I'm not a violent man...

72  2014-01-17 by [deleted]

This Kelly Thomas situation has changed something in me.

Never before have I wanted to see men executed for their actions.

Never before have I wanted to stand up and fight this badly.

I thought I could live out my life and pretend like this country isn't going to Hell in a hand basket but.. this.. this was too much.

I've never felt soo helpless and angry in my life.

What is there to do?

Do we really think petitions will help?

This government doesn't play fair and neither should we.

Now i'm probably on a list somewhere and i'll probably be watched, i'm not afraid anymore. I'm only one man, I can't do much.

End rant

  1. Make your family and loved ones aware of how you feel and why. Explain to them why you are stressed and why you are taking the steps you are.

  2. Limit your exposure to the dollar. The QE bubble has to pop sooner or later. Buy real estate, buy bitcoins, exchange dollars for other currencies and/or gold. Anything. Just don't be left hanging with all your money in dollars.

  3. BUY A RIFLE. Do not wait.

  4. Have food and water on hand. God forbid there is ever a shortage.

  5. Speak out. If ALL of us continue to SPEAK up about and call out the FUCKING FRAUDULENT pieces of shit that are destroying this country, there will be too many to round up just based on internet chatter. OBAMA IS A PSYCHOPATH MURDERER, there I said it.

  6. Accept death and pray to God. Don't be afraid to die standing up for what you believe in. They can take your life but not your soul. Whether you believe in God or Blind Chance, we all must come to terms with the fact that some things are simply out of our hands. Say a prayer to Jesus Christ or The Spaghetti Monster, tell your family and friends you love them and have fun and enjoy life while you have it.

Finally, remember that knowing the truth is half the battle. Remember that when a Whistleblower comes out and gives up their life to tell you something "crazy" or "tinfoil fedora conspiritarded" that they know that's how the public will react. They know that they will be called a pyscho and a "conspiritard" and BE KILLED but they still speak the truth. And for that, you have to hear them out and listen to their stories and take them seriously. Because if you don't, you won't be prepared for the moment their words come true.

The Whistleblowers:

Good luck and God speed brother. We are many and they are few. Remember that.

Holy fuck you deserve Gold for that comment! Right on!


Good shit, man. Awesome comment.

BUY A RIFLE. Do not wait.

I just wanted to emphasize this point in particular. I feel it should be #1 on your list, but im not complaining. Great comment!

A good man-stopper. Doesn't need to be expensive -- get a Mosen and a can of war surplus ammunition for it. Also, buy a shotgun -- pump actions shotguns are reliable -- and some buckshot or slugs for it. Also, buy a handgun. I recommend a .357 revolver. They are versatile in that they can shoot .38 rounds as well, and are dead simple to use.


Reading similar stuff everywhere and I'm sick of it. You said it but do you mean it like that? Couldn't you just say "The current person in charge does things that are just wrong!"? (Simplified for generalization)

You aren't fighting the person, you are fighting the idea. Let's say some very, very smart person (yes, that was sarcasm) decides to do something very, very life extending (sarcasm, too) thing to the person, in this case Obama. What happens? The next president gets elected by the same nation having the same people behind the curtains. We're on /r/conspiracy here, we know they are in charge. The same things will happen. Maybe in another way, maybe slower or faster but my point is: Do you actually believe that this person is in charge of the actions of the government?

A certain german politician is now officially dead for about 70 years. Germany still has problems with the remaining fools who believe in the ideas that were spread when he was in charge. You say "These ideas are bad! See what happened because of them!", not "These ideas are bad because these people had them!".

It's possible the global system is broken beyond repair. If you want to correct a problem without solution, apply the better idea until the old one dies of discontinuation because it became the worse choice. Power to the people? Decentralize, make your own society with blackjack and hookers. Take the privileges for violence from the state and the police, give them to... no one. Non-lethal self-defense only. Never again is someone legally beaten to death because the people in charge (we) don't let them.

The executive is only the mask of scum and villainy, and any good-oriented person tends to want to kill the president, but the point is that he's just a tool, and another tool can be picked from the grab bag at any time. It's like banning guns, because a few freaks go out and murder innocents. Our job is to hold them to the constitution and ACTUAL meanings of the words within.

you post reminds me of The Man I Killed by NOFX http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im5Z-q6vKaw

It's time the average person asked himself why the people in authority don't stop this shit from happening, and why, when it happens, they do nothing about it. Why? Because they want this shit to happen -- or maybe put it another way, they want the degree of control and intimidation they are crafting from the police and the military, and when shit like this happens, they dismiss it as only a necessary artifact of what they are deliberately building -- a police state for everyone but them.

i'm not afraid anymore

Congratulations on taking the first step towards freedom.

"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you..."

Transform the hate into something positive...dwelling in the hate is the entire purpose of that story...to enrage you and everyone else out there...but don't just stay mad...transform it into positive forward movement fueled by your passion for justice. Anytime you feel "hate" think of the Dark Lord whispering to Luke..."yes...let the hate flow." and realize that you need to transform it.. Don't neuter it. Transform it!

What is there to do?

Anarchists will always tell you to organize (hahaha, funny cause we aren't right?) and once you have a group of people who think like you do, that something is deeply wrong with your nation you do three things:

Resist, Occupy, Produce

Resist the oppression that you dislike, Occupy the space you need to change, and produce the change you want to see. Please believe me, it's easier said than done but It can be done!

In the early days of Unions the resistance was that workers demanded a better wage; So they would occupy the workplace and make the employer bend to their demands. If the employer bend to their will or not the people could produce things (raw materials might be harder to obtain without capital, but farms are an alright example).

You need to find those who will believe what you say. If you don't have a plan because you feel lost so do many others. The plan though, is up to you.

Resist oppression (police brutality) with a group of concerned citizens who demand police transparency; Occupy a space infront of the police commissioners office, or in front of a police precinct. Produce the demands you have when they ask what is going on, produce the change you want to see by making the media pay attention to the fact you want the police to serve the publics interest not the interests of the rich and powerful only.

If you want to wallow in self-pity I can't help you. Petitions can be easily ignored, you need to organize your comrades to take action to be the change you want to see.

If I sound all super-leftist and dreamy I must admit I've been drinking.

But I believe in you, you have the power. Just believe.

Kelly Thomas is just the pick of the day, check out /r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut for the same kind of unbelievable shit cops do EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I hear you. I have been there and came back. Here is what I did: Increased my spiritual life: Read books: The power of now, by Eckhart Tolle “Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.” - Eckhart Tolle

Carlos Castaneda's books on Don Juan: The Teachings of Don Juan is a start (Dont listen to the lies the media tell you about Castaneda so called Dark Past, form you own opinion.) "For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that may have heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length. And there I travel, looking, looking, breathlessly." -- Don Juan

Learned and practiced mediation. Im currently working with sound vibration meditation from Tom Kenyon. To help me raise my vibration. The idea is that everything in the universe has a vibration and we are on earth to increase our spiritual vibration to a hight level. The more we increase our vibration the more we heal ourselves and the world because we Literally inhabit a new world for each new level of vibration we take on. http://tomkenyon.com/

Become aware of how we are being manipulated by the power establishment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8ERfxWouXs

Hope that helps :D Im glad people here are being honest about how they feel about whats going on, its inspiring.

Hey man, I agree with the majority of this comment, however Carlos Castenda is a true whack job. He had a few of his girlfriends suicided.

If you've had profound psychedelic experiences, you would know they are very, very different from the journey's that Costenada takes. He was in the library when he was supposed to be with Don Juan.

Anyway, The Power of Now is amazing.

Yeah thats the narrative going around these days. I think im not sure what happened with him I think the public has misinterpreted his intentions or there are people out there trying to discredit his teachings or he had some problems at the end, he was kind of unstable.. but the information in his books are sound imho. You should have a look before you decide though.

I know its easy to take what people say about him at face value. But I have found that there is truth in the teachings of don juan. whether or not he was in the library or with don Juan when those events occurred is irreverent if there is something to be learned from don juan.

You are not alone in your anger.

Remember that they love uprisings and unrest.

Any violence will be met will force - possibly deadly.

Don't fall for their traps and don't validate their thugs' existence.

There are options.

Firstly - stop paying them.

You could become a lawyer and work for the ACLU.

If you become a lawyer you become part of the problem, they are part of the system and above defending you they will defend the system. Please listen to one of Rod Class' Recordings from AIB Radio. This man has the US Supreme Court shaking in their boots in fear of him. Not because he knows the fraud that goes on... but he can prove it with the laws and knowledge he has. Knowledge is power and we must become powerful with knowledge, not violence.

Lolololololol! Oh, that was a good one. Best one-liner I've read in here for months.

Right because the ACLU disapproving of the NSA has done soooo much to stop it.

They might not have the clout to take down the gangster's blackmail tool, but they could probably take down a couple violent police officers and make them pay for their actions.

First thing you should do is stop posting how you feel online. You said it yourself, that is how you get on a list. It would be a shame if you were taken away from the revolution before it even begins. Stay cool and wait. When things get really bad (it could get much worse), and nobody is willing to do what's right, that is when you will be needed most. Stay out of trouble until then.

Stay strong friend.

...a uniform can turn an ordinary man into a killer.

Violence will solve nothing. Evil will always exist in the world, and evil always begets more evil. If what they did to Kelly Thomas upset you that much, I would seriously recommend volunteering at a soup kitchen or other charity that benefits the homeless, like Kelly Thomas was. After a few sincere and warm "thank yous" from people who genuinely appreciate your help and selflessness, you should find that some your anger melts away or at least is replaced by a sense of inner peace. You can do infinitely more good in the world reaching out and helping those less fortunate and in need than trying to take revenge on the soulless pigs that committed that atrocity. This should help you overcome your feelings of helplessness.

"If you want to reach the nation, start from your corner." - Antwan Andre Patton

P.S. If you consider this route, and I hope you do, first get feedback from friends or at least a site like yelp to make sure the charity is legit. There are some shady "charities" that function more for their own benefit and self promotion than to help their fellow man, and they may leave a bad taste in your mouth.

End cheesy, but honest advice

Violence will solve nothing. Evil will always exist in the world, and evil always begets more evil.

I think this point is good place to point out, in history, violence acts tend to overshadow the message. Who remembers what Tim McVeigh was trying to achieve? Some, but very few. Who remembers what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood for? Almost everybody!

Granted, McVeigh was a nut, it's a rough analogy at best, but MLK's message is still much better received because he spoke of nonviolent civil disobedience. I don't think that's only because the message was better.

Im very angry as well.

Go to the place where it happened and start a protest. Be loud, be vocal, be non-violent, and cameras there, get as many people to join you as possible.

I don't know how old you are, but perhaps focusing your life on changing the system for the better. Look into how best to do this. Law is one avenue, but of course not the only one.

Petitions are usually useless on their own, especially internet petitions, for obvious reasons. Similar to the "Like this" things on Facebook.

Remember not all law enforcement are bad. Yes, you're angry because of this, but don't blindly lash out at everyone wearing a uniform. Focus.

Finally, I highly doubt you're being watched. And, yes, one man can do a lot.

Sometimes you have to get angry.

Sometimes you have to fight for what you believe is right.

Sometimes you have to tell your fellow man what they don't want to hear.

Sometimes you have to die for the freedoms of your neighbors.

Sometimes you have to prepare for what you know is about to happen.

Sometimes you have to alter your daily routine to match changing circumstances.

Sometimes you have to watch things die in order to appreciate life.

Sometimes you have to push things until they break.

You have to burn the old forest down, before you can plant new trees. Don't wait for somebody else to start the fire.

The crops of previous seasons must be plowed into the dirt, so the seeds of the next harvest can be sown.

 You cannot construct a new building on top of an old one. You can try to renovate and remodel the old building all you want, but eventually it must come tumbling down. 

Adding new stories to an unstable building only increases the likelihood that it will fall down on its own, but sometimes you have to come in with a wrecking ball and tear it down back to the foundation. Only then can a newer and better building be built in its place.

You cannot build this new building out of the scraps from the old building, you can use the same foundation but the building materials must be new. Build a new building with the old materials and you have another highly unstable structure.

It is time somebody knocked the old building down with a wrecking ball, so a bigger better building can take its place.

You're not very consistent in your beliefs if you let one incident change the way you feel about capital punishment ... but maybe you just needed something you could relate to in order to look at the issue realistically. I hope you won't change back again when you begin to forget about this killing. We need to stop this, and the only way is with drastic action. It isn't going to stop on its own, it is getting worse every day.

i'm not afraid anymore. I'm only one man, I can't do much.

This is the sentiment that will cause revolutions. This is the sentiment that we need. We are helpless alone, but together we are strong.

maybe /r/badcopnodonut can help?

So do something about it.

If you don't, no one else will.

If it came to it, there is no way they could stop suicide bombers.