to years of sitting, inactivity, and unhappiness. We arent meant to be caged.


All of these things can be done.

If you think training for the apocalypse and paying your bills on time isn't quite the answer, check out democracy 2.0

You want to do something? This is that thing. Be the change.


Ommfg. It's too late, isn't it? This generation does not know what a single memory without corporate influence is.

Wasnt trying to man. If you would comprehend the post, i was directing it at those who ask, "what can i do?" in order to offer advice to help them answer that question.

...what does your age have anything to do with this, anyways?


I see your point, and agree to some degree. I wasnt trying to be insulting or sugarcoat anything. I was trying to make it noticed that TPTB gain their power due to the dependence of the people on their systems.

To liberate one from the system, to be self-sufficient and self-reliant, then TPTBs grip will be loosened.

This society has a system that enslaves us everywhere we look. Occupational enslavement, financial enslavement, health enslavement, they are all intertwined. And by design.

Its no accident that Big Pharma and the DEA collude to create toxic pharmaceuticals in lieu of natural remedies that work. So, to gain control over your own health and take responsibility of your own decisions, you can lessen Big Pharmas grip on you, and becomd one less person they can make a profit off of.

All the points i made were similar to this. They gain power by money made due to the dependence invested. Lower the dependence, lessen the profits, decrease the power. Its a bonus that these points also offer a favorable post-collapse situation, but wasnt the main point. (Btw, i wasmt aware of that sub, ill have to check it out).

(EDIT: See my reply to my comment for more on this paragraph)But that was basically my point. I also understand the reason you felt the jist of all i said is to "survive until then," but that wasnt what i was trying to go for. That has complacent undertones that i prefer to denounce, and instead i was trying to explain that we can find our own happiness for free, with or without materialistic ventures. And we dont have to subjectify ourselves into the various types of enslavement that the corporate/government/society "norms" bestow.

I hope i addressed your concerns properly, if i misunderstood what you were saying, please, correct me.

Oh i forgot to re-emphasize the timeframe at which TPTB play on. It spans over generations, so i was just pointing out that if nothing seems to happen, these pieces of advice will still be fruitful. If something does happen, these pieces of advice will prove beneficial. Either way, these pieces of advice will also lessen TPTB grip.

I hope that clears that part up (referencing your "to just survive until then" comment). I wasnt trying to sell complacency.


Eh, you may feel that way because i dont always follow my own advice. I didnt mean this to be interpreted as a retreat from society. I just meant from the enslavement. Obviously, you have to do what you have to do. If you hate your cubicle job, but need the money and cant get another job, you dont have too much of a choice. Therefore, i label that as occupational enslavement. The point of the advice was to look at these aspects of life, and change what you can. Maybe you cant change ALL of the things ive pointed out, hell, i cant even quit smoking cigarettes.

But the intent was to focus on what you can change. And all of these things, when enslaved to them, give power to TPTB.

The self reliant stuff was "just-in-case" kind of things. If shit hits the fan, will you still be able to provide for your family? Yea, a lot of post-collapse stuff was included, but i felt it was relevant. For, if we did not have these skills, we become dependent on the system and its infrastructure, which could collapse at any time (or in five hundred years, but thats not the point), in a perpetual hope that the system and its infrastructure will continue, because you wouldnt be able to deal with the collapse..

The idea is to not be dependent on these things. The less dependent you are, the more control you have over your own life, and the less TPTB have over you.

I am pretty sure he was joking. Mocking the "teenage rebel" stereotype. I don't see the relevance, but I am guessing that is his intent.

Eh, if so id say it was a poor attempt to jest. Or maybe i took it too seriously? Eh, who cares anyhow, right?

Your point about living your life in a cubicle is important. Too often we let our lives be defined by our jobs. Why? Are you content with only being what your job defines you as?

Aaaaand this is obvious. I've been going around asking people why they aren't doing this, what they're waiting for. Big ass thread about it all of a sudden.

You fuckers are so late.

Or, the universe is a computer simulation. Is that a possibility?

nobody want to be educated like that sir, they all want entertainment, distraction, anything but study

this is the world we live in, i get tired to teach what i know the others, took me years to see a ufo with my most skeptic friends.

nobody do anything until the sky fall on their head, its always been this way.

yes it has to change but it wont, not in our life time like yo usay.

Conspiracy = propaganda word for functional dynamics(reality).

The idea that people who masquerade behind the auspices of the state WOULDN'T conspire against the masses is insane.

Kill one person with a gun = murderer; do it with a badge = police officer

Kill ten people with knife = serial killer

Kill hundreds with drones = president

Kill hundreds of thousands with airplanes = hero

Kill millions with farm lobby = corporation

Learn to think for yourself.

what is TPTB?

Eh, if so id say it was a poor attempt to jest. Or maybe i took it too seriously? Eh, who cares anyhow, right?

Yup. My wife and i own our cars, they are all paid for. We rent an apartment, so no mortgage. We paid all of our credit card debt off (which wasnt much) and dont use our credit cards. We finished off out student loan debt. We are frugile about our groceries, which, as it turned out, inadvertently became a vegetarian diet with eggs being the main source of protein (dont get me wrong, ill eat the shit out of a juicy steak or hearty burger, its just meat is so expensive, and this diet is much healthier), we dont seek too many possessions. We coukd pack up our two cars full of our belongings and move out of our home in less than a day. Id bet we can do it in just a few hours.

We have computers and stuff, which is helping those corporations, but we arent huge activists anyway. We just decided that we can do without the tiny bullshit and live below our means, so as to be debt free and dependent upon our own selves.

Like you said, the difference may be small, but the more people do this the more the influence and momentum grows...

Ah television/movies, I lost my tolerance for both long ago. Text is faster for information and provides a more controllable escape experience.