Attention /r/conspiracy. We need to talk: A magical super hero will not be coming to save the day. You are the hero.

60  2014-01-23 by [deleted]

We need to start collaborating on this stuff. We must come together and stop arguing over minute details. We need to start backing up our arguments with credible sources. We need to focus on facts, not bullshit and theories. We need to learn proper grammar and spelling. We need to proofread things before we post them. We need to make intelligent, factual arguments.

We also must spread information outside of this website. Print some flyers about stuff, post them on telephone poles. Hand out flyers to your fellow countrymen. If the government is spreading propaganda, we need to spread some too.

You know all these memes and cartoons we upvote every fucking day? Print them out and spread the message to the general public. Use the photocopier at the library, if you must (better quality).

We also need to be more covert, sometimes. We need to organize protests and demonstrations, without informing Big Brother. Let Big Brother find the protest, when it comes to his doorstep.

The Occupy Movement died because we informed the FBI, NSA, CIA, and Police about when and where the protests would occur.

We need to be organized here. We need to start doing something about the problems, we are bitching about. A magical super hero will not be coming to save the day. You are the hero.


Lol this population doesn't want to see behind the curtain. If they really did then they would have done something by now. Think about it for a minute. In the past 3 months we have had all this bad shit coming to light and nothing being done.

We have a society of lazy people. They want videos like stormcloudsgathering they are flashing lights Erie music and some deep voice. I have come to the conclusion after the so called truckers protest that it is all bullshit. I was there and made inner and outter loops 4 times each. Then went downtown dc and saw nothing but tourist and shitloads of camera setups.

I would suggest you do what I have. I found a hobby we all share in my family. We are happy. Dont bother fretting about everyone else. Humanity is a bunch of fucking animals that will lie cheat steal just to get nothing more then attention.

Yeah I was jaded really bad as I was watching this sub as I was driving around dc and people were posting pics. They were saying all this shit was going down the whole time. I was there and saw nothing. I had faith in the posters of this sub all liars.

I learned that day that reddit is for entertainment only.

sadly.. i agree. it's simply not worth the effort... they have us by the balls.

Who is us? As I said before I seem to have lost my givafuck. This sub is a lost cause full of people that want to complain and at most post some link to a fucking picture or half truth story.

Everyone here wants to type type all day long from the comfort of their 200 dollar office chair or relaxation of the shitter. None of them want to go out and see if this shit is truth. I did and got pissed off.

the system

The system? No call it what it really is. LAZINESS no one wants to get dirty anymore. Everyone wants their 2.5 kids. A job where they can do the bare minimum and still get just enough money to survive but never really live.

People do this cause they need a reason to be unhappy. I have yet to ever meet anyone that is truly happy for anyone else's success. No wait I have between parent and child. Everyone else wants to make assumptions and brew the hatred.

Why do you think reality tv shows do so well? Because it gives everyone a common enemy.

but isn't this the system? it was like that since forever. nothing really changes. the system. just repeats.

Never tell me the odds.

Something like this needs to be on the front page, not the picture of the dollar I posted.

I agree with you entirely.

All though the dollar does help show a good way of spreading (Not saying do that one though, it being a crime and all)

Hi what ever alphabet agency is watching us...

A few things I've noticed/suggested over the past couple weeks:

  1. This sub has a lot of repeat topics. The reason is because reddit is not really set up great for someone to search for something that interests them. Solution: add hot topics to the side bar; perhaps the best post or responses to these topics?

  2. When these repeat topics come up, there is a lot of animosity. People need to realize that not everyone is on the same page on every single conspiracy that is out there. Responding with "jesus christ, been debunked, you are ruining this sub" is not conducive to what this sub should be about; curious people seeking the truth.

  3. It's apparent that there are downvote bots that are triggered by certain buzz words. CIA, NSA, etc. For those that don't know. When you post something, occasionally it will be downvoted instantly. I believe it is because the title includes these buzz words, and to combat that, I suggest if you think a word might be a targeted word to alter it. Ex: CI_A... You get it.

I thought it was, see I aye and eff bee eye.

The Occupy Movement died because we informed the FBI, NSA, CIA, and Police about when and where the protests would occur.

Ciphers. Numbers stations. Encrypted communications.

A cipher should be worked out in person only and keys should never be put into a computer. Numbers stations can be used to broadcast ciphered messages.

Using encryption for any necessary online communication is also essential (encrypted IRC is available, as is PGP messages, some email clients can do automatic PGP message handling).

Most inspirational speech on Reddit

Wait a minute. We can't collaborate on this stuff because they are watching our e-mail, phones, and online posts. Any attempt at being covert is pointless because the teevee says they are monitoring everything.

Considering what I just wrote in the above paragraph, does it really seem so bizarre to think that Snowden might be a plant?

It's called the chilling effect. It doesn't mean Snowden is a plant. They wouldn't leak that kind of info simply to get people worried about being spied on.

Precisely. It's the same reason that half of the cameras in Walmart are decoys.


We need to create our own encryption code

The NSA has completed their job well

Why would it matter if "Big Brother" finds out?

The Occupy Movement died because we informed the FBI, NSA, CIA, and Police about when and where the protests would occur.

Well, maybe. It also didn't help that there was no leader and coherent message. As a result, the Occupy movement had everything from college tuition sit-ins to drum circles to legitimate protests. People just got tired of nothing happening.

Use propaganda as well as those in power. Grab a can of spray paint and spread your message.

sure - but this place will always be run over with occult and aliens sightings that get debunked the moment they get xposted to another subreddit


If you really want to make the difference, it's a commitment and there's no coming back. American citizenry are not known for that level of conviction.

Don't printers make unique marks on your paper now? Collaboration should be with tight knit groups of people you know in person and one person of the group should take up a role of spokesperson when dealing with other groups.

we need an app to form flashmobs, and to act as a public address system a la decentralized dance party.

could also include encrypted messaging, and strategery.

basically we need a riot app.

it is time. many people globally (see Thailand, Spain, Iceland, Ukraine, etc.) have begun in their own, spontaneous and original, ways.

It's individuals. We are the only actors. The 800,000+ freezing on the streets of Kiev right now are all persons with histories, memories, dreams, desires for comfort and happiness and a future. So are we.

It starts now. it has already begun, we are late. it is time.

Firstly, we should be clearing the votes on the top and hot posts every week, the same posts stay there for far too long. The top and hot sections are what visitors and subscribers most often see, we need our best up there and our most up-to-date. We must be conspiring openly to overthrow our governments peacefully through our electoral processes. Those who have seen the horrors of violence abhor violent action. This is /r/conspiracy not /r/letsdiscusssomeotherpeoplesconspiracies, we must be the conspirators.

Secondly, in the sidebar should be a link to a post with links to every conspiracy out there, so that the intrepid pirates who land on our shores can do their own research and this fine sub can go about it dogoodery without the hindrance of a ridiculous amount of posts on the same subjects which the freethinkers of this sub already fathom.

Thirdly, do not be covert. This is the Open Source revolution, this is the transition from a violent world to a peaceful world. Our only play is overwhelming numbers, do not let anyone tell you otherwise. The vast and massive majority of people on this goodship Earth want nothing more than to live in peace, we must Gather and take over our governments. Secrecy is the weapon of he who must not be named, Dumbledore's Army must not convene in secret. Our goal is clear, vote them out and us in. Our tactics are clear, spread the word, as clearly and as speedily as possible. Everyone must be aware of who their Gather candidate is.

Lastly, participation is needed. Downvote any bs, anything off topic or subversive, any time wasters or baiters. Upvote in the comments as much as possible but be clever about upvotes of posts, we need our best, that is, the newest concrete evidence of the enemies illicit excursions and our most tantalizing prospects for the revolution, to be on our top section. If we do this it will be much easier to see shills and trolls because they will be upvoting posts that have no need to be, the users here use the new section to view the sub. We get lots of interesting crossposts here that are worth a read, remember to upvote the post at the original source or on the sub that has given it the most traction (in hopes of getting it to the front page).

I recommend doing things that align with your passion. I am a designer, editor, with a lot of training in audio and video production and I've been doing a podcast, instagram, youtube channel, and volunteering for WhoWhatWhy. In this there are three sides. Truth, propaganda's fiction, and TPTB (which includes the media, politicians, banksters, CFR folks, etc).

We just need to make our numbers present in whatever way we can.

People can submit FOIA's. Do independent reporting. Create art. Stand in a highly trafficked place and hand out fliers, etc. We can't get anywhere if we won't start somewhere.

We also need to be more covert, sometimes. We need to organize protests and demonstrations, without informing Big Brother. Let Big Brother find the protest, when it comes to his doorstep.

This shit is never going to work. Do you think you're good enough to spot a government plant? You're not. These are people who are employed full time to infiltrate. On that note, do you think protest really accomplishes anything? It's a social activity for some and a form of release for others, it allows them to feel useful, like they're not just sitting around. But do you really think marching in the street with a mask and a sign accomplishes anything?

"True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits, and infiltrate the system from within."

Of course, this is not as easy as marching in a protest and going out for drinks after; no one pats you on the back and tells you you're awesome; it's hard, and it's a life's work.

Well, maybe. It also didn't help that there was no leader and coherent message. As a result, the Occupy movement had everything from college tuition sit-ins to drum circles to legitimate protests. People just got tired of nothing happening.