I have an awesome teacher
70 2014-01-09 by 50kent
I'm a highschooler in a Criminal Justice class. This semester we have been learning about law enforcement, and this unit we are learning about terrorism and the 4th amendment. Last week, my teacher took 3 class periods to explain the facts about 9/11, show us a video, and just debate about what we think happened. He made our class a really open environment for conversations about conspiracies, which has added a lot of class discussion about whatever we are talking about every day since then. I know teachers are usually pretty against discussions like this, and I know how difficult it must be administratively to make this happen. I just wanted to make sure you guys know that not everyone in the mainstream education system is against the thought processing and stuff that educators usually get a bad reputation for.
28 redditeditard 2014-01-09
Thank god for that teacher in nearly every high school. Teaching kids HOW to think and not WHAT to think. Ms. Dunlay, Ms. Gallagher and Mr. Firth, you were the shit!
2 FrankHampton 2014-01-09
they dont want a population capable of critical thinking
how does one control another
2 ElderMason 2014-01-09
Mr. Benes was that guy at my high school... until he got fired... It was a Catholic School (prison).
1 redditeditard 2014-01-09
Mine was all girls Catholic school, I actually loved it, we had a lot of freedom. Ms. Gallagher was a lesbian, which was like, yeah, Damn the Man!
12 StruttingSeagull 2014-01-09
This is the type of stuff that's been on my mind for a while now. I see all too often how badly the categorizing in this sub has become. People seem to honestly think every Cop is corrupt, that every teacher is told to install a sense of apathy, that nobody is doing the right thing. I think a lot of them are just afraid.
9 [deleted] 2014-01-09
It's because enough of them are to cause concern.
8 Thementalrapist 2014-01-09
You're wrong about teachers, my wife is a teacher, they hate common core, they hate federal mandates that make no sense, they want every dollar spent on education to translate into classroom effectiveness, teachers are only the front line, saying teachers are the problem would be like complaining to a cashier about wal marts labor practices, they have no control or authority.
2 [deleted] 2014-01-09
And I've noticed that this actually differs widely based on school district and individual schools. Some don't care, some all care, I'm not speaking about your wife, I'm speaking of those that truly are apathetic, and just go with the flow instead of trying to make waves.
2 StruttingSeagull 2014-01-09
Concerning indeed. Cop's should not murder those they are to protect. Teacher's should be instrumental to the advancement of a future society, not an obstacle we encounter at an early age. However, I don't believe this sub would be so quick to jump to cast a label if we weren't so actively seeking instances of corruption. Good deeds are done every day, but much like OP's post are rarely recognized.
4 Stevo182 2014-01-09
Ex teacher here. We are taught to install a sense of apathy.
4 funkarama 2014-01-09
It is because if you teach, you get fired for not following the curiculum. Give them a test every Friday. The good teacher get pushed out or burnt out.
5 bittermanscolon 2014-01-09
Good to hear. Keep the sub abreast of any progress or anything. People will want to know.
5 Bong_Loader 2014-01-09
I had a good history teacher in high school like this. Awesome.
1 53595 2014-01-09
Me too. She was also pretty hot.
3 [deleted] 2014-01-09
your teacher is a hero. we need to help ourselves bottom-up because top-down we are being screwed
2 thepipesarecall 2014-01-09
Where do you go to school?
1 50kent 2014-01-09
A public school in Connecticut, USA
1 Moir53 2014-01-09
Mr. Swartz man... What a guy, really got your mind "thinking" for itself
0 hanahou 2014-01-09
Did he show the searches of homes in Boston after the Marathon Bombing? That was pretty much blatant abuse right there.
1 50kent 2014-01-09
We haven't touched on it yet, but we're still on this unit for a few more weeks. Given what we're going over right now, it really wouldn't surprise me to discus that in class
1 hanahou 2014-01-09
Hope you guys do touch on it. Good for you paying attention in class. Slap the heads of those falling asleep. tell them it's time to wake up to true history, so you can control your generations future. Not like mine who slept through it.
1 50kent 2014-01-09
Yeah I know. It seems like about half of the class cares one way or another, but the other half just doesn't participate.
Lately I've been thinking of getting into politics when I'm older, so I can actually try to make a difference. But we'll see, there's still time to decide
2 FrankHampton 2014-01-09
they dont want a population capable of critical thinking
how does one control another
2 ElderMason 2014-01-09
Mr. Benes was that guy at my high school... until he got fired... It was a Catholic School (prison).