The NIST WTC Twin Towers Final Report is a Lie

33  2014-01-23 by thefuckingtoe


Right on, good video.

I would not characterize the NIST Final Report as a lie, because a lie is typically somewhat plausible. Complete joke, is a little more accurate.

Why have we never seen a small scale recreation of the event? I'm sure some Architects and Engineers could come up with some physical model to prove or disprove the idea that fire could cause a steel structure to collapse.

I hear you.

Think about the small scale recreation that was performed by the "experts" at NIST. Our tax dollars funded the "small scale recreation" you yearn for...

NIST’s only test for fireproofing loss, never included in the draft reports, involved shooting a total of fifteen rounds from a shotgun at non-representative samples in a plywood box. Flat steel plates were used instead of column samples and no floor deck samples were tested at all. After criticism of the lack of testing provided in its draft report, NIST inserted the results into a 12-page appendix to the final report.3

Fuck NIST and their report. I am talking about independent verification. Get Myth Busters on it or something. Fly a jet into a building and see what happens. I erect structural steer for a living. I'm sure there are many other people like me that would be willing to offer our skills to a long term full scale project to prove to the world what we already know, that fire did not bring down three buildings in one day, when it had never happened before or since.

I am talking about independent verification.

I like that idea.

Get Myth Busters on it or something.

If NIST can't be taken seriously I don't think TV personalities are the answer.

Maybe an independent commission filled with witnesses/experts/politicians of that time who will face treason charges if they lie under oath? Just brainstorming.

I was kinda being sarcastic about myth busters but they do have experience testing all sorts of things and seem like smart honest people. Don't get me wrong, is just a TV show. I think people like me and the guy who worked at the steel mill that work with very large pieces of structural steel and iron just know in our gut that the "official" explanation is total crap. Even if we don't have a piece of paper the certifies us as expert engineers, we are experts in our field through years of on the job experience. People who have never worked around things like 3-6 inch thick steel cannot wrap their heads around the amount of energy it takes to cut bend or other wise damage something like that. This is why there is a whole organization called Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, because they are experts and they see through the bullshit story.

People you have never worked around things like 3-6 inch thick steel cannot wrap their heads around the amount of energy it takes to cut bend or other wise damage something like that.

You would be wrong if you said I don't work around steel. It seems like you missed a .... so I won't assume.

Mainly CF8M, carbon, CF8 and cast iron. Fuck me, right?

I'm no expert, but I can tell you there is no way those three buildings came down from fire.

It was three controlled demolitions.

You miss understood me, I was not referring to you. I just meant the average, believe what they are told sheeple, that think that fires causes buildings to spontaneously implode. People such as your self just know that those buildings were not brought down by just fire. You can tell by just seeing the video and having an idea of how they were constructed. Who is to say you are not an expert in your field of study? I don't have a card that says "Structural Steel Erection Expert", but I do have one that says "Journeymen Ironworker". I am more of an expert in my field of work that you, and you are more of an expert in your field of work than me.


We come from different fields of expertise but realize the same simple outcome; the official story is a lie.

UL Executive Speaks Out on WTC Study.

Underwriters Laboratories had certified the steel used in the WTC towers to a temperature that could not have been reached prior to the collapses. Subsequently, Kevin Ryan lost his job for revealing that information.

Edit: Ryan's letter to NIST.

A small scale recreation of the event occurs at least hourly all over the US. In a hot steel mill, a reheat furnace is used to heat steel to 2300-2500°F for 4-6 hours before it can be milled. These furnaces use refractory walls to focus ridiculous amounts of heat on the steel for hours and they are only trying to deform it in the mill, not melt it. NIST is trying to say that jet fuel accomplished melting in an essentially open air environment in less than 2 hours. No fucking way.

BTW, I worked in a hot mill last year and I asked several furnace operators the same thing and got the same answer.

I don't know how anyone could read the report and not immediately come to the conclusion that it's laughable.

Fuck NIST and their report. I am talking about independent verification. Get Myth Busters on it or something. Fly a jet into a building and see what happens. I erect structural steer for a living. I'm sure there are many other people like me that would be willing to offer our skills to a long term full scale project to prove to the world what we already know, that fire did not bring down three buildings in one day, when it had never happened before or since.