Just so that we are clear: Chemtrails are a historical fact. See all of these links. Both weather manipulation through the use of planes spraying aerosols, and spraying chemicals/bacteria on populations. The "theory" of chemtrails is that the government never stopped. That is all.

170  2014-01-09 by [deleted]


Thanks, OP. You did the sub a solid with this post.

I recall another Redditor doing something similar for Fluoride. From this link alone, I learned alot, and shared it with others.

Do you think it might be beneficial to create a trove of documents and articles that support the various claims that we are making? (similar to this, and similar to the fluoride one)

This may be beneficial to lurkers and newbies, as they would have all the info conveniently presented for them to click and read and make their own judgement. In turn this would hopefully eliminate or discourage the frivolous discourse and confusion that the conspirtards and shills often bring to this subreddit.

I think it would be beneficial if we would vote on the best links, and information to put in these troves. By having these on hand, whenever someone posts sensationalist/fear-mongering/bs links or discussion. Boom. Here you go.

What do you all think?

Btw, I Lol'd at the whole doing the sub a solid. (Rodman)

Yes, I think we should, on various topics. Does this sub have a wiki? I primarily use a mobile app to access, so I miss half the reddit experience!

I remember there being a link to a huge swath of 9/11 information but I can never find it anymore.

I have no doubt chemtrails have and continue to happen daily, but when people call out every damn contrail in the sky and say it them spraying, it really weakens the whole conspiracy.

I would not try to claim there is something strange about a contrail like this, because it is consistent with all the contrails I have seen in my life up to a certain point.

I would make the claim that there is something strange about a contrail like this, because I am unable to come up with an explanation for it that does not involve deliberate chemical disbursements.

research the weather patterns surrounding cirrocumulus and altocumulus cloud formations.

it means you are going to observe very good weather if condensation trails form this way.

They have admitted to spraying things out of planes as recently as last summer.


That story freaks me the fuck out. They coated an entire town in aluminum silicate at low altitude? They have practice areas for that, there's no reason to cover a populated town with it. And no one seemed to care. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills... Are people really this apathetic?

People still can not believe that strangers they have never met could not care less about them. It's really odd, now that you mention it.

All this means to me is that they've had plenty of practice runs and they were ready for a live test.

Are people really this apathetic?

Yes they are. The fluoride and vaccines have done their job. People have been so poisoned that most of them barely qualify as conscious anymore. Try presenting people with a novel situation, they freak out. The reactions of most adults now are similar to dogs, no real concious mentation, just reaction to stimuli.

I'm not entirely sure why you're being downvoted, other than people might think it's rude to say this about other people.

I don't necessarily believe you are looking down on those around you by having this opinion of the average person. As truly sad as it is, when you start to realize the extent, nature, and degree to which "something" in our society has caused us to poison ourselves into stupidity, you have to admit, u/Zebraton is mostly correct in their description,

BUT..that doesn't mean you have to be pessimistic about it at all. I for one believe the situation is starting to get better, and I'm not just saying that to make myself feel better.

As truly sad as it is, when you start to realize the extent, nature, and degree to which "something" in our society has caused us to poison ourselves into stupidity, you have to admit


I would have prefered that you used words...but what should I expect from you?

If that confuses you, I mean: You could have typed out and fashioned your own argument...but that would require a command of intellectual constructs you're not capable of.

I understand what confirmation bias is, but thank you for the reminder. Now will you please explain to me what that has to do with the comment you responded to?

That wasn't really direct at you so much as it was directed at others who read your comment; a reminder, if you will ,that concluding everyone around you who doesn't agree with you is being poisoned into idiocy is probably a product more of ones own cognitive biases than a critical evaluation of the evidence.

You might realize as much yourself if you stepped down from your high horse and didn't immediately attribute disagreement with you as either brain damage or lacking comprehension of intellectual constructs.

My mate, old boy you, if it wasn't directed at me you shouldn't have directed it at me. Also, you shouldn't have directed your second comment at it either...that was my give away.

I didn't simply assume that everyone around me is stupid...I waited awhile and let them prove it. That's not to say I'm better than anyone...just more correct than most.

if it wasn't directed at me you shouldn't have directed it at me

Unless that was the most logical place to put it. I'll refrain from making any judgements regarding your comprehension of such concepts based on perhaps three comments posted on the internet, and would appreciate it if you would do the same- otherwise conclusions drawn will likely be subject to sampling bias.

Also, you shouldn't have directed your second comment at it either

You asked a question regarding my motivations and I elucidated them. Would you prefer I had ignored it?

I didn't simply assume that everyone around me is stupid. I waited awhile and let them prove it

You'll forgive me if I don't defer to your judgements on such matters.

That's not to say I'm better than anyone...just more correct than most.

You've of coursed reached such a conclusion based on statistical analysis of your decision making compared to a control group right?

Otherwise, you might be falling prey to confirmation bias. I posted a link up-thread regarding it when someone made a similar claim that failed to take it into account so that others could see it and take note. You should check it out.


Kill yourself.

Violation of Rules 4 & 10. Comment removed.

This is your first warning. Repeated violations may result in a ban.

I guess the conspiracy is 'what' are they spraying and 'why'? Weather modification is certainly one reason, in fact here's another r/conspiracy post about that, and from Yahoo news; http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1usyu5/global_sunscreen_mass_geoengineering_planned_is/

Weather modification is certainly a beautiful cover if there are other nefarious reasons for spraying the atmosphere.

if there are other nefarious reasons for spraying the atmosphere

...like controlling the weather to wage warfare and to make money. If you don't believe that people have the capability and desire to do just that, you are a good doggy and I have some treats for you.

The government also has electromagnetic field generators in voting machines to tell you how to vote. People are fucking idiots. Not us though. We SEE EVERYTHING.

They have electronic devices that tell people how to vote, but they don't need them installed in the voting booths. They just wait for people to purchase them themselves and put them in front of the couch at home so they can sit in front of it for a couple hours every day.

Not even the couch. TV purchases have gone down over the years. Desktop PCs are more efficient with NSA backdoors now.

I think the confusion is created by all the people who look at contrails and cry wolf.

I think the confusion is created by the people who claim to have knowledge of all the programs listed above, yet simultaneously claim that people have never seen evidence of these programs and all weird looking contrails are explained by "atmospheric conditions".

thank you


Are you a scientist of any kind?


Science doesn't need you to believe in it for it to still be true.

I do not have a license issued by the FAA to work on or pilot aircraft, but I do hold degrees in science.

There is solid science and proof-of-concept behind a century of these patents listed below:


Let me know if some of the descriptions are problematic for you and I will do my best to translate it into non-scientific language.


The bullshit is how you can claim knowledge of the admitted spraying operations that have been admitted by the military to have taken place as recently as last summer, yet you simultaneously claim that people have never seen evidence of any form of spraying.


I never claimed the weird contrails were strictly from commercial aircraft. Also, that is not a simple contrail, it appears to have some complexity to it's structure.

Are you claiming people have never posted pictures of an actual chemtrail, only naturally formed contrails?


I don't know how you rectify having knowledge of spraying operations, while simultaneously claiming people have never seen it in action.


The Twenty Five Rules of Disinformation

Rule #9

Play Dumb.

No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.


Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist

1) Avoidance

They never actually discuss issues head-on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references or credentials. Rather, they merely imply this, that, and the other. Virtually everything about their presentation implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter without any further justification for credibility.


You have made claims that have been backed up with zero proof multiple times, there is a difference. I can likewise claim that I am a PhD in Physics, which might lend even more credibility to my position, right?


You are free to browse any of the links provided in the post and the comment section.

You are also free to continue this:

The Twenty Five Rules of Disinformation

Rule #9: Play Dumb

No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.


It's "Play Dumb" then, I suppose.


You have done a whole lot of commenting, but have supplied zero proof towards your position. That is not how rhetoric works. Where did you learn to debate by using all the disinformation tactics that I keep pointing out?


The reason for pointing out the logical fallacies and disinformation tactics by /r/conspiratard posters like yourself can best be summed up by one of your own respectful comments:

Hey fuck face might as well give up. You aren't gonna get any more karma with your fake stories. I'm making sure of that and so are others.



Ba-Dum-Tsssss! He's here all evening folks! Don't forget to tip your server on your way out.


Again, I'm going to defer to one of your own insightful comments:


But how many of the known experiments came from a commercial flight and had the characteristics of "chemtrails" that people claim (hanging in the air for awhile, white clouds)? None? One?

The theory of chemtrails that seems most prevalent here is that contrails that don't dissipate in a way one would intuitively think they should are laced with chemicals to achieve some end. Which is of course is dramatically unsupported by empirical evidence.

that seems most prevalent here is that contrails that don't dissipate

I see that occasionally here but disagree that it's prevalent. OP has nailed what seems to be what the majority here that post on the subject agree with.

I will admit that I am a recent arrival, and thus may have fallen prey to sampling bias. I thus gratefully accept the rebuke.

I can understand that. We even get the occasional troll posting a contrail pic and saying: "look, chemtrail".

How is it dramatically unsupported by empirical evidence? Because YOU don't go outside? Because YOU dont notice what's going on above your head?

I've seen them laying down these chemtrails with my own two eyes. I've watched the way they intersect and evenly space themselves apart into a giant grid. I've literally sat and watched as they fly by overhead opening and closing the valve on those things to form a neatly laid out pattern. I've witnessed those same lines in the sky persist overnight and dissipate the next day into a slight haze making the mountains in the near distance barely visible while the sun shines with an overwhelming glare. Don't tell me there's no empirical evidence. The longer people like you sit on their thumbs with this the worse the recovery will be for ALL of us. Stop giving these crooks the benefit of the doubt when they did nothing to earn it and everything possible to lose your respect. It's just pathetic at this point.

Nice try, clear blue sky shill detected.

What clear blue sky?

"Contrails behaving in a way I intuitively view as suspicious", which is all you've argued for above, is not evidence that chemtrails are being deployed against the populace.


Sarcasm is lost through text sometimes my friend, chemtrails are for nutjobs.

When you take what Ive seen and then ask the internet what the fuck that new haze and lingering line in the sky is that you dont remember seeing a few years ago, ...... I dont see your point in denying this. Are you getting something out of it? I'm not getting anything out of arguing with people like you, I just want it to fucking stop. Your denial just keeps it going. Dont you understand that? Maybe you do...

Youre wasting your time on me if you think youre going to convince me that what I saw and keep seeing are goddamned contrails. Youre a stupid motherfucker for even entertaining that weak ass excuse. The fuck is wrong with you? Seriously.


You vastly underestimate what's going on outside. You obviously work indoors.



The theory is that the government never stopped spraying, and perhaps increased the amount of programs. This is r/conspiracy, not r/skeptic. If you aren't a conspiracy theorist, then I have to ask why you're here.

If you aren't a conspiracy theorist, then I have to ask why you're here.

Fact-checking. "Conspiracy" theory or not, a theory should be both factually correct and logically follow. Some succeed on both counts, others don't.

Besides, I've seen this place used to plan political action related to various conspiracy theories, which is perfectly fair by my standards. But I will speak up if A.) That political action will affect me and B). The motivation behind such political action is not evidenced based.


But what happens when the lowest subsidiarity of our population does not have access to this evidence you speak of, because evidence is purposefully contained by those in power. In these cases, logical theorizing and dot connecting may need to suffice.

Any government program that will have measurable effects on the population, secret or not, will have measurable effects on the population that will be able to be teased out through adequately controlled research.

Trying to play connect the dots as a proxy for the above is just asking to fall victim to a whole host of cognitive biases that will adversely affect your ability to draw meaningful conclusions.

Dot connecting is how we end up with faces on Mars.

Any government program that will have measurable effects on the population, secret or not, will have measurable effects on the population that will be able to be teased out through adequately controlled research.

So any program with measurable effects on the population will have measurable effects on the population? Brilliant observation.

Yeah, that was intentional.

Measurable effects are often alleged, but never substantiated.

is not evidenced based.

Complete bullshit. This is not a lab or a peer reviewed journal. it is a discussion site and your form of trolling is pernicious.

How is discussing the merits of evidence for a theory in a discussion group trolling?

Fact-checking. "Conspiracy" theory or not, a theory should be both factually correct and logically follow. Some succeed on both counts, others don't.

You gonna rationalize like that when it's knock, knock, mutherfucker?

Please wait until after the balloon goes up to act like this is a fait accompli.

I was always on the fence when it came to chemtrails, but i'm convinced now. It's out in the open

You should have seen the sky of Cincinnati last Saturday before the storm hit. THEY WERE EVERYWHERE. They crisscrossed the sky several times. This was just before the storm hit the Midwest, so I suspect they were lacing the clouds with something that would get rained onto the populace.


They don't move either, that is the worst part. clouds move, smoke moves, these don't. They expand and stick there.


Dude these are NOT clouds, they are TRAILS that come from PLANES.

I have seen planes flying in the sky for my whole life ( I am 24 ), and when they pass over they leave a contrail which dissipates not too long after it passes, which gives it the appearance of having a long "tail".

I have seen on many occasions the trails of heavy fuel propelled devices such as rocket propelled aircraft, and they leave a trail which lingers for longer in the sky due to the chemicals being burned and their resulting emissions spewing out into the sky which obviously creates the trail.

Since I have become aware of their presence and appearance, I have started to notice CHEMTRAILING, where in these trails are left in criss-cross patterns that just linger in the sky for what seems like forever as they slowly dissipate outwards and drift slowly downwards.

There is a clear difference between all three of these, and chemtrails are most definitely proven through photographic evidence.


You are a bad shill.

It's like you didn't even read my post.


When and where did I ever imply that?

Oh right, I didn't, and you're putting words into my mouth.

I call you a shill because you vehemently oppose proven things like "chemtrails" very persistently.

You also call other people "shill" at times in an attempt to look like a non-shill account.

You are a regular poster on /r/conspiratard and you constantly refer to people who believe in particular theories, mainly chemtrails, as "those people are unbelievably stupid" and other disparaging remarks.

Don't think you're able to fool people by looking like a real person.

If you actually are a real person, well then wow you're an ignorant and dismissive ass.


When I say "real person" I mean an actual personal account that is a true reflection of your person.

If you are a shill, then that is not the case, though you are still a human being, a terribly shitty one mind you if you actually are being paid to purposely go around spreading misinformation and denying the truth.


Right, so you're so intelligent that you're resulting to insults.

You're extremely rude and dismissive.

Why is this?

Why is your account name a string of numbers, your account is only a month old, and you spend all your time either on /r/conspiratard mocking conspiracy theorists, or in /r/conspiracy trying to debunk everything about chemtrails?

"Mainly so you nutters don't get a chance to follow me around"

"Chemtrails are for the most stupid of conspiracy theorists."

"Chemtards are the worst. Every point you bring up, they shoot down with something so stupid and far fetched that its impossible to not end up arguing with them."

Every single time you reference people from conspiracy it's some form of insult.

You claim to hold an FAA license, playing the "I have the authority on this subject because of this certification" card, which doesn't actually mean anything, especially when you refuse to show proof.

"Why should I show you proof of my license?"

Because you're a fucking liar and none of us believe your clearly lying ass.

You can't show a picture with the sensitive information redacted?

You can't take a picture of you holding it up with a piece of paper that says "Hi reddit, 91827 here" with all the sensitive info blacked out ( your face, info on the license, etc. )?

All in all, your entire purpose of being in /r/conspiracy seems to be the absolute destruction of anything that even considers chemtrails to be a reality, which they most certainly are in many forms.

You literally can not deny chemtrails as I've stated earlier, these activities are done daily all over the globe be it spraying chemicals on to crops, spraying particulate matter into the sky for Geo-engineering, and the proven secret government projects that sprayed chemicals on completely unsuspecting populations of people such as in St. Louis.


It matters because we can't have an effective sub that provides access to information if it's being swarmed with subversive infiltrators.

All your "other things" are a cover, and they're mostly shitty comments as well such as "kill yourself" or "faggot" or other gems you put out.

You are not surprised, I am not the only user suspicious of you, look at your comment karma.


Wow, you're so not obvious that you instantly resort to the anti-Semitic attack.

I have no idea who is paying you to post what you do if you are indeed a shill.

Thus far, you still have yet to answer multiple of my questions, such as why you can't post picture proof of your supposed FAA License with sensitive information redacted.

Why are you also unable to post any link which clearly demonstrates through reputable scientific evidence as to how all of these things you claim to be "mistaken contrails" are just that, and not chemtrails of some sort?

Mind you, a chemtrail is any trail left by a plane which is a purposeful emission of chemicals for multiple various purposes.

Most of the lingering lines in the sky are not chemtrails, because you mostly can't see the chemtrails as they're spraying such microscopic particulate matter.

The real evidence of that are planes who are spraying very thin mists that don't leave long trails of anything, as those are more than likely the aerosol spraying planes, especially when the spray is observed coming from the location on the plane where these devices are known to be installed.

The "theory" of chemtrails is that the government never stopped. That is all.

If that's the case, why do people keep posting photos of ordinary contrails from passenger flights and claiming they're chemtrails?

Because misinformation and fear mongering

Chemtrails are real, but not every contrail is a chemtrail

You already know the answers to that question.

  1. They are unknowingly posting incorrectly
  2. They are knowingly posting incorrect information for some reason
  3. They are posting correct information, and it's being misinterpreted/intentionally manipulated to be unrealistic/being ignored because of previous conceptions of the scenario.

and all of those scenario's don't disprove that chem-trails exist.

Who claimed they were strictly from passenger flights?

Is this contrail an ordinary one?


It looks normal to me. Is the 'broken' quality of it causing some upset for you?

It's not really a conspiracy that planes have been used to spray chemicals for various purposes over the years. The conspiracy, as I've come to understand it, is that the government is secretly using commercial airliners to spray chemicals for either weather modification or mind control, and that this is evidenced by contrails that linger for extended periods of time. I think this is the theory that most people think is complete bullshit.

Definitely being sprayed...

Most parts of the country I have been in both around home and on vacation you can see very obvious trails in the sky, both around airports and around nothing. I go to college in a rural area and posted a few times about the chemtrails in my town.

It is very real. An everyday 'conspiracy' right in front of our faces.

Someone go tell Joe Rogan

Fuck Joe Rogan, he is nothing more than a little punk on his knees serving the elite so he can hold on to his lame "media career". It's a shame too, but he sold out big time.

I'm curious as to how you think commentating on UFC fights and hosting an internet podcast about alternative history, spirituality and conspiracy is selling out or serving the elite. Do you have any examples to back up your mud slinging?


They are each three letters.

Conspiracy confirmed.

They'll still deny it. They wont accept it until a reality show is made about it. I vote to call it "Skywriter Dynasty"

Yeah it's cloud seeding, not some doomsday control plot.

Did you read the links the OP posted? They were doing a lot more than cloud seeding including dropping chemicals that mimic biological weapons to see how they would spread.

No one said it was a doomsday control plot.

Even if it was just cloud seeding, fuck that. That shit doesnt belong up there and you'd have to be about retarded to leave something with such a high chance of unnecessary disaster in the hands of these dimwits. You should try graduating to the blocks with letters on them.


I just dont understand why you put it past them to do this when they show no boundaries in anything else they do. Tinfoil hat beats blinders any day of the week.

I love these ad hominem attacks from conspiratards... You'll probably be safe with your tinfoil hat on anyways.

Pot meet kettle.

People still can not believe that strangers they have never met could not care less about them. It's really odd, now that you mention it.

Are people really this apathetic?

Yes they are. The fluoride and vaccines have done their job. People have been so poisoned that most of them barely qualify as conscious anymore. Try presenting people with a novel situation, they freak out. The reactions of most adults now are similar to dogs, no real concious mentation, just reaction to stimuli.

All this means to me is that they've had plenty of practice runs and they were ready for a live test.

Any government program that will have measurable effects on the population, secret or not, will have measurable effects on the population that will be able to be teased out through adequately controlled research.

So any program with measurable effects on the population will have measurable effects on the population? Brilliant observation.

The Twenty Five Rules of Disinformation

Rule #9

Play Dumb.

No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.