MSNBC goes off air for 11 seconds to cut journalist's powerful anti-drones speech (only the audio is left on internet that includes the silence):

763  2014-02-01 by Fuckyousantorum

Audio here (2m 50s long):

Video available on journalist's website:

Edit: Adam Curry from The No Agenda Show podcast discovered this, not me.


Looks like the video is the full video. Why would let her on if they were just going to cut it off? It was obviously pre-planned to be a drone rant

It's the mainstream media, they have this algorithm down to a science

Bring intelligent people with integrity on then try to attack them personally so whatever information they provide won't matter because they are driving the attention to negative things about the person as opposed to his points and issues that are supposed to be discussed

Here's a perfect decoded example, these guys at fox and the MSM are literally using modern day sorcery

"He used this kind of outward motion to scatter his thoughts" Are you fucking kidding me? The guy is gesticulating. He isn't making "subconscious mental sorcery". Besides the fact that Colmes is a democrat! Why the flying fuck would he be trying to disparage other democrats? I really hate when people take things that mean nothing and try to make them mean something.

Edit: However, this guy is right in a lot of areas. And this guy has a lot of true things to say, but he should stay away from the stuff that makes you suspend disbelief.

Edit 2: "lets look at the issue at hand" "hes making the ok symbol which looks like a '6'" 666 = fox (f=6, o = 15, 1+5 = 6, x = 24 2+4=6) are you fucking kidding me???*

Last edit: So conspiracy theorists are very often if not always pigeon holed as tin foil hat wearing nuts. Please, let us stray away from crazy speculation like this when for once we actually have facts on our side.

Last of the last edit: Sorry for the anger. I get passionate when I drink. It's the Irish in me. haha

With you on this one dude. A great video when discussing the linguistic manipulation taking place (for that is self-evident), however I'm not sure that I buy that gestures = sorcery, etc. Pity, for it damages the otherwise genuinely great dissection of this interview.

While body language and gesturing is of course instrumental to NLP, I would consider these interpretations to be stretched.

Thanks brotha. Here's a to the conspiracy theorist with a healthy amount of skepticism. :)

Yeah I agree with you mostly. What the uploaded was targeting was the linguistics of the interview and the multiple instances where the professor was interrupted. As far as the "sorcery" goes, that was definitely hyperbolic to help his argument in respect to body language which IS persuasive and DOES affect conversation, emotion, ect.

I think it's a stretch to call it "sorcery" too. The fact is hand gestures don't work on most people if any and it kind of made me pissed that this guy was soiling his perfectly reasonable perspectives with such ludicrous extrapolations. At the end when he talked about how "the professor was losing his cool because of the hand gestures" (or whatever) I lost it. I mean cmon man, the guys is being berated on national television when he's right. It's not because of hand gestures, he's simply a human being. Anyway, thanks. haha

subconscious mental sorcery

Well you'd call it that too if you didn't know the word gesticulating. Which is a weird word.


I like you.

There's no such thing as sorcery.

The amount of downvotes on this comment is very troubling to me.

I think we have here at /r/conspiracy a significant dichotomy in the thought process of our members.

One sect of /r/conspiracy believes that most of the major issues that we discuss here (media manipulation, military industrial complex, 9/11, shadow government, police state, gun control, corporatocracy, economic collapse etc.) are caused by greed, shortsightedness, and other human motives for power.

The other group of users here believes there is some kind of higher game being played, that the forces of evil (lizard people, satanists, 33rd degree freemasons) are controlling mankind. That that these conspiracies are the machinations of some malevolent supernatural force.

I think that everyone's opinion is valid, but I just don't see any evidence whatsoever for sorcery, or numerology, or any kind of supernatural malice whatsoever in anything! Surely if there had been sorcery occurring there would be at least 1 video of it on liveleak...

I don't doubt that people are evil, but they are evil by their nature rather than corrupted by some outside force.

I very much enjoy the content I've seen here lately, we just ought to make sure we remember that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

That video is complete rubbish m8

Sorry at what point did they go off air for 11 seconds?

I've watched the video and don't see it....but I've been drinking. Can you provide a time please?

It's not your fault, what your seeing is the MSNBC video from the journalist website not what was broadcast.

They used their 11 second delay to cut her ending from being broadcast, the audio shows that.

This is not the strongest evidence I know but I'll link to my original source so you can hear their reasoning too.

Coincidentally, this was the last time the journalist was invited on that show and she has done very little media since.

thanks man

sorry if I'm being dense

Coincidentally, this was the last time the journalist was invited on that show and she has done very little media since.

Neither of those are true. Just check her own web site. After this appearance, here are some more times she was on The Dylan Ratigan Show:

Over the last month, she's been on 4 different Fox News shows.

woah , apologies. I got that completely wrong. I did look at her website but clearly not well enough.

Do you know if she did the "rant" segment again on the show?

Most of those are rants.

This was the source, it's in the last 30 minutes. I can't listen to it now to narrow it down, sorry.

2:26 is the beginning of her speech. She's cut off around 2:29.

2 hours

Geesh. You're a little behind, fella!

Yeah, 2 years and a half years lol ! But I'm catching up with you guys!


Apparently they went off air for 11 seconds not just a cut away. The video on the journalist website is direct from MSNBC, not entirely what was broadcast.

At about 2.08 they start telling her through her earpiece to cut it short. Watch her react at 2.10. That puts her off. By 2.15, she hesitates, or is put off because they're screaming at her from the Control Room..

As a liberal I can find a almost never ending list of places where MSNBC does something shitty. But they do not have some "no talking about drones at all" policy. I've seen Chris Hayes go on and on about then and Rachel Maddow as well. They are willing to occasionally have people be negative of Obama, on issues like this that even the most staunch Dems hate.

take your tv and politics somewhere else....this place is for elevated people...there is only central banks and taxation...or Zionists and theft.



In the morning. Listen to:

ITM :-)


Sup knights and dames


Why does this type of journalism always get labeled as rants?

I'm sorry, but I've been working in broadcast operations for 21 years and this looks/sounds like a random technical issue to me, not censorship.

I could speculate about possible technical causes if there's any interest, but it seems to me that if someone on the content side of this program (as opposed to the technical side) was trying to cut her off, they'd have done it well before the last handful of words in her last sentence. (Comparing the mp3 audio to the video, the mp3 ends literally 4-5 words early.)

Also bear in mind that when she's looking into the camera, she's reading a teleprompter. Having the text of her piece in the prompter means its in the show's script, which is seen by many other sets of eyes before air. If there was an issue with her content, she wouldn't be on the set, live, reading it.

Two year old story. Post something relevant

So we the people, not the governments, need to start developing EMP weapons.

In the morning to you, sir. Thank you for your courage and contribution.

What the fuck are you talking about, the mp3 is 2:49 and ends with her talking about how drones are dangerous to america, what is cut out of the video?

Please look at my other comments and links, it does add up of you look at them.

ITM, slaves.

Streisand Effect in full swing!

Adam Curry as in, former MTV Adam Curry?

Yes indeed...

NA spam? classy. How many of you people who listen to that podcast have read about Donald Gregg? Why doesn't Adam tell the truth about his beloved Uncle Don's incredibly fucked up life? Btw, make sure to donate!

Donald Greg was appointed National Security Advisor to Vice President George H.W. Bush in August 1982, resigning from the CIA at this time. He remained National Security Advisor for the remainder of the Reagan administration.

He also played a part in the following: the killing of Che Guevara, the Phoenix Program, Iran-Contra, the Washington call-boy scandal. There is serious blood on this guy's hands. Why, in your response, did you neglect to mention any of this?

I don't know anything about him and got the info from wiki. What you say does not sound good, can it be linked to adam curry though? Is the nephew of a CIA agent certain to be CIA also?

Northrop Grumman is an advertiser on MSNBC that is why it was cut, just an FYI.

Oops. Does not work on my Samsung GS3 from the Reddit app.

NLP is not a thing...snake oil maybe


from the window to the walls

Oh cool! Free colon!

I don't know anything about him and got the info from wiki. What you say does not sound good, can it be linked to adam curry though? Is the nephew of a CIA agent certain to be CIA also?