What happened to the Sandy Hook thread from yesterday?

16  2014-01-31 by Ambiguously_Ironic


Looks like OP's post was deleted. Also a lot of the comments from the thread seem to have been deleted/removed, too.

OP's account, http://www.reddit.com/user/QuebecMeme, is also deleted.

What happened here? Anyone have any details? Mods?


Holy shit...what a thread...

Did anyone copy what he had said in that thread?

Also, his name isn't showing as deleted on his posts so I don't think he went back and deleted everything himself.

I know, that's the part that's very sketchy. She (I think a she) was responding to posts as recently as an hour ago - why would she then decide to randomly delete a bunch of her posts and OP with no explanation?

Something doesn't add up.


Sounds good. Let me know if you find anything - whole thing seems fishy to me despite the explanation given...

OP - Quebec_meme - please PM me if you read this.

The post was deleted and the OP and many others in that thread were shadowbanned by the Reddit admins for posting personal information.

Personal information about who? Themselves? I didn't see any personal information posted by the OP. In fact, I asked her to elaborate on her past experiences working with the government and she wouldn't give up any details.

Very, very sketchy in my opinion. Thank you for the response.

Edit: Or do you mean personal info about the people and families involved in SH? Using that criteria, why has everyone who's posted about SH on this sub in the past not gotten a shadowban as well?

do you mean personal info about the people and families involved in SH?

Yes. Including addresses etc.

Was the post that popular? Or do the Reddit admins browse /r/conspiracy?

Someone may have notified the admins of the Reddit rules violations.

They browse here from what I've seen.

Alexis was in here talking to us about his and Erik's involvement with startfor when that first leaked.

Good. This mob mentality shit has to be handled w a firm hand. I can't believe how many folks here think user-generated YouTube videos are credible sources. There's much that is to be questioned, yes, but how about doing it effectively and rationally?! Are these uneducated & emotional people who don't know how to essentially do a research project?

Using official reports, fact checking against irrefutable evidence, compiling it in an organized and professional manner is what needs to happen. Posting cropped images w no sources, frantic illogical reasoning and "righteous anger" is what's destroying this sub. They're making us all look like paranoid idiots. Let the downvotes and "wake up, shill" comments commence for speaking the damn truth!!!

I gave you a downvote but only because I think you're missing the point. The thread wasn't deleted because of Youtube videos as sources, it was deleted because official sources elsewhere (e.g. public people and realty databases) were used. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Please see my other comment. I'll expand later when I'm not just on my cell.

Did you see any of the post in question? I don't remember any of the sources OP used being "user-generated YouTube videos"...

Oh my god. I'm speaking about the mob mentality. Look at most of our content, all brought to you through Google-funding YouTube. I have no problem w user-generated videos or blogs. I do have a problem w "oh, I watched this video and didn't question any bias or confirm any facts, so LIZARD ALIENS, man!"

I agree with you, generally speaking. However, that isn't to say that YouTube isn't a valuable source of information or that all user generated videos are garbage (at least in my opinion).

I was mainly just wondering what any of that had to do with the thread we're discussing here as I don't think YouTube videos being posted had anything to do with it being removed/banned.

Not looking for an argument - you did make a valid point with regards to the content of this sub.

You made a long post in which you gave full vent to your religious convictions yesterday - which people were very respectful of, I might add.

Now you are criticising people investigating an obvious hoax for being "irrational, uneducated, emotional and illogical"?

Edit: removed unnecessary comment

I have repeatedly stated that I'm learning more about religious history and facts, so I can better express why the spiritual is both reasonable and mysterious at the same time. I'm on a journey, but I can't suffer fools either. I'm sure God doesn't like when I use the term asshat or fucktard, but I'm sure he does find it amusing, all the same.

You are not really in a position to assess the validity of any conspiracy until you develop awareness that your own religious convictions are not scientific, logical or rational.

You have been completely indoctrinated and are not thinking as an individual, but as a pawn of the greatest conspiracy that humans have devised - organised religion.

I would argue, once again, that the real indoctrination is to hate religion and deny the existence of God. Its too powerful to the elite, for the masses to be united in thought & purpose and to live without fear.

the real indoctrination is to hate religion and deny the existence of God Zeus

If somebody said this to you, would you take them seriously?

If he's such a delusion, why even feel the need to refute him? If you're an atheist, you shouldn't even care...

fact checking against irrefutable evidence

You were earlier exhorting others to meet this standard, and I agree, it's what we should be aiming for (although we usually have to settle for just "evidence", because conspiracies are issues where many of the facts have been withheld or covered up.)

Because religious or political convictions can be a distorting prism, it is preferable to set that prism aside when trying to objectively analyse (possible) conspiracies.

I'm on my cell and going to bed. I'll work on some "evidence" for Christianity tomorrow.

Perhaps this is a good opportunity to put this debate to bed as well, and in that regard I am happy to confirm that the existence of Christianity is not in doubt.

I have repeatedly stated that I'm learning more about religious history and facts, so I can better express why the spiritual is both reasonable and mysterious at the same time. I'm on a journey, but I can't suffer fools either. I'm sure God doesn't like when I use the term asshat or fucktard, but I'm sure he does find it amusing, all the same.