What percentage of you are actually insane?

0  2014-02-03 by [deleted]


It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

-Aristotle, Metaphysics

You're boring and simple.

As big a fan of PSH as I am I'm sure you can image how much I DO entertain thoughts and ideas without accepting them.

But at some point reality has to take shape and take over your train of thought. Common sense needs to reign.

Right, common sense. Like a paper laminated passport of one of the hijackers being found totally unscathed blocks away from WTC 1 and 2 when not even a black box was found. It's totally insane to think that some people make a lot of money selling bullets and missiles and tanks and jets to the US government and have distinct motives to want to get them to buy more. You're just naive.

At what point do conspiracy theorist just admit their complex is a grand manifestation of a lack of trust to authority?

And at what point do lobotomized simpletons admit that maybe there is some evidence to back up the claim that authority isn't to be trusted? Do you think the government never lies? Do you honestly think Nancy Pelosi gives a fuck about you?

Our glorious leaders never lie about anything and would certainly never try to cover things up. Area 51 does not exist.

You realize you are suffering from something beyond cognitive dissonance right? I mean, fuck, I take many people here have tagged me as a shill for being skeptical of all their claims, so I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but you are worse than any of that.

To come here saying everybody is insane is something only a retarded human being would do, you are beyond cognitive dissonance, you are in a state of total denial, a square minded son of a bitch not even worth any discussion, no, you don't come here with "Just a question", you come here because your brain has the level of conciousness of a dog, new ideas simply cannot pierce your worldview so you get into a defensive position and call everybody "insane", the simple idea of being wrong is foreign to you, you live in a bubble.

I truly feel sorry for you, I wouldn't wish your level of stupidity on anybody.

Fair points.

I have an immensely open mind actually, though. Maybe too open.

But the 9/11 truther shit - that shit's way over-the-top, and any sensible person knows. that. You immediately become "insane" status when you start believing shit like that. Let's just be honest about it.

What's insane about 9/11 truthers? Besides being wrong and over-simplifying things it's hard to call them insane, I mean hollow-earthers insane, yeah, but 9/11 inside job folks? It's the kind of thing that falls into the realm of "plausible".

9/11 inside job does not fall into "plausible" in a camp as incompetent as GW Bush's. Why does the "simple" idea of a terrorist attack make so many people uncomfortable to accept. At some point. do these truthers just look in a mirror and realize it's not the gov. they don't trust, but maybe themselves?

Yeah, thats what it is, we don't trust ourselves. The government wouldn't lie about a mass dragnet domestic spying operation that costs billions of tax payer dollars.

Big-data collection isn't and never was a far-out concept. In fact, it's a real technical phenomenon we're going through right now. Nothing about recent Snowden revelations has been surprising to me.

A far cry from thinking 9/11 was an inside job or the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax.

Big-data collection isn't and never was a far-out concept.

For domestic spying, it is.

The Fourth Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.[1]

And, if it wasn't a far-out concept, why would Clapper lie? What's the point? Why was he trying to hide anything?

How did this asshole learn to connect to the Internet and type lol

The crazier you think we are could very well show us how full of propaganda you are.

So do you automatically assume anyone that's "anti-conspiracy" is part of the conspiracy? Doesn't that just validate your own agenda? With that logic, how could you ever be amenable to differing views?

I am just saying you like to be lied too.

What an incredibly rude post.

It's a valid question though.

No its not. Stick to football.

So you're a truther, huh?

Why are you in here?

Questioning the questioners.

No, you're shitpost trolling

No, not trolling. True thoughts. Sorry.

So because they are thoughts, its not trolling? What kind of circular reasoning is that?

Sorry, I thought you meant I was making up BS just to cause a stir.

What I'm saying is what I actually believe. I don't think that's the pure definition of trolling, because I'm not trying to rile people up for kicks, I'm actually trying to have legit conversation.

If you weren't trying to rile people up, why wouldn't you shitpost in /r/nfl or some other sub? What kind of person would want to have a 'legit conversation' when you start it with "You're insane"? You're a troll.

Do you eat this stuff up or does common-sense ever come into play?

You didn't even time to watch more than 5 seconds of that video yet. Which certifies you as a troll. Here is your shiny troll badge! Have fun!

I watched it, the whole thing. But I still don't know what it's trying to say. Just that everything is a lie? What benefit is a video like this? You could make a youtube video on any fucking topic and try to force doubt on it if you gave a shit. Not impressed.

That video laid out to you the official facts of 9/11, as represented to you by the media, the government, and the 9/11 commission.

Now, maybe you are different, but when those "official facts" are laid out to me, they provoke a lot of questions.

Questions like: why didn't the military respond to the attack? how did a hijacker who was called a "bad pilot" execute a technically difficult precision corkscrew descent perfectly, the first time he had ever flown that plane? how did a third building collapse in New York? who made the insider trades before 9/11? Why were those trading records destroyed?

The reason why there is a 9/11 conspiracy is that these questions have never been answered (and never will be officially answered).


I mean, Ok, decent questions on the surface. And I'm not even a hardcore anti-truther who has stacks of facts in my back pocket right now. But I do know that what happened was a terrorist attack.

Do you also believe the Sandy Hook shooting didn't actually happen?

They're different events entirely with a whole different set of questions to be asked. Pointing to unrelated topics to try and discredit the validity of another post is damage control to the max.

I have never seen a "debunk" website that answers my questions.

Do you also believe the Sandy Hook shooting didn't actually happen?

Personally, I don't believe there is any conspiracy there, though I've never devoted a lot of time to looking into it.

obvious troll is obvious.. probably shouldnt feed it, maybe itll go away.

No, not trolling unfortunately. Just read some 9/11 truther shit and couldn't believe this is still a way of thinking. It's downright dumbfounding.

Ha; so I came here...wrote almost a page and then deleted it. Open mind my ass. Assfrog if you were at all sincere you would have done more research then just jumping on fucking youtube to watch some 9/11 truther video. Go learn what blow back means and then we can talk like adults. Other wise good shilling to you.

The definition of insanity is trying repeated behaviors and expecting different results.

I would say out of 100 self-posts, probably 2 are from users with real, diagnosed delusions. There's about 50 really open-minded and curious souls here that routinely add to valuable and researched content. Then there's like thousands of very angry, immature and uneducated folks who think what they've learned by watching YouTube or reading a blog (but never picking up a book or have a conversation about anything they've "learned") is fact, displaying a fanaticism that deeply terrifies me. Then there's the whole brigade of trolls who are very effective at making this place the laughing stock of reddit.

I'll leave you to determine who falls into which category.

Read through some comments. One of his posts. Why do the terms "danger" and "harm" always have to equate to whether an individual can die from the substance. I'd feel a lot better about the recent weed hype if people were just honest about the true "dangers" and "harms" to marijuana, which no one ever seems to cite when comparing against alcohol. Memory loss, lethargy and apathy, IQ loss, potential for increased risk of mental illness such as schizophrenia if used during youth, etc. Yes, weed may not kill you, but it sure as hell can be harmful if misused, and one might argue that the prolonged, accumulative effects of casual marijuana use IS more harmful on an individual than prolonged, casual alcohol use.


Read this and wonder the irony. Why can't people be honest?!

Many tests were stopped at the hands of the government. It's also been used by the government to get multiple agendas across.

Oh I saw something much funnier from N. Y. Times today, the Republican Health Care Reform Plan, just like before Obama, pay for coverage that never covers anything.

Alright folks, I'm outnumbered, you win.

But next time you're ready to jump on the next conspiracy, think about going to the next level. You know, the level beyond the conspiracy. The one that goes full circle back to common sense, but with all the bullshit and bad stuff left on the string. That's typically where the truth lies.

Dude, just shut up. Honestly, what did you expect posting this in here? People to be like, "...wait, oh my god, am I insane"? And what does...

The one that goes full circle back to common sense, but with all the bullshit and bad stuff left on the string.

...even mean? You made a stupid choice posting this in here being blatantly aggressive and confrontational. You weren't trying to 'pose a question', you were trying to ridicule and troll. Go post it somewhere else where you can be in an echo chamber circlejerk talking about how insane other people are that you don't agree with.

Trust me you're not alone dude. Its absolutely unbelievable how absurdly idiotic the majority of this sub is. I feel like its a satire sub and it is all fake. That's the only way I can live with myself at this point.

There's a guy arguing with me about how we live in a concave earth and there's a global conspiracy to cover up star distances. I don't even know.

Fair points.

I have an immensely open mind actually, though. Maybe too open.

But the 9/11 truther shit - that shit's way over-the-top, and any sensible person knows. that. You immediately become "insane" status when you start believing shit like that. Let's just be honest about it.

What's insane about 9/11 truthers? Besides being wrong and over-simplifying things it's hard to call them insane, I mean hollow-earthers insane, yeah, but 9/11 inside job folks? It's the kind of thing that falls into the realm of "plausible".


I mean, Ok, decent questions on the surface. And I'm not even a hardcore anti-truther who has stacks of facts in my back pocket right now. But I do know that what happened was a terrorist attack.

Do you also believe the Sandy Hook shooting didn't actually happen?

And at what point do lobotomized simpletons admit that maybe there is some evidence to back up the claim that authority isn't to be trusted? Do you think the government never lies? Do you honestly think Nancy Pelosi gives a fuck about you?