TIL: No man in recorded history has escaped Guantanamo Bay, a United States concentration camp in the "outside U.S. legal jurisdiction zone" and lived to tell of it. So nobody can tell the world of the vicious human rights abuses in the USA's brewing "holocaust".

179  2014-01-08 by [deleted]

When "someone else" commits abuses, every comment is about how horrible they are. When the US does it, it is brushed off as not true and the sources are criticized.

I think r/conspiracy should point out this horrible disconnect. It clearly comes from a media/government conspiracy to keep the people ignorant.


Why do they need to escape to talk about what happened in there?

Multiple people have been released that have spoke on the conditions inside Guantanamo.

This was a great point. It's a shame you backed away from it in your follow-up post.

You effectively showed that aaaa222 had absolutely no factual basis for the assertions he made in the thread title. His argument, in effect: "there are vicious human rights abuses amounting to a holocaust taking place at Gitmo, but because no one has ever escaped, we have absolutely no proof it's happening. But it's happening. Trust me. Who needs evidence?"

The US has been badly mistreating a few hundred people at Gitmo for years -- including torture, and including a significant portion who were completely innocent. Calling it a "holocaust" and comparing it to North Korea is self-refuting: It's an instant indication to all readers that the author cannot be taken seriously and cannot check his emotions long enough to give an accurate account of what's happening.


My post was a parody of this front page post. If you read the comment section before jumping to conclusions, you could have figured that out alone.

I was well aware of your clever parody before I posted any comments.

Thanks for agreeing.

I've been agitating against Gitmo since the day it was opened. I don't need to be lectured to by the likes of you about the horrors of what is happening there. But I've never compared it to North Korea, or diluted the word "holocaust" by attaching it to Gitmo. Hyperbole is not your friend; you should learn to rein it in. And while you're at it, you should learn to construct arguments that are based on factual evidence, not your deepest fears, hatreds, and suspicions. This should be about the facts, not your personal psychodrama.

Exactly how I felt about the front page post.

Really? I don't. The use of "in all recorded history" is idiotic as North Korea has only been around since 1945. Recorded history goes back several millennia. Apart from that, there's nothing inaccurate about the rest of the title. "Vicious human rights abuses" and "brewing holocaust" seem like perfectly appropriate descriptions of what's going on there.

How much do you actually know about North Korea that you didn't hear on CNN or read in the New York Times? Similarly, how much do you actually know about Gitmo?

Yeah. Sorry. Not ready to go down the "everything you know about North Korea is a lie manufactured by the evil media" rabbit hole with you.

My post was aimed at making people see the sensationalism and then think twice about what they think they know.

Really? By making a completely ridiculous comparison of North Korea to Gitmo? At first I thought you were trying to make the US seem as evil and repressive as North Korea. Now ... what? You're just trying to protect North Korea's reputation from the unfair "sensationalism" of the media?


Very true, I just assumed they would be able to shed some light on what goes on inside.

Just the fact that they were released shows that they were housed in a lower-threat level of the complex.

Actually, no. This is a simple non sequitur. You need additional evidence besides "they were released" to conclude they were held in a lower-threat level of the complex.

Do we eve know if Gitmo has different "threat-levels" within the complex?

Just from a neutral perspective using "trigger" words such as "concentration camp" and "holocaust" strike me as an attempt to stir and raise extreme reactions.

Just an opinion, Your topic is true and not to take away from the validity of the post, just maybe consider how you are presenting it.


What do you think is going on in North Korea?

same thing going on in "GitMo?"

OHH Makes sense, I do not have the main stream subreddit sheep meta on my news feed. Very good point.

You obviously hate being told the truth. Perhaps you are lost? /r/israel/ is ------------------> that way

"No man in recorded history." It's only been open for 11 years, let's give them some more time.


There's been a Navy base there forever, but only in 2002 was the prison/detention camp opened.

Or is that what they told us? ;)

What's interesting is that the US has numerous other "black sites" scattered around the world that we never hear about, or at least very rarely. Here's the wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_site

So, the buzzwords like "holocaust" are probably a little more fitting than you would think, considering that most of the "genocide" is taking place on sites like these. Reminiscent of Nazi Germany, it's not surprising that they chose Poland for a site. Except, maybe for the Polish: "SiemiÄ…tkowski is charged with facilitating the alleged CIA detention operation in Poland, where foreign suspects may have been tortured in the context of the War on Terror." It might take some time for public opinion to sway, but I'll bet eventually this will be considered a "holocaust", especially as more information gets leaked out. The scary part is that during the War the people in the areas around the camps like Auschwitz had heard/spread rumors about the atrocities being committed there, and with the easy availability of an internet connection, the NSA revelations fit right into the paradigm of keeping the west scared of Islam.

I saw a documentary about a pair who escaped.


Some have been released though.

I was stationed there for 2 years in the Navy. Two camps: Camp America, the one visible from google maps, and Camp Platinum, the one underground that you would never hear about. C.P. is where siblings of alleged "terrorists" have been and the "torturing" occurs. C.A. has amazing conditions. 3 meals of whatever they want, Playstaion, xbox, a soccer field, internet. I've seen many of the detainees being held to tend to their medical care, as I was in the medical field working there. Some interesting things were seen.

Harold and Kumar escaped from Guantanamo Bay.

One of the camps This is camp America. Camp platinum is north, under the mountains in this area

we would go to windmill beach to hang out and the guards would yell at us because the detainees could hear our music. Any civilians there and their families could go to windmill. kind of a weird feeling being there

Bullshit. Harold and Kumar did.

I really don't think calling comparing Gitmo to the Holocaust is appropriate. Millions dead does not equate to thousands imprisoned, even under harsh conditions.


Eh. TIL subjects come in waves. A month ago was a couple days of conspiracy posts. After that was masturbation.


So you think that North Korea is even remotely on the same scale at gitmo? North Korea is a walking human rights violation, guantomino bay is one prison.

Yes, there are concentration camps in NK. Holocaust may be a buzzword, but it is still a huge issue.

How much do you actually know about North Korea that you didn't hear on CNN or read in the New York Times?

Similarly, how much do you actually know about Gitmo?

Gitmo is a nice little military base in Cuba that uses some unethical yet unfortunately legal torture techniques on prisoners due to a legal loophole based on the location.

On the other hand, there are plenty of firsthand accounts of how bad NK is


You're right, we should make Holocaust denial/revisionism illegal like in much of Europe. Hate speech should never be tolerated.

Lighten up, Francis. I just wanted to make sure that it was still okay around here to spout off historical inaccuracies for the sake of hate.

Yes, make it punishable by death too, I say.

The 6 million number is in question..I have heard that it was closer to 1.5 million deaths..I guess I am now an anti-semite for questioning the official numbers. The zionist jews were the ones funding the nazis and this was part of a 200 year plan of world domination. Jews from the states also funded Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Literally the powers that be, were on both sides of the cold war..just as they are on both sides now of the war on terror..we are being played so hard.

I just wanted to make sure that it was still okay around here to spout off historical inaccuracies for the sake of hate.


I just wanted to make sure that it was still okay around here to spout off historical inaccuracies for the sake of hate.


There's been a Navy base there forever, but only in 2002 was the prison/detention camp opened.