In Case you didn't know already, the Next Bush Family President has been Chosen, and there is nothing you can do about it

146  2014-01-11 by [deleted]

This was a comment I made to someone earlier, thought I'd share it here

IN American Politics and Business you Fail Upwards The Next Bush has already been chosen and he is a far better politician than Bush JR could ever dream of being, this guy is clever and devious.

George P. Bush - Jeb Bushes Son has been chosen . . and when I mean chosen I mean he is going to be President if we like it or not, votes do not matter.

George P Bush is in Texas now following the proper political course like Bush Jr did .. .most expect GPB to run in 2020

Remember he WILL Win, there is no option, luckily I will be out of the country by then.

So yeh George P. Bush + Condelleza Rice VP(my best guess) coming 2020 . . same old crew back in the White House, Rumsfeld, cheney, etc . .

This is from a few hours ago - George P. Bush campaign for Texas Land Commissioner to kick off statewide bus tour in Pasadena -

Say Hello to your Next Bush President :)


As long as Google and Apple pay close to no tax, Monsanto execs continue to be appointed to the FDA and other key positions (lookin' at you Obama), the Fed gets to print unlimited money, and Halliburton keeps getting no-bid contracts, does it really fucking matter who the president is?

Well, at least it should make more people open their eyes. I mean seriously, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton, ...and back to Bush? Wtf, if people still can't figure out the game is rigged, we are in serious trouble.

Yeah. I just don't think it matters who is president anymore. Obama was supposed to be "the man of the people," fighting for the 99%, hope, change, etc. Instead, he has surrounded himself with wall st. bankers and appointed corporate executives (Monsanto, for example) into key decision making positions where they can directly lobby for their industry.

Best case, Obama really did have our best interests in mind, and someone pulled him into a room and suggested he could be the next JFK if he doesn't do as he's told. Worst case, he's just another fucking liar and he willfully deceived his constituency.




Oh, now that you put it that way... um, no?


Sorry, "hadn't to" is new to me, as I am quite low brow. American public education system and all...

I'm not happy paying taxes into such a corrupt system, however I don't really have a choice in the matter if I'm to stay on this side of iron bars. If US taxes went towards providing Americans with a better quality of life and modernization, I'd be very happy to fork over my $$$ - as is the case in many northern European countries. The fact that US tax dollars go towards imperialism and failing social programs promised to baby boomers is tough to swallow.

That said, US corporations shouldn't be able to subvert US taxes with loopholes, especially when they don't utilize US labor.

The fact that US tax dollars go towards imperialism and failing social programs promised to baby boomers paying off the interest on our federal reserve loans is tough to swallow.


Yeah hadn't to is not correct. "had not to" is wrong.

Yeah, he shouldn't've written that.

Obama is hitler


Yes. Bernie Sanders would not let that shit slide.

BERNIE 2016!

Having a limited/finite amount of money wouldn't fix the economy. Just saying.

No, but allowing the economy to actually crash and then resetting the currency might have been a far better option than accumulating a giant debt that future generations have to deal with. Check out how Iceland dealt with a similar scenario (granted they aren't the world's reserve currency). Absent a genuine economic recovery, the only ways to resolve this debt is to either default and then reconstitute the dollar, or seriously devalue our currency and accept the inflation. A $16 Trillion debt now is the same thing as an $8 Trillion debt if the dollar was worth half of what it is today. Of course, that also means your grocery bill would double. If this scenario happens, pray that wages keep up with inflation.

I may have no idea what I'm talking about but it sounds like hoping that wages keep up with inflation could be possible with some socialistic government regulations. Forcing minimum wages to keep up with inflation would in turn hurt the economy in terms of unemployment, no?

Inflation (or dollar devaluation) happens because of two things - one of which is really good and one is really bad.

In a healthy and growing economy where unemployment is low, companies are able to pay employees more in order to retain talent. If company A wants to stay competitive, they will pay employees more in order to compete with the wages that company B is offering. This in turn puts more money in the hands of consumers, who are then able to afford more goods and services. Because of this, prices for things like houses and cars rise, because manufacturers know that their customers can afford more. Also, due to the increase in how much money is floating around and how quickly consumers are spending it (money supply, and the "velocity of money"), each dollar is in turn worth less than it used to be worth. In this scenario, wage inflation causes the overall price inflation, but it's considered healthy because consumers are maintaining a high quality of life. One way that governments can slow this down (since too much inflation is bad) is to increase interest rates, which increases borrowing costs, and reduces how much consumers and companies can expand. This removes some of the liquidity from the system and slows down the velocity of money, keeping growth and inflation in check.

In a bad economy where a government is printing money to avoid major defaults, but it's not reaching consumers' pockets, inflation comes from the fact that there are so many more dollars in the system that each dollar is worth less than it used to be. This weakening of the dollar reduces confidence in our currency, and most of the inflation initially comes from foreign goods that we import. If BMW wants to sell cars to Americans, they are going to demand more of our (now weaker) dollars in exchange for 1 BMW. But because of the bad economy with high unemployment, and the fact that the money being printed doesn't reach the pockets of consumers, BMW is still going to demand more of our weaker dollars for a car, but the pool of people who can now afford the more expensive BMW is smaller. This extends to all imported goods and services. Over time, this forced lack of demand for "stuff" (due to an inability to afford said stuff) impacts companies like BMW, who sell fewer cars and make less money. This is known as "stagflation," and it can eventually lead to a downward spiral where companies have to lay off more and more people due to their lack of sales.

The only thing that's keeping our imports "in check" is that the USA isn't operating in a bubble. That's to say, the Eurozone is also suffering from a horrible economy, and the Euro is also weakening along with the dollar. If the currencies of our trading partners are all weakening together, that inflationary effect is kept somewhat in check. The question though, is whether or not the USA is going to be able to service it's debt (pay the interest payments on it and redeem bonds when they come due). If we can't, we default, and that then leads to a complete loss in confidence in the dollar. Then we get to deal with hyperinflation, and anyone who owns hard assets (gold, commodities, land, etc.) will come out on top.

edit: I didn't really answer your question, sorry. In the bad scenario, you can't legislate higher minimum wages to keep up with inflation, since companies will maintain fewer employees, charge more for their goods/services, or go out of business.

Before you complain about Apple, do a bit of research.

What is this research supposed to show? That apple has the second highest profit margin behind only Exon Mobile, and the sixth highest revenue of any corporation? Fuck apple.

Shit - my fault..wrong link.

They paid over 14 billion in taxes on 41.7 billion net income.

Are you defending apple? Jobs was the only thing keeping them from falling to the dark side.

I'm pointing out that 14+ billion in taxes is hardly "next to nothing".

Apple pays an 8.5% tax rate, which includes 0 % on overseas sales. Of course it's all legal, and yes - it's not "close to no tax" as I previously stated. However, they are dodging billions of dollars in taxes because of loopholes in our tax code.

Furthermore, they utilize Asian labor from Foxconn and other companies that is horrendously underpaid, and the working conditions are so bad that they've had to install "suicide nets" at the factories.

Imagine if they paid Americans a fair wage and simply made a lower profit per unit sold.

I agree with you 1000%. You'll never see me (or anybody with a brain) espousing the ethical and moral virtues of the Apple business model :-)

Yeah, F Apple.

-sent from my iPad

Nearly half my check goes to taxes, they should be paying nearly double what they currently do

One part of me agrees...It fucking sucks seeing companies pay lower effective income tax-rates than individuals. On the other hand, Apple pumps huge amounts of $$$ into our economy, far beyond just the salaries of their employees and they should be incentivized to keep doing so.

Without consumers how much money can companies pump into the economy?

Ah my apologies then sir. Have a good one.

I'd say that nobody was stupid enough to vote for a third Bush, except they elected Obama to a second term.


There are other choices, the American people just choose not to vote for them.


Also the ridiculous attacks on third parties.

Try to show up at the Presidential debates? Get arrested. (This is not democracy.)

Third parties get disbanded or removed from ballots in states where they threaten the blue-red party.

Shills use moderator positions to delete criticism of Obama from the left (i.e., a large block of America) so we don't realize that just how many of us classify the Democrats as right-wing tools.

and the fact that the two party system inherently forces people to choose the candidate that is most likely to win and is most closely aligned to their own belief (instead of voting for who they really want). There's other voting methods that would be a whole lot more effective at reflecting the nations' beliefs. Of course the Rep. and Dem. parties wouldn't like that too much.

that and the fact that there is a strong push to eradicate the third party from being on the ballot


partially true, but it's a battle in progress. screwing rp may have cost romney the election. the alternative would have been for romney to at least give lip service to the republican base, which is how democracy is supposed to work. pressure has to be applied for it to actually work, not just wishing it was easier.

OK, you got me curious. What part isn't true?

Too many people drink the kool-aid for that to be a viable strategy.

The American people should just not vote period or spoil your ballot. This sends a message that you are voting for "None Of The Above". This is what I do when I do not like any of the candidates that are running. One election I voted for The New Age Party. I am from Canada.

You do understand that this is an empire right? If and i mean IF the right candidate comes along it won't be in the form of some bullshit underdog grassroots canvassing campaign.

You'll know it when you see it.

FPTP doesn't work.... If A gets 30%, B gets 30%, and all the rest get 3%....

Whoever C is, if they get popular enough - they will only be popular with A OR B, not both - it's almost impossible to make liberals and republicans like the same ideas.

In effect, they weaken the party they're most like, and then the party that's most different, wins.

we did not only have two choices, we had three and some of us voted for GJ. the problem is the idiots who think they have to choose between the lesser of two evils. YOURE STILL CHOOSING EVIL YOU FUCKIN TARDS

I'm not sure the Democrats ARE the lesser of two evils. Another 8 years of Republicans and this country would have cracked wide open. Instead, the parasites took over the mass media and started broadcasting soothing tones.

I didn't insinuate one party was the lesser. I meant for the reader to decide. Which ever choice is made, blue or red, is irrelevant. Their policies are almost identical and they both work together for our detriment.

people STILL. dont get this. the differences only exist in the media-created stoey of election. money controls the politicians, amd lets not fprget who controls the money

There is one thing about politicians that is commonly known across the world, and that is that they're liars.

The US had only two choices, to choose the "lesser evil" so to speak.

And I suspect both those options are controlled by 3 letter agencies - who don't get swapped out every 3 years.

People change SO MUCH when they become president - it's almost like they've been blackmailed.

it's almost like they've been blackmailed

They probably are, I mean, everyone's got a family so that's probably the starting point. They probably also have to go through a lot of tests, (ie. - polygraph and who knows what else) to make sure they will follow everything they're told.

And I suspect both those options are controlled by 3 letter agencies

Bushes and such have been in positions of power for generations.

referring to your last point, remember the late great Bill Hicks....

" no matter what promises you make on the campaign trail - blah, blah, blah - when you win, you go into this smoky room with the twelve industrialist, capitalist scumfucks that got you in there, and this little screen comes down... and it's a shot of the Kennedy assassination from an angle you've never seen before, which looks suspiciously off the grassy knoll.... And then the screen comes up, the lights come on, and they say to the new president, 'Any questions?'

"Just what my agenda is."

The problem with choosing the lesser of two evils is the one you choose is still evil.

so dont vote, no choice is better than an evil choice.

that's dumb.

i voted for neither romney nor obama

I agree with your sentiment. I think jordan maxwell puts it well when he says we elect our presidents but we do not select them.

He also talks a hell of a lot about El, the god of Saturn. He points out El-ection, s-El-ection, El-ite, etc. Also black is the color of Saturn and a-El-umni dress in black robes in their graduation ceremony. Also who worships on Satur[n]-day? The El-ites do of course.

Also look at the Spanish language with its heavy Arabic desert language influence. In Spanish "el" means both "the" and "he". So what better way to express a singular masculine god then a word that means both? Then look at "a" in Spanish. It means "to". "a" and "el" can be abbreviated into "al". So al-umni means "to the he". It is a dedication to god. Which god?

Jordan Maxwell got me started 14 years ago in a 15 minute private phone call btw. He has done a lot.

I'm shocked that anyone in this sub would think of the president as anything other than a puppet. What are you doing here?

You are implying that the voting system is not rigged, which it surely has been for years.

Nobody was stupid enough to vote in G. W. Bush, remember? The man got a second term..

All those civilian deaths in Iraq.. What will America do if this piece of shit gets in? Stand and watch.. Like they always do..

Now repeat after me: "Land of the free; home of the brave."

Down-votes down-votes down-votes - how dare I slag off your perfect country.. How fucking dare I.. Don't I know that you're God's chosen people?

meh, like Romney would have been any better?

Electoral college. What a slap in the face. Go vote, it doesn't matter!

Obama is Bush Family. That's what the Birther smokescreen is for. Thanks to those crazies, nobody's interested in Stanley Ann Dunham's CIA origins.

Upvoting for 'brood-mare'. Dat sex/rascism LEL.

I know right how can you just type something like that and expect people to take you seriously?

Not to mention the smug little "fuck you" message that he snuck in there:

luckily I will be out of the country by then

why dont you get that he is saying that that is how the Bush's think of her specifically, and his use of brood-mare was not his opinion of Latin women.

No, it is reflective of his opinion about people of latin descent because if he cared about how they felt about being compared to horses he wouldn't have done that. He did not consuider their feelings, indeed they may have known that it would be provacative to people with latino heritage. It casts aspersions on you to tell me you think that this insult isn't worth looking at.

Does it matter who's administration is running our executive branch anymore? What we need to concern ourselves with is the fact that whatever talking head puppet they install in the White House, the plans have been made and that person will gladly push forward the agenda. Right or left, bushbama or condeleeza clinton, they all work for the same people or have the goal. To maintain power by whatever means needed.

Independents or more choices would be nice. But then again, would be un-American wouldn't it?

So a link informing us that George P. Bush is running for Texas Land Commissioner is suddenly proof of some giant evil conspiracy to elect him to the presidency? I mean, I know this is /r/conspiracy, but seriously, do you have any fucking evidence other than your delusional fantasies to substantiate this grandiose claim?

OP is in the process of forming a theory. Evidence might surface later, please try not to be so harsh. To be honest though blatantly stating said man will become the president beyond the shadow of a doubt is jumping the gun a little.


Latin is not a race

That username. Wowe.

You have next to nothing to substantiate your claims. You sound confident, but a confident quack.

George P. Bush will not be president, and there is everything we can do about it. Furthermore, Condie Rice, Dick Cheney, and the NeoCons couldn't stomach another go around. So that's BS too.

I wish people in this sub were less tolerable of this kind of crap being posted.

Psssst, this is /r/conspiracy, did you really expect logic?

I guess you're right.

I'm all about conspiracies, but I wish this sub used more common sense with an intellectual approach. But, anything goes here. It just saddens/irks me that there are a large group of people that naively, blindly follow whatever they read and pat each other on the back as if it were veritably esoteric. Makes r/conspiracy look bad.

Just leads to more misinformation, paranoia, pessimism, and a disabling for actual change.

It's almost like there's a conspiracy to promote ridiculous conspiracy theories while the real conspiracies proceed unnoticed, muahaha [steeples fingers].

Or, of course, /r/conspiracy could be a preferred hangout for gullible saps who like believing in fake conspiracies because the sense of superiority they get by pretending they know more than all the sheeple out there who believe in the moon landing and fiat currency and Canada helps mask their deeply rooted feelings of inferiority and insecurity.

Or maybe humans are just bald apes barely evolved far enough to engage in abstract thought, it's really difficult to keep track of the billions of things going on in an information-age society, and it's completely natural to mistakenly cling to simple explanations for extremely complex phenomena.

This guy just had a son named Prescott...Damn. This family just keeps it going and going..and going........and going............fuck! and going.

I had the same thought haha

So votes don't matter, but Jeb had a child with a spanish "mare" in order to get the Spanish vote?

So Hillary will be a one-termer. That means she can pull off even more horrible stunts than Obama and get off scot-free.

Just as planned

You say that as if who the president was actually mattered.

That reality will never happen. Do you honestly think our current political system will even make it to 2020? Don't be a fool, there's going to be some Shenanigans going down before then. Shenanigans...

I hope so, I'm tired of pretending I want to live the American dream.

Well, it's lasted more than 200 years, why would it end in the next 6 years?

All things end. You never know when or how but nothing will last forever and up until the last moment it'll seem like it will never end. I don't expect a bloody revolution, but a revolution of mind in which the whole societal structure changes radically is certainly possible. Look at the shift we had between Nixon and the Dixie-crats, one presidency changed the entirety of the political structure of the states why couldn't it happen again?

As it stands both parties are worthless, but it's not impossible that it will change radically in the next 6 years. Maybe I'm an idiot but I'd like to think that people have it in them to move toward a better and brighter future because the alternative is extremely depressing and makes life not really worth living. It's the same reason people believe in Heaven and God, there will be something better down the road and it's worth living and striving to see that.

The difference between 50% evil (Democrats) and 99% evil (Republicans) is enormous. Just because you can't get a perfect political system doesn't mean you should refuse to participate in a flawed one.

Where would we be if all the people who worked so hard to bring us what we have now had given up? We'd still have slavery, women wouldn't be able to vote, and sexual orientation would still be grounds for dishonorable discharge from the military.

You know why we make progress? Because things suck. If they didn't suck, we wouldn't make progress, because we'd be there already. Current suckage is opportunity for future progress. Giving up leads to future suckage forever.

It's amazing how people are just assuming this is going to happen as a fucking fact, based off nothing, literally nothing at fucking all.

Just pick a random figure and say he's going to be president, no matter what the votes say. That's literally what happened here.

OP should at least recognize the possibility this won't happen.

Jeb Bush purposefully chose a Latin Brood-Mare to birth this Bastard knowing the Latino Backing would be the sure-fire way to gain presidency by 2020.

That is incredibly racist. Like holy shit. Incredibly.

Yes, it's a sentence about race:

  • She is racially Latino,

  • He need to win the Latino vote,

  • A Latino wife will encourage the Latino vote.

You imply that people in your country are not allowed to talk about race issues.

these people are very racist, and this is exactly representative of that. he wasnt calling latin women brood-mares, he was saying that thats how Jeb Bush looked at her as. dont get caught up in political correctness, its a shadow over the truth.

I downvoted over the broodmare comment. Your hatred drips off the words of this post. Hatred blinds it does not illuminate. It binds and does not liberate. Besides, plenty of latin chicks dig white boys, it certainly inspired songs going back generations.

he is saying that that is how the Bushes think of her specifically. his use of brood-mare was not his opinion of Latin women, but representative of the way those in power think of people.

I think his hatred is directed at the bushes etc.

He is implying that she is simply a broodmare, and he is projecting his hatred to the Bushes, implying that they calculated as coldly as he did. It's racist and sexist.

No. again, you didn't listen to my point. She is "simply a broodmare" to the men he is talking about. Simply using the word doesnt mean the OP thinks all women are broodmares.

And they DO calculate coldly, my friend. If you were in such high positions of power, would you not do the same thing? This is a generational family of high-level politicians and leaders. They are cold and calculated, and THEY are racist and sexist, not OP.

He specifically mentions George's mother. That is racist and sexist. Stop defending it. I understand what your saying and you have no way of knowing that. Your continued insistence on it just proves how blinded you are by your hatred. Y'all are insisting that those two did not marry for love, that she was simply chosen based on her ethnicity. Its a racist, sexist and just plain fucked up thing to be insinuating.


When applied to a human it sure as fuck is. Would you call your sister or wife that?


Just been in inter-racial relationships and the term brood-mare strikes me as callous, racist, and sexist. It completely negates the choice and feeling of that woman to that of meaningless slave, a brood-mare. Its a fucked up and divisive term. (When applied to people)

When you date outside your race you run into all sorts of stuff like this. And you're far from the first to call a colored woman of any sort with a white man a broodmare. Next thing I'd expect is that George Prescott is a halfbreed.

You are confused as to why referring to a woman as merely having the utility of a breeding-horse would rile people up?

And what the fuck is the source of all these dubious claims?

Got any proof?

So I click this open to see the comments full of people discussing how one party could be seen as a lessor of two evils than the other party.

No, they are not better or worse. They are the same. They have the same goals. They are playing good-cop bad-cop with us. Which one is the good cop and which is the bad cop just depends on which side you decide to be on.

But why do we even need political parties? Can anyone explain the neccesity of them to me?

No necessity -- the only purpose is to convince people they have two options only and to pick between them, when really the options are as infinite as the imagination.

Yeah, both parties are exactly the same, which is why things aren't any worse in Republican-controlled states than Democrat-controlled states.

Or actually you might be trying to convince yourself that nothing matters so you don't feel bad when you refuse to do anything to create change for the better.


The one thing you learn when researching into these families is that they think Long-Term, hundreds of years Long-Term

Very true.

If votes don't matter why does who he breeds with matter?

No way in hell a Bush can beat Hillary. Even if reptilian aliens want it to happen.

Jeb Bush purposefully chose a Latin Brood-Mare to birth

You sound just like Jimmy the Greek.

lol @ people thinking another Bush will occupy the White House. Ain't never ever ever gonna happen. Never.

Thanks a bunch. I was having a pretty decent morning until I read this. Thanks. I hope you're wrong, though.

Jeb is going to be running in 2016, so we shall see.

Well they did destroy Christie, I thought he would replace Jeb. Looks like its all gonna suck anyway.

Well they did destroy Christie, I thought he would replace Jeb. Looks like its all gonna suck anyway.

Who's they? His staff? Is he destroyed anyways?

The folks that make the news. The powers that be.

Like I said he's hardly destroyed and to whatever extent he is - its his staff's fault and maybe possibly his own.

Well a guy can dream can't he. Christie is gonna be a horrible waste of space in the party I can tell that much.

You're forgetting that the public is so fucking braindead that they'll ask who Christie even is in 2016. It's all political theater. Christie is not ruined, he is literally just a pawn with one purpose, to create the illusion of an actual, functioning republic. It's pretty obvious that he is just a shadow Newt Gingrich. He'll have his week of surging in mainstream media, and get played down by who ever is actually planned to "win".

That's if Obama can't get away with running for a third term.

Where does the thinking that Obama would want to, or try to, run for a third term? I've never understood why people think that is even a possibility and why they think Obama would be the one to try and do it. Maybe someone can enlighten me (with facts showing they are trying to eliminate the 2 term limitation, not just, "Obama is just evil enough to try that")

The third term, been saying that for 5 years. Why not? Oh man just the thought.

The first thing about creating a communistic overhaul is "reforming" healthcare. Jussayin.

And the next is guns or free speech, and considering the networks engage is "self-censorship" and "press-release journalism" I wonder what they'll do. Maybe sacrifice some kids in another middle class town? or this time an Ivy League uni?

We already lost our free speech and guns in quite a few states that are governed by federal lickspittles. They favor their own pay over standing up for the principles of our country's founding. Some other states, Colorado for a recent example hasn't been putting up with federal surveillance drone laws and the laughably deplorable "drug" war.

This is why I believe the country will be split into two divisions, once again creating a second American revolution. It's coming. The federal government is like the most sadistic bully one could ever imagine only in nightmares, it has it's hands clenched on the balls of it's citizens, squeezing harder and harder (all while stealing the lunch money) to the point right before we bite back. Then they ease up and throw some duck dynasty bullshit to distract us for a month and continue the facade of national defense.


Read the bible buddy, it'll help.

That's not going to happen. They need a longer break from Bush for the public to elect another Bush. They're smarter than that.

Jeb vs Hillary. Unsettling I know. They will just murky the water on the republican side, bringing in Sarah Palin while painting her in a worse light than she is even able to paint herself. Christie will have his image nipped at, although I imagine a quite a few here dislike him.

They are already building W, pres. 43, back up. His appearance on The Late Night Show where he was able to show off how he is now cultivating his artistic side, of course while promoting an annual checkup (vaccinations) and his wife promoting education for woman (Unesco.) He will come in after the next tragedy and raise money and have his image restored.

I don't anticipate the current status quo to make it to 2020.

2017 (or before) will see many tipping points, and the old guard will lose their control over the masses.

Please explain your reasoning and how you see this coming about.

the old guard will lose their control over the masses.

Billions of hollow point?

I know ammo is used for practice, but I think hollow point purchases in massive bulk are a first?

The more things change, the more they stay the same. This illusion of freedom we have will continue until it is no longer possible to maintain it.

There is no illusion of freedom. There is, however, an illusion limiting our ability to accept how free our reality can be. But that illusion is slowly unraveling, and the people are beginning to wake up to a new paradigm.

Well said.

Yeah and I think 2 colored (with Rice as WP) running together will not do well, esp for GOP...

I'd scream tin hat but I think it would fall on deaf ears and at least one accusation of illuminati association.

Seems pretty far fetched.

Lol Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton, ...Bush?

I think it'll be 2024, not 2020. Hillary Clinton will be Queen for 8 years.

Yeah and he will be running against Chelsey Clinton

ah come on, I just got used to Prince William being the Antichrist! these things change so quickly I guess Satan works in mysterious ways.

he may be viewed as "the savior" if HELLery Clinton gets the office in in 2016. it does make a little sense for these fuck-holes to further erode our rights and economy with another democrat and then offer up a solution(George),to really ramp up the violence. Sounds like more of the same bullshit strategies that have been imposed on a populace as a means of control for far too long, SMASH IT ALL AWAY.

who would or could vote for hillary? honestly? the arkansas dirt, the killings, the cheating husband, benghazi... she would be shredded in a legitimate race.

i'd worry that she'd garner the LGBT community as well as "liberal" female voters. not that really have a say in the final result.

It looks like she's going to win in 2016, at least right now. This Christie scandal was political hit. The Obama controlled NSA probably dug the dirt up on Christie to remove him from the 2016 equation.

I've heard talk that she left the Hoebama regime to "help her chances" in 2016, and let Eric Holder take most of the flak for the Benghazi charade. The Busted Ass Bush regime did the same when they were in hot water and threw then attorney general Alberto Gonzales under the bus. Honestly, fuck all these public policy makers and their politics, it's the entertainment division of the industrial military complex.

You do realize that it's barely 2014, right?

I do, but they'll start campaigning in 6 months most likely. It seems they do so earlier earlier each election cycle. Hillary actually already has.

Susan Rice VP, no one is ever voting for Condi the Vulcan and they very carefully quickly distanced Susan from The Benghazi Debacle for a reason...

What are you basing this speculation on. Not saying you're wrong or anything, but we should at least have a rumor from some kind of political source before we consider this kind of thing. Andrew Basiago claims he will be the next president:

Sorry, but Hillary Clinton is already uniquely qualified to run the American empire.

The best way to avoid getting fucked in a rigged game is to refuse to play the game. You can't beat 3-card Monte, so why even put money on the table?


I would love to heckle him for Dubyas puppet campaign for extreme neocons and Zionists.

Alright, I'm lettin' you call this one /u/NeutralGreek

If it happens, I'm gonna have a bit of a chuckle.

Look up the Presidential blood line. You'll learn that all but one president of the US has been a member of the same blood line. Of course Jeb is next he is the only prominent figure who belongs to the blood line. Hillary doesn't count as she only married in to the blood line and does not have the blood in her.

Nah, I think the country is stupid enough to vote for 8 years of Hillary. Moar free stuff!

I can't wait for the next false flag.

False flags are false flags for real flags.

Think about it.

revolting is always an option

Upvoted both posts.

revolting is always an option

For whom? Poorly trained citizens with small arms? No, the era in which a revolution was possible has long since passed.

Militias were Clintons big thing. Then PRESTO 9/11 happens 9 months into GWB's term and the state gains powers so vast as to be able to quell any possible insurrection before it begins.

nonviolent civil activism

I don't know why people are debating who they can/should vote for. Unless you've been under a rock for the last 20 years, you should know it doesn't matter. The game is rigged. Who you vote for has no effect on the outcome of the election.

That's exactly why I've written in my own name every time I've voted. Voting doesn't matter any more.

The government will be fucked by then. The US might not even get to see 2020.

I can see the country splitting into 2 or even more by then.

In 6 years? What makes you think this? The government has lasted more than 200 years. Why would it crumble in the next 6?

Look at at the United State's debt. Look at our endless wars illegal conflicts. Look how much the rest of the world hates our police state imperialism, both domestic and external.

How long would YOU give us if not 6 years?

Considering non of things are new, and have been around for a while, I see no reason to think that it will end in 6 years or less. How do you see it going down?

I think something major will happen in 2015. Obviously I don't have conclusive evidence.

What I'm thinking will happen is a major economic collapse, the USD goes to shit. Inflation starts to becoming a more sinister problem as we continue to make fake monopoly bux backed by air.

At this point, the younger generation can't pay off their student debt because they can't work, because there is no middle class anymore, at all. Start up a government controlled work force and voila! You have your communist regime. Just add (fluoridated) water.

But it can't happen here..

In that scenario the government is still there, not collapsed.

Also, money isn't fake just because it isn't backed by gold. A dollar has as much value as a brick of gold has, which isn't much. A dollar is valuable because people accept it for goods and services. If it was backed by gold it would be the same thing.

Finally, what is wrong with fluoridated water? It makes teeth healthier and in the small amounts in the water causes no harm.

Well, I believe that we will lose world reserve currency status. It's a wild guess, and in reality it would probably take more than 6 years to take full effect, but no more than 20.

For the fluoride thing, if you want fluoride in your water, knock yourself out. A company can make little Mio fluoride supplements for those that prefer it, I just don't want it anywhere in my innards, no matter what scientific study has to say... I can't believe everything I hear. I also don't ever eat anything synthetic. It's just a preference, but I don't mind people who do use it. None of my business.

All in all, the government collapsing thing in the beginning was the absolute upheveal of the non-functioning federal republic system, to be replaced literally with a communist paradise.

Many people say 1984 is where we are headed, but I believe Huxley had it more accurate with A Brave New World. We're distracted with a sea of relevance to the real problems as the modern American culture.

disclaimer: this is all just my opinion and speculation.

I appreciate your disclaimer, and I agree that A Brave New World is a better look at our society than 1984 is.

On the fluoride issue, you do realize that it is found naturally in some locations, along with other minerals. It is actually partially removed from some areas because there is unsafe amounts in it. I honestly don't understand why fluoride is hated by so many people, and so singled out so much. It's safe and effective. Why the distrust or hatred?

I don't like the taste of it. I really do drink copious amounts of water each day and I can tell the difference if water has been fluoridated or not.

Thankfully my water company doesn't tamper with the water more than it already naturally is.

You can taste it? Really? What does it taste like? I actually don't know if I've tasted it in water or not, so I'm curious what it tastes like to you.

The taste is hard to describe. Just like the taste of fresh water is hard to describe. It's faint enough to not really notice if you're used to it though. I haven't drank it in a long time. I filter my water as well with a Brita filter, and even with my well water, i can taste a difference in how more 'clean' it tastes.

I really only drink my own filter water or unsweetened tea.

Also, my whole fluoride joke was kind of making fun of myself to begin with, since I probably sound like a crazy Alex Jones zealot. However when it boils down to it, I just don't want my water tampered with at all. If people can't take care of their teeth to begin with...

Fair enough. I also use a Brita filter because the tap water here in Korea kind of sucks taste wise.

Oh please. Anti-Christ? Get this religious bullshit out of here.

That's a scary thought

Sign petition for dr Benjamin Carson... That is all.

Taxes are theft.

Finally gonna have a real president again instead of a pawn like obama.

Just been in inter-racial relationships and the term brood-mare strikes me as callous, racist, and sexist. It completely negates the choice and feeling of that woman to that of meaningless slave, a brood-mare. Its a fucked up and divisive term. (When applied to people)

When you date outside your race you run into all sorts of stuff like this. And you're far from the first to call a colored woman of any sort with a white man a broodmare. Next thing I'd expect is that George Prescott is a halfbreed.

OK, you got me curious. What part isn't true?

You are confused as to why referring to a woman as merely having the utility of a breeding-horse would rile people up?

Yeah. I just don't think it matters who is president anymore. Obama was supposed to be "the man of the people," fighting for the 99%, hope, change, etc. Instead, he has surrounded himself with wall st. bankers and appointed corporate executives (Monsanto, for example) into key decision making positions where they can directly lobby for their industry.

Best case, Obama really did have our best interests in mind, and someone pulled him into a room and suggested he could be the next JFK if he doesn't do as he's told. Worst case, he's just another fucking liar and he willfully deceived his constituency.