Stormfront discussion on invading reddit with white supremist bullshit. Hail r/conspiracy as already full of white supremacists and successful in spreading bullshit.

0  2014-01-26 by ReeferEyed

Any thoughts or discussions on why they would hail up /r/conspiracy to be filled with "racially aware" people? I do occasionally read the "white genocide" nonsense in comments here.


Not gonna work. Stop trying. You guys were called out on this yesterday, so fuck off.

Join Date: Jan 2014

What do you mean

You guys were called out on this yesterday, so fuck off.

Edit: Nevermind, I read a comment in your history claiming that because african americans overwhelmingly voted for obama, it was racist. Fuck off.

Edit 2: Everyone else in that sub are veteran members of the forum. Reddit's hivemind is open to hijack. These discussions need to happen


You're pretending that you're not part of those guys who are trying to make this sub appear racist. We aren't stupid. And my comment was correct. If 93 percent of blacks voted for Obama, at least some of them are racist for doing so. The truth hurts.

By the way, I'm not even white. My father is Jewish. The only difference between me and you is I can admit that some black people are racist. And my history also shows that I believe a lot of white people are racist as well, so good job!!

You know your just being silly. Your argument is sooooo 2008 bro. With some logic I believe that we can solve this mystery of the universe.

Party line: Most people vote party line, this trend has been changing as of late but still very consistent. Since 1936 Blacks overwhelmingly voted for democrats. Percentages range from 60% to almost 90% consistently for over 7 decades!

Black Presidential candidates: Honestly there have been a ton. However lets mention a few popular ones that ran, tripped and fell on their faces.
*Alan Keyes (Republican) *Al Sharpton (Democrat) *Jesse Jackson (Democrat)

There's much more information about how Blacks and Whites and other various light and dark toned humans vote but these facts should be enough to prove a point. Hell yeah Blacks voted for Obama because he was Black. This mystery of the universe has been solved on to the next stupid issue.

Hmm. Well to answer your first claim, I am not trying to make this sub appear racist. I am trying to get a discussion going so we can pick at the links racists and fascists have on this sub and anywhere else. Especially /r/worldnews.

It is not racist if african americans voted for obama even if their sole reason was for the intensity of his melanin. A people who have been systematically brutalized, raped, lynched, murdered, made a mockery of, turned into caricatured sambo-ism etc is not racist in looking for an escape from reality. It is a direct callout to the institutionalized racist system. Even though Obama is just another puppet, the act of black empowerment is not racist. You as being ethnically jewish should understand this aswell. The extreme collectivism jewish people embody is directly related to historical context.

the act of black empowerment is not racist.

Then neither is white empowerment. If it's okay to sing "Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud," then it also okay to sing, "Say it loud, I'm white and I'm proud." If you allow one race to do something while forbidding another race, that is dividing people along racial lines. That is racism.

People of any intelligence level can see there are differences between races. That is being "racially aware". Being proud of our races is not the problem. Racial superiority is where the trouble begins.

And no, I am not a skinhead, neonazi, aryan nations, or kkk member. I don't subscribe to racist sites, and after 15 years of surfing the interwebs, this is only the 2nd time I've clicked on a link to Stormfront.

I'm Black and have never said "Say it loud, I'm Black and I'm proud." But I think were all doomed to repeat history if we don't empower ourselves with the knowledge of histories past. There are some troubling things that happened to Africans not only in America, but all over the world. The most troubling for me is that our true history and heritage has been erased from the history books. One good example is Egypt. Most people think that all the Pharaohs and Egyptian dynasties were filled with Arabs. However the truth is that they were all African, with Ethiopian descent. That's right the people who built the pyramids where Africans. I have researched this topic for over 10 years now and wow have my eyes been opened. I suggest you take sometime reading about the Moors and their empires around the world...yes they were Black and actually did a lot for this country and many others.

So as a people what can you do when your history is lost, identity stolen, heritage destroyed, and a people empower yourself. I may not say it out loud, but I am damn proud to be a Black man.

Blacks are not the only race who have suffered discrimination. Black people can be racist just like any other race. Voting for a president because of his race is racist by definition, regardless of history. Black empowerment is racist, so is white empowerment. Because they are "empowering" a specific race.

That's pretty ignorant to historical context. That's all the substance you shared, ignorance to history.

Enlighten me? How is that not racism? Please, because your previous comment added absolutely nothing of value.

This is one of the main subs I frequent. There is no racism problem. That post you're quoting is a fabrication. And my posting history has literally nothing whatsoever to do with your really pathetic attempt at branding this sub as racist. So kindly fuck off and cater to your persecution complex/ delusional racism paranoia somewhere else.

Wow... you could easily link me to the article or submission from yesterday and I can have a go at it.

You are straight up denying institutionalized racism? Ye I think this sub does have a problem then.

There's plenty of racist Jews, blacks, whites, Hispanics, etc. That has nothing to do with your claim that "this sub is racist" or "this sub is being infiltrated and affected by racists." Racist shit gets removed and/or downvoted. What's hard to understand here?

What... the...fuck...

Where did I say this sub is racist? You are making shit up. Look at your quotations, you cant find that shit anywhere in this thread.


What about it? It is explicitly quoting storefront


It is a self-post, I am framing the text to summarize the SF narrative as best as I can. Many in the forum are saying that they have already raided places on reddit, and some say that /r/europe, /r/worldnews and /r/conspiracy are easy targets because there are people already sympathetic to their "cause".

Your right but your not going to win an argument with people who have already made up their minds.

When I try to reason with such people I always ask them questions that relate to our reality. Things like "did you know we live on a giant spinning ball, racing through space surrounded by billions of other balls doing the same thing?" Or "What if aliens visited, shared technologies that ended poverty, hunger, oppression and energy issues...but where Black. Would you tell them to get off your lawn?" Or the most obvious question for me "have you ever actually traced your genetic line to find out how pure you really are?"

Generally the response I get in silence...but my point is usually made.

Report this loser's post

why? censoring for what? If you don't want to participate in a discussion then just dont participate or you can leave some notes of some sort instead of resorting to censoring.

This is a re-post.

I didn't repost anything, this is a self-text...Can you link me to what you are talking about?

Thanks. Looks like that thread whooshed over my head lol.

You're welcome.

Shouldn't you be masturbating to anime and making jokes about Rachel corrie? Please, leave. Your childish motivations are as transparent as they are inane.

Ad hominem. You have nothing left.

I don't even know who rachel corrie is, and dragon ball z was something apart of my childhood i guess. Weak dude.


You're pretending that you're not part of those guys who are trying to make this sub appear racist. We aren't stupid. And my comment was correct. If 93 percent of blacks voted for Obama, at least some of them are racist for doing so. The truth hurts.

By the way, I'm not even white. My father is Jewish. The only difference between me and you is I can admit that some black people are racist. And my history also shows that I believe a lot of white people are racist as well, so good job!!

It is a self-post, I am framing the text to summarize the SF narrative as best as I can. Many in the forum are saying that they have already raided places on reddit, and some say that /r/europe, /r/worldnews and /r/conspiracy are easy targets because there are people already sympathetic to their "cause".