The day of 9000sins

49  2014-01-18 by [deleted]

Today marks the day that the obvious attacks on r/Conspiracy has reached a new level.

The attack in question

Now, I almost never post here on r/Conspiracy, even though this subreddit is a huge part of my life; I feel like in my current position I wouldn't provide much content by commenting and posting.

Expect for today, this is outrageous! I love this subreddit and I hate to see it come under attack like this..

9000sins was obviously set-up, but not on a minuscule level.. This was a Child Porn set-up, this could spell massive trouble for him, and for any other Mods and Users that are at possible risk of this same type of set-up!

We need to crack-down on this case immediately, please r/Conspiracy, we need to be prepared for more of this.

Edit: 9000sins seems to have been un-shadowbanned. Proof from Juniorstayawake

Edit2: A Mod post from the comments about 9000sins being shadowbanned. Mods underattack?

Edit3: Strange behavior from 9000sin's account could indicate someone other then the real 9000sins is under control of the account.

Edit4: '"He claims his account was not hijacked and the admins clearly felt the post was not CP as they overturned the shadowban. So that's that. Was a weird situation though."

Edit5: Everything has been cleared up here by 9000sins.


He claims his account was not hijacked and the admins clearly felt the post was not CP as they overturned the shadowban. So that's that. Was a weird situation though.


I don't know. Only admins would know that and they haven't said anything to us.


/u/Englishmunichfan removed him, at the request of the other mods, before he reappeared today. He's promised to submit a post explaining himself, but I don't think he'll be made a mod again until we are absolutely sure it's him.


what a shit storm !!!

Maybe you should post your explanation here on /r/conspiracy before this gets worse. And the further this continues the further subredditdrama and conspiratards will be trolling harder, and /r/conspiracy more paranoid.

Me and the other guys at Shillcorptm dig your music.

Is there anyway to prove that that pic was actually CP?

I think you people are reading too much into all this. Everyone in here feeds of baby momma drama. First flytape then tbis guy. Seriously get another form of entertainment. The guy that made tbis sub never says a word.

Why are there no attacks on him? It seems extremely targeted. This is worse then a goddamn soap opera in here I member when it was about conspiracy and not about mod drama. Screw their drama it dont matter.

Their is gonna be a new one next week anyways.


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Seriously this is how you deal with criticism now. Why not just answer me directly?


Yeah I just found it funny that it sent me a message right after I posted that.

It's anytime the word m-0-d is used. The m-words have admitted it needs tweaking.

To bad it dont respond to comments. Lol I would say the word which we dont speak of. .........mod mod mod!

Works like a charm. Got my inbox lit up

He seems to have his account back I'm not sure if anyone else caught this. and this


No. Which is rather odd, given the allegation.


Agreed. I went back two months for this.

Baby boy vs infant son. Odd, right?


He admittedly hasn't been active of late, I remember him saying that during the Christmas mod drama. Given his reputation, I personally think he was compromised by some of the sick fucks like /u/analkidfucker and those other degenerates that talk big over the internet.


I am actually not sure on that one, perhaps a mod here can clarify?


I wasn't trying to say anything about your online activity, but it was just very odd yesterday, when you popped into the thread, without any "official" statement. Both Poythress and I were speculating if you had been hacked.

I see no reason to dox yourself, unless in danger? You're going to get enough trolls from this "publicity" already. Without having viewed the image, I can't make an assertion that you did anything "wrong". It was both very witchhunty and overly defensive behavior on the part of this sub, myself included.

Congrats on fatherhood. Enjoy that crazy special time before they learn to crawl,are still snuggly butts and haven't learned "No" and "why?" yet! ;)

Are you serious? People seriously have that little to do they focus on you and where you live. Wtf is wrong with people? I would have called the cops and some bullets for my 12 guage.

Then once one of these slimy mofos would have shown their face I would have removed it from their head for them. Really man cut your losses.

Congrats on your kiddo. I got a 4yo boy myself. From born to around 9 months is sooooooo nice. Always cute and happy. Focus on him man. Worth way more then all this drama.

Not only that but he has yet to respond to any of my messages and Ive known him for awhile....ever since he first started modding /r/conspiracy.


Do you still believe that it wasn't him?

Time stamps exist here for a reason. Use them.

He's got an infant son and it still dedicated to a website? Dedication!

Here's to hoping you don't procreate!

He admittedly hasn't been active of late, I remember him saying that during the Christmas mod drama. Given his reputation, I personally think he was compromised by some of the sick fucks like /u/analkidfucker and those other degenerates that talk big over the internet.