What in the 1984 doublethink fuck did they just play before the SuperBowl?

39  2014-02-02 by [deleted]

Did anybody else see that shit? NFL athletes posing with cops and reading the constitution and then the First Ladies jerking off the troops. Scary.


The Maserati commercial had a deep philosophical meaning. I like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpsrdldNAMM (was taken down)

EDIT.. Maserati's youtube channel has it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmpiwU50f5w

think it's mostly referring to big auto companies, as the antagonists.

but ya, i see the whole "blue collar" imagery they are playing off of... likely intentionally, but not for any purpose but to drive provocative marketing.

It is the old David vs Goliath archetype.

A lot of car companies have weird stuff in the logos...

Bentley, Chrysler and Mini have the Egyptian winged sun disc in the logo.

http://i.imgur.com/4yv5BsA.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Enh8h2D.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yaCvjtw.jpg http://i.imgur.com/glxxN15.jpg

Alfa Romeo have a serpent eating a human...


That symbol is from an Italian family called the Visconti Family.

That was lame as fuck

yeah looked just like some 2deep4me bullshit with no actual meaning

Who has a mirror? It was taken down.

'merica, is really creepy.

Facism. Its comming baby

Or more accurately, Fascism. It's here if you're a whistleblower, journalist, black person, Muslim, foreigner....

But if you're male, middle class, and white, I guess it's still technically coming.


Been here for a long time. Are you just waking up?

Yeah, I saw it, and I don't think you're reading too much into it. Here it is:


Lots of emotional images and language, with a Scientology vibe all over it. The troops and some other people posed at attention had a lifeless zombie feel, like patriotic, obedient and unthinking stepford wives. The speakers were posed in mini phalanxes (usually of three), with the camera angle from below, to make these people seem more important than the viewer. The repetition of this format over and over using different authority figures and prominent families creates the distinct message of "We're united" and "We speak for the country" and "The Constitution has been brought to you courtesy of us."

This was classic propaganda, aired with our modern empire's version of the Roman colliseum games.

Also, the Boston police were prominently featured, billed as first responders at the bombing. So, that tells you something right there.

The closing message was a message of support for the troops with the implication that without them (i.e., the endless wars), the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution are at risk. There was something about the way that this was stated that made it sound like the Constitution isn't necessarily a part of our future.

edit: forgot to type a word

Masters of propaganda.


the lie machine is no doubt in play.

It's never not, my friend. It's never not.


I can't believe they had the balls to show Pat Tillman at the end! WTF

double plus bad

Strange, in particular all the revolution references.

what?lol,what happened?

come on Black PhillipShow,I need to know!

Did not see that.

What was it??

I hate to rain on your parade here boys but this was an actress that was in a movie recently that is very much stylized like the commercial. I would imagine the same people made the commercial.


Where did you see "First Ladies jerking off the troops"?

Prepare...for NWO

Had to hide , could not watch.

I agree. You are reading into a National past time a little too much, it's just a football game for Pete sakes

Just saw the broncos come out with a "Pale Horse" I get that it's their mascot/logo but it's just so eerie.

They've been the Broncos for a long time...just creepy today because they're in the Super Bowl?

Exactly. Don't even ask me why, I just think it is haha.

Horse vs. owl. I see some occult reference here. It happens to be as of feb. 1 the year of the horse

Oh jesus christ. This is taking it a little too far.

Plus they're fucking Seahawks. Not owls.

Exactly. Don't even ask me why, I just think it is haha.