What's up with all the satanism?

13  2014-02-01 by [deleted]

Although I have no doubt that there is a number of one eye and triangle photo shoot, I can't understand how no one has talked about it yet.... I mean think about the 100s of celebrities photographers, artists, designers, graphic editors that make this stuff... Are they ordered to so it by someone higher up? Is it their idea? Is it just fashionable? Is it an in joke because they know that's what we are going to think? I have some connection to people very close to this kind of stuff and nothing about the symbolism ever came up.. Mind you it's a weak connection but I'm sure I would have heard something ....


There's a war on against Christianity. You probably haven't noticed because very few people in the media ever mention it, but it's been going on for decades. One of the ways those who hate Christianity like to express their hatred is to throw Satanism in the face of Christians. It's like throwing shit on a freshly laundered white sheet. It makes those who do it feel powerful. The truth is, most of them don't even know why they do it, they are just following a trend that has been set by those who control the media.

I would disagree that they don't know why they do it. People want power and will literally sell their souls for a sense of control, I guess they fear God's will for them. Too bad they don't get that the peace & serenity of God is more powerful and a hell of a lot less stressful!

All that stress fades as your heart's eternal task ceases. As everything fades to silent and dark.

Close. I think there's a concerted effort on to cement the image of America as "The Great Satan". Think about it: America's largest export is it's culture and all the trappings of. If you poison the culture, you poison the opinions about America. Which means it is even easier to brutalize those people living in America on the world stage.

There are many powerful true believers that work very hard to make come to pass (or give the illusion of coming to pass) the ancient religious prophecies that play into the agenda of centralized world economic control.

modbuster, "throwing shit"

I am from a Christian family, I am a non believer, I have never thrown shit on my parents or sisters and brothers.

So tell me how this is done, just in case I change my mind.

Celebrities and their entourages have noticed that if you can get a few conspiracy-minded people to notice you using arcane and occult symbols then they will tell other people 'celebrity x has one-eye in a new music video', meaning that those who consider themselves awake or aware are instead being used for cheap (unwitting) viral advertising.

Ed: I'm on a smart tv, LG spies on them; anyways people DO discuss celebrity scandals, like sex tapes or adultery because those get attention. Conspiracy theorists will discuss them if they make an effort to appear intriguing. Some celebrities will talk explicitly about the NWO and illuminati on social media to get 'likes' and followers despite the fact they couldn't care less. Others will act mysterious and influential despite being merely popular performance artists.

As for 'how no one talks about it' you and many others do, but you are merely a novel advertising vehicle with a niche audience that traditionally eschews the circuses in 'bread and circuses'.

What's up with all the satanism?

A decent argument can be made that Luciferianism rules this planet. What exactly Luciferianism is, however, seems not super clear and might be more than meets the eye.

"We face a hostile ideology global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method." ~ Dwight Eisenhower

The elites are not Satanists.

They're Luciferians.

An important distinction.

Listen to Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon series as an intro.

Also Joseph Campbell's Mythos series.

All Satanism is, is the love of money. Power. The workshop of it above all else. There are significantly many more Satanists in existence than you are led to believe.

So it's capitalism?

Capitalism, as we've been taught doesn't exist. In any form.

It's the new boogieman-of-the-month.

Goes back a long way though, dollar bill included.

That's not satanism...

Name a specific thing, like a hand sign or something else that is usually attributed to "illuminati" or "satanism" and you'll probably find the same thing from the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, etc.

666 hand sign:



V hand sign in front of eyes:


Ask about Illuminati (ducktales). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0NAheMXhAk

Etc. This was being called a conspiracy for decades, until just recently when it started to accelerate. Now [REDACTED] [REDACTED] people like yourself, because you're ignorant as fuck, and probably 12 years old, claim that this is some kind of recent fad. People like you used to simply deny it and call everyone conspiracy nuts. Now that it's too obvious, you're falling back on some other stupid argument.

Excuse me, ma'am, I believe insults are against the rules here.

There is an exception for /u/Myconspiracyname. Besides, the real insults were censored.

Is he from conspiratard?


No, he's not. He posts only in this sub like 20-30 times a day. Everyone hates him because he's a [REDACTED] [REDACTED].


i hear the real number of the beast is threeve

So the "illuminati" and "satanists" grabbed all the good hand signals! That's so greedy! What's next? A group of people taking EVERY color of the rainbow?

You could have just admitted that you're ignorant and that's why you thought it was a fad.

Where did it was a fad?

It's the new boogieman-of-the-month.

I suppose you could claim you aren't using the "fad" argument (although I know you'd be lying). What did you mean by that then?

It's the thing this sub has chosen to be scared by this month or two. Sometimes it's reptile-people. Sometimes it's Jews. Sometimes it's Illuminati. Sometimes it's Freemasons. This time it's Satanists.

No, because that fits my idea of a Cycle of Fears.

Admit what?

Either that you made up your "cycle of fears" bullshit to cover for the fact that your "recent fad' argument was garbage, or admit that your "cycle of fears" argument was garbage.

Oh. No, what I've said still stands. These stories can still be present and follow a cycle.

"I'm just going to pretend that I'm correct."


It is very satisfying to blame the non existent, there is no need to worry about blow back and hey it is scary!


Your understanding of spiritual matters is hardly any different from those you have been instructed are your enemy.

clearly you don't know what satanism is

You sound misinformed on Satanism. Wikipedia will do wonders.

Although Satanists themselves believe it is a philosophy and there is no Satan, funnily enough.

... beside there is no such thing as God and Satan.

That's what the Satanists want you to believe through thousands of years of conditioning. Because people united in thought, faith and purpose are uncontrolled by fear.

people united in thought, faith and purpose are uncontrolled by fear.

The people who suffered from the crusades and Spanish Inquisition would disagree with you. Never has there been anything more indoctrinating or controlling than organised religion, making you believe that only through what ever god they make you follow, you'll be protected from the evil they teach you to fear.

Please look at my comment history to see why I disagree. There's voluminous material there and I HAVE TO GET OFFLINE and go be a human for the day.

Mark Dice has a playlist on youtube dedicated to the satanic symbolism pushed by the mainstream media in music and movies. They take really popular artists that millions of people listen to and then they put satanic images in their popular videos so when people watch it they get the feeling that satanism is popular/trendy. I have also heard that the Elite and most powerful people pretty much worship satan and even that they do human sacrifices and other scary stuff to appease their dark lord. I have never been really religious but the fact that these people believe in Satan kinda makes me believe that there really is a war going on between good and evil on Earth. I think the devil is in control of Earth right now and that is why there is so much death and terrible suffering of innocent people/animals. The greatest trick he ever pulled was convincing people he didn't exist. The devil is really powerless and he tricks you into believing he is all powerful. I really hope God comes back and kicks his ass. I also think that there is angels here to help us.

Its less to do with worshiping the devil, and more to do with saying "fuck you" to Christianity.


It is more occult than satanistic.

It is more hidden than satan-related?

In fact its more Luciferian than Satanic.


It has nothing to do with 'satanism', symbols are symbolic representations of ideas, and none of them have to do with a magical deity or demon with a name like satan who jesus created to fuck with people because he just couldn't see it coming that this evil deity wouldn't do what he was told, because you see jesus has infinite foresight and omnipotence and everything, just not in the case of his own creations

oh wait, that's completely retarded.

Christianity in general IS the war on your mind. There isn't a war on Christianity.

You are uneducated in Christianity, so please don't deny what you haven't taken the effort to understand. I've never been to Rome, so I can't tell you why the Parthenon sucks...

You are the one who hasn't 'taken the effort to' understand it. You seem to be commenting on the fact that I'm actually thinking through and critically examining using my own mind the doctrines of a religious group which tell you specifically not to do that, and so claiming I haven't "understood".

Really I understand it all quite well, I just don't accept it or take any of it at face value like people like you seem to. If you believe in an omnipotent originator/creator of all things, then no one is in charge but him, the entirety of the creation you find yourself in and believe exists would stem from him, all the "rules", guidelines, "free will" and rules thereof, people, entities, conflicts, mechanisms behind the conflicts allowing for or forbidding conflicts, all of it would have been designed, created, and allowed to exists by the creator in the first place(including all beings, deities, demons, etc.).

Then you think this creator also created a particular deity named satan and a son named jesus who are in conflict and you are in the middle of it. Christianity is it's own war on itself. It used to be a great way to rule common people back when we were all uneducated nitwits living on farms being bought and sold with the land by our Lords, being told the Lord Above was watching us and would reward us for being good moral peasants when we died, but now we're more capable/educated and less easily fooled by men claiming magical powers wearing robes and carrying magic emblems like crosses while telling us that god wants us to recognize that they are the best / rightest prophets on earth.

You are not talking about reality when you say things like "satanism", you're talking about christian descriptions/Christians projecting their internal belief systems onto events and symbols they see in the external word.

You can call it whatever you want, they are just ideas. Goodness/morality/service to others/empathy/compassion, that's one side, service to self is the other. If you want to call those good/bad or jesus/satan or anything else, that's fine and plenty of people do just that, but those are abstract symbols in your own mind representing the actual things you are thinking about, you can write those down into words in the external world which are the same thing. It's all symbolic and allegorical, you can keep believing whatever you wish, but that doesn't make it true.

You are utterly misguided.

you are making personal remarks and have no way to respond in any way to the actual ideas, concepts, or principles being discussed.

this is probably because you have a deep personal/emotional investment in one particular belief system that you have based a lot of your internal sense of righteousness/security on, so you can only really respond to anyone suggesting it's wrong by telling them they're ignorant or misguided - when really no one is being that way but the person who can't debate or discuss beyond securing their own sense of self by telling other people they're wrong without backing it up with anything(because you aren't talking to me, you're using me to validate your own feelings about yourself and your own feelings about your belief system).

No, it's because you're ranting like a moron. You're conflicted in your own feelings about dogma, not me. If Christianity is such a joke to you, why even care? Examine the fact that you feel this passionate about something.


Go jump back to the start and see where your assumptions began.


No, You're still assuming and "intellectualizing" your deep rooted mistrust of organized religion. (And frankly, you're assuming I'm male and a narcissist. I'm female, so maybe that's some energy you misinterpreted.) Spirituality is innately a human experience. We were designed by an intelligent creator that did not demand our blind trust or worship, but provided the same amazing ability to create and give the gift of free will and thought.

You can cite a million examples of how MAN has gotten that spiritual connection wrong, time and time again. Yes, people DO SUCK AND THEY DO AWFUL THINGS IN THE NAME OF GOD. But the actions of a few don't disprove the undeniable fact that God is a physical, mental and spiritual being and that even Lucifer (and all his power grabs and schemes and strife) ARE ALL PART OF THE GRAND DESIGN.

You have a purpose, you, the one reading this. You wouldn't be here in this sub, searching for the truth, if your soul didn't feel the absolute knowledge that there is something larger than you that you haven't fully comprehended enough. If you had that peace, you wouldn't seek. (I also would respectfully say that you violated the first rule of this sub, that "This subreddit is a thinking ground, above all else we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds.")

I was trite and dismissive because I too am human. I get frustrated and discouraged. I get VERY EMOTIONAL when I think about the unhappiness in our world. We have the keys to get out of this cell, but we're too busy or scared to live with conviction or purpose. It is not easy in our modern world to say "I believe in the absolute divine and I want to make an effort to live in a world that respects that". We have been fractured, broken down, intentionally mislead and beaten through every possible means to deny that we are part of something greater.

EVERYTHING in our society is focused on the ego masturbation of self and greed. They've even taken the pursuit of truth from us. Armed with the technology we have, we still don't recognize that God is working in our daily lives, through every single soul that we don't even make eye contact with or listen to, because we're staring at a smart phone with our earbuds in.

I am flabbergasted at the gifts I get, every single time I talk to someone. The only way we can recognize the POWER OF THE SPIRIT that lives in each one of us, is to first realize that we have absolutely no control over what happens in this world, but we can control what we DO about it. Every day is a gift and an opportunity to grow. Every day, we have the chance to make a true utopia, and we fail constantly, when we take our will back.

Jesus might not be the ultimate savior of God, that might not be the real heart of truth, but he sure gave some pretty solid examples of how to live and interact that are still relevant to today's problems. He spoke against financial manipulation and the use of dogma to guilt, shame and even kill people for political reasons. He stopped his career and chose to live a life less concerned with money, pleasure or comfort, and instead chose to spread the message of hope, faith and love. He was killed for that.

You can think that's all hogwash and programming. That's your right, that's where your soul's journey is at right now. But seriously, take the few minutes to reread everything you've said before this, then read this comment again. Do you not appear very angry, projecting the negative aspects of your experiences to be the reality of all human interactions? Would the very assertion that I am uneducated to your manner of thinking be the VERY SAME essence of being small-minded and lame?

I'm not trying to insult you, I'm challenging you to reflect on why you would need to voluminously state all that you have about Christianity because someone asked a question about Satanism. You recoiled at the first mention of God. Seriously, look at that reaction. Meditate on why that invokes SUCH a reaction in you. I will assume it was for the same reasons that I used to do the same, I was mad that I was taught as a young child that God is loving and made "all the good". As I grew to understand social interactions, I saw all the evil in the world, couldn't perceive why it happened, and why a loving God would allow people to be so cruel to each other. I then couldn't emotionally and psychologically process why I participated and rationalized being a cruel or spiteful person. I thought I was unlovable, I thought that God couldn't possibly have made all these "rules" and that no person could live up to unrealistic standards and that they certainly couldn't be happy doing it!

I was wrong. I was angry. I was scared. I was miserable. I was running from one false solution to the next. The WHOLE TIME, God was sending LOVE into my life. Every day, every moment, every chirp of a bird outside my window right now and the wind that blows and the grass that is sleeping and the sun and the moon and the stars. All of this, this planet, this life, this history, this science, this computer that I'm typing on, ALL THIS IS LOVE and the opportunity to KNOW THE GRACE OF GOD. The second I stop being grateful and wondrous about it, I lose the purpose of my humanly divine soul.

I apologize for not respecting your soul yesterday and not treating you with the kindness you deserve. You're right when you said I wanted to feel secure in my beliefs. I am scared of what's going on in the world right now. But please don't deny that SO MUCH of this strife is related to a spiritual battle. The recurrent themes of Satanism and the occult ARE fully intentional and not just used in a political or pop cultural way. This is an assault on the very soul of humanity.

Examine your own soul and experiences. I find it very helpful to go out into nature and contemplate. I find the experience of reading a book can take the mind and soul (not the brain and heart, but the mind and soul) to a place that you can't experience through TV, movies or YouTube. My soul loves to sing, provided the message is beneficial. Take ONE HOUR of your day today to ponder the how and why of your motivations for actions. Then take ONE HOUR for having a conversation with someone for no other motivation than be willing to be honest and to listen. It will change your life. It will change your soul. I promise you. The answer doesn't lie online. We crave this anonymous forum because we are lacking human to human, skin to skin connections. I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about the absolutely human nature to belong.

I have to go follow my own advice and engage in some IRL activities. I'll leave this mustard seed for what it is, an attempt to serve others, so I can learn about myself. It is in giving that we receive. Happy Sunday. I have to actively go try to be human now. PEACE.


Ok, I'm done. I said my piece. You said yours. I'm not entangling any further.

Can I offer anyone a religion? They're very tasty....

Bravo and well said.

I would recommend satanism for just about anyone really. It is about individual love and evolution. Feel free to ask me anything that may be of interest.

Why are satanists called that

Called satanists? Well, there are many different factions of satanism. Just like there are many different factions of other religions. There are simply those who do practice magic and dabble into the occult, there are leveyan satanists, as well as atheistic satanism. I am sure each different one will give you a different answer! Haha!

Satanism is about putting yourself above God and above everyone else. The Satanic influence over the planet right now is the principle reason everything is so fucked up.

Pretty sure it is the fanatics in the abrahamic religions that are fucking everything up with greed and war. Great job for blaming a small minority for the fuck ups your people cause.

a small minority

Actually I believe that there has been tightly knit satanic cult behind most of the power centres in finance, business and government since at least Egyptian times. "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it" ~ Woodrow Wilson

Oh.....well. It is best we dont talk about this in the open then.

Do you believe in demons, my friend?

What do you mean by demons exactly? I'm tempted to say yes, and that I also believe that the world is currently run by demons.

My child, black people aren't demons. How cute!

Is he from conspiratard?


No, he's not. He posts only in this sub like 20-30 times a day. Everyone hates him because he's a [REDACTED] [REDACTED].

a small minority

Actually I believe that there has been tightly knit satanic cult behind most of the power centres in finance, business and government since at least Egyptian times. "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it" ~ Woodrow Wilson

That's what the Satanists want you to believe through thousands of years of conditioning. Because people united in thought, faith and purpose are uncontrolled by fear.