Do any of you really believe in an actual 'Illuminati'? Its just a bunch of rich, evil assholes that run the world and do all this shit.

2  2014-01-08 by [deleted]

Secret societies, Secret Schmities I say! There is no Illuminati, there ARE a small group (compared to the whole earth's population) of business leaders, politicians and other scum of humanity who create and profiteer off of wars and everything else, but there is no fucking Illuminati. Some groups of humans (like almost every single person that has a lot of power) is really just a messed up mental case piece of shit asshole that will, for example, have millions of people killed for their own gain. Its not some super-mystical powered Illuminati, its just the assholes of humanity doing their thing.

A one world government in inevitable, and has IMHO has nothing to do with the Illuminati, and could possible be (but probably not and just as bad as you think) totally OK. Humanity went from hunting/gathering to small agricultural communities, to city-states and eventually to nations, to contential unions. Whats coming, like it or not, is an organized world government. But what's going to eventually happen, like it or not, is that human society will globally be decentralized, with NO central leaders, bankers, corporations, etc. At least, not in the way they rule the world now. I'm not saying some kind of super-communist world, fuck no - capitalism in the manner of suceeding due to your own hard work is the ONLY way humanity world wide would flourish. Its inevitable that ALL of humanity eventually organize itself worldwide taking into account 100% of humanity, and do away with the foolish notion of putting 1 human in some kind of messiah/leadership role like we do with the US president - those presidents are owned after all by the few.

What's coming, eventually, is a total loss of power for those in control. Through groups like Bilderberg, G8, etc. NONE of those countries and the corporations that own those countries leaders wants that to happen and has been and will continue to do what they do - maintain and expand their power. But its NOT the fucking Illumaniti! Its a bunch of pieces of shit, being pieces of shit and convincing masses of people that shit is in their best interests. Its as old as democracy itself.

In the coming centuries, some kind of worldwide demarchist society or perhaps Anarcho-capitalism is the only way humanity as a whole survive and continue, say past the next millenium, otherwise those that do pull the strings (once again, NOT an actual 'Illuminati') will kill us all rather than give up their wordly power.

The thing is, if you're religious, or believe those at the top are alien-reptiles, well, you're kind of beyond help. Neither of those things are actually true. So you'll just disregard everything I've posted here, which is a shame.


You clearly lack any understanding of what the Illuminati even MEANS. The people that know anything factual about it understand it's not a group of people hiding in a secret room pushing buttons.

The rich and powerful represent the Illuminati.

There is factual historical evidence that refers to this group time and time again, if you took the time to do any research that wasn't on YouTube.

There's plenty on youtube that would support what you're saying as well.

I love watching youtube videos like that, got any suggestions?

Then tell me these facts. Prove to me how you know the people I wrote about in my post represent The Illuminati

EDIT: Just so we're clear: I think people like Alan Alda's charcter in The Blacklist do not exist in real life. The heads of the banks and oil companies, for example, really are just that evil and wholly morally corrupt. I wouldn't put it past those people to say, kill a baby and drink its blood over a statue of Satan if they thought if gave them the least chance at everlasting power - but that bothers me because a baby would have been killed, not any of the superstituous mumbo-jumbo bullshit that people believe in and convince themselves of. The Illuminati at this point has been turned into a self-perpetuating myth. The CIA giving gobs of taxpayer money to Afgani leaders, the NSA spying, US Drones killing children, THESE things are real evil perpetuated not by some mystical group that is represented by those commiting these acts - it IS in fact those people who are committing these acts who are the whole of the evil! I strongly feel its a waste and time of energy trying to create an extra layer where none exists. Did you ever think maybe they WANT you to be destracted by that nonsense so most people don't take you seriously? I'm not necessarily speaking to you personally, TILearnedNothing, but anyone who reads this.

It wouldn't be a very good secret society if you could prove the members were who the members most certain are, now would it?

They're sometimes referred to as 'brotherhood's'. Now considering the fact that so much of our current events are shrouded in secrecy, it should be easy to tie up the loose-ends here.

I don't understand what you just wrote here.

If 'they' really are that great of a secret society, how do you know this? How could it possibly be easy to tie up loose ends on knowledge you say isn't possible to know due to them being such an excellent secret society?

Because none exists and every world leader really is just an arrogant cunt. Humans need to stop wanting to be led by magic to survive.

All I'm saying is it's a losing struggle even trying to point fingers at places.

The only way any REAL evidence could ever come of this, is someone from the inside exposing what goes on. Again, as someone else has mentioned, you can scour YouTube for some of this, but its usually censored, or the person killed before anything like this ever escapes.

But I don't assume this is good enough for you. Consider that most great presidents have come from Skull and Bones. Secret brotherhood's are not a fairy tale.

I'm not contending Skull and Bones is a fairytale, its proven real - a bunch of white, stupid douche college kids who are utterly unaware of what it means to earn anything, get together an do fake rituals with each other because they're fucking skeezy weirdos.

The Illumaniti existed a couple hundred years ago. Nowdays I have no doubt world leaders conspire together for evil purposes, but there isn't even any need for an organized, real fully fledged "illuminati" Putin, Obama, Merkel, even that Brasilian pres who at first acted all shocked at the NSA thing - they all just evil and utterly corrupt on every intellectual level.

But there IS a need to be organized. You don't think the NSA is organized? You don't think that these so called terrorist attacks and false flags need to be organized?

It's organized on a global scale, if it wasn't it would have fallen apart by now.

Yes, I do think the NSA is organized, all I'm saying is there is NOT an Illuminati, and if there is any conspiracy going on, its done by all the evil assholes out there that we all know and love. Obama and Putin will create a Hegelian Dialectic like those before them streching back through the centuries to the first time a big dude realized he could easily kill a little dude. It has nothing to do with an Illuminati group, that simply make nonesense of the issue and causes people to never, ever take you seriously. I think that's my point with all this.

Well then that's just a blanket statement and a bit of over-generalization.

I do believe there is a group called the Illuminati, who wish to communicate using symbols, and distract people from the truth, but I don't believe any less that the leaders that are on the TV's and covers of newspapers are assholes ruining everything as well.

I guess I just believe in 1 less evil group than you do, but I think we are both on the same side.

I'll agree with you there.

Correct, 1776 in Bavaria. Who knows nowadays.

George Washington:

It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied [aware of] of this fact than I am.

-Library of Congress website

You do realize he is saying he does NOT see them as having influence and power.

Also, what exactly was wrong with the real historical Illuminati? I agree with all this:

"Historically the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776 to oppose superstition, prejudice, religious influence over public life, abuses of state power, and to support women's education and gender equality."

Yes, the ideas put forth by the Illuminati appear to be decent, genuine goals. That doesn't mean anything really, unless you believe it. So there's that. The way that they bring about their goals may be perceived as good or bad, depending on if you are going with the "ends justify the means" concept or not.

Also, you appear to be attempting to marginalize this as something that started and ended way back in history. Not true. Read this:

Many other groups have attempted to "revive" the movement. They appear to have infiltrated the Freemasons as well. And nobody can be sure of the death of the Bavarian Illuminati or their direct progeny/ what they morphed into. It is a secret society that was persecuted into the shadows. That is where the conspiracy theorizing comes in.

Cool, you sent me an OTO link, now there's a real secret society! I myself, am a novitiate in the IOT.

I'll read that, thanks. My problem is treating conspiracy theorizing as actual fact. Its a good brain exercise and is fun to do some conspiracy theorizing, but thats all the credit I'd be willing to give it.

Stop thinking of it as "conspiracy theorizing" and start thinking of it as searching for the truth about things with an open mind, regardless of where it leads.

And US Presidents are never full of shit...

But furthermore....that's not Washington speaking, it was Weishaupt himself after he murdered George and assumed his role!

This was a very stupid reply. There really isn't much I can say here. I'll just ignore it and move on.

That's understandable. However, my reply was actually a book reference.

Well yes, and if it is in a book or on the internet it is true?

Huh? No... it was a jpke

I don't think there is any understanding, me of what you said, you of what I said.

Said I! What of you said what? Of me. Understanding any is there, think. Don't I.


Don't whistle while you be pissin, ya hear?

That's what they want you to believe...

The idea of a formal organized group that can be suddenly exposed and stopped

is easier to swallow then the creepier knowledge that some very powerful people have and continue to informally cooperate for their self enhancement at the expense of ordinary people,

Fortunately they also quarrel and disagree, it is the only thing that saves us, their own disagreements and quarrels and greed.

They create divisions among us to dominate, these are always reflections of the disagreements they hold with each other, our powerful and wealthy lords ur, leaders.

Perhaps we should turn the table this time and create bigger divisions and power/wealth fights among only the elite. It could be done, it could work.

Ok, awesome - I think you just nailed what Ive been trying to say! Thanks, I obviously lack the ability to be that succint.

It takes some practice, and is why I come on-line and comment.
To learn to say the most with the fewest words.

The hardest part is to choke all the feelings of rage and anger that prevent clear thinking, one technique is to pretend to be someone else, and pretend you are typing what they would say.

You can learn to present your ideas clearly, directly, and briefly, and to me, brief, is almost a holy word.

How on Earth can you throw away the ideology of the "illuminati," then go on to describe it? Yes it is the Elitist/top 0.5%/super wealthy manipulating the wolrd for monetary gain. Their hands are in the Federal Reserve (don't think the US dollar has lost sufficient value or influence worldwide, the US is the worlds constant) and they also spend billions to keep you "asleep." Society tosses around Illuminati because a few centuries ago individuals formed a group to protect their assets, yes this is an isolated event in Europe, however, the philosophy is clearly evident today. And do not focus on the ludicrous Satanic rituals and sacrificing of children that is glamourized. Instead look towards nature, cymatics, consciousness, and the power of vibrations. This is the ancient knowledge they hide from the general public. You may think I sound like a hippie skeptic, but turn towards particle physics and quantum mechanics to see that the beliefs of the ancient world now correlate with modern quantum physics. Reality is only what our brain determines from the stimuli to our senses.

Agree with everything you say here except where you dismiss rituals and sacrifices - do you think those don't happen at all or you just think they aren't important in the grand scheme of things?

I would tend to disagree on both counts - I think they do happen and I think they are related to all of this.

Thank you, I believe they do occur, however, there is a lot of disinformation in this world. I do not know if "special powers" are obtained from these sacrifices, however, I know nothing is more powerful than nature. I believe the only glance the general public saw (within the last 150 years) of what this universe truly holds was with Nikola Tesla's work. He states the importance of electromagnetism, vibrations, and the numbers 3, 6, and 9. There is so much forgotten or hidden information it is absurd, look at our moon, the sun, and saturn. There is a special relationship there only starting to be found now, I mean our top theoretical physicists find a lot of parallels with Kabbala(sp.?). I just feel we need to turn back towards nature instead of running from it with this futuristic bionicman nonsense that is starting to come into light. An interesting side note is the fact that sacrifices did occur with the most prominent ancient civilizations so I feel it is hard to just turn and dismiss sacrificial rituals as hogwash. The journey for truth continues haha.

Ok, I pretty much agree with you


TLDR, everyone thinks a small group of people wield imesurable power over the rest of the world, some call them illuminati, some dont

I'm just gonna assume you want current and not historical references.
Ask svali and leo zagami.

john todd if you want to go farther back.

There's plenty on youtube that would support what you're saying as well.

Don't whistle while you be pissin, ya hear?

Then tell me these facts. Prove to me how you know the people I wrote about in my post represent The Illuminati

EDIT: Just so we're clear: I think people like Alan Alda's charcter in The Blacklist do not exist in real life. The heads of the banks and oil companies, for example, really are just that evil and wholly morally corrupt. I wouldn't put it past those people to say, kill a baby and drink its blood over a statue of Satan if they thought if gave them the least chance at everlasting power - but that bothers me because a baby would have been killed, not any of the superstituous mumbo-jumbo bullshit that people believe in and convince themselves of. The Illuminati at this point has been turned into a self-perpetuating myth. The CIA giving gobs of taxpayer money to Afgani leaders, the NSA spying, US Drones killing children, THESE things are real evil perpetuated not by some mystical group that is represented by those commiting these acts - it IS in fact those people who are committing these acts who are the whole of the evil! I strongly feel its a waste and time of energy trying to create an extra layer where none exists. Did you ever think maybe they WANT you to be destracted by that nonsense so most people don't take you seriously? I'm not necessarily speaking to you personally, TILearnedNothing, but anyone who reads this.

That's understandable. However, my reply was actually a book reference.