Message I received from OP of top post yesterday about people buying Reddit accounts [He is now banned, his friend is banned, and person who sent solicitation banned]

537  2014-01-23 by [deleted]

Hi there,

You don't know me but you were one of the highest upvoted posters on a thread I posted on Reddit yesterday, about my friend receiving an offer for his user account, so I thought I'd let you know what happened afterwards.

About 12 hours after I posted the image, both my original account, Scott_Summers and the account of my friend who got the offer, girfuy were both deleted. These accounts had a total of 6 years history but today they are gone. Additionally, both my and his alt accounts have also been deleted, I assume based on IP or something. All of our Reddit history from all accounts have been wiped.

Also, the account that sent the message was deleted too, I'm not sure if that was by an admin or himself to cover his tracks. He had quite a long posting history so at least I took the fucker down with me.

Anyway, thought I'd let you know. That's me done with Reddit now, I've had some good years on here but can't really be assed with what it's become recently. Keep up the good fight, my man.


Thread from yesterday:

His account : /u/Scott_Summers

Friend's account who got offer: /u/girfuy

(this is an alt account posting through proxy so I can avoid a ban on my main account. But, as you can see, I must be one of the top commenters, so I guess the admins will have to ban 3 or 4 of us ;)


Can't have the hivemind figuring out that 99% of what they read here is propoganda

Someone needs to articulately post this situation in one of the main subreddits... (And post the thread's link to /r/conspiracy to be sure it will get upvotes from all of us here).

It's gotten pretty obvious in the last few months especially with the advent of /r/undelete that there are topics they don't want people reading about here.

Unfortunately, any links back to /r/conspiracy are considered valid reasons to delete threads in other subs.

I doubt anyone would be able to get this visible in any of the main subs. They all actively ban anything from the sub here, regardless of sources, etc.

Typical conspiracy-denialist behavior, if someone says "conspiracy" to them their brain just instantly shuts off.

Why would anyone do that? That'd be retarded. He meant post the thread in conspiracy so everyone here can see it then go and upvote. The last thing you should do is "XPOST FROM /R/CONSPIRACY."

Wouldn't that be risking deletion?

the hivemind is a euphemism for manufactured consent by hundreds of sockpuppet accounts. it's interesting to observe them, and poke them once in a while to see what they are up to.

yup...go make a post in a main stream sub about GMOs or vaccines and you'll see the same posters every single time. Then they'll claim "the subject just really interests me" and that you're just a tin foil hat /r/conspiracy poster for thinking otherwise.

I've got the same nuclear shill arguing with me under different names every time I mention the fukushima cores are still missing and unaccounted for. the WTC7 shills have all but given up on me, having no way to counter the obvious argument.. they just give up and leave lol..

They don't even attempt to argue anymore. Look in my post history from a few days ago when jf_queeny (vaccine shill) had the balls to post here about his new vaccinatard sub. He had no answers to my facts, just made a weak joke about "using too many adjectives" and then left the thread.

Global warming is another big one. I had two guys parroting "97% of climate scientists AGREE!!!!!!!!!!" ad infinitum even after I explained to them where that number comes from and why it's untrue.

I guess it's true, and we've all seen it. First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win and they leave. that actually concerns me even more!

Every submission on almost any sub about Monsanto or GMOs will have /u/adamwho, /u/jf_queeny, /u/scuderia, and /u/firemylasers posting there within an hour of it being posted, and they're there just copying and pasting their same bullshit pro monsanto pro gmo propaganda

Yup. I have them all tagged in RES too so they pop up in bright pink reminding me not to bother

Honest question...if that's the case, then why is this whole thread and subsequent discussion allowed to happen? Why hasn't this been shut down? I'm not arguing, and I'm not even saying you're wrong (I actually agree with you), I'm just trying to make sense of all this. How does it make sense that they shut that down but then leave this alone?

Because this is /r/conspiracy home of the reptilian overlord nutcases. I don't think this sub is mentioned on any major subreddit without a tinfoil or reptilian comment.

And that's besides the point, the news here is controlled. People can have discussions and they're not shut down (because they get downvoted into oblivion). But go try to post an anti US article in /r/history and it will be deleted. Or an anti israel article in r/news. Or just go to /r/undelete and go down the list of things deleted and you can see the narrative they're creating and what legitimate news doesn't fit into that story. Of course occasionally people flip out about a deleted article and it's reinstated with a bs excuse, but that's not too often.

Even after they reinstate the article, they usually wait a really long time so the post is aged and falls down the ranks. That way, most of the Reddit traffic won't see the post because most people scroll through the Front Page and maybe a few pages after that.

"Sorry for reinstating your article after 2 hours, we've been really busy with all of this mod mail."


I was arguing with /r/history mods last week about that deleted "US war crimes during the battle of fallujah" article. The lines of bs coming out of them were ridiculous. It was never reinstated though, because "since the US still has soldiers in Iraq, a specific battle from 2004 would still be considered current news" LOL

I guess since the US has soldiers in Germany and Japan WW2 is still news and not history.

I replied to them with something to that effect and didn't hear back lol

Korea too. The war never officially ended. Just a 60 year cease fire. IIRC

wow, you can't make that shit up. crazy

They told me it belonged in /r/worldnews LOL. Yeah, hold on let me go post an article from 2004 to world news.

It's basically just a moderated circlejerk where they make up their own rules about what can't be posted there (or follow someone else's rules that have paid them off)

Because this is /r/conspiracy[1] home of the reptilian overlord nutcases. I don't think this sub is mentioned on any major subreddit without a tinfoil or reptilian comment.

Yep, this. You can't link to anything here either.

People see the link and instantly shut off their brains.

The funniest thing is, I see more genuine intellectual discussion here than anywhere else. And also, I have no idea what the reptilian shit is even about, yet EVERY SINGLE PERSON on here mentions it

The funniest thing is, I see more genuine intellectual discussion here than anywhere else.

A prime reason for the censors/shills/propagandists to ensure it stays ghettoized and ridiculed. I've noticed that in most other subs, there is rarely any discussion - it's just memes, dumb jokes, pun threads, deflecting comments and of course, apologist comments from shills.

At least here we can have a discussion without it just being shitposted all over.

And also, I have no idea what the reptilian shit is even about, yet EVERY SINGLE PERSON on here mentions it

It's the modern equivalent of taunting a UFO witness with "So did you see little green Martian men too!? Hahaha!"

Highly pathetic.

One of the major reasons i don't even go into any other main stream subs is the pun nonsense. Sorry, if i click on a quantum particle thread on r/physics, i don't want to read a string of bad jokes

BTW, the only interesting thing about "reptilians" I've found are the so-called "Lacerta Files".

While obviously totally unsubstantiated, they are an interesting read.

Will read, if for no other reason than to be able to respond to these asshats lol

The only thing I found curious about it is that "Lacerta" (the reptilian) claims that some UFOs are natural phenomena currently unexplained by physics, and then mentions in particular high-altitude plasma formations.

Now, the reason that struck me, is that this was written in 1999, and the "high-altitude plasma" she mentions is essentially a dead ringer for the Hessdalen lights, which have been found to be natural plasma formations.

But the Hessdalen lights and the research into them didn't happen until only fairly recently, well after 1999.

That doesn't really mean much, but it is something I noticed that was interesting.

Other things point to it being fake, in particular I found it dubious that any alien species would come to Earth to extract hydrogen from Earth's water (as "Lacerta" claims at one point), given that hydrogen is abundant in space.

It's still a weird and interesting read, regardless of being able to verify it at all.

Wow cool, i have an open mind, i'll read just about anything.

Because this is /r/conspiracy home of the reptilian overlord nutcases.

Our tinfoil hats are working, just not the way we expected.

I have seen posts in here get 2000 upvotes and still not get on the front page, there are posts with less still on there, so is /r/conspiracy banned from the front page?

Would this be the 1%? DOWN WITH THE 1%ers


I never did get a resolution from my deleted israeli nazi flag thread...

What the fuck? They banned the guy who reported the solicitation?

I have a good conspiracy theory; one of the god damn admins sent the message trying to buy his account and when he went public they nuked the op.

If you check the thread from yesterday, it still show's Scott_Summers as the OP, rather than [deleted], but if you go to the user page it's "page not found".

From what I understand that's the behavior when it's an admin ban, since [deleted] shows up (as we all know) when you delete an account yourself.

As with protecting other high profile, constant-spam shills (cough AdamWhore cough), I'm sure this is a case of at least one or more of the admins being in on the shilling. Probably taking a cut.

Here, follow this link and you'll see a user commenting who, I know for a fact, deleted their account.

They way to do a shadowban check is to like this. Wherein the information for the shadowbanned user is populated in the json.

When a user deletes their account it looks like this.

It's confusing. Perhaps on purpose.

*Scott_Summers was shadowbanned. No doubt about that. I guess we can wonder as to why. But I don't have too many doubts.

Interesting. It does indeed appear to be a site-wide shadowban.

Yes and if the only reason it happened is because he reported, to this sub, the message that he got then we should be very worried.

Certainly backup the thread that he posted originally via screenshots if you can. If you can't do that, just post the permalink here and I'll do it. Thanks.

I've got pictures of this thread and the original now. They're not posted to Imgur or anything, but I have them around if need be.

At least, the OP's post and the top post for each.

Edit: Also, the original thread has a TON of spammy shit-posting at the bottom. So much it's pretty odd IMO.

Nice work.

Thank you. We need more like you.

Reddit admins have set the site wide spam filter to remove any comment with that link. That's hilarious. I had to approve your post for it to show up.

When it says removed without a tag it was the spam filter.

It's not that site specifically, all appspot links are filtered by default because it's a source of an incredible amount of spam.

Learning more things by the minute. You should come by more often!

Its a shame we can't disable the spam filter, we only can put it on "low".

I think reddit admins needed some way to control content on subs they don't have mods in ;).

That's seriously ridiculous lol

there's also /r/shadowban, but that's just a subreddit to point people to that website I think

Public? I wonder how much exposure stuff gets here, seeing as how they removed it from the default subs... And possibly /r/all?

That is a good question. I wonder when the last submission from this sub made it to to the top 25 of /r/all. Hmm.

Hmm, thinking about it, /r/all is where I spend the second most amount of my time on reddit, and I do believe I've seen a post or two on it

They've made it....briefly, then they're deleted. Didn't a mod post here a few months ago saying /r/conspiracy is now banned from /r/all? Or was that r/bestof?

There's actually discussions going on right now in /r/worldnews about a removed thread about Ukraine police bs

I don't know the numbers on this particular subreddit, but a popular post on many of the default subs gets more unique views than CNN gets on their cable TV channel during peak hours. There is a lot at stake I guess.

I have a good conspiracy theory; one of the god damn admins sent the message trying to buy his account and when he went public they nuked the op.

That is a pretty good one. Unfortunately, it's actually because he used 4 accounts to upvote his post immediately after submitting it. That's right, he was trying to artificially influence his post about companies supposedly trying to artificially influence reddit.

By the way, the whole premise of the post was completely made-up too. Somebody created a new account to send fake offers out to a bunch of people (including his own account), then created a fake conversation between himself and the "buyer", then tried to post that conversation to stir up conspiracy theories (and was probably hoping some of the other people would jump in and corroborate). Too bad it wasn't this subreddit they posted it in, I guess. You guys would have loved it.

Saying things like this on the post would be most helpful and probably abate a lot of unnecessary speculation!

Thanks for stopping by.

then tried to post that conversation to stir up conspiracy theories (and was probably hoping some of the other people would jump in and corroborate

How convenient. Just like breadsticks.

Strategy you guys use?

Saying things like this on the post would be most helpful and probably abate a lot of unnecessary speculation!

It might have, but stopping unnecessary speculation in /r/conspiracy always feels a bit like going to a children's birthday party and popping all the balloons.

Yea, I know where you're coming from; exposing PR firms on reddit feels the same way.

Fuck yeah!

Thanks for letting us have a safe space for speculation. Though we really do like information from any end of a topic so your contribution was very welcome.

Besides there are hardly any balloons left to pop around here anyways with the metaverse that surrounds us so at least when you pop them you aren't just calling us conspiratards and doing it to have fun.

Literally the most common reason for admins actioning an account.

Thanks for your response.

Some admins like HueyP. have a history of abuse of power on this site. Just an FYI from my experience dealing with that user.

I don't like Mr. Erik Martin and Company. I don't like them one bit.

By publicizing it instead of reporting it, the submission itself was a kind of solicitation. It informed people they could sell their accounts.

You say this as if Erik and Alexis don't run a PR firm...

They do?

Yes indeed they do, Allie.

When startfor execs are talking about the "antique jetpack line of business", you can be damn sure that this site is compromised by any and every entity smart enough to figure out what really goes down in Brooklyn.

This is some of the shit that makes me want to destroy all my electronics, sell my stuff, and move to Bumfuck Nowhere....deep breathes....

read after virtue by macintyre

To the Yukon!

I know its easy to believe, but we have to also take into consideration that its a conspiratard disinfo attack. I'd like to see some more proof if that's possible.

I moved to bumfuck nowhere, unfortunately i'm still online thanks to my job. I'd love just to sever all ties and sell firewood for a living lol

There are a lot of people who'd love it if we all did that and, while in BumFuck, found a way to subscribe to cable TV.

Posting to get my name in soon to be culled thread. I oppose corporate dictatorship and misinformation.

Nobody will be culling any threads on my god damn watch.

then they'll just DDOS reddit again like after boston.. you won't be watching lol.

I have heard two arguments for that DDOS (which alienith said was the biggest attack in this history of reddit over in traffic stats). One being the detroux affair post from /r/conspiracy, the other being the boston live threads.

No one from the admin team ever confirmed why it happened, but yes I was watching ;).

we all know from recent revelations who has that specific capability. it's quite obvious to me. well, the message seemed clear to me at least. why are they worried if what they are doing is just and good?

People who run a Child Porn ring without ever getting in trouble would seem to have a few more resources than defense contractors.

sure, but then again I don't see any reason to make the distinction

I called out u/sleekery as a corporate shill and was shadow banned.

I hate that motherfucker.

I called out u/pnewell and was shadowbanned on my old account /u/jakenichols, the admins refuse to unban, I know where he works and who he is shilling for COUGH Rockefellers COUGH

I have a feeling mine was more subjective. I (probably similar to you) spent some time researching. I eventually connected many dots to actually identify the shill. I had Google+ account, twitter, both places of employment and I linked verbatim between the sites. Also using that information I was able to identify the work hours the shill was online even. It was fun; but definitely proved to me Reddit is nothing more than mere modern day media controlled by money. Even the subreddits you'd like to think not about.

but definitely proved to me Reddit is nothing more than mere modern day media controlled by money

There are some of us doing benevolent social engineering and that's what makes reddit different.

In normal news mediums only the monied factions get to manipulate. Here both sides get to have a go at Beryanisan condtioning. It's ugly, but that's a microcosm of human culture at the moment.

Hoards and hoards of people abdicating their civic duty to be properly informed means social engineering is the hexis of the day. For that we should weep, but also we must not be afraid to fight fire with fire. Much akin to what Welles did in Citizen Kane when he used his epic to go after after not only Hearst, but the edifice of Yellow Journalism itself.

*Use their tools against them! Turn negative feedback loops into an arena for discussing the actual problems of the day. As but one example.

The media sold the narrative that Rupert Murdoch was kicked out of England because he used Brroks and Caulson to hack into Millie Dowler's voicemails to delete messages in 2004. They did this when Millie was still believed missing such that the family would hold out hope she was alive and give intervierws to the papers.

The thing is though, Rupert Murdoch wasn't kicked out of England until 2010. What the media didn't report so much was that in 2010 Repurt Murdoch attempted to engage a full buyout of bskyb (the main competitor to the BBC in England). This buyout was denied by the Culture Media and Sport Committee in Parliament. Murdoch decided to go ahead with the buyout anyway, and before he could the Millie Dowler story came roaring back.

That's a negative feedback loop. Wherein the public is only presented with the Millie Dowler story and the Story of Murdoch getting kicked out of England. Therein entirely missing the actual weighty nature of the incident as it pertains to television rights distribution.

Benevolent propaganda is that instance would entail going around plastering Murdoch's failed 100% takeover bid of byskyb on every story that talks about Millie Dowler.

It's probably because you violated the Reddit doxxing rule. I call out pnewell all the time and have never had an issue. A quick Google search will tell you who he is and who he works for, but doxxing him on Reddit violates their rules.

I agree. I'm not even mad though. If I can dox a shill anybody with Googling knowledge could dox her.

but i mean, technically, who isn't working for the rockefellers?

Thank you for your courage.

What is shadowbanning? I've heard it a lot and I still don't know.

It's from my understanding a way for you to still post to 'feel' involved; however, none of your posts show up for anybody else. Typically I feel this is a way to mitigate anger in a passive way; that is: if you're banned and instantly realize it you'll immediately in most cases make a new account and continue on. If however you learn of your 'banning' only because your friends cannot view your posts; nobody replies; no up/downvotes, nothing; well, oh well I suppose. At least that's how I felt. I called out u/sleekery for being a shill for the grist. I had literally everything. From linked accounts on twitter to the users google+ profile; everything matched. I narrowed it down exactly to place(s) of employment. The Grist is one of them. I was shadow banned. Only after the fact did i learn of this; I figured I won by that time.

Can confirm, Scott_Summers contacted me with the same message from his new account.

Yea me too. Don't ban me!

Personally I don't care if they ban this account. I'll just make a new one and expose the unjust banning.

I suggest anyone in this thread that gets banned does the same.

I have 3 or 4 alternate accounts already made to get around /r/conspiracy's 3 day waiting period. I made extra's after I was banned during the /u/solidwhetstone fiasco for occasions just like this.

Yeah I was considering doing the same, I have one backup at least right now.

i have privatejoker 2,3,4 after ironically being banned from /r/conspiratard for pointing out that they were lying about my posts here lol

whoever did the banning did not think this one through. They couldn't hide the bodies

I'm kinda surprised this thread is still up if they deleted the accounts involved with the post

It's only still up because it's in /r/conspiracy

A lot of reddit never even see's these posts. They think this is just going to be a pit of us rabbling and raving over it, then we'll forget about it.

I hope OP has the mind to repost this if it dies out.

A lot of reddit never even see's these posts. They think this is just going to be a pit of us rabbling and raving over it, then we'll forget about it.

/r/conspiracy, the subreddit with over 200,000 subscribers...

True but you can't deny that /r/conspiracy is ghettoized, such that links to information on the sub get deleted automatically, even if sourced with perfectly legit sources, and/or even when it's not about any sort of "crazy" conspiracy theory, but something more mundane like this.

Just mentioning the sub's name is enough to get the majority of people outside the sub to automatically and immediately shut off their brain and just go full retard conspiracy denialist.

True but you can't deny that /r/conspiracy[1] is ghettoized, such that links to information on the sub get deleted automatically, even if sourced with perfectly legit sources

This is not happening as far as I know. And I watch the new queue and the modqueue for hours a day (I have a problem, I know.)

What /r/conspiracy is, is marginalized. Alexis and his merry band of PR minions want us as far away from their "monitzation arenas" as humanly possible. So we get our little corner of reddit, and we're expected to stay here. That's why were not allowed to be posted on bestof and such.

Well, I'm talking specifically about things such as /r/conspiracy being banned in r/bestof, or the pseudo-ban in r/TIL.

Also in comments, linking here is automatic downvote and "brain shut off" switch for most people.


This is a black-flag banning.

here is the original image:

it struck me as odd, so i saved it.

from the original post:

Reddit is run by fascists. Thanks OP for posting this. I'd like to know WHY Scott's account was taken down.

Why do you stick around and help them then? (By help, I mean increase the page views and size of Reddit). There are many other forums for discussion out there.

Basically the same reason people aren't dropping Facebook for G+. To leave Reddit, we need something better than Reddit to convince us to make the switch.

"Better than Reddit" would likely need to be hosted outside the US, have a completely rethought voting system, provide transparency and the means to support itself. ?

NSA q group posting had 35 net upvotes (right pic), was inexplicably removed (left pic)

Reddit is corrupt hole just like any other media. If you choose not to leave Reddit QUESTION EVERYTHING!

Amazing. And not a single conspiratard shill to be found...

Perhaps because I as a "/r/conspiratard shill" 1 agree this is suspicous?

1 - Strange, I hang out here all the time, and visit the other place once in a blue moon, but get labelled as being "from there". rolls eyes

1 - Strange, I hang out here all the time, and visit the other place once in a blue moon, but get labelled as being "from there". rolls eyes

I wouldn't consider that strange. Given /r/conspiratard exists solely to vote brigade, spam and derail this subreddit, you can't expect us to react kindly to that.

As far as I'm concerned, everyone who is "in" on the activities there is just as bad as the corrupt admin who banned Scott_Summers, or the corporate/gov shills from elsewhere.

Now, @redandterrible, I don't have anything personally against you.

Given /r/conspiratard exists solely to vote brigade, spam and derail this subreddit, you can't expect us to react kindly to that.

LOL, seriously? That's pretty big-headed of you. It exists to mock the entire world of specifically silly conspiracy theories / theorists.

The only reason /r/conspiracy gets mentioned is because we're on the same website.

If people from there vote brigade, that's up to them, and they can live with the consequences of doing something that stupid. I'm an free individual, and share no one else's agenda.

It exists to mock the entire world of specifically silly conspiracy theories / theorists.

That may be what it has evolved into. Nevertheless, it was initially created to mock /r/conspiracy. Those of us that have been around that long remember it well.

I'm a free individual.

Post this to /r/SubredditDrama. It's a pretty fluffy sub, but it gets lots of exposure.

Man, I got enough Reddit votes to buy a 2003 Camry with high miles! Today is a good day!

Can you post the picture again please.

Now you're going to be deleted, OP. The posters in this thread are next.

It's like "The Ring", man.

At least that took seven days!

Just out of curiosity, when all these kinds of things go nuclear and the admins supposedly ban/delete/nuke everything in what is said to be a cover up or push a certain agenda, then why is the subsequent fallout and drama allowed to carry on with screen caps, cached pages, open discussion and rabid dissent, and all that stuff? Are we naive enough to think that the admins here aren't aware of the Streisand effect? They have to know there's going to be some kind of reaction that will bigger than the initial story. So why does it happen this way? One would think that if someone was trying to cover something up or silence something they'd keep a close watch on things and nuke anything that even touched on the subject in the coming hours...and ban anyone who brought it up.

I'm asking for serious answers too, one liners like "this is too small of a sub and it doesn't get the views" don't make sense because that's where the drama originated, so if it's too small of a subreddit now, why wasn't it too small when they killed the thread? And I'm not saying anyone here is wrong or crazy, I just don't understand why everybody screams CONSPIRACY and then the admins (or whoever) allows free and open discussion about the thing that they're supposedly trying to keep quiet.

Just out of curiosity, when all these kinds of things go nuclear and the admins supposedly ban/delete/nuke everything in what is said to be a cover up or push a certain agenda, then why is the subsequent fallout and drama allowed to carry on with screen caps, cached pages, open discussion and rabid dissent, and all that stuff?

The goal, almost certainly, was to keep the previous post from getting to the top of /r/all or anywhere near it.

They only need to disappear it for a few hours for it to fall off the list.

This isn't about wiping out any trace, it's about making it so the majority don't see the post with a picture of a shill offering money for someone's acct.

Okay, now this makes sense. Thanks.

Being a paranoid person the times I have gotten an offer to pay me to do something with my account I immediately messaged the admins. I got too much time here to take any risks.

Ya gotta be careful.

I would be careful messaging admins. Scott_Summers was shadowbanned by one.

I'm afraid of them too. And that is the only time I have messaged them.

I have stickied this post such that discussion may continue with users who do not browse reddit every day.

If there are any problems with this please let me know here. Thanks.

WTF. $45 for a 9k karma account? I should get at least $65 for this one and a couple hundred for main account. Where are these assholes offering money at? If your monitoring this PM me for the transfer.

It seems like American school's "zero tolerance policy".

ITT, what is hopefully the beginning of the "Streisand effect"

Devil's advocate: Someone runs all 3 of those accounts and is manipulating all of you as a joke. You take everything they say at face value just because they agree with your pre-determined viewpoint.

So much for skepticism.

that would make sense if he wasnt shadowbanned, only an admin can do that

Admins can have a sense of humor.

that is an abuse of power and they need to be fired


rip in peace brave soldier of truth

How come the posts from those accounts don't show up as deleted? Does that not happen after somebody gets deleted from reddit?

If an account is shadowbanned or deleted the user's posts and comments will still be visible if you can find your way to them.

Oh, alright.

This is some funny shit.

So srs internet.

banned, banned, and.. banned!

there is no such thing as "banned" on the internet. new username, anyone?

IP ban


Dynamic ip

dynamic ips

What are they going to ban? AT&T U-verse? Time-Warner? Comcast?

Instead of downvoting you like everyone else, I'm going to actually ask:

What are you getting at with your comment? It seems like you didn't understand that IP here means Internet Protocol, not Internet Provider. Is this correct?

He is saying it is very easy to circumvent an IP ban by using a proxy/vpn, or in fact just reconnecting to the internet if you have a dynamic IP address assigned by your ISP.

No, he's really not, especially considering lordthat100188 never suggested a person was being banned, just an IP.

Listing off internet providers as if thats what was going to be banned leads one to believe thats what he thought.

I have a dynamic IP address. I can change it any time by reconnecting my router, and having my ISP assign me a new IP address from their block. In order to ban me by IP, a mod would have to ban the entire block owned by my ISP, otherwise I could very easily just reconnect and get a new IP that hasn't been banned. So yes, they would have to ban my entire ISP's range in order to ban me. Same probably goes for any of the ISP's which he listed in his post, which is why he asked the question, which IP will they ban? The entire range owned by the ISP? It's been known to happen, as well, most of South Africa was IP banned from 4chan at one stage.

Well, that's what I did think. Was I totally off base?

I've obviously miscommunicated. As I'm sitting here, a website in another tab thinks I'm in "Schertz, TX" from an "IP address" owned by AT&T (U-verse). So; if I run afoul of some ban-worthy thread, isn't that the "IP address" subject to "ban"?

As another commenter mentioned, all one has to do is reset their router to get another number in my ISP's range of "IP addresses", so what could be done to me other than "banning", at minimum, AT&T U-verse service to "Schertz, TX"?

Just for my education, am I using the terms "IP address" and "ISP" in the right manner?


IP = internet protocol address ex.

ISP = Internet service provider ex. AT&T, Comcast etc...

So yes, you are using them correctly.

OK! Thx.

I have a dynamic IP address. I can change it any time by reconnecting my router, and having my ISP assign me a new IP address from their block. In order to ban me by IP, a mod would have to ban the entire block owned by my ISP, otherwise I could very easily just reconnect and get a new IP that hasn't been banned. So yes, they would have to ban my entire ISP's range in order to ban me. Same probably goes for any of the ISP's which he listed in his post, which is why he asked the question, which IP will they ban? The entire range owned by the ISP? It's been known to happen, as well, most of South Africa was IP banned from 4chan at one stage.

Well, that's what I did think. Was I totally off base?

then they'll just DDOS reddit again like after boston.. you won't be watching lol.

A lot of reddit never even see's these posts. They think this is just going to be a pit of us rabbling and raving over it, then we'll forget about it.

/r/conspiracy, the subreddit with over 200,000 subscribers...

I have heard two arguments for that DDOS (which alienith said was the biggest attack in this history of reddit over in traffic stats). One being the detroux affair post from /r/conspiracy, the other being the boston live threads.

No one from the admin team ever confirmed why it happened, but yes I was watching ;).